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hello everybody this is definitely markiplier here for another three scary games ignore the symbol on my head we're about to have a blast with this three scary games video i hope you enjoy it this is almost home now it's a game about trying to walk home alone which can be a terrifying experience mouse or wasd okay okay i didn't realize it's this late and dark yeah pretty dark pretty late this is fine it's fine it's totally fine everything about this is fine 100 fine i feel uncomfortable ominous you feel ominous or the the thing looking at you through the fence ominous i don't like the rumble i don't like the rumble at all i almost inhaled my own saliva hi puppy hi can you never do that ever again i don't know which way i'm supposed to go am i supposed to go this way no not that way i guess i should follow the light oh blinky i don't think i should go towards the blinking oh but here i go i'm going the wrong way i need to go through the park am i sure about that am i sure about that am i still moving no no no no no no that's not right i need to go through the park i need to go through the park i am literally three pixels there we go through the park yay [Music] are those some kind of holes in the ground oh i love this movie these holes weren't here before they look hi puppy if that is a puppy that better actually be the puppy [Music] this is gonna hey no no this is some kind of a maze isn't it oh no oh no oh no oh no okay i can almost see something moving in the holes don't look in the holes what's the first rule finding a bunch of holes in the random uh lexian could you reboot me real quick thank you anyway don't look in the holes mind their privacy or something like that i don't you know i don't know what kind of park this is i don't know how many zigzags you need to have before it becomes inaccessible or maybe it's supposed to be just a fun adventure for everybody hi who's there hello oh that's not normal even if this was supposed to be some kind of a sinkhole that's indicative of a problem i feel like somebody should be called about this i feel like i i should call somebody about this i feel like something should be done about this but i guess no one's gonna do anything about it okay whoa it's dark here bro i should close my eyes and let the job i should you know you right best thing to do in a dark environment in a place you've never been before close your eyes that way you don't see the danger coming okay i'm closing my eyes [Music] you know also it would adjust anyway it would adjust anyway just being in the darkness it would adjust that's how your eyes work is that a body is that a body on the ground is that a body on the ground in front of me right i saw something on the ground it's a body i collected the body did i just pick up that body and put it in my pocket or did that body just vanish running water that's good or is that bad oh blood river i heard that i heard that we love the blood river uh do you realize that you've not the smell is making me sick the goddamn pollution that god damn paper factory also what kind of uh what why is so much gushing seems like an excessive amount of gooshing for a river i don't think it should have waves what in the hell happened here no what was that what did you just do don't switch to a camera view like that no home isn't much further why is your home in the middle of a haunted forest through the park of holes cross the river of blood hey oh okay that uh what am i afraid of the thing behind me or the thing in front of me that's like taunting me i don't know what any of this is about almost home now oh god i hate my commute i'm guessing it's the one with the lights on i'm guessing it's the one i made it i'm safe am i i mean i made it what so apparently that was just normal that's just what you got to deal with you know it's either that or traffic that was very good it actually it really amped up the paranoia the whole time i thought it was very nice that really worked out well i enjoyed that immensely uh so thank you link in description for that one but for now moving on this is just want to eat which i know the feeling been there before a game any i am pressing any i clicked that is not a key hi hello i want to hit something what am i looking at was that was that was that a video of someone playing a horror game or was that a video of someone being a horror game or a movie or whatever you call them one of those moving pictures i don't want this room to be dark are you sure about that i'm lazy to leave the house besides it's cold outside are you sure about that hello ah air what the [ __ ] i need to go out the boyfriend okay i mean you could order delivery i suppose but that costs money okay i guess i gotta go then do i need to get anything my keys my wallet do i just have those on i'm good no coat it's cold screw it i'm out the door oh god uh where do i live what is this what kind of labyrinthian ass maze do i live in i don't know which way i should go maybe that way because the light was on there but i see like a building outcrop over here i don't know do i have a bike or something do i have anything i have nothing no way no way bro no way bro bro no way bro bro who's there who is it who is it all right fine no one's walking behind you stupid was that you trying to scare yourself or were you just trying to scare me ah the two the 24 hour a supermarket where do i live this is like the back rooms if the back rooms was in the not back rooms it's the out rooms the outside rooms is wherever i live holy hell this is uncomfortable okay okay hello my month two dollars i got two dollars okay so there's rice krispies or rice i don't like this flavor i was really gonna go for that one although now looking at it looks like some kind of purple nightmare so maybe not click do i have milk do i get do i need milk i just want to buy food i already have drinking water at home alka gold i just want to buy food well all right uh [Music] shop is equipped with cctv great what did i pay for it is it one of those like amazon nightmare stores where you just go and grab everything but there's like 10 bajillion cameras okay i'm gonna go home now i'm not even gonna bother trying to walk into the ether i bet one of you can do that if you play this game but i'm not gonna try it time for that i'm hungry this is so weirdly uncomfortable yo i know these walls were probably laced placed here out of convenience but it adds some kind of weird surreal like unnatural feel to it it doesn't seem like the perspective is correct like that for some reason the shadows here make it seem like an optical illusion that that's much closer than it is it's something about it is i'm new here i don't know where this road leads okay what made you pick this place it's kind of a nice front sitting area okay i just want to eat man i just want to eat but i i did i did i have food i have the food did i need to buy two oh you're kidding me uh lixian entertain them with something while i'm uh while i'm going back and getting put a more entertaining video from me right here so that people have something to watch while i'm i'll move out of the way well i guess i'm in the top corner no i'll i'll move out of the way while i do this you you put an entertaining video of mine uh maybe maybe one of the you know lixian compilations that you made maybe do that maybe put that there let's see did you do that that jump scare the scum scare the skunk come scare the jump scare with the skunk scare him with a skunk embryo why am i carrying oh there's a face on it excuse me oh no oh no what oh no what oh no you can't just say oh no why would you just say oh no why would you say oh no bro wait why is everything getting chromatic i saw that in the stars i saw the star was getting a little chromatic what was in that cereal man oh this ain't right bro bro oh my god well that's not normal what was that doing in my house that's not good oh it's getting dark boys getting dark now i'm dead now what happened i don't know what did happen i'm home i guess wow moon very bright okay i'll just stumble back home hopefully hopefully all the cereal didn't get crushed in my ah i'll kill you bro i just want to eat i'm so hungry and you are pranking me please i just want to eat please hello ah okay all right try that again try that again i dare you i dared you [Music] those aren't rice krispies [Music] bad ending what do you mean bad ending was there a good ending i don't know brew i don't know but that was very fun that was very fun i kind of enjoyed that but not bad not bad not bad had a few jumps had a few scares uh you know honestly sometimes i just want an experience that jumps me like that's really at the end of the day very good moving on [Music] please note that what you're about to see is highly disturbing do not distribute this tape to the public i think this is going to be something analog horror-esque i don't remember what it was called though lixian uh just tell them what it is to say it enough the least dramatic way possible thank you what is this ah lexi and i didn't need you home invasion that's what it was called [Laughter] boy i hope you didn't put any effort into what you just did the winchester are hives whereas tyler would say archives he did say that once upon a time am i supposed to dead what do i do oh god is that a supposed logo like a a gun but it's a bullet is pointing back to yourself that's weird that's kind of cool welcome to black curves many people keep their gun at home for self-defense where are you going with this six in 10 people has gun ownership in winchester if you decide to keep a gun at home be sure the gun is stored safely and that all family members know the rules about handling guns where are you going with this but first let's test your shooting ability okay oh bang boom bang boom bang boom bang boom bang boom bang boom bang boom bang what's my prize this is a weird vhs i didn't think vhs could be interactive it's a trick question ah that's not me i'm shooting the gunner who's holding him husband bring the dick right in the dick shoot him in the deck um okay why why would i why why should i why would i do this why would i do this i don't have to do what you tell me to do i don't need to do any part of this i have agency in this and just because you tell me to do something does not mean that i need to do it that's cold i'm doing this not because i want to do this but because i want to progress the story is that a good excuse i don't know why me who have played so many first-person shooters that are like shoot them shoot the bad guys all right fine oh didn't do anything okay not that either how what do i do shoot oh where is she you can't save her okay you killed her who that wasn't a very good interrogation because you didn't get any information out of them civil authorities issued a child abduction emergency an amber alert abduction the manchester county is asking for your help the suspect is identified as really winning he is five foot 10 inches tall he has brown hair he was last seen wearing black she has blonde hair and brown eyes she is two feet zero inches and at least 20 pounds you love direction heavenly rocky it was uh descriptions of suspect [Music] i would never answer the door what do you mean what do you mean she's here what do you mean she's here what do you mean she's here who she who is she who's she who she where is here huh good thing i trained for this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what the frick scared yeah whatever get over it why are you hiding under your blanket i'm not i'm scared of you daddy okay what if it's not an alternate what if i'm what if i'm what if i'm being overly paranoid what if i accidentally shoot my own daughter which i think is a scenario that you're putting in front of me i'm not going to do anything i abstain from this inane experiment this is a vhs vhs cannot do these things oh [Applause] [Music] all right i'm gonna go out and let me say that was my daughter i probably should have shot that thing i could have done that better i don't think i had a cool head i don't think that i was calm and composed i don't think that i was very uh in my faculties [Music] oh hey the bradford psychological issue welcome to psychological stress tests why i want to welcome you to your first session you just did that this test will give you some ideas about how much stress you deal with in your life stress level zero for each item indicate how much you agree or disagree with the statement i okay whatever my remote did i ever give me my gun you mean my gun do you frequently have difficulty making decisions uh yes no yes no yes yeah do you frequently avoid people whose ideas are different from your own no i think it's good to challenge your ideas every once in a while even if they're idiots do you frequently act rude you frequently complain to yourself i look at myself and i see only magnificence i could be more magnificent you uh frequently keep everything inside inside my house inside myself inside my bone burnum yes on all accounts you frequently lie to anyone uh not usually actually i'd like to think i'm fairly truthful depends you say frequently every not frequently i'm lying you don't know what i'm saying truthfully if i'm going to logic through this yeah i don't frequently kill my daughter that's not possible unless no no no no no do you frequently hide the body again trick question you're not going to get me on that one you can i know where you are unless i have to move the body no you whoop you know what honestly i don't know you know honestly uh you know i'm gonna say like big truth i don't i don't know [Music] [Music] glad i took that stress test i feel way less stressed than i did before my hair is turning into a bird [Music] oh hi hello this is different uh again vhs very strange very horrifying system hello am i ah i'm uh again uh vhs ah oh i can't see anything uh lexian can you turn up the brightness just a bit what is my head turning into ah that's interesting i don't like this this is very weird i am very uncomfortable oh hi w-e-g-g oh i can go no more is it fine i guess i'll just leave then i am so uncomfortable i am uncomfy i am zero comfort oh blood great oh oh good hi hello um that's your phone where did you last seen her last time she was lying down on her bed okay i just need you to stay put help is on the way can i have your name amanda green please hurry help is on the way ma'am wait i think my back door is opened my son is not home yet is there someone in your backyard i think someone's watching [Music] hello hello [Music] well this is um this is interesting the remaining footage is corrupted you're telling me this you don't look very corrupted this is um interesting to say the least also the music is way quieter than it's been in the past this is absolutely one of the better analog horror games that i've played this is just like there's something about the way they're crafting it together it's just like unsettling it doesn't make a lot of sense but i like the presentation i also like the mixture of interactive elements to it not to get too analytical in the middle of the terror but the only thing i have to uh fill the time so fill it i will [Music] video evidence case 1333 an investigator was assigned to this child abduction investigation a police officer john remington was sent to this house is everyone named after hi guns here oh there's a single car in the front yard okay there's no response inside the house the victim was last seen in the basement do i have to oh no zero of 90 to 0.99 what oh what am i doing what wait why why [Music] the media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem oh okay restart why all right we're doing it anyway let's try that again flashing ah john remington is dead [Music] okay is that actually then i think that might actually be the end well that was terrifying that might be the best analog horror game i've ever played that scared me i was scared were you scared good good good well done darkos well done very well done hey still definitely most indubitably markiplier here i hope you enjoyed this three scary games video thank you for watching and as always ignore the symbol on my head bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,518,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games 88, markiplier, scary games, scariest, horror, horror games, indie horror, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, gaming, markipliergame, mark fischbach, lixian, scp, game, almost home now, just want to eat, home invasion, analogue horror
Id: lUz0DI0s7U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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