The BORING Tips that make Winning Lane EASY?

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hey everyone I've noticed a lot of players over complicate the game and are constantly over analyzing what they do or what higher level players do when they should be focusing purely on mastering the most fundamental aspects of laning as without those you can't consistently win your lane I've seen plenty of players start climbing through plat Diamond then when they get stuck they don't realize they started straying away from the fundamentals they learned that got them there in the first place because they are over analyzing looking for some hidden secret on how to carry at the rank that they're at but today I'm going to show you how I win Lane on a Smurf in gold and plat using the most basic fundamentals basically no mechanics required at all I actually messed up a lot mechanically and so with that being said let's just jump into the first game where I'm on clad versus gold at the start of the lane while waiting for Seth to finish leaching I auto May the minion once to make sure they all don't die at the same time as they get low so I don't have to use an ability on them Seth finally gets to Lane but he made it in time just barely did not miss any experience and I grabbed my last hits then we start with fundamental number one using abilities when they go for last hits this applies to every lane mid top bot and any matchup the whole point of Landing is contesting each other's CS so by using abilities when the enemy goes for them it does multiple things it makes the odds if you Landing your abilities much higher if they're a melee Champion they are using their order to get the Cs so they can't Auto you back it forces the enemy to choose between taking damage or losing the Cs which puts a lot of pressure on them and overwhelms them especially when you're contesting almost every last hit so I use Q on set when you walked up for last hit then I altered him once and walked away he used W in return which I didn't know he had or else I would have tried to dodge it I thought he would start e or Q now for fundamental number two though a simple one that works really well playing around cooldown set W is an 18 second cooldown so as soon as my Q comes up I walk up for last hit then use Q on set since he's trying to contest me without having an ability and he's Point Blank so I can't miss I use ignite and go all in but sadly couldn't catch him to Auto one more time then my Q didn't finish him it was a bit unlucky since Seth had so much regen when low HP especially with door and shield it's fine though he used Flash and since I have the push advantage on the wave I just go straight to working on hitting level 2 as fast possible after using Cube to get out of set W range as soon as I hit 2 I go all in once again since I got my w which will let me dream out quickly and since he had no flash I could finish him with my dismounted Q now the issue here is I need to somehow crash this way before he TPS back to Lane and stops me my passive is on cooldown so I can't remount as I'm finishing the wave enemy jungler ganks me before I can get it under Tower and he gives the kill to set unfortunate as the wave will be frozen in front of his tower now denying me a lot of experience technically set would be a little bit ahead of me now right he's going to have an experience lead and he just got a kill to make it an even one kill for both of us this brings us to fundamental number three recalls and item advantages I remember learning this one way back in the day around season four or five I mean Riven top at the time and when I started taking recalls random advantages then fighting with them it won me so many lanes that I couldn't win before so even though me and Seth are technically even I'm gonna go spend my gold while he won't have the chance yet meaning I still have a massive lead until he actually takes that recall I come back the lane with two long swords and a doran's blade and he only has a door and shield alright so this tells me I need to try and make something happen before he takes a recall right now his wave is starting to slow push I mean he's going to turn into a big wave soon which could make fighting him impossible first I use my Q when he was for last hit and that makes it easy to land I can't just all in though as his minions will turn the fight in his favor so I just take a little poke damage and back off then I do something called thinning the wave like I said his wave is going to stack up slowly and once it's too big I won't be able to stop him from crashing and recalling so by thinning which just means killing some minions to reduce the size of the wave it will allow me to keep the wave small and let me trade and potentially look for a kill before it's too late set allowing me to kill those minions like that when he just hit Level 4 was a massive mistake he should have zoned me off them entirely to defend his wave as his way will defend him in return now there's a minion getting low that I could use my Q to get but like I said earlier I'm looking to push this lead I have I need to make something happen before he crashes so instead of using my Q on the Cs I use it on set when he walks after the last hit on this minion my Q lands and notice I didn't use my e at all or even try to go all in or go for a big trade the entire purpose of this trade was to bait his abilities out as they have such a big cooldown and worked perfectly his two most important abilities are down for at least 15 seconds now is e and w so I just need to wait three seconds for my Q to come up then look for it all in normally I would wait for him to go for last hit here then go in but I noticed my wave was very healthy as it just got here and I need to go in before his abilities come up so I give set some space to make him feel safe then jump in as soon as he walks up to the way as soon as my Q landed he was dead as he had no abilities and no flash see how easy this was all I did was contest his CS use my item advantage and play around cooldowns no mechanics are required to do that of course Champion knowledge is a huge deal when it comes to winning Lane with fundamentals though one of the most popular Top Lane courses on our website at the moment is the master minute series that teaches you how to stop the most annoying knowledge check champions in the Top Lane so definitely check that out and all of our other Top Lane courses gocat we also have a rank up guarantee so there's no risk anyways let's move on to the next game this one I'm in Platinum and I'm playing Camille verse Renekton this is one of if not the hardest matchup for Camille and Renekton got two kills invading my team so he came to Lane with an extra doran's blade which is an insane amount of early game Power the only good thing is you use Flash and ignite in the invade but the extra dorans is way stronger than those Summoners early on so it should be extra difficult so how do I deal with this just like how I deal with any other lane sticking to the fundamentals one of the fundamentals of league is knowing how other Champions work Renekton and Tryndamere are similar since they have Fury and the more they have the stronger they are so for next you could just hit the wave Non-Stop and generate a ton of Fury I can't win meaning I want to try and take trades when reacting is low on Fury and trying to prevent him from hitting the wave as much as possible so right as minions get here I'm autoing the wave to get the push Advantage because I want to get my grasp going Renekton walks right up to me so I use my auto then Q to proc my passive then use the second part of my cue before disengaging he hit me with W as well but considering he has way more combat stats from the second dorians this trade was very much in my favor now it's back to fundamental number two from earlier playing around cooldowns do you know the cooldown of Renekton w it's 16 seconds almost as long as sets W my Q cooldown on Camille is only 9 seconds though and I have grasped meaning if we trade Auto for auto when I have grasp up I win because I know this look how I posture and how it affects Renekton I pressure him after I grab a last hit by running at him when he wants to hit a minion and it makes him back off this is preventing him from getting any free Fury generation his next wave is getting here though and his W's coming up so I quickly hit him with my two cues for the movement speed and kite away to prevent him from hitting me with Empower W this is where things get tricky though like I said having an extra door orange is really insane for early Lane so I just all in I won't win but if I can kite the Renekton have him overextended my way it should be enough to turn the fight in my favor this is fundamental number four playing around the minion waves this is one of the most important in Top Lane as it's the lane of slow pushes but anyways I do exactly this I run at him knowing he wants to hit me with his power W then bring him back here into my wave his W does a big chunk of damage and breaks my shield but I hit him with Auto and Q to kite away with movement speed now I go to flash in and auto and use my second cue somehow my first Auto didn't go through I must have canceled just a few frames early because I saw the animation so Renekton just barely lives sadly I have to let him go ssw will come back up and I can't catch him so I should have had the kill there just got a bit unlucky if you didn't have an extra dorians it wouldn't even have been close even if he did have his ignite but now let's skip ahead a little bit we're gonna skip to here at 10 minutes at this point in the lane I haven't been able to kill the renick because of the difference in matchups Summoners in the early two kills he got I killed the enemy jungler when he tried to gank me but it's normal that I haven't been able to kill him I knew when I would actually get the chance I knew that if I could recall and buy my first item before him then fight I could start snowballing the lane renekte is going to be on his way to Lane As I push this wave and he hasn't finished his first item yet I have enough gold for mine so I crash this wave and immediately recall to buy I don't stay any longer like a lot of the other players do when I get back to Lane I go in right away since I don't want him to get any more Fury and because I don't want to give him a chance to leave if you knew how important item differences here you'd be much more careful I hit him with my e and two cues then use the movement speed to kite away from him as he has his W ready I make sure to look at the buff to see when the W would time out and accidentally take a tower shot while guiding him once his W falls off my EQ come back up so I use my first Q to Prime the true damage then Ian and finish him with the second part so even though I couldn't come close to killing him the last few minutes I could easily 1v1 him just because I played for my items like immediately got it then used it the moment I got the lane to punish him for disrespecting me and not paying attention to my items so as you can see even with mechanical errors the fundamentals make Laney so much easier even in counter matchup alright guys remember to head over to skill cap to check out our mastered minutes and Top Lane courses if you want to truly start climbing League of Legends I hope you enjoyed and thanks for watching
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 122,429
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 13, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, top lane, top lane guide, how to win lane, laning guide, lane guide, how to carry, laning tips, laning tricks
Id: bpGCt5wTxA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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