Overcoming Anxiety

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we've been going from proverbs chapter 12 verse 25 it says anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down but an encouraging word makes it glad so anxiety weighs you down and this is a time when you could look around and boy if you're watching the news or on social media or you feel cooped up and locked up you can have a lot of anxiety the Bible teaches that anxiety brings a heaviness to the heart and heart is love it's the way you feel about things and the way you see things or perceived them very important because all behavior in your life comes out a belief every single thing everything you're gonna do today tomorrow next month next year is going to be determined by your belief if I can sit with a person long enough and get into the patterns of how they think I can literally almost prophetically and I'm not saying by the Spirit of God I'm saying just by looking at patterns God is a God of patterns he shows us all throughout his word patterns and I can show you where you would be in a year from now if you keep those patterns but here's the great thing God's Word can interrupt wrong patterns it can show us how to transform in our life so anxiety is the state of uneasiness and in a time that we're in a pandemic there are a lot of people statistics say that prior to the pandemic 70 percent of people were stressed out now it says it's just skyrocketing and that anxiety is a state of uneasiness abnormal worry it also means to take thought or being its apprehensive or worried about what may happen concern about a possible future event so they're people that are concerned about what's going to happen in 2021 or 2022 or next month or will I have my house or will you know I still have my job or what's gonna happen and am I gonna be okay in my health and so it's it's having concern and that somewhat contradicts the Word of God not in a sense of responsibility but in Matthew chapter 6 Jesus lays it out and says take no thought for tomorrow for tomorrow is sufficient for itself so anxiety is caused by trying to mentally and emotionally get into things that are not even here yet what do I mean by that it is mentally leaving where you are and either going to a future place that hasn't happened or a past place that you can't change so you're not present you're not one with God at that moment so when you start getting that sense of like you're getting a tight chest or feel a little bit suffocated feel that uneasiness and an anxiety and fear are very real they cause digestive problems heart palpitations all kinds of serious physical ailments your mind just to go on so remember anxiety is a mental and emotional place where you're leaving now and you're getting into a future that may or may not happen or into a past that brings you into place that's not in alignment with what God's word has to say so let's look at Philippians chapter 4 verses 4 through 7 in the amplified it says rejoice in the Lord always delight take pleasure in him again I will say rejoice let your gentle spirit your graciousness unselfishness mercy tolerance and patience be not made known to all people the Lord is near do not be anxious or worried about anything but in everything every circumstance and situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving continue to make your specific requests made known to God God wants your specifics and the peace of God that peace which reassures the heart that peace which transcends all understanding that peace which stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus is yours so there's the promise that God says look rejoice jump up and spin around wildly is what it literally means and it says when when you're in these different trials and tests and you're facing things because let your request those anxieties be made known unto God and this piece that was willed to you by Jesus it is yours so today I just decree and declare that peace is gonna rule your heart peace is going to rule your mind in the name of Jesus now Jesus said in John chapter 14 verse 1 and they amplified do not let your hearts be troubled which means distressed or agitated he goes on down to verse 27 he says do not let your hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid stop allowing yourself to be agitated and disturbed anybody been agitated anybody been disturbed come on it's just you we can get really real right now he says don't let yourself get agitated and disturbed and do not permit yourself to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled so now he's saying something he's not saying that these things won't come to you but he's saying don't permit yourself to be agitated and disturbed to be fearful intimidated and cowardly and unsettled so we can see from that verse that we can control the way that we respond to something that might trouble us something that might educate us something that might make us irritable or unsettled or cowardly or fearful we can either choose P which he's willed to us or we can choose trouble stress tightness and narrowness a constriction we can choose to stay calm or to calm down if we start finding ourselves becoming agitated Jesus also said in John 16:33 in the world you will have tribulation so he didn't say I'm going to take the tribulation away in fact he said look there's going to be evil and I'm gonna send you right into the evil but I pray that you were delivered from the evil one so in the world you will have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration guess what you're going to have frustration in this world but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world so what he's saying is you're going to be faced with things and I want to help you get into the right I'm gonna deal a lot with your emotions today I have a really cool path I'm gonna take you on so what are you saying is you're going to have tribulation you're gonna have fear you're gonna have trouble you're gonna have things that make you frustrated but be of good cheer because I've overcome the world you see wrong beliefs and thoughts will keep you defeated wrong beliefs and wrong thoughts will keep you in a place to defeat ya where the mind goes so the feelings will flow so the body will go right beliefs and thoughts will launch you towards your breakthrough so if you want to begin to live the breakthrough life if you want to begin to live the abundant life that Jesus Christ paid the price for died to give to you you are the head and not the tail that's not some fairy 2/3 you know saying that's not some hopeful wishing you are you're above and not beneath you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus God has given you victory through His Son Jesus Christ this is not okay a few scriptures apply to you the whole infallible Word of God the entire covenant as you're sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ these are your precious promises and they've been given to you by the death burial resurrection of Jesus Christ who now mediates over this covenant that he willed and aired to you and and now it says that you're an heir with Dawn and a joint heir with Jesus Christ what an incredible thing so right beliefs right thinking gives you a breakthrough life gives you a prosperous life that's why Jesus said in John chapter 8 verse 32 and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free really when you get into the etymology the truth of course is the Word of God you shall know the truth and that truth that you know then makes you free so my people perish because of what lack of knowledge it's not the person out there sinning and missing the markets it's God's people that perish because of what they don't know so today I just pray revelation I pray open eyes and understanding to come to you it's the truth that you know and believe that has the power to set you free what is it you need to be set free of fear lack poverty generational curse strife frustration anger agitation whatever it is tonight is your night in the name of Jesus is there anything too difficult for your God you see the more you're believing becomes aligned with the truth of God's Word the more that this word gets in you and you align yourself with that word you you will it in your life and with the truth of God's Word the more that you'll begin to experience freedom and grace and favor and forgiveness and blessings in your life the more that you'll walk in the goodness of God you'll be favored favored comes from the Lord people say favors not fare favors so fare favor begins with the fear of the Lord and and fear is not oh I'm afraid of you God it's a reverence it's an obedience because God desires our obedience more than our sacrifice there are many people that will love God and they will go to heaven because of the finished work of Jesus Christ because they receive God through his son Jesus Christ but they will live an absolute life of defeat here on earth and that is not what God intends to you God does not intend for you to live defeated you might have seasons of suffering seasons where you're going to be afflicted for a while seasons where you're gonna go through something we've shown that throughout the word but it is not God's will for you to live in a place of complete brokenness complete suffering complete abuse and abandonment and poverty and when I say poverty that's much more than just a financial condition it's a soul condition a spiritual God doesn't want you to be spiritually bankrupt to live depressed and broke busted and disgusted so think about what I'm saying here they're people that will live in defeat in bondage today even though they may not even be aware that they are in bondage to anything because it's become such a part of their life that they don't even recognize that God has something better it's become their norm and so it's norm to be talked down to like a dog it's norm to be in a abusive situation it's norm to have no boundaries it's norm to exhaust yourself to the point where you're gonna just drop over all the time that's not what God intends for you it's norm to have all these accidents and to be sick all the time that's not the will of God that's not the Word of God that's not his will for you now you might carry a certain cross all of us have certain things that we might carry but God will always give a grace that is sufficient for you so let me ask you something are there areas that you are now feeling fearful or anxious about because if there are I want to help you get out of that is there something that makes you feel uneasy er you you might not even be able to put your finger on it but remember you get out of right now and you mentally ahead or you mentally go back to something the various areas that you're fearful and anxious about indicate the presence of wrong beliefs so wherever there's that anxiety that fearfulness that uneasiness that mentally and emotionally get ahead or mentally and emotionally getting stuck behind indicates that there is an area of wrong belief in your life that God wants you to be freed from so since it's just us let's get real let's do throw let's get into the Word of God and say come on pastor Paulo help me get free here because that requires replacing wrong beliefs and taking out the old putting in new beliefs putting in the new based on God's Word that where do you eradicate those fears those anxieties those places of uneasiness those contradictions those areas that don't line up with what God says Romans chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 we've faced a lot out of here I beseech you is what the Apostle Paul says he's saying hey pay attention I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present yourself a living sacrifice what an enigma because the sacrifice is something dead but he's saying you're gonna be alive so die to self and live to God died to the way that maybe mama taught you something or daddy or maybe it was a pastor or an authoritarian or a neighbor or an uncle or a teacher or coach or whoever it was God saying if it doesn't line up with my word I want to get rid of it they said I want you to present yourself a living this sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service or your rational worship and be not conformed to this world but be transformed how by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the good acceptable and perfect will of the Lord so we already know the word transformation is a Metamorpho and it is how by the renovation renovation is take out the old and put in the new when you go to renovate your kitchen you don't just put a new counter on top of the counter a stove on top of the stove you've got to pull the old one out to pull the flooring up and you put the new stuff down so right believing is the key that unlocks the treasure that God has for you so you ready for some keys grace and favor and blessings and forgiveness they've always been there God's not saying ok I'm suddenly gonna give you this measure of grace now God's grace his forgiveness his favor his blessings his benefits his goodness they're here right now they're there waiting for you right this moment it's not like something's gonna rain down from heaven they're yours the kingdom of God is within your grasp it's within your reach right now they're not based on situations or circumstance but they're based on a covenant keeping God for Psalm chapter 89 verse 34 God says I will not violate my covenant or alter the word that went forth from my lips when you begin to believe right you begin to live in the fullness of what God gave you through the finished work of the cross in Jesus Christ so remember all behavior comes out of belief so my behavior why did I keep picking the same kind of guy until John same baby I kept getting the same same gift but one necessarily a gift in a different package I kept doing the same thing why would I find these same cycles in my life it wasn't because that's something on the outside it was because of what was on the inside it was what had been deeply embedded in the way that I thought the way that I felt about myself so the hindrance then between you and your victory balls down to wrong beliefs now this is the biggest battle because the battle is in your mind that's the battlefield even the Apostle Paul said in Romans chapter seven there is this law that is at work that the things that I want to do I don't do in the things that I don't want to do I end up doing because there's this law of nature that is working against me and so he understood that he constantly had to be working on renewing and renovating his mind that's why I said I've been saved I am saved and I will be saved that there was this ongoing progress there was this ongoing process of work that had to be done for instance if the enemy can make you entertain thoughts of guilt and failure and defeat you will begin to feel lousy about yourself you'll begin to feel like I'm not really worth anything I'll never really be loved I'll never have a great relationship or maybe you feel like you have a great career but you think you're gonna be a failure in a relationship the devil is a liar God wants you to have be blessed in every area he wants the fruit of your body to be blessed you want your children to be blessed you want your household to be blessed your finances your health your mind your spirit your emotion all of it to be blessed see the enemy knows that if he can control your adult life he can manipulate your feelings and he can manipulate your emotions our emotions our flags that indicate to us what our thoughts are now that's really important because I think there's a lot of you know oh we don't we won't by faith and not by feelings feelings are extremely important god never tells you to deny your feelings the best way I describe it is that your spirit is the engine okay your emotions are not the engines but your spirit is like the engine okay now feelings are like indicator lights so if I get low low pressure on my tires I have a Range Rover and I love my little Range Rover and when it gets that low-pressure something's going wrong I'll get an indicator light that comes on that tells me I better pull off and put some air in my tire if not I might just end up with a flat or I might end up having a blowout because it's got low pressure when I get low on gas it starts giving me these indicator lights now what's really bad is if something's going wrong with the engine it starts giving you some serious indications that you better go in and take this car and now or you're going to be in some deep trouble with your engine you see feelings are the same way they're like the indicator lights they're not the engine it's not what makes you drive what's driving you is your thoughts but your feelings and thoughts are so intertwined that your feelings are the indicator lights of what you're thinking and your thought life is how you live so if you want to change your way of living you've got to change your way of thinking God designed us in such a way that we quickly recognize our thinking by our emotions so I want you to try this just try this out I'm going to give you a few steps here whenever you begin to sense negative emotions like fear worry anxiety guilt condemnation anger rage I mean keep putting them in there depression a suppressed anger I would just stop and ask yourself what am I thinking right now and when you can catch that fault within then you begin to identify that's why it's so important what do you go to bed with on your mind place and worship music get in the word what do you wake up and what's the first thing you do do you go to your phone right away do you receive a bad text with somebody that you've been fighting go for it go right to the word go right to worship get something positive go into my tapes and listen to them let me make confessions over you affirmations over you tell you who you are in Christ what God has to say about you because your emotions quickly follow your thoughts so in order to identify my thoughts then I recognize okay what emotion am I feeling right now because if your thoughts are negative your your emotions are gonna be negative or if your thoughts are positive your emotions are probably gonna be positive now sometimes you're in a physically place of exhaustion you know one of the greatest causes of exhaustion is to be just emotionally depleted and when you get emotionally depleted you're just like you're zombied because you've given out more than you've taken in you have to do an audit of your life that you're balanced remember Dorcas did good things she made she was in the habit of making widows garments but she gave and gave and gave and gave and there was no replenishment to her and eventually she just dropped over dead but God loves the giver the Apostle Peter comes in and speaks puts everybody out cuz they're sometimes you just have to put everybody out and he speaks the life over her live so we have to understand that intertwining between our emotional wholeness and our thought life remember the devil wants to keep your thoughts negative so that he can keep you defeated he's a master of mind manipulation he's a master of mind games and he doesn't play fair he'll make you process something that is so far off let me take you back to the very remember Adam and Eve everything was perfect they were born into perfection created by the breath of God grĂșa God made them and here comes the serpent and what does he do God said hey you can have this whole garden all this paradise it's all yours just don't eat of that tree of knowledge of good and evil it's the only thing God said and there was a fire around it and you know the whole story I mean that eventually happens and he says don't eat of that and what does the serpent come the serpent comes and deceives them and he made them doubt God's motives by lying to them and insinuating that God was deliberately withholding something good from them that God was God who had created them like was he made them has anybody ever made you feel like you're always having to look over your back like you can't trust people paranoid that's what the enemy does he puts that in you so the enemy was the first one to breach this loving relationship of trust and once you start losing trust everything starts eroding once you don't feel safe then the whole thing will start falling apart he made them feel like God was stingy or deceitful when in reality what was God doing protecting them God was God was protecting Adam and Eve he knew something because he's God that they didn't know and how many times does the enemy made you feel like God is not really for you because he put a thought in your mind of how something should turn out and it didn't turn out that way and and maybe it was your own bad decision or situation or circumstance that at the time you could not see that in the long run and this has to do with understanding I'll get to in just a moment that it was actually working for you and so he puts those thoughts in your mind to play mastermind games with you the devil strategy has never changed he still uses lies accusations guilt fear damnation all those wicked things to come against you in your mind to ensnare you as a believer to make you doubt God's perfect love and His grace and His goodness and His mercy and His forgiveness and his super abundance of lovin and goodness towards you but remember to change your way of thinking you have to change or to change your way of living you have to change your way of thinking the mind is the placenta of the spirit man now what do I mean by that it holds a nurtures the seed that it's been impregnated with until time of delivery so when I start receiving the word it's going to go through the filter of my mind that's why pray over yourself pray that God washes your mind with the Word of God pray that any thought that is not of God here's how I do it I say God is love so anything that is not a lovely' to be uprooted from my life uprooted from my thoughts uprooted from my heart uprooted from my soul and I just begin to say anything that is conscious or not conscious in my life that is not of love let it leave right now in the name of Jesus you see it's not a coincidence that Jesus was crucified on Golgotha because gagaga literally means this Matthew chapter 27 verse 33 the place of the skull that's what it's literally meaning us and there has to be a crucifixion in your life in the place of the skull that we have to get rid of that old way of thinking so your breakthrough has to begin in your mind first the Word of God tells us in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 and 4 for though we walk in the flesh we do not war according to the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds the battle in your mind is not waged externally all creativity begins in the thought life when God thinks a thing it is the incubator for which it is released and so it is for you don't ever let anybody laugh at your thinking because your dream your destiny begins with the thought begins as a seed of a thought if you want to create a new atmosphere a new environment a new situation a new relationship that's full of love and joy and happiness and contentment a new opportunity a new life it begins with the thought if you can't think it then you won't have it and so as you meditate on the Word of God on the biblical promises that proclaim God's truth over your life you're already beginning to have a battle in your mind what do I mean by that our weapons as I said are not physical they're not tangible strongholds cannot be destroyed with physical weapons strongholds can only be utterly torn down by right believing and receiving the truth of God's Word the way that you do with a stronghold a mindset that is so resistant to change is by opening up your heart and allowing God's Word to begin to wash you so let's go into this connection I'm going to give you seven points and I'm done I'm gonna get this done in the next seven minutes prayerfully maybe not alright but let me give you seven quick points because let's go between the connection between your emotions and thoughts because remember the emotions are the indicator lights thoughts let's say are more of the engine because it's what's driving it it's for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh so whatever you're thinking or perceiving is what you're not only speaking but proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 says there is life and there is death and the power of the tongue so everyone watch everyone has NEADS as an adult we become completely responsible for identifying our own needs and for addressing them ourselves and arranging for those needs to be met so having a need doesn't make you wrong everybody has a need every single person so I want you to get this all right emotions are bodily energy that changes resuming from unaddressed needs so emotions our bodily images or bodily energy changes resulting from on some unaddressed need so watch what it means that is we feel fear when our safety is threatened we feel frustrated when our goal is directed or it's blocked do you ever get frustrated like right now like think about this like like if give me a frustrating sound what I'm frustrated right now alright see what a musician feels like when he's frustrated because if I feel like when you're playing all nice and smooth and joyful and give me happy music like happy happy happy happy happy okay give me some don't stop believing or happy give me some like hopeful music right now like give me something that makes me really hopeful like when I hear DSP I think what see how musicals start changing you like immediately changes even an atmosphere right there give me some Amazing Grace it might take me back Amazing Grace how sweet the sound even music the energy of music starts changing your emotions how you feel how you think so I've sivan important right now cuz I'm trying to get a message across you now that might take me back to a time but thinking about being in an altar or being or God because this is important you understand emotions are bodily energy that changes from results from unaddressed needs so we feel fear when our safety struttin we feel frustrated when our goals and I'm just using some examples that when our goal-directed behavior is blocked we feel happy when we feel like we won or we got something or we feel hopeful so feelings are energy its energy I was watching a a clip of me on the intagram the Instagram today Hank and Senden and I was 14 years ago and I was like me and a ball of energy and I just had this energy to bring forth the word that did an entire stadium of 20,000 people or jumping up and down yes it was God's truth but it wasn't only God's truth it was an energy so when you lose that energy the the breath of the Spirit of God when you lose that you start losing something the primary purpose of emotional energy is to provide us with the necessary power to get our needs addressed and fulfilled like when you feel confident when you feel authoritative you feel like man I'm take on the world right now in the name of Jesus where are you devil I'm coming after you right now when you don't and you feel fearful it's a totally different thing so I want you to understand because emotions and thoughts are so intertwined so the Latin root word for emotion tells the hotel e-motion so evenings out the word emotional emotions comes from this root wood in movea it's like a French word I can't say it properly but it's e and it means out and it is mo ve re which means to move so what it means is feelings flow naturally like a river or they get dammed up they stop or they're flowing now here's the problem it's the nature for emotions to flow but once they start getting stuck so do you and the problem is you've got some stuck emotions from when you went through that divorce stuck emotions from when your daddy abandons you stuck emotions from when they fired you stuck emotions from when they were prejudiced against you stuck emotions for when they look down on you for being a woman stuck emotions from where they were unrighteous Lea treated you stuck emotions from when they were angry at you without just cause and when those places get stuck you don't realize it but your whole life is now stuck so you might be 50 but you're stuck as a five-year-old emotionally you're stuck as a 20 year old you're stuck wherever that happened it's like you make an advance in this area but there's some deep things that God wants to uproot and you just stay with me on these wounds season I'm telling you what God is about to change your entire life so it is the nature of emotions to move not to get stuck and this is where the enemy loves to get you stuck in a place of fear doubt confusion guilt isolation agitation anger hurt depression confusion condemnation keep on adding whatever negative adjectives you want because that is what he does he comes to steal kill and destroy and he can't just come after you he's got to put a seed in you that you start believing it well maybe God you really are therefore me maybe I'm not gonna make it through this maybe I'll never have a good marriage maybe no one will ever really love me the devil is a liar you know what I say to myself I deserve love I just served to be treated like a queen you say that's so arrogant no that's what God says God says I'm the apple of his eye I deserve goodness why cuz I belong to God I am God's child he loves me he's thinking about me he is I'm the apple of his eye that is not an arrogance that is a confidence because the world is gonna lie to you Satan is gonna try to destroy you if you're not telling yourself what God's saying about you then how will you ever hear it who's reported you gonna believe the world's whose report are you gonna believe somebody didn't know the Word of God or what God's word has to say about you so emotions are not bad remember they're the indicator lights they're like all our inner experiences emotions come from us here we go they are our response to the world around us to our thoughts to our beliefs to our Imaging's we often say this so-and-so made me so angry he made me so mad I can't believe they did me wrong or nobody has that kind of power unless you give them permission nobody can make you anything nobody can make you angry that means you gave permission for whatever or whoever to make you angry to make you frustrated to take a piece of you away nobody can do that nobody has that kind of power unless you give them that kind of permission and so the truth is is no one or no thing outside of you can make you feel anything we respond baser up out of our own perception of this world see if you think like you know I used to do the whole like I just couldn't live without you you know I was like you and me like you complete me baby I love you I really do I adore you I do but the only one that totally completes me life is Jesus Christ I love you I'm grateful for you I don't want to live a day without you you make me happy you bring so much joy into my life but I'm gonna tell you what I'm free to be me you're free to be you and together we are us because if tomorrow John was gone I'd miss him I'd grieve I'd cry but it's not gonna kill me and I say that with all due respect because there was a time in my life I was so codependent and so dysfunctional that I had no idea who I was I couldn't tell my emotions from somebody else's emotion if they were hi eyes hi if they were low I was low if they were up I was up if they were down I was down if they were depressed I was depressed if they were happy I was happy the devil is a liar that is way too much power to give to anybody I love you but go have your own pity party your pity party is not gonna rain on my parade your victim mentality is not gonna make me defeated you're sorry sour our attitude is not gonna cause me to see God as this horrible being I'm sorry Eve I'm not gonna take of that Apple with you you go eat your Apple you go do what you need to do but but for me this is what I've decided my heart my mind my body my attitude is yielded to God and then I can be a blessing to you then I can be the wife that you really want did you really need but if I'm dependent on you and how you wake up all the time and I'm so blessed John's the best I mean he really is I'm just using as an example then then that means that my whole day or my happiness is trying to put a demand on you that you're not even capable of fulfilling because no human being can be God to you no human being Kim and can bring to you listen your boss might give you the biggest promotion and then the next month my fire are you because that's people people are fickle people can turn on you people can love you one moment and then the next moment they're there they'll sell you for thirty pieces of silver I mean that's just people don't get disappointed that's gonna be one of my seven points I'll give them to you quickly and I'll teach them to you more next week all right so seven path to emotional wholeness emotional wholeness which leads to right believing in thinking emotional wholeness it starts here helps lead to right thinking renewing your mind with the word of God number one you got to tell yourself I'm gonna give and give you these to you so quickly then I'll come back and teach them one I will handle disappointment appropriately should I just give them to you yeah I will and I'll teach them next week is that good guys I only have two or three people here so all right so I'll handle disappointment appropriately so I'll show you stuff like I'm going to teach you disappointment as a feeling of dissatisfaction the results when expectations are not realized so you cannot be oversensitive to disappointments now it doesn't mean you set the bar so low it doesn't mean you set the bar so high it means be careful with expectation because your greatest expectation produces your greatest disappointment and often we put expectations that are not realistic on people proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to your own understanding he tells you don't even put the expectation on yourself now there's a lot more I'm gonna get into but I'm gonna give you these seven then let's pray okay but that's just a tidbit of like what I'm gonna teach you next week number one this is your pathway to emotional wholeness number one I'll handle disappointments appropriately number two I refuse to equate failure with self-worth failing does not indicate your self-worth oh there I want to teach you all of this but I'm gonna wait number three I will not be bound with mindsets from my past number four I will always look at the big picture because if you just Zone in and see the piece of puzzle then you lack understanding because understanding is the ability to see how every event in your life relates to a bigger picture so if I just looked at oh my gosh I went through a an investigation and I went through actually twelve years of it and I'll go into that and if I just saw that is then I could I could have had that complete breakdown and never gotten back up and wouldn't be where I was but all that had to train me for such a time as this so understanding there was a bigger picture anyway I will always look at the bigger picture number five I will not waste time on unproductive thoughts now I'm gonna take you deep into Philippians chapter 4 verse eight break down every word of what that means but you will not waste time on unproductive thoughts number six I will surround myself with positive people because trust me you'll become a product of who year round and number seven I will guard my heart so to break a behavior pattern you cannot continue to rehearse the same sickening thoughts that led you to that place in the first place and think you're going to get a different outcome begin today to anchor your identity in Christ begin to anchor anchor your identity in the Word of God identity identify how you see yourself the essence of your nature who you really are and sometimes what you do conflicts with who you are so if you don't know who you are then you'll never know what all you can do we're gonna start renewing our mind let's pray right now father I pray over every stronghold every mindset that is resistant to change right now I prayed that by the superior blood of Jesus Christ that everyone who is struggling with fear every one who's struggling with anxiety that they're getting too far ahead in their future or they're staying stuck somewhere in the past the tonight's word is able to embrace them and hold them and begin to bring change real transformation starts with the relationship with you so let us receive you as our Lord and Savior not just Savior one who can rescue us and deliver us but also Lord one who is over everything as the Apostle Paul said I make you I'm a servant to the Lord I'm a slave to the Lord I hope myself to your word I hope myself to who you are and god I thank you that you're taking me from glory to glory I pray right now that love will come to you that love will go deep within your heart and every wounded place and hurt place an offended place will be released in the name which is above every name the name of Jesus Christ right now we cast down all imaginations let that person that you're just crying right now I see you by the Spirit of God right there in your living room you're just bawling because it's like the Lord is unleashed sup and let it all out tears are good it means you're getting it out there's a day that the Lord will wipe away all your tears and you will cry no more but tears are a healthy thing it's a good thing it's been a long time since you've cried let go of it let go of the anger let go of the hurt stop playing stop pretending God doesn't want you to live with a mask on or pretentious he wants a truthful prayer you can you can yell right now you can say this is a beautiful thing about you being in your home right because you can just say God I can't do it help me God cry out to the Lord because he will hear you in your time of trouble he'll answer you in the name of Jesus right now I pray for peace I pray for a transformation I pray that you go from glory to glory to glory
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 5,709
Rating: 4.8532109 out of 5
Keywords: paula white, new destiny christian center, church, paula white ministries
Id: bB7mBUwpi64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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