Factorio 1.0 Beginner Guide / Tips / How to! Episode 3! Defenses, Radar and Military Science!

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hello youtube welcome back to episode three of our factorio tutorial series uh in this episode we're going to be working on military science getting radar up and running and getting some defenses up and running first things first we are going to get our military science ready so we can throw in the labs and we can start progressing so in order to get military science right now we are missing everything we don't have walls we have grenades and we don't have piercing rounds um i have most of the raw resources for everything except for walls we don't have any stone being mined out right now so we are going to go quickly mine out quickly we're gonna go mino some stone quickly slowly doesn't matter we're gonna mine it it's gonna be ours so we have a deposit right here and we're just gonna quickly set this guy up uh i'm not sure how many drills we really want here and we'll connect this to our other power grid something like that looks okay and now we're mining stone so in order to make stone walls you need stone bricks and stone bricks are stones smelt in the furnace so we have the stone right here we're going to put a splitter because eventually we'll need stone as well for railroad tracks which is needed for production science back if i'm not mistaken so we will do this i'm actually gonna push the splitter over one more do that this is gonna be our through for our railroad tracks eventually and this will be for our stone walls it should only be on one side again we're going to try and keep things a little bit consistent trying to use the same style over and over at least it's a lot easier for when you expand your factory having things set up in the somewhat similar fashion so we do the exact same thing we did last time so our power lines there and then we have our output here um i'm actually wanting this to go towards our main bus because we do need this for science so we'll run it this way good there then we throw another splitter on here i'm not too worried about setting this as an output priority because i know that the stone set up here is not going to use a ton of resources so don't go getting into trouble let's go set this up like that beautiful chop these trees down i told you these trees would be in the way uh that's one reason why i don't like to play a super heavily forced map it kind of reduces the biter so the biters don't attack you every two seconds but chopping trees down kind of slows you down so there we go good there gonna have to grab some more belts as well and we need power connection as well so that's now hooked up there and then they have the coal coming as well i'm gonna grab some more belts and run this line in so this line is going to be coming from over here 100 sure where it's gonna be or it's going to hit into our main setup here so actually backtrack it i build it backwards so we will set this up like that and this will be our stone wall or our stone brick line here stone brick it's that simple and then it's right there and the trees are in the way again you could uh spaghetti around it if you wanted to but uh we'll try and keep things super clean for this playthrough that goes there this goes there a couple more undergrounds you can tell on the bottom hotkey bar there that we don't have any undergrounds or splitters on our inventory there's something that's nice about that having things in the hotbar i might not use one two three four five six to grab the item in the bottom but you can at least see what's there and what isn't there okay so i got stone brick beautiful we're gonna need a couple assemblers we'll make some stone walls grab some of this we're also gonna need bullets and we're gonna need steel as well um one thing i do suggest once you get your steel up and running is first off have it on both sides of the line do that and if you're not using your steel the very beginning chest it just accumulate your steel because you need so much steel later on and i guarantee that you will not be producing enough steel almost always need more steel so just chest it you can put a chest in front of the line or behind the line or whatever it's just gonna make your life a lot easier if you actually have a storage for it so you can actually start hoarding it i'd say hoarding you're accumulating a lot of it letting it stockpile on you so let that do that while that's doing that we're going to grab some of these guys as well and as i said we're not going to have enough stone which i 100 guarantee we won't have no stone i'm going to grab these we're going to make some steel furnaces i'm gonna grab all of our stone bricks that we're making and we're gonna upgrade our steel production into steel furnaces they're gonna be the most slowest the most slowest they're gonna be the slowest setup you always just need so much steel and even our little setup we have right here we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten smelters um it doesn't produce nearly enough if we go production screen by pushing pressing p you can look at the over one minute over five seconds kind of hard to check what's going on but for one minute we make 38 plate 38 bars 40 bars a minute that's not a lot so we can do this we can double it so remember it has a one to one ratio so you need them on both sides you need this one and this one to work as well now once you start moduling it it kind of changes everything but we'll get to modules and beacons and all that later on but as it currently stands this works nicely so now our production of these should double it should go to 80 a minute yeah seeing it run up to 80 minutes that's why i like to look at the one minute screen it's a lot easier to see the numbers aren't spazzing out on you okay so that's working everything's beautiful there gonna make some more long arm inserters because i know i don't have enough of those um this is a decent time as well to start making items that you need so i kind of like to fit some of these items just wherever they kind of fit i don't uh put them particularly in the neatest spots ever this is where the base starts to get really messy so we have this guy coming here it's gonna be making long arm inserters which i know i need i need them for personal use so it's not for science so i don't want to put on the main bus line it's just personal consumption so i'll put a little chest like that easy making some all i need grab some more loads grab some fast ones uh we don't want any uh filter inserters i don't use them very often you can um and we'll talk about those probably in another episode but for now just know that uh we use fast inserters long inserters and normal inserters you can use burner as well too but uh now that we're going to start making some outposts as well we're going to want to get better power lines you can run the normal power line but this guy has a really long reach so if you look at this power line here the reach of it is 7.5 so what does that actually mean if you place a power line here and the next one you see the tile of reach is not very long but if we get the big power lines here it's 30. it's gonna go from like here to there which is two power lines does require steel it's a bit more advanced but it's really nice to have especially when we're gonna start putting a defenses around the base it's nice to not have a thousand power lines everywhere you can doesn't hurt but it doesn't hurt also to be nice hurt to be nice okay so now we got the stone here as well we'll run the stone over and because we're playing on a bus style base all our science stuff is going to be on the bottom and all our other items building four science will be at the top so this will be military science here and the items we're making to make the military signs will be up top this will be stone walls item number one for military science right there right there right there and then offloading do we need this many buildings um i'm not sure but it's easier to build more buildings and have insufficient resources than to try and add them in later this is very easily easily expandable as well because if we want to expand to it we just build up pull everything up so down for science and up for items easy we can also use these walls for our defenses which will come in quite handy later this just doesn't quite line up we could kind of re-jig things but we will leave it like this for now which is military science grab that built some more assemblers never have too many assemblers you always need them so if you handcraft a lot of them it's not gonna hurt you they're also used to build the other assembler machine the tier two so we phase one of our science is set up already now we just need grenades and our piercing ammunition uh piercing ammunition is actually really expensive piercing ammunition requires normal ammunition copper and steel um so this is where your first big copper sync comes in other than green circuits green circuits aren't really going to use a ton of your resources at the beginning because you don't use a lot of them later on they'll be a big resource thing for you as well but you'll find that uh making ammo like this if you're actually using it at a somewhat reasonable rate will deplete your resources very quickly even just this ammo here it takes uh four to make one bullet and if you're playing a very big defensive game you're going to be eating a lot of ammo so we have three buildings here and again we want to populate both sides of the belt so we're going to output priority and force the bottom three buildings to push on the inside and the rest of the buildings will push on the outside easy easy okay now we're making ammo and we have copper as well and now we just need that steel line and we just kind of pass by a power line and we notice that the power was right on the edge we're right on the edge of keeping up so we can pretty quickly throw some more power down and remember the ratio for this as well it's still one water pump which is over there to 20 boilers to 40 steam engines so we can add quite a bit to that setup right now no problem now we actually want to run the steel somehow into our main bus line we can go up this way i think might actually be the easiest way so the line go here and like let's that this beautiful chest action here we're gonna pick this up we're gonna reroute this line turn him around put something like that [Music] so now we have the steel coming in and it's still not a huge mess it's uh it's on the edge of a mess but not horrible yet we're thinking about it being a mess so we have steel for our piercing ammunition and we'll talk about bullets in a second too the differences between the different types of ammo okay electrical energy is done and we're just going to research our bullets because we are going to get ready for uh setting up some defenses so having better ammo which you can see the effects bolt damage plus 10 percent gun turret damage 10 percent and shotgun shell damage 10 percent and this is going to make it uh this one here shoots faster 10 faster they are stacking so as you get the next one on top of it you get another 10 or 20 on top of that and it goes infinite uh for damage anyways you can infinitely upgrade that one so gun bullet damage actually can be quite lethal at the end game now we're gonna do a setup you've not quite seen me build yet so we have three things we want to grab off this line here we have steel normal ammunition and copper and you're like how are you going to set that up that's not going to reach i'm going to show you another build design so we have the direct insertion design with a long arm inserted design we have the double items on one line and now we're going to show you the triple belts this actually is a really neat design i like to use it for my labs actually so you have your lab set up here and then you have your other lab behind it and you can pull all the way in so you can have all your sciences right at the front here so right off the bat you notice that i can't grab from this line here there's no way i can put an inserter and grab from this line so what we do is we place our first ones here as a group we place an underground belt here like that and we place this inserter to grab on the front and this inserter grab on the back side like that so now we're actually grabbing three lines in a row like that it's a it's a nice design it's uh it's pretty clean works well and there you go you see them all working you go there you go there it's a little heavy on power lines with just the basic power lines there's just ways you could kind of manipulate it and change that but there you go start pulling from three lines on one side very easy set up two seconds maybe 10 seconds and then we have this resource here which is our next needed for military size um we'll do like that i was thinking how i wanted it i don't want to push too much into the buses territory right now something like that and we do have his labs over here so we're going to offload this way go like that and the last thing we need is grenades grenades are iron plates and cop and uh coal it's a really uh coal heavy and slow recipe to build they do not build quickly and they're very cool heavy i'm gonna place these two guys right there one more and then we've kind of filled up our block here the shipwreck is in the way so we're gonna actually grab the coal line here let's actually run it right straight through all right change my mind we don't want to build on top of our green chip setup we're going to expand that at some point but on top of the inserter is not the end of the world the inserters don't uh you don't need a ton of them green science produces quite quickly now we have this here and same for red science we are building on top of our walls as well which really hurts expansion i'm gonna try and expand your base building on top of stuff like that makes it a little more difficult but i didn't intentionally build on top of the walls building on top of the walls was strategic i guess you could say so we know that the walls go in for military science so we can kind of piggyback off the line we know it inserts onto the top side so that will make it drop onto the inside be smarter than the game put our inserters there you there you there must be smarter than the game something like that got our power lines and now we are making grenades so we're making our ammo we're making our grenades and we're making walls as well um walls is an item i might actually want to accumulate a bunch for our defenses so we'll do maybe uh i think it stacks i don't remember how much this is a hundred maybe 300 walls quite a bit of walls uh we're gonna make some turrets here as well i'm not going to automate turrets because i don't need that many i need a lot but i don't need that many i need probably even 50 turrets and we need 9 radars we're going to talk about radar in just a moment here so right now we have our military science should be producing in just a moment here once our first grenades come down we should have military science producing so we want to get right through here we can easily remove that building instead of making the belt go 700 kilometers up and down and left right uh and if we want to add another building if we didn't make enough green let's put it right below there two seconds add that back on i'm gonna push this over here and i'm not super happy with my lab setup anymore my lab setup isn't quite working out as desired so you do this for some reason you couldn't remember your blueprint put it down there save it remove all this that's a nice again for really complicated things or if you have bots you can place it down like that so now we know exactly how the other one was set up and we could copy it i could just ghost on top of it as well makes things a bit faster and we need these long guys too and there we go beautiful we can go back onto a lab and control left-click and dump all our current science that we picked up because we picked those labs up um now we're going to talk about a filter inserter so right here we're picking up grenades and walls and i do not want grenades in this chest i just want walls so what we're going to do is we're going to swap this inserter for a filter inserter filter inserter is the same as a splitter as you can select certain items that will only get picked up by it so we're only going to pick up walls so he will not pick up grenades anymore this inserter you can make it pick up multiple things you can also have a blacklist as well so it can actually be exact opposite pick up everything except for walls if it's on a blacklist but instead we want just walls like that beautiful and we got our ammo here uh our excess ammo we will chest as well after the military science gets what it wants and we'll go to 102 345 500. that's a lot it took a long time for that to uh fill up like that and military science is now tacking beautiful so now we have our three sciences up and running we got a couple gun turrets in our inventory we haven't got attacked by biters yet and we have no radar covered so we can't actually see what the rip biters are up to what the quote-unquote bad guys are doing right now looks like all our resources are okay copper is as i said the ammo is just depleting the copper reserves quite horrendously so we might add what we'll do these two get some more damage onto our guns uh we might have to add our copper smeltery a little bit expand to that pretty easy you can tell right here we just don't have enough raw copper being smelted because these smelters are working these first six but the back two aren't working so not quite enough mining drills very easy remedy uh we'll grab a few more and then we'll upgrade these to steel as well let's deal with double the speed iron is keeping up right now but the steel or the copper is not now once we add this and start pulling the copper faster we'll start using the steel faster as well steel and iron you fix one thing and you break another welcome to factorio we need some stone look up more furnaces so we have 10 building right now that's probably enough that's a good amount because right now we only had eight there already and we're gonna double it up plus adding more resources so it'll be about 16 i'll be acting at 16 anyways so you didn't have to upgrade to steel furnaces either you could just add more furnaces but we didn't give ourselves a lot of space so we'll just upgrade them instead so we got that there and we got the steel furnaces you can just place them right on top of it you don't have to rip them out and redo it you can just right on top and we can tell the inserter is working fast enough it's mostly working and we should be getting uh significantly more resources here now beautiful grab those out and we'll make a few more turrets right now we have 12 turrets um we're gonna go over some basic basic defensive strategies uh make some power lines as well some big power lines now we're gonna go run around the base and do some defense talk about biters for a minute or four so science is going one thing you can tell with my labs though right now is i don't have enough labs so we have all the science sitting here not doing anything we could be using that and tucking faster so that instead of having it just idle like that we'll build some more labs we need uh nine more labs one two three four hold on we don't want to make all these green chips and for some reason i turn that belt press r on that belt and re-rotated it husband was walking by i did that we don't want that okay so first things first is you do want a radar on your main base raiders consume a lot of electricity but having a radar will let you remotely look at your base so if you're away from your base having this radar here will let you see your base so if you look at the mini map there's this like big blue square that's the coverage that the radar is going to show you that it will cover at all times it will scan the area around it as well i'm not sure how many blocks you can see there's like blocks here there's one two three four five i think it's like six blocks in the section i'm not sure how far out it goes for the scanning but this area here will always be remotely able to look at it now as long as we have power so if i'm standing over here i can still zoom my camera on map mode and look over here which is super handy later on so once you start getting far away from your base you can always see your base what we're going to do is we're going to add some coverage around the base first so we've got some power lines because we need power out click and hold and we can run this power line down and we're trying to grab the area as the base where we have no coverage so again you see the blue square in the mini-map depending on where you place it is what you can see so we don't necessarily want them covering each other you don't want them overlapping doesn't you don't benefit anything from that so we're like on the minimap where we want to place this i'm not looking on the actual screen where you see the radar i'm looking at the mini map there so you see it's covering is it overlapping arcs there i guess you could say here it doesn't it's not the radar right there going to power so we'll fix that now biters will attack a radar because it's considered a military target so biters will attack that first and it doesn't pollute but biters will aggressive so these power lines out in the middle of nowhere unless the biter gets stuck on it it won't eat it because it doesn't it's not a target and it's not considered a military target either but as radar is considered a military target so fighters are walking the vicinity of this they'll eat it so now we're standing here on the mini-map and we can actually look at our base because of that radar but we can also look over here as well now so we now have some coverage we'll defend it later we didn't bring any ammo with us and you can see it start revealing parts of the map as well i don't find it as needed for revealing the map but i do find it very helpful to be able to see what's going on so again the next one we want to determine where it's going to be based on the overlapping fields of fire i'm stuck in the forest here are clicking and holding right now still it's gonna place it well i'll just place it like that it's gonna play set the next available area and we're gonna put the radar at the maximum coverage area again which is right there there's a ghost place that it goes placed it pleased we ghost placed it so we know where it's going to be it has all these trees on top of it we'll rip some trees down cut some trees now rip some trees down i don't know you could do both i'm not a lumberjack right there and there we go so now we have the two sides of our base kind of revealed and we can see what's going on so if biters start moving in our area we can see them in our area and then we'll place one over here again as well we'll grab our power line because we need the power i'm not super worried where the power lines are going because the biters shouldn't eat them i say shouldn't but you never know fighters be biters pressing q on top of the power line and you just click and hold as you're running this does work if you're driving a car or a tank or a train or a spider you can uh turbo around your base and set it up i don't have a car that's why i'm not doing that right now there we go another area revealed how many power lines i have a few more just a few more and now we see the oil underneath me on the mini map the pink stuff pink or purple i can't even tell these little blobs here of crude oil uh tomorrow will probably be or tomorrow the next video will probably have the oil processing so right now we're adding radar coverage everywhere under base if you want to be efficient with your time you might do this in a car or you might also set up your defense at the same time we're gonna set up some pretty uh flimsy defenses because i know the biters aren't gonna be super aggressive with me and we're playing fairly quickly as well we're going to also uh check the evolution here so you can push the tilde key or the key right above your tab there i think it's a tilde tilde or tilde whatever and type evolution wow evolution you gotta spell it right uh type that and it'll tell you where the biters have evolved here so right now they're at point zero six six eight evolution factor um point or nine nine percent is the highest it goes and it's actually a curve it's an exponential curve i guess so if it takes you one hour to get to 20 evolution it will not take you five hours to get to 100 pollution there's no 100 but 99. it will take you probably 30 or 40 hours to get there because it gets more and more difficult for the biters to evolve it'll evolve quite quickly in the beginning but then it will slow down drastically drastically drastically once it gets later on so don't worry if they evolve quite quickly at the beginning they're going to slow down a lot later on behemoths are at 85 and behemoths are the real the real problem if you don't have proper defense to set up and you have behemoths running around then good luck but that's uh it's a ways away so right now we're what i don't know an hour or something two hours in our playthrough we're not gonna have behemoths for 80 or 90 hours unless we start killing everything which i don't plan on doing right now okay so now we have quite the coverage area we can remotely see around our base by going in the map and zooming around because the radars um i do need one more over here too but we're going to run back to our base for a second we have this beautiful water which is blocking a lot of the biters the buyers cannot traverse through the water they can't get through here this is an impenetrable wall same third right here if you can't walk over it neither can they if you think you can get past it you can't i'm gonna try to run up against it well it's not these fish in the water if you notice that or didn't notice that you can right click to mine them out mind them i don't know uh then you have a fishing inventory which is right here uh fish is used for healing your character so if you have a an injury if you get attacked by biters you can right-click the fish on top of yourself a left-click sorry left-click the fish on top yourself and heal you okay heels like 25 or something very good in aggressive maps when you're trying to fight early game anyways uh now we got more of these and we're going to go back and talk about science again for a minute so you notice that the weapon shooting speed is teching very slowly and it's not because we don't have enough labs it's because tech times are different so if you push t and you look here for a second this says it takes one red and one green science it needs 200 of them and it takes 30 seconds to research each one this one takes 30 seconds as well this one's 30. this is 15 seconds this is twice as fast so it needs 100 but it also eats you know the science labs will consume science twice as fast on this because it's 15 seconds this is 15 as well 30 60 so this is even slower so if you're producing enough science to make this run at uh let's say you have 10 labs and this is using them at ample time uh they use them as efficiently as possible and you have say 10 labs you need 20 to use them properly here because this is half speed so it's even slower i think 60 seconds is the slowest anything goes you got some 45s you got some 30s you got some 30s a lot of 40s most things are 30s it seems and a couple 60s so just know that if your lab setup seems to be going really slow it might be because it's slower on the science consumption rate i guess you could say so even with our expanded setup here we are eating all our copper still all our copper is being eaten that's okay we knew that was gonna happen so now we're gonna go and make some basic defenses uh my defenses aren't gonna be amazing but i'm gonna show you some setups for defenses i know the biters aren't going to be a huge threat to me right now so i'm not super worried about them but they might be a big threat to you i'm just going to get rid of that um so if they are a big threat to you is that to drop items in the ground if you for some reason want to do that well it's cold let's just get rid of this cool quickly so control clicking into the buildings and i have some of these i'll get rid of those as well and i want some big power lines before we head out on the road on the road again here i go [Music] get a copyright infringement for that okay so we got this going on here and where do we think they're going to attack us first we're going to go look at their pollution cloud um over here it's getting eaten by trees so the trees actually consume pollution so the trees are acting as a wall blocking me so i assume they're going to attack over here first on the side so i guess clicking the pollution there you can see our turret coverage which we don't have any yet uh your power line coverage so you can see your power grid and your logistics network which you don't have any yet that'll probably be in a day or two we'll get the bots up and running and show how bots work nicely but for now we uh have no defenses and the biters might attack us anytime in the next ever so we are going to set up here i'm going to run over to our radar over here and we're going to put some turrets around them there's a thousand different ways to do this and i will show you some of my more favorite ways of doing it so we have some bottlenecks here already you can see these cliffs um i'm gonna put this here you can see the arc of fire as well if this turret's right here it's gonna catch any biter that comes to get through here and then we're gonna kind of put some up top there as well so you can do the easy way i'm just doing that now we have a turret covering this area here but that turret's kind of on its own and it's probably going to die like that also ammo loading situation is not ideal because you have to manually do it you can't really tell how much is on it with a quick look you gotta actually hover over it to see it says ammo 200 in the corner there also says the damage all that stuff there um we'll talk about damage in a minute as well so the first turret setup is very basic you just dump ammo in a turret easy i don't need anyone to explain that the second setup people like to do is either belt it around from their entire base they have an entire line coming from all the way on their base going all the way up around their entire factory so you have a big ring around the whole factory with ammo on it ah that's okay um it takes a long time to set it up though so in that whole time of setting it up you're slowing everything else down you're not building more science you're not teching you're not out smarting the biters out attacking them so what i like to do is something like this i'm gonna place that there we're gonna grab an inserter and put you right there it doesn't really matter what type of power lines but go like that and i'll put 200 for these three turrets each turret will pick up 10. i do believe it's 10. the turret will pick up 10 and it will be fully satisfied with the ammo it has it will not keep picking up any more than 10. if it fires and uses it it will grab more say it stopped at 10. um and then this guy will grab his there this is a nice little step because i can look remotely at this and say oh there's no ammo here for this area it's a nice choke i didn't have to run a belt from my entire factory over like that i just look quickly like this and it says oh beautiful so i can quickly look from base over here and see that we still have ammo how much ammo i don't know because i just see a belt but i know that there's ammo so it's not the end of the world i don't have to babysit it it'll do whatever it does uh we're talking about lab speed a second ago this will actually make it go faster as well so the 30 seconds will get condensed down 20 seconds that's another thing there uh we'll get oil though right now we're gonna quickly progress over to oil and have that happen okay so we have our basic defense now so you have your basic turret all by itself with ammo in it you have the belt around your entire factory defense setup you have the independent chest set up but there's no real actual defense for this um you can put walls around it like that walls are good because melee biters will run into it and they're not able to access the turret well they kind of can they can go around right now but uh they're not really able to access the turret and the turret gets more time to shoot them the wall is 250 hit points the turret has 400 so it kind of almost doubles the life of your turret now putting the wall right on top of the turret it's not the end of the world and you also notice i had a space between my turrets there's spitters spider spitters they kind of do aoe damage so if they hit this turret and their turrets are on top of it they can hit both the turrets same time so i always space my turrets next thing also to note is the big biters have a range of one so you can actually attack over the wall so put your wall a little bit away from your turret and you can wall your turrets in like this that's a nice little walden setup everyone's happy good to go um you can put gates there too but you can just remove the wall and walk in and out just as easy and this is a nice little turret set up there now if you want to be even more fancy we're gonna add something called dragon's teeth to the front of this it's really annoying to place this by hand obviously but you're like what does that do what this does is it affects the biter pathing so as a biters trying to get to the tower because of shooting at them they have to walk here and then they walk down and then they walk over and they walk down then they walk over so kind of really uh slows their pathing down now i want to do a step even above that something like that so now if they want to get that turret they got to go all the way down and then all the way through here and then all the way down so it gets a turret way more time to shoot at them now you can't make the mace too big because if the biter finds no path available for i don't know 100 blocks or something um it won't it won't go through the maze it'll just go right through the wall it'll just eat the wall so there's no point making the maze setup like that um once you have a really nice maze set up you can copy it again so you have to always think of it again and then when your bots the bots will place it for you like that there you go beautiful and then we'll put another couple turrets here like that and now we have this belt set up here which we think might actually be beneficial to run down to those turrets because it's not too far it's not like 700 tiles long it's it's fairly long but it's not horrendously long so now we can have our whole one side of our factory kind of defended on this one chest of ammo i guess you could say and look it doesn't quite line up triggering people's ocd since 2020. so we'll move it we'll make it nice and nice and clean there put you there like that you could also have the inserted directly inserted into the other turret you can make a chain of turrets the same as we do with the labs if you're into that kind of thing let me grab that and we can press ctrl v to grab our last blueprint so instead of actually saving it or copying it again you can just control v now you notice i place it on top of the clips here and if you just click it it won't work you have to hold shift and click and we'll place it over top of items and then we're shift-clicking to remove here we just want to remove those we don't want to uh mine the cliff out there or use cliff explosives now if i look at the mini map here turret coverage this side area here is covered looking out a little bit down there as well has the pollution spreading quite aggressively on the side here this would need power to work but you get the idea and we'll put a couple down here as well and then we'll call that side done so now we've kind of defended sides of our base like that's just so i can see um put it down just a little bit more it looks like it might not quite catch them there it's like right on the edge and then we just place our belts like this grab a power line and for here we'll just do a straight wall nothing fancy can do all this fancy stuff but sometimes the end of the day just getting it set up works as well so now we have this whole side of our base set up you can tell that that on the belt there's not quite enough ammo so we can give the belt a little more ammo and all these guys should have a constant flow of ammo the really good thing about a belt setup versus having chests everywhere so having each individual building with a chest is if the chest dies actually use a wooden chest for this versus a belt so we're gonna shoot our own building here for a second and show you some science so this belt here has a bit of wood on it i have a gun i'm gonna shoot this belt and notice the item is still in the ground so you don't lose the item and i'm just sitting on the ground if you put the belt back it would it would be there again but if you see the chest this has a chest inside the chest i'll give it uh some stone has some stone in that it's gone this the item's not there anymore it's actually lose the item forever so if you have the belt like this and you know that it's going to be in a combat zone quote unquote um it's almost nice to have it on a belt as opposed to having it in a chest because if the chest dies you lose the items in there another idea to play with there so we should have a radar down here somewhere this radar we're going to add some turrets to him as well we can see quite exactly where it's uh coverage too quite exactly sometimes i use the weirdest combination of words that's okay though we'll stop the science there for a second go there like that and we'll do the chest setup again here the chests with the ammo we're gonna grab the ammo over there uh one thing we didn't talk about though which i said i was gonna talk about was ammo types so there's a different ammo it's actually three different bullet types uh you have your basic ammunition a firearm magazine which does five plus one damage then you have your piercing rounds which is the ones we're using right now which is eight plus 1.6 damage and then eventually there is this guy down here hiding on you uranium ammo which does 24 plus 4.8 damage you see that the added bullet damage is adding to the multiplier there as well this guy's only getting plus one damage giving 1.6 damage uh the reason why you really really want piercing rounds versus normal rounds is once you start getting big biters they actually have armor um and the armor value will deplete the bullet value so the biter has 100 damage but 500 health but five armor the normal ammo doesn't really do any damage to them so once you get to large biters normal ammo is very very bad it doesn't work you need to have piercing rounds by big biters so i like to sometimes start with it if we have the resources to do it it's just uh saving you the hassle in the future so we got the piercing rounds uh put that there put you there and we have this nice setup like that so now we have some basic defenses set up we have radar utilized we have military science teching and uh yeah so i think it's a decent start to our base um we're definitely getting there this guy here you don't see inserters struggling to grab items it's because on a curve so as it's trying to grab it the item is getting pushed away so one tip for that if you see that happening and the inserter can't grab it because there's just not enough there but uh yeah so that's our basic playthrough right there um we have our basic defenses set up we got radar coverage and we have military science tech so off to the next chapter of our playthrough so here we end and we'll be back uh tomorrow hopefully with uh some more or next playthrough next video with some more uh oil processing so thanks for hanging out and uh until next week this is yama car ciao for now
Channel: Yama Kara
Views: 100,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, Basics, Tips, How To, Beginner Guide, Help, Starter Guide, Beginner, Lets Play, How to Play, Factorio for beginners, Newb guide, Newbie Guide, Starting Factorio, Beginner Tips, Factorio Tips, Factorio New, Basic Factorio, Tip Factorio, Help Factorio, Newbie Factorio, Factorio Tip, Factorio Guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 41sec (3041 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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