WIN the Game in Champ Select with this ADC Guide

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hey guys I think you have often thought about questions like what is the best blind PDC what Champion will counter enemy but play and team or even what Champion will one v n the game of course league is a very complex game so most of these questions have more than one answer and answer will change depending on the game in this video I will teach you the basics of picking C Champion for the game so you will be able to draft better and more consistently it will be use not only for ADC players but for league players in general get ready and enjoy let's start it but before we start it here's a quick tip for ADC players what is the best support solution it's not Nami or Milo and not even an Engaged support it's Yumi both of these Champions are big due to suboptimal builds but together they have insane win rate Yumi can empow Luan outs all the time and dash with him no matter what after level six she to slow the enemy with your ult so it's much easier solution to hit his ultimate you can try this combo in your next game and check comment section for the most optimal builds for them now back to the video okay let's talk about blind picks first because you will need to Blind pick an ADC most of the time how you can know which Champion is a good blind it's preferably that you can Flex this champion on other roles so enemy team won't know who is ADC that early which can be a very impact thing in soloq for example if you pick three St first enemy ADC W swap with midlaner sometimes so enemy midlaner will have to pick champion who is countering Tristana then your midlaner can counter pick him so your pick already helped to win a draft however it's hard to find adcs who can Feit into this rule so it's fine if your Champion can be played as ADC only second rule your Champion should be fine with almost any Champion that your team can pick you should be able to do something no matter what for example Jinx is a good blind pick because she can help your assassins with longrange abilities like ult or W she can help with a engage with her ult she can be a decent poke Champion With Rockets or W and she can be a main carry if her team picked a lot of Champions who can disengage and front line for her and the Champions with Shield or heals it doesn't mean that she is the best pick every time but she is decent in any composition of course there are better poke Champions like Jin or ezel or better a year Champions like MF but they cannot do as much different things as Jinx so as conclusion your blind pick should be good in most drafts and preferably to be a flex pick on other roles the best blind Peck champions for now are jinx Ash and Tristana but it can be changed after a couple of patches subscribe so you don't miss it and we play the best Champions with the best builds every patch we've dealt with blind Peak so let's think about other scenarios where you can see some of your or enemy team picks there are five different types of drafts which you could already heard when I talked about blind Peak let's talk about each of them first team compositions with a lot of catch and ambushes mostly these Champions are early game focused with high mobility and B damage their goal is to win the game by catching players of garden lanes and just making the game very blood so if you see that your draft looks like this you need to pick a champion who will be on the same page and will want the same things yes you guys right the best champions for such compositions are Lucian n and Samir support Champions who is mostly falling into this category are hook Champions like now or Alis your goal in such games is to just run on them map and get as many kills as possible you have to fight and landar early trade sumoners and preferably to dive enemy team with an engage support you have to make enem life miserable however if you see such draft in enemy team your goal is to not let them do what they want you can either pick poke Lane like Jin and Zyra so it will be hard for them to not be under the turret and engage on you or you can pick protect Lane like Lulu with kmo so they will lose every engage and will be outscaled after some time second team composition is kind of similar to pre previous one voma with hard engage and our year damage most of the champions in this category are weak before level six they need to get it first before they can play the game the goal of such composition is to just win every team fight with reliable engage and a damage fight as team with ults but don't fight if you don't have ults kind of simple so if you see Mal fight fle in your game you know what composition it is there are not that many champions in B Lane who can Feit well into such draft Misfortune smolder and sarapin are the best ones for supports a lot of Champions can work decent in such composition like hook Champions amumu or Leona or utility and Mage Champions like Nai or Vos just look what you need the most in draft all Cc or our damage so the way you should play your lane is try to not fight or all in before level six you can trade a bit if this trade will be in your favor but your goal is to get your ultimate first then you can fight every time you have it in mid game you have to group and play together in order to win every team fight however if you are playing verus s draft your goal is to punish enemies as hard as possible before level six they will get their ultimates eventually and hard Eng Gage on you so poke doesn't work well versus such drafts you need to either pick catch Lane that I talked about before like nil plus now and just make a chaos game so enemy team won't be able to group with all the their uls and win the fight or you can pick protect and endure their heart engage with shields heals and disengage like way and the zilan third team composition is poke the most popular class in bot Lane the goal of such composition is to push and poke the enemy under the turret make their life miserable and don't let them see us for free in mid game it's basically the same poke them and don't let them to engage on you the most obvious champions for such compositions is Jin or ezil for support it's mostly Mage supports like Lux or Brent so what can you do about this the reason why poke is so good in B Lane is because it's hard to counter it catch compositions won't be able to do well versus them because they will always be low HP to take a fight you can counter them with wom combo composition but you need your team to pick right Champions and you will suffer tier level six anyway or you can counter them with split push comp which again depend on your team because 8 old doesn't have good split push Champions overall you need to Fight Fire With Better fire most of the time pick better poke to neutralize the lane or be happy if your team is picking wom coma draft fourth team composition is protect I think it's the most unique one you weak early but getting stronger every minute of the game your goal is to protect your carrier allies and not let anyone to engage on them heal Shield Champions or disengage champions for falling into this category us ADC can pick car Champion for this draft like Cog or Wayne or pick protect Champions like Swain supports that are good in such drafts are mostly utility Champions like saraka or Lulu however some engaged Champions can also work decent like naus or maai this composition is one of the most rare ones because people want to be a heres no one wants to protect someone all you need to do is stay with your team don't engage and let enemy try to engage on you then kill them and be happy if your team picks such draft it's good because it's hard to lose a game with it yes you weak early and it's fine to fall behind with such composition as soon as mid game will come you will be much stronger as a team and will be able to come back easily so what can you do versus such composition well it's kind of an easy answer you either are poking them down because they cannot engage properly or split pushing versus them so they won't be able to group and defend their main carry there is fifth team composition which is not existing in B Lane but worth to mention split push composition with good split pushers in mid lane and Top Lane they want to play 13 one and almost never group your goal is to just have a good wave clear in mid lane so they won't need to come and save mid lane themselves CER can be a great pick for split push compositions well that's all for now I hope that you learned a lot of new things and will be able to draft the better understand your goal and be more consistently overall don't forget to like the video and subscribe if you find it useful thank you and goodbye
Channel: Armasot
Views: 184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arma, Arma, armasot, guides, educational, lol, league, league of legends, lol guides, adc, ADC, best, guide, top, adcs, ADCs, draft, draft phase, draft phase lol, draft phase league, champ select, adc champ select, adc champ select guide, adc guide, how to draft league, league draft
Id: m1NIktjd8mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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