Factorio Nuclear! How to Guide! 1.0 Edition!

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hello youtube welcome back to another episode of yamakara tutorial series uh in this episode we're going to be going over how to set up your own nuclear reactor now i'm not going to give you a blueprint on how to make a nuclear reactor or on how to set up your corevax corvx enrichment process i'm not really sure how to say that but i think you understand what i'm saying but uh we're going to set all that up i'm not going to give you a blueprint and i'm just going to show you how to do it so you can do it yourself i'm going to be doing all of this without circuits so you can set up your very own nuclear power in this current playthrough i'm in god mode so i'm kind of cheating in all the items so i can instantly set things up and go from there so first things first i'm going to go over power basics so your first power ever is going to be steam to power generally speaking steam engines this is the easiest power to do and i'm going to go over the ratio really quickly there's a thousand different ways of setting it up but in this video we're going to go over everything power and then get into the nuclear this will take just a moment time anyways the ratio for steam power is one water pump to 20 boilers to 40 steam engines so now that you got that underway you know what's going on there it's 20 120 40 for steam to power next we're gonna go over to solar solar is another thing that's good for power it's another uh option you can do for setting things up and the ratio for that is 21 accumulators so 25 solar panels 20 to 25 is close enough but uh 21 to 25 if you're going to be a purist uh next we're going to go over how to mine your uranium so some mining drills are a little bit different for uranium they have a input of liquid and they actually take sulfuric acid and they'll mine the uranium right out of the ground with a mining drill same as normal it just changes the animate graphic for it and the animation i guess as well and you just simply place that down like a normal mining drill and you have your fluid connector and it mines uranium now once you get your uranium you need to process uranium in a centrifuge so you place the centrifuge down and a centrifuge is going to do uranium processing now this is where things get interesting with nuclear power so steam engine it's just using coal or solid fuel or rocket fuel pretty straightforward but with uranium processing you get 10 uranium ore and you make 99.3 uranium-238 and 0.7 uranium-235 that means for every 100 238 you make you get one uranium-235 and you need the 235 for your nuclear fuel if you look at the nuclear fuel it is 10 119 so 10 iron plates one uranium two three five and 19 uranium two three eight now i generally do not set up my nuclear unless i have tacked corvax enrichment corvax enrichment process is an interesting recipe as well because you input 40 uranium 235 and 5 uranium-238 and you get back 41 235 and 2238 so it's positive on the 235 which is the hard to get uranium so research your corvex enrichment process and then we set it up i already have a system set up here there's no uh no uh circuits it's pretty simple straight to the point it's uh looks a bit confusing so what we're gonna do is we're gonna set one up on camera here we're gonna set one up as we go and show you how easy it can be to really set it up so i assume at this point you started mining a uranium so we're going to get our centrifuges here which are quite expensive but you can have a lot of these set up doesn't really matter there's no harm in setting up 50 or 5 or 10. um i normally put speed modules in this because i don't really care about productivity because i don't want extra uranium 238 you could do productivity as well but doesn't really matter next you're gonna power it up obviously so we're gonna throw some power on here and it's gonna start processing uh the first thing you will notice though is you're always gonna get a lot a lot a lot of two three eight like a hundred to one ratio so while you're waiting for your core of x enrichment process you're gonna need to do something with all this other two three five two three eight two three two three so your corvex enrichment is this guy here and we're gonna need to wait for 40 uranium 235 to happen so let's go set this up as we speak it's a little confusing to kind of try and explain so setting it up i think is easier so first off we have our input all our beautiful inputs going right here so he's going to get everything he needs off of that belt there he's going to get his uranium 238 and his uranium-235 off of this setup down here right easy and this setup here is going to go wherever it that goes to now we're going to theoretically assume that he has gotten all of his 235 this belt is going to fill up so we're going to deal with that in a minute but once he gets all his 235 he needs to offload it so it's going to offload the 235 and we also want it to grab the good uranium back it's going to offload it all there and then it's going to grab it all back the excess is going to get pushed out this line all the excess is going to go down here and this is where we're going to use priority and filter splitters i don't know if you could do this smartly without filter splitters smartly that's probably not a word but we'll use it anyways throw that like that and we have you here now so now we have all the good uranium going this way maybe push it up just a little bit one of these is enough to power a lot of nuclear reactors so we have our one set up there and it's filtering the good uranium underneath this and the bad uranium is going down this way so let's amalgamate our bad uranium line now so we have the good stuff and the bad stuff for demonstration purposes we're just going to grab a little bit of this and show how this starts working just going to offload 40 of that we can even do that we're forcing the good stuff down there so now we'll watch it start working so we want to do this without circuits because we don't want it to be super confusing and you want it to be easy to set up so right now we only have two splitters really you have the one with the building that's going here and all the resources coming down here the good uranium is going down and the bad uranium is going up top we do need the bad uranium as well so you don't want to quite get rid of all that now the building is working when the building finishes we'll put a speed module in it when the building finishes it's going to offload the belt right in front of it and that's going to grab everything it just offloaded again but it's not going to have enough uranus 238 so we still need a stockpile of 238. so we have the good stuff and the bad stuff now this building is going to grab everything it needs from there so this can now be processed into our fuel our nuclear fuel this setup can obviously be expanded if you wanted to and we're going to chest it just in case for some reason it gets too much uh it's not built on that it's built in a centrifuge isn't it nope it was building that just kidding see right there so we're gonna get a rocket field this also needs the bad uranium but again we can redirect the line for that so now we have our good uranium that's the only thing you're really worried about really in this setup is the uranium-235 the good stuff it's not enough the bad stuff got offloaded it's going over here the bad stuff so now we have our line here of all the bad stuff and maybe somehow we want to redirect all the bad line into here somehow with some storage maybe we do this maybe you want some more storage the interesting thing about this setup or when you start using corvex enrichment is you'll notice that you get way too much way too much 23a so if you look back on a setup that i have already established i have a big chest buffer here because eventually it's going to backlog on you and you need to make sure that you don't stop the outlet output or you're going to slow everything down we've accumulated a lot there it's good but you want this building to keep working you want to keep going so we put storage reservoirs everywhere which is kind of like real life nuclear where they have nowhere to put a lot of the waste products which is probably intentional from the factory divs so we have that going there and we'll also grab an output line there so this building gets this broad product as well so he's still going and this is still going and everyone's happy so you have this building offloading into a belt that's catching itself that's really the only trick that you do for your corvex enrichment so it your basic centrifuge refines uranium goes in front of this building and then the good ore is kind of buffered on its own and it's kept in front of the building it grabs everything itself again then the good ore is buffered again on its own line and the bad ore is pushed off to the side you want a bigger storage for your bad ore but the main point to look at on this building is it offloads but then it directly re-inserts right back into the building on the same line so it offloads there and then it grabs everything back in so it keeps going and going and going and going so you never want this building to stop you do not want this to grab this building here to grab before this building grabs everything again because then eventually i'll run out of uh uranium two three eight two three five two three five okay so now we got our fuel going there and i think you should sort of understand what i did there so the building offloads and then grabs on back onto itself grab this grab you and we're going to run this right back into there and now that should be working so now we're making nuclear fuel beautiful so the big trick that we did with this building is the nuclear the corvex enrichment it's offloading but then it's grabbing back on top of itself you don't even need a line like that it could be right there and i normally make sure it has enough inserters that if this one inserter missed the other one can grab or you could do something like this and have slow inserter offload so this inserter has time to grab everything it's a thousand different ways you can do it and you can make this a lot longer so over here we have it even longer so it has more room to grab everything this is probably a better setup over here but you get the idea over here of what we're doing so you're offloading and then you're grabbing everything back and you're using priority outputs so the good stuff goes here and the bad stuff goes there you're just kind of controlling where all the item goes it's really not that difficult back before there was filter splitters uh you had to use circuits and that was no fun so that's corvex enrichment i think it's moderately straightforward ish not really but probably one of the most confusing things in factorio next we're gonna go over the ratios quickly for nuclear power so now that you have your nuclear fuel uranium fuel cell being generated because you have the corvex core vexing on top of itself i guess i guess you could say you just know how you're gonna build your nuclear reactor so the first thing you need to know is what are you gonna do you're gonna build one reactor you're gonna build two reactors four six or eight possibly you could do eight it's another way or you go ten but i normally do four personally four is where i go and i will look at the ratios here for a second because the ratios on this are actually kind of important if you build one reactor and 50 heat exchangers it will not work you need to know the ratios for this to work properly to a point i personally use this one all the time but you can go from there so if you build one reactor you want four heat exchangers to seven steam turbines and that generates you 40 megawatts okay if you do two nuclear reactors which get a neighbor bonus so getting a neighbor bonus by being next to each other you can do 16 heat exchangers to 28 steam turbines and that's going to give you 160 megawatts that's a pretty big boost from one it's quite a few more heat exchangers and you can do four which these all get a neighbor bonus which gives you 48 heat exchangers the 83 steam turbines which gives you 480 megawatts now we're talking power then you go up to six to 80 to 138 that gives you 800 megawatts and that's all take it for the wiki so that's exactly how that works now we'll show a basic nuclear reactor and then we'll build the nuclear reactor this is pretty messy it is kind of beaconable or tileable if you wanted to you could grab it and build another one and this is two reactors if we look at that cover over this we have 16 heat exchangers and 28 steam turbines the important thing to know with this setup for nuclear is the heat pipe distance your heat pipes actually actually have a heat on them if you hover over the heat pipe actually however the nuclear reactor it says it's generating a heat of 999 degrees celsius that stays it should go to a thousand but i think i don't know maybe it doesn't go to a thousand um and that's gonna transfer onto the heat pipes the farther away the heat pipes are the less heat they get so this one's 997.95 all the way down to the farthest one away is 980. this one over here is 99. if it goes below 500 degrees it will not generate steam for you so you need this to be over 500. so the only thing that you need to take into consideration when you build your nuclear reactor setup is the heat pipe distance to the heat exchanger so it's the only thing that matters in this entire setup you can put the steam turbines 500 kilometers away from your setup they can be right over here they can be sideways they can be up down left right doesn't matter which direction they go or where they are they just need the heat exchangers need to be where the heat pipe is less or more than 500 degrees so you cannot have the heat exchangers super far away from the reactor so distance for that matters that's the only thing that matters in your setup so now we'll build a nuclear reactor set up here we'll do a four setup um a fourth setup as we looked over here is going to have 48 heat exchangers and 83 steam turbines so setting this up is quite simple actually once you fix your or set up your corvex enrichment process you can start doing this so your only thing that you're really concerned about initially is the heat pipes and how far away they are from the reactors these reactors are all going to get a neighbor bonus if you hover over this here they're getting a neighbor bonus of plus 100 this is going to get plus 200 percent for being so far away or so close together rather and then we got to do this so now i got to put your heat exchangers down now if we go back to our ratio for a second it's 48 of these so you have to somehow squeak 48 of these as close to the nuclear reactor as possible is that hard i don't know we shall see we'll build a quick setup right here and see what happens um you do need water as well so you need a water input and we'll see if this works don't really need to connect like that but why not and now we look at how many we have we have 28 and one thing i gotta be a little mindful of here is the connector for our water on those sides so we could do something like that would work something like that would work there and now how many do we have we have our over we have 34 so we still need quite a few more um if the temperature over there is fine then the temperature over here should be fine too this might actually be good like that 42 and we can go up to 48. so we're close we're very very very close um maybe make this go down a little bit more rip all those out okay and how many do we have now we have 48 so this should theoretically work grab some pipes all our steam is going to be put into these pipes here this design is unique to this play through right now i did some uh planning ahead of time to try and make sure everything kind of worked out okay for this video and i think this uh this should work nicely connect that to that now why would you buffer it into a chest like that um steam buffers well you can actually do some circuit setups to make your power kind of turn on and off depending on how your how you're pulling it but one thing you want to make sure with your one thing you want to know with your nuclear power is you are always pulling you're always pulling your fuel it will burn regardless if you're using it or not on my cool setup so just be mindful that it generally doesn't really turn off if it does turn off it's gonna take a while for it to heat back up it will lose its heat so now we're doing is protecting our water quickly now unlike your steam turbines the ratio for your water is a little more uh not obvious so i would suggest when you set this up is to just look at the water pipes and see if the water pipe is completely if all the buildings are getting water and if they're not then add more water there's no uh exact science like in steam turbines there probably is but i have never been told it's so we're connecting all our water this is probably the most the slowest part of setting up nuclear it's connecting all our water once you understand that the only thing that matters with your nuclear power is the distance of the heat pipes but everything else kind of goes really quickly so now you might see the benefit also of putting your reactor close to the water so now we have this here now we have all our pipes like that i might even rip this out here don't need that there and now we can connect all our steam turbines so we need a hundred and we need 83 steam turbines so 100 is not quite close 83 is the number so we have three there we go almost done now we do need power for these as well now while it's all turning on i'm actually gonna grab the fuel line we're gonna run our fuel line over into here let's go get some fuel let it turn on let it start warming up nuclear reactor has both an input and an output it needs to input the fuel cell and output a useful fuel cell so not only do you just need an input you need to also make sure that you're able to provide an output location as well it's another thing that makes it kind of messy to set up but here we're just showing you how to get it turned on and this will be our output i'll actually just go right next to this guy here i'm not going to get a ton of output yet because i don't really have that much going in and then we want this other line here maybe we'll just run it right through here and we're blocked again nope must be smarter than the belts so remember the input in the output because if the building is blocked it will not work anymore just like any other input and output and now it's kind of happy it has power but it needs more power so now these guys are starting to turn on so you notice that the temperature on them is 71 76 78 it's going up and up and up and we'll be able to quickly tell if this works or not based on how much how hot the pipes are near the base so we're going to run this line out and out no no that would theoretically go away forever so now we got to put all our steam turbines set up in here and we need 83 of them according to the ratio if you want to do even more um i suggest you check the wikipedia the wiki for the game and it will show you exact ratios on setting all these up and now these set up very very similar to your normal turbines you'll notice that some commonalities between the setup the only difference again is the heat exchanger the distance the distance is what matters in order to make this work properly then the next thing is going to be making sure they get enough water and then it's going to come down to making sure that your steam turbines are getting enough steam working and working efficiently are different things but we're here to show you how to make it work and then you can make the beautiful blueprints i find that uh discovering a lot of these items for yourself and how to set them up is the most fun of factorio the funnest the most funnest okay and then we can hover over it again and see how many we have we have 50 ones we need quite a few more still our pipes still have not heated up enough we can add another throughput here and we're doing the same setup we did with our normal power or steam power want to put a space there why not some people have come up with some very very beautiful designs for this i've personally never used anyone else's blueprint on nuclear but uh there definitely are some nice ones now we're at 73 getting warmer give that some power there too we're getting warmer as our pipes are getting warmer right there you can also connect the water if you're feeling so inclined so our pipes are now at 250. i'm actually not sure if this is too far or not these ones are just about ready to start working out you see the steam kick on there so our first ones are turning on and we'll be able to troubleshoot this very easily if it's working or not so probably only half of our heat pipes are working these are still too cold these reactors are only at 500 degrees right now so they're still gonna get kicked all the way up to a thousand and that's really how easy it is to set up nuclear so the corvex enrichment is a little bit confusing but the nuclear itself not too bad and that does look like it's working because this is only at half heat it's at just shy 600 and these are almost half 400 this entire setup should work um i was a little worried this is pretty far away but it does look like it's working one thing to note with the nuclear setup is if i add a heat pipe right now it will kill the temperature of all these pipes so if you touch this in any way shape or form you will eat the temperature for some reason just disappears and this is one of the really cool setups of factorio the nuclear um once you get it going you actually watch these pipes glow at nighttime there you go so we got a little baby nuclear actor over here of 28 and we have a bigger one over here of 87 so i'm actually one off but pretty close or actually i'm actually over i'm four over horrible horrible kind of a tutorial is this and now we're making power now our power is up to 830 megawatts of power with these two little nuclear setups going on so we have our 480 and 160 plus all the other power i'm generating and uh i showed you how to set up a basic basic centrifuge corvex process and looks like it's still going um it hasn't stopped since we started this little setup it's made 1337 and it's just slowly chucking along and it should work forever eventually these will jam up but this is the only thing i bid you worry about is the uranium 23a i normally just make massive buffer files for it it's like the rear life nuclear what do you do with it i don't know build more build more pits and dump it into the pit yeah hopefully this guide helps you out and the ratios can guide you as to what you need for factorio nuclear power uh can be a bit intimidating but setting up your corvex enrichment is as simple as doing a couple of splitters and making the building offload and load back into itself and just a couple splitters to kind of balance the lines out after that's it just play with it see what happens and uh i hope this guide helps you and if it does throw a like in the comments throw a like or comment either and uh until next time this is the amacar ciao for now thanks for watching
Channel: Yama Kara
Views: 82,244
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Keywords: Tips, Tutorial, tricks, help, guide, tips and tricks, trains, guides, tip, Factorio Tips, Yamakara, beginner, helpful, Factory, Factoryio, Factorio tips, factorio guide, factorio basics, factorio efficiency tips, factorio for beginners, factorio how to, factorio how to start, factorio in a nutshell, ratio, factorio, newbie, Factorio Nuclear, kovarex, Factorio Kovarex, Factorio Nuclear Power, Factorio Power, Nuclear Power Guide, Nuclear, Power, Nuclear Tips, advanced tips, factorio advanced
Id: JHUtHuzJJlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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