Fall Revival 2019 Dr. Ralph Douglas West

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[Music] [Music] Jesus Skinner's ready for that Oh general ready for that [Applause] [Music] right with forty the sinners will be run [Applause] [Music] you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the presence of the mold go sit the way through [Music] Joyce God let us see another day I'm excited tonight the treasure pastor Ralph pregnancy whips and laughing come on give us music music judge without walls will you bring your quad this way read oh you oh okay rather than us receive our offer brother Nelson is a pastor here just from that direction I don't want to get fired and only lay it off around here do what I'm told to do before I have to get my little parking spot taking on now you have a good offering in your hand I know you do you have a good offering in your hand you need to come here with Ryan children's wooden off put a diamond often grow old rusted people like us don't $4 and often you bring some real money with us because God is worthy of what we are going to give tonight the only reason you have something to give in the fridge Springs is God has provided this power to bring which is God our Father we thank you now for this privilege this opportunity which is ours move the kingdom forward through our financial contributions pleasantly faithful Tyler that his or her needs would be met according to your riches in to Christ Jesus bless every hand that will get me the offering no responsibilities are meant because we have chosen to trust your homes in Jesus name Amen if you didn't bring any money with you and you text to give you can take your phone now [Music] [Music] [Applause] troubles and trials seem to block my way and at times I find is so difficult to break but there is one thing show me cause you brought me thank God all the way me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] great opportunity to give we ask that you bless this offering multiplied for the furtherance of your kingdom we ask in Jesus Christ's name Amen check without walls quiet and you've come from all the way from Conroe Luke Texas tonight would you come right now and render music tonight we are so glad to have you here god bless you for getting up early this morning and make your way all the way to this side of town amen amen give us some church without walls music coming up to the choir stand that's it that's it that's it right there that's it that's it yeah pretty Simon up musically in New Orleans when they only on Bourbon Street I like that too [Music] that's it that's it that's it [Laughter] everybody ain't Christian in here tonight y'all so glad to have the members of trick without walls if you are in the congregation would you stand and remain acknowledge your presence we want you to know how glad we are that you are here as well thank you so so much for coming to grace us with your presence I saw mrs. West - yes thank you so much Mr Reeder West we are delighted to have you here dear god bless you can have my balls back that I took some gumbo from the house and didn't bring we're gonna talk about that after church all right it's gonna take about an hour and a half for them to come on up here but be ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] while they are coming I want again he does not need any introduction everybody across this country knows who dr. Ralph Douglas West is but I just want to say that he and I are past friendship now we are brothers we used to we used to 18 years old Chris met pastor west on the campus of Bishop college when we were 18 years old and we've been knowing each other now almost 42 years and the Lord has blessed his ministry in such an extraordinary way that I am proud to call him my friend and my brother my ministry just started and his ministry has been nothing short of meteoric god has blessed him tremendously he's known across the length and breadth of this nation and in other parts of the world as one of the Lord's most profound expose Ettore preaches the truth without walls campus is unrivaled not only in this city but across this country and it doesn't take anything away from me to celebrate him and I want to celebrate him tonight what God is doing in his praise the Lord for that I feel all the time to the members of our church it doesn't make sense for you to be envious or jealous because your envy and your jealousy is not gonna stop God for blessing it doesn't make sense to be envious of somebody with a car and you walk in you don't make sense to be mad with somebody who's smart and studied and you didn't study and y'all both taking the test they don't make sense for both of y'all to fail to test no sit with somebody who got good sense and both of you can pass the class that's what around fielder we were at Bishop he didn't go to class I just took all the tests I'm grateful for him and for his friendship let's receive now the trade without [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today [Applause] today will be [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here's our [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] brother pastor Terry Keith Anderson to the little Grove family all the pastor's that are gathered here tonight in the pulpit and those up front of me retired past emeritus Williams [Music] and to all of God's people that's good to be hidden man I told the choir and the ushers and the greeters and dances I said this is revival this is not pastor Anderson's anniversary but they said we want to be there to celebrate with past and this one admitted would give a season of you guys so we're glad to be would you stand with me for the reading of God's Word if you put your life in God's hand your failures will not be final in Jeremiah chapter 18 the text is tailored to give us an insight about then turned on the wheel and fixed in the fire the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah from the Lord go down to the potter's house and there I would give you my message so I went down to the potter's house I saw him working at the wheel the pot he was working on that the pot that he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hand so the Potter formed it into another pot shaping it as seemed best to him then the word of the Lord came to me said can I not do with you lily Grove [Applause] as this Potter does declares the Lord like the clay in the hand of a Potter so are you in my hand church without walls this is the Word of God you may be seated turned on the wheel fixed in the fire the treat are now in London a couple of months ago in on Regent Street adjacent to Oxford and Piccadilly Circus is a mall named after the most famous Potter in the world Josiah black Wedgwood an eighteenth-century Potter the son of a Potter and apprentice in his father's Potter's shop the during the epidemic of fever he lost one of his legs and still learned how to turn the wheel with the other leg his touch and toned to the texture of pottery has never been imitated duplicated he stands alone as the greatest Potter that has ever lived there's something inherent in the truth about that that gives insight to Jeremiah chapter 18 as I was walking past Wedgwood Mall I thought in my Lord lesser in light of way of a higher heavier holier walked that another prophet took he intentionally to a potter's house and in it he saw Potter at work at the wheel shaping and fashioning a piece of clay and then I thought the very words that came to the young prophet the word came to Jeremiah and said go to the potter's house and I will show you my word and then he showed him the word you noticed that the craftsmanship of pottery doesn't change from clay space or time with all that the technological changes pottery is the one thing that still stays steady wherever you go in the world I've seen Potter's at the wheel working at clay in Mexico and I've seen Potter's at the wheel working in Jerusalem and Hebron across from the grave of Abraham and Sarah and the same thing that the Potter did in Mexico was the same thing that the Potter did in the Holy Land I've seen Potter's work at the wheel in Egypt and in Africa and South America and the same technique that they use in South America and Africa is the same technique that is used in the Holy Land and the same technique that was used in the day of Jeremiah and God said go down to the potter's house and I will show you my word and if you put your life in the hands of the Potter your failures will not be final look with me now for just a few minutes at the different angles that take place in Jeremiah 18 that might help us on our journey with God and how God is working on you and working on me to bring us to a place of maturity it begins by giving us simple insight of how God makes a life there are some obvious scenes inside the POTUS Hut that you can't avoid one is that there is a party and this is an allegory not a parable it's a allegory so the Potter stands for God and the clay for Humanity and the will life circumstances and so in as you see the Potter and the Potter represents God and God is like the human Potter only in one way that the human Potter like God has the right to touch and shape the clay whenever way up in how heavy that does desires to do it Chuck Colson made the comi at once that the number one battleground of the mind of men and women is the fight over creation for if we believe that God created us then we know that God has the right as creator to touch and shape us whenever way ever and however he chooses but the human Potter is different than the divine Potter in other ways for the human Potter unlike the divine Potter has flaws in their technique there's something limp in that dexterity there's always something of a symmetry that needs to be needed but so it lacks perfection and completion so the human part is different in that aspect than the divine bottom for what the divine Potter touches the divine Potter perfects the human Potter is different than the divine Potter in another sense and that is that the human Potter can only work on one vessel at a time where in the divine product and work on billions of Dessel at the same time and tonight you and I we rejoice in that because we want to believe while God is working over there God can also be working in here but there's another observation about the human Potter unlike the divine Potter and that is the human Potter didn't meet the clay that is working with it is already there and so the human Potter has to work with what's available unlike God God creates and then God can touch and God can sheath and God can fix and God confession what he works on would you take a step now maybe to the left to see a clearer vision that there is a Potter but there's also a wheel and the wheel turns round and round and the wheel is the wheel of circumstances but on top of that wheel is a mound of pliable clay so there's a Potter but there's also clay and the clay is just like you and me in one sense if we believe that God created us that we know that we were created for one reason and that is for us to yield to the touch of the product but we are unlikely in another way clay never jumped off the wheel under the pressure and the tension of the Potter and you and I have tendencies to get off the wheel when God is working on us because of the pressure he applies to us and the night this would be a good night for us to reaffirm our faith to say that regardless of how much pressure God applies to my life he is working on me to bring the best out of me and because he is I'm going to stay on the wheel of circumstance he's working on us and he works with us and works about us so that we can yield ourselves under God in Vienna probably in Western Europe the most popular address is number 19 vegara Street it's the place some of you know that was the office to the fame atheistic psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud fraud Annette Bloomfield with brocade furniture Santa is waiting patients when he would arrive to them if they could react themselves of neuroses they could become fully human beings and the number one roses that they needed to get rid of was the red note neurosis of the projection of God as father that if you could get rid of this ridiculous juvenile notion that God is out there up there as creator and father then you were no longer be in the neurological problem problem are the neuroses that you experience I was then I stood then I thought of just one thing I said the furniture is here but fraud is gone I thought about that I said he stood here he counts of people he worked on people but fraud is no more but Jesus Christ who was here then yesterday today forever more shall stand forever and it's the picture of us that God has created us for one reason and that is we would yield ourselves like clay to the hand of a father but unlike clay in another way we don't slap the hand of God back while he's working on us do we not to the extent that we've nailed it to the cross no no individual did that that was a collective sinful consciousness of humanity and so tonight we're reminded that there is a pot earth as a clay but wait there's one other thing there's the wheel of circumstance circumstances that turn us around I mean that's what circumstances are they they began to shape our life and many of us blame sometimes our circumstances we see the circumstances of the wheel of life it is what took place in a monologue delivered once by been a rabbi Ben Ezra who called the Wheel of Life the plastic dance of circumstance that is it takes place circumstances can melt under pressure and as how you respond to your circumstances you remember the conversation that took place between the Rosebud and the flip pad when the footpad saw the rosebud he was astounded by what he would always see he saw the rosebud and simply asked what's the difference people step on you you get sweeter they step on me they get harder the rosebud said well the same Sun that melts to wax hardens the clay it's what you're made out of and how you respond to the pressures of life some people get stepped on they get sweeter other people get stepped on they get bitter what's in you will come out of you when your light is in a squeeze you don't have to worry about that let life squeeze you and what's really in you will come out of you on the way in church tonight tea are made the comment that the man who sits in the White House he's been cussing a lot lately being vulgar more than he normally is and I thought about it when I heard it I said because he's in a squeeze and was in you just coming out of some of us complain others of us praise the squeeze is on death circumstances of life and I'm amazed at the people that you will meet that if you are Christian they will assume that you don't know anything about circumstances I've heard people come to me and that's what they say to me pastor you don't know that's that way of saying that I don't live in the world that I float around that that I'm not a real human being yeah I've never wept I've never cried I've never bared a loved one I never lost it that's that that's that well says that you just don't know but I don't know anybody that's worth listening to talking to that haven't been through something it is said that Amadeus Mozart may have be hands-down the greatest musician and composer that ever lived that is not my field of discipline but musicologists have said that he was ranked at the very top he grew up in a home that it exploded explosive explorative dad that manipulated his talents is dead Leopold and after he was old enough he left and he went to Vienna but when he got they couldn't get a job six years without work just living from hand to mouth hand the mouth moving 13 times in 11 years and the mouth but what was interesting during that and moving about no matter he never stopped writing music no job but it kept writing music nowhere to live but he kept writing music under pressure but kept writing music I don't know what God has called you to do but whatever it is keep on doing it while you're on the wheel of circumstance God makes you but can I just step now across the room of the Potter because I've seen what the potter is working with how the Potter makes life but can I spend just two or three minutes talking about how life is marred on the wheel God makes life but what Mars life are the very things that we see in the potter's house is the circumstances is the wheel turning sometimes circumstances have you up and sometimes they have you down sometimes they're filled with ecstasy and joy other times they're filled with doubt and depression and defeat their other times what life is so exciting and exhilarating the other times that you have to pull yourself up just to stand up these are the circumstances that Mar life that life is marred by them so then you have to ask if life is marred who do you blame well on one hand people always blame the Potter I'm in the condition I'm in because of the Potter that's that way of saying there's something deep inside of them that spews out of them where they're always pointing that little finger in the face of God that I'm in the situation I'm in because of God some years ago we were over in Hawaii and we were looking at Kilauea I don't know why people go up to the officer vitória to go look at it I guess just to say they went up and saw Kilauea and I asked the people I knew the answer but I was looking for fire to be spewing out of the cavity and all that work were just palms our smokes emblems that there was something burning but neat in the bowels of the earth they said always very much active in a lie but I wanted to see fire spewing out I wanted to catch some of those pictures where the fire was burning out and the dose on said just because you don't see it spewing out doesn't mean that it's not on fire that there are people who are mad with God they'll sit in church and look calm but you every now and then you'll see a promise smoke come out in that complaints about life just waiting to your up because they believe everything that has happened at them as a result of God has done something negative to them if you are here tonight and those of you that are listening at home and that all around the place let me tell you something if you woke up this morning then God gave you a gift from every good gift comes from God which does about if you can stand up all of it gives a gift that God has given to us I really am about through now you get the idea don't you so we blame the power but other times we blame the wheel yes the circumstances born on the wrong side of the track didn't get the right amount of education didn't get exposed to culture social differences and discrepancies and so it's easy to start blaming life that the blame the circumstances look like and yet today we stop complaining but we have to remember you can't just blame everything on the environment around us wait circumstances I was born in Houston not in New York not in Chicago not in London not in Paris I didn't select my mom and Daddy God gave me what I had now I got a way to respond to that I could be mad that God in life and everything around me or I can take the gifts that God that's given to me to do the best that I know how to do with it just say I'm limited there's so many ways but I'll take whatever little gifts God has given to me and put them in God's hand and if I put up in God's hand my failures my frustrations but not final God can work with me [Applause] so then who do we play if you can't blame the Potter if you can't blame the clay you can't blame I break the wheel who do you buy you blame the clay the only thing that's wrong with us is else if you can't blame God and King blame circumstances you gotta blame you yes we got a problem problem it's me it's me o lord standing in need of prayer I'm not my mother not my father not my sister not my brother me O Lord standing in the need of prayer and the reason why you responded that is because you have lived around people that you have heard mainly everybody and take all the ship of nothing for themselves when I go to God I'm not going up blaming my wife my children my church my leaders I got a problem when I would do good I don't do it and when I wouldn't do it turn around and do it that got a problem if deliver me thanks B under God - Lord Jesus Christ who they bore me you've been patient enough so let me give you the last thing because in the potter's house do you see on one hand who makes life and then what Mars life but here's a sermon I could have just started here and we would have been finished but at little Grove you just got to take your time and enjoy being in here and that is who means like puts life life is marred on the wheel but my life I'm at first number four if you're looking for where I am because here at first for you see how the pottery has been marred in the hand of the Papa but now is about to be made he's gonna be mended it's gonna be fixed and that says that God works on us there's a patient God I thank God that God is patient somebody here tonight you have to 11:59 of your life and you talking about I'm getting off the wheel I'm gonna quit I'm a gonna retreat don't you get off that we all don't stop now that's when God does his best work that's the houston astros women if they win all the time when it look like it was over with some of you I in all the time but the game is still going on and God says I know how to work with you yeah he's pacing patiently working on you know you're not everything that you ought to be you're not everything that you're gonna be but you're not what you used to be don't you pay attention to the symphony of other people that's always to ride in your life they don't know where God has brought you from they don't know how God has lifted your life and elevated you yeah you're right I'm not everything that ought to be but I take it you should have met the mess of clay I was before I got to where I am now and God still working only because he's patient with me but not only a patient there's a process and in the process God has to sometime break what he's working on he then mixes to me either but he'll look at it and he'll say almost but not quite and then y'all break the pottery slowly router start all over again have you noticed that God won't stop working on you and that he'll always go back to the place where he stopped to start to make sure that place has been taken care of that's why we rejoice that's why we hear certain songs and hits certain prayers and certain sermons they resonate with us because they said I've been battling with this couple this stick this debris it might clean for the last 30 years but thank God he keeps on working home he keeps on pulling it out keeps on digging gotta keeps on trying to make it better he's a patient God but it's a process but in the process what God is working on he's trying to get you to become what he wants you to be and so in that process like Moses you meet him in the first 40 years he's trying to become somebody didn't you meet him in the next 40 years he's discovered that he's nobody but he spins the last 40 years learning how God can use somebody that learn [Applause] [Applause] without going to the fire some of us financial fires reifies the cold let it burn because what is burning is the slog and the drops so that God can see the reflection of himself in your life don't you know one day and I'm sitting down now God's coming back to claim us the fire in the fire brings you out [Music] we have somebody that we can simply say to him have that own way come down all the way south to pas de I am the clay mold me and make me after thy will while I'm waiting you steal search me and trauma master today - no Lord what we just now is in our present hold over my being come on gonna win me the absolute sway feel with the Holy Spirit jellal can see all wings Oh will tonight tell you just open your mouth and tell the lon [Music] good night children may the Lord bless you're real good but why don't you help me help somebody get Little Crow tonight the neighbor on the wheel but fixed in the fire say so [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 41,934
Rating: 4.7131782 out of 5
Id: 361U9GjKVgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 13sec (4333 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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