20 Times Faker Proved he's the BEST in the game

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hello and welcome back to the channel I'm op and in today's episode we'll be going over 20 times where Faker proved that he's the best in the game without further delay let's dive straight into the action and that is the jungler down T1 with 40 seconds till the straight comes up not the same time they find the rest 369 going to take his fight against Faker will it be enough does he win round two he's ignited he's ever frosted and Faker with five Health left wins the one-on-one the goat now he's got more enemies coming after him though he's going for the sneaky Reco out of vision they know he's on the left hand side missing will not spot him going under the brush they see they you can see it you can see it it was Invision they don't walk over to the RO War Faker with the OK do really left to be had and everyone else able to disengage properly but now the play towards top side they do see Faker and the Cocoon not going to land though so can they get anything else The Flash Chase it's SM onto his face looking for a little bit more and he's not going to go down Baker with just the ghost gets away with it he knew they were coming the second gorilla charge at him in an empty Lane he did a minor step upwards forcing the Cocoon to ever so slightly miss this Le's mid lane exposed by PR here to defend but that was so close Faker saw the enemy support running at him he knew he was getting ganked and then the Cocoon was just a hair short just a hair short and just a split second off from flashing away from the shock wave and so many incredibly Slim margin that could decide this series and gets the kick he's got flash kick and Wards look at the wave C coming out from Ted yeah they have to disengage this is likely going to be the tow for SKT RNG knows this is just not hard forcible and they have no teleports flowers so Faker can just do this for free recalls take so long he even gets to see the recalls SKT if they had more poke they'd actually be able to stop Mor from going back that's the in him and he's out of there another TP is oh going it's a triple teleport up in to the top side for skn uzi's going legendary he's able to find the kill onto the Gras SKT are now on the NEX turrets KT they play the map right and they find the Nexus the he's the only man left standing Cara and long Shing are after him sonic wave will not find the mark But The Pursuit continues Cara is stopped in his tracks but long Shing continues The Chase the claw will not find the mark and Baker hands him a c and walks away RNG will not find the ace but they still found four kills onto SKT was they back off P back handshake already used the feathers Al now coming in Baker trying to out maneuver the play but it's just so hard the point and clicks stun still Baker no flash could make his way out here Queen side step what manages to dodge away from the Sani qw combo keeps himself alive M had to blow the Flash The Flash sorry T1 really trying to force this bot tier one would be first Tower of the game but a lot of things happening on the map breath and zos return to this top side T1 think they have a dragon RNG just seal it right they have the ability to probably not yet it depends once he completes his Infinity Edge this Duo is very uh prominent just because of how much damage and consistent damage that the yaso is able to Output so it's something that CG also have to respect do they kill Faker yes or no Vias no okay let's see what he does three on one four on one as Cody sun comes down the quickness is used already fake has got flash available he dashes he doesn't even use the Flesh and venas you are a god you called it escapes involved in 15 of the 18 kills absolute Beast for sure here's a look at the engage and Zeus immediately they go straight for front line they knock back the Sani and because of the comp this time around it's easy for them to finish that out Baker then goes around the back nobody's getting out of here it's like Faker from the back Kushi from the left Ona from the front they're being flanked when they just shouldn't be the focus on his face he knows that this game is his oh my oh oht your eyes and a fans it's not pretty cut the tape all right oh wait here we go the One V one one one Jensen up currently two Z Faker can he bring it back Jensen can he take can he take the best to five against Faker in the One V one that's all that matters can he get it flip golden can he take the best of five Baker coming back Baker with the stopwatch gets the last laugh he takes down Jensen and D1 will take down Cloud n flabber leaping in a last desperate defense a few more towers for Sven one more tower for T1 just about start so they have a little bit more but mid Lane's going to have some action moving in Flash for Baker does what he can with a petrifying gaze but it might not be enough heal coming through Baker need to make his way out out com the the flashback contract's now in trouble Baker pushing for a little bit more is he going to get the first Blood here that's it from Baker super clean outplay there you wait until the Rex going on Reginal putting some pressure down but Faker actually turning down a lot of damage Reginal goes aggressive PES the ultimate got to get caught out Faker gets him down that was unfortunate Reggie thought he was about to get jumped on he actually knock up out of B there he watch right at the front trying to get B blown up his passive is there to save him will he be able to escape there is St nicely coming in Triangle Thor's going to knock n all into the air prey is going to fall here Baker from the side cresendo comes around SKT doing great in this one now Kane going to be the target exhaust goes down but it won't make a difference especially he's going to try and Chase down Baker here but with impact to get that taor down will he have the Finish Baker is still alive charm's going to let is he going to be able to walk away Faker is still running another goes down as respect but they have control WS if they wanted rexi around the left it's around the right though it's going to be a turret it's time to pull the trigger they do so they grab the turret now they can move back to the mountain Drake then they can set up for Baron Vision the path is clear for EDG they'll take down the Scuttle crab in these last remaining moments waiting for that Drake they're getting a third Mountain Drake they already got the first bar that was huge for to actually get a bigger goal lead they're saving the Drake for now they got two already bang is hiding he's coming bang looking to come in here comes your initiation the right three Banker Shockwave will find them all and SKT with a hell of a response will take down four as all Summoners Faker has Alti will they try a jinx and a Tom kench versus a team of bar you've seen this before the charm flashed Away by gum Yushi Faker looking getting from the back of the pit Frozen tomb available for him RNG calling T1 block and V finds them all Gushi carier and Baker will not go quietly into the night form is temporary Baker is forever oh my God T1 going wild there Carri is even going to chase him down and take down way you hear boot not sure if the W or the Shroud is on cool down but here he comes comes the Q walking into the Shroud waiting for his jungle to arrive just waiting he has so much time from the Shroud and now they're committing to the fight they want to get a shiao flashing out Faker flashing out way in the area though way wants to finish the job flip over the wall rap pre AGG gring little Auto attacks little chickens trying to knock him down but it will not happen sh steing forward is a big risk Faker going over the wall it's a massive Escape does he have the execute time is ticking he needs to get towards this Tower he doesn't have flat now we trying to get away from it Faker oh I have never seen a player die so well right now T1 are on the precipice of finding themselves as the Victor once again caps looking for a kill onto Faker bubble is going to go down as let's see whether Faker finds the right spot he doesn't he's going to flashes over the wall oh my God that was he just broke his ankles yeah oh my and now cap he's stolen The Flash so he has it at the ready is now Faker he can execute and there is no way that it can be answered that was so many that's the Reddit like that's the Reddit Montage Juke that you're like that like six years ago or something I was like well that looks cool from that guy that was playing in Reddit it's the thing in Solo where you're literally just like I can out duuke them by staying in specific spot cuz you expect them to flash in a certain direction then you flash in another one and then Faker just from Vega contributed nothing yep now Faker up in this top side could comes out here from score the route as well from the Jin it looks like he might go down nice Emperor divide to stop the jump in from haani Faker trying to find the kill the Z comes out now Duke has AR trying to lock down arrow gets him with the never move and Baker is going to stay alive the tether coming down on to Johny as well he goes in for the headbutt but cannot find the damage and it looks like he's going to fall as well and he does Baker barely coming out alive and SKT finds another two kills potentially three here as they try to get on the score wolf does he have the Mantra Q the minions are there to block the spider Queen we're going to see the replay but don't mistake this for Faker being fortunate the start of the pick is very good but you see herani gets too greedy looking for the flash head by pulverized has it denied by The emperess Divide but notice that Faker has flashed this entire time waits for the zus waits for KT to fully commit to a bad fight where they could never have as many members as SKT and then just win the fight from there being so steadfast on his summon and spell cool down has always been a trademark in this engage by the way sitting on that qss that's a flash impale con will get to Boward though not going to get killed just yet chain of corruption has already been used Here Comes wonder he eats an enchanted Crystal arrow to the face and fake has been able to join the freay five members of G2 trying to push forward but the minion wave is getting obliterated massive manages to steal the n v turns around he hijacks g2's chances listen to that crowd as SKT turn it around that was absolutely in same from Faker by G2 they have Top Lane pushed in they have bot Lane pushed in everything looks great for them and G2 is like right let's find this quick pick onto KH but then Mata comes in for the save once again and with the qss can walk up that aggressive with two cleanse effects to re-engage starts you think okay we're just going to back away from here no harm no foul P hasn't hijacked an ability just yet sees wander rolls in five man Nar ultimate it doesn't win them the game but I'm sure we'll track back if SKT take down the Series 31 and remember that Faker play that hijack was so close to catching Mickey's B inste and double six they get the flash from n Faker comes in he's got the alt he's got the kill beautiful beautiful game from SKT dodged that petrifying game so beautifully I almost couldn't see it just let's watch this one again let's see how Faker does wait for the animation comes now flashes it wow beautiful this is Riven mechanics getting Ging you back into the game and ji I mean I I feel like they they're they're ahead right now they're they're down in Gold but because of the way the comps work that infernal Dragon giving over so much in terms of stats I think Baker's dead actually oh he's going to manage to dodge that Tod he's still dead he's still dead he's still you can go oh wait hold on never mind okay he's going to get turned around now effort is angry after what happened the last two couple of kills Here Comes Kana that teleport out of gen is so late I don't think he's going to get there on time he gets there right after life goes down bdd trying to go 1v3 he is incredibly strong right now he's going to get that nuke Cent tarrow though from go take bdd out of the fight and Faker is getting in there he's TR that damage and he will be able to take him down that is an ace to the side of T1 out of nowhere as they turn around the dive in the bottom Lane J interestingly Teddy is electing into the for Gauntlet but the only real threat of look at Baker trying to go one2 and bait that one out but the flash knockup comes in and CID is late but it doesn't matter he cataclysms the Clone as Faker gets away dread super low now Faker trying to come back the que it's going to miss and Teddy coming in the chains are going to land and Faker Dodges it again as you can't lock him down at all Baker going to set up the play for two kills for SKT and that is a massive Tempo swing right now for SK telop does come back up he'll have his teleport they can turn it into a four vers five at Baron if ftic are not careful they will take too much damage for Baron they have to take this Baron down fast you can see Mando do off the side he's got strangle Thorns available if he wants to just throw in in there for some interference faker's looking to maybe try and make a PL he's gone in he's gone for C he wants to try and pop him down maybe enough he gets C down before the baron drops the baron is so so low it's going to get St away by this is tragic for bana pek is going to get dropped there what a blow right back over to this Baron with a will start it up and you see in that fight why it was so important that they took the early objectives because Ariana is never grouped with a front line in front of her to put the ball to cancel out the death Mark Baker has been out of position because very hard to have position we hear an ultimate popped and we see a turn yeah Dred line coming through big big shock wave comes through fer just absolutely devastates the ranks of KT roster a triple kill for him Pawn trying to get out with his life but it just doesn't look look very likely and good God like even though I only have a mat on the floor I think he's in the bed Oaker may be in trouble your death Mark tries to clean it up for Ryu oh look at the Clans look at the moves Faker what was that Faker with a huge play the qss he actually won that duel telom just charges into the KT bullets base oh what wow can't you say GG there's a and thank you for watching Until the End these were 20 times where Faker Prov that he's the best in the game which moment was your favorite let me know in the comment section below this is op and I'll see you tomorrow take [Music] care
Channel: OPLOLReplay
Views: 1,371,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, League of legends world championships, Faker, Faker outplays, Best faker outplays, Faker montage, Faker vs Ryu, Faker best plays, faker insane plays, faker highlights, Best of faker, T1 faker, best plays in lol esports, lol esports outplays, league of legends worlds highlights, lol worlds 2023, faker, lol esports, 20 Times Faker Proved he's the BEST in the game, Lolesports, League of Legends, esports, Lol eSports, LCK, skt t1 faker, best of faker, t1 faker
Id: jwLEJIoz-Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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