The Promise Is Bigger Than The Problem Pt. 4

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[Music] turn with me in your Bibles to the Gospel of John at chapter 10 the gospel record of John at chapter 10 verses 7 through verse number 9 I want to preach again about the promise is bigger than the problem the promise is bigger than the problem bin said Jesus unto them again verily verily I say unto you I am the door of the Sheep all that ever came before me are thieves and robbers but the Sheep did not hear them I am the door By Me If any man enter in he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower thereof falleth away the word of our God shall stand forever the promise is bigger than the problem chapter 10 of the Gospel of John follows chapter 9 without transition you cannot understand the text of chapter 10 without reading it in the context of chapter 9 thus Jesus is audience in chapter 9 and chapter 10 are likely the same crowd in chapter 9 there's a man born blind and the disciples come to Jesus and ask who sinned this man or his parents that he were born blind and Jesus said neither the man nor his parents sinned but that the works of God may be made manifest in him I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day for the night comes when no man can work Jesus spit on the ground and made clay and put it on the man's eyes and told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam the man goes to the pool of Siloam and he washes his eyes of the spittle and he comes back seeing but the Pharisees who are blind guides are angry upset vexed because jesus healed this blind man and they called him in and he says who healed you they said a man named Jesus and they say to him don't give him the glory don't give him any credit and so they called his parents in and they want to know from his parents is this your son who was born blind and the parents say he is our son and they say well who healed him and the parents who do not want to be excommunicated from the synagogue say to the elders and the Pharisees he's of age that's him let him speak for himself they bring the boy back in and they asked him who healed him and he says Jesus and they said don't mention that name because he is a sinner and the man born blind who can now see says he might be a sinner [Applause] but all I know is one day I was blind but now I can see and the blind man wants to follow Jesus in the way he excommunicated from the temple from the synagogue and he wants to follow Jesus to get away from these blind guides Jesus is healing of the blind man had led to the man's expulsion from the local synagogue and act viewed by Jesus as an arrogant assertion of usurped authority that causes him to comment further in chapter 10 for the Pharisees will not only blind themselves they were blind guides who led astray those entrusted to their care the dark backdrop of Jesus Good Shepherd discourse is therefore the blatant irresponsibility of the Jewish religious leaders who were before him thieves and robbers but Jesus says I am the door of the sheepfold that's our that's our chapter 10 begins verily verily I say unto you he that either is not by the door of the sheepfold but climbeth away the same is a thief and a robber but he that comes in through the door is the Shepherd of the sheep to him the porter openeth and the sheep hear his voice and he calls out his own sheep by their name and he leads them and then around verse 7 Jesus says again I say unto you verily verily I am it's the door of the Sheep I am is the door that's the third of Jesus I am saying in the Gospel of John I am is the door I am the door of the Sheep the door brothers and sisters is first of all a person in bold language Jesus declares himself to be the door of the sheepfold the C Fool was usually a circular enclosure surrounded by stone walls there was only one opening allowing access into this enclosure and at night when the sheep were all gathered in the Shepherd would lie himself at the opening of the sheep pen and in effect he would become physically the door nothing could get in or out without passing through the Shepherd Jesus is saying I am the door I am the opening all the sheep that are in this enclosure belong to me and I put myself at the door so that nobody can come in or out without the Shepherd knowing about no one gets into God's flock without going through Jesus Christ there's only one way to the Father and that is through His Son Jesus Christ baptism will do it church membership won't do it rituals and religious activity won't do it there is only one means of securing eternal life only one source of the knowledge of God only one fountain of spiritual nourishment only one basis of spiritual security and that is the man Jesus Christ is through him that we have access to the mysteries and innermost shrine of the temple it is through him that we draw near to the depths of deity it is through him that we learn the length and breadth and height and depth of the largest and Loftis and noblest truths that have ever come to the human spirit it is through him that we become familiar with the innermost secrets about our own selves it is through him that we have access to the very throne room of God himself no man he says comes to the Father but by me I am the door of the Sheep not only is the door a person but secondly the door is a proposal it is right here in the text it is write in French number nine I am the door that's the person but here is a proposal by me if any man come in he shall be saved by me if any man come in if is a supposition if is a proposal you don't have to come in you're welcome you're invited but it's up to you the door is open but you got to walk through it the proposal has been extended you can accept that if you want reject it if you want but the invitation still stand if any man somehow to help me preach it if any man come in he shall be saved in this thing we find a tremendous offer given to sinners in these words Jesus offers hope to everyone who is wandering in a life of sin while Jesus wants to save you he will never force himself upon you however he gives you an opportunity to come to him every time the doors of the church are open it's an opportunity the doors of the church can be closed but to still have an opportunity he can meet you in your home he can save you in your house he can redeem you on your job he can pull you off the streets sanctify and forgive you he's not restricted to where he can save because he saves to the uttermost those who had called upon his name was ahead one or two more witnesses here if you trust him he's able to save you but he will not save you if you don't want I need I need four or five people here who was raised like I was raised when there was an old Burger King and supersolid McDonald's or lubicz if God provided it my mother cooked it and put it on the table somebody ought to help me here now all of us had a choice you could eat it or not but once the kitchen was closed come on help me preach if you came it wasn't no going back in fixing the sandwich or calling somebody to bring your pizza no if God provided it she cooked it we ate it or not but when the kitchen was closed that was the end of the heating in the house somebody ought to help me here one of these days the kitchen is going to be closed no more meals will be cooked for Sunday morning no more assignments will be prepared to you the hear the gospel and you have an opportunity right now to accept it or to reject it but he will not force you to be saved let's look at the scope of this proposal the scope of the proposal is any man's salvation church membership is not a club for an elite few [Applause] let me let me say that one more time being saved being in the family of God is not an exclusive club for an elite fewer people because if only the elite could get in I would be out [Applause] if only the righteous could get in I would be lost if only the good people could get in I wouldn't have a chance I wish I had somebody to be on the hill with me this morning if the church was just for good people I would be locked out but thank God he's not just the God of Abraham he's not just the god of Isaac but hallelujah he's the God of Jacob a liar a schemer a trickster and a supplanter thank God he is the god of any man black me white me gay people straight people homeless people rich people broke people I wish I had a witness in that man on the street is just as valuable to God as the person sitting in this sanctuary if any man the woman who's in the tract house right now God loves her just like he loves you who sing in the choir it's not a club for a few but it's an offer by God to every man that's the scope of the proposal but look with me in the text at the scheme of the proposal by me If any man here it is enter in adora serves one of two purposes it can be a barrier to keep people out or it can be a means of access to allow people in you open and close your door as a barrier and as an access so you don't want in you keep the door closed I wish I had two or three more believers here I'm getting better at it I'm really I really am you you've been praying for me because I'm becoming a stronger Christian I'm becoming a better Christian because there are some friends and and family that I used to look in the people and and I could tell if I was getting ready to have a bad day come on you can help me right here - I'm getting better at answering phone call because uh my godson used to call me and it was collect call you know where he come from [Applause] from from from the parish or the county and operator which tell me who was on the other end of the line and I say he's not hit operator and he'd be on the other you know that's me that's me click but you've been praying for me cuz I'm getting better at it because I don't know who God wants him cuz that's some folk who are in who ought to be out now some folks who are out that we need to bring in I wish a head of witness here if you in church and you don't feel like it then you ought to be out if God's been good to you and you can't praise him then you ought to be out if God has made a way for you and you don't appreciate it then you ought to be out here my brothers and sisters before the gift of salvation can be realized it must first be received by me if any man either in that's the scope of it that's the scheme of it but here is the supply of it he shall be saved now let me spend a minute right there in that word he shall be saved this is a very descriptive word to be saved in the text in this word in the text means to recover from a serious illness it means to survive a war to come safely through a storm or to win an acquittal in a court of law all four of these is what it means to be saved to recover from a serious illness to survive being in a battle or a war to come safely through a storm or to win an acquittal in the court of law and all of us here who are saved have recovered from a serious illness not cancer not diabetes not congestive heart failure but the congenital illness that we were born with I wish I had a Bible read the Bible says I was born in sin and in sin did my mother conceive me but when I got saved God delivered me from my birth defect you know why you ain't shot me cuz you still sick but those of us who have recovered those of us who've been redeemed those of us who've been washed in the blood of the Lamb we don't wait for Sunday to give God the glory not only have I recovered from a serious illness but I've survived warfare [Applause] you got to be a strong crispy to help me talk about the Battle of spiritual warfare we wrestle now I need a Bible reader against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against spiritual wickedness in high places wrathful you got to put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and after having done all the stand keep standing put on the helmet of salvation I wish I had a witness here put on the breastplate of righteousness have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace have in your hand the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God now hear me there is no armor for your back because God got your back is there anybody here is there anybody here know that I got the gold flower cuz God got it on the back no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper we are more than conquerors we've recovered from our sickness we've survived warfare and then we know what it means to come safely through a storm [Applause] somebody here ought to help me testify that you've been in some storms that if the Lord hadn't showed up you would have gone under I wish I had two or three witnesses here you had some financial storm you had some emotional storm and then some of us had been shipwrecked because we got in a storm that we had no business going into but thank God he saved me I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore very deeply staying within sinking to rise normal but the master hi but the master I have to see he had my despairing cry from the water from the water from the water he lifted me now safe safe that the best that were saved save souls in danger look above Jesus completely safe he will lift you by His love out of the angry waves he's the master of the sea bellows his will obey he your Savior wants to be here it is be saved today love lifted me you can help me say it now uplifted me when nothing else could help love lifted me is to recover from a serious illness is to survive spiritual warfare is to come safely through a storm and it's to win an acquittal in a court of law I wish I had time to preach all that is but but this is the shout in the message in the book of Revelation really when you get home he says he that overcometh I will give him to eat hidden manna white stone and a new name that's a whole nother cinnamon right there but but let me tell you I don't want to talk about the hidden man or the new name I don't have time to get into that let me tell you what that White's told me in the black in the Bible days when a person was on trial they stood before a tribunal or the 71 members of the Sanhedrin Council he'll help me preach this wanted and and if the charges brought against you stuck and you were found guilty they would give you a black stone that meant execution but if you were found not guilty they would put in your hand a white stone which meant you could never be tried for that offense ever again because that would be double jeopardy there is therefore now no condemnation for them that I in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit Jesus died to save me and I will never be convicted of that crime again what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit this this is not in my notes it just came in my mind thank you thank you God you remember in Luke chapter 15 when that prodigal came back home his father who kept the light burning who went out on the porch every night to look for him when he saw him coming the father picked up his robes which was undignified for an old man to run in public but he put dignity aside because his boy was coming home and he ran to meet him and didn't even let him take a bath the boy was selfish because he just got out of a Pigpen but the daddy was so glad to have him back that easel on his neck and kissed him here's the symbolism of what it means to be saved you got to go back to Deuteronomy at chapter 21 around verse 18 because Deuteronomy 21 says any boy any child that dishonours his mother and father it is the responsibility of the elders of the community to bring him outside the gates of the city and stone him to death because he has disrespected and dishonored his aged father and then we give you the symbolism and then you're gonna shout all over the place the daddy fell on that boy's neck and kissed him because the community was waiting with stones in their hand and the symbolism is if you gonna hurt him you got to come through me thank God that when the devil tries to get into the hands on me Jesus said you got to come through me I am the dog that's a person and then it's a proposal but then finally it's a promise he's right here in the text I am the door that's the person by Me If any man enter in he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture thank you again holy goat I meant to write this down for the 11 o'clock crowd but I'm gonna give it to you for free I was going to charge them but I'm gonna give it to you for free go in and out and find pasture before I get to pasture let me talk about go in go in [Music] go in you know too many of us as Christians spend all our time in the front room of our Christianity we never go in the deep recesses of the house we stay too much in the front room because in the front room that's a picture window you can be seen in the front room but if you're gonna be a deep Christian you've got to go to the back of the house of your Christianity you've got to go back there where the secrets are you got to go back there to where the hidden things of God are because God does not keep the best things in the front part of the house you don't you don't you don't keep your jewels in the living room somebody gonna help me preach it in a minute you don't keep your expensive watch in the front room you don't keep your wedding ring or your engagement ring in the front room it's in the back room in a bedroom in a in a case in a shipper old you got to be over 40 to know what a shiver robe in this is hidden it's it's back there and and and if God is gonna get the best stuff out of you he got to go back there where your stuff is hidden that's what it means to go in and out because when you come out is evident that you've been in I wish I had somebody that helped me too many of us are trying to go out but we never been here well I still don't think I got that over to you I got one more illustration i watch National Geographic and the animal channel often and I saw it the other night does there's a little a little creature in the sea or on the on the beach that's called a hermit crab a hermit crab is one of those animals that uses another animals house because are these too lazy to get his own on or he can't protect himself or it's just lying around there but but a hermit crab uses the shell of another crab get this he uses another crab shell because he has a soft underbelly and he is easy prey for predators so he is not born or does not develop a shell so he finds another shell but he finds a shell that's big enough for him to get in and grow it's not his it's not his armor is not his protection it's not his outer covering but he finds it and gets in it and make sure it's big enough for him to grow can I help you with that as a believer you have a soft underbelly you are not strong enough for the predator who is Satan himself so you gotta find an outer covering so that you can get in it and grow something order help me preach it and the reason you are not growing is because you're too much in the front room of your Christianity you don't have an outer covering that's why I Zizi for the devil to discourage you there's some Christians who are so sensitive you can't joke with them they're so touchy that you can't see anything because it'll hurt their feelings and they've been in five Sunday School classes since they joined this church because everything offends them come on talk back to me if you can they can't stand nothing they can't take up almost as bad word get some faith muscles stopped falling out over every wind of doctrine stop running after every fad that comes along put on the whole armor of God you can't protect yourself without an outer covering yeah I get emails all the time the ones that sister Kimball lets me read because you don't want to run my pressure I get emails and letters all the time from people who say I didn't like what you said and you were just too harsh and you shouldn't have said that like that I'm thinking about leaving this church [Applause] barbegal ooh I was looking for a member when you join I'm not going to soften the gospel and sweetened and sugarcoat the truth cuz it offends you I'd rather please God then you're irritable sensibilities have I got a witness here because the gospel will draw you or it'll drive you hold on a fool can't stand the truth how are truth or friends people but you're just gonna have to go join another Church because if you gonna come to this church I'm talking about Jesus and him crucified to the Greeks is foolishness to the Jews it's a stumbling block but to them that believes is the power of God unto salvation is there anybody here not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God to salvation to go in and out the only way you can get stressed out wordly is to live the inner life the only way you can be outwardly strong as a Christian is you got to have a deep inner life stop spending all your time in the front room of your Christianity go in the back room where the trenches are because people don't keep their goods in the front room they don't they don't put their Rolex on the kitchen table it's in a case in a room in the back with the door closed because your valuables are not exposed in the front room are you listening to me when when they were on the mountain of Transfiguration they wanted to build three Tabernacles but there was a panic in the valley and that was panic in the valley because Jesus and the three were on the mountain looking at a Transfiguration what was trying to go on in the valley couldn't take place because they were in the mountain and because what was happening in the mountain was so momentous they couldn't they couldn't stay there because what was happening in the valley was a pending you've got to have a valley and a mountain experience if you're gonna be a strong Christian and to many of us again spend too much time in the picture window of our Christianity and not enough time back there whether valuables are now let me get to this last word you will find pasture the door is a person if any man is a proposal but foreign pasture is a promise now here's what you find in the past in the past you find rest some folk are uncomfortable being Christian you don't want to know you go to church you get embarrassed and you blush when people start talking about worldly things and they have no problem inviting you to go with them to happy hour or to go with them to a club and you you're too embarrassed to tell them no I'm gonna be in Bible study Tuesday night no I would go but I'm studying my Sunday School lesson and then when you get strong enough you say I ain't going nowhere with you because I love the Lord he heard my cry I'm a Christian then there are some places I don't bring my body you've got to be bold to say that you got to rest in the assurance that God is your Savior and you don't have to please anybody when you rest in your salvation I'm comfortable being a Christian everybody on my street know that I'm pastor of lily Grove Church everywhere I go people know I've been born-again everywhere in my family at my reunion in my in my conversation with my friends I rest in my salvation I'm not uncomfortable singing God's praise I'm not embarrassed to tell somebody about how good god is I don't shrink and hold back when they asked me about the goodness of God because I have a blessed assured Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine I'm an heir of salvation I've been purchased of God born of his spirit and washed in his blood anybody ask you who I am I'm a child of God I rest in that assurance not only is that rest in the pasture there's refreshment here my brothers and sisters when we taste and see that the Lord is good our appetite for other things change [Applause] somebody should've shot these right there when we taste of the heavenly gift when we taste and see that the Lord is good our appetite change for things that don't satisfy somebody here who used to go out a lot who used to club a lot who used to drink a lot smoked weed a lot party a lot this is a good place for you to testify since I met Jesus my appetites have changed I don't want the same thing I don't want the same company I don't want the same interpersonal relationships cuz I got a different appetite come on talk back to me if you can once you start eating at vacant Anthony's it's hard to settle for what a burden I need two or three more witnesses here once the Lord has blessed you to start shopping in the Galleria you go to Stein Mart you go to my shoes but you don't have to somebody gonna get me here in a minute you you appreciate the sale but you don't have to settle for the sale you can buy it full price because you have tasted that the Lord is good somebody help me justify and the problem again with many of us is you don't know the difference between stepping up and stepping down if God's been good to you you ain't got to step down so to be accepted by anybody if God has opened the door for you you don't have to lower your standards for people to like you [Applause] I'm not mad but somebody cuz you mad with that's your issue [Applause] don't bring that to me and please don't put it in my ear on Sunday morning cuz I ain't gonna let nobody mess up Amazing Grace for me cuz I come to church to find rest to find refreshment and to find rejoicing you gonna help me close this won't you I thank God that I got a shepherd I thank God that I know him for myself is there anybody here I said is there anybody here who's resting in your relationship and God is refreshing you day by day and since God has been so good to you you come here on Sunday morning rejoicing the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake come on you can help me preach it yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me your rod and your staff they comfort me thou prepareth a table before me in the presence of my enemies thou anointest my head with oil my cup is just running over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever I'm rejoicing in His goodness I'm resting in his salvation I'm relaxing in the fact that if I don't wake up in the morning I'm gonna see my saviors face the world doesn't bother me the president doesn't bother me the Congress doesn't bother me a budget shortfall doesn't bother me a deadline coming Friday doesn't bother me my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name on Christ's come on you can help me preach it the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking said when darkness veils his lovely face I rest on his unchanging grace in every high and stormy Gale my co holds within the veil on Christ the solid rock I stand all of the ground is sinking saying is there anybody here resting in your savior is there anybody here rejoicing in God's goodness if the Lord open doors for you come on help me rejoice if the lot made a wave for you come on help me rejoice if the Lord brought you through your serious illness helped me rejoice he's brought you through your spiritual warfare help me rejoice he brought you through your stormy sea helped me rejoice he brought you through your courtroom battle help me rejoice tell God thank you for all you've done for me thank you for the many ways you made for me I've been young I wish I had somebody over 50 I need somebody over 50 to help me testify right here I've been young but now I'm old and I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread if God's been good too why don't you grab somebody shake somebody's hand tell them I'm resting in my Savior I'm rejoicing in my salvation hallelujah I came in through the door hallelujah no he's all [Applause] [Music] if any man by me if any man enter in he shall be saved and go out and come in and find pasture you know why the sheep are not afraid to go out of the pen because the shepherd who is a watchman is also a protective he never takes his eyes off their sheep and so the sheep can go out there nibble and rest and find refreshment and relax because he knows when it's time to come in the sheep in the Shepherd will call him by name and the Sheep know their Shepherd's voice because he calls them my name so when it's all over for me my number would not be up my name will be caught because he knows me not by number but by my name and when he calls me I will answer if I'll be somewhere listening not for my number but for my name because sheep know their Shepherd voice and another voice they will not follow [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 44,962
Rating: 4.7423134 out of 5
Id: 4mUwXV5jIsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 36sec (3276 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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