The ADVANCED Top Lane MECHANICS Your Enemy WON'T KNOW! - League of Legends

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hey everyone in most videos here on skillcap we're trying to teach the fundamentals of the game since you have to know these before getting into more advanced strategy and tactics the fundamentals alone will take you very far but even if you don't have them down completely there's still value in knowing some advanced concepts that you can sprinkle in if the opportunity presents itself today I'm going to break down some of those advanced concepts to do this I'm going to use a game while I'm playing in Platinum Emerald MMR to show how well these Concepts work against players at your own Rank and of course guides like this are only made possible by our website our subscription service offers premium courses teaching literally everything you could ever want to know about the game you can click the link in the description below to unlock the most extensive and effective training resource you'll ever find we'll learn more at the end of the guide alright I'm playing clad versus aatrox in this game but don't worry the concepts I'm going to show will apply to any matchup as Lightning starts and thinking about two things first the most obvious thing is the mind game around aatrox Cube aatros can do quite a bit of damage to level 1 between his passive Auto and his q and I want to try to Auto minions and start pushing I need to bait out his Q first that's why you see me moving back and forth like this moving in and out of his Q range to try and make him use it new trucks is a scary champion video against and Top Lane since he snowballs so hard but it's a fun matchup because it's a footsie matchup footsies is a fighting game term and is basically doing what I was just talking about moving in and out of his Q range to try and make him with it then with punish him afterwards when he gets his e the mind game gets even more fun and I'll show you what I mean in a bit but anyways after successfully baiting his first Q I walk up to out of the way but because he walks back at me I use Q since his second Q will make him stand still which makes Landing mine easy after I get the pool damage I back off to avoid his third Q now that both of our abilities are down I'm going to constantly Auto attack the wave to try and work towards hitting level 2 first even if I can't hit it first though I won't be far behind in experience if I'm damaging the minions as much as possible at this point both of our abilities are coming back up and if we pause we have an important scenario to break down look there's two low Health Minions that he wants to get and they are right next to a low Health minion that I need to grab I try to bait his Q by walking towards their minion acting like I'm going for it as I know he'll want to hit me and the 2cs at the same time but I got minion blocked a little which made me just barely get clipped by it this concept though is a more advanced one because it requires you to be able to pay attention to their CS yours Cs cooldowns and knowing what they might want to do most players struggle paying attention to all of these things at once in lower ranks but it's an easy trick to bait the enemy laner into using an ability as they want to hit you and the Cs at the same time and you'll see me do this successfully in a little bit but anyways after that I do the same thing as before using my queue as he's going to use the second cue since he'll be standing still and I ground the last hit at the same time after pulling him into my wave I do a small Advanced mechanic here where I click backwards first then click him the purpose of that is for him to see me walking backwards so he'll click to turn around then as he's doing that I turn an auto him to sneak and auto it the problem was his passive gives him so much Auto Range that it didn't work but this trick is really important in toppling especially in Auto attack heavy matchups like Jax vs Camille at this point he's about to hit Level 2. if this was a video on the basics I would say I can just play for level 3 let aatrox push in and crash the wave then when the wave rebounds and pushes back towards him that's when I can look for it all in that's fundamentally exactly what I could look for here because looking to trade when the enemy is pushing is dangerous they have a level lead and a minion Advantage but when you get to a level where you understand the game more you can look for trades carefully in a scenario like this let me show you what I mean I know he's one Minion from level two but I also know his Q is down so while it's down I can walk up and damage the wave to try and work towards any two myself if his Q was up I would have to back up right now or I risk him going in the moment he hits two and grabs Z his Q is almost back up but before that I try to grab these two minions with my q but aatrex walks in front of it he uses his first Q here then notice I walk to here then move towards him and preemptively move back this is where the mind game goes to the next level and why it's a fun matchup for me I'm standing at a spot where if he tries to use his e with his second Q I will just barely be able to walk out of it so I'm just trying to bait if I can bait his e that gives me a lot of freedom to hit the wave or grabs yes as his e is a pretty high cooldown early on at nine seconds he didn't take the bait though so I try again on his third Cube and this time he took it and misses doing this properly takes practice and you have to know the enemy ranges very well but if you can do it right it can open up a lot of opportunities in the lane which I'll show you in a second anyways after that I have to back up and let his wave aggro my next wave then we're at a really important part of the lane my third wave is here he's going to be two minutes away from level three if I said back and just let the wave crash like I said before that's fine but that means I have to hope he makes a mistake while I slow push towards him if not I won't be able to get any lead instead using these advanced concepts I can look to make him make a mistake before the wave crashes first I act like I'm going to walk up in all of these minions which makes aatrox walk up to contest me then I use Q to grab the Cs and hit him with it think of it like layers the first layer is the fundamental concept of contesting CS I walk up for last hit aatrox walks up and hits me when I go for it the second layer is I know he's going to contest me so I do what I just did to counter that then the third layer which doesn't happen in lower ranks is aatrox walks at me then moves to the side preemptively knowing I'm gonna do this so my Q only grabs this yes and I don't get any damage on him then the last layer is when I know he's going to bait so I just walk up and auto the Cs but they have to show me the third layer first of course that's how the mind game evolves at a high level in lower rank it doesn't go past layer 2. anyways after landing my Q I walk at him because I have a two second window here where we can trade autos and I will win the trade as his next wave is close but it's not here you yet this is an advanced concept as it requires you to be tracking who has the mini Advantage at the exact time even though the enemy is pushing to you which means 90 of the time they will have the minion Advantage after winning that trade aatrox has to not let losing the trade affect its decisions here he needs to realize I still need to walk up and get those two low Health minions and I don't have my cue for it so he should save his cue for that but this is what I mean by getting him to make a mistake if I just sat back at the tower and let the wave crash it would be fine but I wouldn't be able to create this situation he doesn't hold his cue and just uses it right away which was easy to sidestep since I knew it might be coming but he has his e and his second Q so I do the same thing as before moving forward and back at this range to try and bait it he didn't use it there and I noticed he was one minion away from level three so I woke up looking to bait him and using his third q and E together before he hits level 3 and he does this concept is very Advanced and works extremely well at low ELO as players don't think ahead a lot of the time and tunnel on what's happening at the exact moment he should have Auto attacked a minion to hit three then look to grab W in trade but because I walked up before he hit three now he's going to level up but not be at as big of an advantage as he would if he didn't use his abilities since I know this I know I don't have to back off when he levels up and I can actually look to use Q on him as he goes for this minion it lands and he uses his W on me in response again a mistake from him his W is a combo tool he shouldn't be using it like this when his e and Q are down now when his e and Q come back up his W will be down for a bit putting them out of sync and I won't have to worry about it since I know he doesn't have his other abilities I try to jump in with my e to damage him a little bit more and avoid the second part of his W but I miss my e that's not a big deal though because he had nothing to punish me with and as I disengage I get dismounted at this point his goal should be to crash this way and my goal is to pressure him with these advanced concepts to force a mistake which is working very well so far and before we see what happens next let me explain why this is a better scenario for me than it is for him even though he has the minion advantage and level Advantage the reason for this is I've now created my win condition for the lane I have him low enough that if I remount and go in he's dead every time let's say he had like 70 or 80 Health then this wouldn't be that great for me as I wouldn't be able to kill him if I remounted or if I was so low HP that I wouldn't be able to remount in time this sounds Cloud specific but it's not let me explain let's take a different matchup as an example let's use Jax vs ribbon Jax's win condition is to be at a high enough HP that have Riven commits too hard to a trade he can all in her and use his extended trade advantage to kill her so if he wins two trades and has driven at 50 and Jacks at 80 it's the same scenario as here Riven would have to outplay in some way to win a trade or two to get Jax lower so she can actually burst him down that's exactly what aatrox has to do here he needs to outplay me in some way to win a trade so I'm low enough that I can't remount and he can kill me every Champion has their win condition based off the matchup and it's important you know yours for each one alright getting back to the Lane as I get dismounted I'm going to grab these low Health minions I hit Level 3 then start running at aatrox like this as the cannon he's going to go for gets low I'm not running at him because I want to hit him though I'm running at him to make him feel pressured so he'll make a mistake his W is down so I'm not in danger if it was up though he could kill me with a full combo but just running at him like this makes him feel like I'm going to contest him when he goes for the cannon and he needs to understand the scenario exactly this leads to him feeling like he needs to use his Q to grab it like this when I only plan on using Q like I did now let's talk about what should happen here if he actually understood this situation what he should have done was walk up an auto CS knowing that his passive Auto would do a nice chunk of damage if I tried to contest him and it would heal him and if I use Q like I did then he would be at the perfect distance to use his first q and hit me but because of how I was pressuring him he backed up and let me space in a way where my Q would hit him and put me out of range of his Q this is exactly what I mean by advanced concepts making him make a mistake the mistake he just made is a really big one though as he is now just one more mistake from death and he's in a tricky scenario after landing my Q like that there are two important factors to understand first I now have enough courage where if I level up W and go in I'm about four autos and one Q away from remounting second like I said earlier aatrox needs basically a full combo to kill me here he needs at least two Sweet Spot cues and his W now that he only has two cues left he has to land them both what he should do is just back up and wait for his Q to come up again as walking up right now or committing to using his e instead Q would be very dangerous what I'm going to do here though is use the mind game we talked about earlier with his e the movement speed from being dismounted and the first concept we talked about where you can bait them by standing on low Hoth minion to outplay him I know he will use his e with his second Q if I stand on this low Health CS so I stand on it then just run forward like this if we pause look what happened he does exactly as predicted and now he's 100 dead there's no counter play at all here for him that's the problem with what he just did he fully committed by using the E and he doesn't have enough damage to kill me before I can remount so I level up W and go in remount flash to follow his flash then use e twice to stay on him and finish him off to get the kill alright guys so as you can see even though it would have been perfectly fine to just use a fundamental basic game plan by using advanced concepts I gave aatrox more chances to make mistakes and I can win the lane very early before he even crashed the wave which is not usually what's supposed to happen now for all you top winners out there that found this guide helpful then I know you'll absolutely love our course on how to get the diamond in 30 days this will show you step by step how to climb from low ELO all the way to Diamond at the top laner this course has a perfect five star rating by over 20 players who are seeing insane results and remember this is completely risk-free for you to try as you're kept safe with our rank up insurance if you don't significantly improve while actively using skill cap they can get your money back no questions asked so click the link in the description below to unlock the full course to start improving fast and get the rank you've always wanted but that's going to wrap up this one I hope you learned from this and enjoy the video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 49,603
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 13, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, top lane, lol top lane, top lane coaching, challenger top lane, lol mechanics, challenger coaching, challenger guide, lol guide, top lane guide, how to top lane
Id: T-uTAwE6RyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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