Fallout 4: 5 Things You (Probably) Never Knew You Could Do in The Wasteland

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/mvc212 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

i dont know but holy fuck that looks clean

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/IamDavidBowieAMA 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

*jealousy intesifies

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TempMadeThatBeat 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Probably wrong, but reminds me of when I used this

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/noctheist 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

That's probably Power Armor Redone mod used for pa textures

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2018 🗫︎ replies
Hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and fallout fours post-nuclear wasteland we get to explore is filled with no shortage of quests activities and adventures to keep the sole survivor busy as they venture across the land that was once known as the US of A however three years later perhaps some vault dwellers may finally be beginning to feel as though they've done it all explored every location defeated every enemy and dare I say helped every settlement and are now left to wonder if there's anything left to do in this dystopian world oh my dear hypothetical question asker the answer is yes hopefully kick back and relax as we dive into five things you probably never knew you could do in fallout 4 starting off longneck ooh cows keys is an old pre-war meatpacking plant that thankfully didn't suffer too hard when the bombs fell not too long ago a handyman named it Theodore Collins stumbled upon the place and with some good tinkering was actually able to restore most of the places equipment and mr. Handy's making the factory operational once again from there he was able to strike deals with many of the Commonwealth's hunters and traders to provide him with fresh meat on a frequent basis which he would then package in his factory and proceeded to sell at a profit at face value this seems to be quite the success story a man making an honest living for himself by providing his community with the service they need what's not to love especially in a world like this where most business isn't quite so clean Oh ass recently Theodore stumbled upon some problems when he first entered the cannery you'll walk in on him in the middle of a brutal argument with the merchant apparently his meat has recently been making her customers sick and now she's refusing to sell it the entrepreneurial man will insult her and the trader will walk howl in frustration when spoken to and asked to what that whole scene was about mr. Collins will assure you that it was nothing his meats not making people sick that merchant just wanted a better deal she'll be back very soon but if you press the matter the player can demand to be allowed to inspect the factory to verify these claims Theodore will reluctantly agree he just asks that you stay out of the basement it's a dangerous down there this will begin the quest mystery meat which immediately sends you to go check out the factory's basement long story short down there you'll discovered that Theodore has recently been forced to resort to putting feral ghoul meat in his hands due to a high demand this is what's making people sick as you exit the basement with this knowledge colons will confront you from a platform saying that now you know his secret he has to murder you to death and will turn hostile simply defeat him in combat and the quest will be completed however what you may not have known is that there's an alternative ending to this mission that doesn't involve any bloodshed if when Theodore turns hostile rather than return his fire you instead quickly approach him this will be difficult to do as he's on a very hard to reach platform but once you've closed enough distance with him the man will stop shooting and instead cower begging you to spare him he'll promise that if you just leave him alone and keep quiet he'll give you a split of his profits if you decline Cullen's will just open fire again out of desperation but if you accept he'll give you a few hundred caps straight away and every few days you can come back to the cannery and collect a few hundred more essentially earning you an entire new source of permanent income run this place together you look the other way you know give me a cut of the profits so if you're willing to exercise just a bit of restraint quite an opportunity awaits the sole survivor next on our list very early in the game you'll be introduced to preston garvey and his small gang of survivors as they're being besieged by raiders within the museum of freedom in concord after overpowering their attackers and personally speaking with the group preston will reveal that yet another wave of attackers is on their way but one of the packs members a mechanic named Sturgis has a plan on how to deal with them a set of power armor near crashed vertibird on the roof can be reactivated if you're able to break a lock downstairs and take the fusion core in the generator that's currently powering the building storages we'll have you secure that core put it in the arm Ripoff the minigun that's attached to the vertibird and use your new kit to push back the Raider menaces this should serve as your introduction to fallout 4 his whole new power armor system and for most of us will give us access to the first set of a playthrough but if prior to linking up with Preston's group for the first time you've already somehow secured another set a power armor and are wearing it when you do so Sturgis dialog will change this time acknowledging that you sort of beat them to the punch and bonus points if you also already have a minigun in your inventory because that will allow for even more additional extra dialogue Sturgess tell them I had a whole fancy plan about fixing up a suit of power armor and here you are walking in like some kind of metal miracle there's a crash vertibird up on the roof oh cool prewar you might have seen well it's got a minigun and it seems to be intact wearing that armor you could rip it right off then those Raiders get an express ticket to hell you dig actually I got a minigun right here or set well alright maybe our Luck's finally turned it around coming at number 3 the pillars of the community are strange cult-like organization operating near the Charles View amphitheatre they're led by a charismatic leader with a randomly generated name who requests all his followers give him everything they own to quote release their dependency on material possessions or something if you play your cards right or wrong you can even end up giving him every single item in your inventory but that's neither here nor there during the Cabot house quest Emogene takes a lubber ax you'll have to find a young girl named mo Jean who ran off to be with his con man of a cult leader and bring her home now once Emma Jean takes a lover has begun whoever was previously leading the pillars of the community will be replaced with a character named brother Thomas he'll spawn in even if the last guy died thomas is effectively the same NPC with the same interactions you can give him all your things to end a similar appearance but you'll have to convince him to release Emma Jean either with your words or combat abilities to complete the quest now the funny thing here is that if prior to beginning this quest and meeting brother Thomas you slay the last randomly generated leader some unique dialogue will be unlocked when you demand that Thomas release Emma Jean specifically when you use the threatened option take a listen she's not seeing anybody until she cools off I killed the last guy who was running this scam in case that matters to you know let me just unlock the door for you okay for fourth spot confidence man is another side quest this one centers around Travis miles DJ of Diamond City radio as its name may hint this mission focuses around Travis's horrible lack of confidence and self-esteem he speaks softly went on air and often seems quite shy according to the owners of the dugout in diamond city's largest pub in motel the Bulldog brothers this is a problem they play DCR in their restaurant and Travis's weak tone is boring their customers so they'll unless the bolt rollers health and a plan they've devised to turn Travis's attitude around and make him truly believe in himself maybe after that he'll finally be entertaining they've hired two strong men to harass the DJ the next time he comes into their business your job will be to encourage Travis to stand up for himself and fight the bullies with you at his side the brothers reason mr. miles might actually go for it now of course the strong men have also been paid to lose the ensuing fight as well so there's no real risk once you've agreed simply wait around for Travis to show up and be approached by the bullies and the folk on flick an begin encourage Travis to stand up for himself by promising to help and Diamond City radios host will indeed agree to fight and a short brawl will break out between both parties as the assailants have already been paid to lose you can imagine this engagement won't be particularly difficult at all both attackers have incredibly low stats and honestly you don't even need to do much travis has got this after the fight is over you'll be thanked by our new Slugger of a friend who will seem pretty proud of himself and the quest will move on however despite how insanely easy it is to win the fight I mean you literally don't have to do anything it is indeed technically possible for Travis to lose if you want to make that happen again Travis has high enough stats to take on both men at once but if you hit him a few times to lower his HP and let the bully's gang up on him he can be defeated after this happens the victorious bullies will simply walk out and Travis will say some unique lines of dialogue Travis I don't want to say I told you but I kind of told you it would end up like this look on the bright side they're not bothering you now yeah I guess I'm gonna go now but thanks thanks for you know sticking up for me the remainder of the quest will go on as normal and eventually he can still find his confidence but if you're feeling a bit devious this is an option and finally last on our list similar to the spot where we mentioned it's possible to unlock some special conversations in your first meeting with Preston by already arriving in power armor if you successfully find out what happened to Sean before you make contact with codsworth or preston garvey which believe it or not is very possible so long as you avoid both sanctuary and Concord at the start of your game and head straight to Diamond City go this route take care of the Institute first or at very least discover they're responsible for your son's disappearance and when you do finally make your way back to Concord and sanctuary for the first time to meet with Preston and Cosworth some new dialogue will be available that enable you to inform your old robot companion the true facts of Sean's disappearance and only further Preston's hatred of the organization after telling him that they're responsible for Sean have you heard of the Institute say it's a bit hard to come by these days what was the lack of options on there or gnm he's with his mother my son the Institute kidnapped him when I was still trapped but I found him now oh hell I've heard some bad things about the Institute but kidnapping babies now damn and if all the ones featured in this video I definitely found this one to be the cool list as despite how almost forced it is upon you to meet with codsworth and Preston early in game Bethesda did indeed make some contingency plans just in case you didn't who needs brother Thomas when you have floored Todd and with that we are going to wrap up five things you probably never knew you could do in fallout 4 thanks for stopping by everyone which of the ones mentioned were you already familiar with and which did you find to be the coolest what hittin choices and options do you know of that I get to tackle leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated thanks Tom bye and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everybody
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 2,085,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout 4, Fallout, Fallout 76, Fallout 4 Easter Eggs, Fallout 4 Secrets, Fallout 4 Legends, Fallout Lore, Fallout 4 Lore, Fallout 4 Top 5, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, Things You Didn't Know About Fallout 4, Fallout 4 Theory, Fallout 4 Mods, Bethesda Game Studios
Id: 5hBwvx5LO40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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