You Are A Chosen Vessel - Paula White-Cain

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first Kings 19 let's read it verse 11 the Lord said go out stand on the mountain he's talking to Elijah right in the presence of the Lord for the Lord is about to pass by I decree that for you right now that God is getting ready to pass by you then a great a powerful wind toward the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord but the Lord was not in the wind and after the wind there was an earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake verse 12 and after the earthquake came fire but the Lord was not in the fire and the fire came a gentle whisper and sometimes let us be sensitive to hear the voice of the Lord when Elijah heard it he pulled his cloak or what is also known in the King James says his mantle says he pulled his mantle somebody shot my mantle he pulled his mentor's cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave it's very important than the voice said to him what are you doing here Elijah and he replied I've been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty the Israelites have rejected your covenant broken down your altars put your prophets to death with a sword I'm telling you this world that we live in is just going to hell in a handbasket is what he's saying they are rejecting you God you should see what they're teaching our our kids in school now you should see what what we're dealing with he said that this is what's happening God America has broken covenant with you and God they don't even serve you they made a mockery they basically put in a bog over your house and he's going on me they torn down the altars and they take him prayer out of school and they're confused about what bathroom to go into why are y'all looking at me like I don't know what I'm talking about all right in and he's finished telling God listen they broke covenant and they put your prophets to death with the sword and I'm the only one left and now they're trying to kill me too and the Lord looks at him and says first go back the way you came go to the desert of Damascus and when you get there anoint Hazael a king over Arab also annoying Ju son Anisha whatever his name is king over Israel and anoint Elisha son of shaphat from Abel so-and-so to succeed you as a prophet J you were put to death any who escaped the sword of Hazael and Elisha will put to death and he who escaped the sword of Jehu yet I reserve 7,000 I'm the only one left God says are you kidding me I always reserved for myself for imminent there's a people that I have in the earth and you might not know their title you might not know their social media but I have them and they are in reserve and they will not bow to bail they will stand for me they will stand for righteousness and nations will be shaken and I will always seem I will come to pass God says I have 7000 Israel all whose knees have not bowed down to bill and also mouths have not kissed him so Elijah went from there and found Elijah now who was he to go to guys he was to go to who he was to first go down to Jeju then he was go to Elijah and then he was to go to a fat and so he goes down to Elisha son of shaphat he was plowing with 12 with 12 yoke of oxen and he himself was driving the twelfth pair and Elijah went up to him and threw his mantle or threw his cloak around him and Elijah then left his ox and ran after him and said let me kiss my father and mother goodbye and he said then I'll come with you I just want to say goodbye to my parents and Elijah goes go back what have I done to you you see when the anointing hits you I'm telling you it changes absolutely everything he says go back I'd like to had an attitude what have I done to you soul I should left him and went back he took his yoke of oxen and he slaughtered them and he burned the piling equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people and they ate then he set out to follow Elijah and became his attendant wow what a wonderful job he became his attendant he became his armor bearer he set out to follow him because he got hit with the mantle and so he left everything his oxen we're gonna talk about it tonight look at somebody say you get ready to do something radical because you're a revolutionist say there's a fresh anointing coming to you come on look at somebody behind you that you've refused to talk to say God is getting ready to anoint you with an anointing a fresh anointing anointing like you've never had before that's a brand I'm picking up from where you left off this morning I'm telling you grab the person's hand by your by next to you grab their hand really grab their hand because I don't know where I'm gonna go but the Lord said as I preach deliverance is coming tonight as I preach miracles are coming tonight as I preach healings are coming tonight as I preach you're gonna lay your hand on that place that is sick and the tumor is gonna be gone and all of a sudden a fire of God is gonna go through your body as I preach veils are gonna fall off and as I preach people who grow where he wanted leave ministry God's gonna restore you as I preach there's gonna be an option to go back in the fire God is gonna hit you as I preach the Lord said there's gonna be mighty deliverance so Lord let it be so then there is a man - Oh Lord let me let me your man - let your glory from heaven fall upon us and let us let there be an open heaven god I declare that there will be signs wonders and miracles and then when we believe it will be like the Upper Room God then that people will be in all there would be a drunkenness but not of wine or not of anything natural but that of the Spirit that people will say where have you been what is taking place I was at power night on new Dessie Christian Center on March 24th and the Holy Spirit showed up and this is what happened not my mind and not by power but by the Spirit of God God were so tired of ordinary routine and religion we want more than just revival God let there be a true Reformation then there be a true about brooding of one thing and a laying down of another thing in the name of Jesus and everybody said amen look at somebody say there's a mantle coming on you tonight there's a mantle coming on you tonight so I'm not gonna wear it the whole time but in the Old Testament often Mantle's were used and worn egg just as a garment you can be seated they were like sheepskin and they were these garments and these Mantle's and I put on my mantle it's kind of cute little mantle huh by the end I'll put on and they they wore Mantle's all right and then people were recognized by mantle mantle was this it literally means something that was ample something that was large it means a wide dress a garment goodly glory mantle robe powerful it's like why Brad wears his robe when he serves communion that Papa gave him or when he goes into prayer there's something significant about that it means excellent it means famous gallant lordly mighty noble principal worthy splendor so when you saw a mantle it also signified an anointing it signified an office it signified something a purpose something of significant something that God had done in a person's life now in the New Testament we don't wear what we do actually but not necessarily robes I mean many do but don't necessarily have a physical robe that you see but you're cloaked with the robe of the anointing the glory of God I'm gonna take you over into that so Elijah's contact with the anointing of Elijah was a life-changing experience because you cannot come in contact with the anointing and not be changed when the anointing we don't we don't talk enough about the oil of God come on the oil of God when the all of God touches you you cannot come in contact and not have a true transformation now most theologians see the mantle as a symbol of the Holy Spirit for example for you look in 2nd Kings chapter 2 verse 14 and Lisha takes the mantle that have fallen from Elijah similar how Jesus had received the spirit descending on him at his baptism in Matthew chapter 3 verse 16 the audible voice of God in Matthew chapter 3 verse 17 which we'll show you in a minute Jesus was God's chosen servant his vessel you're a chosen vessel we talked about that this morning there as many vessels in a great house some of honor and of dishonor there's chosen vessels there's vessels and God says I want you to set yourself apart and sanctify yourself purge your vessel so we see a similar falling of the spirit in Acts chapter 8 verse 15 through 16 in Acts chapter 10 verse 44 it's only after Elijah takes the fallen mantle and and that he's able to perform the miraculous Ephesians chapter 3 verse 16 what we're talking about is the Holy Spirit is a person who empowers you to do God's work Ephesians 3:16 Paul was saying don't pray away the storm but I prayed that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with the power through his spirit in your inner being so he's saying instead of you praying things away I pray that you would be strengthened in your inner being by the Spirit of God so tonight I declare over you as a knight of impartation tonight is a night of consecration and consecration is the devoting or the setting a part of anything to worship for the service of God I declared that the Holy Spirit is about to do a deep work in your life and set you apart and bring you to a place there's gonna be a quick acceleration tonight when you're devoted it means to give over such as time or money or energy to a cause devotion is the fact of being ardently dedicated Acts chapter 10 verse 37 and 38 that word I say you know which was published throughout all Judaea and begin from Galilee after the baptism which John preached so the word began after the baptism that John preached how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was what with him so tannoy means through the idea of contact it means to smear or to rub with oil there are actually three different levels of anointing and so we're gonna talk about to be smear to rub with oil when it's pressed into you when and when it's not just contact like comes upon you David went through three different levels of anointing so anointing always comes with connection all throughout the Word of God so I say often you teach what you know but you impart who you are so so people will say sometimes Paul I want your anointing they have no idea what they're even asking for as if I can just lay hands on you real quick and and there's gonna be some transference now when the mantle got transferred all son Elijah did not perform 32 miracles at that point he started following a guy that was really hard to follow and we'll get into that because there's a progression that has to take place and often we want to bypass the process in order to get the progress we don't want to have to go through the inevitable series of events but I'm talking to some people who've gone through some things and I'm declaring to you that your season is shifting because God is putting you in alignment because everything you went through was not just for you to go through something but it had a purpose what the enemy meant for man according to Romans chapter 8 verse 28 God is using for the good to those who love God who are called according to his purpose so baptism this was his contact I must needs be baptized Matthew chapter 3 verse 11 verse 17 verse 11 says i baptize you with water for repentance but after me and this is John the Baptist he's saying we'll come one who is more powerful than I whose sandals I'm not fit to carry he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire his winnowing Fork is in his hand and he will clear his threshing for gathering wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire so he says he's gonna do both he's gonna gather the wheat and he's gonna burn up the chaff so Jesus is coming he's gonna do both well you better hear the word of the Lord then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John John tried to deter him saying I need to be baptized by you and you come to me and jesus replied let it be so for now because it's proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness then John consented and as soon as Jesus was baptized he went up out of the water watched this reminds me of John's my John's baptism when he got baptized he went up out of the water and at that moment heaven was opened heaven was opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him and a voice from heaven said what this is my son whom I am well pleased so he gets baptized right he comes the heavens open and he has confirmation so his confirmation happens and then he's led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit and when he comes out of that 40-day wilderness he comes out by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Bible goes on to say that after the baptism and after the confirmation then there was anointing on him you see the anointing cost you something the anointing isn't just something you can come in and somebody just put a little dab on you or you put a check down and you can give something that's a bunch of nonsense that's a bunch of religious nonsense the anointing is costly after say that the anointing to the child of God is what the money is to the world the anointing is priceless the anointing is precious the anointing is God's manifested presence with you and after he was anointed he went about doing good casting out Devils healing the sick you see if you try to go to do something without the anointing there's no way it's just gonna be dead dry religion there's people who are talented they can sing but they're not anointed there's people that can that are smart that know homiletics and hermeneutics and and can get up and they can structure sermons just perfectly and they can bring something intellectually but they're not anointed but when someone is anointed by God when you're anointed you walk down the grocery store and all of a sudden people just start there's a drawing towards you that you say man I need to lay hands on you and I need to pray over you or you get a word of discernment or you get a word of knowledge or suddenly God uses you you just say something you smile at somebody at the right time you share the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ because you are anointed somebody slap your neighbor say you don't have a clue who you're certain to say this fire on this little sea there's fire anoint needs to consecrate to an office now this is important to me to an office to employ the purpose of the anointing is to empower you to equip you I came to help someone tonight because God wants to give you a fresh man - what I'm talking about is there's a fresh anointing that's gonna fall on your life tonight and it's for your office it's to equip you to empower you to enable you to employ you to consecrate you to fill your ends your anointing is not giving to you for you not to do but for you to do it was after his contact that Jesus made his declaration of consecration in Luke chapter 4 verse 17 and 19 there was delivered to him the book of the prophet Isaiah and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because why he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord and this is key right now if you don't hear anything write this down whatever it is that is inherent in your life as the intention of God your supreme reason for being you must come on the scene doing it you have to come on the scene doing it whatever is your whatever is inherent as your life intention you come on the scene doing it when Jesus came on the scene he came on the scene not as not as a prophet not as a rabbi when it was his time he came on the scene as the Messiah oh you are not hearing what I'm saying you've got to come on the scene inherit sent into the earth to do what you were born to do why are you gonna waste your only life because you have a gift I'm speaking to someone do your purpose that's where the anointing will be for your life if you fail to do so you will leave no room for God to work with you why will God anoint you for something that you're not called to do but when you do what you're called to do people tell me all the time they're like me in must be tough it must be difficult I feel bad for you man they say all kinds of horrible things they write things about you you always seemed to be in a loss so you have to end me attacking you all the time you always seem to be over here going through this or going through that I'm like it's easy they go how how's that when John first met me man after he saw the good stuff on the internet then he saw all the rest of stuff he's like dear Jesus hey emmi he was like my gosh and I'm like oh I go if they knew me they'd love me CR like that you're going like you don't know how to react to that cuz I actually wake up believing that because it's like so easy for me it's so easy for me to sign a contract that obligates me to millions of dollars knowing that God's gonna put it there it's just so easy for me to wake up and do what I do it's easy for me to walk in an oval office and say the same because I know my places of assignment I know what I'm assigned to do and therefore I have the anointing I have God's divine endorsement if I get out of what I'm called to do then I have no anointing I have no divine endorsement God will not meet with me there are certain things I am not called to lead a choir I'm just telling you right now though I dream of it I'm not called to be a rock star are y'all looking at me funny I'm not called to do certain things listen if I told you yeah I will go and do everything but there are certain things that I just know I'm not called to do because I just don't have the gifting the patience the tolerance like I like if I have to be really careful even then who gets real close to me because I'm not a nurturing type of person like I am deep inside but I'm not like I'm gonna cut this order up I'm gonna say oh my gosh I see something growing on you Church sin I'm cutting up in the name of Jesus like and I know that like I'm not really good pastor Todd with real brand new Christians cuz I can kind of crush them oh why are y'all looking at me like that that's just not my gift so I gotta send you to nursery and I know that about me cuz I know that I'm gonna have to fake it if I go home praise the Lord I might get your life together now your disciple you are called as a soldier for the army of the Lord lay your whole life right now be willing to die baby die walk away from everyday [Music] so I should not be disciple 101 teacher for you without her Harold's job are you with me so you're anointed to do certain things you're called in different seasons for sure different things in your life so if you you know if you're if your seasons and purpose are tied together so you can be as in a season that you're not cooperating and that's critical that you understand that you with me Elijah and Elijah I want a fresh mantle in your life so do your purpose because that's where the anointing for your life will be and if you fail to do so you leave God no room because God saying look so what if Jesus came and went you know I think being a rabbi would be better than being the Messiah cuz it's pretty cool being a rabbi right now and God say I'm not anointing you for this cuz that's not what I sent you for you're the Messiah I think I'll be a prophet because prophets really cool right now it's invoke God would be like I'm not anointing you for that and send you for that what if Hannah would have said I'm gonna be a prophet because that's what you need god no Hannah I need you to be a mom and I'm gonna anoint you to be a mom I'm anoint you and I'm just telling you I'm gonna show you what to do with the profit that I give you because I'm gonna anoint you to be a a woman who knows how to give birth in prayer and I don't you that you know how to bring forth the Prophet and I'm gonna grace Shu with five other children because that's what I'm going to do for everybody called here is a different mantle I mean there's some people like Rachel this girl can pray for like 14 15 hours for real pray I'm like I like after five minutes praying for somebody now I'm just kidding out for 810 minutes for you all right after praying like like after a little bit of my come on get it get it get it in the name of Jesus am i a sure do you have the book of Ephesians memorized yet oh you are looking at me ashes my two and a half year old granddaughter why are you looking at me funny right now so everyone's called to a different season to a different thing are you with me oh yeah y'all y'all lookin at me funny like all right you want me you want me to just preach like what you want to hear you want preach what you need to hear right now because your usefulness to the kingdom is determined by your commitment to purpose so God cannot confirm what he appoints you to proclaim if you fail to proclaim it so his endorsement on your life is with your obedience so every one of us have divine acceptance through Jesus Christ through the finished work he finished that all I have to do is receive that finish work when he said is it is finished it means it's perfectly perfect and it's completely complete so he became sin that I might become righteous he was wounded so I could be healed he was rejected so I could be accepted he became poor so that I might become rich he he was the sacrificial lamb that gave His life and when he said it is finished that everything that I would ever need pertaining to life and to godliness I wouldn't have in this earth so everything I need healing and relations and our provision all purpose all all that I'll need that was done that's dividing acceptance I don't have to prove myself to God I'm not trying to win God's favor when God's love I've been accepted because he is my Passover lamb he is the first brother of many he is the first fruit of all and so I made in the image of God I'm reconciled to God have been redeemed and bought back by the precious blood what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus but it doesn't stop there because many of us don't just we don't reject salvation as much as we neglect it and so divine endorsement is quite different than divine acceptance divine acceptance is you're accepted not because you're good no because you didn't stick your hand in the cookie jar or because you went out and killed 32 people and slept with 95 it doesn't matter because the blood makes it all level I'll say that makes some people upset right there coz the blood of Jesus says I listen when I when you come to me and you asked me to forgive you not only do I forgive but I'm casted into the depths of the sea no longer remembering it no longer throwing it up in your face behold all things have passed away and all things become new in Christ but that's just the first step that's just the first part then it gets much deeper and God says okay you're in the family you've been accepted because what I want to do a deeper work with you now and I want to take you places because I really do have a big plan for you and it's much greater than the plan you could ever have for yourself so if you're ever going to fulfill your purpose you have to have the favor of God because favor takes you from the ordinary to the extraordinary favor takes you from your current season to your destined season in order for you to fulfill the purpose from the will of God on your life it takes favor Luke chapter 2 verse 52 Jesus grew in stature in maturity and he increased with favor both with God and with man and said there was this continuation because God cannot confirm what he appointed you to proclaim if you fail to and as endorsement in your life or on your life comes with their obedience so we must do what God has called us to do both individually and corporately so God wants to show himself to us that he may live his life through us and so relationships as you know I always say are the currency of the kingdom and the network of life when God calls you he always connects you now this is important it's not somebody say you need me suggest and just recognize I'm probably your biggest blessing because it's imperative to be spiritually connected to the right people to make covenant connections and alignments man what I'm teaching is gonna be deep because it's so important because you will not fulfill your purpose without the right connections I don't care how gifted you are they would not have been able Nehemiah chapter three is probably one of the most important chapters in all Nehemiah they were able to do in 52 days what the Jews could not do in over 90 years and they've rebuilt the walls after they were broken and burned down and everything was disastrous and what answer and what the prior priests and prophets could not do Nehemiah comes on the scene how's God's people how's God's place he fasted he prayed he did all the things that we all do but then he strategically lined up an entire chapter so and so was next to so-and-so was next to so-and-so it's who you're next to that determines where you're gonna go to because what you're in contact with determines what flows in you what you're connected to is gonna touch Herman your contact and what your contact is is gonna determine what is going in you boy I'm preaching right now some of you are gonna stay in a place come on you're gonna stay in a place that you don't belong because you've got the wrong connections you've got to break those connections off for a month God's saying listen I know there's never an assignment I'm preaching this because I know there's some areas in Paulo white ministry there's some areas that I've learned all right god I know this person should be here I know that I need this I know that I need that and I know I know that there's a personal assistant I know there's a writer I know there's this I know there's that I see a university I know that there's somebody that's ahead be the Dean over the University I see the mental health care sector I know that so in order if you've given me the vision all those things have to come in alignment and be connected because there's no way that one person carries out everything so when God calls you to something he equips you and equips you by the connections and the relationships in your life oh you aren't hearing what I'm saying hey this is how easy it is I have not the reason why the finances are easy for me that I don't stress out over it because when they aren't coming in and we're gonna flow I just lay people off and shut things down and you're looking at me like I'm funny why because if they're not flowing then that's not my problem because I'm not going to break my back to try to make something happen because God will anoint people for Kingdom business to be connected in order that there is provision for the vision and if there's no provision for the vision then what are you doing your labor and to build the house in vain because when God calls you to something he equips you for it and he gives you everything you need Moses says what do I have God says look at what's in your hand look at what's in your power it's just a rock she says stuff throw it down because if that's all you have that's all you need can I tell you that everything you have made up is already within your hand you better look at somebody to say you still don't have a clue who you're sitting next to and so it's imperative to be spiritually connected to the right people to make the Covenant connections the alignments this is critical this is what a part of the problem with the church that Brad was talking about in America people go to church out of tradition people go to places because of celebrity pastors or because of certain things but you have to know where am I called to listen if you can be uprooted if you can just move so easily if you can just go because it's like a free agent I mean that that's not that's not how God does I said how scripturally God works so it's imperative because these connections under God ordained release his glory to fulfill his plan and purpose the disciples had to be connected to Jesus Timothy had to be connected to Paul on and on you're not enter to your provision for prop promising greatness for your life when you're disconnected from those that God has ordained for your destiny and the importance of that is whoever god is ordained for you to be connected to might not always be easy in fact usually they aren't so therefore you must have an ability to identify or recognize let's do this word recognize all right father let every veil be removed right now remove every veil because you have to have the ability to recognize and Brad recognized means this ring it means again Cobb knives means cognizant I have to be cognizant again well when did I know it before I ever entered into the earth because before I ever got here I said yes to God I was scented I was parenthetically sitting into time I clocked it to my purpose I walked out my purpose in alignment with the will of God and when I recognized something on Todd when I recognized story life on you when I was my husband when I recognized you know what Papa said to me I'm gonna help some of you right now I'm gonna help some of you I'm gonna go deep with you spiritually I was in Ghana and Papa said you stopped we were in prayer he said your husband cannot locate you I was single I said what do you mean I'm cute he said your husband cannot see you he said he cannot recognize you right now he said the enemy has put a cloak so that he cannot recognize and he cannot see you spiritually there's some things we got a deal with I plump a man are you for real like do you know how many deliverance as I've gone through do you know how many hours I've spent Oprah do you know how many time he said he can't see and it's not because you're hidden from the Lord because there's some things because you went through I said let's deal with them so layer by layer we started removing layer by layer we started removing layer by layer I kept going through layer by layer deliverance layer by layer by layer by layer I my board the next thing I know I'm on Southwest and trust me you played before a million people last year this I won't tell you what he said there's some Mama's out there they still like hey I'm like whoa [Music] in the name of Jesus but none of them or wife because he recognized it's one thing if the Lord hides you but there's some other things to recognize the law of recognition we again cognizant you see through the spirit you see who a person is spiritually who they really are I'm trying to help somebody right now already can we keep going come on hey bring it on therefore you have to have an ability to identify or recognize your deliverer the man the woman of God in your life it's called the law of recognition means that everything you need your life to fulfill your purposes are already in your life it's merely awaiting your recognition of it life has governed Jesus could do no miracles we're in Nazareth why not because he wasn't the Son of God or the Messiah because they thought he was what Joseph's son the carpenter's boy it wasn't because he wasn't the Messiah it was because they could not recognize who he was it wasn't because he wasn't the miracle worker the one who could turn water into wine it was because they could not recognize or see him for the ability to raise the dead there's something that you're not singing in your life today that can cost you dearly Matthew chapter 13 verse 13 through 17 Jesus says though seeing they do not see though hearing they do not hear understand in them it's fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah you will ever you will be ever hearing but never understanding you will be ever seen but never perceiving for this people's heart has become calloused they hardly hear with their ears and they had closed their eyes otherwise they might see with their eyes hear with their ears understand with their hearts and in turn I would heal them oh I'm gonna say right there right now they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts and in turn I would heal them so right now father let's deal with every I'm stopping right now I've got a lot further to go but elder Harold God wants to restore some people so I'm gonna go a lot farther but right now there's some eyes they need to be healed there's some ears that need to be open and there's some hearts of the girl Callas that God wants to bring in and I want you to hear it let's read it again okay Jesus says this let's make it real clear because we're gonna deal with this he said though seeing they don't see though hearing they don't hear or understand and then this fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah you will ever be here and you have been to a thousand church services you have been to crusade after crusade you you have heard preacher after preacher you've heard sermon after sermon you will be ever hearing but you will never understand you will be ever seeing but not perceiving for the people's heart have become callous because they hardly hear with their ears and they have closed their eyes otherwise they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts and in turn I would heal them and in turn I would heal them so let's do with that because they're people that need emotional healing right now they're people that need spiritual healing they're people that need physical healing right now but they can't see come on you can't see because they're still bitterness can't see because they're still anger you can't see because they're still hurt you can't see because they're still a Finch you can't see because your hearts count you're like no wait a minute you can't see because the enemy's got a grip on you and you're not the only one listen mama bear here's had a lot of times that I couldn't see I couldn't hear that I couldn't understand because the enemy is very good at what he does but it just takes one god moment one god moment of total surrender one god moment to say god we could every veil off of me every way that i've seen things in the wrong way let it be removed right now if you would say you're dealing with something that it's been difficult it seems like everyone else can hear everyone else can see everyone else they seem that they come forth and their healing is there but God I need you to do a healing in my life either spiritually or emotionally lift your hand or oh god I need my eyes to see and I need my ears to hear stand up right now in the name of Jesus I have a lot farther to go I've got to get a mantle on you but right now I begin to pray in the spirit if you've got your prayer language father let the whole of God begin to flow in this house right now I declare right now that there would be healing that would be released by the blood of Jesus and then eyes would be opened right now then I can't even go farther I wanted to get into Mantle's because there's fresh Mantle's to be released but God it cannot happen because if they're not ears to hear and eyes to see then there won't be healing but God open up our eyes open up our eyes open up our eyes or people that have like double vision right now you're seeing what two things you're seeing from the past you see your parents from the past you see your pastors from the past you see their failures you see their humanity instead of seeing with the eyes of God you see your spouse from the past instead of seeing with the eyes of God you're hearing from years that have been filtered by things that you went through things that you experienced but God says I'm about to change this you've been in the wrong key you've been hearing things wrong you haven't had harmony in your life because you've been plunking on something and instead of being able to harmonize and so now I'm going to open your ears to hear and you're gonna hear because you've had a tone deafness because you haven't been able to hear by the Spirit of God but right now I'm removing the wax out of your ears spiritually I'm removing things away from you spiritually so you can hear my the Spirit of God because of disappointment your ears have been closed because of times that you've simple wanted this happen or you don't think should happen one way but it didn't turn out that way and there's a disappointment and no way you thought the word was set up just like the disciples saw Jesus she's gonna come back and set up an earthly Kingdom and he said no that's not what's happening I came to set up a heavenly kingdom and they were disappointed so much so the Peter goes back to fishing the Peter goes back to his old ways then Peter goes back and what does Jesus do when he comes back go tell my disciple Peter the one that I love don't tell them I love him don't tell him I love him and see God is reaching for you right now because I don't know what it is it's called your eyes go blind or cause your ears to go deaf or cause your heart to grow callous but God just interrupted this service and said let it be removed right now one is removed offering forth healing I bring forth deliverance in the name of Jesus
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 28,394
Rating: 4.6312056 out of 5
Keywords: paula white, new destiny christian center, church, paula white ministries, trust, fatih, belief, believe, Jesus Christ, Christians, Paula White-Cain, Power Night
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 15sec (2355 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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