Resting in His Shadow

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I mean go with you to Psalm chapter 91 let's read the NIV and I want you to really read this you might want to start reading the amplified - it's one of my favorite Psalms by the way so you know the story David was in all kind of trouble right let's read this together he who dwells in the shelter read it with me of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will sometimes you have to will it I will you know you don't always feel right but I will what save the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom I trust I'm gonna build all this up because you've got to really get it because we say I trust you God but trust is not just a matter of loyalty you'll be there for me it's also a matter of competency and yet when we get in situations we act like daughters not competent to take care of it God is saying to you that I will say of the Lord this is what David's facing on a very difficult time he is my refuge in my fortress my god in whom I trust getting her spirit right now God says trust me keep going surely he will save you from the Fowler's snare and from deadly pestilence now he came to say this because this is covenant and I know the word well enough to know that just like pastor Brad taught today when you have a real relationship with the Savior with Jesus Christ and with God through his son that the scripture is not you know he broke that down so well this morning if you weren't here get that because it's not I know Jesus through scripture though that can be so but but I know Jesus and Scripture becomes alive that is the revelation of him being the rock of him being Christ of him being our Savior Christos The Anointed One he is who he is Yahweh thank goodness and so now we can say this that he will save me from the deadly pestilence I actually believe that pestilence can be all around me and God can cover me I believe that I believe that I can take a divine immunity now I understand I have to do some things inside just like oh but I have a covenant with God I believe that when I pray God hears my prayer that's not to say I don't get rocked trust me I got rocked this week that's why I started out with my own stuff but but you find herself going back to that same place complete dependency upon him I believe when the doctor says you're gonna die I was laying a Mayo Clinic and they told me you'll never preach again that you're not being able to told my ex I told my mom that they said she's not gonna be able to preach again she's got an incurable lung disease that's what they said at the time it's obviously been cured get a few little bit of Allergy and Asthma but my lungs in operate right and I would have extreme asthmatic attacks she learned a few people no before I'd ever preach and go on those at Wollman our loose and we'd packed stadiums I'd have to fly with an oxygen tank and take oxygen before I'd ever get up to preach no more oxygen no more oxygen tanks because that was that was a part of fact in my life but that was not truth because truth is he was wounded for my transgression he was bruised for my iniquity the chastisement of my peace is upon him and with His stripes according to Isaiah chapter 53 I am healed God is still a healer he's a deliverer so I believe that that he will save you from deadly pestilence watch as he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and rampant I'm so glad it said his faithfulness not the faithfulness of an economy a government a person a church leader his faithfulness think about what he's saying here will be your shield and rampart you want out fear and we're going to talk about this line a lot tonight you will not fear the terror cause we're gonna deal with that if I got into it prophetically talk to you about what a spirit of terrorism is I know some of the most talented gifted people but yet when they get on the stage they get extreme panic attacks get extreme fright and nervous and and literally they're probably some of the most gifted people I've ever met in my life but they can't move into their gifting and their fullness of their calling because they've been struck by terror they've been struck by terror they're people that are afraid you'll never enjoy the fruit of a healthy relationship because you're afraid you're gonna get hurt again because you've been struck by terror and they're people that you're even in a marriage but you're so holding on to something that happened to you and you won't ever fully give your heart to that situation because you've been struck by terror that's the spirit of terrorism the devil is a liar you get money you've got enough in your bank and you won't even enjoy your life or spend anything because you're afraid you're gonna lose it because you filed bankruptcy before you went through loss when you were a child it's a spirit of terror and God says here you will not fear the terror of night you will not fear it so you know most things go back to in terror of night go back to my childhood the night that my father come into suicide and every time I think well man this is over like I graduated anybody think he graduate don't burn the school down there's still another course God wants you to take all right burn the school down he's got more courses that you just don't know about yet all right so he says you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day keep reading it with me nor here he goes again the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday some of y'all need to start reading that over you and your household put it at work put that Psalm 91 out everywhere and just for people that do get afraid I mean in any area to say listen you're not fear the terror of 9th arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys that midnight midday a thousand y'all know this he'll be may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you make that here's the if here's the part on if you make the most high your what dwelling habitation so it's not just like make him God he's saying all right I know I'm God in your life but but I want more I want intimacy like you can be married and never have any intimacy for all the adults here you know what I'm talking about you live in the same house and have no intimacy not physical not emotional not spiritual intimacy and that's a sad way to live because that is not God's best and God's saying you can come to church you can sing your hymns you can quote scripture and not make me your dwelling place I want to be your dwelling because when God dwells that means he inhabits it literally means it's Exodus chapter 28 it is that God wants to dwell he wants to have habitation with you so God doesn't just want to be out there and you have this visitation when you need him it's like pulling Woody out of the closet of Toy Story you know hey I need you right now no God wants to be with you Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday January February March April good days bad days ugly days pretty days God says I want habitation and at all and so watch if you make the most hide your dwelling even the Lord who is my refuge then no harm will befall you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone come on this is a Word of God right now you will tread upon the lion and the Cobra I love it because it says the young adder I didn't love to teach it you will trample the great lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name you know how I know that God knows I love him because he's rescued me so many times I know that my love is so real because only God could rescue me in so many situations only God could deliver me in so many circumstances and I'm not just talking outward I'm talkin internal as well and that God is mine deliverer so what does it say God is now saying because you Tod love me you see like you BJ you Breanna Eugenia love me says the Lord I will rescue you Gina I will rescue Todd I will protect him for he acknowledges my name think about what I'm reading you right now he will call upon me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him God says I'm not just getting you out of this but I'm honoring you that is a respect and reverence that is felt it is deep and God says I will honor you because you loved me you know that's what God wants more than anything we think about how much God loves us which is unfathomable for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son but God says you know I know you love me too it's a two-way street I remember the time you whispered in my ears the sweet letters you write me all the time Paula that the love song she'd sing me John the times that you'd worship me when nobody was watching the tears that would roll down your eye because you were just in my presence not because you were hurting but because you were so overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness and God says I know your love for me I remember I know how much you love me you know that touches the heart of God I mean think about it how many of you there's so many people and and when someone will text me or something just say Paul how are you or they just love you or just a big heart or something I mean it's just like really it just overwhelms me because it's not not Paul it will you do this or will you do that which I don't mind I love that's part of my thing is I love serving people I love doing I'm a doer but but is really nice just a no-strings-attached I love you like I kept waiting for the shoe to drop with John like went Wednesday I'm gonna find this and all these years I found like no there's no shoe that's gonna drop he just loves me unconditionally without any strings attached he's just good to me better than I can be to him sometimes I'm the one you'll have to pray about alright he's good and and you wait for that don't you oh I'm the only word person that has problems and gods like I remember your love joy I remember all the days you get up at 5:00 a.m. and just get up here and worship for me because you love me I remember Elizabeth that was time she'd drive all night and take that product down cuz you wanted people to hear the word because you love me I remember you go into coma in prison not because you got anything for it but just because you love me I remember everything you've done just because you love me I don't know awesome thing and God says because you love me I'll rescue you I'll protect you because you acknowledge my name and when you call upon me I will answer you and I'll be with you in trouble and I'll deliver him and honor him with long life think about this will i satisfy him and i'll show him my salvation salvation is not just getting to heaven it's out of the root word Sozo which means to be made whole to be complete to be rescued to be delivered and God says I will show you by healing my deliverance my salvation my goodness over and over my the only one getting anything out of this I've had a lot more scripture and I've just got to the text alright God loves you so we're gonna deal altum Utley with cycles in our life of fear or anxiety or worry or anything else that the Holy Spirit leads because y'all know I never know where I'm going with this I'm just filling the Holy Spirit out but but you can see something because in order to do that we've got in the reason why I want to deal with that because fear is what contradicts faith and faith is what makes everything function in the kingdom of God faith is what we operate the just shall live by faith right Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 let's start I'm gonna build a case for you tonight I'm teaching I'm not here to or preach I'm here to teach some things and build into the move the Holy Spirit so hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 says without faith peace ceases the Greek it is what impossible to please God and this is interesting because God lets go on and read it I want to read the rest because anyone who comes to him must what believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek Him now I wrote it down so you could read it because it is impossible to please God and it doesn't mean like all are you happy with me it's impossible to fully agree it is impossible to be an alignment and be fully agreeable with God one of the most underestimated prayers that we don't talk a lot about is the prayer of agreement you see the son agreed to the decree with the father the Holy Spirit sealed this but it was the agreement between the son and the father that made a covenant where we're just recipients of that covenant because of the finished work of Jesus Christ but they were the ones that came in agreement and before the foundation of the earth the Lamb of God had already been slain for one thing was ever created the plan of God had already been executed it just would have to be parenthetical and since until time God who doesn't exist within time so think about what we're saying here that God says if you fully agree with me without faith it is impossible to fully agree and think has to do with belief his Greek word peace he's alright because anyone who comes to me watch must believe that number one I exist I mean I am who I say I am Moses who do I tell them that sending me I am he just leaves it right there why because I am what you need me to be I am I am your healer I am your deliverer I am your provider I am your Vindicator I am your source I am your covering I am your refuge I am I am your provider I am your protector you must believe that he exists and that he rewards now this is really interesting those who earnestly do what seek Him because God shows us through these scriptures that only craves our love but he also praises us because to seek means to it's a craving to literally it's a word of worship that you crave God it means like to beg to desire him with a really deep desire and the word reward er is interesting because it literally means like God pays for Hire its remunerate er and the word remunerate er means to hire out for wages think about it even talk about the best one that could ever pay you it's God and what's God hiring someone who will seek Him someone who desires someone who craves him someone that comes in full agreement with him 1st Timothy 6:12 keeps on going because remember what's the what does it enemy have to get you out of faith because the just shall live by faith 1st Timothy 6:12 tells us to fight the good fight of faith so we're actually we have to fight for our faith and it's a good fight as what the Bible says 2nd Corinthians 5:7 says we live by faith and not sight so no matter what a situation looks like God says we don't live by what it looks like we don't live by what it feels like we live by faith now a lot of people say faith is the word but faith comes by hearing the word okay so in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God so God doesn't separate himself from his word amen but Romans tells us what faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word so the way that we begin to get to Revelation and begin to get instruction and see the depths of who God is is not just to read the word but the revealed the the Rhema what we call the revelation of God's Word the revealed Word of God so Jesus makes this pretty bold remarkable declaration to his disciples in Luke chapter 12 verse 32 and this is where I really want to take the context of teaching tonight because I believe that if you understand this right now I'm going to talk to you about the kingdom of God context of the kingdom of power then you'll not fear have anxiety worry but the application of it is that whatever the enemy tries to come against you with whether it's cancer tonight whether it's emotional distress no matter what you're facing you don't find your solution here so I'm reversing the way I typically do my sermons all right so he starts out in Luke chapter 12 verse 32 and once he say do not fear little flock now I would even tell me this all right do not for your little flock it's an interesting way because it keeps on going because he's telling him to go out he's gonna send them along whoops and he goes out he takes the purse from him I mean everybody says see you can't have money if you serve Jesus and bla bla bla bla and that's not true because then he sends them out with a person in a different context so it just got to take scripture in its fullness but he's saying do not fear little flock for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom this kind of seems odd to me it just seems like an odd thing to say like it's like it would seem like it'd go hey little little sheep II you know Paulie you little sheep here for it's your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom but he says in front of this this big context of do not fear and we always know to pay attention when the words telling us something so there's a reason that he's saying things to me and I'm I want to delve there farther because notice what would stop you from maybe inheriting the kingdom ah I think it's probably better to say what would stop you from operating in the kingdom then contrast that fear so what would stop me from fully operating in the kingdom we're gonna get a good understanding of Kingdom here in a minute it would be fear right so when I'm not seeing fullness of promises according to the Word of God there's not a god problem there's a pala problem I can tell you that right now so when we look at the Word of God it's a mirror that we have to rightly behold because it shows us the truth according to the book of James so if it says fear not flock for God has or do not fear right my little flock my little sheepies you for the Lord has given you what the kingdom are you with me so he's effectively saying what stops you from functioning in the kingdom is fear said the statement that applied to Jesus followers it's still relevant and applies to us today would you agree with that that do not fear Amen that God has given us a kingdom oh I'm gonna keep teaching you on this there is I'm part of the kingdom of God come on it has a king it has citizens and has laws I've talked so much on the kingdom of God you should understand all the things about the kingdom of God that so no matter what troubles or fears that we may contend with in our life God says I've given you my kingdom which shines powerfully into darkness of our world and even has the ability and and the power because it's a kingdom of power you're gonna see to take away sickness sin disease lack even death I'm backing all this up scripturally so trust me stick with me all right God wants you to enter into his kingdom of power so that you can see it demonstrated here and now because I think we had this mentality of Kingdom being way out there in the future like there's something in Revelation that finally but I'm gonna even show you that that the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of our God now now so let's examine what is the kingdom of God for clarity because if we don't have clarity and understanding we're gonna talk or have this time together we didn't come at the altar and walk away with our same problems but not this time not this time so what is God's kingdom it is a sovereign government on the earth it's a sovereign government sovereign he's a sovereign God you with me help me out the New Testament calls it what basa Leia John knows it assaleh I wish I could sing baby and so uh it's vassal leia which means the royalty the rule I've taught you all this and the realm of God right and our sovereign royal power that's what it means it comes from a root they're a word though of boss the Laius I can't say these right but it's ba si le us which relates to the idea of foundation of power so the kingdom of God is BA Celaya that comes from the root word of a foundation of power remember foundation means fundamental which that everything that has ever built on a fundamental means that all essence all structure anything that will come after that comes out of it because a foundation is a fundamental which all laws and truths are based on so everything that we're going to strive for all these promises that he's gonna be our refuge she's gonna be our protector that that he's gonna cover that pestilence is not going to be able to destroy us all truths and covenant promises are based on a foundational ultimately a foundation which we're gonna see is Jesus Christ from building this case here do I have somebody with me say come on pastor Paulo all right so the kingdom of God is his room and his foundation of power in the earth so happy to see Ana in the earth so God has a foundation of power in the earth five different words for power and I'm gonna take you into it tonight all right study it for yourself but God has a foundation of power in the earth and it's not power from a person as on power from a government that's natural it's God's sovereign government that is in operation right now so remember their spiritual laws working for you or against you every single second of your life so it is his Dominion or lordship in which he establishes his will here and now through the redeeming work that His Son Jesus Christ did on the finished work or I should say the redeeming work that he did when he was crucified on an old rugged cross buried in a ball team buried in a borrowed tomb but rose again on the third day thank God he rose again and he conquered death hell and the grave and he even took keys from Satan himself I mean he just like put the cherry right there on the cake all right defeated him come and made a spectacle the Bible says out of him I mean made a spectacle it's like what they would do and Roman he paraded him out I mean it was just like he made a spectacle of him he said had Satan known that he would have a resurrected he would have never crucified him he would have never allowed him to be crucified but he had to I I'm gonna try to stay on Kingdom right now but see this was God's plan all along that's why Pilate point--is had to crucify him excuse me why Caiaphas had to crucify him and that point just Pilate had to because you could not have an emperor crucifying because a priest had to crucify him or he would not have been a sacrifice and it had to be a sacrificial lamb which is why people would say oh that was so that was so terrible I believe Caiaphas was used by God probably with the revelation and perhaps even the knowledge so everybody's like Oh Liz so bad but we don't always see through the eyes of Revelation God has to use somebody doesn't he to do all things so he was bringing the sacrificial lamb which is why a high priest had to order the crucifixion order him to be crucified and it was the joy of the Cross that was set before him that he was able to endure he is able because he had such a joy because he was born to die so now what he does is he gives us this kingdom so we'll talk about this in a minute because his main message he came everybody thinks he came to save us individually which he did thank God he reconciled us redeemed us to God but his main message was not hey get saved joy his main message was repent which we'll get to change your mind change your way of doing things thy kingdom has come so his main message was about the kingdom so God governs over territories we know that over entities over human beings in the very beginning when he starts talking about let's make man in our image image doesn't mean that like you're that God has essence all right and and so you're just how do I say properly the energy god has how do I say this properly dr. Paul so god is essence making there's likeness it's as resemblance but we're not God God is God men and so God governs territories entities and human beings somethingö he rules over sickness over poverty over oppression none of those things because Jesus finished his job he did it he said it is finished which means it's perfectly perfect and completely complete and when that veil was ripped from top to bottom so was sickness so was poverty so was disease so was death her acting like you don't know the Bible come on he conquered these things do you believe that do we read the same Bible all right I want to make sure we've got some scripture down here so he is sovereign over his spiritual enemy which is who Satan Satan is not your enemy he's God's enemy and he goes after what God loves the most the reason he goes after you is because God remembers your love for him he knows you love him so you want to hurt me I mean come on you want to hurt me then when he hurts I hurt my kids hurt I hurt my grandkids and that's fighting like that's it like that that's how hurt me by hurting those I'd rather get hurt myself then those that I love the most hurting so Satan is God's enemy you don't have to worry God's already taking care of him he just comes after you to get back to God but God's already defeated him I'll help me preach this come on he who seeks to spread his own kingdom this is Satan the devil seeks to spread his own kingdom of darkness in the world to counteract God's kingdom of light so God who is a supreme ruler of the universe including our world and wants us to act to be active participants in the kingdom of God and spreading the kingdom of the vet God because you're going to see Terk area blat now I have worked this scripture so many times that I'm not going to take time to work it tonight but Ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 and 23 and I always kind of dumb it down a little by taking it to the message because it's just such simplistic language but I want you to go heavier in it it starts out and I'll read it to you but I do more than thank I asked the god of our master Jesus Christ the god of glory to make you intelligent and discerning and knowing him personally so it starts there that your eyes focus and clear so that you can see exactly what it is that he's calling you to do and you will grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life that he has for his followers oh the utter extravagance of his work in us who trusts him endless energy boundless strength all this energy issues from Christ God raised him from death and sent him on a throne in deep heaven in charge of running the universe right everything from galaxies to government and most people would just stop right there they'd say well wouldn't in what the heck is wrong but God is Jesus Christ according to Scripture is in charge if we read a King James NIV anyway you want to go you're still gonna find out he's in charge of running the universe all governments and the galaxies so stop blaming the devil and everything right no name and no power exempt from his rule has a name above every name you know what I love that that he honors his name in his word above all things and he's given that to us as part of his covenant and not just for the time being but how long dies forever he's in charge of it all here has the final word and the final say on everything so all things are working for the good to those that love Christ according to Romans chapter 8 verse 28 that ultimately he's gonna sum all things up both in heaven and earth in His Son Jesus Christ and so Jesus Christ who's been given all authority and then he aired it to us which we'll get to who's been given all authority both in heaven and earth has the final word and the final say on everything so Jesus Christ has the final word now you've got to know how to operate in covenant you've got to understand kingdom or you can live a very unpurchased for life because I'm going to say a defeated life because I think Peter was who was crucified upside down because he was too humble in a sense he said I can't be crucified like Christ Sir John who was bald and all I went alone the our Patna sir Steven who was stoned I mean or Paul who the Holy Spirit said hey you got to go to Rome and you're gonna stand before Festus by the way you're gonna be shipwrecked you're gonna be put in prison you're gonna be beat you're going to sign me right up they're gonna be many threatenings but this is the assignment I have for you so I I don't want to say like like that that everything turns out like the way you think it should be it's not the Cinderella ending and that was the thing that I've got to get out of here and remember God's gonna always in this earth because of my love for him driving me right back to him always always so he has the final word the final say on everything right you with me on this so who's ruling over the government's who's ruling over the galaxy's all right according to scripture Jesus Christ is he's got all authority and that doesn't mean it's being activated let's talk about this and Christ rules the church so the problem is not Christ the problem is y'all go on come on help me out the church now I've been saved 35 years not nearly compared to some of y'all and saved y'all y'all came out of the womb saved I mean you were like baptized when you were two minutes old or something all right sprinkled right there in the hospital I don't know so so I have been in and things have drastically changed in 35 years drastically from carrying at the altar the impact I mean 97% church then even in the 90s we're 87 percent church attendance things have drastically changed as someone like dr. Paul who came out of the Episcopal Church or someone like myself who I mean even Pentecostals and I wear makeup now come on even in the Spanish church sans Pentecostal could have never worn makeup oh I know she's got on her jeans well she would have gone to hell 20 years ago nothing all that was right but I'm saying things have drastically changed and honestly there's pockets of power I love this place because God is here God is at this church in their pockets of power but most churches are more of a production than they are power truth has been so watered down and compromised that most people wouldn't know it if it hit him upside the head it did I remember when I got born again I memorized most of the Bible a lot of it and I did because I felt like they were gonna take the Bible's from us and I was gonna get the mark of the beast or I wasn't gonna take the mark so I had to have it memorized right see some of y'all will remember old school but that was it I mean some of us crazy but there was a healthy fear there was a fear of the Lord I wrote about it I wrote about my time as a sin so I don't mind I was always convicted to go to the church but there was time I was living in sin I know the rest of y'all are always saying how it doing stuff I should not have been going and we would have revival and the Evangelist are coming the revival is a man I know like now I know like put on the fake I'm just kidding because there's like I would put my head down I'd give myself away all the time because I'd be feeling so guilty on the inside and I begged Jesus not to come that night like please now that sounds drastic but you know what it was there was a maturity process and understanding grace and love a little bit more but there was a healthy fear and there still is a fear of the Lord I'm glad that that's never left my I'm glad I get convicted when I lose my temper I'm glad I get convicted when I'm not living the way that God wants me to and it's not sins like were when I was 19 years old there's still stuff I do at 53 years old that God says come on Paula come on want to work some more things out in you I guess I'm the only one so Christ rules the church the church you see is not what peripheral to the world the world is peripheral to the church churches Christ's body in which he speaks and acts by which he feels everything with his presence so here we have a clear understanding through Scripture the God rules over Christ rules over everything universe galaxies it has final word on everything but if the center of this he is the head of the church and as the head of the church he fills the church with his presence which he acts and he moves in the church is not the building the church's us we are the temple of God correct so thy kingdom come Thy will be done in the earth as it is in heaven Psalm chapter 24 verse 1 the earth is the Lord and all its fullness the world and those who dwell therein so whenever or wherever God's kingdom governs it is visibly demonstrated now I'm gonna start getting into some stuff with you see how weak the churches because how we'll see really how broken God's kingdom is not because of God but because of the church not because of God it's not a God problem it's a people problem so wherever God's kingdom governs is visibly demonstrated and every work of the enemy must apart it cannot remain in the same territory occupied by life so if light is occupying darkness has to dispel if this room is totally dark and I come and flip the switch on darkness is gone so we're kingdom of light where the kingdom of light occupies darkness has to be gone and we'll talk about those five tenants of darkness and the five entities of darkness we they happened at the fall of men but that means that sickness can't dwell that poverty can't dwell the the the things that that are part of and poverty is more than the money I'm gonna get into that though so for example let's go keep going when the kingdom of God comes upon an individual then sickness wickedness sin any other work of hell has to flee so when the Kingdom which is a kingdom of power comes upon an individual and those things can't dwell even down so that can bitter waters and sweet waters come out of the same fountain can you say you love God and hate man know the love of God is not even in you so the scripture makes it clear that when we lack knowledge what happens we perish Hosea chapter 4 verse 6 my people are what destroyed my people are destroyed not the center my people are destroyed because of what lack of knowledge so the problem is we really don't often understand the kingdom of God do not fear little flock for I have given you the kingdom so what's gonna stop me from operating effectively in it anything that has fear let's keep going so the finished work of the son of God and Jesus Christ on the cross gave us victory 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 57 but thanks being to God who has already given us victory through his son now the importance of this and why I'm teaching you all in the kingdom which is a kingdom of power is because Jesus mentions the kingdom over a hundred times he only mentions Church two times so we focus so much on the church but he focuses on the kingdom so we have better understanding of denominational rules local church we have better understanding of the differences of so I came out when I did get license and everything else it was through the Church of God so church about the Pentecostal denomination about 5 million people based out of Cleveland Tennessee so the Assemblies of God broke off the church about and I understood it was over an issue of college sanke because Assemblies of God could dance and we couldn't so they had a whole split with millions of people because one could dance no they all danced it they would club in anyway just secretly or privately no it means you can dance to Jehovah Jireh and and sadly like especially my early years of being formed in church I began to learn I had the Saudi Old Testament and you know Old Testament prophets minor prophets major prophets all oh it's good stuff to know but I had to learn why we believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit I had to learn what made us different than Assembly of God I learned a lot about church history that's not bad it's not a bad thing but I didn't learn anything about the kingdom of God and Jesus teaches us the kingdom of God where he mentions it over a hundred times and only two times these he mentions a church now following his crucifixion and resurrection he remained on earth for forty days before his ascension what does he do during that time he instructs his disciples about the kingdom of God Acts chapter 1 verse 3 and on Jesus is the Son of God fully God fully man right and after he fulfills his mission on the earth God the Father established him to be ruler over the world we're establishing this right Revelation chapter 11 verse 15 the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord who they become the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever so remember the kingdom which I'll get to is not in the future the kingdom is now I'm gonna establish this so the kingdoms of this world belong to who Jesus Christ well you're gonna find out in Matthew 28 you already know that he's already willed all authority and all power over to us so really kingdoms belong to us and you go well what's the problem here we'll get to that in a minute so God gave Jesus both in heaven and earth Matthew 28:18 he's our Lord he's our King and through him the kingdom of God is spread throughout the world now consequently the church is composed of those who've been redeemed because they believe through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and while we're called while we believe we know that we've been redeemed we have relationship with God because of what His Son Jesus Christ did we are called to expand his kingdom just as Jesus did on the earth to make this make this contrast get this because the kingdom of God is what expands the power God what expands the light of God it's what expands all we're all part the Baptist the Pentecostal the Pisgah peleas the Memphis we're all part of the kingdom the non-denominational that I don't know what I am Church hopper we're all part of his kingdom so it's important you understand this because the church is not the kingdom but rather it is the agency through which the kingdom is extended so each Church has its own kind of a saint denomination or or we have a church culture right so it's okay that one dance and one didn't and when you start getting outside of the laws which the church unfortunately has and you start getting outside of the spectrum of God's Word it's not okay unless God tells you to stay there because there are a lot of churches that have lost the foundation of the fundamentals and they don't practice God's Word I always tell people there's a lot there's a lot of gray in God's Word there is but man when God went it just says I mean not everything's black and white there's a lot of things I wish you just told me like to tell me and it's just there's a lot of like you know and that's where you say Holy Spirit show me is you just know how to live you know what to do but when you see Church go outside of the spectrum and the parameters and the boundaries of this word and it becomes illegal immoral unethical and it's just clearly not God's Word we've got a real problem we've got a real problem and our problem it's not a world problem our problem is not an enemy problem our problem is not a same problem our problem is a kingdom problem I'm gonna say that because we were so occupied with the church and the church is so messed up right now it's so far out that we haven't extended his kingdom so the world is winning in many ways just honest here the world is winning in many ways because his kingdom is a kingdom of power the kingdom of God is his will and Dominion exercising earth as it is in heaven so I'm gonna give you quickly a few things the qualities of the kingdom of God so that we can advance and operate in it number one you have to know something because he's bestowed upon us what a kingdom so do not fear a little the father has given you what a kingdom so what do you have the first thing you've got to know about the kingdom is it's supernatural first the Bible says no man can understand or comprehend understand the kingdom of God unless he be born again so unless you're born again and have a relationship you cannot comprehend understand or have revelation of the kingdom of God the basilia the foundation of power so people want power and there's no real power that's bringing for transformation and so we're living defeated lives and supplies of victory because we don't have kingdom understanding are you with me so I'm gonna tie all this thing together so when we understand it the first thing you've got to know is the kingdom is supernatural it's not a natural Kingdom it's not something like you build and you go to a palace and you see it is a super natural Kingdom John chapter 18 verse 36 jesus said My Kingdom is not of this world the kingdom of God is within you now there we go because that wind blows most people's minds so let's figure this out and see what does that mean you don't have a little princess castle like Disney and you the kingdom of God the BAS Aliyah the foundation of power is in you that the royalty the realm the rule of God is within you so when we become born again John chapter 3 verse 1 through 21 God comes to dwell inside of us through the Holy Spirit and the kingdom then is established within us so you now if you're born again or carrier of God's kingdom so the only way God's kingdom gets extended it's through you and a crazy thing to me we should come to church because we're not forsaking the gathering ourselves just to worship God well but we should not be coming to church like needy heroin addicts they had the same disease and issue week after week month after month and I'm not saying anything against our brokenness cuz I've got plenty of my own in my own issues but but there should be enough power in us and enough word in us and enough hunger for God that we become carriers and extenders of the kingdom of God we've got this thing backwards because we've made church business get people in here instead of building you I know I don't want you just to be blessed I want you to be built because if I bless you or God uses me in some way to bring a blessing it's wonderful but it really is very temporal but if you can be built come on then there's something that you begin to understand no I'm not what they call me I'm not barren like they call you Elizabeth no I'm not impotent I'm not ineffective I'm a child of the Most High God I have all power and all authority both in heaven and earth on the inside of me no I'm not of low self-esteem I've been given victory I'm wonderfully and fearfully made according to Psalm 139 that before I was ever in my mother's womb God had knit me together he's the one that fashioned me informed me he squeezed me yeah what I went through God knew exactly who my DNA would be God knew exactly what I needed he knew what my who my parents were all of my days were ordained before one of them ever came into being I didn't stepped into a any point a minute a second a day a month a year that God didn't not only know about but had not already ordained this so God somewhere I said yes to you I said yes to you before I ever walked into it see I believe in sovereignty I don't believe I'm just down here chaotically and haphazardly and trying to fill my way through this I believe God is a sovereign God I believe that then I had to have those divine encounters I had to meet him on Southwest I had to go through certain things those didn't happen in my life and some sinner who was disconnected to God God's grace and mercy chased me down because he knew how to find me because I was always chasing a guy my story always has a guy all right and he knew get a really cute musician she'll chase him and you'll go over but he's gonna have an encounter with his uncle who's gonna open up a Bible and lead her to the Lord and from that point on I'd be messed up just like Brad said he could try to run but he could never hide from a praying mother it wasn't because I was past her Paula it wasn't because I had big ministry at the time in a church of 28,000 people it was because he'd come home to a greasy bed where he'd see my handprints laid out on those sheets they would been spread because I've been praying all night it is because he would find those oil cloths that I still believe in in his converse tennis shoes ER or I would stitch them in and his in his jeans somewhere it's because I didn't know you know I I had no I didn't know anything about drugs and Brad was doing everything and beyond all right and I had no idea what it was and when he should have been dead it was in the very spot that I'd laid and cried and poured my soul out I didn't know that the two brothers were just seeing taking it to another level and sniffing everything they could sniff and take in everything they could take that they shouldn't even have a brain today much less the kind of revelation he walks in but it was in the very spot then I poured out my heart and put claim and mark my children they don't have a choice your kids don't have a choice they're part of covenant they're part of God's plan listen they were born to you the only reason you are responsible to bring the will the kingdom of God to pass God's Dominion God's Authority God's power through your prayer life which we'll get to that that's why Brad was saying the greatest act of faith is you praying because you're believing something to come into tangible existence that you can't even see prayer is your greatest act of faith so the kingdom of God watch let me help keep going this so well often we have more knowledge like I said about doctrine and culture and individual churches denomination than we do the kingdom of God but the church must always be subject to the purposes of the kingdom no Christian church or ministry should ever conduct itself according to its own agenda we should be governed by a kingdom mentality Kingdom mindset rather than a Democratic mindset or democracy hate to tell you but you really still exist in a theocracy if you're a child of God all right if you're taught of God if not then you you have a a spirit of that is like there is a free-agent it's like a knight spiritual all the Hittites and pezoo sites and Amalekites and all the lights it's like a you think you're free agent you don't get to choose even Acts chapter 17 says God marks off your boundaries and chooses your geography don't get jealous of somebody else God's the one that chose their Metron you couldn't handle their Metron it would squash you like a bug I mean there's things that God's chosen for you you you are uniquely called to do something great your purpose is perfect everything about your purpose the intention of God is perfect in your life so when you think about that you don't ever have to get competitive because you're complementary to the body of Christ to make up the bride so when we begin to see the kingdom of God is his will and dominion exercised on the earth as it is in heaven let's examine these qualities it's a supernatural kingdom the kingdom of God is within you like I said Jesus said the kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation nor will they say here it is or there it is because the kingdom of God is within you Luke chapter 17 verse 20 through 21 number two it's a kingdom of power not just a kingdom of words so how much preaching are we gonna have until we just see power it's a kingdom come on Mar a power 1st corinthians chapter 4 verse 24 the kingdom of God is not in word but in power it's Dunamis it's a power is the power that has the ability to reproduce itself power to overcome these things 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse 20 the kingdom of God was never meant to be proclaimed or just preached with words alone in some abstract manner it was it was it wasn't meant to be communicated as something only in the future it was always to be announced and power in the present and now listen a miracle always settles the issue a miracle real experience with God always settles the issue because you can't in debate when God has done something supernatural and God is now God that he has power for you right now he has a miracle for you right now 1st Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 says for our gospel did not come to you in word only but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance so with the preached word there should be a visible demonstration of God's power to heal to deliver to set the captive free come on to bring conviction to save the loss there always should be a demonstration where there's no demonstration which is the problem with the church because they became so seeker-friendly and so water down to please everyone that we lost the power God when you lose the power of God you don't function in the kingdom of God when you don't function in the kingdom of God you're no more than a social club there's no conviction Jesus went throughout Galilee watch what happens after he's told him in Matthew 4:17 from that time on Jesus began to preach repent for the kingdom of God is at hand it's near it's at hand it's within your grasp then Matthew 4:23 Jesus went throughout Galilee teaching in their synagogues preaching the good news of the kingdom he preached the good and then what happened guys and what happened and healing every disease and sickness among the people so after the preaching of good news there was a demonstration of God's power so there five entities which plagued humanity after the fall of God sickness sin demons poverty death and these all proceeded from Satan's Kingdom therefore each time that Jesus confronted them with the superiority of God's kingdom they have to experience total defeat what I'm telling you is the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light don't live together so if you walk in the kingdom of God darkness has to dispel death sin poverty disease it has to dispel because it can't live in the kingdom of light study in luminosity because it's like an energy that you can't even see and the light of God is within you where's the kingdom of God in you you ready said so number three it's an unshakable Kingdom Hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 we were seeing living a kingdom which cannot be shaken and I personally think enemy doesn't have that much power I think God does metathesis I think he does an uprooting of one thing for laying down of another thing I think there's a shaking going on I think there is a clash of kingdoms right now and whoever moves in the kingdom will gain the power and control and will it be the bride the body of Christ which is the agency the church for the kingdom of God or will it be the kingdom of darkness you see I sit in all these meetings all this time and they tell me all this money that Soros is poured into stuff and I just listens billions of dollars here and this person's doing that and he's got this and dadada and I just sit there and listen I go but y'all taking out the god factor like either you've taken off the god factor do you thank God who created everything and stepped out on nothing and from nothing into nothing and created the heavens and the stars and the universe that he has a problem with any imp so we prevailed because we're covered we're protected and that is God's unshakable Kingdom now that doesn't mean you'll never go through anything I don't want you to get it wrong because I think that extreme words of faith or extreme charismatic nondenominational call it whatever you want they call every they call it's all prosperity I'm liking you have not listened to my messages if they listen to my messages they'd see I talk a whole lot more about the cup of suffering than I ever do about the power of his resurrection like I know they haven't listened to even one whole message because I always put this in so that you don't get off and think oh I'm just on it's Kingdom that's gonna be this walk in the park because it doesn't happen that way it doesn't mean I'll never go through anything because that contradicts Scripture it means you'll either have a grace that is sufficient or you'll have delivers so look at this Paul reveals in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 through 10 he says to keep me from becoming conceited watch of it I love Paul he goes I was going to become conceited because I had these surpassingly great revelations I'm so I'm glad pastor Brad in here right now but that could be pastor Brad right there he could just be a little stinker like that okay and I could just see it to keep me from becoming and then he's gonna go oh my body I'm gonna go maybe you wouldn't become certain anyway to keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations there was given a thorn in my flesh a messenger of Satan God thank you for this gift a messenger Satan come on he gave you a kingdom and a messenger Satan think about this to torment me not just to make my dad day bad but to torment me three times I pleaded with the Lord take it away from me but he said to my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness complete tele owes therefore I will boast all the more broadly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power may rest on me that is why for Christ's sake I delight in weaknesses and insults I delight in weaknesses and insults when you insult someone that's usually fighting stuff lord have mercy and hardships and persecutions and difficulties he's telling me I'm the lightning and weakness teach me Paul and insults and hardships and persecutions and difficulties for when I am weak he's strong I can see Paul he's gone hey God look I can preach it better I could do more I could reach more because he's carrying the gospel to the Gentiles I mean Peter was the bridge but Paul really had the mantle to go to the Gentiles Peter really only had the mantle to preach to the Jewish nation to the Hebrews so Paul now has gotten this know he's going to Greece going Rome he's all over spreading the gospel and I can see him saying but God I could do a lot better if I just had money in the bank and not this thorn in my flesh but that's not God's plan God's gonna I'm not taking it away because you would have become so prideful and I hate pride it is the root of all sin pride of life lust of the eye lust of the flesh fourth thing it's a kingdom whose reality is experienced here and now repent the kingdom of God is at hand Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 it's within your grasp when Jesus preached about the kingdom he referred to it mainly in the here now saying it's at hand or it's come upon you Matthew 12 28 arts arrived to you verse 28 the new living testament so what does not exist in heaven should exist should not exist in a believers life what do I mean by that think about that for a minute the kingdom of God's at hand right so cancer doesn't exist in heaven poverty doesn't exist in him sin doesn't exist in heaven you dealt with that so these things that an impoverished soul impoverished body that doesn't exist in heaven now I know that there's a day we get a glorified body and that we're always gonna have our struggle but what I'm telling you is the kingdom of God is to live you within you and so what doesn't exist in heaven because I've been given all power all authority should not exist in my life I shouldn't settle unless I have a grace that is sufficient because God's working on me I shouldn't settle first thing it's just okay the kingdom of God do not fear my little flock I've given you a kingdom so remember your carrier of the kingdom who visibly manifests a power God in the here and now how can we recognize God's kingdom has truly arrived in our midst I want to answer a few things and clear it up we tell it by experiencing and living according to the character of the kingdom so I'm gonna give you three more points really four and we'll be done four points when we're done so you have to say Romans chapter 14 verse 17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit not in joy and joy in the Holy Spirit so the kingdom of God doesn't consist of material things but in these main characteristics of righteousness peace joy in the holy spirit so let's look at those so the first character of the kingdom that brings forth power right because the kingdom of God is what supernatural the kingdom of God is what here right now it's not just mere words its power okay the kingdom God is unshakeable and the kingdom of God is now come on say it with me guys right so the kingdom of God is supernatural right got it so the kingdom of God is not mere words but it's also power the kingdom of God is unshakeable the kingdom of God and I have to stop after for that give you 40 the kingdom of God is now so how do I know because there should be a demonstration in my life of this power and like you're gonna go through things but ultimately the kingdom of God should rule reign have royalty in that kingdom so what are the characteristics righteousness living in righteousness Amin several things means being in good standing with God right standing with God by forgiveness Redemption that we received through Jesus Christ because of his death because of his resurrection it means acting in the same way that God acts I boned that one too many times Micah chapter 6 verse 8 what does the Lord require of you but to do justly well I've done this pretty well to love mercy and they will walk humbly with your God until I just messed up the humble part I said I did that well help me help me Jesus alright submitting yourself to be accountable to God with your thoughts with your words with your actions allowing him to correct you and guide you in the path of righteousness for his name's sake Psalm chapter 23 verse 3 so if we not submitted to the government of God then we are rebels and unrighteous that was the root problem with everyone all of us have what gone astray so there's a rebel in all of us but they thought he laid the axe at the root he didn't come to take away the sins he came to wait to take away the sin of the world so when he laid the axe to the root the root is that every person has a rebel and God says listen rebel has to be punished and his son was punished and he bore he took that punishment gladly his soul was for everything that's hold on the message the good news is there everyone who repents receives righteousness that came through Christ Jesus Bible says in Isaiah that our righteousness is what as filthy rags but because of what he did he's wrapped us with the robe of righteousness and a garment of salvation so the second thing the kingdom the characteristic is its peace it's important this is what I say to you the other day without when Kristen died my daughter died of cancer it was devastating I was in a balled-up in a position going back from on a plane going back from Tampa to Texas at the time and I just thought like I mean you talk about a gut punch it was one of the hardest things I'd ever gone through the time and I've gone through some stuff and I remember like the people around me were afraid to come near me because I was just heaving I was uncontrollable just heaving because it just it hurts hurt so bad and all of a sudden though I'm crying and I filled this like warmth this piece just come over me now that didn't mean I went and grieve but it means I grieve but not as the world grieved it was I began to understand and I said I'm like oh yeah this is wonderful but precious is the death of the saints in the sight of the Lord Psalm 116 that God's ways are not our ways now that wasn't something I could have gone to and I've gone to a lot of therapy guys something I could have gone to therapy for or anything else it was something that the Holy Spirit gave me peace Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 and 7 says in the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful Prince of Peace of the increase of his government and peace there will be no in so peace is possible only when one lives under the submission to the kingdom or the government of Jesus Christ the Hebrew word for peace you already know is what Shalom and Shalom is an interesting word because it means completeness soundness safe it also has connotation of being well being happy being healthy and even being prosperous and there's that bad word right there prosper means to advance it means to break through to break forth to break out so it's not just money prosperity means you're breaking through you're breaking forth or breaking out so peace and other life-giving benefits come as a result by being justified with Jesus Christ and this is important because one measure of that's for government is that it's citizens get to enjoy peace right it's one of the measures of of successful government that's why America you know I mean comparatively nations or a lot of other nations all right different nations some better than others are saying because they've enjoyed peace throughout their history and true peace on earth doesn't come by a natural government and comes by the kingdom of God and so therefore it is in vain that nations would ever seek peace outside of the kingdom of God because ultimately you can't have peace outside of the kingdom of God Habakkuk chapter 2 verses 13 through 14 has not the Lord Almighty determined that the people's labor is only fuel for the fire that the nations exhaust themself for nothing for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea it's like I said history has shown that peace cannot come in the absence of a righteous government are you hearing what I'm saying so righteousness and peace will always be related one cannot exist without the other so you cannot have peace without having right standing with God when you have right standing with God then you're gonna have the peace of God that's important because people ask me all the time how do you know if it's God peace is your umpire peace is your umpire because the enemy cannot counterfeit peace because peace comes from within administered by the Holy Spirit which I'm about to get to because it is part of the kingdom of God which is where within you so how do I know my Greenline because I had the peace of God how did I know to come to new destiny not just because spiritual Authority told me to because I had the peace of God how do I walk out what I'm walking out in DC right now because I have the peace of God and trust me it's crazy but I have a peace that no matter what I face I have this piece how do I know John was the one to marry because he was really hot no well that was just an extra benefit no because I had the peace of God and I want to make sure that I was right and not just making up my own piece so he had to meet the board my mother Archbishop Bishop Jake's my kids he had to go through the whole thing then I really had the peace of God so you with me on this so righteousness and peace go hand in hand keep going Isaiah chapter 32 verse 17 Jesus wants to reign over the entire human race spirit species to bring it both righteousness and peace says the work of righteousness will be peace and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever so rebels don't enjoy peace Isaiah chapter 57 verse 19 through 21 peace peace to him who was far off and to him who is near says the Lord and I will heal him but the wicked are like the troubled sea when it cannot rest whose waters come up mire and dirt there is no peace says my God for the wicked look how uneasy the world is today severe it is in conclusion joy do not sorrow for the joy of the Lord is your strength Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10 the kingdom of God brings joy there's a difference between happiness which is based on external circumstances and joy which comes from the Holy Spirit so your external situations can change and make you feel happy or not feel happy but joy is from the Holy Spirit and when you lose joy you lose your strength when you lose your strength you're in trouble because they said that this is a day of trouble for Israel because they were too weak and too weary they said that the Prophet said I'm afraid that they will not even be able to bring to birth because they are weak and they are weary and so when you get weary when you've lost your strength you've lost your joy but joy is what the product of the kingdom the characteristic the kingdom it's within you how by the Holy Spirit which is the last part so the fourth characteristic is the Holy Spirit because the kingdom of God is what righteousness peace enjoy in the holy spirit so the Holy Spirit is the administrator and the secular of the kingdom he's the only one who can reveal the kingdom of God and the King 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 and 12 so when you receive the Holy Spirit we become carriers of the kingdom of God which is revealed in US and through the Holy Spirit so this was the whole message and mission of Jesus Christ thy kingdom come Thy will be done in the earth as it is in heaven two different words in a net by it's not the same in the English it's ien but they're two different Greek words so what he's saying is by the vehicle of prayer because this is what's so important for the kingdom of God you'll see the will the intention the purpose of God come to pass in time in position in place and order as it is in state and position and order in heaven so you superimpose God's intention in the earth by prayer the rain you bring the kingdom to pass as you can have a powerful life if you don't have a prayer life so without having a prayer life there's no way to bring the kingdom of God come on and help me out because that's how we bring it thy kingdom come Thy will be done in the earth as it is in heaven so what do we have to do guys we have to rebuild the altar we have to repent we have to come back to God we have to recognize that the kingdom which is one of power deals with and I told you I gave you the solution before I gave you the problem deals with because I'd usually be all in your problem for upfront deals with anxiety be anxious for nothing how many of you've ever read it but in everything and he goes on Philippians 4:6 and seven with grateful language he says but in everything with Thanksgiving which means grateful language he says I want you to approach me with your language being right I want you to approach me with grateful language be anxious for nothing but in everything let your requests your anxieties your worries your cares be made known unto me like you don't already know God be made known I want you to take this one out God I want you to make this right I want you to do this now I want you to rectify what was just done so wrong I want you to do that dogs like No don't tell me what to do you just come to me with what's got you overly concerned with what you've got you anxious with that spirit of terror they're brought there's eight different types of fear I won't go into Maul there's everything from terror to panic to phobias to all kinds of things there's eight different types of fear that go out but here's the bottom line because anxiety will create and worry will create fear and why is God so serious about this because fear cancels your faith and when fear cancels your faith it gets you into a place of doubt you know what it is to doubt when you have doubt it means to waver you know the problem with wavering James chapter one verse eight a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways so a wavering man is unstable in his Road in his path in his progress that's the implication so in other words when I'm wavering I've got movement but I don't have I'm not making it anywhere so you're sitting in church for 20 years and you're still at the same place never having real true spiritual transformation and growth let the Word of God cut on you let the kingdom come to you tonight because when the kingdom of power comes fear has to leave you anxiety has to leave worry has to leave so I went through a situation that I realized let me just let me finish this off and I'll go through the situation then we're gonna minister right now and so you say often our lack of progress is not the enemy but it's our own decisions or in decisions and so when we doubt instead of standing firm on the Word of God so you've got to see what what was prior to verse 8 right because a wavering man is unstable and how many of his ways all of his ways right but look what happens count it or consider it pure joy pure joy where does joy come from joy is the kingdom it's a kingdom of power it's from within administered by the Holy Spirit are you doing you get what I'm telling to you where's the kingdom of God right here it's within me and it is joy and peace and righteousness in the Holy Spirit consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kind because you know the testing of your faith is doing what producing perseverance let perseverance finish our complete telling us it's work so that you may be mature and complete from lacking nothing if any of you lack wisdom you should ask God because wisdom only comes from God wisdom doesn't come from books wisdom doesn't come from school wisdom comes from the fear of the Lord so the only way you can have wisdom you can have a lot of knowledge and a lot of Education but the only way you have wisdom is the fear of the Lord that's the beginning and it apart from evil gives you understanding so wisdom is from God because you have the fear of the Lord and that's where you find your favor favor they say my favoring fair favors very fair favors because you fear the Lord and you depart from evil and so then you begin to walk in that favor so if you lack wisdom ask the Lord who will give it to liberally and abundantly it something like God's gonna give you some intellectual like out-of-this-world thought could be God's gonna give you his perspective the fear the reference to all of God you're gonna see because you're seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus am I helping anyone generously without finding fault and it will be given to you but when you ask you must what does it say you must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind that person should not expect to receive anything of the Lord such a person is double minded and unstable their wavering and you never move so if you're the same as you were ten years ago without revelation pulling you and pushing you excuse me and conviction conviction you and some kind of wakening in our heart then what in the world is going on help us because the problem is not the world the problem is the church which is the agency for the extension of the kingdom of God so the problem is not what CNN's reporting or what Fox is reporting the problem is right here it's in the church please help me no it's not a popular preaching it's not what you came out to hear about but the problem is the world doesn't have anything on you it has a start with the Bride of Christ and let there be a remnant that God always raises up and lets you be that remnant because the enemy wants to create a situation of fear so for me personally where I was double my I did some stuff that man took me back to when I was like 19 years old asked John I went into almost a blind rage this past week because I was so disoriented into everything I went back to always being that I did crazy stuff when I was 18 and 19 I've only told y'all the half I've jumped on hoods of cars in the middle of a fight I thought okay the rest of y'all have always kept it alright I have just lost it where I just went okay and I did that and I'm not making any excuse but the the the seed that was embedded with me in the night of my father's death was so deeply ingrained in such a deep part of a generational curse I wish I could just slap them all and it was gone this has taken a lot of work of developing in and so when I lost to guys like me in because I just I I got full of fear I went into like a blindness I know I'm being to open up with all of you guys right now yeah I like what she do nunya business it's called the gap theory Moses goes on the backside after he kills the Hebrew and God doesn't tell you one bit of his story for 40 years if God didn't blow it on Moses for 40 years I don't have to tell you what I did in 48 hours all right so none your business all right somebody sometimes you're like well we just want no nosy people I'm telling you nosey what is wrong with you the kingdom of God that is within you is one of righteousness come on it's one of power right of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit doesn't mean you're gonna be a perfect person but I made me realize I like thank you God because you've got to do more kingdom work in me you've got to go deeper within me God thank you God because this one was not what it looked like it was it opened up something that I thought was all the way sewed up and God said uh-uh come on more surgery on you girl more stuff that I want to do more than I want to deal with okay God because I actually believe that God will use me to shake nations call me whatever crazy confident I don't care call me cold told me whatever you want I actually believe that God can use little people to do some great big things I actually believe that a unit life and a unit heart to God can can do all things and that there is nothing impossible to those that believe actually believe that God can use you to stop the generational curse in your family that God can use you to change things around that God can use you to lay your hands on the sick and see them recover so that I've thought about this I thought oh my goodness Oh lay hands on people yes I am because the Bible tells me to I'm telling you so they say well you aren't supposed to be touching people I'm gonna touch you I'm gonna touch people because I believe in the laying on of hands I'm telling you what I'm gonna do alright so I believe in that I've had to wrestle with some of these thoughts I've had to wrestle with some things just cuz I wanted to be properly and then I'm not I've never been proper so why would I start now so so watch I've never been politically correct why would I start now not that I'm gonna be dangerous not that he's stupid but I'm gonna be like what does the word of God tell me to do I actually believe that you can cast out demons actually believe that a Christian can be so oppressed and that can come off of him I believe that good people go through some bad situations but God can comfort you with the power of the Holy Spirit so that you may in turn comfort others I believe that there is a remnant in this earth that is raised up you can call them whatever you want Joseph company you can call them a remnant that which is left over survivor you can call them all different kinds of names Esther whoever you want to call but there's a remnant that God always leaves and that remnant is still in America and that remnant is still in the search who have not gone the way of Vail and it'll not bow down to Bell who's not so you're not alone in this Elijah there's 7,000 that have not bowed down there's a whole company that says no we refuse if we live we live for Christ if we die we gain and when we stand for righteousness we stand for the kingdom of God so there has to be power and where's that power start with with yourself listen I didn't have a preacher with me I couldn't call 1-800 for a preacher I couldn't call up and I didn't have a preacher in the pocket to cut my hands all I had we had each other didn't we baby and we just kept on at first it wasn't too cute cuz I got it's me guys it's not him it's me all right y'all gonna pray for me and it was so much pressure was tough and we were both so discombobulated from some things and then I just started writing and I started taking communion and I started like David did I fastened down I reached within myself there has to be something in you that you can grab ahold of yes I'll lay hands on you yes our prophesy over you yes I'll pray for you but then today what if you can't get hold of me cause if I'm on government phone I'm not answering my personal one I ain't going to jail for you all right anyway so the guy's gotta have a sense of humor all right I'm gonna mix it up those emails just sayin so you gotta have fun guys gets crazy and sometimes that I do all right so what if you can't get me fascin within yourself when that what's in you dimitra's what's in you Phyllis what's in you cuz if it's religion you're in trouble but if it's Kingdom you've got this thing I don't care how bad these reports get if you've got Kingdom in you you're not gonna fear because no pestilence can come now your dwelling no arrow is gonna be able to take you out I don't care about how many they have on assignment to take me down that arrow can't take me out part of it might go like this makes me buckle sometimes soccer ball because I want everything to be nice might make you go like that but God your grace is sufficient you would never call me to do something that you don't equip me for so I know you're fussing about that man or that woman right now God called you and put that marriage together I know you didn't see this coming that y'all are going through but he did and you've got a grace that is sufficient I know you didn't see your child who'd be going through that I know you didn't know that you'd lose a parent this week I know you never thought that they would become an addict God did though God knew it before they were ever born there's a grace that is sufficient you have to be there mom I know whatever it is it's causing you to stay up at night because we all have a different terror by night but your terror by night read Psalm 91 again should we go back there ends with him giving you the cup of salvation completeness everything you need complete victory through Christ Jesus
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 14,508
Rating: 4.7177615 out of 5
Keywords: paula white, new destiny christian center, church, paula white ministries, city of destin, paula white cain
Id: v5l_JslNeso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 16sec (5176 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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