Fall Revival 2019 Featuring Marvin Sapp

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[Music] while you may be seating the president of Lord tonight it's just a great privilege and just an amazing honor to have this opportunity to be here for the first time we thank God for giving us traveling mercies bringing us safely over the airwaves and highways to a place that we've never been before with some people that we've never seen before but we're all here for the same reason goal and focus and that is to magnify the gun around salvation because there's a real reality all of us should have been consumed but gone who was rich in mercy decided to love us not to where we were but he loved us from what he wanted us to be the songwriter said it like this he said he looked beyond my faults and he saw me at the point of my knee aren't you glad God look past some stuff in your life I thank God for this opportunity I am I am I am extremely excited I've been trying to think about the words and I can use in order to describe how I'm feeling today I'm just hippopotamus Li elated I'm supercalifragilistic expialidocious excited today and I thank God because I've been watching your pastor for many a year and just to have the opportunity to be here I want y'all to put y'all hands together and bless God for this phenomenal gift to the body of Christ I'm talking my y'all pastor y'all need to help me bless God for this gift that he is a man I was I was shocked beyond measure because this morning I went this afternoon when I got to the airport my cell phone wrong and it was him he said doc I'm outside in the car and I was like you hear like a man I came to pick you up I came to pick you up and I was like this this is different because usually when I travel you know they send hope to get me and he said doc you precious cargo but I got to make sure I get you myself so it's good for us to be here we thank God for his loving life and all of you all we greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ not gonna be before you very long this evening if y'all just give a a preacher a little bit of time I promise you all we're gonna get somewhere before this night is over I was in the back and I was trying to figure out what direction I wanted to come in from tonight and I gave them then to two specific passages of scripture that I'm considering but what I usually do is when when I'm when I'm torn the best thing for me to do is to sing something for myself then after I get through singing something then usually God kind of releases me to do what to do what I'm assigned to do I grew up in a very very very very traditional Baptist Church and when I when I walked in here I was like the first thing I noticed was they had drones I was like this ain't nothing like the Baptist Church I grew up in you know in absence I grew up and there was no drums there there was no no no organ when no bass no keyboards like a Triton or a montage didn't have a bass player we had something that y'all probably don't know nothing about we had what they call it an upright piano hey man I can't get no help in when I looked up a child choir y'all rocking back and forth couldn't rocket my church but no rocking at my church you couldn't clap for anything I saw the Saints standing up and in the crowd clapping tell my how precious is the name you couldn't do that at the church I grew up that as soon as somebody began the show they took him out before they got good in it since they holiday the ushers had took them all the way out the sanctuary but my mother raised me in a traditional Baptist Church and I remember at the age of 4 I started singing and it's amazing to me it's been some years now but at four years of age I grabbed the microphone and started singing on a Sunday morning I wasn't is tall I was very little boy when this large I was 5'4 to from the age of 12 to 20 and so I was a little bitty fella and they used to stand me up on a box just so I can be high enough just to get to the microphone and my mother taught me songs that did not make sense to me see I ain't gonna get no health today she taught me songs that didn't make sense to me and you know everybody was singing the new songs back then they was singing stuff by the Hawkins family now that was new back then I can't get though hell they was they were singing Andre Crouch that was that was new back then but my mother had been learning all these old hymns and I would I would go and I would go to these churches and I would sing these songs and as I saying them I didn't really understand what they meant when I knew when I got to certain parts of the songs that the mothers would just start rocking a little bit you know movies had those three o'clock services those little three o'clock mothers boy tease and Tom Thumb weddings I can't get no help in here I was singing it all these different things that my momma just standing me up there and I was like mama this don't make sense to me she said I didn't actually didn't make sense just singing and then she told me one day she said well you may not understand it now but you don't there's gonna come a time in your life that it's gonna make all the sense in the world and I got a little bit older and that's how as I begin to sing them songs you go through some things and in life will teach you what songs actually mean so so there's a song my mother taught me a long time ago and y'all might not know this song you know this this is one of them 21st century Baptist churches that got all this new stuff but my mama taught me this song when I was about 5 years old and I should sing it all the time and still something there are some things [Applause] [Applause] there are some a says can go but I am so of this one thing that God is real for I can feel him in my soul I cannot turn [Laughter] [Music] that's a gummy family really my soul if God is real for he have lost and made me whole [Music] [Applause] me just ah money yes God is real can feel him in my soul help me one more time make this up in my soul [Applause] his love for me just like old yes God is real I can feel him in my soul down below that oh so first Peter first Peter chapter number four Alton tose Savior here my own pride Wow [Music] do not pass me me by upon you sir [Music] oh say say yeah why don't you hear this now go do not pass me by father we thank you we give you glory tonight we praise you from this opportunity and we thank you for this time God we pray that you'll walk up and down each and every aisle that you hit each and every perfume that you would send on each and every person do not allow them to leave here the same way they came to these doors a lava that be a metamorphosis thing that takes place throw your weight around execute your will and your authority in this house we made up in our minds and we purpose in a haunts that will forever give you the praise will forever give me the honor wherever give you the glory not gonna Noi me indeed afresh in a noon that anointing that causes teaching and preaching to be easy where yokes will not be broken because in the broken things can be fixed but yokes will be destroyed under the weight of your glory God just do what you do all the time just show up and show out we came with a spirit of expectation or dog revival is about to hit this house and we thank you in advance in Jesus name we pray everybody said a man loved a church that stands when the Word of God is read 1st Peter chapter before I'm an expository preacher in other words I like to deal directly with the tax upon my completion of exegete in context that the best of my ability I go to my seat so on 1st Peter chapter number 4 two verses of Scripture verse 12 and 13 when you get there just holler at me say I got it if you're not there same wait up look at somebody else's Bible hmm know what the right of sentence he sent something extremely profound verse 12 and 13 the writer says would love it we could not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you but rejoice inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed you may be glad also with exceeding joy beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you but rejoice in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's suffering that when his glory shall be revealed that he may be glad also with exceeding joy beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you but touch the - say rejoice in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed till somebody else is going to be revealed he may be glad also with exceeding joy pastor Anderson if I could I want to try to extrapolate my thoughts from that 12-hour subscription up until the a clause of the 13th because I believe that it is inundated with great revelation note what the writer says again he says these words he says but love it think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you but then he transitions and thought he says but a rabbi however rejoice before you take your seat just look at somebody and smile that I'm smile I don't care if they're yours if you call them smile at somebody I don't care if they 32 22 or 12 I said smile at them and while you smile that I'm telling say me back I need you to know one thing this is my season to rejoice I just want to talk about for a few moments just tell somebody it's my season to rich yours y'all ain't that good like y'all excited about it I said touch your neighbor and tell'em say you may not realize it but it's my season to rejoice you may be seated in the presence of the Lord tonight it is my season to rejoice it is my season to rejoice understand you hear my dear brothers and my dear sisters all of you who are part of the household of faith indeed because of his death is burial and resurrection which in turn has made us all heirs and again join heirs it is without question imperative ly important that each and every one of us that's sitting in this sanctuary today really begin to understand recognize and realize the day the moment and the time in which you as an individual believer are living in it is very very important to love it brothers and sisters and as you sit in the sanctuary on this evening that you understand that the moment of time that you are about to enter into and or you might be in at this particular moment and at this particular time if you don't remember anything you should remember this absolute fact that you are living in a day at a time in which our enemy I adversary Satan is coming at us rougher now than he's ever come at us before the reason why he has unleashed this hellacious attack against us as individual believers it's because his mind said in his goal is to get you and I as believers to fold by any means necessary his mentality and his mindset in this particular season of your life is to get you as a believer to think and/or believe that that which you aren't dealing with at this particular point in time but there was no way possible that you're going to be able to rise above it he wants you to think and/or believe after circumstances that you find yourself in at this particular moment are going to be the things that utterly begin to take you out completely he wants you to think beloved brothers and sisters and don't believe that because you are facing some traumatic occurrences and are dealing with some difficult dilemmas that these things that are hitting you from the north the South the East in the West that they are going to be the things that utterly completely take you out and keep you from walking into the planned place of destiny for your life that God has designed that you are supposed to walk into and that's I begin to corner the knowledge of God as I begin to spend a little more time with God and even as I begin to look at this year in particular this coming up Sunday as it will be my 16th year as a pastor 26 years total pastor responsibilities from being a youth pastor to being a founder and a senior pastor I learned something pastor Anderson over the last 16 years I've learned that the reason why it looks like the enemy is winning in this attack plan the reason why it looks like the enemy is defeating us in his attack plan the reason why it looks like the enemy is causing us to succumb to his tricks schemes and his devices because when I learned is beloved brothers and sisters I've learned that the enemy knows the Bible better than we do it's quiet in this Presbyterian Church but I'm going somewhere see many would think ever believed that when the enemy wants to bring you to a place of devastation and destruction that the first thing that he does is that he hits you in your physical body but I've learned beloved brothers and sisters that's not where he begins many were thinking to believe but when the enemy wants to bring you to a place of devastation and demise that the first place that he'll hit you in is your financial stability but I've also learned that that's not where he begins either whenever the enemy family wants to bring you to a place of devastation dismay whenever the enemy wants to bring you to a place of destruction whenever the enemy wants to bring you to a position of depression he does not start by hitting you in your physical body by afflicting you with some sickness or disease he he does not start by messing with your financial stability he does not come and mess up your money but whenever the enemy wants to bring you to a place of devastation he attacks you first in your mind because he understands that the Bible is right he recognizes that as a man thinketh in his heart so is he so if I think that I'm the tail family I'll never be the head if I think that I'm below I'll never be above only if I think that I'm always going to be a bower I'll never be a lender in other words what I've learned is that in the season of our lives that the enemy's goal is to get us as individuals to think beneath our privilege and I've learned after a while after you thought beneath your privilege long enough after a while you'll begin to live beneath that privilege as well I wish I had some help up in here but what blesses me family and maybe you have not walked into this understanding as of yet but what what blesses me about this God that we serve what blesses me about Jehovah Jireh Niecy just a new Elyon Mecca dich what blesses me about the god of my salvation is how he specializes in taking the things that were supposed to set me back to set me up y'all gonna get it in a few minutes blesses me about the god of my salvation is that he uses the stuff that was supposed to break me down to build me up it's it's it's a blessing to me that all of the tricks and the schemes and the devices that the enemy uses to try to sabotage my life the god of my salvation will flip the switch on the enemy and let the enemy know yes you minutes were there bad but I'm about to turn this thing around and work it out for you good but what really is blessing me is the fact that even though he does this stuff he tells me that I should not be surprised that he's doing it how can you say that because the Bible makes it in fact clear that the steps of a good man that they're ordered by the Lord in other words the stuff that I face in life it's not by happenstance it's it's not a mistake it's not because God is not paying attention it's not because stuff just happened because God was looking the other way God knew what was going to happen in my life all the time because he did not just let it happen he ordered it I can't get no help in here the blessing about that word order this array is an amazing word and the original Hebrew asks the Conscription because that word order in the original Hebrew aspect of scripture it means to be cut it means to be shaping it means to be erect it catch this it means to be put together it means to be separated but then put back and stitched back together again and in order for you to understand that principle you must know something about having a dress or a suit made now now I don't know if you've ever had a dress made I don't know if you have had a suit made before I don't know if you've had a dress made I don't know if you have a suit made before but one thing I've learned family Aleksey checks it's the check this out one thing one thing I've learned is is that if it is a good tailor if it's a good tailor if it's a good seamstress if they are a good tailor if they are a good seamstress if they are a good tailor if they are a good seamstress before they begin to cut the material before before they begin to construct the garment a good tailor and a good seamstress the first thing that they're going to do is is they're going to measure all of your bodily dimensions and the reason why they're going to measure all of your bodily dimensions is because they want to make sure and to ensure that once the garment is constructed and once you put the garment on that the garment hangs on you a certain kind of way so that it will act sense your body so that when the unveiling takes place or when you come out and when you put it on it looks on you a certain kind of way so that when people look at you you look better and not bitter I'm gonna make it perfectly in a few minutes so what they do is for lovers brothers and sisters they'll measure all of your bodily dimensions they'll measure you from your neck to your shoulder your shoulder to your elbow your elbow to your wrist they'll they'll measure your inseam and your out scene then they'll measure your waist area your midsection they'll measure your breast area they'll measure you from the top of your neck to the top of your buttocks from the top of your put ox to the heel on the floor my bishop Marvin I'll be measuring all of these bodily dimensions it's very clear that the reason why they're measuring all of the bodily dimensions is because they want to ensure that once they can strut the Karman once the garment has been completed and once there is an unveiling once you put it on that the garment will hang on you a certain kind of way so that when you step out there so strut in your walk because you know that you look good catch this and when they see you it's gonna make you look better and not better and some of y'all are looking at me and you're saying what does that have to do with anything well so it is in the natural and so it is in the spiritual you need to understand that before your dilemma your trouble your tire your test before it came to your house it literally went by the custom design room of God and what God decided to do is is he decided to tailor your situation to fit your personality or your to meet him simply put family I don't care what it is that you're going through you're not gonna lose your mind over it you not gonna give up because of it you've not gonna throw in the towel as a matter of fact this garment that God has allowed you to put on you're gonna wear it until you wear it out you're not gonna lose your mind and you not gonna be bitter because of it but you're gonna be better because of it and I'm not talking to everybody but I know I'm talking to somebody that's been wondering why in the world am I going through the hell that I'm going through and God simply by here to tell you that the only reason why it's in your life is because once you come out on the other side you gonna be better oh god I can't get no help in this house as a matter of fact why don't you practice with somebody right now because the next time somebody asks you what's going on in your life don't you tell them all of your personal business from this day forward at the end of the year where they ask you what's going on just look at in a safe manner the next time they ask you about your finances don't you tell them about every pill you got to pay just look at them and say one word then the next time they ask you about you and your boot it ain't none of a business what you and your boob is doing just look at them and say one word better as a matter of fact why don't you practice right now call the three people that just say better better my life is getting better my finances are getting better my outlook is getting better my intake is getting better [Music] we all sit down sit down so now now that you understand that you are not in this by happenstance now that you understand that your steps have been ordered and now that you understand that God did not allow this situation to enter into your life to make you bitter but he allowed it to come into your life to make you better now you also must understand that God has an expectation of you he has an expectancy of you beloved brothers and sisters what is the expectancy Bishop Marvin he says that he does not mind family that you have an emotional moment because of the situation that you find yourself in he says the problem that I have with you is not that you are emotional the problem that I have with you is how you channel your emotions in other words he's saying the next time somebody that's something that is challenging comes into your life he says I want you to flip out I don't want you to fall out I don't want you to act out I don't want you to cut somebody out he says the next time something happens in your life that's crazy I need you to look at the text and do exactly what the text says and that is open up your mouth and rejoice prove it to me this is my finger well look at the text real quick look at the text look at what the text says the text says something extremely profound not what he says nobody says nobody says nobody says he says these words watch what he says he says beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you in other words he's saying don't be surprised if you should find yourself in a difficult situation as if difficult situation should be something strange to you he said don't be shocked if you should find yourself in a troublesome place as if trouble some places should be something strange to you he said don't think it's strange if you should find yourself in a difficult dilemma as if difficult delivers should be something strange to you now some of y'all looking at me strange so let me let me down your street he said don't think it strange if you should find yourself being lied on as if being lied on should be something strange to you don't think it's strange if you should find yourself being stabbed in the back and something snapped and the bat should be something strange to you don't think it strength is you trusted somebody and told them some of your intricate - if you will intimate business and they decided to go out and tell everybody and they mama Hill intricate in intimate business as if that should be something strange to you why because he never promised us that we was gonna happen like that was gonna be happy-go-lucky he never promised us that every time we came in the church we was just going dance dance dance all night as a matter of fact he told us something quite the contrary he said if you look calmly in Christ Jesus you gonna suffer persecution he said many are the afflictions of the righteous but I deliver out of them all he said man that is born of a woman your days are few but they're filled with trouble he said because they hated on me they gonna hate on you too so why in the world are you trying to be liked by your haters why are you trying to fit in with agitators you just need to get excited because if you interact with Jesus you ain't good company anyway so he says these words he says think it not strange he says think about strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happen to you but he he makes it perfectly clear that we shouldn't be shocked or surprised but then he takes us for this particular bird it's two words in our Bible but it's only one word in the Greek he says these words they did not strange concerning the fiery trial the word fiery trial is an amazing word it's an amazing word in the Greek aspect of Scripture that that word fiery trial in the Greek is a Greek word / OSIS not not / osis family catch this it means a burning or a refining him now I don't want to for you to understand the direction of which I'm going in on tonight I must give you a brief condensed but concise biblical historical overview up the text so that you won't think I'm just up here just spitting stuff off the top of my head because you need to understand brothers and sisters that Simon Peter he was writing to the elect's canonization by the book Jews and Gentiles of that region to encourage them upon the plaque that they were facing in that dispensational age you need to understand family but these individuals they were literally being burned at the stake for their belief in Jesus Christ so when he says you think it not strange concerning the fiery trial he's not talking about hypothetical fire but he's talking about individuals men women boys and girls that were being snatched from their homes and burned at the stake because they believed in the dead buried and resurrected Jesus Christ so when he says you think it not strange concerning the fiery trial he's dealing with individuals who are being executed and martyred because of their belief in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so I'm in my room today and I'm praying for a little while before I got here and I had a conversation with God I said God he said yes Marvin I said I can't go to the Grove tonight I can't go to the Grove and tell them that they're going to be killed because of their belief in you I said come on if I go to lily Grove tonight and tell them they're going to be killed because of their belief in you it just may be my last time ever coming the lily Grove again so God can you tell me what you want me to tell the people of God tonight because I can't not tell them they're going to be killed because of their belief in you he said something that blew my mind beloved can I tell you what he told me he said mob and you didn't tapped into something I said what did not happen to be simple Marvin I need you to make it anatomically clear and let the saints of God know a little globe that they're not going to be killed because of their belief with me I said okay gone that sounds good he says make sure you let them know emphatically Marvin they're not going to be killed because of their belief in me I said okay God I got he said no son I need you to ride this a little bit and I need you to make it and phonic Lee and perfectly clear that they're not going to be killed because of their belief in me can you explain God to me why they're not to be killed because of their belief in you he said because I want them to understand that no matter what they're going through at this point in time in their life that survival is in their future and I may not be talking to everybody but I'm talking to somebody tonight that was about to throw in the towel I'm talking to somebody that was about to give up I'm talking to somebody that was about to say I'll forget it God told me to tell you the night don't slept what the enemy is trying to bring you away because he's up to something in your life and you may not understand it but if you stand firm you gonna come out on top and rise higher why because no weapon that is formed against you it's going to prosper he said Marvin explained to them explain to the Megane emphatic Leclaire son that they're not going to be killed and I said God why he said because survival is in their future he said I said well live in is survivable in their future he said the reason why survival is in their future is because this fiery trial is not in their life to kill them but it's in their life to process them and I don't know about y'all but if you know anything about the God of your salvation the God of your salvation always functions in process but even though he functions in process we struggle with the whole concept and aspect the process because we live in a microwave age and because we live in a microwave age we want God to do stuff quick fast and in a hurry but God said no I can't do it quick faster than a hurry because if I do it quick fast and in a hurry you won't appreciate what I'm about to do in your life so I got to take you through process in order for you to understand what I'm about to do and be thankful when it comes to pass I wish I had a witness in this house so he says I gotta take him through process I said process he said yes Marvin I gotta take them through processes so I'm always inquisitive so I began to talk to God I said God he's hit yes Marvin I said you're taking them through process he said yes I'm taking them through process well I said well what is the process called he blew my mind he told me that the process was called peruses i said well god / OSes it simply means a burning or a refining he said yes I said but God you already told me to tell them that you not don't kill him he said I'm not gonna kill him I saw a god can you explain to me what you're doing he said Marvin I've already explained I'm telling you and I'm taking them through a process I said not what then is the process calm he said Marvin the process is called therosis I said well / osis it means a burning or every finding he said yes I said because you already told me to tell him you're not going to kill him he said I'm not going to kill him I said can you tell me at least what you're doing so I can tell the saints of God and then the Grove he said he said Marvin just tell them that I'm taking them through a process I said what then is the process called he said the process is called process I said what / OSIS it means a burning or every finding he said yes I saw of God maybe I'm asking you the wrong question he said son you are asking me the wrong questions I said well let's backtrack for a little bit and let's start this conversation over again I said God what are you doing he said tell them some that I'm taking them through a process I said that is the process called he said the process is called neurosis I said what prosess means a burning or refining he said yes the question I need to ask now I need to know what is the purpose of the process because one thing I learned about God is that God never does anything without there being a purpose attached to it can I tell you what he told me Deacon he blew my mind he said the purpose of the process is ferocious so now I'm really confused because now I'm confused because I need to understand why the process and the purpose is the same thing can I tell you what he told me family he said Marvin the reason why the process and the purpose is the same thing is because the purpose of the process is to position for the promise y'all get it before the night is over with so I begin to ask God I said God can you explain it to me a little bit deeper he said Marvin what am i doing I said God you're taking them through a process he says what is the syscall I said the process is called prosess and it means a burning or a Friday I said what's the purpose of the process Marvin I said the purpose of the process God is corrosive it means a burning are refining I said but God you told me to tell him you're not gonna kill him he said I'm not gonna kill them I said but can you explain to me what you are doing so that we can get up out of here and I could sing this song so we can go home he said Marvin you need to explain to them that when I'm taking them through this fiery trial then I'm not trying to kill him but what I am doing is is I'm turning up the heat in their life so that I can burn off everything that's not like me see suddenly y'all have been complaining because the heat has been hot but what God is saying is is I have to turn the heat up in your life because there's some aspects of your life that's disqualifying you from going to your next level so I got to turn the heat up in your life so that I can eradicate those inward things that are problem in those attachments that are problem so that when I take you to your next level you won't act like you got it because of your scholastic achievements you you'll act like you got it because of your family name you got it because of who you slept with but you tell everybody mom if it had not been for the Lord who was on my side and I wonder is there anybody in here tonight that can testify that it was not a Negro that did it but it was God who did it just look at somebody and touch him real fast almost for the last time I tell him say God did it so he begins to blow my mind beloved brothers and sisters he he literally begins to blow my mind because he tells me that he's taking me through this fiery trial because there's some aspects that are internal that he has to deal with but some aspects that are external that I attach to us that he gots to deal with - he says yes even though I want to take you higher even though I want to take you to a brand new plateau even though I want to walk you into your Zenith he said there's still some aspects of you that are disqualifying you from going to your next level so what I got to do now is I have to turn the heat up in your life so that I can get rid of some of the stuff that's keeping you from being your best you gotta turn the heat up in your life because there are some aspects of you that are hindering you from being everything that I called for you to be and not only are they hindering you from being everything that I called for you to be but I'm holding back some blessings I want to release into your hand but I can't release them because there's some stuff in you that's in the way I can't get no help up in here understand what God is doing beloved brothers and sisters let me pause here because the problem with the 21st century church problem at the 21st century church and a problem with the 21st century Church and can I can I tell you what my problem is with the 21st century church the 21st century church is that we focus catch this on the sensual sins but we never deal with the social y'all y'all looking at me strange I'm gonna say it one more time my problem with the 21st century church is that we focus on sensual sins but we never deal with the social ones we we talk about homosexuality which it is a sin we talk about lesbianism which it is a sin we we talk about adultery which it is a sin we we talk about fornication which it is a sin but what blows my mind is is that we never go to Colossians chapter 3 verses 1 through 10 we're not only talks about sensual sins but it talks about social gossiping and backbiting and backstabbing y'all look at that Miss strange and God is saying that the reason why I'm turning up the heat in your life because you learned how to assimilate into the culture of the church you know how to shout you know how to dance you know how to lift your hands you know in the quicken when it's necessary you know how to rock when the song feels good he said but my problem with you is that you don't know how to keep your mouth shut my problem with you is is that you are a gossiper my problem with you is that you I mean as a junkyard dog you got the audacity to walk up in here acting like you save and you sitting next to me and you've been sitting next to me all night and you ain't saying nothing to me how in the world can you tell me you love dog who you have not seen and you can't even touch your neighbor when the preacher say touch your neighbor I wish I could preach like i feel like preaching so he says i have to turn the heat up in your life he says the reason why i got to turn the heat up in your life because i got to deal with that that evilness i got to deal with those cantankerous ways to deal with that mentality yes yes yes yes we're throwing the homosexual out we throw in the lesbian out but we need to throw out mother that don't know how to keep a mouth too we need to throw out the sister too got the head on but she causes more hell in the church then a little bit somebody has to deal with the social sins as well [Applause] can i preach like i feel like preaching so then he says the reason why i'm turning up the heat in your life is cause i got to deal with some of those social things i'm tired of you always talking if you will about the speck in somebody else's eye when you got a whole plank up in your eye he says you got to deal with some internal stuff I need you to look at yourself in retrospect I need you to examine yourself I need you to be like David and say purge me with hyssop wash me and I shall be made clean in other words I don't have time to be looking down my nose at nobody because the reality is is that the only reason why I'm different from you is because you weren't as slick as I was and you got caught and I didn't I can't get no help here touch somebody and tell them say we all filthy rags up in here all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God so then the first thing that he does is he says the reason why I'm turning up the heat in your life is because I got to deal with some internal stuff but but then also I don't only have to deal with some internal he says but I got to turn the heat up in your life as well because I have to deal with some attachments god help me in this building he says I've got to deal with some attachments because many times it's not that we do the sin but the reality is is that we live vicariously through somebody else y'all looking at me strange let me pause and let me let me make it emphatically clear there are some sins that we enjoy too much to let go of y'all they gonna talk to me I'm gonna say anyway there's some sins that I don't know you know I used to hear people say some of the stupidest stuff in the world they used to say stuff like you know I'm so glad I left the world because there wasn't a doggone thing out there in that world for me well maybe y'all wasn't going to the right part of the world that's a that's the problem because when I was out there I was having a ball I can't get no help I wish I had some real up in here yeah you might not miss my side of the world your world might have been boring but my world it was the real turn-up it was lit in my world so what he says here is he says mom and I got to deal with some of the attachments because that's the place that I'm trying to bring you into there's a place that I'm trying to take you to but I can't get you there because there's some things that are attached to your life that you enjoy too much to let go so what I'm doing is I'm turning up the heat in your life so the stuff that you would not let go of it'll let go of you y'all gonna get it in a few minutes let me make it perfectly clear you knew you had that friend that's always real tight y'all was tight I mean y'all was running yeah I was hanging together y'all was cool y'all as thick as thieves and then all of a sudden one day catch this one day y'all fell out over something trivial y'all and had all these big major blow ups and got back together again but one day y'all had a trivial argument and that one should be an argument cause y'all never to speak to one another again see you thought that it was over the argument but God sent me by here to tell you that there was an expiration date on that relationship and he said to me to tell you that the reason why he had to cut it off then because there was a space and a place that I was trying to bring you into and you would have tried to bring them along with you and you would have missed out on everything that God had for you aren't you glad that God cut you off from some Negroes in your life so now you can go to your next level and be blessed I've learned something to love it I've learned that every relationship has an expiration they prove it to the bishop Marvin pastor Anderson already told y'all he told you all a few moments ago then I'm a widower I'm a widower nine nine years ago I laid a woman to rest then I met in the third grade with the elementary school middle school double dated for the senior prom she went off to college I stayed home I went to a local college and she came back and I knew I needed a wife I needed a wife but no didn't need a wife because I was burning I can't get no help I needed a wife because I wanted somebody to partner with me in ministry I had dreams that had visions and I I knew that I needed somebody that was standing with me 18 years 18 years we built amazing things together did great things together as a husband and wife and then all of a sudden God decided that he wanted to take her from this life to life eternal I'll never forget it being at a homegoing service huh I was not just her husband but I was also her pastor having the responsibility if you will of covering her for the last time having having the responsibility of closing the casket for the last time knowing that the love of my life I was never going to see her in a physical frame anymore and I closed the casket family and I I walked back to my seat I grabbed my children they were 10 13 and 16 and I just begin to hold my babies with tears rolling down my face and then all of a sudden for some strange reason God decided to have a conversation with me while I was holding my children and the conversation was so very strange at first I didn't even know it was him he he asked me a very very strange question stay I hope you're praying with me he asked me a question he said Marvin he said son what did you learn from this I begin to look at God and I I didn't think it was him I thought I thought it was the enemy trying to talk to me so I begin to cast down imaginations and everything that exalteth a so he said no son no no this is me talking to you he said Marvin what did you learn from this I began to sit there even quietly and just begin to hold my babies as tears begin the road down my face it did he said it one more time he said son you know it's me he said what did you learn from this and I hollered out real loud at the funeral what should I have learned from this dog and he said Marvin if you didn't learn anything you should have learned this one absolute fact he said you should have learned that every relationship outside of your relationship with me is seasonal okay y'all go get it in a few minutes and seasons change and see some of y'all think that you're supposed to bring people into every season of your life but God sent me back here to tell you that he's about to shift some things in your life because there's a place that he's trying to bring you into everybody in qualified to go into and if he removes them from your life don't you stress out don't you fall out but make up in your mind in everything I'm gonna give God thanks for this is his will concerning me can I preach like i feel like preaching for a few minutes so then beloved brothers and sisters the mind my mind began to be blown even that much the more because what God begins to realize well God begins to reveal to me is that even in the midst of difficult circumstances I begin to realize that God is always up to something I begin to realize that even though things may not go the way that I plan for them to go that God absolutely has a plan for my life and what I've learned even most importantly beloved that that things may be painful they may be challenging they may be difficult and a lot of times when things are paying for a lot of times when things are challenging a lot of times when things are difficult the reason why God puts us in isolation is because he wants us learn how to totally and completely depend upon him because the reason why some of us are struggling in the season of our lives is because we're trying to get people to stand with us that don't have the power to deliver us and then we wonder why our lives are stressed out and wondering why things are not going the way that we plan for them to go but God sent me by here just to encourage somebody tonight to let you know that he is up to something and he's been watching you all this time and even though you may not understand it right now even though you may not realize it right now he's been preparing you for the greatest season of your life so I stopped by here for a few minutes just to encourage you tonight to let you know that no matter what happens in your life you've got to make up in your mind that I'm not going to allow that which is happening in my life to cause me to give up I'm not going to allow that which is happening in my life to cause me to throw in the towel I'm not going to allow that which is happening in my life that caused me to walk out on the dog because I realized that the only reason why the enemy's tripping in this season in my life is because somehow someway he didn't peaked into my future and he sees what thoughts about to bring me into and he's trying to get me to give up before I walk into the promise place of my life but he should have got me before I got here tonight because I gotta feel it right now it's gonna be all right is anybody here under the sound of my voice this evening that knows that everything is gonna be all right look at your neighbor real and tell them say neighbor one thing I understand is if that everything is gonna be all right can I close we love it because the Bible begins to blow our minds because as I began to look at the text he begins to declare and decree in description that I'm going to go through a painful situation that it may be hurtful and it may be challenging and difficult but he still says I want you to act a certain kind of way look at your neighbor real fast and some of y'all still looking at me I said touch your neighbor and sing them God expects you to act a certain kind of way how does he expect me but next time trouble hits your life but next time circumstances arise the next time a pain hits your body he says I don't want you to act out he says I don't want you to fall out I don't want you to trip out but what I want you to do is is I want you to open up your mouth and I need you to rejoice look at your neighbor real fast and chill them saying no matter what you're going through make up in your mind anybody here under the sound of my voice the line that made up in your mind I'm gonna get him the Gloria sink or swim I'm gonna give him the praise difficulty or joy I'm gonna tell him I thank him from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same my God is why they is there anybody I gotta let go I said I gotta let you go Thank You TK but allowed me to stand here not tonight for a little while but if I was in a Baptist Church about this church like I grew up in I would probably ask y'all a question and the Christian would simply be this all right all right won't he make away for the open doors have you tried I said have you tried [Applause] he was in the me all right I tried the Lord he's all right with me [Laughter] [Music] I own it that's why I praise that's why [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh [Music] see no matter what happens in your life you ought to make up in your mind that I'm not going to allow anything to hinder me from giving God glory my bad my bad my bad wait my bad I'm sorry I told you that the title of the message was this is show season to rejoice but I never told you it was going to be a good season see some of us think we ought to just give God praise when it's a good season but God said I wonder Kenya pays me in a painful place I know how to place me on the mountain but can't you praise the tablet I I learned some things in the 52 years I've been alive I've learned that life ain't always fair [Music] but even when life isn't fair I have to trust in the sovereignty of God because a whole lot of time stuff God does this doesn't make sense and we think that when we find ourselves in a challenging position that we're going to utterly lose everything and every aspect of who we are and we want to quit and give up [Music] but then you look back and what God has blessed you with [Music] and you begin to understand that he was up to something all the time so somebody gonna ask you one day because they know your business they gonna ask you how did you come through what you came to and you gonna look at and say [Music] never gonna make it without you I would have lost it all but now I see how you were there for me I can say my mind but now I can see for me and now I am so yeah I can see that you have a signature that's it Oh liberated city with me come on but now I let me City come on I am stronger time she had dragons disappointment education my brothers and sisters please please don't start walking out of here Rush's please close the door don't let these people just walk out of here like that we in the Lord's house and we're in reviving this is not a club this is not a beer joint this is the house of God and the Spirit of the Lord is in this place and the Lord wants us to sterilize this room because somebody needs to be born somebody here tonight is lost and you don't know Jesus Christ in the pardon of your sins the gospel has been preached tonight the Word of God has been declared your power and conviction that if you're here tonight and you don't know Jesus Christ in the partner for your sins you're lost and on your way to hell and then if you're already saved you're already a Christian but you don't belong to a church you don't have a pastor you don't have brothers and sisters in Christ tonight could be your night don't wait until Sunday morning that could be everlasting too late all you have is right now the next 15 minutes is not promised to you this could be the last trick service you will ever attend the last sermon you will ever hear and the Bible says how shall you escape if you neglect so great a salvation if being in church is right then being out of church must be wrong the scripture says again there's a way that seems right but the end thereof a ways of death and nobody knows but you if you are in a right relationship with God because you could be at church and not in church you need to get that straight tonight because you might not get a chance of another day not - come on right now my old pastor used to say while the blood is running warm in your vein do it right now [Music] official that's right come on with the Lord Jesus he loves you and he wants you to be saved somebody else is here tonight I know it's a long walk from back there but he walked all the way up to counter his cross to give his life as a ransom for your sins do it tonight why don't you ask the person next to you is he talking to you because if he's talking to you I can't walk for you but I walk with you and come down the aisle and give the Lord your life because God lost the Savior He wills that none should perish but that all should come to eternal life I mentioned it to us the other week that to go to hell you got to knock Jesus out of the way you have to knock Jesus down to go to hell because he stands at the gate he stands at the entrance and says behold i stand and knock the day you hear my voice harden not your heart but open the door and I will come in and sup with you I and my father would come in and hold fellowship with you don't put it off on another day don't wait another moment run come on right now unless your dear please God for you that's right somebody else is been thinking about it has been on your mind for a number of weeks you ought to do it right now that's it don't worry about these people looking at you and being your way just cross over step over them and come on down right now give God your life hallelujah for the land [Music] as it we wait for you come on away tonight is a good night to turn your life over to Jesus Christ he can do more fall with it than you can he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can even ask off him god bless you [Music] but mystery man I see you coming that's it we got time to wait on you the Lord is speaking to you that's right god bless you do it now [Applause] [Music] what can wash your feet what what submit the whole again [Music] all pressures [Music] [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 70,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 70min 21sec (4221 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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