Took me 15 Years To Finish This...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and ladies and gentlemen i'm finishing what i started by the title of the video you probably know it's about old bigfoot now of course if you just heard those delicious sound effects you know that i'm on the san andreas main menu now ladies and gentlemen before i mod this game for my yearly replay i'm going to try to make the graphics look awesome maybe add some extra game-changing mods but before i do it i kind of want to finish something that i started as you all know towards the beginning of my channel i did a series known as haunted gaming i like creepypastas and honestly going through a whole bunch of them uh i was a real fan of the gaming side of creepypastas and i never started because of [ __ ] like sonic.exe let's be honest here that was a meme back when i was younger some of my first youtube experiences were watching people basically myth hunt on grand theft auto san andreas you know with the old x-files music in the back hell i made a video tired out of my mind years ago trying to find bigfoot on the ps2 version but ladies and gentlemen this time with the power of pc i've decided to mod bigfoot into the entire game so we're going to actually load up an entire situation over here and try to find bigfoot the old-fashioned not the old-fashioned way the modded way now of course why am i doing this well ladies and gentlemen i'm trying to finish what i actually started you know when i was myth hunting on the ps2 for hours on end watching all those videos i myself wanted to encounter bigfoot and here we are so i got a place out and like uh i think i'm starting in san fierro here now of course san andreas rather the entire gta franchise is a franchise filled with myths and spooky stories and of course san andreas is the first game in the gta franchise where like instead of having one massive city they actually had multiple like cities so of course if you look at the entire map of grand theft auto you can see that they've got the big desert here they've got los venturas they've got this little section up here this little town area that i've actually never really been to and then they've got you know san fierro then they've got los santos all the way down here but this section right here this where all bigfoot was just southeast of mount chiliad exists an entire modded marker this is going to be where we find old bigfoot so let's actually set a whole marker down there go down the old highway and discover right in the panopticon where all bigfoot is chilling oh hell nah turn off that audio brother i don't want to get destroyed look as much as i love kdst i am not going through all those uh all those delicious copyright strikes but san andreas is one of those games where like this is a yearly replay for me if you ask me what my favorite gta games are look it's either vice city for the story line or it's san andreas for everything else i like five but there's something different about this game the scope is all over the place it is the one game where instead of a crime story this is a goddamn adventure now of course ladies and gentlemen we're going to drive down and get all the way out to bigfoot now bigfoot is without a doubt one of the largest myths of grand theft auto san andreas obviously it doesn't exist uh because thousands of man-hours have been put into it and obviously bigfoot doesn't exist in the game's file this is such a popular mod by the way that rockstar has referenced it at least two times in their entire games one in red dead redemption towards the zombie dlc where you actually had a whole side quest with bigfoot and of course if you 100 gta 5 it's a strangers and freaks mission where you can actually find bigfoot as you're playing with franklin in the forest and of course it's you know i'm going to leave it there i'm not going to spoil it but in san andreas this is the biggest like myth ever and of course there were other myths too like for instance leatherface was sitting out here despite the fact that you know that's not even the same franchise if you will but bigfoot without a doubt one of the largest myths that you could find so of course modding it in here with the power of modifications on pc we're about to hunt this man down so i'm going to take a right over here this whole bridge gives me freakout vibes you know back when i was playing photo opportunity that long ass driving mission you know if you look at the actual myths in this entire game there's only one that actually exists and that's the ghost cars where they had like randomly spawning ghost vehicles but here it is boys this shed begins the entire journey now of course let's get out i got cj dressed up in appropriate country attire maxed out every bar i've got all the weapons i ever needed in fact i'm gonna bring this old bad boy so when i find bigfoot we're putting them out hunting bigfoot the mission you know the modification community for san andreas is huge like the fact that to this day there are still some serious game-changing mods is insane hi carl okay here's the old man walking down last step uh there are four bigfoot that live around the woods of this county four oh god all right i thought there was only gonna be one but i guess we got four find and kill them all there is fog so it's an ideal day to meet a bigfoot i guess that lines in well right like oh it's a reserve type prefers to hide and is afraid of oh is this not going to fight me it but if you will strike him don't doubt or he'll attack you good hunting all right so we got to find this thing in the in the misty forest now of course obviously i think this oh we only got 20 minutes to do this jesus christ all right let's find one out here let's grab the atv and try to detect one oh we ain't listening to any of that track get out of here but uh again in this entire area like you could imagine like back in the day when this came out and i know that the map size in gta 5 or really any game past san andreas has always been larger in terms of square kilometers but there's just something about san andreas map that somehow makes it feel bigger than uh even gta 5's and i know that's insane to say because gta 5's rendition of los santos is so massive in scope but i don't know man like when you play the story mode of gta san andreas it's so insane when you have to go from one city to like the middle of nowhere to another big city to the middle and there's so many story beats that like it just feels like a big game which is why a lot of these stories were like you know kind of an interesting thing to go down in right like this is where the first love of my gaming creepypastas came out of and honestly if i compare this to like even the other gta games right like every gta's got like a crazy myth story like for four it was rat man for five it was uh the mount chiliad conspiracies aliens you know what not but for this it's always been bigfoot and where is he like is he somewhere can i see him in the ridgelines he's gotta be hiding somewhere all right so the game i think gave me some mercy and put up a little blip that shows me where i can find this goddamn at least i got the bigfoot experience you know like there's a lot of people that go and try to find bigfoot in reality and i'll tell you right now they come across an absolute it is probably one of the saddest experiences because i have never actually seen anybody come across it don't you bring up that goddamn blurry image but here it is it seems like it might be hiding uh maybe it's up in the trees or something but uh it could be is it right here oh my god it actually is there jesus christ now wait a minute are we gonna be able to like fight it is it gonna be like oh no it is i thought the game froze up for a second but here it is it's running away dude oh my god it's docile oh it doesn't matter dude i'm still going to finish this thing off god damn there it is like running away oh hell no no no no no no dude it's fast this thing is goddamn elusive hold on i gotta switch to something i gotta switch to uh the micro smgs all right let's go this way all right bigfoot's all running away come on now oh my god dude this thing is mad hold on oh we're not doing any damage i think i might need to bring out the old rifle for this one worst case scenario we can always whip out the uh the mg and deal with it oh oh my god dude it's like it's like popping and weaving oh my god no no no no no no no no no let me throw some tear gas out there i don't know what that was gonna do i don't think tear gas is part of the original game actually is it okay wait wait here it is here it is i think it's slipping into the water oh my god imagine if it imagine if it drowns no [ __ ] way dude no way don't you dare do this to me game no wait it's like in the ground there oh my god what's going oh my god it actually is swimming hell yeah dude wait can i actually like end it oh my god bigfoot has a lot of health oh jesus oh jesus [Laughter] no we ruined it god damn i got to get up in here hold on a second no way i got i got to get up here i got to get back up somewhere i don't want to clip into the ground no way oh no no no don't tell me i lost it oh god if i lost this thing i'm gonna be so mad it's still there the blip is still active oh no dude is it is it are you really gonna take this away from me god i finally found bigfoot even if it's through modifications and you ruined the hunt oh no did i actually kind of feel bad for wiping bigfoot is there any like reward you get at least for it it seems like he's seems like bigfoot is incredibly bullet resistant bigfoot bigfoot's got like that standard like kevlar like natural kevlar armor provided oh it's like right down there hold on wait a minute let me let me see if the sniper rifle actually even did anything oh man dude bigfoot's like legit bullet resistant i don't think bigfoot actually gives a [ __ ] how are you supposed to hunt down a thing that's literally invincible wait a minute let me get the let me get the rifle out no dude i think i think this thing is lit i think it's literally an invincible god it's like how many bullets do i need it's like i'm shooting it right and square in the face all right let's bring out the mg for this one all right let's end it let's end it the way i'm god intended oh oh my god holy [ __ ] wow okay so it went from like full health all the way to like dead so you really do need an mg to hunt this thing down if you don't have like 100 game completion good luck with that all right dude you know what i'm not going to end the video right there how long have we been in this like six minutes seven minutes get out of here ladies and gentlemen it feels bad to hunt something that's like literally so docile now of course obviously you know the modification community is really in depth so i found one known as myth mod 3 which apparently is like an entire modification just to put in every possible myth and even then some i swear i think this thing has bigfoot leatherface and fizzy freddy fazbear all right so let's get this started do you want to continue with that function hell yeah hell yeah let's continue baby so i want to see this is like apparently a total conversion mod so we're actually starting this up together okay let's actually see what the myth mod is all about hold on we got some men in black wait a minute what oh my god they got their own theme music oh my god cj is a whole mip agent low performance having problems baby we haven't even tried it what is this options dude what what is this okay hold on a second you can't hit me with one of these random images all right i guess let's hit start game try this one out new game out are we getting with the slender man oh no oh my god there's a whole storyline all right guys it's time to empty this bank you know what to do let's go wait a minute i thought this was myth hunting not a bank robbery oh my god they actually got it wow well god damn they made the game look good i mean the chromatic aberration is terrible but oh my god they got a whole campaign i guess let's rob the bank maybe we'll maybe we'll find like bigfoot inside the bank making a transaction everyone be cool oh my god they're holding the aks like pistols jesus oh everyone's holding it like a pistol stop stop it kill the security guard oh yeah we'll deal with them hold on boom oh my god the security guards have like super super health man jesus oh god nobody moves or will open fire understand what what do you want from me oh my god you stupid old man give me the key card for that door right now you don't know that in the last robbery of a week ago they took all the money what do you mean how often do you have a bank robbery oh my god he pulled the alarm i gotta kill you [ __ ] you can't this glass also resists from an explosion oh my god oh my god this is so weird it's crazy how this mod is a whole storyline to it like this is this is insane this like flew under the radar i mean how many people how many people have heard of this myth mod 3 the definitive edition made by warrock cj there's nothing here is he like stop fooling us you don't know who i am i'm able to find you and kill all of your entire family okay okay chill don't set my family in the middle of something i don't want any problem take those two key cards oh my god we're actually like full full on into the bank robbery jesus okay oh here comes the cops all right let's go you're surrounded everybody get out with your hands in the air screw you it is possible that in all of these years they'll never get that there's no sense to leave with the hands in the air i mean cj prison i mean whatever he's already committed you die in this universe you respawn at a goddamn hospital okay even the health care is cheap what do you think like five grand well then what kind of oh wait they're gonna give me a briefcase all right what's in the briefcase okay open in this briefcase contains 10 million dollars that's a great deal if you accept this briefcase we'll let you go obviously in exchange for these hostages inside well it seems like it seems logical it seems like they wouldn't scam me or anything come on now so what are you gonna do oh my god they have like choices in this except the briefcase or refuse oh hell yeah we're taking the trap hi acetate oh my god it's italian all right so they're gonna take the hostages now here it is the hostages are leaving god bless and what's in there open the briefcase sure thing chief oh wait right there this briefcase seems small for 10 million of course it's a trap of course it is the fact that this is a whole story is already kind of shocking oh [ __ ] it's the trap they sit like they're in a timeout [Music] and now the cop is coming to catch us they fooled us first and we're almost about to die take down the swat team oh my god my boy is taking some rounds for me that's a dedicated grove street member dude oh holy [ __ ] dude god damn calm down there jesus swat team is not screwing around dude this is definitely 90s lapd oh man they do not care about any brutality oh oh no oh no oh no oh there we go perfect this man is about to break the guinness book of world records for biggest medical anomaly right now i kind of love it though let's go come on oh my god oh my god oh my god cj do not die all right let's grab that let's grab that hold on so i think they actually oh okay he's so yam okay so they actually block all the cheat codes for this so you can't so you can't actually use the in-game cheat codes i i do assume that you could probably load up like a trainer and win this come on man you know you might be taking a lot of bullets but you sure as [ __ ] at stormtrooper aim like god damn these guys aren't going anywhere that ai was not activated i should have waited come on buddy come on there we go all right oh my god the swat team does not care do the special forces send them to stop me now i blow them up with this bomb cj where did you get that oh my god now die oh [ __ ] a bomb holy crap it's a grenade not a nuclear bomb guys relax [Music] here's the signal let's go come on open the door the key card and retrieve your partners all right let's do this they're really like man this is like a big bank robbery this is already longer than like gta 5's final bank robbery it's kind of insane oh we got to get rid of the cameras dog what was that jump chill out there [Applause] all right let's go down here this interior i don't recognize this like caligula what wait did they make an entire interior for this this is kind of sick maybe i'm like totally forgetting san andreas but like i feel like this wasn't in the original we made it cj we have the money yeah but until we get out of here we didn't win yet go get the money i'll cover you all right boys let's make that hollow holla duller oh [ __ ] cops leave the bags with the money on the ground for now i need your help they're not just cops or levitating cops too come on boys come on grove street well it's not like my growth street operators can die right guy don't raise your hands all right let's [ __ ] do this oh my god oh my oh my god oh my god oh my god holy [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] they do not care in this game brother oh my god they do not care what this okay come on come on come on oh okay i can't just like burst fire because i'm losing all my accuracy hold on i can't just burst fire in this game that's where i was making a mistake hold on come on come on jesus christ oh [ __ ] get out of here get out of here grab the health grab the health oh what okay so i ain't gonna lie that first section of the game really pissed me off because uh man they just put like 400 swat agents so i just basically took a save file and i'm bringing that to the table this time so here we're at mib headquarters and i guess i'm about to go on a mission to hunt down a myth if you will now they've got like slenderman you know tyron everything is available so you know cj is now hired on by the mib and we're about to bring on some like myth hunting galore here dude even sweets part of it god damn oh here it is the next mission the demons okay there you are cj okay frank carter will guide me through this i'm ready all right let's do this you have to go to a strange cave all right it says that there are the demons oh okay whatever thing it is i'll kill them good luck i count of you i don't know what that thing in the middle is like what is that ambrosia from like [ __ ] deus ex go to the mysterious cave all right finally we'll be able to like fight something god damn alright sweet come on with me okay we're gonna have to take on the bad guys uh sweet can you come with me buddy i think i think it's gonna have to be a me thing ladies and gentlemen so uh let me grab a vehicle real quick let me grab the mib car and and go on over now where's this like strange area okay open it up here uh strange cave appears to actually be oh dude it's all the way up here christ that's a long drive all right ladies and gentlemen i'll be right back will smith and sweet have retired you'll fight wait the other guy was will smith oh my god i think this you know what guys this might be the weirdest episode i've ever recorded this might be the weirdest video i've recorded on my entire channel that's saying something because i feel like i'm in a fever dream i went from hunting bigfoot to literally playing mib the game all within san andreas dude the people that made this modern mod are like amazing dude this is this is insane hold on how far am i hold on uh is it i gotta cut through this town oh oh yeah i know how to get there i know how to get there oh the mib car has definitely seen some better days maybe i should go fix this up this looks like a pilot thank god we're actually in one of the small towns so let's let's drop this in here let's get this car fixed up jesus christ uh bam here we go new engine and a paint job but the wheels are still small okay so we're actually coming up on the cave right here actually so let's see what these demons are gonna be like either i absolutely slap him out of the park or i get killed and we're about to find out so let's get over here bone county and i think it's yeah it's literally right here it's a strange cave it's so insane to see this like i have never heard of this mod i literally just google searched in the middle of filming this video and uh lo and behold ladies and gentlemen here we are this is like this is like a really well thought out mod it's got like 20 something missions in it and it just gets wilder now here's a cave i've never been to this cave in the core game before oh my god what is a sudden fog all right let's see enter the cave oh dude okay we're about to get like destroyed i think we're about to i think we're about to see a demon boys where is it dude i've never been in this section of the game i didn't even know that it's just like wait is this even in the original game am i being mandela affected oh [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] wow oh my god what the [ __ ] no way no way no we know we know we know we know we know i know no way no way i'm gonna fight it oh my god i gotta switch off i gotta switch off firearms brother holy crap what the [ __ ] is yeah oh my god dude what the [ __ ] what is this oh my god oh my god oh my god i gotta get out of here i gotta i gotta kill this [ __ ] with fire okay clearly the fire is not working hold on wait a minute wait a minute health kit no cj get out of here you wait five minutes to use it again okay hold on ah come on dude no way this is insanity this is insanity how am i supposed to win against this odd they literally do not die oh no no no they locked me what oh no oh again they even had a time limit dude this game this is messed up what is going on here and the game is bugged all right you know we're gonna end this right over here ladies and gentlemen you know what i started this video off talking about mitts and grand theft auto and to be real with you i finished what i started okay i got bigfoot even though it was an anti-climactic hunt i finished bigfoot and i dealt with it but this mod right over here might be one of the wildest things that i've actually discovered on the internet i have not beli i have not heard this actually exist i've looked on youtube there's like a few videos sparse of like maybe like a couple playthroughs that have flown completely under the radar this is an italian mod that it's like filled with 20 missions of myth hunting there are people that have actually made mission packs out of this will i return to this probably i think i might actually make this regular video thing but you know what it's been going on for an hour two hours almost so i'm gonna i'm gonna decompress relax use a different suit next time ladies and gentlemen i'm so wholly confused this is me mudahar and um i'm out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 351,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FRhE7EvzPak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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