TIPS and TRICKS for New Players | Factorio Tutorial/Guide/How-to

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welcome to factorio masterclass my name is nilas this is the series of tutorials and guides here on youtube covering all aspects of the game and aims to provide insights and resources to help you improve your game this is particularly important now that we have a factorio launch and lots of new people coming in so i am taking this particular video to go through some of the keyboard shortcuts and some of the concepts that are that's kind of the things that we pick up over years of playing this game but if you're new or maybe you just haven't explored so much then maybe you don't know these tricks and uh therefore i'm gonna make this video what uh a lot of these videos have become a lot of these shortcuts have become so ingrained for me that i don't simply do not remember the shortcuts therefore as you can see in the lower right hand corner of the screen i have taken an overlay that takes some of the most important keys on the keyboard as well as the mouse buttons so that you can see what i'm clicking so when i say shift but you can actually see that it it's control that i hold down then you will know that um trust the keyboard don't trust me now these masterclass videos usually start as a workshop session streamed live on my twitch channel this is over at slash nilos and usually it takes place on monday at 8 pm central european time but since i'm streaming most evenings and especially around the launch then do drop on by and say hi and just do check out i really appreciate when people come on and join because we do discover new things that are just really unique every single time now this video will be structured in three different sections about shortcuts about blueprinting and about some other cool features that are not really shortcuts or blueprints but really damn handy so let's uh let's dive in now let's start with some shortcuts the first one we want to do is press alt there we go you press it once and then you try not to press it again unless you out type out the game because what it does it changes the interface so that you can now see what every machine is making which is kind of obvious that you want to do that and also you can see what's in each box so extremely handy and i would highly recommend always having this one on and don't change anything here so the next one is my favorite shortcut and that's the q button what it does is you hover over an entity so you can see the one that's selected and press q then you suddenly have it in hand this is super efficient if i want to build something because most of the time when you want to build something you actually want to build something you've already built nearby so if you already have it you can see how much easier i feel at least the way i feel it's just easier for me to go up here and grab it instead of figuring out what the shortcut is so for example shortcuts for bet for belts like this but of course just grab a belt over here and go like okay i'm gonna need one build in and get that other one out and one in here we need some inserters we're gonna grab some inserters here it's gonna be like that and then we also need some long hand inserter we got that here the crafting tapping yeah damn you know what we need some lights as well so i would highly recommend if you're not familiar with the q button the pipette function get started on using it it's going to make your life so much easier it also minimizes your dependency on your shortcuts because over time you won't be able to have all the things you want on the shortcut menus so but you will most likely have the stuff you want to build nearby anyway it's building an outpost and all the stuff you have for the airport you already have them nearby if you want to extend the production and you probably also have another production line next to it now let's talk about interaction with entities in in items in chests so we have a chest here this is going to be our test chest so basically if you want to move things back and forth you can grab a stack and you can put it in and you can put the stack back again that's kind of the easiest way you can also right click and then take half of a stack take it into your inventory and have a stack go back all that pretty good now but there is also other options and that is uh we can we can pick up one stack by holding ctrl uh first of all we need to make sure that they are one stacked there we go so if you pick up hold control you can see it on the screen control left click then i pick up everything of the same type also like this left put in everything if i want to pick up one stack then i hold shift pick a one step one stack and put it back again if that's with the right left hand mouse and if i do the right hand mouse with shift hold down then i take half attack and i can put half of that back you can also take half of a half stack and once you get familiar with these things it uh it's difficult to say it but you really get familiar with it and just go like ah okay i think i need this on this one but yeah let's take half more you can also if you have a box with a lot of weird stuff in it you can also control left click next to it and then you'll pick up everything that's in the in the location and now my robots go crazy because they want to feed me all the stuff that i was just throwing away so we got transfer one stack transfer hashtag transfer all items transfer half of all items you can also control right click next to it then we take half of everything that's in there that's a really obscure function but it could be useful let's talk about handcrafting because if you if if i like anything then it's handcrafting that's for sure so let's just gap some stuff that we can use for handcrafting um let's get some stuff here there we go good hand crafting if i want to craft one item uh yeah i got lost to my own menu here if you want to craft one item you just click it you can see down here in the left hand corner it it creates if you want to craft more items there if i hold shift it creates every item i can also click here shift click then it goes away i can to control i can't do control no no i can do shift shift left click then it's everything shift right click then it's shift right like right kick doesn't do anything why did i write it down hits left click to create one right click to create five shift left click to create all and then we right click to get things out push shift left click it's actually really strange it's not very intuitive that it's right click right click to craft five but shift left click to create all it is what it is you get used to it it's uh it's just gonna be muscle memory in no time now something else i've noticed that in my play throughs that some people usually oh how did you do that then that's uh dropping items so if you have an item in hand you can press the set button or z depending on your nationality and then you drop one on the ground that kind of annoying but you can also drop it on moving belts so if you have something in the inventory and you just want to feed it back into the let's say you've got some blue circuits and you really want them back on the circulation then you can just do this one this is particularly uh interesting when you're in the early part of the game let me see if i have anything that can be used for this um maybe i can just request it i don't know if i haven't it should be coming and the other part i can do is press f hold down f key and then run around and then they'll pick up everything below me and sort of one tile around i have just crafted some of these now the usual part that i see a great usage for using the set button is in the beginning when you have some ore and you just put them in here hold down the z key and then just move the mouse over that means it's a good way to fill up inventory fill up fill up furnaces in the early game yes that's how it is now another thing that i've seen way too many questions and i know myself that i've had that issue before when you start making payment because why wouldn't you make payment then you start with this little tiny box here and you want to make it bigger now the default keys is pressing plus and minus to increase the size of this uh pressing the plus key to increase and minus key to decrease this is a good intersection for me to go in and look at controls the keyboard settings there is a stupendous amount of interactions here there's super exhaustive and i'm i think it's really cool that everything is here so for example zoom in zoom out i got the mouse wheel but let's see i want to see if i can find this one because i've remapped this one to my scroll wheel because i found it to be way easier hmm yeah as you can see there's a lot of things and i i don't even know all of them [Music] somewhere around here there is an option for increasing the tile size it's plus and minus as default when you hold this in hand so you can increase it but what i've done is i've remapped it so that i can use ctrl and then scroll up and down on the mouse wheel you can also see that visualized i find that to be super easy when making for example path then make sure that it fits because then i don't have to change my mouse cursor from my my sign for my mouse and then press the numpad because it's kind of far away the numpad but that's all of course up to you now the next section we're going to talk about blueprinting and this is where things are a bit weird because for some reason you don't have blueprinting in your very first game so you only get access to blueprinting when you have researched robots which was that one or maybe this one it's one of these whether it's robotics or it is robots then you will get access to blueprints and once you have blueprints in one game then you will have it unlocked in all games but if for whatever reason you want this in your first game then there is a command and it's it's kind of it doesn't um it's a console command that you can execute called unlock shortcut bar boom you can see down here we get this shortcut bar that gets unlocked and all the things that you have available is a is now here including the blueprints this little box here is where you can add which ones you want to display i am not i don't want a lot of these because i'm not going to use them i'm going to use the import string i'm going to use the blueprint book and i don't want to toggle these once here yes i wanted as small as possible so only the things that i could use are down here you can still see it be kind yes so this is also a way that you can get a blueprint but when you have the blueprints available either because you have research the first time then i'm not going to do an extensive thing on blueprinting because i think that's uh once a bit more detail also how you manage blueprints and blueprint books across games it's a bit complicated so a bit much for sort of a tips and tricks videos so we're going to be covering is basically just the copy paste function because when you have it you can use this awesome functions these copy when you do ctrl c then you get the copy function and you can see my cursor changed or i can do control x for cut that means it already it also moves but i'm going to do a copy so i'm taking a copy just dragging the mouse over here that means i created a copy in hand and i can stamp down here and then robots will build it if we have robots of course this is why it only enables when you have robots so that's pretty damn awesome but we can also do it with the control x so we remove things if i rather wanted it down here so once you get used to those it's super easy um what you can also do is if you have a blueprint uh if you don't have anything and you press ctrl v as in paste then you get the last blueprint you had so you can print it again that means for example if i decided to take all this blueprint and and i don't want to run around with this in my cursor i can just press q so it cleans it out but when i remove to the location i want i can press ctrl v and then i can stamp it down if i feel so inclined but if i wanted the other one then i can and let's see if i can remember shift scroll wheel then i can get to the other blueprints and there's a queue of blueprint and it's pretty long i think it was like 20 blueprints or something it stores it remembers for you so if you make a blueprint and then you want to get back to the one you made like a couple of of the blueprints ago then you can just scroll down and go yes i actually want that one here but it gets better than that because if you make a mistake and that happens then you can just press ctrl z and it removes it ctrl z again or set and then it there's a really long list again of undo commands and it's really handy however if you undo something you can't redo it and that sometimes becomes problematic i'd say so i built this then i go over here because there are some things that do not undo like wire conditions if i whatever reason remove that and go like oh that was a mistake undo now what happened well this didn't change but the stuff over here that i built previously now gets removed so beware that when you press undo it there are some things that cannot do like entities but not states in entities such as if you change the state or the conditions in wire conditions circuit network conditions or logistics network conditions those will not change or recipes for example if i change the recipe you can't undo and get the other recipe back [Music] there so that is copy cut paste and undo sort of normal office functions that's a pretty damn handy and i would highly recommend getting used to using those because even if you don't have robots available then it's just really nice when you build something and you can just lay out the foundations all right this is what i'm going to build so using ghosts more efficiently and we can just go into ghost because ghosts are kind of related to our i will just add this one so i can toggle my own now my robots are not working so if i take this if i place it then it gets built but if i hold shift while placing it you can see that the cursor changes to a little ghost then it doesn't get placed it just gets it place a ghost of it and that means a robot will come in and place it the reason why i disabled my own is because if i did it then it would just go really quickly on putting it down there and it's really handy sometimes to build with ghosts if you just want to get an idea about what's going on or before you have robots just to lay out the foundation of okay this is where i want this build and it needs to be this big i can't build it yet but i can at least sort of plan ahead for it so that's how the ghosts work ghosts are super easy to remove if i just remember to you can just right click them then they disappear and now let's just look at some extra cool stuff this is um these are some of the the things that definitely are not sort of starter things but i i think they're really cool so the first thing is maybe you notice that my inventory looks different from yours if you go into settings under interface and there's this one called flat character gui this is unchecked by default which means it looks like this and you have to tap between these sections i find that to be incredibly annoying because i want to see my logistics integration and i want to see my crafting at the same time so having this option is actually super nice because now i can save my inventory my crafting and my logistics i never really look at the character i don't it is what it is right there so that gives you that's a little nice little trick here another trick you can see that i have three hot bars maybe you only say you have two and you don't know what setting it is then you also go in interface and active quick bars let's make it four and now i have four active quick bars there is a function here that you can have multiple out here i have so far not really found a use for it that just warrants us actually doing it what i've tried to use in this one is is basically have when i basically have the first one being built and then i could change it to be rails when i'm out there building rails but it's it's kind of a hypothetical use scenario the reason why i only have three instead of using four is because when i have console commands they overlap with the fourth line that's why i only use three and i often have console commands um let's see i'm gonna remove this let's go back to this one actual quick boss there now let's go into some really cool things that i use in pretty much all my maps but there should be a caveat to this this is my desktop base this is my it's my trainware train megabase and their series is here on youtube so if i go press f4 we go into debug action and read the stuff in red these settings should be used only for debugging and bug reports they can cause game issues and performance issues blah blah blah there is a really really really cool option that i wish was integrated but i use it all the time it is called show logistics robots on map wow that did nothing right that did nothing nope but if i now say hey you know what this area i don't want it i'm gonna delete it delete this part then i zoom out and you can see here the every one of these yellow thing here they are robots you can now see what's going on on the map because the robots are now visualized this is something that for all bases almost all bases this is not a problem but if you are building a megabase and you are running out uh your base cannot keep up or your pc cannot keep up then disable this function because obviously it's a debug function it's drawing a lot more stuff on the map especially if you have tens of thousands of robots active but as you can see here without this function i wouldn't know what's going on but right now i have a really really clear idea about where they're being picked up where they're being delivered to and another maps where you have lots of advanced logistics uh sequences you can also see something is going on here don't even know what but something is going on here are they bringing some some lights back back to to our storage back here just putting it back into storage so that's one option another option that's probably not gonna be uh super good on this map but it's actually really helpful if you're building trains is another option over here see if i can find it um show rail signal states boom if you're debugging trains and you want to make sure that get an idea about what's going on it's so much easier to look at it from the map view and you can see if we follow this train along let's actually just follow it along like this you can see how the signals are changing around this particular train and hopefully maybe you can spot some errors in this especially at a base like this which has an obscene amount of signals then it's quite helpful if you want to visualize it however the same warning goes that if you're out here and you have this much you're going to start tanking your performance by visualizing a lot more than you strictly need so this warning due up the supply you can use it for if you want to but be careful and don't use it to use excessively and if you have fps updates issues then probably a good idea to take those out but until then i think it's a great way to verify what you what's going on and just also see the train network being a bit more active by having the signals change colors and the last thing i want to uh to show is that if you are if you've started the map and you're doing research and you don't have the research queue enabled which means that if you click another one then it actually chooses the other research instead but you want to have that then there's only really one way to do that and that's uh through a console command or restarting the game uh the default option when creating the game is that after the game is complete you get the research queue enabled but if you really want the research queue enabled and maybe you're watching one of my let's plays and seeing that i haven't enabled and you're wondering why then it's because when you create the map the default setting under the advanced tab is that it's only available after after the game is complete but if you really want it there is a console command like this splashy game player force research queue enabled true however this will disable steam achievements so use it with care it's just if you got stuck and you really want it then you can use this command and it um it does nothing except enable the reset queue and that's basically some of the cool things that i wanted to illustrate in this uh this play through or this tutorial i think that these are just some of the cool things that i hear a lot of comments on my youtube videos like how did you get multiple multiple hot bars how do you show robots on map how did you copy paste this much those are some of the things so that's why i have summarized in this video i hope it's useful and helpful to you as we're going into the new 1.0 release so uh if you like these kind of videos be sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel for more content like this if you want to support the channel there's a patreon link but there's of course no obligation if you want to hang out especially during the launch or any other time then i'm streaming lots and lots of factorio over on twitch the addresses twitch tv slash kneelers and i hope to see you there thank you very much for watching and until next time stay effective you
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 180,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, nilaus, nilhaus, speedrun, tutorial, guide, 0.18, 0.17, 0.16, 1.0, megabase, howto, how-to, master, class, masterclass, PL-FACTORIO-S41, main, bus, mainbus, science, lab, layout, design, oil, processing, refinery, beacon, module, speed, refining, hub, mall, red, green, circuit, coal, liquefaction, liquifaction, petroleum, plastic, smelting, smelt, furnace, steel, iron, copper, city, block, blueprint, grid, map, settings, generation
Id: LnYvLuoeq5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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