Facebook Ads Tutorial 2021 [Step-by-Step]

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you're wondering your first facebook and instagram ad moving into 2021 well i've personally spent over a hundred thousand dollars on facebook and instagram ads for my own business and i've ran over 200 workshops mostly in person mind you on the subject to people like yourselves so i've distilled down all the things you need to know in this video about running an effective facebook instagram ad moving into 2021 and it's all done with the new facebook ui so it's really easy to follow along if you're doing it today hey everybody my name is eric preston i help other realtors and entrepreneurs level up their business online mostly through social media and paid advertising in this video i'm going to break down a to z everything you need to know about how to run effective facebook and instagram ads so stay tuned if you're running your first facebook ad moving into 2021 leave a comment below and say facebook ads 2021 so i know you're new and if you have any questions that's a great place to put them as well so let's get into this video all right guys let's get into how to actually run an effective facebook instagram ad straight away so a couple basics before we start because this is for beginners is let's understand a little bit about what ads are and where they actually show up so when you're placing an ad on facebook you're entering into an auction now this is really important to understand you are bidding on getting your ad in front of an audience at any given time so placing an ad you're bidding in an auction to get your ad showing up on people's news feeds or in their stories or wherever you're placing that ad at any given point in time so your ad will be more or more or less expensive depending on what audience you're actually trying to target so for example in my business we target realtors which is naturally a very expensive audience to target because there's a lot of people targeting realtors with ads now uh there's a lot of places that are really inexpensive to run ads like if you were to run ads and say like india for example your cost per view your cost per click is far far far lower than say in the united states so it's just important understand that type of stuff but anyways um let's talk about where your ads actually show up when you place an ad and what an ad looks like so ads are going to show up in a number of different places obviously you probably know this for example on the top right here these are called sidebar ads okay so you see these on the top right those are sidebar ads now most people ignore those okay we're all conditioned to actually ignore the ads on the right side of the screen we've been seeing them our most of our lives at this point so you generally don't get a whole lot out of those but they're cheaper to put your ad there than say in the news feed which is one of the more common places to put your ad which is right smack in the middle of your view right so one of the benefits of a news feed ad is that it's right where people are already looking okay people aren't are really looking on the right hand side they're usually looking in the middle of the screen so um one thing i want to point out about this ad which is really really important and most of the ads we run are actually like this so the one thing you'll notice about this ad is that it's a very uh elongated image okay so it's not quite square it's even a little bit more than square we usually run our ads as square and not not landscape view and the reason that is is because it takes out look how much space it takes up on my screen now i want to explain something in an analogy here facebook ads are like a highway okay and you're driving down a highway as the consumer right and facebook ads are like billboards on the side of that highway okay the only reason you're seeing those billboards is because you're on that specific highway for no other reason other than people might target you based on your interests and other things like that and i'll show you how to do this in this video but it's important to understand that highways are a distracting place imagine yourself driving down the highway uh you got your partner in the in the seat beside you you got your kids screaming in the back you got the radio on uh there's a lot going on in this place in the news feed right there's a lot of things happening so ads are kind of like billboards on the side of the highway people didn't ask for them to be there it's different than google ads where google ads are more like a storefront you target people when they type something into google you put an ad out in front of them so there's usually a little more premeditation with google ads now with facebook ads what that means is you actually have to really work to stop your audience from doing whatever they're doing right you're trying to disrupt or interrupt whatever they're currently doing to take action on your ad so one of the good ways is to always use square images or even elongated images uh like that like portrait images because it actually takes up their whole screen and it makes them less distracted so that's one thing to note also when you use a single image in your ad anywhere i click on this ad anywhere little corner i'm gonna go to the link in that ad which is the uh goal of this ad for the hustle whatever it is i don't even know what they're selling i haven't seen this ad before but sounds like it's targeting entrepreneurs so uh it's a little bit targeted or it must be so anyway those are just a few types of ads news feed ads sidebar ads and then let's get into the place where you actually run your ads which is a facebook business page okay so this is my facebook business page now a couple things i want to talk to you about about a facebook business page and just explain the difference between a personal profile and a business page so on a personal profile you have friends right classic facebook everyone has a profile on facebook you have to have one to use facebook with your profile you can create a page a business page that's what you're seeing here as a business page now on a business page you don't have friends you have likes and you have followers okay so people who like and follow your page sometimes will see your content okay now depending on how the algorithm is favoring you or not favoring you uh you might actually get lower reach on your business page when you're making posts then on your personal page but my point in telling you this is it's just important to understand the difference between the two because you need a business page to actually run ads so if you don't have a business page you're not going to be able to run ads okay so that's really important now a couple things when setting up your business page that i just want to talk to you about really quickly when you're looking at your profile image at the top here you want to make sure that everything important is actually in the middle of the cover photo because what happens is the edges of the cover photo actually get cut off on the sides when people look at it on their phone now the reason that's important is because you might not believe this but over 80 of facebook's traffic is still mobile so and that's only growing and almost 100 of instagram's traffic is mobile so when you're running ads on facebook and instagram people click into your page when you're running ads it's important that if you have important information in your cover photo that they can actually see it and it's not cut off on the edges so as you can see here i have my name and all the important stuff smackdown in the middle another important thing with your uh when running ads is look at your profile photo okay so uh is your profile clear is it easy to read if you have text on it um a lot of people will go in their profile photo here and they'll like put something like a bunch of text for example and when you run an ad that photo gets shrunk into this little um this little avatar here and people can't read it so make sure whatever you have in your profile image is just very clear and obvious of what it is for you okay so just wanted to cover some basics there uh obviously make sure on your page you have all the relevant information um filled in and we're good to go so anyway let's get into creating an ad so what you're going to want to do is in the top right here you're going to hit this create button and then you're going to go add and if you don't have a business page you'll just hit page okay pretty simple so click add and it's going to take you into the back end of facebook now i already actually have this loaded up for you it's going to prompt you here like it will here with a little you know create new campaign you can hit cancel or you can go right into creating your ad but i've just loaded up a different ad account here for you and what i'm going to show you is i want to break down every part of this ads manager just so you understand it so this is the back end of facebook if this looks really confusing it's because it is now this will get less and less confusing over time i promise you that and i hope this video will help really help you understand every each individual aspect so there's really three parts to any given ad okay and by the way this is the ads manager this is just one piece of the whole back end of facebook if you go into business tools on the right here you'll see there's all these other sections back here and i'm not going to get into all of those right now but just to give a quick summary your ads run through your ads manager if you want to install a pixel and track people who go to your website you go to events manager if you want to create audiences of different people that you run ads to you go to audiences and there's a whole bunch of other sections in here but for this video we're just going to stay in the ads manager and how to run actual ads okay so there's three parts to any given ad okay there's the campaign the ad set and the ad okay now the campaign you'll see these tabs here campaign ad set ad right so the campaign is more or less your goal or objective so what are you trying to accomplish with this ad are you trying to drive traffic to your website are you trying to get people to convert into a lead on your website are you trying to get people to buy something on your website right are you trying to get people to message you are you trying to get people to attend an event uh or say that they're interested on a facebook event there's a lot of stuff you can do with ads so it's important to understand what your actual goal is and what you want first so that's your campaign more or less your ad set is all your targeting and your optimization so you know where's our ad showing up is it showing up in the news feed is it showing up on the sidebar is it showing up in stories your ad set is where you can select your budget you can do your budget at the campaign or ad set level these days but you set your budget you set your location you set all your optimization features all that kind of stuff is in the ad set that's the most complicated part is the ad set then the ad is very simply the actual ad itself so what copy are you using what image or video are you using what is your call to action button or your headline that all lives in the ad so if you want to actually just go and create an ad you're just going to hit this create button here on the left it's big and green it may move places they like to move it around sometimes but it'll always be big and green so this is the new user interface okay i'm taking you through the process with the new ui some of this you might have watched videos in the past which are using the old user interface this is the new one so it should be a little more clear for you now um in the campaign we're gonna go create new campaign or if you want to use an old campaign that you've already used you select use existing and you can actually just select it and then go into your creating your ad set in your ad but i'm going to create a new campaign so things to consider here okay again what is your objective or your goal now um feel free to obviously take notes but i just want you to follow along and understand every pro part of the process and then you can go back and rewatch parts of this video so what is your goal if your goal is just to send traffic to your website choose traffic but i don't usually recommend that that's kind of a weak way to go about creating an ad because if you're just trying to generate traffic like you got to have something more than that okay if your goal is engagement select engagement because it's important to understand whatever you select here will actually change all of your options thereafter uh in the rest of the ad creation process okay so if you choose engagement it'll give you different optimization strategies to try to get people to engage with you for example to like your page or to comment on the post and engage with the post itself right so if you just want an engaging you're trying to get a viral post you can choose engagement another thing you do with engagement is you choose for events if you're running an ad for event you choose engagement and then you would click down here event responses if you want page likes you'd click page likes because it'll put a call to action on your ad for page likes okay if you want post engagement like i said comments and stuff choose engagement and if for an event you'll have to actually select the event in the later part of the ad creation process so you're going to want to make sure you have that event ready to go if you're doing video views if you're running a video ad and you just want to get as many views on that video as possible then choose video views it's going to give you different optimizations for video views if you want to generate leads directly on facebook choose lead generation now the reason you're going to want to do this is because and i'm going to show you later in the video where you actually find your leads but with lead generation ads on facebook the best part about them is when people click on your ad it'll actually pop up with a little lead generation form and facebook will pre-fill it with their correct information they just have to hit submit so if you're trying to get leads lead generation ads will generally net you the lowest cost of lead right as opposed to the alternative which is usually you would select a conversion objective which means conversions you want to send them somewhere else like your website to get them to convert into something maybe a purchase or a lead or something like that so generally that's what you do is run conversion ads for like e-commerce for like real estate for most things but if you want to collect the leads on facebook you can do a lead generation ad now the only downside to this is you have to somehow extract those leads from facebook and you would do this by using a tool called zapier now it's it's 20 a month to actually use the facebook ads tool with zapier but then you can connect your facebook ads to your crm so that when you get a lead it'll actually shoot from facebook into your crm because if you don't do that you're just gonna have to download all your leads manually and it's not really an effective lead generation strategy when you're doing it all manually with online marketing everything or as much as possible should be automated now last one here is messages with messages there'll be a call to action send message and it'll actually pop up a messenger window right away so that people can message your business so it's just really important to understand what your objective is because whatever you select here will actually change all of your options thereafter so i'm just going to show you a type of ad that we might run and the most common ad you're going to run is is a conversion ad because generally when you're doing some kind of advertising you're going to want to actually do conversions because it's going to track in the ads manager which and this is really important versus traffic i can't stress this enough if you run a traffic ad and you want people to actually make purchases on your website you won't be able to tell which ad generated those purchases but if you do conversions and you'll see on the side of the screen here just if you look on the right you'll see purchases is a column on the far right here and it'll show me how many people have made purchases in this time period and it'll show me on each campaign and each individual ad so that means you can actually track which ads are working because by using conversions now using conversions you have to actually install a facebook pixel to use the conversion objective and i'll link to that here i have a video on how to do that so if you haven't done that already that's a good video to check out but um conversion ads will be the most common type of ad you will run so let's check select conversions and then we'll go continue okay now you can use whatever naming convention makes sense to you um for me if i was doing uh we run a webinar funnel to sell our online course so if i did webinar conversions for example so um let's go into what so now we're in the actual campaign details here so there's a few things you can do with the campaign one is special ad category so ask yourself this question are you creating an ad for a credit employment housing or social issue for real estate we have to select housing if we're marketing a housing opportunity for employment you have to select employment and for any financial opportunity you have to select credit um any election stuff will generally get disapproved unless your approved election based advertiser you have to get approved for that so what special ad categories are is they actually limit how much targeting you can do with your facebook ad so if you need to select one of these for your ad if you're like an ecommerce store or whatever don't worry about this but if you have to select this it'll limit your targeting you can't target by age by gender you're limited in location and you can't target by a lot of interest-based targeting as well so um i'll just leave it at that for this i'm just going to put special ad category off so i can actually show you every aspect of the ads manager if you want to do a a b test this is where you do it so how you generally do an a b test is you're essentially testing two or three ads side by side to see which one performs better it's a good idea if you're investing a lot in facebook ads and you want to set a really good concrete strategy in place and generally how you do that is you'd run the same ad three times with different photos or different videos then you'd add whatever wins whichever one it performs better you would take that winning photo and you'd use three different pieces of copy and call to actions and stuff like that and you test those and whichever one of those won then you'd go in and you take that ad that's your winning ad and then you'd start testing your audiences so you start testing different interest targeting metrics different look-alike audiences all that kind of stuff so i'm not going to get into that now but just so you know what that is then you can do something called cbo which is campaign budget optimization you can turn this on if you want to set your budget at the campaign level if you want to control your budgets more strictly you can set it at the ad set level in the next stage so if you had two audiences and you wanted to say you were targeting canada and the us and you want to spend 80 in the us and 20 on canada you'd probably want to do an ad set budget optimization and turn this off so that you can control how much you spend in each uh with each audience so anyways let's get hit the next button down here and we'll keep moving uh so now you're gonna name your ad set so for example my ad set might look like uh realtors us canada realtors for my ad um for example now what we're gonna do next is we're gonna actually select the conversion event so this is important to consider okay now our conversion event location for us is our website you can actually use messenger objectives too if you want to send people to messenger but a lot of you aren't going to be able to aren't going to be doing that so i'm just going to show you website and this is where you have to select your pixel that you should have installed so i'm going to select my pixel and then i'm going to choose the and this will happen when you set up your pixel and i'll show you in that other video i link to then i'm going to select my event now i have events set up so one event i have is complete registration so complete registration is basically a lead so what this is doing is it's telling facebook that this is the event i want you to optimize for so when you find someone who takes this action go find more people like that that's what you're telling the algorithm by setting up a conversion ad and telling the algorithm what you want okay it's really important couple things you can do here i know this is for beginners but i'm gonna go into detail about every part of this so you have a full comprehensive understanding you're gonna see on the right hand side audience definition okay now that's gonna say potential reach and it's gonna say however many facebook users there are in your country so if you're in the u.s it'll say 230 million if you're in canada it'll say 26 million uh so that's because facebook's going to default to targeting your entire country now um essentially what it's going to do is tell you some estimated daily results now this is based on your targeting and your budget and all that kind of stuff and this is going to change as we go through and we narrow down our audience okay now one thing to consider is there's an option of split testing like like i told you about but there's a newer option that a lot of people don't know about which is called dynamic creative if i turn on dynamic creative it'll actually allow me to put in my ad when we get to the next step multiple headlines multiple photos multiple pieces of copy and facebook will automatically test all of those ads against one another and optimize so that's a good option if you are running an ad and you want a split test but you don't want to go through the process of actually split testing ads you can just start off with a dynamic creative ad and see which combination of text and image and call to action work the best so that's a really good option i'm just going to turn that off for now for simplicity though now next we're going to go into our budget and our schedule so there's two options with your budget you can do a daily budget or a lifetime budget daily budget means you'll spend x amount per day lifetime budget means you get to set an end date to your ad so i could spend 350 for this month it'll often pop up if you're going slow like me this start dated in the past just click reset to today so basically lifetime would be good for like events stuff like that so you have an event in two weeks and you have a thousand dollar budget to market it set a lifetime budget and stop the ad at the start of the event right make sense or the day before whatever makes sense for your event for me we run evergreen ads meaning we run them pretty much all the time so i'm actually going to just do a daily budget and i'm going to choose say 20 and that's really it for budget really really simple now we get into the really interesting part which is your audience okay so if you've created an audience in the past you can use a saved audience so you'll see here we have um tons of them uh but what you're going to want to do is just create a new audience and if you have a custom audience now i know this is for beginners but there's something called custom audiences now custom audiences is where you'd go into the audience section to create them so you go over to the left you go into audiences and custom audiences are mostly for retargeting so you can actually create an audience so say a custom audience of say um people who visited or engaged with my instagram account in the past 365 days so if you've connected your instagram account you can actually run an ad just to people who've engaged with your instagram account or visited your profile pretty cool stuff so this is like retargeting you can do it with your facebook page too you can do it with people who watched uh you can choose a video like people who watch three seconds of your video and i can take this any given video and then i can run an ad to people who've watched that video now i know this is for beginners so i'm not going to get a lot into retargeting but that's custom audiences most of you won't be using that if you're running your first ad but it's there for you later now next thing we're going to do is we're going to select where we want to actually run our ad in the location so i'm going to run my ad usually i'll do the united states and canada because our real estate markets are so similar that um and they're pretty much the exact same that our services work for any agent in the us and canada and even like australia um and new zealand the uk is a bit different but you can select whatever locations you want to select and you can also exclude locations so if you wanted to exclude say washington for example you could do all of the us except washington now i love washington so i don't know why you do that but if you are there's some tax reason that you're not doing it for e-commerce or whatever you can exclude certain states you can exclude certain um places certain countries if you're targeting worldwide which you can do you could target worldwide and then you could exclude sorry include worldwide and then you could exclude certain countries that you don't want to target like places where you know reach is really cheap but you get a lot of fake clicks and you don't have a buying opportunity like if you're selling an expensive american product like you're probably not going to run your ad in some countries that can't afford it right and you might not ship to every country so that's really up to you is to decide where you actually want to run your ad so for the purposes of me i'm just going to choose canada in the united states and then we'll move to the actual targeting so first you're going to select your age now you can do whatever age you want really up to you for us we find 30 plus with our services work better generally those are realtors who are a little further in their career and actually have some money to invest into themselves and they're not young savvy tech people who might be able to figure this stuff out on their own um genders like my partner runs a like a period underwear company uh so she obviously just targets women makes sense right uh now what you're gonna do oh one thing i forgot to mention in uh locations this is really important actually so what you can do is people living in this location or living in or recently in this location okay or you can actually do just people traveling in this location so this will mean if you're targeting like around a city for example so say you're targeting where i am which is vancouver you could actually target just people traveling in that location if you have a specific product uh travel product related to that uh tourist product rather you can also do just people who live there so for real estate oftentimes we're doing just people who live in the location because we want to target homeowners and stuff like that so there are location options for that anyways um let's get into the detailed targeting here because this is where things get really interesting now this is the power of facebook and all the data that they have okay so i'm just gonna break this down for you as best as i can now say i was selling a home and and we can't do this with real estate because of the special ad category anymore but i'm gonna give you an example of what i used to do just to um help explain how detailed targeting works so if you hit browse here uh there's a few different categorized categories that you can use uh so one is demographics so this is information about people you know what is their education level right um what is their household income this is only data that's available in the u.s now this is just for zip codes so like wealthier and not as wealthy zip codes right what about are they a parent you know you can actually target parents with children of specific ages so this is great for companies that are marketing to parents who have kids of a specific age like say if you're you're running ads for diapers like you probably want to know your ads just going to target parents who have newborns like that's a great thing that facebook can do now think of it this way you're probably wondering how does facebook know all this well facebook knows this in a number of ways in the past they used to use data mining companies and they've recently stopped doing that not so recently like a year and a bit ago stopped actually doing that and that's where the special ad category came from was this big uproar around like facebook has too much data and people are misusing it right however think of this how many people do you know that didn't make a post about their baby on social media or their pregnancy or their wedding or their proposal right these are things people post constantly and facebook's algorithm can detect and read this stuff and they can also do this by the behavior you emit online so if you're in newborn or new moms a new moms group or a new dad's group or whatever facebook can tell that you're a parent and they can generally tell by your purchasing behavior and your other behavior online how old your kids are so it's a little creepy yes but if you're an advertiser it works in your advantage now the second thing outside of demographics is interest so interests are based on actions you take on facebook itself okay so for example if you want to target someone in uh interested in advertising right so this says people who have expressed interest or like pages related to advertising okay if you want to do banking or construction uh people who have expressed interest or like pages related to construction now the reason i'm showing you that is because it's important to understand what interest targeting means interest targeting people get this confused does not mean everyone in that audience is actually interested in that thing it really doesn't so what it actually means instead is that those people have liked or expressed interest in that subject online so they like a page related to construction or they follow someone who is big in construction something like that or they've done some searches or joined some groups about home improvement or construction now home improvement would probably be a different one so that's interest and actually behaviors as well is basically the pages people follow and the things people are interested in is interest and then behaviors is the things people actually do so like the devices they use digital activities like the operating system they use all this kind of stuff you can actually use to target people now i don't want to make this too confusing okay so let's say i was selling a home with a beautiful wine cellar now i actually had this happen and i'm running an open house for that home who do i want to target well i probably want to target people that are interested in wine right because this home one of the biggest characteristics of it was it was in wine country but it also had this massive beautiful wine cellar now i can't imagine someone paying a premium for that property if they weren't really interested in having a big wine cellar so what i could do is i can actually just search in here for wine wine pops up as an interest right now obviously there's a lot of people who are interested in wine but when you geo geo target effectively so i'll show you where i was targeting so this listing um was in kelowna now the kelowna is known for being a wine country that's where a lot of the wine is produced in western canada so i want to target people who have expressed interest in wine now that's going to be a lot of people in this area but what it means is these are people who follow things like the wine enthusiast and they follow like other say pages or organizations that are about wine maybe some sommeliers and things like that so i can actually target with my open house ad just people who are interested in wine now this is just a metaphor for what you might do with your specific ad so for example my partner runs the peer underwear company she it's a very green product so they can actually target people who are interested in like sustainability and things like that so these are people that follow maybe like greenpeace and other companies like that now i'm just using these as an example for you to actually help you narrow down your audience now one thing you want to note as well is that you sometimes at first you don't want to get too too too narrow with your targeting but if you do get too narrow facebook will generally tell you what your potential reach is and if you're being too narrow or too broad okay so i'm just going to go back and i'm going to put in canada here again and the u.s just to show you um because this might be more relevant for more people so if i want to target people who are interested in wine okay my potential reach here is 180 million people it's most people are interested in wine of some magnitude so what you can do with interest is you can add to this so you might want to do wine and beer okay so now people who are interested in beer and wine now you want to do people who are interested in cars for example very very broad interests okay so basically you might want to narrow that down by like wine and wine tasting for example get rid of beer now obviously wine is a very broad thing to be interested in a lot of people are going to be interested naturally in wine we live in north america for example so there's many many things you can go in here and do now another thing would be you could do parents like i said so if i wanted to target just parents you'll see that normally what will happen is your audience here your your reach will actually get narrowed a lot now the reason it's not getting narrowed right now and this is an important point is because you have detailed targeting expansion on down here which will be on by default so if i take this off now what detailed targeting expansion is is it'll reach people beyond your stated interests or characteristics that you're trying to target now what that's saying is it's allowing facebook to go outside of the things you're telling it to target if it deems it'll be of better value to you so if you keep that on your potential reach will mostly always stay the same okay but if you take that off then it'll actually show you the real reach of people in those audiences so parents and people who are interested in wine is about 83 million people okay if i just did wine it's 51 million people okay so now this is an important point if i do wine and parents so say for example using this example i was using about the open house if i wanted to target people who like wine and people who are parents i wouldn't run an ad like this and i'll tell you why now i might want to do that because that property was like a four bedroom house it was really big and it would be suitable for someone who has children and who likes wine okay so what this means is either are a parent or are interested in wine so this means they're they have to be one or the other or both it means they're they're either apparent or they've expressed interest in wine somewhere online now if you want it to be and so you'll see that it went from 51 million to 83 million if you want it to be end meaning i want them to be parents they have to be parents and they have to be interested in wine as well you can click narrow audience so you don't just add another factor in here because that does parents or wine if i want to narrow the audience now i'll put wine in here and look at our audience it went down from 83 000 to 83 million to 15 million so now i'm just targeting people who are parents and who like wine so now i'm getting more specific then you could even throw in some some new things and narrow further and you could say oh they might they have to uh like beer as well and then they go from 50 million to 8.9 billion so they got to be a wine snob and a beer snob and have kids now obviously this doesn't necessarily make sense um um in this context but i just want to show you an example to show you how this works because if you add them the same section it's going to be parents or wine and if you click narrow it's going to be parents and wine they have to fit both criteria you can also exclude people so if you want to hit that exclude button then you could exclude people who like beer because hey we don't like people who like beer we only want to deal with wine wino so anyway now we're down to 6 million people because we excluded right so anyways i hope that helps you understand how um this feature actually works and if you want to use detailed targeting expansion if you're getting really specific i wouldn't like for this example if i'm running an open house to parents who are interested in wine then i wouldn't want to actually turn detailed targeting expansion on because i want that audience to be very very specific so now that's basically how you do your targeting in facebook what you can do as well if you're going to reuse this audience you can click the save button and then you can just name the audience whatever it may be so you could do us canada parents wine lovers now this will be really relevant for anyone doing and you can add a bunch of stuff in here so you could put like they must be a parent and they either must be interested in wine or beer so they must be a alcohol loving parent uh-oh so then we're at 21 million so you could do it both ways you could say they must be a parent as long as they're interested in either beer or wine or you could just say wine okay so then i could save this audience and say you know wine loving parents in the u.s and canada done and then i can reuse it next time and how you'd reuse it next time is you go back up here and you do use saved audience and then you would actually select your saved audience from there okay really really simple so that's the really fun part um now next we're going to go into placement so placements are essentially where your ads going to show up on facebook or instagram now what you're going to want to do is generally leave it to automatic unless you are a more advanced user and you have specific places you want to put your ad like i run ads on instagram stories only and i make videos for instagram stories specifically okay so um if you're just running a photo ad generally you want to use a square image and that'll work well on a bunch of different placements but there's a number of places your ad can show up so if i select multiple you'll see the platforms that facebook uses so facebook instagram audience network and messenger okay now facebook there's many places your ad can show up the news feed so this is feeds marketplace the video feeds the right column on stories there's instagram stories facebook stories and messenger stories uh and then there's some more complicated ones so there's like search results uh there's in articles so in an actual article an instant article that's popped up on facebook and then the last one is apps and sites now i want to explain this to you a little bit because what the audience network is is a group of apps and businesses that facebook has partnered with to show ads on those platforms okay so generally i would deselect the audience network the reason is is you have no control over how your ads gonna look on the audience network and generally your ad winds up in think of this any app that you log into facebook with generally your ads if you select audience network can show up on those apps so if you don't want your ads showing up on tinder for example you might not want to select audience network now it just depends on what type of thing you're selling some people don't care the audience network is generally cheaper to advertise on but i generally deselect it a good place to put your ads is just on facebook instagram and messenger and kind of for most people you can leave it unless you're doing something really really specific like again a story ad you would actually deselect everything but just the stories right if you were doing like you know a square image and you were doing a clickable image and you didn't want to do stories you could deselect stories so i'll leave that up to you but for all intensive purposes for most people if that's confusing to you just leave it at automatic and let facebook optimize your ad for you okay so that's mostly what you need to know in terms of the ad set and getting your ad out there in the most effective way okay so that is pretty much everything you need to know in terms of the ad set now that's where you're going to spend most your time is on your targeting now i just went through every aspect of this to show you how it all works so that you can use your best judgment and hopefully that gives you the tools you need to go through this confidently now we're going to move on to our ad okay now i'm going to hit the next button and then what we're going to do is we're actually going to create our ad so i might name this ad say we were going to do um photo ad v1 for example so i usually split test with a bunch of different images for my ad in order to get in front of my audience and try to hook them into actually taking action because what i'm teaching in my product is actually really valuable and i want to get it out to the world my problem in my business and every business will have their own problems is that there's so many people selling to realtors and so many of them don't actually know what they're doing fortunately i have the benefit of actually being a realtor and providing a product that people love um when they actually take action on it so um i just have to find a way to communicate that to my audience okay so i have a number of photos that i'll use for my ads and i'll just give you an example of one i use here and i'll show you how i go about creating the ad so number one you're going to select your facebook page okay so for me i'm going to select my eric preston facebook page and then i'm going to select my instagram account which i've connected to it which is at eric b preston if you want to give me a follow feel free to follow me on instagram and as always guys if you're enjoying this content i'll just stop and say this please smash that like button hit the subscribe button and the little bell if you want to get notified when i put out more content like this and leave a comment give me questions say what's up just write facebook ads 2021 below if you're new to this and you're finding this valuable i would love to hear from you guys i love the feedback it really helps me create better content for you guys so um first i'm going to select my facebook account and then my instagram account now if you don't have them connected you'll actually have the option to connect them here but you need your instagram account to be an instagram business account okay now that's really important to note because if you don't have an instagram account that's okay you don't have to select one your ad will still run on instagram but it'll run on instagram as your facebook business page if you have an instagram account you select it your ad will run on instagram as your instagram page okay so that's just important to understand okay now we're going to zip through and we're actually going to go down and start creating our ad so i'm going to do a single image or video generally what you would want to do is a single image or video if you want people to click on it and go to your website because anywhere they click on that photo and you want to use a square image usually they will take the action and go to your website they don't have to click the call to action button they can click anywhere on the photo a carousel is should only be used sparingly for uh products like amazon uses this a lot where they're displaying multiple products and each part of the carousel has a different call to action so on a carousel you can have like four or five different things they can scroll through and they all go to a different place and that's good for products and collection is very similar so anyways what we're going to do we're going to go down to the add creative section here and we're going to start building our ad so first things first is i can add an image and i can actually just select from images i've previously used so let's just say i want to use this image here so this image is how to generate 150 leads a month with facebook and google ads so this is an image that i've been running as an ad for for quite a while and a couple important things i want to talk to you about the image and why it's actually worked really well this has been one of our highest performers is a it says realtors at the top so it calls out my audience right away and then it says something very concrete how to generate 150 leads a month with facebook and google ads pretty much on autopilot is what we teach is how to use facebook and google ads on autopilot to generate a consistent pipeline for your real estate business that's kind of our motto okay um so it calls to the audience and it gives concrete results right there of what you're going to learn what you're going to achieve if you want to watch our webinar which is what we're getting people to opt into so next thing we're going to do is we're going to actually start building our copy so one thing you can do as well is you can just put in your website url right away so mine is rmmastery.com now i can just put in my website url below and you'll notice it'll actually pre-populate some things when i put in the url so this is the url people are going to go to once they click on the ad so you'll see the headline here automatically populated how to start generating profitable real estate leads online so you can leave that or you can design your own headline here okay there's a couple of best practices to follow one is you want to call out your audience right away and make it really obvious what it is you're selling so for us we might do something like this and if you're on a mac by the way you can do control command space and it'll bring up the emoji panel so realtors free master class how to generate 150 plus leads per month on total autopilot so that's your hook okay when you're designing that you want to call out to your audience straight away now click below to learn more about our free master class so this is something you would not want to do okay generally what you want to do is you want your hook to be above the fold so you see this little c more button you want your hook to be more or less above the fold but it's okay if the second part of your hook goes into the fold because then it forces people to actually click see more to actually learn more and it gets them engaging with your ad now this is not really a good strategy you don't want to do your hook and then your call to action generally what you want to do is you actually want to insert some kind of story or piece where you can connect with your audience um so you could do something like this i see so many agents now just in the second time i'm not going to type this a lot but i would put like i see so many agents wasting their money on online advertising by not doing it properly i'm a real estate agent myself and i generate 300 plus leads on total autopilot every month for my team now i've created a free master class for you so you can go check it out and actually learn how to do this stuff yourself now click below to register we have limited seats available and i will see you in the training something like that so you're basically going to go hook story call to action okay now you can also do in your headline something like this free master class how to generate 150 leads a month on autopilot okay now you'll see that that shows up pretty well now one thing to note as well everyone is that even though this free masterclass bit beside the learn more seems cut off depending on the resolution of the device they're on they might actually see the whole thing so just because it's cut off there does not mean it'll be cut off anywhere okay you can also click see more and see your whole ad now you'll notice that we're getting a preview of the ad on the right-hand side as i've been showing you now what it's going to give you a preview of is everywhere you decided to put your ad as a placement so for example facebook news feed instagram feed facebook marketplace so i can see what my ad is going to look like on instagram see how it's totally different the hook comes up at the bottom and it's much shorter okay so you can see where your ad looks like on instagram you can see what your ad looks like on video feeds you can see what your ad looks like on stories okay now if you don't like the look of your ad in one individual placement like say you didn't like the look of this on stories you can actually click the edit button and you can edit the ad just for stories okay so you can go change template here and you can actually add in a template perfect for stories so see how that shows up that's really really nice so what i do there is i click save and i'd actually you can actually modify the headline and the primary text as well so then you'd modify that and you click save and it'll process those changes and it'll edit the ad just for stories now unfortunately you have to do that for facebook for instagram and for messenger if you want to um but it's an important point and it's good to like guys if you have an ad that ends up being successful the last thing you want to do is go back and start editing it so it's better to spend the time here and get your ad right but also know that even as a seasoned marketer there's some ads i think are gonna work well that just flop and there's some ads that i think are gonna flop and work really well this is all about testing so don't think you know exactly what's in your audience's mind and what they're thinking or what they're gonna do or what they're gonna take action on it's all about testing so anyway that's going to take a few minutes to actually make that happen in my experience it takes a really long time longer than it should so they should fix that facebook anyway last thing is the description so if i look at this on say a facebook desktop uh one thing that's going to show up on the desktop better is the description so you might want to add a description in here that's like um click here to register just a quick call to action and maybe have like a pointy finger or something like that now the shorter your headline is the more likely your description will actually show up because it usually shows up right under the headline there another thing you can do is when you have your url you also have the display link so it's already shortened it to rmmastery.com but you can have the display link be rmastery.com if it's showing up as like something weird and long and you want it to shorten however the display link has to be the same core link as the actual link so if you have a link that's super super long you want to shorten it in the ad you can put in a display link here last thing is you're going to select your call to action so this depends on what you're actually doing we've tried and tested this so of many other marketers learn more is the best call to action most of the time unless you're doing a book appointment for send message like for people who want you want to message you send messages a good one sign up is a good one for events um but generally learn more is a good one because it entices people to actually go somewhere to learn something else rather than take a specific action right then and there so we use learn more or sign up generally and guys that's that's really it we've created our ad how cool is that so last thing you're gonna do is hit publish and then i'm gonna show you a few more tips and tricks about how to get this ad off the ground so i'm gonna hit publish okay and now my ad is actually gonna publish and go live now i'm not actually going to run this ad because i didn't actually target realtors i targeted parents and people who like wine so that doesn't really make sense for my ad now what i would normally do for my targeting here is i'd actually use lookalike audiences and that's more you know advanced stuff but that basically takes all the leads that i've generated on my website in the past 180 days and it creates a lookalike audience of people who are similar to them and it keeps updating it's really really cool and how you do that is you go back into the ad set and it's just a custom audience so back in the custom audiences section so you can do customer lookalike so a lookalike audience is based on a specific data source or specific audience so i can do a lookalike of all the leads that i've generated in the past 30 days but they there needs to be at least 100 people in that audience to create a lookalike audience around it um for it to actually work in that one country so like if you're marketing the us and canada you have to have 100 people in each country to create a lookalike audience for both um so anyways um that's more advanced stuff so i'm not going to go further into that but what you're going to do is you're going to you're going to go back and you're going to see your ad here so what you're going to do is you're going to go over the ads tab on the right and then you're going to see photo ad 1 that's the ad i just ran so decided you want to change something and that you're not happy with you can click edit you can go back in here and you can edit whatever you want that's totally okay right away but after your ad starts running highly avoid edits you don't want to make too many edits to your ad because it actually resets the algorithm and has to start learning all over again also if you generate 100 likes on your ad and you go in and you edit one word on the copy facebook will erase all of those hundred likes so make sure you don't actually accidentally edit the creative in your ad because it'll wipe out all of the engagement that you've got on that ad so far because you guys know as well as i do sometimes it's really really engaging when you see an ad and you see it's like 350 likes people are like oh it must be an interesting ad there's so many people have seen it so you want to make sure that you don't edit too much okay you can go back in and edit it another thing you can do is you can actually hit this little preview button now this is really cool hit this preview button and you can actually share a link to this ad to someone else you can actually see directly so you can preview on device so if you hit one of these it'll actually send you a notification on facebook or instagram to actually see your ad but the quickest way to do this is you can see see post and you can go facebook post with comments and then it'll actually show you a live preview of this ad right so here's my ad pretty cool now you can see if i click on this ad anywhere it's going to take me to my website or my landing page and then um one thing you can do as well this is a really cool little trick is you can actually like your ad before anyone else so i can like my ad and then i can switch pages i can go to my personal profile and i can love it and i can go to my eighth marketing page and i can wow it for example and then anyone who sees that ad for the first time already sees a little bit engagement on it okay so that's a cool little trick but that is really how you run an ad now last thing you would want to do here i'm just going to pause this ad because i don't actually want to run it so last thing you want to do here everyone is you want to look at your data so let me give you an example here this is one campaign i'm running with a look-alike audience okay and you can see all of the data in here right for this ad now you're not gonna see all of this data right away okay and the reason is you don't have your column set up so what you can do with this here is you can see columns and you can go performance and it'll show you the biggest performance metrics if you have video you can see the biggest video metrics so you can manipulate your your dashboard to see the data that you want to see what you would probably want to do though is actually create your own so i've actually created my own and how you do that is you actually go customize columns here and then you can actually start customizing all of your columns to get the data that you want so for me i have like the most important stuff for me so how many leads did we get what was our cost per lead what was our cost per initiate checkout which is what this ads optimizing for how many purchases do we have what was our cost per purchase well we spent 87 dollars per purchase for this specific ad which is a really really high good result and our purchase value was 2 900 based on the purchases we got from that ad and you can see you know how many people clicked on the link versus how many unique people clicked on the link so that means there was about nine people in there that clicked on the link twice right what was our cost per click what was our click-through rate out of how many of every 100 people that saw the ad how many people clicked on the link that's your click-through rate what was our cpm meaning our cost per 1000 impressions so how much did it cost to have this ad shown a thousand times now these are actually high numbers but the funny thing about facebook is when you optimize for the thing that you want like initiate checkout or purchase we'll often get higher lead costs we got higher lead costs than when we're optimizing for leads but we get lower purchase costs so really important stuff to actually know and i hope that helps everyone this should give you a good understanding of everything you need to know in terms of facebook ads you can see in this ad set as well we actually ran three different ads now it's a good best practice when you're doing um an ad set to have three different creatives so we have one video and two photos that are running and you can see that they all delivered different results so like these two ads seem to do the best because they generated purchases for you know 90 and 60 dollars so whenever you have an ad set it's good to have a few different creatives in there if you have them available and the last thing i want to leave you with is if you want to duplicate an ad or say an ad set is performing really well so like this ad set was performing really well but we're only spending 25 a day on this ad typically we're spending three four hundred dollars a day what i would do then is i would duplicate this ad set right i would duplicate it into the same campaign if i was using my budget at the campaign level and this one i'm i'm actually using at a campaign level so i would take my campaign and i would duplicate it and then i would increase the budget you want to avoid changing the budgets like if i just went back here and i just said instead of 25 daily i want to spend 100 daily my ads performance will go way down right away so you want to duplicate the ad set and increase the budget before you publish it almost always you want to avoid editing too much you just kind of want to leave facebook ads they're really really finicky whereas google ads are a little simpler and that you can just increase the budgets and the algorithm will work with that accordingly facebook is a little more finicky so just be careful with that so yeah guys go out there and run awesome facebook ads now that you have all the tools that you need so good luck leave a comment if you have questions i'm happy to help all right everyone that wraps up this video i hope you enjoyed this content today as always smash that like button if you like this video hit that dislike button if you didn't any feedback helps me create better content for you guys consider subscribing if you want to get notified first when i put out new content as always if you're a realtor drop a comment below if you want a link to my online lead generation master class where i go over the a to z of online marketing to help you level up your business online now if you're still watching and you're still here be sure to check out one of these two videos that i've posted up here to continue your education with me and i will see you all in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Eric B. Preston
Views: 100,918
Rating: 4.9389 out of 5
Keywords: facebook ads for beginners, facebook ads, facebook ads tutorial, facebook ads 2021, facebook ads tutorial 2021, facebook advertising, facebook ads 2020, advertising on facebook, eric b preston, eric preston, fb ads 2021
Id: xN_6UmqB0OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 41sec (3341 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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