Factorio 1.0 Beginner Guide / Tips / How to! Episode 2! Red and Green Automation

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hello youtube welcome back to another episode of our factorio tutorial series uh version 1.0 uh today we're going to be going and hopefully getting green science automated and we're going to discuss how we're setting it up and how we're progressing and uh what's what um first off we have red science automated from the last play through like i say yesterday but i guess it could be yesterday and we're going to expand our setup here a little bit um build some more inserters we're gonna make our labs feed into other labs we actually chain the labs together uh when you chain the labs together you can make uh that's not pretty big you could theoretically make it go forever the problem's going forever is the labs won't have enough to go all the way through the throughput won't be enough because this inserter is only so fast so if you can't grab enough to feed 20 labs below it you can't have 20 lives below it i find that with this a normal inserter it can do about four or five labs and if you swap it over to a fast inserter you could do up to six or seven in the chains you could do like this four six eight buy actually go six max generally speaking um but yeah so we got this set up uh we are not making enough red science right now there's only one lab working so we are going to speed things up a bit and build some more um in this play through we're going to try and make our builds mostly linear and try and keep them kind of clean uh there's another thing that we see going on here right now is our copper is only on one side of the belt we want copper on both sides of belt there's an easy way to do that and so right now it's only getting put on the one side we can totally tell that just by looking at it it's only going on the left side right side whatever you want to call that so what you do is put a splitter here and force it to go on the other side of the belt if you just put a splitter like this it does nothing because everything's coming in on this side and it won't put it on that side because that's not how splitter works but just about puts the same thing out on one side as the other side but if you do that now we're putting on both sides easy so now we have both sides of the belt working and we'll build some more of these guys we'll make sure our copper is actually producing as we set it up so there we go we active copper uh maybe make another mining drill or two while we're in the vicinity we'll make this happen so this guy here actually as we look here we have copper on both sides of the line what's happening here is this is actually mining both copper and iron copper and coal and you can see on the expected resources this is 89 000 coal and 11 000 copper you can see on the right side right over there so he's actually mining both which is actually a problem for me there's an easy way to sort that though um what you could do is have to be honest online so we're going to redirect this line here for a second i do like this so what you could do is use splitters again because we're kind of making a mess here i do a filter splitter so it's now going to be grabbing the copper and putting the copper onto that side of this belt and we want the copper on the inside and the coal on the outside [Music] so now even if it's the wrong resource coming out of here it's gonna filter the copper on this side and then the copper is gonna be stuck on that top there so it doesn't really matter that's the wrong resource anymore we kind of uh fix the problem so we could double mine resources and it won't be a problem for us and then we'll pick up these belts because we don't need them anymore yeah right click to pick up we're going to keep grabbing these resources here though while we have the factory up and running because why not it's resources that we have and might as well make it work for us uh so i can tell here i'm not making enough copper really but that's okay is that again to quickly drop items you can actually drop buttons on the ground too have to pick up and we're going to do the exact same thing with the irons the iron is on one side of the belt we want on both sides we want more resources right now they're not offloading because they have no room to offload we'll put that there and now we have copper or iron on both sides now if i go look at the power line here for a second you see satisfaction is in red we are using more power than we have so we need around two megawatts and we're only producing 900 kilowatts so we're gonna expand our power set up here which is already almost set up to be set up or expanded in two seconds here we throw that down or make another boiler and then we're making another steam engines the steam turbine goes right there and then you go there and you go there and again we're pressing q on top of the item to make it work now we might decide to do the same thing with the coal here we'll fill both sides of the line that way this guy has enough fuel for future problems uh for future expandability there we go so now we're making some science uh these guys don't have long inserters so there's a way to tell buildings are working or not by quickly looking at them uh you can see that the gears aren't moving it's kind of hard to tell like that though but if you hover over the building it says products finish this only made one in the same time this made 39. so when you're setting your factory up sometimes things won't be set up properly like this right here it wasn't quite set properly because it produces zero but you might not know that by looking at stuff quickly because it's hard to tell the gear is working this and that but if you hover over and see that all of a sudden why is this one make 30 and this one made zero so debugging problem solving quickly fix that problem and we'll make some more of these guys too f to pick up items and now we're actually teching quite quickly so we're actually just going to tech everything that we can that just requires red science and green being the next step here let's get all that red stuff out of the way now we're going to want to start making some green electronic circuits that way we can automate making inserters uh we can automate making assemblers and we can automate making all the things that we want to make everything we're handcrafting right now we want to be automated we don't want to be doing this forever like this there's a couple ways of doing this right now we're going to put a splitter here and we're going to pull the copper line this guy is on a splitter it still actually works it'll pull from a splitter it looks like it might not be able to but it will pull from the splitter and now we're going to divide the line so we have the gears going this way and we have the copper plates going up so we never interrupted this we just added a little gap kind of works nicely cool now over here we're going to make circuits hopefully spaceship doesn't get in my way nope should be good now circus are an interesting item because it requires one cop one iron one iron plate and three copper cables so here down here we're belting gears but here it needs three copper cables and each time you use one plate you make two copper cables each time you make each time here you use sorry right here each time you use two iron plates you make one gear that's actually exact opposite so we're gonna make one use one of these plates to make two cable over here and you're like okay that's cool who cares now the only reason we want to know this is because this belt has i don't know let's say each section has six copper plates on it now six copper plates actually translates to 12 cable so a full belt like this actually is going to make two full belts of copper cable and it gets kind of crazy because once you start making a lot of green circuits there's going to be cable everywhere so cable's really kind of one of those items that you don't want a belt you want to do what we did down here and directly insert it so we're gonna grab the copper cable and we're gonna directly insert it into our green guy here this takes half a second to make each one and this one right here uh this one right here it takes half a second to make two as well so it's generally two of these for one like that separated two which one and a half we're going to be using per don't like that there's lots of different designs for this this is one of the items that people like to optimize a lot um we do have an issue with this though because the inserter here is actually too slow you can't grab enough resources fast enough for that building so we're gonna do double inserters don't have to one would work but for our purpose here we're gonna just set up like this there's like a 500 000 different ways of setting this up this is not the way i always go i kind of do things differently all the time it's more fun that way just experience experiment with builds but uh i find this is a okay style now we need to get the iron plates here now this setup here is just a little bit in the way so if we wanted this line to be straight and go across like that it's kind of blocked right it's kind of seems like it's just a little bit in the way so we're actually going to go underneath the building you could pick it up and move it or i could do this go underneath the building now the cool thing about doing this the underground with the with the yellow underground belt is you could actually grab like that insert directly into the building it's another design idea for you if you wanted iron plates into that building if you were into that kind of thing we're gonna offload long and we're gonna grab short so we're diverting the belt here again and we're gonna go up like that and the green chips are gonna go down like that now what you see forming here is what they consider a bus in quotation marks uh why you could say it's a bus is because everything is kind of in a nice straight line it's very easy to see what's going on you can tell that i have some gears i have some copper i have some iron i have some green chips right it's pretty very very simple and we're going to expand it quite easily or too and it's really easy to pull items off of this bus line uh for this playthrough tutorial i'm going to kind of keep it nice and clean you could do pisghetti spaghetti i don't know why i would say it like that you can just spaghetti as well where things just kind of fit where they fit but because of the tutorial series i need to make sure that you guys can kind of follow what i'm doing so we'll keep it nice and clean there's a couple styles you can do with the uh the bus style but uh i feel like this is a clean enough that you guys can figure out what's going on and the same thing here again that's more inserters put you there like that a couple more long ones and then the short ones there easy now we have that set up now we have an interesting uh predicament again because we have four of these guys going here and it's only going on one side of the belt and you can't really put the splitter here you couldn't do this either because this goes on the top side so what you actually do is you just put a gap like that what you actually do what you could do is do like that and go like that but now we have two on the top and two on the bottom we can do output priority and always force it to go from these two buildings will be on the top side of the belt and the bottoms on the beanie the bottom ones will be on that side so the top two will be on the inside and the bottom two will be on the outside hopefully that makes sense now we're going to start making some of the parts we need for inserters so we go look at the inserters for a second inserters need electronic circuits iron gear wheels and iron plates actually have iron gear wheels there which is not something i would normally belt but why not why not and we're gonna do the exact same thing as we kind of did down there i'm gonna go like that i'm just gonna use a long inserter to grab there and the iron plates are right there and then the gears will be right here now you're seeing a little bit of organization goes a long way it's very simple to do this organization too to put you there put you right there this will be nice because we're we'll have all the inserters automated we don't handcraft them anymore and shift right-click to copy the building and shift left-click to paste it so now all the buildings will build the same thing and we'll put some power lines in between i like to do the nice spacing that way you can put the power line in between and everybody kind of has their power and everyone's happy it looks pretty clean ish now if your factory is a big mess before you get the green science that's quite fine it's even fine if you uh if it's a big mess before you get to science or before i get to the rocket launch because once you get bots you can really really really clean your factory up bots do a really really great job of cleaning a factory up it can go from super super super messy to very very clean very quickly so now we have a lot of belts we've almost too many belts here so i do click the x and you limit the chest size so chest now can only have one two three four inserted from the building it's like a 400 belts inserted and this extra stack here you can put whatever you want in that it's just gonna that the building will not insert into the orange is that orange or red it just won't insert into them so now you know uh then we took a look on our line here and we're like wow we have no iron anymore iron is completely gone so we're utilizing all our iron so what we're going to do for that is we're going to expand our smelting build a bunch of these dudes we're going to go over to our stone quickly as well we're going to refuel it and our science is tacking quite nicely we're just starting out in our playthrough uh control right click to pick all the copper out of there grab all that out again this chest might actually be full yep we'll grab all that and we'll make a ton of furnaces that's pretty much one of the only uses of furnaces we're at the beginning of the game and then we'll expand this here we go two and two and two and two and now we're not really sure how much this line actually provides how far can we make this go can we make it go 50 down 50 buildings like this um i think 16 would probably be a good amount and keep going forever but eventually there'll be no resources left in line and you're gonna have to add a second dairy setup so right now that works cool uh we don't actually make that much raw oars coming out of the ground right now i'm gonna grab more of these and expand our mining setup here because we now need more i'll throw some of these mining drills on here i do believe it's like 28 or something to saturate a yellow belt something like that so i'm like 28. if you were to do some math you could probably figure it out but close enough and we'll grab a couple more because we need lots more iron we just don't have enough iron right now so you could either wait to get more iron or you could just make more and the thing with factorios generally you want to make more and we can use all of this no problem no problem we got 15 there right now we just do a quick check we'll go 16. and we're going to add another line i'm going to put another whole smell three on top of here so i want maybe i don't know 10 more because we are just eating our iron which is good but you got to watch the power as well make sure you don't run out of power so we're going to quickly add coal to this line as well so we have our iron on the top side and want the coal on the inside i'm gonna do an output priority again this doesn't have to i always have coal on it but this does because this goes to our actual power so now we have coal on one side and copper or iron on the other side i have to pick up the items control left click to dump in the building if you have extra stuff sitting in your inventory now we don't want to build too much on the patch because at one point at some point we want to utilize this entire patch so right now we will block a bit of the patch but we don't want to block all of it i'm going to go grab our inserters we automated them so i can handcraft some but let's automate it quickly check the power you can actually hover over the power line and it will show that green bar if the bar is green it means you're good if it's yellow it means you're having a brown outs if it's red it means you have some serious power problems you should maybe consider addressing that right now and i know that our power is going to be on the edge again quickly so i'm going to make a little bit more power it's just the only way to set up smelting uh definitely not there's thousands of different ways to setting it up um and i'll let you play with that is this the most efficient i don't think so either but i wouldn't like to show you the best way of doing something i'd just like to show you a way of doing something let me grab this i'm going to run it over here and we're going to join right next to this line here and we'll join our lines together this line here right now is only on one side again as well i'll do that easy and maybe add a little bit more here because the line is saturated so now we've uh quadrupled our iron output give or take and we've also probably doubled our power consumption in quite a short amount of time the factory is growing quickly that's one of the cool things with this game you grow faster and faster and faster so now we have that going we're gonna grab a couple more assemblers uh we should have a good amount of iron coming down now if i stop picking up by hand maybe just one more always one more grab some of those and down here it doesn't have quite enough iron it looks like there we go beautiful and control click those out of there grab some more iron for my handcrafting it needs i'm gonna grab some more assemblers we're gonna grab some belts because we only have 22. now you could use the hot bar down here as well um if you actually don't use the hotkeys that's fine but having a setup like this is you can actually just check how much is in your inventory just by looking at the number in the bottom it's 222 and then 200 rounds and then one splitter so you just quickly check what you have and what you don't have now this line i'm actually going to make go the other way because this is actually needed for science inserters are need for science um one-on-one it also needs a belt now we already automated belts down there but generally speaking if i am going to be making something for science i don't want it on the bus it's kind of doing its own thing it's kind of its own little world we could actually just drop it on the same line there like this so you are going to make belts belts belts and then the ones in between are going to make gears and then we're going to direct insert from building to building into each into each other like that and then this belt here doesn't need to be here anymore so we'll pick that up and then we have you we're going to drop that into there there there and that's going to drop on the other side of the belt so notice that this guy is dropping off on the far side this is also going to drop the far side but it'll be on this belt and now they both will be sharing their items the belt it'll be awesome i'm going to put them in the middle that way they can have power on both sides of the building i have a little bit of time played in this game and yet i still make a silly not really a mistake but uh silly setups that don't really work as well as intended and then we'll pull this line here i can tell why having a bus like this is very simple and easy makes your life easy now what eventually will happen is there's going to be too much getting pulled off this line this one yellow belt won't build support enough so you remember we put a splitter here at the very beginning where everything kind of accumulated grab some of these we're actually going to have a secondary line here we'll go underneath though we'll go on the bottom side here now we have two full belts of iron coming at us i'm gonna make that a bit bigger and i'm gonna not splitter so for some reason this entire row up here was eaten and this entire row up here was eaten uh we still have a full line coming in here theoretically theoretically and now we have this belt here that has inserters and inserters and belts on it now i know i did change the direction multiple times though but being indecisive is okay we're actually going to run it down here and what we're going to do is we're going to make all our science produce on the very underside of the base so we're going to have two sections of base we're going to have bottom which will be all the sciences down here and at the top will be all the items that make the science so top bottom easy heavy armor is flashing it's probably triggering some people so we'll quickly rip that out like that and now we have it going down here like that's and we'll make our green science right here and there we go we automated the first two sciences have been completely automated and we upscaled our base and that's in about uh if we go to save here and look at the save make sure you type time it's been one hour and we have both science automated quite efficiently just one hour easy easy it's now science is being made we'll put one more assembler down there just for the sake of symmetry shift left click shift right click to grab the items now we have a science right here and we're actually going to put it onto the same line as this that's a bit of a run around right now but it'll make things a bit easier in the future when things are kind of cleanly set up maybe we'll make some more labs now i could pull from the bottom side there as well but for now this looks like it works i'll grab some more everything and i have a nice little factory going on here we haven't had to worry about biters yet uh we turned them down quite a bit so they're not too bad but that will be probably our focus on next playthrough is actually defending our base a little bit and showing some basic defensive strategies for those who know me and watch me on twitch uh would know that i'm a pretty big death world player i play binder settings on extraordinarily high settings i think i might actually hold the world record for some of the most difficult maps ever played with binders small starting areas and most ramped up difficulties so our strategy should help people adapt quickly and work here we're going to expand our power a little bit put you there rip out a power line or two you need power as well i just know for a fact that as we start pulling a lot of power we're not gonna have enough produced so before without even looking at it i knew that power was about to be a problem now we're making so many of these labs that take forever we'll rip those out for a second now what happens when your power grid actually is fluctuating like that is your buildings while they're low power will still work and your inserters will still work as i can show you it's actually probably better so we'll see that they're still working but watch what happens with their speed when they're working they'll start going slower and slower and slower they're making a fool out of me right now it should get slower and slower and slower they're kind of almost at full power almost it doesn't work either yeah so now if you look at them they look very sluggish so what happens eventually is your power starts getting worse and worse and worse as the inserters get slower and slower and slower and that's fine the base is kind of working but what also happens is the miners work slower and slower and slower so they're working at i don't know 15 20 efficiency so they start producing less coal and they start making even less power and then the power the problem kind of uh exasperates itself so something to pay attention to is make sure you always have power our priority splitter we set up really helped make sure everything is working here properly but uh sometimes you don't do that and then you have brown outs and it's really annoying to try and fix so try and stay on top of the power until it gets solar going automation 2 is finished automation 2 is nice because your assembler this axle assembler will make every single building and item in the game uh so you don't need the yellow assembler this is as good as you really need to launch a rocket yellow one's better there's also faster too it's a 0.75 grafting speed versus the other one which is a 0.5 crafting speed so better um and it will craft everything for you so i think it's a good first tech next one i like to do is steel furnace steel furnaces are nice because it doubles the crafting speed of your smelting not half speed improvement or anything like that it actually doubles it but they make a lot of pollution so just bear that in mind as well engines are for future tech uh red belts are quite a bit faster so instead of transporting 15 items a second they'll do 30. so twice as fast and then eventually you get these blue belts which are 45. so they're good a little more expensive but once you need just a little bit more throughput they're a good tech to get good at tech to get but yes so the next tech we'll do will be steel furnaces uh then we'll do military because we want to do military for next playthrough or next play through our next uh next session i guess you could say we'll have military up and running and we'll work on the defenses of the base and we're going to finish our power up here just need one more boiler right there there you go let's grab the water from both sides of the belt eventually we might move it around but for now i think that's fine and now if we look at our science here we're actually backlogged just a little bit and here we're not actually using everything fast enough so these guys don't well they're mostly working but we're not using all the items in our belt either so we could do this as well add some more across just keep going down and down and down forever that's the reason why having a nice nice linear lines here makes things really easy especially for your first playthrough of expanding your bass um later on in the play through once we're around bots i'm gonna discuss different bass total bass design ideas that people use um and why i do certain bases and why i don't do other bases but for now we'll uh stick with the somewhat bus design somewhat and here we're gonna have some more gears because we notice the gears here really low we need the gears over there and so with this design we can quite quickly add more supply if we do more supply build some more undergrounds like that some more assemblers another nice building to automate is automate all the items that you use so they call that a mall when you have a setup area that has like inserters assemblers furnaces power lines everything you need for your inventory set handcrafting you have a mall up but i find that slows you down a bit at the beginning so setting up like this and hand crafting a few items never hurt anybody okay there we go so now we have i was gonna say nine twelve labs up and running so our science will go moderately okay quite really quickly but the hiccup there nice uh we don't have enough coal though that's a lot of my furnaces aren't working and now we're gonna get steel as well so we're gonna make some more mining drills like that and we're gonna grab more of this coal out of the ground anything over like 10k is fine with me so like here it's only 2 000 it's gonna be pulling out the ground uh that's not quite enough i don't think to make its own mining drill and here we don't want it to go like that i want it like that we want this guy to side load it's fine but we don't want the entire belt to be stuck on one side so we kind of do a little viewer action there and that's fine fine fine fine grab this out and we're going to get ready for steel right now just about to go grab the steel this design here could probably get ripped out at this point i'm not really using it anymore kind of just it's kind of just there if you have really uh aggressive gameplay just holding zed over these buildings quickly why just to get the coal out of my inventory i said so much of my inventory i don't want it and we're still making mining drills here we've got a few more um you notice i'm making green chips here as well in my inventory you can just grab these ones as well make it faster i don't need to hand craft everything then we can click these out i don't want a burner grab those guys and now we're starting to actually use our deposits more and more and more military two's finished uh we'll finish our military science and we'll go get injured as well and we'll explain the text as we go through but while we're actually sciencing right now quite quickly quick initially not really a word but sure uh we just want more to happen we just want more it doesn't really matter what the tech is we're making the science anyways we just need it to work the factory is not allowed to sit idle grabs more belts up our coal production a bit more because we are eating more now another way you can tell and see how everything is going is by pressing the p button and the p button pulls up this overlay uh called the production overlay it's gonna show how much you're making of different items it's kind of a little confusing not a huge fan of how it works but whatever you can kind of tell it's going on so here we look at this and over the period of one minute we're producing 193 coal and we're eating 133 of it if for some reason if you look over the period of 10 minutes you're consuming as much as you're producing or more it means you're not producing enough so we're eating 960 coal and we'll produce 950 that's why we'd add more because we just weren't making enough close but not quite enough so must mine more i'll rip this all out of the ground like that and there we go we got some more coal and that should be enough to satisfy the base and our science is going very quick right now uh it's quicker than we can actually expand our factory and then we're going to grab some more of this iron this line here we're going to run all the way up [Music] and we're gonna join it into this line here so we're gonna assume that this all this iron here is eventually going to get used right now there's absolutely no coal that's fine there'll be some eventually and we're going to move this line up and we're going to make steel here now so steel is the next uh one of the last not one of the last resources but one of the more advanced mind resources before you start getting oil and oil should be not next play through but the play through after we should get oil and then we're gonna make steel here steel is a one to direct insert so it says it takes five iron plates to make this work but it's actually it takes 16 seconds to make it and each iron plate crafts in 3.2 seconds so a one-to-one direct insert so you make five you make one of these five one of these so it looks like it might not be direct and you might be able to pull off the line you can just do it like this direct insert it just works nicely like that we're gonna stop that tucking for a second so we're gonna have our steel going directly into our furnaces or iron plates going directly into the next furnaces to make steel but now you see a problem here very quickly is this also needs this also needs um fuel here as well so how do you fuel this while at the same time pulling that out and that's actually a great question that's why i don't like the setup i'm gonna rip this all out quickly and show you the setup i actually like to use maybe shouldn't have built that much to make an example but it works so what i like to do is put two in a space two and a space two in a space two in a space this allows you to put your power lines in between the buildings kind of the same as my assemblers we're doing at the bottom and now we can offload our steel here and we can grab our coal long the long inserter so that sides like that and this side's like this and you can do that for the iron ore set up as well like that so you're gonna have your coal here and your steel here now we're going to go do something kind of fun i'm going to move that power line for a second and we need coal and we know this coil right here but we don't want this iron either so we're gonna do filter splitting and we're gonna pull justical off that belt so it's going to stop with the iron right there and then the coal is going to keep going through now this building now has power more fuel i guess it's fuel i kind of all have power but now they have fuel as well start making steel so now we have made green science and steel has been automated in our next uh session playthrough so we are up there power we got lots more resources coming out we look at a production screen by pressing p uh over the period of one hour we're now using you can see the bar is going up and up and up so we've expanded this factory quite well i think for uh our current session time so there we have it we have now automated red and green science and our production is shooting through the roof slowly but surely and uh next thing you know of a rocket so we're gonna stop there for this video and uh we should have another video very shortly with our military science and then the one after that should be oil so stay tuned for that if you have any questions always feel free to throw them in the comments thank you again if you made it all the way through the video to this point and uh until next we meet it's yama car ciao for now
Channel: Yama Kara
Views: 151,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, Basics, Tips, How To, Beginner Guide, Help, Starter Guide, Beginner, Lets Play, How to Play, Factorio for beginners, Newb guide, Newbie Guide, Starting Factorio, Beginner Tips, Factorio Tips, Factorio New, Basic Factorio, Tip Factorio, Help Factorio, Newbie Factorio, Factorio Tip, Factorio Guide, Green Science, Automation
Id: NG52BJ-L59I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 23sec (2483 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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