Faker's SECRET Techniques That You NEVER Noticed!

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in this guide you're going to learn some of the most incredible techniques Faker is using to crush anyone he meets in Solo que we're going to show you things you would never notice by yourself when watching Faker and teach you how to adopt some of his best strategies in your own games which nobody else will ever do or think about unless of course you watch this guide you'll also have your chance to test your skills and see if you can identify the almost invisible skills Faker uses to win that 99% of law players wouldn't be able to even see there are three techniques that go into faker's gameplay that we'll be covering today but it's important to remember that these techniques can only be applied after you've mastered the proper fundamentals it's not just about out playing opponents with flashy techniques the best players are capable of taking every small advantage and suffocating the enemy laner with it that's exactly what we'll show you how to do over at skill cap where we'll teach you when the enemy gives you an inch how you can take a mile we've studied how to teach you in the best ways possible because our goal is to save you time if you watch just one of our courses a week on average you will climb five divisions and if you don't climb you get your money back with everything to gain and nothing to lose skill captain is by far the best way to climb in League of Legends check it out using the link below and get the rank you've always wanted but first let's see just how bad faker's making this Lane for himself Faker does just about everything wrong at the start of the lane Faker gives Talon a free angle to land an easy W on both himself and the minion wave this is a concept called a double value spell that we talk about on our site trading is not just about damage but also to secure Wave Control so that you can continue to harass in the future giving your opponent a double value spell like this for free is not great what Faker should do is either try to tether in and out to bait Talon's W first or he needs to try and bait Talon to only use W on him meanwhile he focuses on hitting the wave instead he's down HP the push and lost his bone plating for no reason even Faker isn't a perfect player on top of that he tanks another full W from Talon things aren't going great and it only gets worse Baker charges up his third que on the wave and once again tries to trade another huge Miss thankfully he manages to walk away without taking too much damage but things are not looking good both players are now rushing for level two Faker makes sure to Auto this creep and Q to build up his knockup again he then makes a final mechanical misplay thinking that Talon would walk up the goal was to hit Talon and the minion hit two and then trade but he sadly misses again Talon read this of course and is now in Prime position to punish Faker every single mistake Faker has made so far is about to be irrelevant though as he's going to abuse one of the most underrated concepts for a laner and is something you can easily apply as well by simply pressing a button while watching the all-in which lasts 10 seconds see if you can spot the first fight winning play Faker makes okay that fight was intense but did you spot the first fight winning play you made if you thought it was his insane Q flash then you'd actually be wrong he did something else that would result in him being dead before the Q flash if he didn't do it it's nearly always the invisible plays that matter more which is the inspiration behind this guide let's slow this down so you can see Talon casts W and lands both Parts which means he can go in with q and auto but he's smart and is waiting out Faker Shield so he doesn't waste damage Faker reads Talon's intentions and holds his exhaust for the exact frame when he starts his animation this is perfect timing to get full value out of the exhaust take a look at the result as the exhaust is just now about to wear off Talon goes for one final Auto attack which also gets reduced in damage and now as you all know Faker barely lives with a measly 5 HP left looking back Talon had a ton of advantages in this fight he'd spent the entire Lane poking Faker down got his bone plating for free and Dodge the engage that led up to the all-in the only real decider in this fight was actually the Summoner spells because while Faker used his exhaust perfectly you may not have seen Talon actually messed up his ignite he has a bad habit that many lower ELO players have as well igniting way too late in a fight players are too afraid of wasting their Summoner spells if it might not result in a kill but Summoner spells are extremely powerful and pressing them at the correct moment can make or break your allins remember ignite has a healing reduction effect if you're going to take a big fight on your opponent then just send it to stop healing with things like health potions omniv Vamp from Dorn's blade and healing from runes a better time to ignite easily would have made the difference here once again Faker did only live with 5 HP subar spells are some of the most poorly utilized resources in the games especially in the lower brackets for example when it comes to ghost we see players only ever press it to get in range or to get away from someone but it's often correct to press it just to run around faster when you're in a fight potentially to dodge spells or space Out Auto attacks or players who only press heal when they're about to die but by then you're probably already ignited exhaust is probably the worst one so often we'll see players only use it when they're low and panicking like Faker you should be waiting for the animation of important spells or Auto attacks and then reacting to that rather than just throwing out your exhaust at a random moment Summoner spells are game-changing by Design so they deserve to be studied and perfected which is why this is the perfect moment to mention you can unlock our exclusive Summoner spells course at skillcap where we teach you the insane techniques you can use to get way more value which are seriously overlooked it's packed with Advanced tips similar to what we've just shared but goes much deeper offering exclusive information that you simply won't find anywhere else the course is a game changer you didn't know you needed and our community are honestly shocked by what they learned about this underrated skill once you watch it it will change the way you use Summoner spells in every game you play moving forward that alone is some serious value let alone are other exclusive courses you get access alongside our rankup guarantee sign up now with the limited time Summoner spells discount Link in the description below if you're serious about climbing anyways with Summoner spells out of the away let's see what Faker does next which has even bigger results but first let's play a game we want to see if you can guess which player in this next match is Faker we'll give you a hint Baker is playing extremely well at all stages of this Lane contrary to what you saw in the first clip so far between these two Mages the lane is going fairly even that is until this moment Oriana aggressively uses the rest of her mana and takes free damage so she can push this wave and recall then she teleports back to lane from here she makes use of her resource advantage and begins aggressively zoning azir still has tele but this definitely feels pretty bad for him at the moment all right time's up from this position if you had to guess which player would you think is Faker the air or Oriana we're sure many of you felt weirdly about this Oriana clearly has a lot of pressure so is this a trick question is Faker the azir who is on the back foot well that's exactly right he's done something you probably don't ever think about that has him winning his Lane in a way most players don't see as a general rule you never want to be the one to base first in mid there's some exceptions of course but being the player to recall first almost always leads to very frustrating issues let's say you do teleport first like this Oriana she has opted into this and now feels forced to shove Faker out of Lane ASAP but she's put the pressure on herself think about it if she keeps playing normally and lets Faker Farm up for longer he gets to take a recall and teleport back to Lane spending much more gold than Oriana did their total gold earned would be even but his current spent gold would be much higher with such a big item lead he'd be able to take control over the lane and or the map this is why you see Oriana playing so aggressively there's so much pressure on her to trade right now while Faker knows he can just sit back and keep farming knowing the longer he delays basing the more he'll Buy in League you always want to avoid limiting your own options as much as possible if you've only got one or two good moves then you become predictable and easy to punish such is the case with this Oriana figer is playing so far back that she feels pressured to walk up far in the lane which left her vulnerable to a gank for being overextended did you see how easy it was to gank Oriana Now watch how Faker gets the same treatment but he's easily able to avoid both Poppy and blitzcrank ganks it is way harder to punish someone whose job it is to play safe compared to the person who is forced to play aggressively because faker's only goal was to delay his base as much as possible he gets to stay for an extra wave while the Oriana already recall twice let's take a look at their items when both players are back in Lane their overall gold is close to even but look how much gold Oriana is sitting on who would you rather be the a of course faker's items are so much better and he's achieved this without even having to do anything with this power Advantage look how confidently he's playing on the map now he knows that any 1 V1 or 2v2 Skirmish is way more likely to work out for his team because he's way stronger than his opponent just by understanding this recalling rule in fact let's watch him do it again just so you can see how easily he wins Lane because of it here we see Korean Solo in its natural habitat a 5v5 freefor all at level one now that's highquality League of Legends no wonder everyone studies this region for how to get better in any case let's isolate the midlaners here Faker and the enemy yon are both very low and under half HP yon chooses to teleport back to Lane meanwhile Faker just stays at this HP this is similar to the previous game where one player went back first while the other stayed in Lane saving their TP once again you see the pressure yon is under look at how he's dropping every midlane trading fundamental because he needs to force Faker to base he's walking super far up trading into the wave and he seems overall impatient problem is if he doesn't he'll lose but this makes his trading very predictable Baker can just take the trades he deems worthy of his time but otherwise tries to avoid fighting yon let's fast forward and take a look at the result Faker started this Lane at half HP versus a full resource yon but they're actually even now and this is all because of yon feeling pressured to be aggressive so now fager has control over the lane he bases teleports back back and now it's completely game over for yon from this position he's down in items health and the wave is pushing away it's GG in both games you could clearly see how Faker was put into a dominant position by basically doing nothing this is a hidden concept that the best players in the world understand that even Challenger players can fail to see league is a very complicated game yes there are exceptions to this rule sometimes the player recalls first will have priority for a random fight going on but besides those random exceptions it's usually better to always try and recall after your opponent you know how sometimes you push a wave crash and base then your opponent does the same yeah it's typically better for them when that happens you both end up with the same amount of gold but your opponent gets to spend 100 or 150 extra gold over you this might be one more potions a control Ward or even an extra component then that translates to Lane control letting them base later than you again which gives them a bigger Advantage which lets them base later again which gives them a bigger lead okay you get it the lesson is simple if you're going to trade recall timings try to avoid being the one to recall first the person who gets the second recall timer will almost always be happier with the trade the reality is though that it's not just recall timings or Summoner spells that make Faker so incredibly good in Lane when players watch highlevel gameplay one of the main things they don't realize is that it's not actually superhuman reaction times that allow players like Faker to outplay everything their opponents throw at them it's actually their ability to anticipate what their opponent is going to do before they even do it that makes them Untouchable to show you how Faker easily replicates this in all of his games let's hop into this game where he's Nico versus syndra as Nico he pushes the wave and moves into the river to see if he can scout anything going on he hits the vision plan and will now go back to Lane as he passed through to get to Lane he presses W on the exact frame that cnra tries to stun him and Jes the spell is he just a God that can react in milliseconds to his opponents or was there something he did to guarantee that he could bait that spell out what do you think happened what Faker did here is something we're going to coin an ignorance bait and it's something you can do as well with a bit of practice let's break down what he saw and how he could anticipate the exact timing of her stun the fact that she's not showing on the wave is a very very important sign a lot of midlaners would use the fact that Faker went into River to have access to the wave first this lets them get the push Advantage which then leads to a roam timer Herald rotation Etc syndra not showing means that she's likely in this brush as we've talked about previously this is a great way to secure damage on your opponent Faker has to walk through syndra to get back to Lane making it very likely she lands her ass on him this means Faker can assume she has a ward here take a look at how he plays this at first he's jking heavily back and forth to avoid her combo but here's where the ignorance bait comes in he pretends as if he feels safe now he's taking proper precautions and pretends he no longer suspects syndra is in the brush so he now walks in a straight line for about 1 second keep in mind you need to pretend for about as much time as it would take for your opponent to take this in so he walks in a straight line for about a second because that's how long it would take cnra to realize that Faker probably feels safe now as you can see it's not reaction speed that made this Juke happen it's just simple game knowledge and anticipation with syndra's big cool down wasted this gives Faker a lot of freedom in the lane he can move up to queue her for free poke since she has little way to answer him at the moment okay let's watch him do it again pay attention to how he continues to play this Lane he's zigzagging all over the place to avoid any random spells coming from snra but keep in mind that at this health total cnra is in Lethal range and they both know it watch Faker he was just zigzagging all the time but now he's in a full 100% Sprint directly towards cnra he does this for about 1.5 seconds again think about it from syra's perspective Nico knows she can kill me so she's desperately running to try and root me I'll just stun her as a response this is why this bait works so well Baker is pretending to be fully tunnel visioned on the kill completely ignorant of cnra stun and he makes it so believable that his opponent will believe it and press it at this predictable moment every single time now she's got a problem with her stun down vager can run directly at her with no fear but this cannon minion is getting low what will she do admit she's been outplayed and sacked the cannon of course not faker's Bas a paid off he lands his e and takes cnra down easily this Juke is not only easy to do but extremely effective even verse Challenger players how to do it in a wide variety of situations is simple you just need to find a moment where you can convince your your opponent you're not aware of something important at first Baker made cnra believe he thought this bush was clear and he could walk in a straight line on the second bait he made her believe he was super tunnel visioned on the kill and was just walking directly into her stun the more convincing you are the more likely it is your opponent throws their spell and you can instantly Juke out of the way of it remember to sign up to not miss out on the Summoner spells discount and get protected with our rankup guarantee if you don't significantly climb while actively using skill CA remember you get a full refund so we'll see you there thanks for watching
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 33,055
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, league of legends season 14, lol s14, lol season 14, faker, lol faker, lol faker guide, faker guide, lck, lol pro guide
Id: 4HmT-J4nMEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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