Facebook Ads Tutorial (Made In 2021 for 2021) - Step-By-Step for Beginners

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hey guys yvonne here at evonmana.com in this video i want to show you how to create a facebook ads campaign from start to finish in 2021 as you watch behind my shoulder i'm going to show you everything step by step for those of you new to the channel welcome my name is yvonne i have been making money online from home only using my laptop since 2017 and i have been promoting ads on various networks such as google ads microsoft ads and facebook ads and so in this video i want to show you everything i know about running successful profitable ads on facebook any tips tricks techniques anything like that that you have to know so that you can make money online as well now before we get into it guys make sure to hit like and subscribe and hit the notification bell icon so you get notified when i release more videos just like this to help you improve your online marketing game that being said let's get straight into it so we have to do a few things here the first thing we have to do is create a facebook ads account how do you do that first you have to create a regular facebook account so if you don't have one yet simply head over to facebook.com create an account you don't have to make anything fancy but you have to have a personal account to make this work then you're gonna head over to business.facebook.com right over here and you're going to create an account so simply click on create account they will ask you to log into your personal account which i am already here then you're going to click on create account over here you're going to enter the name for your account your email on the next step you're going to enter your address some basic information nothing too fancy and then you will have access to your account very simple very easy to do once you create an account you will land on a page that looks exactly like this minus these ads you probably won't see ads now keep in mind that facebook does always test different variations of their interface so your interface if it looks different it might be a little bit different only because they're testing different variations okay so don't be offset by any changes they do simply follow what i do and look at the buttons that i click okay that's the main thing so once you're here you created your business manager account now you have to create your actual ad account and the way you do that is by clicking on business settings here on the left now there are a few things you guys have to do before you create an ad account so head over down to the bottom here on the left hand side and click on business info and then what you want to do is just verify that all the information here is correct your address the legal name of your business and then scroll down and you will have to verify your email address so if you still haven't received the email confirmation you will see a button here that's going to say resend email confirmation click on that and verify you have to verify your email before you can run any ads so make sure to do that first okay pretty simple the next thing you're going to want to do is head over to payments and add your payment information simply click on add and add your visa or debit card or whatever card you have and that is pretty much it so after you add your card and you verify your email the first thing we have to do is actually create the ad account so i'm gonna head over up over here under accounts click on add accounts and we're gonna create another account here now i already have my limit of five accounts that i used for videos so i can't create another one but all you guys are gonna do is click on add here click on create new ad account and enter the ad account name confirm your currency click next and that's pretty much it you successfully would have created your account on the next page what you might have to do let me see if this will work uh let's say account six and see if that allows me to pass through uh you're gonna select the business which in this case is this is the name of this business account you're gonna click on create yeah so it might not let me do it because i have the maximum number of accounts but the next step basically you just have to attach your name to it so after you click next to that you're going to see something like this all you're going to want to do is click on your name here and then click on manage ad account and click on assign okay and that's it you would have created your account and assigned yourself to be able to manage it so one of the benefits of creating your facebook ad account under this business management tool is that you will be able to manage other people's accounts as well so you can you know if you click on add and you click on add an ad account or request access you will be able to request access for other people's accounts if you want to manage them if you're like an ad agency or something like that so let's quickly recap we have created a facebook account if you haven't yet we've created a facebook for business account we have verified all the information entered the payment and we have created our ad account now what we have to do the one more thing we have to do before we actually create the campaign is create a facebook page so unlike google ads where you can just start promoting once you you sign up and enter your billing information with facebook you have to create a page okay which is gonna like be the face of your business people will be able to click on that page so make sure the page looks good so what we're gonna do is click on pages over here and i already have a sample page here of course what you're going to do is click on add and click on again create new page once again if you already have a page or you want to manage someone else's account simply click on request access to a page and you know follow these two options uh generally most of you are probably starting from scratch so we're gonna click on create new page you're gonna see all these six options don't get intimidated they're all pretty similar you can change them later on but it's pretty straightforward if you are an artist music or band you want to promote yourself as an artist click this option if you're a not-for-profit organization click on this option if you're promoting games click this option you know things like that if you're an affiliate marketer such as myself you will probably want to click on brand or product but once again it doesn't matter too much you can change this category uh the only difference is that facebook gives you different kind of options but you can like i said change them later on doesn't matter too much so we're gonna click on brand or product here and now you're gonna enter the page name so i'm gonna enter you know in this case we'll be promoting my website so let's say yvonne mana ut because i already actually i could just save on mana here and for the category you know select a category that fits what you're doing uh let's just say website i want to promote my website so i'm making a page for my website so i'm going to click on create page and it looks like i already managed this page just like i thought so let me change the name up a little bit let me say yt even mana yt to separate it out a little bit so now the page is added here and it automatically adds you as the manager so if you want to see what this page looks like simply click on view page and you will access the page so what you want to do here is you want to add your you'll see here your banner you will want to add your kind of profile picture this will show up above your actual ad once we start running facebook ads you will want to go into about and you want to enter all you might have to click it twice it lag sometimes you want to enter all this information here as much information as you want you you don't have to go over the top but remember this is the face of your business so when somebody clicks on your page they will have the option to and with facebook ads to click on this page and see your page you want to make it look trustworthy credible presentable all that fun stuff now i could take another 20 to 30 minutes to make this page look absolutely amazing but i don't want to go off topic here i want to focus on the actual facebook campaign as long as i'm showing you the tools i think now you know how to do it you know like you just click this button and add a cover you click this button and you add a picture pretty easy but if you do want to go into the great minute detail of every single setting of how to in detail create a facebook ad campaign all that stuff i do have courses take a look at evonmana.com all dash courses where i teach you how to do absolutely everything step by step in very great detail but for the purpose of this video let's say that we've created our page okay so we can simply close out of that and this is our page okay so if we refresh it just to make sure that it's there uh we see it here and it's all fine make sure your name is there and that's it okay we're good to go so now what you want to do now that you've created your ad account you've created a page you wanna go over here click on business tools and you wanna click on ads manager and this will take you to the main ads manager page so let's suppose your ad account name is ad account one this is going to be your main dashboard okay so remember this guys this is the page you're gonna see a lot as you run facebook ads so get familiar with it don't worry we i will show you everything here in this video so follow along with me and it will not seem as intimidating as it might for some of you so we want to promote my website right here's my website by the way evonmana.com make sure you guys do have some website you want to promote you can't just promote a physical location or anything like that so just make sure you have some sort of website or landing page anything like that and back in our facebook ads what you're going to do is click on create okay so notice here there are these three tabs let's start i guess from from this so facebook ads just like google ads follows a little hierarchy which means you have campaigns at the top you have the ad sets or ad groups as they call it in google and microsoft and then you have the ads so at the campaign level this is where you could set the budget for the entire campaign you could also do it at the ad set level i'll get into that and you will also choose your campaign objective this becomes pretty important as you determine what exact objective you want do you want to reach out to more people do you want to get as many clicks on your website do you want to get as many sales do you want to collect as many leads okay we'll get into that in a second here but that's what the campaign level is for next you have the ad set level now this is the heart of your advertising just like again with google ads if you saw my google ads video or microsoft ads this is where you set the targeting very important that means the age that means the gender that means the device that means most importantly the interest groups or audience groups if you have a remarketing list so again don't worry too much we will get into it but that is what the ad set mainly is for and last but not least you have the ads of course how can you create campaign without ads this is where you set the creative that means your ad text your description your headline and of course your image and again depending on your objective if you set a video campaign for example you can add a video so now that we covered this hierarchy really quickly let's see it all in action so like i said under campaigns we're gonna click on create and we're just gonna fill in the blanks guys okay so we're gonna go from top to bottom now the first part here is asking for choose a campaign objective so this is pretty straightforward and you can click on the little exclamation mark icon to see what each of these objectives do so for example if you want to reach as many people as possible if you're a new company and you want everybody to hear about it you would probably want to go with one of these two now there is my new detail between these two i don't want to get into it not to spend too much time i do cover it in my facebook ads course but every one of these is a little different so for example if you set traffic here it says facebook will send your ads to people most likely to click on your ads whereas if you set for example let's say engagement facebook will show your ads to people most likely to engage with your post that means put likes that means share your post that means comment your post things like that facebook has information on all the people that use facebook surprise surprise and they know based on their algorithms of who is most likely to click on your ads who's most likely to engage or if you select this conversions campaign for example once you do have conversion data again i'll get into that later on what people who are most likely to convert and to actually buy products okay so you can't set this ideally you want to set this we can't set it at the start if you have no conversion data because how does facebook know what your audience is but normally what i like to start my campaigns with is traffic basic clicks to our website okay so if you're just starting out you have no data yet you just have a website i would go with traffic now you can click on this little option here and you can also name the campaign name the ad set name the app we're going to leave these two blank but we will name the campaign okay so let's say our campaign name is yvonne mana and we're gonna click on continue and so now you are at this campaign stage right so you see again the hierarchy you have the campaign you have you can have many different ad sets here and you have the ad so you have selected your objective here like you said now once your campaign starts running guys you cannot change this okay so keep that in mind set your campaign objective now because you cannot change later on you will have to create a whole new campaign if you want a different objective next you can click on show more options and i i'm just going to show you some of these options you have so you can set a campaign spending limit so for example if you don't want to spend more than 100 for this campaign that's what you would set here and facebook will automatically pause your ad once that limit is reached now let's suppose we don't want to do that what you can do is scroll down and over here where it says campaign budget optimization so normally you would set your budget at the ad set level but if you select this to on you can actually set your campaign you can set the budget at the campaign level over here let's say you want to set a daily budget so you don't want to spend more than a certain amount per day this is where you would enter okay so you could say hey i don't want to spend more than 30 a day and a maximum of 100 for this campaign okay that's what you said now the other option here is lifetime budget now if you switch here you will notice this part here is gone because this is the lifetime budget right that's the same thing that we just set up here so it becomes redundant so again if you if you don't care about how much you spend per day you just want to set a lifetime budget of say a hundred bucks that's where you would put it here as well and then if you go to show more options if you go to ad scheduling you can set times for your ad so you can say hey i want my ads to run only on specific times and then you can set those times at the ad set level okay so this is pretty much everything i think i've gone into a little bit too much detail here for the campaign level but that is all there is okay so now we have two more things we have to do the ad set level and the ads the actual ads you can get there several ways one is you can just click here if you just click here you're gonna see all the editing options for the ad or if you close out of that you could have just clicked on this ad set tab so here as you can see i can navigate i can select this campaign and now i'm gonna see all the ad sets pertaining to that specific campaign right here and then i'm gonna see all the ads pertaining to that ad set and that campaign now our ads are already yet okay so let's let's go back to the ad set tab and what we're gonna do here is don't click here click on edit okay because you wanna actually edit the ad set and now this is where we set our targeting like i said so i'm gonna leave this ad set name blank because what i like to do is i like to set my targeting first and then make that the name of my ad set because if i end up testing different ad sets for example one ad set i want to test people interested in monkeys another ad set i want to test people interested in cars i want to have different ad set names specific to the targeting so that i can refer to them later on without having to click on each ad set okay so we're going to leave this now we're going to keep that at website we're going to leave dynamic creative off i have a video explaining this in more detail if you want check that out we're going to leave it blank for now we don't need it and then offer here this is pretty cool too this just sets you know once you set the page like here we're going to select our even mana youtube page you can create an offer so you could say hey right now we're doing you know 50 off for example for this promotion so it adds a little bit of extra information to your ad so that's pretty cool if you do have a promotion now we don't have any so i'm just going to leave it off next you have the budget and schedule this is where you set when you want your ads to start and end so you can just set a date here now if you are like me and you prefer to run your ads forever unless you manually pause them so you don't want to set off a date right off the bat you can just enter a date far far away and then go in and manually pause it okay so for example if i set it to like march 16th we can just leave it at that now we can scroll down and as you can see here we do have a little warning uh keep in mind you will get these warnings every once in a while so don't freak out just read what they say and you should be able to easily fix it so in this case this says that hey we selected a specific ad schedule at the campaign level so now we have to select a schedule here so let's say you want to run your ads every day from three to three right so let's say from three in the morning to three in the evening from three a.m to three pm what you're going to do is you're going to click here and then you're going to drag it all the way here and now our ads are running from 3 a.m here right each one is one hour so from three to three right here right this is where the three p.m starts so this one here is from three to four okay now if you want to set specific days for example i don't want it to run on friday at all i'm going to deselect friday and let's say i want to deselect tuesday okay so this is your ad schedule if you have specific times if you don't want to set times then remember at the campaign level let's go back to the campaign level if we scroll down to the bottom we want to deselect this option we don't want to run our ads on a schedule so we're just going to go ahead and click continue and now our ads are going to be running all the time okay especially if you're promoting like an affiliate offer like we are and you're just testing now this whole option here is gone and then over here this is where you can set your ad set limits so if you click on over here you can set you know a minimum and a maximum amount for this specific ad set and later on you know once we're done creating the campaign i will show you how to quickly duplicate ad sets so you can test different things so that's when you might want to set a budget you might want to say i don't want to spend more than 20 bucks for each ad set but we're going to turn it off for now we don't want that and we're going to scroll down to the audience bar now this is your main targeting option here guys so this is where you're going to spend most of your time so let's start from the top we have location uh which countries you want to target people if you want to target everybody in the whole world you're simply going to type in yes we want people here sorry we're going to go over here and we're going to type in wide and it's this option here so it's considered a region i don't know but it's you know they put the little mark here on the whole world and now you'll be targeting everyone now let's suppose you don't want to target everyone and like me you prefer to target the tier 1 location so what you're gonna do is click over here and type in the name of the country you want so for example canada we're gonna type in united states we're gonna type in australia so normally you know i run mainly affiliate marketing campaigns which is like online products so i normally go with the tier one countries which is like the highest quality of traffic and one more we have united kingdom okay so let's suppose you want to target these locations you simply type them in and that's it okay so you're good for this location part and again over here i don't know if i stressed it enough you want to make sure it's this option people living in or recently in this location and then if you want to target people literally that literally only live there they don't even visit the specific location you want to select this option so just some things for you to look at we can leave it here now as we adjust the targeting you can also pay attention to what they have here on the right side this says that we'll be reaching about 340 million people now this is a huge number okay so don't think of it as the more the better on the contrary you want a smaller number ideally rule of thumb is let's say 300 to 600 000 people the reason why you want this number is because it's not too big that it's so broad you know you might reach people that aren't interested in what you're offering but at the same time it's narrow enough to reach targeted people that are interested in your products so that's my golden number it's kind of between 300 000 and 500 000 so 340 million is way too big but as we keep working on these options it will go down okay so you will see that so next we have the age so right now we're targeting anybody from age 18 to 65 plus so from from 18 plus basically so if you want to change it you simply select the exact age the cool thing about this is that unlike google which give you you know they give you specific like age ranges with facebook you can target exact ages because they have so much more information so let's suppose we want to target everyone from age 22 to age 40. now you can see that their results are much lower now it's 160 million so that's half of what we had before okay so let's keep going you want to target genders uh you can target all men or women depending on the product and now finally we're on to the detailed targeting this is where the heart of your research will come in so what we're gonna do is click on edit over here and you can enter your interest so interest groups they are like you already know facebook pages right so like right now today we created our facebook page even mana yt youtube so you can target people that like specific pages so in this case for example we're promoting an affiliate marketing guide so maybe we want to reach people that are interested in affiliate marketing so maybe we can type in affiliate marketing and we're going to get suggestions of facebook groups so over here you have ideas now pay attention to what it says here on the right because over here it says this is an employer so affiliate marketing employer means over here it's telling you description over there on the right people who listed their employer as affiliate marketing so probably these are people that are self-employed as affiliate marketers but this is employers so there's no affiliate marketing page that they liked okay then you have job titles people who listed their job as affiliate marketing and then here you have the interests so this is people who have expressed an interest in this page so if you go on facebook you will likely find a page called affiliate marketing this exact one which has about 12 million people you can see there over there on the right hand side the 12 million there that's how many people like this page so if we target it here we're going to be targeting people with all these you know options like age 20 to 40 oh and people who like affiliate marketing and now our range is much more narrow it's 820 000 people now you can keep adding interest groups so if you type in you can either click on suggestions or you can just type in affiliate marketing again and i'll probably just end up typing suggestions and now we're gonna get things related to affiliate marketing and as we go through the interest groups we will see how many people there are in that group or that like that group so for example digital marketing there are 175 million people okay so that's way too much i accidentally clicked that that's way too much way too broad i would probably do more research so i wouldn't do that um you can scroll down you know look at all these options see what makes sense to you for example money that's way too broad you know half a billion people so this part is on you guys to go in there and find relevant audiences now a neat little trick you can do is if you go into narrow audience you can type in audiences that have to match together so if you if i type something in here let me just do this again let me type in passive income what we'll be doing here if we do it this way is we'll be targeting people that like affiliate marketing or like passive income either one so we'll be targeting 12 million people plus the 15 million people not including people that like both groups okay so somewhere in between as you can see here 2.4 million with all of these now if i remove this and i target and i target digital marketing here for example so we type in digital marketing now what we'll be doing is we'll be targeting people that like this and this group okay so think of it as like a little circle you have a circle for affiliate marketing you have a circle for digital marketing and then if you combine them you have the little part in between this thing here what we've done by clicking narrow audience is we are targeting people in between okay so it's much more targeted audience because now people have to like both so now we are at 380 000 people which is much more targeted this is more so of a number that i like so you can keep going you can click narrow further and you can keep adding things now one cool thing i do like is something called engaged shoppers that's the name of this and what this is going to do is notice how this is a behavior so facebook identifies people that constantly buy on facebook and you can target them so people that like affiliate marketing and they like digital marketing and they are engaged shoppers so now our number is about 140 000 so it's a very very laser targeted narrow audience that you can target now there's more that goes into it guys i actually have a video on this i'll link it to you what normally you would want to do is let me close out of this for a second if you click on business tools again if you go over into audience audience insights right over here what you can do is it's a tool that allows you to do research and get way more information way more insight into the different audiences okay so you can do that take a look at my video which covers it in more detail or my course which covers everything comprehensively but this is a tool that can help you get ideas if you're kind of stuck and you're not sure or you want more information about what genders what age groups what interests are contained within a specific page this is the tool you would use by the way there are different ways of doing this so what we did here is the laser targeted approach which means that we keep narrowing our audience right so we say people who like this and this and this and this that's the that's the laser targeted approach there is another approach which involves you just setting one interest group at a time and then split testing all of them and seeing which one works so i cover all of that in my course but just letting you know there's no one right way of doing this you have different ways you can go about targeting but this is the process right so i'm just telling you guys generally what you should be doing what you should be looking for now one thing you could also do is you can also exclude audiences so this especially is useful once you do remarketing and if you for example create a remarketing list for people who purchased your products already you might want to exclude them from the list you don't want to target them from the list because in this case you know we're targeting a cold audiences we have a message hey welcome to my site here's what i do we don't want to show that to people who already know me who already bought my site not my site but my products so this is where you would exclude them here by clicking here and then same thing you find your interest you're targeting and whatnot now you can also select this option here reach people beyond your detail targeting and that's just facebook is going to go and search for more people that are similar to what you indicated here i usually don't like to select it unless i'm experimenting and i have a little bit of an extra budget next we have here languages so you can set the language now this isn't this isn't going to translate your language okay so we can set for example english all and now our ads are going to show to people who have facebook and english who are using an english interface we're going to scroll down a little bit let's click on show more options and see what else we have here you can add connections so this is basically people who like your page so once you get page data you can target people who like your page who engage with your page who are friends of your page and so on and then what you could also do is you could save the audience okay so you can if you spend a lot of time researching this and you find this is the perfect audience you can go ahead click save and you'll just be able to give it a name to save it and you'll be able to use it later on so the audience name we can say i don't know yvonne mana affiliate marketing interest group for example okay so that's how you would do it and then if you want to add these audience groups if you want to add them back again you want to retarget them then you would just scroll up here where it says search existing audiences and you would find your audience here so we don't have any audiences but you would find all your audiences here including remarketing audiences again which i cover in my course in very thorough detail you'll be able to find remarketing audiences here so you could target the people that already saw your website or maybe didn't buy you can retarget them okay so everything is here for the audiences and you can use saved audiences here if you save them they will be over here so that being said let's keep going let's say all this targeting is good let's let let's imagine we're happy with this let's go down now the next part here is targeting so uh you you can obviously put your ad in different places okay so if we go to manual placements you can place your ads here it says all these options so you can put it on facebook instagram messenger audience network and then over here you see images of what it looks like when you hover over all of them now if i'm more constrained on my budget i don't feel like experimenting yet i just want to kind of see how my ads are doing generally the most effective ad format is going to be your facebook news feed okay so what you can do is you can deselect everything you can go down here or you can just deselect those options that works too whichever way but i like to do more manuals so i see and confirm that everything's been taken out and just scroll down make sure everything is removed right we don't want to show our ads anywhere here we don't want to show it anywhere here we only want to show it on facebook only what where we're we're paying for we're paying facebook so we want to deselect all this all this all this all that and all that and give it a second i don't know why it's lagging a little bit and we will only want to show it on facebook newsfeed so if you want to know kind of the most effective or the the most efficient the biggest bank for your buck it's generally going to be facebook news feed everything else is worth testing and i'm not saying you can't make money but if you're constrained your best bet is the news feed that's what you see when people scroll through their news feed as you see here there's a little image there on the right you know as you normally go through facebook that's what people see kind of the ad in the middle so that's what we like to do once again if you want to select everything you want to test just reselect them again okay but that's what this is and we missed one little thing here if you go to devices this is where you set device targeting so if you want to target people for example only on mobile you're going to deselect desktop and you're going to target people only on mobile now in this case we can leave it on because my website is mobile optimized but we can scroll down let me show you some other things here if you go to click more options the other cool thing you can do is this is something google doesn't have which is pretty cool you can for mobile devices you can select only when connected to wi-fi so you will not be targeting people that are using their data so this is cool because if somebody isn't waiting in line for a dentist or a doctor you know to get their car registration license at a governmental building your ads will not show to them because likely they're in a rush they're waiting they can get up any minute so likely you want to target people that are relaxed and this option allows you to do that target only when connected to wi-fi okay so that's what this is you can leave this option as is let's go down we're almost done here with these options we can leave all these blank i don't really touch these uh optimize again i also leave these blank you can choose any of these options so you can pay for impressions for example so you can say hey i only want to pay for impressions by the way is every thousand impressions so an impression is when someone sees your ad so you can choose and say hey i want to pay when every time a thousand people see my ad you can do that normally what i like to do is start with link clicks so someone actually clicks the button on your website you want to pay for that and then as your ad becomes better as you optimize and you see higher conversion rates you see higher click rates that's when you want to switch to impression because then it'll be cheaper for you because then you you convert well for every thousand impressions whereas at the start you might have a hard time getting clicks because you're optimizing you're not sure if it's a good offer if it's a good page and so on so we're gonna go ahead and scroll down when you get charged you can set it to link click so you will pay for every click okay and that is pretty much it for the ad set level so now what we're going to do is let's go back up and change the name of our ad set right so our ad set here is let's suppose we said 22 all locations okay so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to say t1 for tier 1 countries these are the five tier one countries australia canada whatever you you saw me put there then i'm gonna put double slash i'll say we said 22 to 40. uh i'll say males plus females i'll put double slash and it looks like there's a little space there sorry i'm a little perfectionist let's remove that and then the main thing is we're going to scroll down here and we want to get all these right so we want to say affiliate marketing plus digital marketing plus engage shoppers so we're going to add it here i'm going to add space now guys um you know a common question i'll get is do do you have to do this no you don't this is for my reference or for your reference if you're doing your ad later on once you split test let's suppose you want to test how well you know all genders ages 41 to 65 are doing you will have two separate groups this way you can just glance at it and you will know if you don't name it like this you will have to actually click on this ad set and you will have to see what's contained within it it's it's just it's an extra click and then you have to click back and then right so all the clicks set up so it's just easier if you do it this way so i've gotten to have the habit of doing it and you might see this little message just click here this means that right now it's 10 12. uh you know you just have to set it back to 10 12 because we you can't set a start date in the past so we're going to scroll down uh we're going to pick up digital marketing and then we'll just uh so sorry i'm i copy paste i clicked on control c so i'm going to control v to paste and then i'll just say plus engaged shoppers okay and so now i know exactly what this ad group contains okay so if we close out of that by the way everything gets saved automatically you don't have to like click on save or hear anything it gets saved live in real time so now it's in draft and then this is what you see and then if you do if you are taking up more space you can just go ahead and do that and now you see the whole thing here if you also specified that this is only mobile traffic or only desktop traffic this is where you would set it as well and lastly we have to actually create the ad that's the error here that's the only error remaining is we have to create the ad and then we're good to go so what i'm going to do is i can click here just on this option not edit click here or we can go to ads okay either way so let's suppose i click here this time and it just takes it automatically to the add tab and then what we're gonna do is click on edit and now this is where we create the actual ad okay so this is where you have to get a little creative guys maybe take some take some time to think about the right ad copy maybe take a look around see what others are doing on facebook but this is where we have to settle these details so the first part here um the ad name we're gonna leave it blank for now let's create the ad and then again we're gonna describe our ad in the title next you have to select the facebook page so in this case it is this page that we created together right yvonne mana yt if you are promoting on instagram you would have to select an instagram page if you want but we are not promoting on instagram so we're just going to leave it blank for the ad setup here's where you can choose what you want like which format you can set a carousel which allows you to add several images together and they you know just like a carousel they they over here let me see if i can show you an example you know here so here's one image then people can click the little button or the little arrow and it's going to take them to the next image or you have a collection which opens into like uh you will see full out a collection of all the images right away so it's a little bit different than carousel or the single image type and let me see if i guess it got turned off automatically let's see if i can show you what it looks like yeah not quite okay so so that's okay but it's just gonna be a collection of all the images all the items okay so we're gonna go single image this is the easiest this is the most common option you will actually go with i leave these options blank so we can leave them let's scroll down and then over here this is where you can add the media so you can click here you can add image or video let's click on add image so this is where you can upload your images so you can either upload them or you can use existing images so if you have you know images off of your page right now our page doesn't have many images so there's nothing here but you can have business images if you uploaded anything there and of course account images which i already uploaded here to this account so click on upload and you'll be able to upload your file so let's say we want to use this image here i'm just going to go ahead and select it for illustration purposes and we might have to crop it a little bit if we don't like the way it looks you can click on crop for all the different placements now in this case it doesn't matter too much our ad will look like this because we are only targeting facebook desktop news feed but if you will be targeting different options you will have to select these and just kind of you know crop them make them look good okay but in this case it doesn't matter because we're only going to be promoting on facebook desktop news feed so we're going to click done here and let's see what our image is going to look like right there okay so if you are uploading your image the ideal dimensions are one point nine one two one so it's almost two to one so you want the width here to be double the size of the height almost okay that's like the ideal dimensions that they want for desktop news feed and that would be equivalent to 1200 by 628 pixels so as you can see the 1200 is almost double of the 628 right in this case the image size isn't exact but that's okay it's just an example and you know that looks fine so we can scroll down if you click this option here you can adjust whichever placement you want like i said we're only doing facebook desktop news feed so there's not much to change but if you do you click here and you select which one you want to change and then you can go ahead and adjust it so after that this is where we set the text the headline the description of our facebook ad okay so over here you can see it says headline right there so that's going to be your headline your primary text is going to be right there right above the image so if i write something here if i write text it's going to show up right there and then your description shows right underneath now if you if your headline is long enough the description isn't going to show okay so just so you know so we can add all these things here let me first add the website url so this message goes away and we're just going to type in my website https uh let's save on meta.com now i am offering you guys an actual free guide to affiliate marketing so if you want to learn how to make money from home i've been doing this for four years everything i showed you in the guide uh just enter your name email and i will send you the guide right away so it's a 55 page ebook guide you will know everything about affiliate marketing and how to make money online so this isn't just a test website it is my actual website uh take a look and you can get this guide so if we go back here oh that's the website so let's let's fill in some details so we're promoting you know i'm giving people a free guide for people looking for what is affiliate marketing so for the headline let's say free affiliate marketing guide uh yeah so this is what it's gonna look like on mobile that's why it's a bit squished on desktop there's gonna be a bit more space okay so i will show you how to preview this once we're actually done but let's say free affiliate marketing guide for beginners for example and yeah it will get a little bit laggy so after you type you know there's going to be a little delay and we could also add a description so we could say 55 pages let's say teaching you what affiliate marketing is and how to make money online okay so that's for this option and then for the text i like to start with a question because facebook is something called disruptive marketing where people don't go on facebook to read ads people go on facebook they're not searching for anything they're just relaxing you know reading through their friend's post and then your ad kind of shows up so you want to grab attention with an image and with text so i like to start with a question so i like to say for example want a free affiliate marketing guide okay and then we can say in this guide i teach you what affiliate marketing is and how you can make money with it let's say right now so so then we can enter our url so we could say something like simply go to the site below enter your details and i'll send you the guide right away okay and then what we can do is we could also link to our site now what i also like to do is use these emojis so what i what i like to do is if you go to emojipedia.com no emojipedia.org i think you can get some cool emojis and you can add them okay so from this website let me quickly show you what it's going to look like sorry i had a bit of an internet outage so if you go to emojipedia.org you can get cool emojis here so in this case what i like to do is type an arrow and then i like to get these downward pointing arrows so over here if you click on down arrow uh there are other websites you can go to as well it doesn't have to be this one but then you're going to copy let's go back to our ad here and then i'm just going to ctrl v to paste so i'm going to paste that several times and it's like a little arrow pointing down uh now you could also what you could also do is if you type arrow i think there's a little hand as well hand down and you can do like a little uh person pointing down so something like this like that one and this one's actually better i actually prefer to use this one so let's go back here we can delete all these options here and we're just gonna paste the hands like that okay and then what you could also do if you want more of these emojis you can scatter them throughout they do get a little bit more attention so if you for example write book you know you can take a little picture of like an ebook maybe so let's see either laptop or let's see if we can find like an ebook yeah i mean maybe open book we can use that so we can copy that for example go back to our ad and maybe paste it right here and that is pretty much it like that's the idea right so obviously put a little bit more time into it think of a good message and then what you could also do is you can add options so you can test different variations so if you click on add options you can test another variation for the headline and then you can test another sorry for the primary text you can test another variation for the headline so you can go with all these options and see which one works for you the best so i'm just going to go ahead and close out of that close out of that and we should be pretty much good with this ad so i'm just going to scroll down make sure everything is good here looks like we filled everything in this is what our ad is going to look like now to actually see what our ad is going to look like live you would normally click here and you can preview it but you cannot preview until you publish so what i'm going to do here is quickly publish this and then you can take a look now if you are afraid and you're saying no i'm not ready yet let's pause this that's fine you can publish it and then pause it okay so let's take a quick look this ad is under review anyway okay so it's not gonna run yet so now you can go here and you can say view on facebook desktop news feed you can click here and now you can scroll through your facebook and see what other people are actually going to be seeing so if you scroll down scroll down this guy's looking for a facebook ads expert hopefully you guys can reply to this guy now and offer your suggestions so we can scroll down it looks like i'm not seeing anything yet here so let's try it one more time we're gonna go here let's say facebook desktop news feed once again uh sometimes it does that so that's okay if you don't see your ad just re-click uh let's see if it shows up now there you go okay so here's our ad you know a nice good-looking girl people always use girls in their advertisements maybe you want to do that it's important for the person to look at you look at the camera she's looking at the camera she's got some money so you know take a look at these things and then here's what the things are look like simply go to the site below and then if someone clicks this image or they click here they click learn more um they will go to my site and it's loading sorry internet is a little bit slow but uh let me go back here real quick and show you there was one more thing i missed and that is the call to action button so over here you can also do uh so you can enter a display link so if your url is like yvonne mana.com landing page uh you don't have to show the whole thing and you can just say display evonmana.com or if your website url is for example www.iwomen.com or go.evonmana.com if that's what it is and you don't want it to show that then you can just go in and say well i want my display to just say even mana okay you can do that now you cannot use a different url so if your url is you know hotpotatoes.com you can't use even mana as the display link the domain this part has to be the same and actually this part too okay that part has to be the same and sorry about that it says loops probably because of the crappy internet but the page did load here so it looks like it's working yeah something's off with the internet i'm sorry guys uh but everything else is pretty much good to go so let's publish it one more time and then let me show you how to pause it in case you don't want it to run so it's publishing it says one ad was published successfully that's good good news okay we're going to go here oh and we didn't name our ad so we want to do that and if you want to pause it you can just click here right there and now it's paused okay and then what you want to do is if you click on you can edit the name here or you can click on edit and just go through the steps here so our ad was um you know we want to reference we want to start we started with a question want free guide let's put a little question mark to indicate that it's a question and then we'll say girl with money on phone okay and then this is for our reference again once we create different ad copies variations we will know what each ad is and so that's the idea and that's what our ads gonna look like you know how to preview it now but it is paused okay so just remember if you don't want it to run yet just pause it or pause the entire campaign so if you go to the campaign option here you can just pause the campaign boom right there and now the entire campaign is paused now it is on review okay so it's not ready yet but once it comes off review your ads will start delivering now one more thing if you do want to duplicate your ads or your campaigns all you're going to do is click here and you can either click here and say quick duplicate which is going to just instantly duplicate or you can click this button here and you can say how many copies do you want you want one two three four copies you can create a new campaign in this case which is what we want and you just click duplicate so we don't want to duplicate the campaign but for example we do want to duplicate the ad set okay so what i'm going to do is i can also click duplicate here so we do want to duplicate it to the original campaign or we can say existing campaign doesn't matter it's even mana and then let's say we want one copy we're going to duplicate and then what we're going to do is go in there and make some changes so for example we're going to set different targets okay and let me close out of all these by the way just to tidy things up a little bit close out of that and then over here this is in red which means that everything is exactly the same right so that means this ad is exactly the same as this one so you obviously want to change it because they have to be a little bit different so we're going to click on this option here and sorry that's the ad so you want to click on the add group or the ad set and then we want to scroll down and let's say we want to do slightly different targeting so we're going to go down and then over here for example let's suppose we don't want to target affiliate marketing we want to target uh let's say we want to target people who like neil patel and russell brunson for example right so we can say neil patel uh we're gonna yeah so this is an interest group we've got 330 000 people uh okay yeah so let's just leave it at that we don't need the second option so let's just say here we're targeting neil patel in engaged shoppers okay so we're gonna delete all this and we're going to say neil patel and we're going to remove the copy and boom okay so now we have these two different variations and now we're testing which one's better is it neil people who like neil patel or people who like affiliate marketing so that's the process and then yes we will address this in a second but then if you want to go on onto the ad as well you want to change the ad you can do that too and if you want to duplicate the ad same thing guys you go in here you click on duplicate now to address this error we might have to increase the campaign budget now this is all just an example all right so facebook is just asking for a bit more of a budget to support all these ad groups so we can say for example 200 and that message should go away let's just make sure it goes away before we pop we end the video now sure enough once you publish all the errors have disappeared and our ads are good to go now once they get reviewed okay so this is how you create the facebook campaign now you don't need a budget of 200 uh for the lifetime we just set it like that but again as you run your campaign you can set a daily budget and if you want to stop it at any time you can just go ahead and just disable it like i showed you for the campaign or the ad level at any time okay so this is how you do this guys if you enjoyed this video take a look at my case study where i show you how we created a successful profitable campaign uh from clickbank it is on microsoft ads but regardless if you want to know how to promote affiliate products that would be the video for you and take a look at my facebook ads playlist where i show you every other feature you have to know like how to use this audience insights tool how to create remarketing lists and things like that thank you so much for watching i hope this tutorial was helpful for you and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Ivan Mana
Views: 17,626
Rating: 4.9544716 out of 5
Keywords: facebook ads tutorial, facebook ads 2021, facebook ads tutorial 2021, facebook ads, facebook, fb ads, fb, fb advertising, fb ads for beginners, facebook advertising tutorial, facebook ads for beginners, facebook advertising facebook ads campaign, facebook ads help, facebook ads tips, facebook ads training, facebook ads tutorial for beginners, facebook ads marketing, facebook marketing tutorial, facebook pay per click, facebook ppc tutorial, facebook ads 2020, ivan mana
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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