By Faith

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so Romans chapter 5 for times sake I'm gonna read the message alright I'm gonna read the message but you go back and study verse 1 through 11 you know therefore since we have been justified through faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have gained access by faith into the grace in which now we stand NIV version all the way through verse 11 alright but I want to read you just so kind of to paint a clearer picture is that okay and then UNBC to go out please thank you alright Romans chapter 5 verse 1 through 6 and the message let's read that together if you'll put this up and let's read it together loud and corporate so that your neighbor knows you're gonna get it say by entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us set us right with him make us fit for him we have it all together with God because of our master Jesus and that's not all we throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us we find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand out in the wide open spaces of God's grace and glory standing tall and shouting our praise there's more to come we continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us uh-oh y'all are like not that patient word ready let's keep going and how that patience in turn forges the tempered still a virtue keeping us alert for whatever God will do next in alert expectancy such as this we're never left feeling shortchanged quite the contrary we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours out into our lives through the Holy Spirit Christ arrives right on time to make this happen he didn't and doesn't wait for us to get ready he presented himself for the sacrificial death when we were far too weak and rebellious to do anything to get ourself read and even if we hadn't been so weak we wouldn't have known to do what to do anyway all right now you've heard this in this way right you've heard it like this you've probably gone through whom we've gained access by faith and hope and glory you see just the right time that God died for us very rarely will anyone die and dead uh and you've heard that faith produces patience and patience produces hope and hope it produces what experience and the enemy can only back you up to your last experience look at somebody and slap them upside the head say you get some faith say some faith is coming to your life say God is about to do something all right spirit of the Living God do what only you can do saturate this place from Center to circumference let angels show up let there be an open heaven where preaching is not just pleasurable but it's purposeful let us have open ears to hear and eyes to see in the name which is above every name I thank you for healing and deliverance and and demonic cycles being broken and your glory being manifest today in Jesus mighty name everybody said amen slap them upside the head so I'm going to work with you on your faith so I'm gonna work with you so ask believers like I said we are people of faith now in our text the Apostle Paul concludes from the previous chapters that a person cannot be justified and justified means it's a word that means like it's justification and it's justified by their self-righteousness so it is that we'll get into this but being justified by faith how are we justified by faith so in other words justification doesn't come through my works justification has to do with right positioning and right standing with God okay so that doesn't come by my works it comes by my faith and I'm it came by the finished work of Jesus Christ I receive it though in my life by what faith and we are justified by faith which then gives us what peace with God according to the scripture we just read now justified I say the word like just as if it had never happened so when you're justified when you're it's like everything that they and I could hold against you he has no case against you now you with me and now because I've been justified through the finished work of Jesus Christ which I have received by faith I'm gonna paint this clear path so you get it really easy I now have peace with God now there's a difference between the peace of God and peace with God big difference here because peace with God means that I am no longer alienated are separated from God I've direct access I can enter in boldly into the throne room and have taken Grace and help in time of need I don't have to wait once a year for a high priest to come make an atonement for the covering of my sins because Jesus Christ through the crucifixion resurrection and then the the will crucifixion burial death resurrection and ascension to heaven has finished it when he said it is complete it means it is perfectly perfect and completely complete right you would be here so now it says I have peace with God because the peace of God is a function of the Holy Spirit so that's why you can have peace with God but you're still living in strife and turmoil because some people don't have peace in their life because they're not allowing the Holy Spirit to do the work in their life so the peace of God is also available to you but that's a work of the Holy Spirit that's a function of the Holy Spirit so when the enemy comes to stress you out our life comes to stress you out or comes to make you off-kilter you don't just automatically have peace you had peace because you allow the Holy Spirit to do work be still and know that I am God the word be still has a lot to do with you letting go of your worries you know casting your cares upon the Lord rolling it over to him and not picking it back up but to have the peace with God is the work of Jesus so that brings us into the presence of God now this is where it's going to get really good alright because when you start getting in the present so God some crazy wonderful things start happening and it says in verse 2 by whom also we have access that's how it's happened because you have peace with God now because of Jesus by whom now well we also have access how by faith oh I don't have to wait to get to God till I come on Sunday morning I don't have to be in a certain atmosphere I don't have to say three prayers two poems and five pins to get to God all I have to say Jesus back that's my access I come to him in the name of Jesus so by whom we also have access by faith therefore the enemy is not really after you I know this is gonna mess some of you up because you think that it man the enemy so after me he's really not after you because this is proven out through the word and I'm gonna try to lay as much of a foundation because I'm gonna take you somewhere tonight he's after your faith you know wait a minute I thought I was an important one but see if he can kill your faith or he can challenge your faith then your relationship with God gets weakened so there are people that will actually go to heaven because they've received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior but they will never fulfill their purpose here on earth because they're there their relationship with God gets challenged because their faith is weakened then your when your faith is weakened your ability to believe and to call forth is literally dead your ability to speak into the atmosphere to decree a thing and declare a thing and it'll be established according to Jobe 22 verse 28 so what the enemy wants to do which we see all throughout the word is shake up your faith because he always wants to contradict because it takes faith for you to move into your destiny if they say by faith they crossed over the Red Sea and inherited the promised land right by faith he by faith he by faith he so without faith it's impossible to even please God which means coming to so we see it I'll preach about this a little bit tonight the Apostle Peter I talked to you a lot about in Luke chapter 22 I mean this is a man that Jesus calls him out he leaves his fishing boat he goes out he cast into the deep he throws his net down I mean he sees all kinds of miracles he's willing he cuts off the ear that you know I mean he's just he's radical Peters radical and then you get to the end where Jesus is now died and and here he is in Luke chapter 22 and it says the Lord said Simon Simon cuz his name was Simon Peter and Simon means flaky it means behold Satan had desired to have you it was similar to Jobe right he wants you he's demanded you for trial then he may sift you which means that inwardly agitates you to the overthrowing of your faith then he may sift you as wheat but I have prayed for thee I'll go into that more tonight I prayed for thee that thy what they talked to me thy faith I prayed for you that you don't fall I have prayed for you that you don't get discouraged I prayed for you that you don't make the headlines I prayed for you that you don't get hurt no he said I prayed for you that your faith fails you not so what Jesus is saying is you're gonna be in trouble once your faith fails so I'm praying that your faith fail you not so when you are converted strengthen your brethren I'll get into that later so if you ever begin to walk my authentic faith there's no stopping you from all of this there's nothing that you can't do when you really walk in authentic faith there's absolutely nothing that you can't do Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is so you've got to believe God is who he says he is and then he's a rewarder I love that word because it means to pay for higher so God is looking I mean I if you think your you got a good job this year look God is God is looking for who he can hire and what kind of payday does God have that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him and so when you get into and I barely went through it on New Year's Eve and the first Sunday afterwards when we talked about it sorts out now faith is the substance of things hoped for in the evidence of things not yet seen and I broke down the etymology of every word remember that and so what that means I won't do it again because that would take me about 30 minutes what that means so you go study your concordance is right so what what what Hebrews 11:1 is is now my total trust now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen okay my total Trust is the foundation of what I expect to possess and I'm looking for it is the proof or power to remove doubt so faith is total trust total trust now easy to have total trust when there's money in the bank easy to have total trust when the doctors are saying everything's good easy to have total trust when everything's coming together that's not when your faith gets challenged it's can you have total trust when everything contradicts what God's Word is promise now I can tell you it's even to have total trust Anthony and Evelyn it's easy to do if it's for a week three weeks sometimes even three months but what if you have a 40-year test like Moses did what if you're 17 years in the caves like David what if you're locked away in the prisons like Joseph look I'm gonna talk to me what what what if you're on the back side of the desert what if you're in the the lion's den like Daniel what if you're in the fiery furnace like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego total trust now faith is total trust what if you're like Stephen being stoned and killed what if you're like John the Apostle who is being bold and hot all and sent to the most violent of criminals island a place called catmus and he is in the spirit on the day of the Lord that's total trust I mean you start dipping me and all like french fry I mean come on I don't know if I'd have total trust I mean I'm Rann but if you're like John the Baptist gonna be beheaded total trust so we think faith are these simple simple little silly things like getting your favorite parking spot but that's not faith and just somebody pulled out of a spot and you looked up that day all right faith is total trust it doesn't take total trust to believe I'm gonna get a spot next to Neiman Marcus total trust is when the doctors go you're gonna die but God's Word says you shall live whose report will you believe total trust is when culture is telling you well this is okay and that's okay and you do this and everything's but God's Word says total Trust is when you don't have a job and hey listen guys we live in America come on and they don't have welfare in Africa or just talk to me they don't have well we don't have entitlement programs in the rest of the world so at least you know we know that we're not gonna starve to death for the most part but total trust if you've been in places like I've been I've been in over 100 countries is you don't even know if there's gonna be running water you don't even know if the heavens are gonna open up and rains gonna come down why y'all lookin at me funny because you're so used to being able to just turn on your faucet because you have a house and a car and faucet and running water and for the most part I like but I don't have the 69 inch screen that I want with 300 channels yes that's not total trust it's called convenience nothing wrong with that but I'm talking total trust wheeling that's faith paint this total trust in God that when God says when you're 18 years old and living on Bill Monte Road and God says you're gonna shake Nations and you're living in a trailer total and everything you've had a child out of wedlock your father's committed suicide you've been sexually and physically abused but I trust you God I don't know how I don't have the education I don't have the resume I've messed up most of my life but I totally trust that somehow you're gonna use me to shake nation's total trust it's the foundation so without faith there's no foundation of what I expect so if there's no expectation guess what then there's not gonna be anything to receive to possess and what I'm looking for and I want you to write in your Bible something all right if you don't have a Bible you and writing put that one in the museum and get one you can all right I want you to put today's date and write what you're believing God for once you just write it maybe by hebrews chapter 11 or romans 5 i want you or the beginning just say faith and say this is 2019 this is what I'm expecting one or two things because faith is calm confidence that God has already worked it all out faith is not frantic it's not a commotion it's not this frantic when something happens because I want you to put it there because I want you to stay focused on that every day when you get in your word see how I'm helping you every day when you get in your word I want you to look at that because when the enemy sends something that is contrary to that remember it says that you're not even Abraham's darters if you're struck with hysteria which means if you've just freaked out over every little thing so it says calm confidence to know that the same God that brought me through that is the same God that's gonna bring me through this faith is fully resting and fully trusting in the promises of God 2nd Samuel chapter 22 verse 2 through 4 and he said the Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer the god of my rock in him will I trust in him will I trust I want you to write this down because he is my shield and the Horn which means authority of my salvation my high tower my refuge my Savior now saving me from violence I will call on the Lord who is worthy to be praised so shall I be saved from my enemies you see some will call on horses and chariots but I will call upon the name of the Lord Jeremiah says cursed is the man who trusts in the arm of the flesh but some of us will trust in the arm of God so he's saying to you right there he's saying the Lord is my rock he's my deliverer it's him who I trust and you have to make that decision what are you gonna put your trust in another person come on what if that person fails you what if that person leaves you you can love people and you can have there's a certain amount of human trust but at the end of the day you're not my source it God my resource you come on yeah you're not my god I only have one God he is el-shaddai the God that is more than enough you're not my healer he's my healer you're not my deliverer he's my delivery you're not my provider he's my provider I love and adore my husband and he is a wonderful husband and God has used him tremendously in my life he brings great protection and great provision but he's not my provider it's God working through him to bring a blessing to me God is my provider God is my protector oh come on I need somebody to help me here because total trust I'm working with your faith right now if somebody's getting ready to go to the next level living so I can rest because I trust you God see that's why Peter could go to sleep on death row I can trust you because James 1:7 says every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of the heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows so without faith it is impossible to do what to please god which means to be fully agreeable so without faith it is impossible to fully agree with God so think about this Greg and Juana if you guys don't fully agree on things is there gonna be a problem in your household yeah all right if you don't fully agree there's gonna be a problem in the household maybe you think that's what you should do in Victoria maybe you think this what you should do it's gonna cause some tension right but when you guys are in agreement in your family and in agreement in your household over your kids over your money or over this then things are I'm pretty smooth well that's just the natural so if you're not fully in agreement with God it's something caused some tension because I'm gonna tell you something right now God's not going to change God's not gonna alter his ways because if you're doubt and unbelief God's not gonna say okay I'm gonna compromise Doug you're afraid to tide not that you are because we know your tither all right we you're afraid to so I'm gonna compromise and bless you anyhow and I'm gonna give to you cuz I'm gonna alter Who I am just because you're having a problem in this area so when you don't fully agree now the problem is God already knows the outcome so God's not the one being tested you're the one being built up you're the one being stretched you're the one being tested you're the one that God saying I want to grow spiritually since sometimes it's a little as things little acts of obedience God saying I want you to go forgive that you don't even listen God will people are like God talks to me all the time God God speaks to you through his word God's not gonna say Cynthia if Cynthia if you have aught with Nelson the Lord's I'm going to say Cynthia go forgive Nelson because God's already told you I'm not even gonna hear your prayers before you forgive him that's called like Elementary stuff and so if you think that you're gonna sit there and receive all this kind of blessing well you really be hey no Nelson I like it cuz he didn't listen when I told him to go through that door he went through this door so what forgive him how many seventy times seven in a day alright so there's some things that are so fundamental and and it has nothing to do with faith it just has to do with being obedient so total trust comes in areas after you've graduated you can't get to college if you haven't made it to kindergarten baby so you want a college-level doctorate level blessing and responsibility but you can't get through k3 I'm just trying to help somebody I turn to see her neighbors say she I think she's talking to you or the row behind us so it says without faith you cannot fully agree with God so there becomes this friction just like if you're family it Tuan and Greg and I'm using you guys if not you're Negrin there's gonna be problems in the household so when you're not agreeing with God and God's not in there going okay I'm gonna compromise my ways so it makes it easy for you to agree God's saying I want you to totally trust and agree God has an order I think I've got people's attention right now so by the power of agreement truth is established and when truth is established covenant can be fulfilled so that's even why let me take that too natural that's why God puts an order and a family that's why God says alright I'm gonna put more responsibility on you Greg than I am on you Tana there's more responsibility and authority put on the man in the head of the household I don't mean that the woman can't be smarter all right it has nothing to do with that all right it just means that at the end of the day he's not only accountable for himself he's accountable for that entire family unit all right so she can agree or not agree and she's can she can voice her opinion and hopefully through love influence you but she's not to manipulate you all right and when truth is established through the power of agreement when truth I want I'm gonna say this again all right and I wrote down this statement cuz I want you to get it because it's it's something higher than I'm talking about by the power of agreement truth gets established and when truth is established covenant can be formed it is good trying to go there we say it against honor well take it by the power of agreement truth is established because without faith it is impossible to agree with God but then by faith I can agree with God and by the power of agreement truth not about how I feel truth gets established and when truth gets established covenant is formed there can be no covenant or bonding or relationship without truth Matthew 18:19 that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask it shall be done of them of my father which is in heaven according to eleven our Hebrews 11:6 agreement with God cannot take place without faith so what I'm not gonna say what is faith yet so how is faith come Romans chapter 10 verse 17 faith cometh by hearing the word right so it's not just by listening to the word faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so there are a lot of listeners but there not a lot of years there are a lot of listeners but not a lot of years that's why every time Jesus opened his mouth Father let their ears be open I pray that your ears be open to hear by the Spirit of God you know it's such a blessing when you can hear God's Word when you open up the Word of God and it speaks to you and you can see the Word of God and you can hear you know you're operating in a realm right now because faith is being built because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and there are a lot of people that will hear this message today but their life will not change but others will hear it and they'll grab a hold of something and everything will shift in their life because the ability to hear so one of your prayers has to be God opened on my ears so faith then is not it comes by hearing and hearing by the word but then faith which is pleased to sisters truth it's total trust right that's my summation cuz I gotta get you somewhere faith in is acting on the truth that you know so total trust is acting on it it's not just that I heard it now I have a responsibility to act on it so it's a positive response to the Word of God you do it because God said do it are you do it no not because there's logic or rationality behind it but because God said it you do it not because you had the right I mean there are times listen I John and I hardly ever ever argue I mean we just I don't know we're too old all right we just it's like I'm is not worth it you get to a place in your life you're like it just ain't worth it alright in their aim we love each other and we get along and everything else but there's been a couple times just a few times and and I knew like have you ever been in an argument with someone you love and you're saying something why are y'all making me confess my sin and you're looking at me and you're saying it but in here you're feeling the Holy Spirit say and you know you're wrong but you're saying it anyway and you're doing it anyway and in here you know that that's not how it is and you're ignoring the Holy Spirit all right I I'm the only one right so I can no truth but I keep running my mouth and doing opposite of the truth that I know when God I already know submit to my husband yeah be like oh okay wait a minute I got to deal with some things here I feel it when I fill the wall going up you know I'm gonna keep going if I already know submit to my husband and he's making a decision that's not immoral not illegal not wrong but maybe just something I don't prefer I am to submit to that now when I go I just start being womanly or being whatever and trying to you know get him to change his mind or do something else and know it's there and then I I start manipulating that scripture and say what if you yep why are you looking at me like I'm the only person that has ever done this in my entire life so it's not just knowing truth it's acting on the truth that you know so when you walk by the stranger and don't take care of them good Samaritan don't take care of them entertaining angels that you're not even aware of you already know you know that True Religion is to take care of the widow and the orphan but you think true religion is your ability to quote an entire book of the Bible we don't care that you can memorize a book of the Bible I care if you can act on a book of the Bible can I go a few more minutes they bring it on so when God says do something okay now we'll take that in a positive way because I took that in some of the negative where we like think we're acting in faith and we're not just obeying the basic fundamentals of what our faith is but when there's no logic or there's no rationality behind it and God says do it sometimes you have to put the cart before the horse anybody God ever told to step out of the boat and walk on the water in an area anybody gods ever asked you to give something that you felt it hurt when you left you anybody gods ever told you to go somewhere and it's not where you wanted to go no come on sometimes you have to put the cart before the horse when you're walking my faith but back when we were at without walls and we were in a tent they were tearing down the stadium and we went to the auction and God spoke to us and we bought to--let's for our new sanctuary two years before we ever had the sanctuary that's why when that time that we were moving in the service and the doctor said that Brad and Rachel were barren and they would not be able to have children and immediately God said write a check right now and tell them to go buy a baby bed and so the next day went by I said you get the bed she goes no I said get that bed you use that money for anything else mama gonna whip you know all right you use that money for anything else go buy a bed because I had to I had to move in faith for my children that doctors for my grandchildren the doctor said would not come forth and listen I love being a visionary I love putting things on paper and having vision boards and everything but sometimes you've got to have more than a vision board I could have just put a picture of a baby up on a vision board I could have put a baby bed up on a vision board but sometimes you got to stroke something you got to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable you got to get out and it feels funny when you start walking on water because you've never been there it's not natural and when you start moving in the realm of the Spirit it feels really funny to your flesh I mean when I sign the contract for Beatty for over a million and a half dollars with $10,000 in the bank and rent to rent to own furniture we're getting ready I'm getting ready to turn this into an entire studio because I'm getting ready to go back big-time on television they say where's the money I don't know I don't have the money but I know what God has told me to do and we're getting ready to reach nations and ways on online and through this and do things through polilight ministry and the set design already hasn't he comes out this Wednesday and it's gonna be it's gonna be absolutely beautiful well you've got the money I don't even know how much it cost so I I have no idea am I looking at a hundred thousand dollar project or a million dollar project but I already told him I'll have the deposit down well where's it coming from I have no idea but I know that the same god they got me out of the tent and into the building I know the same God that took me from B et 247 networks is the same God that the Lord said now is the time Paulo now's the time and I know so everything's getting ready and I'm starting to do it and I'm preparing it as if it were already here it's not my first rodeo you ready I'm just trying to help somebody we were trying to get a building over in Tampa and we needed a down payment I've told you the story we needed it was gonna be 600 something thousand dollars right and we had to have that 10% in escrow or something and it was I think who was it I think it was CTN Bob Deandra can't yeah it was Bob Deandra came to us Doug and we had you know we were we were doing everything to raise money when you're trying to building campaign you're doing everything you can and Bob the Ender comes from us and he says hey we have an opportunity to put a transmitter in Africa it's going to cost $30,000 now we had 30 days to get sixty seven thousand dollars together we're going to be kicked out of our building and here we are and he comes to us and gods like what are you gonna do we had like maybe forty seven thousand dollars or so we still need and we're getting close to that ten percent and so we wrote a check out for the thirty thousand dollars for the transmitter in Africa which left us with ten thousand well you guys know what the story already a lady shows up on the day of closing and has a check no it's not a check it's a money order of cashier's money order for six hundred and fifty seven thousand dollars and pays it all off I mean on the day of closing supernaturally you are like listen you just have to step out in faith sometimes I mean I can remember renting the forum for Easter when we barely had anyone having a banquet when we had ten people in our church it's called it's called crazy faith faith on steroids you need to do that for your business you need to do that for your I mean you have a brain use it but you also have a spirit that is much greater than your brain and your spirit is gonna lead you and we want everything God has for us but we're not willing to do everything God tells us to do God says to do God doesn't reason with you God's illogical March around the wall six times and on the seventh time I want you to Barack so the Apostle Paul goes on in verse three and he says we glory you ready so this is where now this is where it really is gonna hit home and I'm gonna take you a few more minutes because I don't get to preach much all right so anyway the Apostle Paul goes on in verse three and he says we glory in tribulation alright so what if I just for an entire year talked on you glory in tribulation he's not saying we're glowing on the mountaintop we glory in tribulation I'm gonna tell you these last three months we're not on my calendar it was not on my calendar to have back-to-back surgeries have unexpected medical for my mother to unexpectedly have a brain aneurysm and die to have all kind of crazy stuff go on it was not on my calendar to be in one of the most unpopular weirdest positions of serving someone from 18 years ago none of this was on my calendar I didn't choose it but God knew before I ever took my first breath God knew I told John this morning I said you know what babe I said if the foot surgery had to go wrong I know this crazy for some people to understand but if it had to go wrong for me to exercise a greater place of faith because it's been a while since that muscle of faith because I've been living out in such deep waters that if I had to have something personally hit me because my high heels are a big part of my identity it's not just something I like it's something that there's a long psychological and everything else I mean people know me for my shoes in my hands sometimes more than the message I preached and I go if it had to happen for me to exercise to go I'm not gonna settle and so dr. physical therapists you can say that I'm only gonna have this range of motion but I'm gonna tell you that that's not only going to get to 70 percent which would put me in a five inch but I'll get that thing back to 90% and if it had to go that way for me to exercise that faith because there's an assignment in front of me this is gonna take greater faith but that muscle hasn't been stretched for a while then so be it oh you aren't hearing what I'm saying if I had to it's been a while since and by the way I I'm in the middle of my book and my book was due it had contracts it has this you're with a publisher they've given you a deposit if you don't hit that date it's gonna be back and you can't just say and they were very gracious and all and they gave me a little bit of attention but I can't say but excuse me my mom died but excuse me I can't walk but excuse me I'm in physical therapy but excuse me no life keeps going I mean church keeps going mystery keeps going Paul Whiteman she keeps going kids keep coming this keeps happening but doesn't matter that the kids are sick it doesn't matter that this is happening doesn't matter that that's happened doesn't matter that you have these dates too and if all these things and it's been a while since I've had a 1-2-3 punch it's been a while since things have affected me with a 1-2-3 and if I added all the other things that are already on top of that and I go alright god okay because I get it I glory in tribulation because you're wanting to do because if you don't prepare me you already know there is something ahead of me that is gonna take a greater level of pain then obviously what I'm operating in right now and I can believe you for some big things right now god but if you have to use these situations and I'm not saying you sent them but I'm saying you will use them in my life if you've got to use these situations for me to learn how to glory again and tribulation so be it bring it on you aren't hearing what I'm saying most people say no way no way but see God says I want to build a bigger faith muscle in you so Paul says we glory in tribulation also knowing the tribulation is producing what patience somebody say after all this look at your neighbor say after all this it has to happen say after all this it has to happen so Paul proves that the hopelessness of man is reversed with the resurrection of Jesus Christ so what he's saying it makes you understand that many things you should have given up on now there are new possibilities because if God could raised Jesus from the dead then God can raise anything up then the basis for everything I would reach for is containing the fact that Jesus was raised from the dead see he should have stayed dead he should have stayed in that tomb but God if God raised him from the dead Romans 8 verse 11 and if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who lives in you that should realign your thinking to God can resurrect dead things in my life so if he raised Christ from the dead the same spirit now gives me life to this mortal body to this body that walks upon the earth they can raise the toe back up come on they can raise Hope back up they can raise courage up they can raise I don't know who I'm talking to right now we raise lungs raise whatever raise graves children that are out there rebellious bringing them back to salvation and that's what he's telling you when you say what does this have to do with my everyday living Paulo what does this have to do with me being able to pay bills what does this have to do with me being able to get along with my spouse because the single greatest motivator of faith is hope you better hear this I'm always through because hope troubles your situation since God raised Jesus from the dead he can pull me out of anything faith recognizes the dawning of the future because of the Christ of the past and so faith causes the memory of my future locked up inside of my spirit to be released in my mind oh don't make me sir preacher right here be I won't even get into all that because that has to do with the way you think and the way you create the realm of conceptions contain your perception and everything else so so you've got to understand this that once you get a mind that is controlled by the Spirit of God Romans 10:17 remember that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word faith comes by hearing hearing means to receive instruction instruction provides information information produces understanding understanding produces trust and trust is faith and faith is what moves God Matthew 17:20 and Jesus said unto them because of your unbelief for bearly I say unto you if you have faith as the grain of a mustard seed you will what say to this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it will be removed and nothing shall be impossible to you well a mountain and the Greek it means to rear up to raise up the voice of to keep the mind in suspense so anything that is keeping you in suspense anything that is rear up against you anything that has rised up against your voice then what he's saying is speak to it and if you believe then you can move those things that rear up against you those things that have risen up against you those things that keep you in a suspended place living in the same demonic cycle year after year and if you believe and can remove that mount and then there will be nothing nothing that is impossible to you so the single greatest motivator of faith is what hope so stay with me cuz hope troubles your situation and I'm through with this hope is predicted by the love of God and fuelled by faith with the expectation that says it's going to change see Jeremiah 30 to 27 says behold I am the LORD thy God is there anything the God of all flesh is there anything too hard for me it means anything beyond my capabilities is there anything beyond the capability of God no there's not anything God cannot get access to so hope brings and spans the horizon because my expectation is God is able oh do I have to go back to Rome or to Hebrews 11:1 faith is the evidence of things I think that didn't need to go back there because it's a substance so what it is is my total trust is the things of which I am expecting it's the foundation so without expectation you're never going to receive so what I'm telling you right now is hope brings and spans that horizon because my expectation is God is able so I don't care what man says I don't care what government says I don't care what doctors say I mean with all due respect I love you praise God you all went to school for a long time but make whatever your education whatever your IQ however good-looking you are however much money you have however network you are not more capable than the God who I serve and whose I am so faith binds me to the Word of God in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God so if you have faith you expect things to happen so watch the difference so you come in this morning and you're not just like okay come on now when you have faith you expect it to happen and hope is the inseparable companion to faith faith believes God to be there but hope anticipates the time of his arrival hope anticipates hope expects for God's manifestation that's why Philippians 4:13 assures you I can do all things through Christ Jesus that's why it says that a heart basically without hope is sick Hope deferred makes the heart sick so there are two key things to remember faith is based on the knowledge of God's Word and the knowledge of God's character the spirit of the world is in opposition to God so when you stand in faith the world loses its control and its influence over your mind so you cannot produce faith it's what God's Word produces in you so you don't lower your expectation you ready I'm through with this can I have two more minutes literally promise I'm through don't lower your expectation Jesus did me a favor by the blood I can now walk into the very throne room of God he became the doorway that I have access to God I have access that I stand in grace now because I moved in the place of favor which means peace with God here comes the tribulation so some of you are all upset because of tribulation but you should be glorying in the tribulation because the tribulation wouldn't be able to touch you if there wasn't something that God wanted to produce in you it starts with patience oh I I gotta go here because that tribulation the reason you glory in it is because it's producing patience but you've got to know what patience is patience isn't sitting here with your twiddling your thumbs I'm through pastor Doug I promise I'll give it over it's not just twiddling your thumbs going on I'm patiently waiting no patience is the Greek word hitomi oh I can't say it right I already know that it's h oo p o mo ni e and what it means is to remain under so it's producing in me a tribulation is producing in me an ability to remain under and I can remain under out outlast you tribulation I'll face you I'll praise you tribulation go ahead do whatever you want to do I'll determine you because I know who's I am and I know who my God is and so you gotta let tribulation in your life no wait a minute you messed with the wrong Saint you wait him out come on let your faith work wait the liars outweigh the hair's haters out wait the devil out wait the sickness out come on wait the report out the devil is a liar Hebrews chapter 10 verse 37 for you have need of patience you have need of the ability to endure it then after you have done the will of God you might receive the promise and Jesus said because of your unbelief in Matthew 17:20 for saying to you if you have faith the great the size of a grain of a mustard seed you'll say to the mountain removed yonder and it won't we be removed and nothing shall be impossible which means even not one thing shall be impossible the greek word impossible is more powerful or more capable of being more powerful so it boils down to who has the capability who has the capability for me and my house God has the capability why because I'm choosing I choose no matter what I'm facing I choose God you laid it out and I just gave it to you I choose to glory in tribulation because in my glory in tribulation and what I can't see in the natural it is producing in me and endurance and ability to stand under some things and I don't want to be under it is preparing me to take possession of something that God wants to release but he's got to get me ready for and I don't know who I'm here for but I came to tell you you better get ready wait it out just keep raising in your tribulation keep thanking God he Claire and keep putting your decree I don't care how crazy your kids look I know it doesn't matter what your bank account looks like today tomorrow by this time that's not hopeful wishing that is true expectation that God is more capable than any world economy that God is mark capable than any natural situation then God is more capable than any pastor that God is more capable than any business leader that God is more capable than any president or prime minister that God is more capable than any human being Manny for me total trust you get anything out of the word today
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 13,553
Rating: 4.6894412 out of 5
Keywords: paula white, new destiny christian center, church, paula white ministries
Id: 4sLV0iXyVJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 0sec (2940 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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