The 10 BEST ADCs to ESCAPE LOW ELO in Season 14 - League of Legends

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if your goal is to escape low ELO as an 80 carry as fast as possible then you clicked on the Right video we'll be breaking down the top 10 best 80 carry champions for climbing out of low ELO the order does matter so the number one pick will be what we consider the strongest champion and comment below which 0 carry Champions do you think are the best for carrying in low ELO Don't cheat by looking ahead let's see if your picks match our list also if you want to learn how to carry bad teammates and finally Escape low ELO as an 80 carry there is nothing better than our brand new multi-chapter 80 carry course at skill this course will teach you everything you need to start carrying as an ad carry matchups trading dealing with bad supports macro team fighting mechanics we cover everything you need pair that with our new why you suck at ADC course that teaches you how to fix the worst mistakes you're making then head on over to our Smurf commentaries select your Champion to watch live commentaries from Challenger players showing you how to carry out of the exact ELO you're stuck in you can try all of this risk-free since if you don't rank up while actively using skillcapped you'll get your money back no questions asked you can unlock all of this through the exclusive discount you can only access through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted this season all right now starting us off at number 10 we have the sheriff of piltover Caitlyn Caitlyn's long attack range is a huge advantage in low ELO with her 650 range she can poke down enemies from a safe distance allowing you to dominate the laning phase and generate big minion leads her yal snap traps provide excellent Zone control placing them in choke points and around objectives can drastically limit enemy movement while in Lane it will make it easier to catch out of position enemies and follow up with your support and jungler engages combine them with their 90 caliber net for an escape tool and you've got a champion that's pretty hard to pin down and of course let's not forget our Ultimate Ace in the Hole which lets you secure kills from afar all of this combines together to create a champion with a very strong laning phase who is also relatively safe with very few bad matchups that being being said the reason she's not ranked higher on this list is that her mid game can be a bit lackluster compared to other 80 carries if you fail to get that early lead well her damage can feel underwhelming at the same time low ELO games often go longer and so generating early leads is not as important as late game scaling and Caitlyn's light game is pretty average she's also deceptively hard to play missing a key pilt over Peacemaker or misplacing a yal snap trap can drastically reduce her power in fights and finally Caitlyn lacks the mobility of other adcs while her 90 caliber net can help it's not as reliable as dashes or blinks this makes positioning and map awareness incredibly important something lowy low players usually struggle with to avoid getting caught out by assassins or divers so while kin offers strong laning mastering her will require perfecting your mechanics and positioning and consistent snowballing to overcome her midgame weaknesses next up at number nine we have a fantastic pick for climbing out of low ELO Misfortune her laning phase is incredibly strong while also being easy to play her double up ability will bounce to hit the enemy behind the target critically striking if at last hit a minion meanwhile her passive love tap provides additional damage on her first Auto attack against a new Target so sneaking in single Auto attacks while looking for double up crits becomes the core play style in Lane meanwhile her ultimate bullet time can turn the tide of Team fights with its massive area of effect damage in low ELO where positioning mistakes are more common a well-placed bullet time will constantly wipe out multiple enemies however Misfortune does have her downsides she lacks Mobility making her vulnerable to ganks and hard engag Champions this means poor positioning can lead to being caught out and killed quickly additionally while her ultimate is very powerful it requires good positioning and timing to use effectively and can be interrupted by crowd control and finally her damage output can fall off if she doesn't get ahead early making it important to capitalize on her strong laning face misfortune's biggest strength though is that her kit is straightforward making her accessible to players who might not yet have high mechanical skill her Simplicity doesn't compromise her Effectiveness though instead it allows players to focus on macro play and positioning which are crucial for climbing ranks which is why Misfortune remains a solid choice for climbing out of low ELO now making our eighth spot is none other than the plague rat himself twitch first we have to talk about his stealth ability Ambush low ELO players already struggle with map awareness so the fact you can go invisible leads to a ton of easy kills and quick snowballs his damage output also scales incredibly well with his ultimate spray and prey you can mow down entire teams with your auto attacks dealing massive damage over a wide area from extremely far away this means he can become a late game hyper carry which is a big deal in low ELO where games not only go longer but teammates are also not always the most reliable at the same time his passives poison and contaminate ability do a ton of damage in a really sneaky way this will constantly catch low ELO players off guard by underestimating his damage however twitch does come with some drawbacks he's extremely squishy and vulnerable to crowd control while also lacking a dash or blink so if you get caught out you'll often get burst down without being able to do much this makes positioning and map awareness crucial which can be challenging for lower ELO players this also makes him more reliant on his support for protection and peel if your support isn't on the same page or lacks the necessary skills you'll find it difficult to survive in fights additionally twitch's early game is relatively weak compared to other adcs he needs time to farm and get items before he becomes a true threat don't be mistaken though twitch's ability to go invisible deal massive area damage in team fights and carry games once he's farmed still makes him an incredibly powerful pick for loo players looking to climb the rank moving on to our seventh best ad carry in Lilo sarapen some of you may be surprised sarapen is on this list as she's not a traditional ad carry but she consistently has one of the highest win rates in this role since her Inception she's pretty slept on by low ELO players while High ELO players know her true power first off she has one of the safest most consistent leaning phases in the game this is because of her Q ability high note it has insanely high range allowing her to both harass enemies but more often just securing farm and pushing waves safely from a distance meanwhile her W surround sound provides healing and shielding for both herself and her allies this sustain helps her and her support survive trades and extended skirmishes making her laning phase very forgiving basically she has the safest most consistent laning phases of any champion in the ad carry role at the same time once you get into team fights her ultimate oncore is truly amazing its long range and wide area can charm and damage multiple enemies completely swinging fights in your favor this is especially powerful in low ELO where positioning and spell awareness isn't as good however seraphine does come with a share of drawbacks as an 0 carry her damage output relies heavily on her abilities rather than Auto attacks this makes her less effective in extended du against traditional adcs who can consistently output damage this can also create issues with your low ELO support where they may Force extended fights not realizing this is saraph Fine's weakness she's also relatively squishy and lacks Mobility this does make her vulnerable to assassins and hard engage additionally her Reliance on Landing skill shots means that missing key abilities can significantly reduce her Effectiveness and fights compared to other adcs that just need to right click still despite her vulnerabilities sarapen strong poke sustain and impactful crowd control makes her a versatile and Powerful pick in the ADC role for Lilo next coming in at number six we have the virtuoso of death Jin jyn is great in low ELO because he does a ton of damage but in a way that keeps him much safer than other adcs at first the fact that he has to reload after four bullets seems like a downside however his bullet mechanic does two things for him his fourth shot always crits dealing bonus damage the lower in health the enemy is while also just massively increasing the damage of every shot he takes at the same time though anytime he crits he gets a big burst of movement speed that means where other ad8 carries have to constantly be attacking to do maximum damage putting themselves in danger Jinn can actually weave back and forth Landing one shot then creating distance and getting out of danger before going back in to land another his Landing phase is also both safe and strong since his Q ability gives them amazing wave clear and poke at the same time in most matchups it guarantees you'll have the push advantage in Lane combine this with his traps which he can use as additional Wards and Lane to slow and catch jungle ganks early and you can start to see how he can be a very powerful laner he's also incredibly versatile his W being a longrange crowd control that Roots enemies by your attacks or those of your allies and his ultimate Curtain Call is a long-range ability that can both initiate fights with the slow or just snipe low Health enemies with its damage jyn does have his downsides though his lack of Dash or blink makes him a target for Assassins and hard engaged Champions however the biggest reason he's not higher on this list is his difficulty while his bullet mechanic is incredibly powerful it requires mechanical Mastery to truly unlock its full power while his crowd control abilities also require precise accuracy as well to be honest he just has a lot of tricks and combos that you have to learn that's actually exactly why we created a brand new gin course on our website skill for example take Jin's fadeaway alt most gin players tunnel way too much on their Auto attacks not realizing one of your best dueling patterns is to Auto attack a couple of times and then run away then after you've built some disc distance you just Al remember your alt does damage based on the enemy's missing health so those Autos you landed got them low and now you can finish them off this is incredibly important to know especially versus Champions that beat you in a fair 1V one they'll think they can win because they can deal a lot of damage to you but your ability to Simply speed away after a trade gives them no counterplay since they're now no longer in range to threaten you meanwhile you can easily finish them off from 3,000 yd away our new gin course is jam-packed with all the most important tricks Challenger gin players use to climb the ranks fast all right now for our fifth best 0 carry in low ELO we have Tristana in many ways Tristana is the most well-rounded ad carry on this list her e ability explosive charge gives her tremendous burst damage when fully stacked while also then resetting her W Rocket jumps coold down this gives her both excellent Escape ability but also sets her up to engage from unexpectedly long distances and assassinate targets meanwhile her Q rapid fire gives her an insane attack speed boost while her ultimate Buster shot is a powerful tool for disengaging or securing kills this means she can be easy to play as she has pretty much no skill shots not only does this grant her a very strong early game but she also has great late game scaling too in no small part due to her passive that increases her Auto attack e and ALT range every single level it even surpasses Caitlyn's range at level 18 that being said she doesn't have that top tier late game hyper carry scaling that other adcs like twitch F kgma kaisa and Jinx have baked into their design she's also a lot more single Target focused with her damage and so won't be as impactful in Big team fights compared to other picks what that means is you can't expect to just sit passively in lane and just outscale your opponents you do want to be looking to take advantage of your strong early game to snowball Instead This need for early aggression can lead to jumping into your death giving her a bit of a different learning curve than most her abilities can also feel a bit clunky at times and require you to know a few tricks and some time to learn to get the most out of them for example like knowing how to buffer her W where when you time it right you can actually cast during the time where crowd control has hit you to completely negate it still a champion with a strong early game great scaling tons of mobility and can self peel makes for one of the best choices for low ELO you really can't go wrong with just and slipping into our fourth spot is none other than Nyla Nyla is a very unique ad carry with a lot of built-in power for example her passive gives her and her nearest Ally Champion 50% bonus experience they would have lost from sharing that's pretty crazy one of her biggest strengths though is that she's not as complicated to play as she may seem a huge amount of her strength that actually just comes from her Q formless blade it's a low cooldown damaging ability that upon hitting an enemy gives her basic attacks bonus range attack speed and turns her Autos into an AOE cone attack at the same time her Q passive gives her basic attacks armor penetration and heal her giving her a shield if it heals Beyond Max health so spamming q and auto attacks isn't exactly that mechanically demanding her W jubilant Veil is pretty much every 80 DC's dream ability she becomes ghosted gains movement speed and Dodges all basic attacks and reduces incoming magic damage by 25% you can even apply it to teammates to give them a shortened effect what really makes her strong in low ELO though is her e ability slipstream it's a fixed distance Dash with a pretty long range that can actually stock up to two charges you combine this with your W and you can start to see both how easy it can be to run players down or just simply escape to safety and we haven't even touched on our ultimate with its crowd control damage and healing can massively swing team fights so if Nyla is so amazing why isn't she higher up on the list well it mainly has to do with her Auto attack range it's half the average adcs at 225 which only gets boosted to 350 from her Q this makes her vulnerable to harass and poke in the landing phase you can't just sit back and expect to go through Lane without issue you're going to need to know how to create winning engages this actually makes your play style much closer to a melee Champion than a range Champion that most ad carry players are used to which can make her much harder to learn and this doesn't just apply to laning it means in instead of aiming to Kite from range you need to be looking for good engages more like a Bruiser or assassin now if that kind of play style is more of a positive than a negative for you well then look no further than Nyla as your pick to climb out of low ELO all right now we enter the top three best low ELO 80 carries and our third spot is going to the daughter of the Void kaisa kaisa is probably the most versatile ad carry on this list literally she does both magical and physical damage her abilities kind of do everything she has great damage per second with her e giving a massive attack speed steroid and her passive applying onhit magic damage through stacks of plasma she also has tremendous burst damage not only from her other basic abilities but once she applies five stacks of plasma it does bonus damage based on missing health I mean if you build more AP heavy suddenly your W becomes a super long-range poking tool that will hit like a truck even our ultimate is extremely versatile you can use it to dive into the thick of things and clean up fights or to kite enemies trying to dive you out playing them from range she's also a fantastic late game carry with each of her basic abilities having a buil-in Evolution mechanic that gives them super powerful scaling something that's extremely valuable in low ELO where games go longer and you can't rely on your teammates so if kaisa is so amazing why is she not ranked higher well a big reason is her weak early game she truly has great scaling but it comes at the expense of a relatively weak laning phase this just gives her a lot more difficult matchups than those ranked higher on this list she's also a bit more mechanically demanding than most 8cs where you can't just sit back and rain down Autos from safety you need smart well-timed ability usage while also being comfortable getting into closer ranges and skirmishing still there's a reason she made our top three you really can't go wrong Ming kaisa through the lower ranks next coming in as the second best ad carry for low ELO the Frost Archer known as Ash Ash has always been considered a beginner-friendly ad carry to play but don't confuse ease of use with weakness she's incredibly powerful she has the second highest attack range of any ADC at 600 making her both oppressive and safe in the laning phase at the same time a huge amount of her strength is baked into our Auto attacks they slow enemies making kiing way easier but also do increased damage to slowed enemies each attack also generates a stack of focus and at four stack she can activate her que for a huge attack speed and damage boost this really gives her insane damage per second combine that with her easy to use W that is nearly impossible to miss and you just have an extremely powerful straightforward Champion her ultimate is amazing in low ELO too since players in the lower ranks often miss position it lets you capitalize on this and make picks without having to rely on your team mates she only has a few downsides first the lack of a blink or Dash does make her more vulnerable to assassins and engages and second she isn't a lake game hyper carry don't get me wrong though she's still super powerful later on but isn't that 1 v9 carry that you can sometimes need with bad teammates she kind of traded that huge L game strength for a very stable consistent power curve from beginning to end still if you're looking for an extremely powerful consistent well-rounded ad carry for low ELO then Ash is a great choice now before we get into our number one pick for low ELO let's cover a few honorable mentions there are a few Champions that can be great at carrying in low ELO but aren't on the list due to being so difficult to play two examples are Vain and Draven civer is a champion that is great for low ELO simple to play easy to farm and scale up into team fights but just barely didn't make the cut when we formed the top 10 Zer is another champion we strongly considered placing on this list as she's a great hyper carry but her balancing has been incredibly volatile since her release she's gone from being super strong to nearly unplayably weak so we thought best to leave her off because of that and finally is kgma one of the best late game scaling hyper carries he jumped back into the meta after receiving some big Buffs this season however we feel he's still too riing on teammates to peel and protect you which isn't exactly a winning recipe in low ELO but if you're duoing with a support you can't be a great choice all right and now for the number one best 80 carry for low ELO jinx jinx really stands out as the number one 80 carry for low ELO and here's why her passive get excited is a GameChanger every takedown gives her a massive speed boost allowing her to reposition quickly and Chase down fleeing enemies this also gives her a stacking attack speed boost that allows her to exceed the attack speed cap built into the game for insane damage per second this is basically a built-in 1v9 tool for team fights her Q ability switch AO gives her both short range and long range options making her super versatile powpow the minigun does massive DPS for close fights while Fishbones the rocket launcher offers AE damage and huge range far exceeding even Caitlyn to poke from a safe distance meanwhile her e flame Chompers is a fantastic kiing tool since on contact with enemies it knocks them down canceling their Dash and rooting them and her Ultimate Super Mega Death rocket lives by its name doing an insane amount of AOE burst damage that increases based on enemy missing health and distance traveled so you have one of the highest single Target damage per second ad carries who can then switch to being one of the highest range ad carries who also has massive a we burst damage potential she has a form of self peel with her traps and her passive lets her out kite most enemies yeah no wonder she's ranked first You' think with this amazing late game scaling it would come with a weak laning phase but it's actually incredibly safe and stable with very few if any bad matchups this means you can reliably expect to turn into that 1v9 carry consistently in your games that being said no Champion is perfect she does have three main weaknesses first is without a dash or blink it does leave her vulnerable to the more mobile assassins and engaged Champions second second she isn't designed as a 1v1 Dueler like kaisa Nyla or Tristana so you'll be more vulnerable when caught out alone and third she's a medium difficulty Champion as her High attack speed and movement speed during passive procs will require fast and accurate clicks to kite effectively but that difficulty will not be an issue with our brand new Jinx course on our website think you don't need it well did you know jinx's W will fire faster based on how much attack speed you have during the laning phase get the stacks of your minigun passive Max before pressing your W on a Target this makes it come out faster increasing the chances you actually land it better yet instead of just speeding up the animation you can completely hide your ultimates wind up with this trick all you have to do is press your e right before you press R and nearly the entire animation is hidden this will get you a ton of free kills when the enemy still has flash up to dodge your alt our Jinx course is jam-packed with all the most important tricks Challenger Jinx players use to climb ranks fast PA it with our brand new multi-chapter ad carry course teaching you everything you need to start carrying as an ADC and then head on over to our Smurf commentaries select your Champion to watch live commentaries from Challenger players showing you how to carry out of the exact rank you're stuck in so what are you waiting for click the discount Link in the description below to get the rank you've always dreamed of all right and that will do it for this one what do you guys think of our list agree disagree let us know in the comment section below we here at skillcap want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 43,754
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, league of legends season 14, lol s14, lol season 14, best champions, best adcs, best adc champions, lol best adc, lol best ad carry, how to adc, low elo adc tier list, adc tier list
Id: K4QGOhh6C1g
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Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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