2019 Fall Revival Rev. Tellis Chapman

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's why [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] reaching occurs when a holy man of God opens the Word of God and says to the people of God come and experience God with me in this text that man tonight was born in Newton Mississippi raised in Pascagoula Mississippi he's a graduate of Jackson State University and God has blessed them to Pastor the Galilee Baptist Church in Detroit Michigan he's over the pastors and preachers division of the National Baptist Convention of America and he's preached all across this country known far and wide as a preacher he is preached in our pulpit before and I'm grateful to God to have him agree to come back and share the gospel with us tonight he's invited me to preach at the Galilee Church and I was my first time in Detroit and he treated me with every measure of difference and kindness and I'm so happy to call him my friend glad to have him back at the lily Grove Church tonight the Reverend Telus Chapman pastor of a Galilee Church Detroit Michigan hear ye [Music] Thank You honorable pasta friend and brother dr. Anderson Reverend clergy to the leadership in Leyte of this best kept secret in America the lily Grove Baptist Church to those who are sharing tonight as guests my brothers and sisters how sweet it is to be a child of God and to have this privilege which is indeed precious and priceless together in this sacred space his grace his love his mercy his care his kindness breath in our bosom some decent sense in our head and a little bit of resources in our pockets we owe God let me try it again we owe God the tried one more time we owe God you're not doing God a favor by being here we all God presence and our praise thank you Pastor for inviting me to come and to share with you again and I am really I came to collect and I know y'all got some money because I saw some of y'all at the casino your pastor came to our little Church in Detroit and decided he would be vintage dr. Anderson and we are still under repair so not before I leave tonight I expect to pick up a little something to help go with the repair work some years ago he brought me in this building it was not what you see now and he told me where where I was going to be where and what was going to be what this was going to be there and this is the fruition of an extraordinary visionary I can't here I trust that we will not take this rare breed of preacher pastor leader and what the Bible calls seer I trust that we won't take him for granted amen I think garden and I'm not saying this to flatter him this is just fact I thank God for his being a true church mom staying with the fundamentals of Christianity and refusing to buy into this off-brand religion ISM if it didn't work for us in the cotton fields and butter bean rolls and P patches it'll hold you right now now join me in giving God some praise for this pastor preacher teacher leader guide guard on the shepherd dr. Anderson what a gift to the body of Christ now I already know y'all want to get out and get to the remainder of the ballgame I get it amen y'all had to have a Detroit pitcher to come help you get that nice or not give me something okay I see so many familiar faces former church members who've relocated to Houston friends preachers pastors here in the Houston area and I see you here I dare not begin calling names I'll forget to call the right name I see you here thank God for your presence here and of course for each of you our solicit your prayers every hit bow God our Father thank you now for grace and mercy thank you for allowing our gathering together in this sacred space thank you for the privilege of prayer and praise and participation on your agenda now that we're here far removed from the throws of the day prayers have gone up and so is our praise we need to hit them heaven now speak Lord in this place give me what it takes to be your mouthpiece give each of us the ability to make your word practical and we are already careful and committed to give you all the praise therefore this is your servants prayer I pray in the strong and saving name of Jesus the people of God said amen if you have your Bibles there's a word in the seventh chapter of the book of Genesis I commend those of you who are standing to give honor to the reading of God's Word Genesis the seventh chapter when you get in the privacy of your own pray and ground for the sake of context and reference read chapters six and seven I'll begin reading at the sixth verse and I'll be reading from Old Faithful tonight the King James Version which reads as follows and Noah was 600 years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth and Noah went in and his sons and his wife and his sons wives with him into the ark because of the waters of the flood of clean beats and a beasts that are not clean and a fowls and of everything that creepeth upon the earth they went in two and two on two nor in the are the male and the female as God had commanded Noah and it came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were upon the earth in the six hundredth year of Noah's life in the second month the seventeenth day of the month the same day were all the Fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened and the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights in the self-same day in it nor and sham and ham and Japheth the sons of Noah and Noah's wife and the three wives of his sons with them into the ark they and every beast after his kind and all the cattle after their kind and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and every fowl after his kind every bird of every sort and they went in on - nor into the ark two and two of all flesh wherein is the breath of life and they went in they that went in went in male and female of all flesh as God had commanded him and the Lord shut him in that's good turn to the person closest to you shake a hand if you're not too anti-social tell them these words neighbor God got me through it you've got some praise for what he's about to tell you we live in a wayward wild warped and wicked world it is satanic ly saturated diabolical devilish and dubious can take a roast counteractive corrupt counterproductive and it is a place wherein it is hard to find if at all anybody who really cares about anything and if you find someone who does care chances are they don't care much about you yet this is where we must fare and function and attempt to move forward in this mundane domain that we call world and if we would be successful if we would reach or arrive at our preferred place points and plateaus is going to take divine intervention that is to say to make it in this world God is gonna have to help you get through it this has been the testimony of those who now sports superlative statistics on their heads and a silvery gray hallway the shoulders are now stooping Neath the weight of the years they have mobility but they need the assistance of walkers and canes and they hand a shoulder arm of somebody but if you ever get them in a conversation and talk some God talk and Aksum how did they get where they are in life their testimony will be God got me through it beloved if that would be your testimony you will soon discover that is hard to get assistance if at all from external entities your frat brothers can't do it your sorrows can't do it your homies can't do it your shoulders can't do it your baby you pay your booger your boob your concentric circles of contact they can't do it the dead presidents you got in your pocket can't do it you living in a nation where in a government refuses to do it and a 45th president who's not competent enough to do it spineless and asinine and goodness houses of Congress and lawless lawmakers who will not do it therefore if we will get up get out get over get on and get ahead with our lives God is gonna have to help us get through it only God can get you through some things only God can get you across a Red Sea without a bridge or a boat only God can get you beyond Jericho walls when you don't have a bulldozer demolition plan a dynamite all the God can get you to a den of lines and you the one on the dinner menu only God can get to through a fiery furnace and you have nobody to fellowship with but each other only God can get you through a midnight prayer meeting in a Philippian jail only God can get you through a Roman government system who would put you in jail just for believing in God only God can help you break color barriers in the White House and put you in the NFL and Major League Baseball and on the basketball court only God can help you through a world that's no friend of grace and we're here tonight because the power God has gotten us where we are right now through slavery through 256 years of hard labor and we still haven't gotten a paycheck oh praise His Holy Name number 100 dealing with a Jim Cole system of government my god you ought to be turning over Pew by now giving God praise and glory you know why only God got you through it we're not the first we're not the paradigm we're not the prototype there is another we have a predecessor his name was nor one whom whom God could trust to stand upon the principles and precepts of righteous living and for doing so god preserve his life and the life of his family even after deciding to destroy a world that was wayward wild wicked warped Kent icarus kind of productive and counteractive and sho'nuff corrupt and in so doing Knorr testimony after all of this was over was that God got me through it you to have a know like lifestyle or no life circumstance and in in having or experiencing a north like circumstance you would need an or like experience that your testimony may be all fitting can I tell you what that was you didn't answer me can I tell you what that was and I'll also tell you what it is and what we must employ that our testimony might be authentic Belov it you got to trust in God's plan I need to hear about 99 of you I'll make 100 who own mines shouting God has a plan for me but I'm gonna tell you from the outset now this plan won't make sense it's gonna sound and seem ludicrous insane preposterous absurd crazy stupid it won't stand a reason because God requires of you to do on the head of radical stuff without one water drop it cool listen with another in a rain cloud and falling the Christian thirst of a party on earth God told nor build and art is gonna ring and [Music] I and God delineated the specification and codes by which North had to follow that the building project would be successful and following God's plan beloved can be a scary lonely walk out of all of the population of there with whom nor could identify as a family or as a fellow human being only he and his family were preserved because they followed God's plan you got a trust in the Lost Planet and I need to tell you he's going ahead by subtracting won't make sense he'll multiply by dividing doesn't make sense he kills by taking he raises you up by pulling you down here he'll put you ahead by making you get behind he opens your eyes by making you go blind he helps you win by making you experience defeat it does not make sense but I dare you the far God's plan give him a time he'll open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you won't have room to receive it doesn't make sense give he'll give it back to you pressed down shaken together running over under good measure if I had about four of y'all to make five who won't mind testifying he'll come through on his plan job said in his writing chapter 13 verse 15 though you slay me yet will I trust him sounds four and five says offered to God sacrifices of righteousness and trust in the lord psalm 118 verse 8 says it's better to trust in God than to put your confidence in man Psalm 40 and 4 says blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust are y'all listening to me nay whom 1 and 7 reminds us beloved that the Lord knows those who trust in him are y'all listening to me proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 and 6 s sister the Lord with all your heart and never lean upon your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him it won't make sense but I dieter trust in the plan praise His Holy Name when you trust in God's plan it has to come to fruition the old church put it this way dr. Anderson with no carpet on the floor no cushion on the pew north no faceted or stained glass windows no powerful PA system and a pastor with a third-grade education they said I'll trust in the Lord till I die I'm gonna stay on the battlefield till I die you got a trust in the lost plan it won't make sense you may not be able to trace his hand but I dare you to Trust is hard oh praise the Lamb of God you know I am a couple years ago and you might have heard me tell this if you have I remind you for having I'll inform you after attending a National Baptist Convention board meeting in Birmingham Alabama I made my way to the airport on the day of my departure and of course you have to get there a few hours ahead of ahead of time to you and post bin Laden in that way and post bin Laden error got there and went to that my designated gate area and I noticed that there was a plane boarding for Atlanta and I had to go through Atlanta to catch an exchange flight from Birmingham in order to get back to the chart so I wouldn't actually do you know the gate agent is it possible for me to get on this flight she said no sir is not possible so I took a step back and said oh it's impossible she said no I didn't say that ci she said I didn't say it was impossible I just said it was not possible she said your only way to Atlanta I said yeah but I'm all the way to Detroit actually and I had go through Atlanta she said she said I could work something out for you but you gotta trust me and at that time the pastor I learned in Delta Airlines genre what they call a red coat and a red coat is a part of Delta airline personnel who can make decisions on site she said I can work something out but you gotta trust me you got to give up your seat on your flight okay now I've got to get a thousand miles I've got to go home she said you got to give up your ticket you got to give up your seat and so I did so and that flight was boarding people going back to it to the charge they seen mr. standing in the gate here something must be wrong with check catch you all right yeah I'm all right it's gonna be okay yeah I'm gonna be okay in that plane board she closed that boarding door and walked on away from that desk right by me on up the concourse didn't say see you later didn't say I'll be right back some sitting in the gate area so now I said maybe I just look at some sermon notes or something about half an hour later she came back down the concourse went right on by me didn't say hello how you doing you okay so far went on down to the end of the concourse and begin to attend the gate area and I noticed about ten minutes later she stepped out into the concourse and started waving up my way caught my eye and when she caught my eye she just stood with her hand as though to get me to come to where she was so I got up out of my seat got my little bag together and I whittled up to where she was and as I got into a few feet of us she handed me a first-class ticket on a non-stop flight directly from Birmingham to Detroit Michigan I left after the time that my flight was supposed to leave and got there before it was supposed to get there come here for a minute you gotta learn how to put your trust in God we serve a God who's a Redcoat he can override anything he can turn sadness of gladness and defeat into victory and sorrow in the jaw panting dude I can't hear too good Katie do it you better learn to trust in God with your job with your money weird you're good help with your everyday lifestyle you better learn how to trust your red coat I need to hear somebody shout God got me through it that this testimony would be authentic it would be because [Music] you're patient with the process give me nine of you who won't mind shouting be patient with the process no child of God has ever had any problem with God's provisions got a roof over your head you've got shoes on your feet you got tailor made clothes you're wearing you I mean after all you got you full car garage you're living in a gated community you you you know you you got mr. Sandman they say they sent you the man of your dreams and you you got some new hair and some new wigs and new ways and and I mean you got it going on we've got no problem with God's provision we'll have any problem with God's protection he's got us but we take issue with the process we are all admonished in scripture to be patient with the Lord's process Oh hallelujah when you read Psalms 27 14 it'll tell you wait on the Lord give good courage his strengthen your heart when you read Joe 14 14 he that he says in all the days of my appointed time I will yeah I'll wait I was there 4031 said they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up on wings like eagles they shall run and not get weary they shall walk and not train if you get the verses I just quoted go back and get grandmama names theology here is what they said in know Amen Kona you can't hurry God you just have to wait you gotta trust him and give him time no matter how long it takes he's a guard you Kate her he'll be there just don't you worry he may not come when you [Applause] but he's always always always on time no this is gonna bless you hard had to be patient with the process after having completed the construction project in building their arc the Lord told him to go in and the take every animal species of his kind both male and female legitimately come on he didn't have to worry about what label to put on the restroom door male and female he didn't have to worry about little giraffes and hippopotamuses baby baby baby monkeys crying male and female this put North in the position to be patient with the process because the process will force you to do something Oh hallelujah the process the process will force you to contend with the conditions I need his somebody shout condition condition conditions having gone into the ark he had to set up residence for 40 days with every species every kind fowl and beast that crawl upon earth Oh hallelujah and didn't sin so doing he had to contend with the noise factor and the excrement factor you miss me you miss me his ears were bothered and his nostrils too and he had to stay on there all because his salvation was predicated upon his ability to put up with the stitch helped me appreciate about on your role and tell anybody on your own there's some stuff you got to put up with now don't make me go now I got another word I could use rather than answer me some stuff you got to put up with you're not in a perfect environment mode North Lord the Lord did not welcome north into a pleasant pristine palatable preferential County kosher and convenient luxury cruise this was an arc full of animals of every species and he had to deal with the excrement I got it I got it I got it I think I got it I think I've got it dr. Anderson maybe this is why I'm not surprised it's what's going on in Washington DC right now it's because I know a species I'm dealing with who has the greediest call guts and chitlins to declare that he's the chosen one no you're the line one you the conniving one you're the one I'd like to sleep with porn stars you're the one who's a thief robber and all the rest that goes along with it you're a buffoon your retirement you are arrogant narcissistic nefarious conceited cocky and unapologetic and on say that's the one you really are I'm gonna quit rebel I know what species we're dealing with and while some people you're there wondering why they can't you know move the home forward well now you knew before you said I do to the Joker that you weren't marrying the right species come on and when you come to the house of God you expect worship among the saints yet you're Lee wouldn't buy a saint don't be surprised because everybody that's in the sanctuary is not up the right species I gotta go you got to be patient with the process the process will force you to recall your moment of magnificence I said it'll force you to not only contend with the condition but it will force you to recall your magnificent moments here's what Moses who wrote the book of Genesis to tell Israel and for that matter all of humanity as of how God did what he did when he did what he did for those particularly whom he did it fall did you get that he said in a 600 year second month seventeenth day Noah and his sons went into the ark God unplug the paws of the clown the stoppers of the cloud and unplug to pause there and totally cloud to cry for for today don't forget this Noah went into the 600-year this is gonna bless your heart quit 600-year second month 17th day I asked the Holy Spirit why did the writer demon necessary to tell us how old he was and at what point he went into the off 600-year second month 17th day the Holy Spirit takes me back and said the Lord wanted nor to never forget what the Lord was doing while preserving his life here it is if the Lord could keep nor on land for 600 years 2 months and 17 days surely he could take care of him for 40 days in the middle of a flood come here for a minute if the Lord can take you to that the Lord can take you through this let me presented by the owner oh if he brought you over that he can bring you over this he be helped you through that he can help you through this talk to me somebody so so you get rid of your worry you care your concern you being upset perturb perplex bewildered and be moved if God can take you through that God can take you through this I'm out of here god bless you Lily go yes it's good to see you Candace we've had I hallelujah time in this house but lord knows I can't keep you all day but the Lord told Noah go on in there oh praise His name and the date and time was given or the history was referenced not for God to remember but he stipulated the age of Noah and the time of entry so that Noah wouldn't forget that's why the Lord healed you helped you lifted you not for him to remember but that you will never forget Jesus I'll never forget what you done for me Jesus I will never forget how you set me free Jesus I will never forget oh no never oh praise His name you all remember how the Lord brought you out you all remember how the Lord spared your life you are out in the world to mean to live and not ready to die but the Lord reach to the gutter mouth and lifted you up to the uttermost and here you are in house of God how dare you sit here like a not all alone without a mumbling word or expression the Lord did not do what he did in order for you to forget you ought to remember what it did or praise his name I bid you good day when I tell you I think all boys planned I thank God for the process but if you're gonna have and all thinik testimony you need to prepare yourself for penny worship I need to hear somebody shout get ready oh praise His name Thank You Holy Ghost when the Lord told Nora to go into the arm he said calorie beast of every kind bird of every kind male and female they were coming to the ark o praise His name but he was specific that he said be sure to get clean animal and taken to the ark them and separate them from those unclean oh praise His name and get them ready for the sacrifice in other words the rain is gonna fall the floodwaters are gonna rise but all praise His name there one day the rain will stop calling and the water will stop rising and I'm gonna let you out of the ark oh praise His name and when you come out you Rim the sacrificer that means you're gonna make it to all of the flood and when you come out I want you to worship or praise His name I lead you when I tell you the marna inverter Nora you're gonna make it or praises name and when you come out things are gonna be better it won't be a perfect world but things are gonna be better you'll come out the better conditioner if you're not too mean get me testify and preach to your neighbor and tell them if you hang on in there for your father days I believe is gonna get better somebody in this house on the pink card for better is not a perfect situation the daughter paint God for better things are not as you wish they were but you're to praise God the Lapera give God some praise but better go ahead and worship God but better lift up hold a hand for better give him praise and glory for better shot right now for better he brought you all the way your appraisin retina if you know he'd were there go ahead and testify many tears and sorrow I had a question for tomorrow that happened time I didn't know right from wrong but in every situation God gave me consolation he let me know my trial only come to make me strong I've been a lot of places I've seen a lot of faces loli our God give me strength and power he let me know my trial only come to make me strong so I begun for my Mountain and I've been gone for my values and I've been gone for a stone he brought me through any if I never had a problem I would no longer summon I wouldn't know the pagan God can do but yeah he brought me he kept me he wasn't me [Music] [Applause] here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 78,695
Rating: 4.7384195 out of 5
Id: 7Q70JRJgGdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 1sec (3121 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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