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[Music] in my last mordhow video i talked about how the community could uh could ruin this game and uh and my video got picked up by uh the algorithm which means it got uh circulated outside of my audience and although you guys have been always been very supportive apparently other people the people outside my audience they don't like me apparently i'm a i'm a total [ __ ] sucker that i hope dies in a fire they don't like me you know how games usually get like a meta that's what i was railing against because it takes all the creativity out of a game and uh you know so i'm i'm talking about how people can ruin a game [Music] and then i spent the next eight minutes of that video um doing everything in my power to ruin the experience of my fellow teammates and these people had the audacity to call me a hypocrite now i could just wrap this whole thing up with a uh that's the joke but uh i would prefer to take another route i i'd much rather use the saying your father used when you caught him sticking his pecker in the vacuum cleaner after he had told you not to do it repeatedly son listen here do as i say not as i do [Music] and if you tell your mother about this i'm gonna [ __ ] kill you [Music] i'm losing weight deliciously with the aid of aids doink doink doink now this isn't helping out the team i don't i don't know what is yeah i just bought this uh curious or whatever the [ __ ] you found it's a queer ass i just bought this clear ass and it's tight oh my god do you have much footage i have of this game funny shit's happening and in the background all you hear is there's one time where steve's just going like um the stock actually has very good pierce damage uh so it works better against leather types uh but uh you know it's a plate armor it's not just not it's just not gonna penetrate it's not gonna get right through it you know so that's when i really like to bring in heavier stuff like axes well thanks [ __ ] steve jesus christ didn't didn't [Music] interesting i guess recurve works well against light armor targets but i don't use it because everybody wears heavy armor by my calculations i just want to say something i play video games for a living which means i'm about as nerdy as you can get and coming from me a giant nerd steve is a [ __ ] dork he has reached a whole nother level of nerd that they've only talked about in fantasy oh sam they got you what'd you do this time oh what did i just get kicked i was wondering why you weren't saying anything and you must not be able to see it yeah i couldn't see it i didn't know there was a [ __ ] mutiny happening temporarily banned for four minutes i'll just put a timer on that and he'll come back and do it again come back and do it a second time they haven't seen the last of me [Music] oh man that's the men in the bushes oh that was me you idiot if you want my health advice on this one instead of if you still want something that's kind of like chinese food but you don't want the carbs and sugar that chinese food has simply eat a chinese person check out my house dude [Music] hey watch this oh [ __ ] i'm sorry guys so you're gonna have to fight that one the subtle curve to your jaw it doesn't matter how much weight i gain or lose or what i do different glasses everybody just says i look like a fat lesbian i'm just i'm forever looking like a fat leather yeah that is the greatest compliment of all time i need it i really need to be able to grow a beard but i got like [ __ ] native american in me or some [ __ ] where i can't grow any facial hair now if if they took into account how well you can grow hair on your testicles they would never call me a lesbian unless they would say man that lesbian's got a hairy set of balls that's something you rarely hear cease idiot oh [ __ ] [Music] okay i might have [ __ ] us on this one did you [Music] goddamn it you why does everyone want to do stupid taiga all the time i like tyga tyga is pretty good tyga yeah didn't he get with that uh 14 year old girl on instagram oh my god dude look tyga is not only one of the best maps the envy of the world to be honest that's awful wasn't she like in a club that was like 18 plus so naturally and i saw pictures of chicks and i don't want to say nothing but so what you're saying as a as a long time viewer of child pornography you know what type of thing the [ __ ] is that what you're saying as a person that has studied the content frequently that was no child [Music] see if we can kick him down the hole so like a slap yeah watch us ready and [Music] dude not cool i'm a teammate you've done it now you've done it now wow yeah are we crossboy guys oh i got him what how did i die what definitely i just what i shot the crossbow and i just fell over apparently it was oh dear i can't see him across this backfire he had the rope on backwards it shot directly into your face someone set up a wily coyote crossbow with our [ __ ] in our spawn hey what do i look like do i look like witcher 3 oh okay you look like a dead [ __ ] that's what you look like do i look like witcher 3. do i look like winter three yes you look like the third witcher our guys right now look like they're about to go [ __ ] dick down some sorority chicks can you not block off the spawn every game i don't get the joke i watched my own footage and learned my mistakes and now i've perfected my crash [ __ ] that's a dangerous loop you know if you keep watching your own streams and learning you're like an a.i you're going to become a great that's like you're watching that's like have no more mistakes i know you're going to be like ultron yo the top of this chimney does not have an opening for the smoke to come out unplayable game [Music] i literally wake up to the smell of e-posty i don't know what you're talking same dude when you look like me it's easy you know when you look like a fat lesbian ladies come porn and it's weird because they're usually lesbians this is not my type [ __ ] hey yo hop on yours hop on yours we can be horse bros hey how do i get on psych i stabbed your horse in the [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa whoa bad guy oh you did a big swing can i have my got my spear no it's mine oh dude you took them [Music] you [ __ ] did [Music] okay let me tell you oh i just killed my teammate let me tell you a dark story all right so i i was going on a trip to colorado and i was like hey i'm there i'll uh [ __ ] but before i go i gotta get some fresh undies right you gotta be looking good so i got some fresh on these i ordered them they look like they'd be normal like just boxer briefs and then they come they come before the uh before my trip and they end up being like these they're they were i didn't realize they were chinese so like they have a whole different size spectrum going on over there yeah those are the problems i was having as well things like that because these things are funky fresh i just didn't want black undies i wanted like some pattern going on you know something that i could decorate with my streak marks so i ended up getting these things and they end up being banana hammocks they have like a uh like a one inch inseam and like i was stuck wearing them for the whole week and you know what i learned to love them because i'm wearing a pair right now [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: General Sam
Views: 1,322,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mordhau, funny, gameplay, satire, general sam, mordhau gameplay
Id: lus3GgLXNmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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