I Tried To Become A Getaway Driver on GTA RP

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they said I was useless they said I'd never amount to anything now I can't talk to women I can't understand basic social cues social worker that's assigned in my case says I'm unemployable but what I can do this dries I may suffer from autism but my driving skills sure going you do a crime as long as it's misdemeanor or lower now be your getaway driver now I won't be able to give you the best conversation while you're on the road like when you get an Indian uber driver then you can bet your lunch time dunkaroos they'll get you away from the scene of the crime I've studied the streets of San Andreas the way only a person with no life outside of video games could so next time you punch your mom because she won't renew your xbox live membership you come to me I'll get you out of there [Music] nice yeah this shit's dope right well don't get your hopes up because just like the promise of that virus hardscoping humanity this video under performs the whole concept was all supposed to be like a petty crime getaway driver like you would like litter in front of a cop and then I would like help you get away and this over-the-top chase scene but the entire video was thwarted by these guys mechanics I know with like the ongoing riots in America everybody thinks cops are power-hungry Psychopaths but nothing beats the ego trip that a fifteen-year-old gets when he's judge and jury over someone's [ __ ] car and an RP server these guys are trying to thwart me at every turn but before we even get into this this videos got a sponsor this video is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club they take care of all your grooming needs shower stuff oral hygiene skincare and of course shaving they sent me an ultimate shaving starter kit which is honestly the perfect thing to prepare me for leaving the house and seeing my family and neighbors again for the first time in months every guy I know is rocking that Abe Lincoln beard nothing on the cheeks everything under below not a good look it comes with an executive razor to six bladed heads prep scrub shave butter and post shave do and at this point this thing says that I actually give a personal statement about their products I wish I could but my wife keeps like stealing them every time they come in apparently they're better than whatever the hell she's buying so visit dollarshaveclub.com for its last general Sam and get a Altima trave starter kit for only 5 bucks so once again that's dollarshaveclub.com Ford / general Sam alright let's get back to this [ __ ] pay attention here because this is my first run-in with these guys and it's all downhill from here because this is the first straw that breaks the camel's back this is the only straw on the camel's back and it breaks it this is the straw if the straw was actually like a girder landing on a camel's back and just snapping it in half like a new paintjob order what can you be it my friend he drove the car off the cliff and we need to get fixed oh that's okay we'll be fine hey bud how you doing oh okay oh sure blame me yeah this thing needs to be fixed pretty bad the engines off all that stuff and the car kind of stinks can you get like air fresheners or something yeah I could throw in an air freshener for sure when we're finished I'm gonna Park it right over there behind us oh you're not gonna break out the different since you have for your air fresheners yeah I think you want oh yeah everything you could think of we got one I want the pine tree on the string guys you yeah we we were just here with my friend and we had a we have a car with a chrome paint job and then you guys worked on it and you brought it out and it's no longer chrome it's just like gray colored it's not Chrome it's great it's all splotchy maybe you could settle the argument for this he's convinced it's not chrome anymore I think it's just because it's nighttime no it went in one color and it came out a different [ __ ] color dude I used to be able to I used to be able to look in this thing and see the haters behind me but now I don't see nothing it looks pretty shiny to me I'm saying so the car is probably no I guess the rest of the world does Chrome differently than this [ __ ] shop because this is [ __ ] great oh come on man come on hey why don't you go to the store and buy some better chrome paint jackass we're taking our business elsewhere oh man pulls out a gun cuz somebody insults you this is gonna negatively affect your yelp review [ __ ] gray ass car back this is chrome place is a [ __ ] joke let's just go let's just go yeah we won that the car's still poop colored it doesn't have a color that's the thing it's taking the color from the night sky okay yeah you know I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna take a screen cap from when we first got bro peace I'm telling you it's taking a cut the color from the [ __ ] night sky that's it concrete with high gloss it looked like Terminator 2 when he turns into the liquid let's turn around and go to [ __ ] talk those people I think we get discount mechanic yes cuz they clean cars god no he pulled a gun on you I think we're getting on more out of them I wanted to go back but Staunton Brian convinced me to just just drop it just let it go be the bigger man and just go on and commit some petty crimes so this is our first one hey [ __ ] pig [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is that was a clean getaway dude Sam's [ __ ] two for two right now yeah except the fact that we lost all of the doors in the vehicle the vehicles flip it's [ __ ] what would you rather do would you rather do you get another cart or you know spend 20 years in jail exactly go [ __ ] boy going and then spit on them yeah but I'm black I know you guys aren't mechanics or anything yourselves but it doesn't take a mechanic to realize this car is [ __ ] and in GTA RP you can't just call in another car you can't like get it fixed you have to call in a tow truck and get it towed to the mechanics the entire success of this video is determined by how much these mechanics want to work and let me tell you something I called the tow truck they never came the engines all broken that says I it's like the engines at 0% it's in the parking lot right next to Moore's ok so you and do neat so they call the mechanic to help you with that and I called the mechanic hotline and I waited there for 30 [ __ ] minutes and nothing happened yeah I not to be an out of character person but I've waited less time for an actual [ __ ] tow truck jesus [ __ ] christ [ __ ] people notice in the next scene we just have different cars we had to go get different cars for your for a first crime in just a pass some time while we think of something else to do could you take that new knife of yours yeah go knife a mechanic yeah okay I want you to stab him and just go this is for not having the right chrome color oh dude I would come at him about never towing cars okay I've been waiting three days for my cardigan towed there is a person here is a little RV you'll be fine dude you said because smug they are if I can eat their guts I want you to stab all of them once don't think I can get away with that one dude I'm gonna one of those gonna get stabbed for sure but I don't know if I can model catalog of them all yet to do is just two people one stab each oh here comes one okay to top of the shop the ice like and you pull up that knife away hello oh it's nice to get out he's given us the point they're like our way do you think I can parallel park between those two cars you believe yourself you know it's a lot of space shut the [ __ ] up dude I thought it was more impressive yeah I don't know it's gonna fit guys let's get any cops in the station oh really there's a guy in here but he's a cop this guy just staring at the wall [ __ ] you oh my god dude no no go back go back go back he's got a pistol pick it up oh [ __ ] a free hunt all right let's go it's cool dude I ran out the police station to the right I'm going back into Steve's neighborhood 27 back up 18 in the Meg oh yeah ah dude [ __ ] score on an afk dude I know I kind of got revenge when I got Brian to shank that guy in the garage and I know this is kind of petty you know having this entire vendetta about a car color being different than what it's supposed to be but this gun opens up a whole horizon of possibilities I can strike these guys the way they'd never been struck before so I start a scheming on the other side of this is access to the roof of this building that overlooks the entrance to the mechanic place if we get a tall truck I'm sure we can jump from the top of the truck onto that awning and then honor the roof as for us see if this works all right hop on top Oh whoo baby oh [ __ ] oh no oh yeah you can see all of them they're working on her cars and everything these guys are gonna roogie us a gray car and calling it chrome if you come up on the roof you'll do it you'll see the fade sticking over the top of the lights go Yodas fade looking good which guys we're about to wear orchestrating the assassination of a man that tried to give us gray paint and pass it off as chrome paint you believe this guy are you in GTA GTA RP about to assassinate again I need all right the one with gray next to the red sign he's really far away a little tiny guy and these are actual players yeah he's an actual person mechanics to salute that way you'll know who their leader is yeah I've seen in me at the gates says home still I'm going for the kill I'm going for that 30 seconds tomorrow song is that our own oh [ __ ] okay uh in the car all right you ready yeah this is way you give mother [ __ ] fur [Applause] all right oh god I really honest so quickly that was not the grand escape I thought it was gonna be he kept changing Caesar that was the worst getaway I've ever seen in my life I'm gonna pull in there just see what's going on just see how the reception was but if they could put two to two together they might realize hey the armored truck that they used to get on the roof isn't there and this guy's driving away in it dude look at the mayhem there was some purpley pink on this Shin play real human being the song by drive that Ryan Gosling song questionable choice driving me an accomplice a vehicle straight into the investigation yeah but when you think about like this like that's the last thing no to expect like a serial killer returning to the scene of the crime and yeah that's how they get caught always know what happened here where's all the mechanics at injury they're all injured one of the ones that once I think once on the roof because someone shot mechanic figured out it right now so there's a huge hold up at the mechanic place because every single mechanic is out trying to get vengeance and they're all on there's apparently two of them one of them up on the roof and then there's the other ones they're trying to find whoever shot that poor bastard oh no it was do I feel better yeah yeah I do there's anything that my Americanism verse communism class taught me it's that those who produce the labor hold the power and because I'm an [Music] anarcho-capitalist makes sense up here I'm getting arrested okay these guys who come to console me this these guys on the car needs is this an actual resource it''s ins arrest for cops ago okay dude I'm a [ __ ] getaway driver yeah well then help me get away there anything guns at me bro yeah go go go real you all right we gotta take the simple backwards [ __ ] like back it in is it okay how should I kill myself up I think you need a [ __ ] medic dude I really eat a burger see where the [ __ ] you you did Oh scary bug on my pocket hey come on bro let me taste your business up it'd be yeah okay how do I take a bite now just kidding it's mine dude [ __ ] away oh sorry do you need something punk-ass [ __ ] oh that's pretty good are you guys shut up [ __ ] we're right next to I'm at cash advance loans and the nail bar salon oh I've never thought I would be in my life have so many conversations about somebody else's bowel movements until I had a kid play see our dinner conversation literally revolves around like sometimes she'll just sit there and be like it has been 36 hours since our daughter's last bowel movement we need to feed her less cheese she needs more creepiness and we need to start mixing in some sort of Meral accent [ __ ] you haven't given a [ __ ] about one of my bowel movements in the five years we've been married in [ __ ] like 12 years we've been together 13 years or whatever this okay so she ended up not [ __ ] for like two or three days which apparently is Abby was like on the fourth day she dies volcana and so I'm like so she makes me go give her laxatives not not laxatives a enema right and I'm like fine I'll be the bad guy do the enema so I [ __ ] go in there I give her the enema and my [ __ ] daughter has learned she looked she knows a bunch of words but she's learned why all of a sudden the why and parents are always like oh man it sucks when they learned the word why because then you're like hey hey can't watch TV and you're like no and they go why and then you go well because I don't want you to watch right now and after dinner and they just go why and then you had to explain that and I'm like that is not the context that she used Y in I I give her the enemas she turns into [ __ ] Charlton Heston from 1960 dramatic role and she's feel like I'm on the [ __ ] Nuremberg trials you know like I was following orders [Music]
Channel: General Sam
Views: 934,412
Rating: 4.9544187 out of 5
Keywords: gta rp, gta 5, funny, gameplay, drive, general sam, eclipse rp, rage multiplayer, satire, getaway driver, gta v, gta 5 rp, gta 5 roleplay
Id: w77Nn7RVEXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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