Factorio Beginner Guide / Tips / How to! Bots! Episode 6!

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hello youtube welcome back to another episode episode six of our factorio tutorial series uh in this episode hopefully we should be getting bots up and running today and uh moving on from there um so one thing i didn't notice as soon as i turned on the factory today is i noticed that we have taken all our steel and what we do is we don't allow it back in the factory so i said to chest it which is good but you also need to allow the buffer to be a buffer right not just taking it all this is a buffer when you set up like this but the other way it's just taking everything so now we allow buffer action so it's filling up this chest but it's also unloading at the same time so when this line backs up on me it's uh gonna stockpile this chest up so that's good like that um another thing i'm going to notice quite shortly is it probably gonna start running out of power uh so we're just gonna quickly quickly revamp our power i'm just gonna add a couple more boilers here um if we do control c and highlight over a base we can tell how many boilers we have right now we have 30 and we can go to 40. so i could add 10 more to that or i could just make a new setup we do have solid fuel right there so it just take a moment's time to set it up like this so there's a lot of different ways of setting up your boilers um i normally like to leave a gap like this like this so you have your two boilers and your two boilers and your four steam engines and you have a space any of your other two boilers and four steam engines with the pipe connecting but there's other ways of doing as well this is also kind of a kind of a neat way right here i'll show you so you place that there and that there and that there and so you stagger these let me put your pipe like that and you can put your power line in between like that that's just a different way of doing it lots of different ways of doing the same thing that is the joy of factorio which one's better um i don't know i don't really like doing this setup too too much it's a little more uh it needs to be perfect but i guess the other set up needs to be perfect as well so design it as you would and i'm sure there's another 7 000 different ways of setting up as well but these are the ways that i do it normally but none is better than the other or none is more right than the other i guess and then we're gonna split this off here that's one of the things that makes this game great though is the multiple different ways of doing the same thing that goes there and everyone has water it's not connected to the main power grid yet so we'll do that and then there you go so now we should have far more power uh next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna start getting our bots up and running so we need to start making flying robot frames um they're quite an expensive recipe it takes a bit of time and before we do that we know that we don't have enough green chips i was quite confident that i didn't have enough green chips we have a space down here now um we're not going to have any science in between because blue is here red is there green is there and military's there so we'll place this as green chips and we'll do the same kind of setup we did last time like that and these will all be green chips here so i'm gonna shift right click and copy the copper cable and shift right click and copy the green chips um these really should be tech 2 assemblers they shouldn't be tech 1 assemblers but i don't have any tech 2 right now so you get what you get that goes right there and there we got a copper cable so we're halfway there ready to our expanded green chip set up then we'll do the same thing with the iron underneath the copper machines grab a belt put you right there open that up bam easy game uh we will need some fast inserters for this as well this is going to be a fast inserter thing when you start uh setting up the copper cable you need fasten service the normal speed inserter just doesn't have enough speed to keep up so we'll hand craft a bunch of those and then we're going to notice that our resources will definitely not keep up anymore they were barely keeping up as is so now they definitely won't keep up and that is a-okay that is how we like to play factorio using everything like that connect their power so those guys are connected and then these ones well i guess that worked there too but one one more there and the iron are going to pull off of the slow belts just because if we look at the recipe we know that it needs three copper cable to one iron plate so fast inserter goes on to the copper cable because you need three times the amount versus the iron plate so the normal inserter should be able to keep up with the iron should um if i had all fast inserters i'd probably just use all fast but i don't have them so here we are [Music] there you go there look at that beautiful beautiful reading output priority again force it on that side we have a full line now this can go join there meet up in the bus now i was pretty confident that these are going to be too slow so we had uh pocket crafted some tattoo assemblers um and that should be good there uh cobber is really not keeping up at all anymore we can totally tell i'm not sure if it's the furnaces or the mining drills so before we go over there we'll just get a bit of everything this is step one of getting ready for bots we just need more everything before we get our bots up and running we just don't have enough gonna build some furnaces and i'll grab some belts before we go over there here are my belts let's go see the problem so right now it's we don't have enough furnaces i should grab some undergrounds too i know we uh automate the underground so i don't need to go walk over and grab them or so i need to go over and walk over and grab them first let's handcraft them while our handcraft queue is busy red chips are doing red chip things and now they're actually getting green chips for our motors our pollution should be flaring up on us but we're still good we can see our explored area and we don't see anybody soon although they could be populating over here we just don't see them because this is the radar explored zone so our radar coverage is this box it's a little nook in there um and this is where the radar is kind of populating so they could be there we just don't know it yet this map does have expansion on which means the biters will move around and set up new bases of operations we don't need worker cargo robot size we'll swap over to utility science pack um stack insert is a really nice thing as well these guys are much faster so if you start using trains and such stack inserters are the way to go fast and servers just aren't enough stack will grab i think they grab 10 at a time or something like that they grab a lot though maybe not 10 i don't know they grab a lot they're good and then you can upgrade your inserter capacity too so that's a tech underneath stack inserters so we'll do utility science pack um like i said for trains i'm gonna put a link again in this description of the video uh i do have a video on trains of how to set up trains uh in this playthrough we will not do trains so if you want to learn how to use trains go check out that tutorial video it's about 10 minutes long and you should be an expert on trains after that video is done should almost everybody that i know have watched the video figured out trains after that so on youtube there's some other videos on trains that are an hour long two hours long and uh i feel they're a little bit confusing i know when i was streaming on twitch that was one of the big questions i got was trains strays trains so that was one of the first youtube videos i ever actually made put a lot of time and effort into setting that video up so go check it out i'll put the link in the description below this goes there let's look at some more copper um we still don't mind very much copper we have what 14 mining drills that's it just 14. hmm not sure how i want to do this here we make some spaghetti um i wanted to kind of side load into there i don't want it to go in here it's uh it's already almost a saturated line so we want to add an extra access point like that is that perfect no but does it work yes should work it should allow these guys to get excess resources um once it starts becoming too slow again you can just switch it to a red belt and then if that's still too slow then switch it to a blue belts then that goes like that rip that out and there we go we got quite a bit more copper so we only had initially nine furnaces now we have 20. i can tell the iron also isn't keeping up anymore um looks like i have some sort of a problem here nope that's fuel line that's good it almost looked like there was a problem there but not quite uh we're just gonna do iron on this line this will just be iron so steal the other side and we'll do iron on the side like that and then we'll mirror the other side it's our fuel the long arm inserter um i almost always like to do fuel in a long arm inserter because you don't need use nearly as much fuel as you use the oars so i've got a long arm inserter always seems to be best for me anyways when i set up this might be pulling too much off this line here we can add a secondary input right there and then our we actually did that 100 wrong we set it up not like that at all it's like that there you go so it's pulling both the oars off the middle i can just look at the inserter and tell as i set it up i did that backwards that goes there and it's dropping the ore right there always needing more i'm gonna make it go up a little bit and then we're gonna amalgamate the line into the main bus give ourselves some space here eventually you can upgrade into electric furnaces but electric furnaces are not faster than steel furnaces they're the same speed they are just able to be beaconed so it's not something that you necessarily want to rush into it it helps having beacons and modules but it doesn't make it faster and since you have all these raw resources here anyways it doesn't really raw resources being a fuel it doesn't really matter too too much one way or the other if you upgrade immediately or not just need to more mining looks like we're using pretty much everything pretty well it's uh it's going it's going good so far factory is trucking along green ships are probably accumulating almost now uh they look like they're doing a lot better these red chips over here are almost looks like they are they're fully working so we have done good i have way too many furnaces on me 159 might be too many just might be so the splitter right here we can uh dump this into the splitter side [Music] like that there we go more of everything so we got more copper and we have more iron here in a second i don't have more steel but that should be okay so we added an extra 12 mining drills there anyways plus the mining drills on the other side we added so we're almost utilizing this entire patch now using a lot of it pretty good and the copper is almost an entire full line looks like everything is going well except for blue science is just a bit too slow and it's too slow because of engines it looks like engines are one of those recipes they're just so slow and this is where the bus comes in having the base styled like this if i just want to add more engines it takes two seconds uh if you pass through your base up it's quite hard to expand onto it um i i do actually prefer to play pasta myself make a big mess and lines everywhere and no organization like this but for tutorials sake and for beginner's sake as a newer player it makes it a lot harder because you don't know how much you need of everything so i have a better understanding probably of how much you need because i just played so much and as you play more you'll know exactly how much you need so be like okay i built uh four green chip assemblers is that enough and as a more experienced player you would know no that is not enough but as a new player you might be like that's a lot i only have one thing making belts this is four times that but yet you need a million times more green chips than you think uh so we just added another fours we doubled our speed for that um now we're gonna go start making bots let's go get the bots up and running they're pretty slow so we'll let that start accumulating on us flying robot frames uh we can make them right here make them right next to her blue science this is a 20-second craft so very very slow and you do need this for science as well so it's a item that you're going to want to have a ton of you'll never have enough flying robot frames well maybe you will but most people won't so we need green chips again i'll put the green chips right here here come the green and even with the extra green chips we added they just don't quite get enough copper actually but uh there's still not enough green getting provided down here especially after this is built it'll be even less green now we need steel give me that steel and there we go we got some steel and batteries beautiful now it's actually going the wrong way on the bus that's that's okay that is a okay so now we have flying robot frames as soon as we power this guy on that is step one of bots that's the hardest epibots then we'll offload long something like that we'll go underneath the building with these so the first utilization of these is not we're not going to use science we're going to uh we're going to make bots we're going to get bots in this factory start building super slow um and then we go look at the bots themselves which are hiding under your logistics panel you have construction robots and there's logistics spots as well which i have not teched for some reason where are you hiding logistics mods why did that take me so long to find nobody knows nobody knows so we have this building they're doing good and then we have our construction bots so our first use of bots is going to be building construction and again we need more green chips he's starting to see where this green chip uh pit comes in i always need more green chips the day that you have more green enough green chips you're lying to yourself it's one of those items you just need so many of it's actually achievement for uh green chips if you look in the achievement menu here it's produced 20 million electronic circuits uh apparently i don't have all the achievements because i reset my achievements but actually it used to have a world record for getting all the achievements in one playthrough the fastest for version 0.18 of factorio i held that record for some time and then it was beat by somebody who did some planning and i did not do any planning okay so wait for first robots good um we're gonna get a couple robo ports and we're gonna explain robots the basic 101 of robots and what they are good for and boy are they good for a lot of things robots are really uh probably the reason why this game is so good the early game is fine i have no issue with the early game but for someone who's played the game for hundreds and hundreds of hours um this early game can get a bit monotonous i don't find it too bad i kind of enjoy it myself but some people i could see the replayability going downhill quite quickly because of you just always kind of doing the same thing at the beginning right but bots is where that all changes and we'll talk about our chests as well here in a moment so we have our first robo port when you build a roboport well first you have your first boss if you just place the bot up in the air it just stands there it has nowhere to go it has no network it's in it has no direction it's just a lost little bot so it's just floating in the air you can just right click to pick it up uh so just left click to drop it in the air and it does just won't do anything because there is no logistics network so we place the first robot part down and you see that has this two colors underneath it has the orange color and the green color the green color is the workable zone of this robo port so if i place this down right here [Music] and i grab this right there this robo port can build that so roboport can build there but it can also build all the way out to right there so the bots will build all the way through there but they will not build in that area there so that's where their workable zone is i guess you could say the orange area is their logistics zone so what that means is that's where they can grab supplies from and they can connect to other roboports so you see this has this like a dotted line now if i place this here the robo ports are not connected because the orange grid is not connected but if you place it there they're now connected so bots that are in this robo port can go to this roboport technically making this a one big network so now these robo robots can work from if i grab this here they can work from all this orange area but they can also do all the green area this is their workable zone and their connection now with the orange grid here you're like okay so they have an orange grid and they can fly to the roboport there's these chests and chests are what the robots work out of so the chest and the orange zone means they can work out of that chest if it's in the green zone you get this flashing error message saying it's not in a logistic zone so it's in a workable zone right you can tell it's in the workable zone in the green area but it's actually not in their logistics zone so they can't access that chest they could work here but they can't take stuff out of that chest so just to recap everything in the green area the robots can do they can work they can build blueprints they can rip down trees uh everything in the orange grid is where the robots can grab stuff from from the passive provider chest uh they can put stuff into the storage chest um yeah and they can connect other robo ports that way you do some interesting manipulation of your networks by having the robo networks not actually totally connect to each other like that and then having your chests kind of connect to each other so you do this or you can actually you can actually just directly connect the chest with the inserter in the middle if for some reason you didn't want these networks connecting to each other and uh i'll talk about that a bit more once we get down to the logistics system itself as a whole uh but just for basics just know that the green zone is the workable zone and the orange zone is uh where the bots can get their supplies from so now we'll watch it in action here so we're gonna go power this other robot port over here and we're going to do one of the most beautiful things roboports can do our robots can do so we talked a little bit earlier about how to cut down trees so you can right click to chop down a tree you can get a grenade blow up a tree or or so we're going to drop the robots into the network here so they go to their home base you can also click into the robo port and control right click or drag items into it either or works you can just drop them in here or you can do this get a deconstruction planner by clicking in the bottom there right clicking the deconstruction planner to open it up and you can make a white list and a blacklist on this and you can also do this trees and rocks only oh and now what's going to happen is the bots are going to everything they rip up and they remove and they put into a storage chest [Music] so the bots were told to remove that we're also going to tell them to remove this and they're going to put that into the storage chest they will not put it into a passive provider chest they will not put into a steel chest they will put those everything that they they themselves remove and move around they'll put into a storage chest so when you only have these two chests the passive provider chest they'll actually they'll pull out of a storage chest too but they'll only put into a storage chest so we build this they'll grab out of the storage chest but they'll also grab the password provider chest so we have the underground there we tell them to place the underground they'll grab the underground out of the passive provider chest they'll also grab out a storage chest as well but they will place into the storage chest themselves what that means is and what the point of having all that set up like that is what you can do is you can make these passive provider tests now so now your assemblers are building directly into passive provider chests which act exact same as a normal chest mind you and then we'll make sure this is part of the logistics network here and now the bots will grab that so if i say here bots to go build all of that they're gonna grab from our quote unquote mall and build all these belts for me you can do that with everything else too you can make that so you build your pipes into a logistics chest you can do everything directly into that chest it's quite beautiful or passive provider chest so the two chests again passive provider is where you are providing you're passively providing them resources and the storage chest is where they're storing resources so storage chest is where they put all the trees and the rock and all that stuff and then the other chest is where you do everything you provide them you're passively providing them resources so now we remove this and they're going to remove this into the storage chest not into the passive provider chest even though this is a chest of belts they will not put it into there and in the bottom you can see that uh we're missing construction robots all these bots are working hovering over the roboport it tells you a little bit of information what's going on uh it says logistics robots available in this particular network is zero because we have no logistics networks and there's 54 construction bots and all of them are working this is zero to 54. all the bots are currently tasked with working now you can also directly insert robots into your rubber board this will fill it all the way up and it will stop when it's full like that but if the bots decide to go from this place this rubber port to that roboport eventually this might you might end up with 20 000 robots in your network um it's not the best way of automating it but it is a way of automating it if you're looking at a way of automating that is a thing now we'll talk about logistics robots so now we're building a few of these logistics guys these are also really good as well so logistic spots work a bit differently than construction robots construction robots work they construct i guess and logistic spots will move items around um eventually you're going to get these chests here active provider chest requests for chest and buffer chests and logistic spots work out of these chests mostly they will work out of these chests as well but logistic spots are more for the other chest uh now we have this logistics tab that popped up i can do this i can click this into my trash and the bots will actually take out of my inventory it's really nice when the bots are really fast too right now the bots are incredibly slow and the bots can be infinitely upgraded speed wise it gets more and more and more expensive but if i can even find it why can i not find anything today who knows let's write down we'll just type speed right here so uh worker robots we plus 35 percent and then you get another 40 then you get a 55 and then you get 65 and this will infinitely tech because it needs space science so there'll be a tech after that and another one after that another one after that going forever and ever and ever so these bots eventually will get very fast so right now they're unloading my iron ore and my wood out of my inventory uh very slowly but they're they're trying they're doing their darkness and what they're doing is they're putting everything in the storage chest so they're taking all the stuff out of my inventory and putting them in the storage chats eventually this chest can get kind of cluttered but uh for now that's just kind of how they're working so you have the bots can also provide you with resources as well so i'm telling the bots right now to give me to make sure that my inventory i always have between 100 and 200 belts on me so now they're bringing me belts and if you also look it says how many are on the way and how many are in storage right now which is another cool factor about this whole set up here so you push l and l is going to show your logistics networks right now we only have one but if for some reason if we click over here we had another network by itself pushing l would show you everything in the network so right now we can tell we have a thousand four hundred wood 318 fast transport belts 100 fast splitters 51 underground 50 splitters 443 transport iron ore et cetera you get it you understand what's going on there so pressing l will show you everything in the logistics network and you can tell type members as well and it will show you what's all part of that network it's just good when you get big networks of really big base um sometimes you don't want everything connected and you can do this for everything so eventually your inventory will always be stacked the way you want it you always have your belts you always have your everything you want on you all the garbage that you pick up will automatically get dumped and then it kind of turns into a bit of a mess here so that's where these other chests come into play we have active provider chest requests for chest and buffer chest i'll talk about those right now just because we're here so active provider chest means that anything you put into that chest that chest needs to be emptied immediately so if you had an active provider chest right here the purple chest so this is an active provider not a passive provider chest the bots will always empty this chest this chest needs to be emptied at all times so that's kind of good if you have a junk chest for example uh as you drive into your base you say this belt this chest always needs to be emptied you you could use that for uh science you space science so your rocket silo unloads your space science into the active provider chest and the bots will immediately empty that um it just means this chest needs to always be empty the bots will never put anything into it they'll always empty that chest requester chest is you have a chest and in that chest you can pick what item the bots bring to it so say you want gears into this chest you can click on the filter and then the bots will bring gears to that chest if gears are available to be brought from in the network and buffer chest is bots will fill a chest up with items up until a certain size that's good if you have a really really really huge base so say you have your belts over here but you know that your bots are going to work on a big project over here you make a buffer chest here again it does need to be in the logistics zone but when your base gets really really really huge and your all your main items are automated here and you know that there's a lot of work projects going on over here you could say bring a buffer chest and fill up all the items over there uh not super used but it does get used from time to time the big the big items that are used all the time are the uh requester chests those are used quite a bit the passive provider chest and the storage chest those are the ones that most people use 99 of the time um but really bots are super straightforward and then you grab this and you place that there and then the bots all of a sudden start building that hover down over the bottom right and we'll tell you what it doesn't have to build um it's missing a lot of items because we don't have a lot of items uh automated into our logistics network yet but we'll get there we'll get there we're just starting out right now um we'll grab some more of these guys grab some steel uh i didn't want to give them all those red chips though just didn't want all the engines on me grab these for a second i will make a couple more of these and connect the entire base into one big logistics network you can automate these as well um it is a good item to automate but we just started out so there's no huge rush to get everything automated it's a pretty expensive item as well 45 uh red chips another reason why chesting these items is really good just because when we want to start building some of these more expensive items we have everything kind of ready for us immediately grab that and now we're going to connect to the entire base that's good because then we can do this make these all passive provider chests and see the bots they're still trying to empty my inventory we'll try and take all this garbage out of my inventory we're building one more of those the range of the roboports isn't really a super something you want to take into consideration doesn't really matter too too much um the most important thing with range is know that the bots are traversing from one location to the other and this is the only place they can charge so if you have a really really really far remote outpost and the bots are flying from here to there but your nearest charger is up over here or something the bots will eventually slow down a lot when they run out of power so you don't need a thousand robo ports on top of each other unless there's a lot of bots always working on that specific area uh i think five bots four bots can charge at a time says robot recharge rate four times one megawatt um that's the max amount of bots i can be charging at any given point on that specific rubber port if you see a thousand bots all gathered around one roboport which i'll show you here an example of in a moment it just means that you might need more roboboards we're going to space out a rubber board here a bit just giving you that the rundown of how these guys work so we're gonna grab a ton of belts and make them all place these belts down because we know it's a way to force our bots to work so again they will work anywhere in the green area and they will grab stuff out of that area so we're gonna see the great migration of bots here in a second so all the bots all our construction bots are going to try and get over here and that means we have uh 150 bots on their way over down here right now i only have 130 belts that's why not all the bots are here they're kind of slow right now but they'll get faster and then watch how they charge so these guys can't charge because only four bots can charge that time so they're all waiting their turn so eventually when you get a base with 5000 bots and you notice that this is happening a lot they're charging like that you might need to add a couple more robo ports that area if there's a high traffic area like that um otherwise though they do eventually do their thing they will eventually charge but just know that that's what that means when they're all gathering around it means they're waiting their turn to charge in the report only four at a time and that is bots 101. i was very intimidated by bots the first time i ever played factor i was like oh no this is gonna be very confusing but look at like that right there so beautiful just hover over this and the bots will just rip all this out and there go the trees they just they'll just fly over and remove all those trees and then you make setups like this just ctrl c grab that and then paste it right down like that and the box will just place that whole blueprint down again so then all of a sudden magically we have even more green chips being produced um i don't want that though right now but for example and then the bots are just picking everything up but look at that tree removal so beautiful so yes i definitely recommend bots but that's what makes the game especially when you make a really big base design too you can just pick it up and move it over tile to get the boss to remove that copy this you actually do control cut and paste as well so you can cut it and paste it so control x um and it'll do that they also repair stuff for you now repair chests or repair packs don't need to be provided in a passive provider chest they can actually go directly into the robot board the report has space for construction robots logistics spots and also repair packs so you can put them into a storage chest or fast or passive provider you can also put them directly in the roboport that's it bots are just that simple there's no circuits there's no uh learning how to program there's no any of that it's just just that simple you get the two zones the orange zone is a logistic zone of where they can pull items out of and then the green zone is where they can work out of and that's that's really bots right there in the chest and uh once i get the chest all set up let's actually have this text which needs yellow science uh also known as utility science facts we will 100 re-explain all the chest types again so if you're watching this video and the next video is out you should be able to follow that directly again if you didn't understand what i was talking about for the requester chest buffer chests and active provider chest but as uh stated earlier we're gonna stop there for now we got our uh bots up and running and uh we are going to be back with another video later in the series which should be tomorrow or if you watch this after the fact should be out already and uh yeah i want to say thanks again for watching and until next week this is yama car ciao for now stay safe
Channel: Yama Kara
Views: 54,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, Basics, Tips, How To, Beginner Guide, Help, Starter Guide, Beginner, Lets Play, How to Play, Factorio for beginners, Newb guide, Newbie Guide, Starting Factorio, Beginner Tips, Factorio Tips, Factorio New, Basic Factorio, Tip Factorio, Help Factorio, Newbie Factorio, Factorio Tip, Factorio Guide, factorio bots, robots factorio, logistics bots factorio, bot factorio, robot factorio, construction bot factorio, storage chest factorio
Id: rv8ZpqzBqO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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