The Storm Won't Stop You, It Will Carry You {Part 2}

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we're gonna look at two storms that arose and why they did so go with me to mark chapter 4 I won't take as much time as I did in the nine o'clock but I want to give you this Jesus is teaching on the lake the crowds gathered and it's so Lord she had to get into a boat everybody say God in a boat he sat out on the lake and all the people were along the shore at the edge he taught them many things by parables which means stories because that's how he always related it and in his teaching he said listen look at somebody say listen now that's an important word because the Greek word there is a primary verb which is a ko oo it means to hear to come to the ears shall hear and understand I could spend so much time talking about what comes to your ears because whatever comes to your ears or iGate and and the openings of the gates is what and just going to come in you and whatever gets on the inside of you is going to be input is going to be output so whatever comes out of your mouth whatever attitude comes out whatever you're harboring that is because of what is coming in you some of you just need to cut out the toxicity whether it's coming through people whether it's coming through the internet whether it's coming through something you've just got to say enough of this and get more of the Word of God than the gossip of people and get more of what God has to say because that's so vital because he said listen and what does that mean to have what comes to your ears not just to hear but to understand because there are listeners and there are hearers and so what it means is the ability to hear I pray today that God would open every ear to hear what the Spirit of God is saying because you have to have hearing to have revelation and so he goes on he says listen a farmer went out to sow seed now he's about to give them us profound parable because this is the master parable for the kingdom of God that he says if you get this and why am I going to take time for this parable why am I going to take time to break this down because doc right after it a storm and the storm that arises is a hurricane so you know I've already looked up everything that said hurricane in the Bible so I wanted to figure it out so our hurricanes going to rise then I had understand what happened before the hurricane and what happened after the hurricane I wanted to understand because there are questions guys in life that I think yes we love God we have faith but but you go well is this god is this the enemy and so I looked up storms and some storms were sent by God some storms were sent by the enemy so you go how do I discern which is what is this human is this climate you know what's going on is this the worst are we in the end days you know and coz I've heard that the rapture is gonna take place any moment since the time I got born again so I mean I was like who it is it like is this the worst one the worst hurricane was 1900 with Galveston Texas with thousands and thousands of lives are lost in Miami it took two decades for Florida to recover in the 1920s after the depression so today with technology we had the largest evacuation with very little loss of life not that we minimize that but but it is sometimes when you're when you're in things you think this is the absolute worse there's ever been like we look at a bow lion would went through and we think that's horrific which it was it absolutely was but we forget about things like the bubonic plague and so there's so you look and you just say how do I put all this in perspective to the Word of God because every day I want to go what does God's word have to say about it so it's important before this storm that we're going to talk about that you understand what Jesus taught because this is the most important teaching that you get to understand any of this work so he's saying I need you to listen a farmer goes out to sow a seed and he was scattering the seed and some fell along the path and the birds came and ate it up that's the first situation okay and some fell on rocky places which by the way I'll take the rocky places and probably on and break it down Birds coming to eat it up is demonic spirits it's a phallus that they know I'll teach on that some fell on rocky places this is the second situation or did not have much soil and it sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow but when the sim came up the plants are scorched they withered because they had no root the third Scituate his other seed fell among thorns which grew up and choked the plants so that they could not bear grain but there is a force somebody say I'm in that fourth one somebody bring it on still other seed fell on good soil I just pronounced over you that you will be good soil in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus some fell on good soil and when it fell on good soil watch what happened it came up it grew and it produced a crop if you're going to produce a god crop if you're going to produce a spiritual a biblical crop then there has to be good soil so may our prayer be God make me good soil God make me good ground so let me find out what is good soil what is good soil to God because remember people are different than God because people said Saul is the one but God said David's the one so good soil and the natural looks like Saul right because he looked right he talked right he acted right but good soil to God was David so we have to say God make us good soil how many of you want to be good soil for God so he's saying let ISA show other seed fell on good soil and when it's good soil God says it will grow it will produce a crop and I got him in the multiplying business so you will multiply thirty sixty and a hundredfold harvest that's God's promise to you and he goes on in verse nine then he said he who has ears to hear let him hear and I love it in the message it says are you listening really listening when he was alone the twelve and others asked him about this parable or this story and he told them the secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you but to those on the outside everything has sent stories the message version says it like this you've been given insight into God's kingdom you know how it works now if you are born again if you're not born again you cannot comprehend how revelation understanding or insight into the kingdom the BAS Alea the royalty the rule the realm how God works how his kingdom works but through the Word of God by being born again with the spirit leading you you can have insight into the kingdom of God you're in this world but you're not of this world so therefore you you operate by a different system by a different laws by different ways and this is so vitally important because you've been given insight to who God is and how he works so verse 12 he goes on so that they may be ever seen but never for seeing and ever hearing but never understanding otherwise they might turn and be forgiven I'm gonna read you the message on that one because it's important the these are people whose eyes are open hear this with your spiritual ear whose eyes are open but don't see a thing now I'm going to talk to you today that can apply to your personal life apply to us in our community apply to the nation apply to the world I really believe there's an epidemic in the body right now I just believe this I think that the problem is never the world I don't believe that because I don't believe we're peripheral to the world the peripheral of the world's peripheral to us so I believe the church which according to Ephesians chapter 1 is at the center of this at the head of it all as Christ Jesus and through his body so there's one body right many members through his body he acts and he speaks and he moves so the love of God has shown through the body through everything is done through the body so who is the first person to meet the needs of the people guys in our community our Jerusalem the church right our mayor just got up and said it the church was that's you because that's how it's supposed to be so quite honestly sure pastor the reason I told you all that did we have the the money in the bank to do that I've never had the money in the bank to do anything God's told me to do I have never had that but I've never I've never had did you did you have all the dividend it up I've never had everything God's told me to do but you know what I have a great big God and I have his word that is never gonna fail and when you step out I don't know how it all works but I just know it works 33 years of proving and seeing God be God and he said these are people whose eyes are open that they don't see a thing may that not be you he said verse 2 whose ear or excuse me the next part whose ears are open but they don't understand a word they're listening but they're not hearing let that spirit be broken right now watch this verse then an expert who avoid making an about-face and getting forgiven so basically is saying they avoid repentance and therefore they aren't forgiven so even though they're sitting there hearing or listening I should say they're seeing but they're blind they're not making it about face it's like James saying you walk by the mirror which is the Word of God and you don't stop and look in the mirror and you just see a shadow and you keep on walking going about your own way and let's see this word should be changing us this word should be molding us Society can change culture can change but the Word of God never changes the Word of God remains the same thank you Dallas I need a preaching corner this morning right so this is going to be good word then Jesus said to them don't you understand this parable how then will you understand any parable so Jesus taught him parable of the nice saying this is the master key and if you don't understand this one you'll not be able to understand any of the mysteries or the secrets or the sacred things of God so let me help you understand it so the farmer says the word some people are seated along the path where the words sown and as soon as they hear it not listen soon as they want hear it then what Satan comes and takes a word that was sown in them others like seed sown on rocky places hear the word at once and receive it with joy I'm going to read this out to you but since they have no root they last only a short time when trouble or persecution comes because of the word they quickly fall away the message version says but there are such shallow soil of character that when the emotions were off and some difficulty arise there's nothing to show for it that's why we say don't let your gifting because you're all born with a gift everybody has a gifting but that that don't let your gifting take you where your character can't keep you because God wants to develop character in you why you'll see why when I break this on down verse eighteen still others like seed sown among thorns hear the word but the worries of this life the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word making it unfruitful so we think the word has to produce there's no option there's no alternative but verse 19 says I like the message says but are overwhelmed with worries about all the things they have to do and all things that they want to get the stress strangles what they heard and nothing comes of it please if you've ever listened to a word hear this word because the only thing that's going to change you change your life change society is the word of God working in you God wants you to do more than just learn the word he wants you to live the word did you become a living epistle and that's evidenced by fruit in your life right so immediately when the word sown and and and watch this Satan is no discriminator he doesn't he he has no preferences he comes at everyone he doesn't say he is and say well I'm just gonna go after this person I'm gonna go after that person no he says whoever gets the word I'm going after so when the word sons sin comes and there's three things right so some it falls on stony ground ground which I'm going to break up the the birds come and take it some Falls there's no root and so when persecution arises they can endure and some are so entangled up with worries of this life and what they're trying to get that nothing ever becomes fruitful because they're all tangled up with the stress and the worry and the anxieties of life verse 20 say I'm verse 20 Sam verse 20 look at your neighbor say I'm verse 20 says others like seed sown on good soil hear the word somebody say I hear it except the word say I accept it whoa that one got weaker say I accept it and then once you hear it and accept it watch what happens and produce a crop some 30 60 and even a hundred times of what was sown so whatever word was sown produces in my life some thirty sixty and a hundredfold in my life now this is great because I'm going to get you two what water storms about but I have to I have to go through this parable first it's vital they said do you bring the Lapp and basically he's saying don't don't hide the kingdom of God how it works verse 24 consider carefully what you hear he continued with the measure you use it will be measured to you and even more this is the message version and I like breaking it down so you can really hear it listen carefully to what I'm saying and be wary of the shrewd advice that tells you how to get ahead in the world on your own giving not getting is the way generosity begets generosity and thin genus impoverishes so watch what he's saying listen carefully to what I'm saying and be wary of the shrewd advice that tells you how to get ahead in the world on your own listen he's saying be careful because there are people that you're going to encounter and he's saying be careful of the shrewd advice you've got to look and check who you're listening to and if your advice is coming from those who might be Christians and they're going to heaven because they they love God and they've received Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior but they
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 23,218
Rating: 4.7719297 out of 5
Keywords: paula white, new destiny christian center, church, paula white ministries
Id: yViz6JLkcws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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