Fallout Battle Royale Sucks So Bad It's Good

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this video is sponsored by noir DPN so far nobody has mentioned that we are in a game with a gamer girl yo private Paula can't get some butt hole pic stock hey everyone so fallout 76 came out with a battle royale game-mode now nobody asked for that really but unlike everybody else I'm enjoying it immensely not because I'm some contrary and douche which I am but because this thing doesn't even try to be fair you see every other battle royale tries to balance loot tables and promote team play and do all sorts of patching and stuff to promote a fair and balanced gameplay but Todd Howard said [ __ ] all that [ __ ] [ __ ] dude momma didn't raise no [ __ ] my careers in the dumpster give them power armor [ __ ] it give them a nuke so they can just nuke the map he was like remember those special attributes from like the core adventure mode put those on the BR - I don't give a [ __ ] I was at a Plus 80% explosive damage seems good to me stealth boys why not Oh what is that is there hacker in every round now that should be fun just leave them in there they'll be all right surely that's that mutation for really high jumps also put a roaming PvE monsters in every round that's what I want I'm not [ __ ] around with that last one look I actually won around because a ghoul beat the last guy to death no but seriously it's this total disregard for fairness that makes this nuclear winter battle royale game-mode so enjoyable it's still a [ __ ] disaster but it's a funny disaster like when Bitcoin crashed except that wasn't funny at all that was just [ __ ] horrific [Music] Virginia [Applause] [Music] the UK is banning pornography do you have the balls to go down to the DMV and purchase a porn license just to whack off and the safety of your own home and think so but with Nord VPN you can mask whatever you're looking at from whatever government overlord is trying to pry into your private life which leaves you to whack off with impunity all right it works like this this is your PC this is the website or your source of information right and you go to download that wicked medieval dragon show which looks like this now it's gonna make its way from the source to your PC but guess who's watching boom big brother the ISP the hacker your ISP says hey that's not cool you're cutting into our bottom line why don't you buy it like everybody else well maybe because season 8 was [ __ ] that's why with Nord VPN they work as a shield a mask disguising that movie slash porn slash financial information and all that the ISP government slash hacker sees is that you're getting information from Nord VPN but they don't know what it is look how frustrated he is totally pissed up what's he get so now you're thinking but won't Nord VPN just rat me out to the government you know wrong because Nord VPN move their servers to Panama a little country that has zero data retention laws which means they don't even keep logs of what you browse so my cousin's across the Atlantic go to north VPN comm port slash General Sam and get 75% off a three-year plan with code General Sam and you can keep those nasty little masturbatory all have it's you've become so fond of good luck my friends you go to the atomic see if I can buy a couple wins for us real quick I can be after you can become a mad scientist mad German scientists a mad german genocidal scientist they can get one of those surgical mess with a mouth on unlike all the femme boys where I've always wanted to be a thimble me but I never had the body for it oh there's an Alex Jones outfit I'm a human and I'm coming you can buy hair styles and of course you can buy repair kits didn't they say that nothing you would buy from the [ __ ] store will be able to affect your gameplay I do want the megaton hair thing and put it on a male character everybody doubt you can it works like it works up my greatest achievement Samus y'all a style of women's hair style kinda buys everyone kinda gender dude it's it's just it's just hair okay next thing next thing he's gonna say it's like just cuz you have a penis you're a man honestly can't imagine anything more offensive everything that comes out of your mouth is so 2018 all right yeah it's 2019 now wake up I'm ready Debbie a win let's crack a cold one with the boys shooting a shooting a radiated dog in the face with the boys oh it's thundering and my dogs freaking out the boys tugging on my peepee don't even joke oh it hurts it hurts I have I have the briefcase on me I'm down you guys look very over-the-top like there's the chance like the chairs my hair is getting into it baby somebody else to carry the dragged through laughs every day because I'm trying to teach you all right that's like saying Oh Mike Tyson's coach never got any knockouts well duh I use busy teacher Mike Tyson that's what I'm trying I'm trying to bring you into the forefront okay you know you were really quick on the draw with a very good reference Meriva please don't stray from the pack you are you're just you're KITT you're killing this team here I just I just feel I just feel like we're not a cohesive unit well I see this orange parade over here and I feel like if you touch that you're gonna ruin the team you gotta let us get two hours that we're [ __ ] up the team her Eva Oh know that please put that down whole team screwed up that's my bad if this is empty when I come to it I'm gonna be upset oh no I'm sorry you've let us down yeah I'm right behind you don't worry the cool hair Stacy get him he's coming for you he's coming for you he doesn't do it he doesn't know he knows he's still there yes it's called a Merve grenade what does that do god damn dude that guy has tea tea tea tea TV in his name get away from him kill him you can't we won't be able to get them i guy I got the guy with TTP energy seems over it says it on my own screen general saves in a game these hard break your [ __ ] [Music] baby if you already go save someone get him I like how you're in this mass of people but it's like see you specifically because your hair sticks out I had to Bob everybody else my face was like three-headed sphinxes or whatever fungal yeah I'm reporting you as a real-world threat fundable did you spend money on this game the flash I got that like I don't like it's one of their what's it called atomic points or whatever because I got the [ __ ] special edition of the skin yeah I was heavily invested in while I was looking forward to and then my hopes and dreams got crushed and you know what they didn't even give me the canvas bag like they said they would send one else even go you didn't get one I think I sent in like a ticket for it and everything I waited months I like email the thing that I know they just been not ever sent but you know they were like oh we will replace everyone's you know what's county is everybody was bitching about getting a low-quality canvas bag you yeah you didn't get voltec on the front our bean hopper no they gave him nothing and just lost are you a fan of ben shapiro no no no you like his head don't you it's a little tiny head that goes on top of his head very small in diameter honestly this game is the brownie said we had so much positivity going on was as you like get them in here and they're just they're just beating this game guys are just afraid to play something that's different trouble admitting they're wrong I'll admit it I was wrong we didn't need him yeah I know oh I gotta go for you fly displaying photos still in game how do I leave hit tab then Z come on it's very intuitive very intuitive works just like every other game yeah just what ABS and Zed come on no I can't yeah did you sleep i watch oh you just say you just say the jetway dude sitting the other chair waiting can't see you don't know you just staring at a wall it's the noise yeah yeah this is how you look I'm gonna show you how you look all right Joe pies it's up to you where we where we see follow Elway you gotta choose where to sit good choice man good choice oh my god never mind horrible god damn it Joe plen this is your fault Joe please ya [ __ ] idiot Lee sit down we're scaring I can't find it I can't find Kerry Weaver toy huh okay I need to play one more in that I can be level 10 and then I can see what's in that goddamn overseer room [ __ ] push me what to do I hear get Marcus area Simmons all suburban are responding why we were killed by last guy and why [Music]
Channel: General Sam
Views: 1,069,879
Rating: 4.8782158 out of 5
Keywords: fallout 76, nuclear winter, battle royale, funny, general sam, moments, satire, clips, perks, hackers
Id: ki9EN_AT-Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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