How to WIN LANE like CHOVY - League of Legends

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the Korean Pro Player chovi is world-renowned for two things his farming and his laning in fact many argue he's the best player in the world when it comes to these two specific skills and yet anyone who has had the unfortunate reality of playing League of Legends for more than a few hours knows how hard it is to balance both last hitting and trading in Lane every time you go aggressive to take winning trades you end up forgetting to Cs and fall behind in farm and if you focus on your last hits then you end up just getting poked out of Lane and losing every trade so how is it that chovi is able to be so dominant in both you think to a certain degree to be good at one you'd have to give up being good at the other well that's exactly what you're going to learn in today's guide how to get insanely High CS numbers while still being able to win your lane like the Korean God chovi all broken down into three simple rules you need to follow but first if you're feeling stuck at your current rank where you just can't rank up no matter how hard you try then skill cap is the solution you've been looking for we have the most extensive collection of Premium courses tailored for every role the best part is you can try our service completely risk-free if you don't rank up while active using skill cap then you get your money back no questions asked so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted all right now the first rule that chovi follows is to never trade during his own last hits for example here's a Korean Challenger game where chovi is playing Vex against Nico The Landing phase starts the enemy Nico throws her Queue at us great her one ability is on cool down so we move forward to go aggressive and land our own ability notice how this is fine to do since we have no last hits available now as our melee minions get low on health and need to be lasted is going to position more defensively just looking to focus on his last hits he's effectively standing at his Max Auto attack range to maximize the distance away from the enemy laner okay so let's pause here notice how chovy's e is about to come off cool down and we have no last hits we need to take that's the trigger that we can look to go aggressive on if we want to so we can see chovy look to move forward in this case Vex just wants to land her e which applies a Gloom stack into an auto attack that will proc the stack for more damage here's the problem though that we can all relate to as we look to go aggressive the enemies just simply backs off and play safe this causes what will label the two Auto attack problem you can see how two Caster minions are two Auto attacks of damage away from being able to be last hit it's very risky to trade during this timing since if we use our e to trade and put it on cool down enough time passes that these minions will actually be low enough to then be last hit and with our e on cool down it's very easy for Nico to go aggressive off this last it timing so check out this really simple mechanic chovi uses to deal with this so he's postured aggressively looking to trade but then he'll choose the lowest Health minion and auto attack it notice how as soon as he Auto attacks he's immediately clicking on away this has nothing to do with Niko's positioning as you can see Nico is actually walking away during this time then once the enemy Nico realizes chovi just put a minion low enough to be last hit they try to go aggressive on that timing however notice the distance Nico has to walk to to get in range to damage Vex this extra time it takes to get to Vex makes it so that chovi can finish off his last hit and then trade right after following his rule of never trading during your own last hits basically here's the secret to getting uncontested Farm like chovi it starts when you have no last hits available you posture aggressively during this time the goal here is not not to just possibly land a winning trade but if you actually hold your abilities due to the enemy backing off you gain a lot of space in the lane and push the enemy back with your new found space you can then Auto attack a minion once it's two Auto attacks away from dying you then simply kite backwards this immediate kite backwards will give you the room needed to finish the last hit without the Enemy being able to time a trade off it it can also as we can see trick the enemies into mistiming their aggression as they end up being in range right as you finish your last hit basically making them walk into a winning trade for you all right so after this trade ni has her Q while re e is on cool down no notice how chovi is going to use space again to use the two Auto attack kite back technique in order to secure this last hit without being traded back on as the next wave arrives our e is still on cool down but only for a few more seconds so we play safe now as soon as it's going to come off cool down notice how chovi is going to use the same Technique we just taught you you can see one minion is getting low enough for him to have to last hit at any second so he goes aggressive before he has to last hit that way he can create the space needed for him to back off during his lasted timing and auto attack it without being harassed now since Nico used our Q we have a cool down advantage and can once again posture aggressively again a super common scenario we're all familiar with happens the enemy minion is low and needs to be lasted by the enemy Nico this is a great time for us to land our combo and trade with them at the same time though our minion is low and needs to be lasted as well in these spots you can see how chovi still prioritizes getting his last hits first then once his last hits are out of the way he will look to harass or trade here's the thing though it goes much deeper than this you see most players they only think one step ahead for example being aware of your next to last hit most people know this concept when an enemy has to last hit he'll be distracted and stationary making it a great time to harass here's the thing most players don't realize though you can actually anticipate the opponent's second last hit thinking two steps ahead you see if we go back look at the minion wave if we just think one step ahead we'll identify we'll have to last hit this blue melee minion and Nico will have to last hit this red melee minion however let's think two steps ahead like chovy think of what minion will have to be last hit after that for us it will be one of the other Mele minions it's too early to know for certain which one for Nico it's clearly going to be this melee minion that's very low in health by thinking two steps ahead chovi knows to handshake on both of their last hit timings so that he can then punish the enemy's next last hit timing right afterwards when he doesn't have any last hits of his own also notice again that common theme by timing our aggression before our last hits it often means the enemy will be too far away to then punish us on our CS timing okay let's play a few more seconds and then pause chovi up until this point has perfect CS he hasn't missed a single one however he's about to be faced with a scenario you're going to be in every single game all of our abilities are on cool down however minions are progressively getting lower in health requiring us to last it soon the problem is we don't have abilities up to threaten a trade and create space for us like before so what's the solution well usually you just want to back off and give up the last hit sometimes due to minion RNG you'll have to last hit during a timing that's too dangerous no matter how well you play with that being said though there is a very Advanced trick you can consider using so notice how before the minion dies chovi will look to trade Auto attacks With the Enemy this is for two reasons first by forcing NCO to queue him in this trade it means it will be on cool down when chovy's abilities come off cool down down in a second giving him a timing window second this is super Advanced but when the opponent Auto attacks you they'll take minion aggro this minion aggro means your minions stop damaging the enemy minions you can see here how once nio auto attacks Vex vex's minions Focus her and stop damaging the enemy minions unfortunately chovi just ever so slightly mtim this and his minions got one last Auto attack off causing him to miss the last hit but you can actually see this Advanced mechanic you successfully shortly after notice how in this trade NCO Auto attacks Vex this pulls minion aggro and so even though his cast minion only has 14 Health it doesn't die to chovy's minions since they're too busy focusing Nico this buys him the time necessary to then last hit it and there's actually one more super important mechanic CH be used during that trade so if we go back to this Frame when you have your main poke ability off cool down you always want to be on the lookout for this situation where an enemy is positioned so you can land both the ability on the enemy champion and last it at the same time if you're able to kill minions with your abilities when you harass you're removing the amount of times the opponent will get to harass you off your last hits if we fast forward a bit you you can see chovi use this exact mechanic again he sets up his minions to be low enough to last hit them with an ability which allows him to both harass and last hit at the same time giving him a massive advantage and again if we fast forward a few seconds you'll see how he spots Nico lined up with last hits allowing him to both harass and last H it at the same time now as this next wave arrives the main Concepts we just taught you will be used repeatedly New Wave arrives we have our abilities off coold down and so we look to posture aggressively and trade while we have no last hits this creates space for us to be able to last H safely during our cooldowns right after as we position defensively as our Q gets ready to come off cool down we start autoing a minion getting it low enough and positioning ourselves so we can line up the lasted and harass the Enemy at the same time but the enemy Dodges it as chovi then finishes crashing this wave he's not only massively ahead in health having won his Lane but he's also ahead for Cs and it's all due to the one rule he follows never trade during your last HS to be able to successfully do this you need the following five Concepts mastered First Look to trade aggressively early on long before you have to last it it's always safe to do this as your cooldowns will then be back up before your next last hit second look to trade aggressively right before you have to last hit you time it when your next to last hit is within two Auto attacks that way you can kite back between each Auto and be safe from trades due to the space you initially created with the trade thirdly think two steps ahead when it comes to last hitting it can help you spot moments where you handshake on one lasted timing since you know the enemy has to last it first afterwards fourth if the enemy has the last it timing on you try to trade Auto attacks if it's reasonable to do so this can cause your minions to aggro onto them which stops damaging their minions letting you then last hit them safely after the trade and fifth always look for opportunities to both last hit and harass with an ability at the same time it removes timing windows from the enemy where they can look to land free trades off your last hits since you'll simply have less of them now if you're someone who finds it difficult to win your lane through trades then I highly recommend our Master ad minutes course on trading it's an absolute Game Changer this course contains bite-sized impactful lessons that are easy to digest and Implement in your own games click the link in the description below to unlock the full course and level up your trading all right now that last concept of killing minions with abilities to remove harass timers from the opponent transitions perfectly to the second rule of chovy's laning Master your wave clear break points for example here chovy knows the enemy recall there is a specific combo of abilities that will allow him to kill the backline first he needs to apply One auto to each Caster then cast e into Q into W by memorizing wave clear break points like this it allows you to not only wave clear as fast as possible but it also prevents you from leaving minions at 1 HP and losing them to your minions damage now this was a very Advanced example so so don't worry as a weird thing about wave clear break points is that it's actually easier to memorize them by starting at level 9 and working backwards so let's just do that and jump ahead to level 9 so let's take a look at the combo now oh it's literally just casting q and you onot the casters that's actually standard on pretty much every midlaner once you hit Level 9 the main ability you Max should onshot the casters if you ever find yourself in game unable to on-shot Caster minions with your main ability it's likely because you haven't spent your gold in a while and since level 9 is so easy to memorize we just have to go backwards to memorize the rest so let's jump to level eight now now a lot of newer Vex players actually mistakenly use e into Q to clear the backline of casters on the surface this seems like it makes sense because a single Q won't do enough damage at level eight since it only has four points in it however watch what chovi does instead he casts e on the melees then Q's which puts everything but the siege minion within kill range of his W look how much time you save when you know this wave clear break point if you cast e and Q on the casters you're left with a ton of melees to have to kill awkwardly using Auto attacks in W again let's keep going backwards now at level seven you can chov uses q no other abilities than a second Q to clear them and if we go back to level six we can see the same wave clear breakpoint Q into a second Q this is because it's not until level eight you actually put a second Point into your W as Vex which gives you just enough damage to kill all the Minions in the combo we taught you earlier this is why it's so important to practice and memorize break points at each level up until Level 9 when your main ability will on-shot casters if you don't you'll not only wave clear way slower which gives you less time to roam but also remember what we taught you earlier the more lasant you have the more opport opportunities for your opponent to time harass on you while you're last hitting by knowing wave clear break points the opponent has less chances to win Lane through trades on top of this wave clear break points guarantee your last hits so avoid the common scenario where you leave minions low on health or they die to your minions losing you gold now you're probably thinking okay this is all great but I don't play Vex how do I learn wave clear break points on my Champion well to be honest I could do a massive cop out and just tell you things like go watch a one trick stream or download their replays but the truth is it's far faster and more effective if I just teach you how to do it yourself in the practice tool so let me show you how to do it I'm going to break it down into three tiers of difficulty beginner wave clear intermediate wave clear and Advance wave clear so I'm going to use Ari as an example but just pick whatever Champion you want to learn wave clear break points on and follow along so head into the practice tool make sure your runes and starting items are what you usually go with now we're going to start with beginner wave clear breakpoints the first thing you want to memorize is when your main wave clear ability will take two spell rotations to clear the Caster minions for Ari this is her Q ability so start at level one and use your main wave clear ability twice and see if it clears the casters you can see for arri it doesn't at level one we then try the same thing at level two again it doesn't now at level three all Champions have a choice to either put a point in their third ability in this case it would be my charm is arri or put a second Point into their main wave clear ability my Q when learning break points always put two points into your main wave clear ability so you can see if you hit that wave clear break point at level three in this case you can see if we put two points into our que we can kill the caser minions in two spell rotations great so we now know we hit our first wave clear break point at level three assuming we put two points into our queue we then continue testing this for each level so level four it has the same break point level five has the same two spell rotation breako same with level six and same with level s however level s is unique in that it's when you have four points in your main ability so first test your wave clear without items then purchase items and test it again at level seven in this case you can see with arri whether we have items or not we just can't clear the casters in one rotation of our queue the reason you want to do this is that some champions will be able to on-shot casters once they've purchased items at level s but it's on a case-by Case basis and then we have our level eight timing which also takes two cast of our q and finally we're at the level 9 breakpoint where we can finally on-shot casters with one Q hold on a second that did not on-shot them again you need to test this breakpoint with and without items some Champions will need items to hit this break point some won't in AR's case you can see I need a l chapter to be able to onot casters with my Q now all you have to memorize is as Ari you can clear casters with two Q's from as early level three all the way to level eight and at level 9 you can then one-hot them assuming you bought items these are your basic wave clear timings and memorizing these for your Champion will put you ahead of most players all right now let's move on to the intermediate level well once you have those basic timings mastered you want to start testing other abilities in combination with your main wave clear break points for example at level one as Ari if we scale Q first our only other ability is our Auto attacks so we want to test what it takes to use two q's and Autos to kill the casters you can see how if we Auto each Caster two times we we can then clear the casters with two qes for level two we now have access to our W ability with this we can cue The Wave auto each Caster once then cast Q into W and it will clear the backline at level three we then two shot the casters with our Q so there's no variations to learn same with level four at level five though we do enough damage with our q that we can then Auto each Caster once into our W to clear them level six stays the same with no new combos however at level s if we bought items we put casters low enough in one Q so we can finish them off with a W or just one Auto attack this exact same variation exists for level eight however with these variations it's highly recommended to just Auto each Caster first then cast your Q since you keep your W off cool down save mana and don't have to commit to last hits after you cast The Q so to summarize the more advanced variations you could memorize would be level one takes two q's and two autos on the casters level two takes two Q's One auto and one W on the casters level 3 to 8 takes two Q's as before however at level five we can also choose to Q once auto once into W and at level seven if we bought items we can kill the casters with one q and one Auto or one q and 1 W and of course at level 9 we clear the casters in one Q with items here's the thing though I don't recommend you memorize all of them and instead you want to pick the ones that seem the most practical to you for example level one and level two wave clear timings are unlikely to be useful since you have to use abilities to trade this early on so trying to use them on the wave will likely lose your lane level five is also unlikly to be useful since it's just simpler to use two qes on a wave instead of trying to Q once into landing three autos and casting W however level 7's variation of autoing each Caster once into casting Q is very useful since we can save a qcast and do it relatively easy so that leaves us with something much simpler to memorize levels 3 to 8 it takes two Q's to kill the casters at level 7 to8 we can choose to Auto each Caster once into casting q and at level 9ine we on-shot casters with items and finally we have the Advanced Wave clear break points here's the thing both items and runes can impact wave clear break points so what you want to do is test specific runes and items that relate to damage to see if taking them can let you hit an earlier break point however it's important you only test ones that are consistent for example runes like eyeball collection that require takedowns they don't count right now there are basically three things you would want to test in your Rune page the first is running absolute Focus which gives you flat damage if you're above 70% Health the second is minion dematerializer this can give you a massive damage boost to specific minion types and the third is going full adaptive Force if you usually run one attack speed Rune what you test will be dependent on the usual Rune page that you run for example the standard Rune page on Ari is going domination and sorcery so we'll first want to test absolute Focus then test going full adaptive Force now don't worry you don't have to test every single level instead you want to test the level breakpoint before you're able to one-hot casters so for Ari we know that at level 9 we have five points in our queue and we can one-hot casters with items so we just have to go back to level seven where we had four points in our queue as this is the last break point before we can one-hot cast our goal here is to see if any Rune or item combo lets us onot casters at this level so we first test with just absolute Focus we can see it doesn't then we buy one item in this case L chapter can see it still doesn't then we add one additional item to see if that pushes us over the edge which is a dark seal and it doesn't so we go back to our runes take absolute Focus along with full adaptive Force instead of one attack speed Rune do the same test again at level seven with no items we can't oneshot them with lost chapter we still can't on-shot them however with lost chapter and dark dark seal we can on-shot them you can see how this super Advanced testing can let you unlock break points almost no one else knows about and that's everything you need to find Optimal wave clear break points for any Champion just like chovy from the beginner level to the advanced level and by the way if you're someone who finds all the different concepts of Wave Control overwhelming and confusing then I highly highly recommend taking our course on Wave Control at skillcap it will literally teach you everything you ever need to know about Wave Control but in a way that's super easy to understand you can unlock the full course by clicking the link in the description below all right and now is a perfect time to get into chovy's third rule of laning only leave Lane once you've pushed your way first so this whole concept sounds simple enough on the surface when you push a wave into the tower you have a timing window to roam recall Ward that will last until the next wave arrives in Lane however as all things with chovi there's more nuance and advanced concepts to this so first let's start at the 3-minute Mark I want you to be aware of how long it's going to take chovi to clear this wave this is normal in the lower levels where you have less Mana items and damage on your abilities as we finish clearing the wave let's take a look at where the next wave is we can see it's at the opponent's inhibitor tower now a nice trick to use to know where the enemy wave is is to just look at your own waves since they'll always be mirrored so as we finish clearing the wave we can look at our own wave see it's at the inhib tower and therefore we know the enemy's wave is also at their inhib Tower this gives you a sense of how much time we have to do things in this case you can see it's not that big of a timing window so we're only able to place a w down before we have to get back to Lane now we see chovi use the wave clear break point we taught you earlier to clear this wave really fast as we finish clearing this wave again let's check out our minions they've literally just spawned again we know the enemy minions have also just spawned because they're mirrored this gives us a much larger timing window one that we can use to recall in this case chovi actually decided to teleport back to Lane since his jungler is taking Scuttle his support is roaming his top laner is pushed basically he wants to keep up his Lane pressure to match his team's map pressure however it's worth noting due to how fast he cleared the wave he absolutely had enough time to just run back to Lane without using teleport and he wouldn't miss a minion so we're back in Lane let's fast forward until we're done clearing again let's look at our minions we can see they the inhib tower again we know from last time that's not that big of a timing window so what does chovy do with it well same as last time he uses the smaller window to place Wards and get Vision next wave arrives let's fast forward you can see we don't even clear this wave fast enough to get any timing window next wave arrives again we're very slow clearing it if we take a look at our next minion wave what we can see is actually at our second tower we basically don't even have enough time to move from Lane next wave arrives this time we clear it much faster we check our wave it's at the inhib tower we know now that's enough time to Clear Vision which is what chovi does back in Lane we go this time we clear super fast check our minions they've just spawned out of Base last time we used this big timing window as a recall timing this time chovy uses it to hit the fruit spawn timing into a nice gank on Top Lane and since we roamed on such a big timing window you can see how we can get back to Lane only missing two melee minions next wave we look to clear fast but due to it being a Siege wave it slows us down a bit check our wave it's a little bit behind our inhib Tower as long as we recall immediately we have enough time to get back to Lane missing minimal CS in the process the way after again we don't clear it very fast so we only have time to establish vision control nearby next wave we now use our level eight wave clear break point to clear super fast check our wave it's basically just spawned so we have a huge timing window if we take stock of the map there's no RS available we're not low enough on health or have enough gold to recall so we use this large timing window to take a plate and do some Tower damage next wave clear with our combo so it's pretty fast no RAM available or recall timing needed so we default to vision control next wave we look to clear relatively fast again this creates a recall call timing as we have enough gold for lost chapter teleport back to Lane we haven't pushed our wave yet so we can't leave Lane instead we're actually able to get the fight inside our lane meaning we won't lose any CS we then clear the wave after as fast as we can creates a large timing window and we use it to take Tower plates a nice trick here when the enemy is out of Lane you can actually position under the Tower with your wave to damage the next incoming wave really early on letting you clear it even faster giving you a bigger timing window you can see how by the time chovi clears this the next wave hasn't even respawned yet so we have a ton of time chovi uses this huge timing window to get the next turret plate into then recalling and again a nice trick here he times his recall on a Siege minion wave which means you'll actually have a bigger timing window since the siege minion will absorb eight tower shots buying you time needed to lose minimal CS as you walk back to Lane next wave we push as fast as we can again our wave is just spawning so we have a massive timing window in this case chovy is using it to place the herald with his jungler to take the mid Tower and as this Tower Falls let's pause chovi now now has 130 CS in 12 minutes that's over 10 CS per minute he has a kill participation of three which is one more than the enemy Mid laner 2 and he's 1300 gold ahead of the enemy mid laner and you just saw how he did this without any crazy mechanical outplays just by following three Simple Rules never trade during your own last hits master your wave clear break points and only leave your lane once you pushed your wave and there you go if you start implementing chovy's three rules to your laning I can guarantee you'll see results as that's kind of our whole thing here at skill Capa we focus on the things that actually help you climb ranks and simplify them so they're easy to understand so if you're feeling stuck at your current rank where you just can't rank up no matter how hard you try then skill cap is the solution you've been looking for we have the most extensive collection of Premium courses tailored for every role and if you're still skeptical don't worry you can try us out risk-free if you don't rank up while actively using skill cap you get your money back no questions asked you can unlock this gamechanging opportunity right now through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link to get the rank you've always wanted all right and that will do it for this one we here at skillcap want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 54,843
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 13, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, lol chovy, chovy, chovy guide, laning guide, chovy stream, gen chovy, chovy lol, challenger guide, lol guide, challenger coaching, how to climb
Id: 2DLux9HAL8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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