Facebook Ads Course In 3 Hours | Facebook Ads Tutorial | Facebook Marketing Course | Simplilearn

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hey everyone this is ravi from simply learn welcome to this facebook ads full course video for 2021. in this full course we will be covering topics like what and how facebook ads work the various kinds of facebook ads how the facebook algorithm works facebook shop and live streaming and how it compares with instagram will also tell you some tips and strategies of how to make the most of the platform for this video we have our experts rob and rahul taking us through all the topics so without further ado let's start by talking about facebook ads before we begin make sure to subscribe to our youtube channel and hit that bell icon to never miss an update from simply learn in a world where a lot of competing different products satisfy the same requirement you have a lot of advertisers who want you to try their product and then you have other advertisers who want you to try their product try my product try my product try my product try note try my product my products the best no no no no my product's the best try my product well i want you to forget all that and try my product forget about those other advertisers try my product well there's only one way you can prove your product is better than the rest and that's with powerful advertising and one of the best ways to advertise on the internet is via social media and through the largest social media platform in the world and that's facebook so today we're going to talk about facebook ads tutorial and i'm excited to teach this class my name is rob sanders i'm with simply learn and today we are going to talk about all the different ads that facebook has to offer so introduced back in 2007 the facebook ads platform has grown tremendously over the last few years almost four billion dollars of revenue in one year so what does that mean that means there's a lot of advertisers why is there a lot of advertisers because a lot of people use facebook it's a popular platform so not only is it popular but it's popular with advertisers because if you're advertising on facebook you have the opportunity to share your product and your brand with users who you think are going to buy your product or associate with your brand and on facebook you can do that a number of different ways specifically in somebody's news feed and specifically that person's news feed that again is interested potentially interested in your brand your product so there's a lot of ways to advertise and a lot of reasons why you want to advertise so i just mentioned one of the reasons hey it's an opportunity for you to reach out to people who are targeted who are specific to your product and your brand so not only that but you combine that target audience with the amount of time that people spend on facebook okay people spend a lot of time on facebook in fact not only do people spend a lot of time on facebook there's a lot of people on facebook in fact 2.27 billion in the third quarter of 2018 and so when we say spend a lot of time we mean going to that facebook profile at least once a day okay so a lot of eyeballs throughout the day checking their news feed on facebook facebook also enables you the advertiser to find the perfect audience and so that's the great combination a lot of people on facebook and targeted audience so it's a platform that allows you to put your product in front of people based on specific interest specific demographics specific location so you're really really putting your product out in front of the right people at the right time and so the other positive and pro about facebook is it's lesser spend greater reach and what do we mean by that well traditionally facebook is a little bit cheaper than other online advertising models it is definitely a lot cheaper than your traditional advertising models and facebook has been known to have good return on investment because it's cost a little bit less than other advertising models and other advertising platforms so that's the other benefit to being on facebook so if you're into building a brand you want to be on facebook why because it helps you increase your brand awareness it's going to help you allow users to know what your brand is all about because remember you're putting your brand in front of like-minded people or people you think that are going to associate with your brand that are going to associate with your product so you put your brand out there you incorporate your your advertisement in somebody's news feed it's going to add value it's going to establish trust and credibility especially if that person's friend is associated with that brand so instant credibility if friends and family members of a person on facebook are associated with your brand so it has the opportunity to really lend a lot of credence to somebody who is on facebook active on facebook and is your targeted demographic and the great thing about facebook is it also has other features other advertising features such as retargeting so you could target people who've already expressed an interest in your service or product but if they didn't go through the conversion process meaning they didn't go all the way through and and buy your product you can certainly reach out to them again just like your traditional retargeting options on say google or some other advertising platform facebook works the same way we want to be able to reach out to people who aren't fully committed at that point in time but we can reach out to them at another point in time and so facebook's advertising platform allows us to do that so it's a great feature that we could take advantage of that we'll talk about more throughout this session and then it helps increase revenue sales and leads and and that's primarily what most advertisers are after you know more revenue more sales more leads so facebook allows us to educate our audience again a targeted audience about a specific product we have to offer so the more our audience knows about our product especially if their friends and family members and colleagues are using the product then the more likely they're going to purchase so if you go back to the other feature higher revenue less spend this is the primary reason because you have a chance to influence somebody who's very targeted who's very active on the platform and who may have like-minded people in their life associating with your brand and product so it's a perfect combination for advertising perfect combination and so today we're going to talk about all the different types of facebook ads and we're going to start out with the single image ad and the single image ad are just single image advertisements that have an optional text on top and a link description that links to the website so single image ads are probably the most popular you can see them on probably your own facebook feed if you look so in fact i'll just jump over to my facebook feed right now and if i go there what do i see i see a single image ad here and it's from shopify partners so become a shopify partner at e-commerce to your list of qualifications so shopify must be you know a brand that is trying to woo my business okay so they know that somebody that i'm associated with or maybe i fit their demographic so they're targeting my news feed with a single image ad so that's what a single image ad looks like it's simply just one single image with some description and the great thing about this single image if you haven't noticed is the pixels are pretty large it's 1200 by 628 so it kind of stands out a little bit it's not your traditional thumbnail it really pops when you look at the news feed so again if i go back to my news feed here you can see it just really stands out within the news feed so i can't miss it if i'm a targeted part of their targeted audience it's hard for me to you know not see this ad interact in some way especially again if i know somebody in my network on facebook or either that be a friend or family member is associated with that product okay in addition to the single image ads facebook also has multi-product ads or also known as carousel ads and so what the carousel ads do is allow you in in carousel form allow you to rotate different ads with different messaging and different call to action and so here you can see simply learn has a example of a carousel ad where they're showcasing their different courses so this allows users to view a range of all your different products and services if you have multiple products and services to offer then the carousel ads would be a good option for you so in addition to the carousel ads and single image ads it gets a little bit more sophisticated in terms of technology where facebook allows us to offer up video ads and so video ads are interactive it's a good way to really showcase your product your brand your service and the great thing about the video ads is they can go from just a few seconds all the way up to you know two minutes or excuse me all the way up to 120 minutes and so you can really really put a lot of time and effort into the video ads to really put your brand out there and so the one thing about video is it is interactive most people engage with video and they tend to get about 10 to 30 percent more views than other forms of ads so the video ads are really a popular way for you as an advertiser to put your brand or product out there so you can put your brand and product out there and not just a few seconds but you know really tell a nice complete story to get the engagement to get the person to take the action you want them to do so that's why video ads have become very popular because they tend to get more engagement more interaction than your traditional single image ad or say your carousel ad so facebook also allows us to advertise something called lead ads and what lead ads allow us to do is obtain user details okay so we can acquire or get an email address or phone number from somebody who's interested in our product or service and that person doesn't even have to leave facebook so if you look here in the example here we have the ad somebody clicks on sign up and they get this form submission and the great thing about the lead ad is that it can sync up with any crm or most of your popular crms i should say for example salesforce is a good example of a crm where somebody fills that out the information goes directly to salesforce and so lead ads are really good if you're trying to generate you know leads for your business and the forum itself the interaction stays right in facebook and so that's the great thing about it they don't really have to leave the platform another form of advertising on facebook are slideshows okay so unlike the carousel ads which rotate and the carousel ads remember rotate and showcase different products or services these ads are are interactive but they're rotating different imagery so it allows you to really put your best images out there with a really strong call to action just like you see here with the simply learn example okay so they're showcasing you know their different classes and then they have they get started today call to action to really punctuate the slideshow ad so what's interesting is you can really gauge a person's interest by throwing different products or images out there you know you can really immerse a user's experience here by showing different different images and then the last type of ad on facebook is called the collection ad and so these ads combine basically your video your slideshow or your product images taken from your product catalog okay so if you're an advertiser who wants to advertise several products at once then this could be a great option for you the collection ad so here you could see the simply learn example here they're showing you know not only you know some some good slide shows and imagery with some good messaging below that so before we get into the steps for creating an ad on facebook let's talk about some of the important changes that have happened on facebook recently in light of data sharing so really what facebook's done is they've made an important change on how user data is being used for advertising and so what facebook's done is they removed something called a partner category and that was an ad targeting program which the targeting option was based on data provided by a third-party partner so if you're an advertiser you had a third party partner that provided some targeted options to you that was known as a partner category and in summary facebook has removed that program and so now the only way you can gain user information is if they provide that voluntary like the lead ad for example now you have to get the data directly from the third party now so you can't have that third party give you that targeting option anymore you can certainly again capture the data yourself by relying on leak capture landing pages as an example or the lead ads and you can certainly still outsource your advertising to lead gen agencies and media buying companies okay but the partner category has more or less gone away okay so now let's get into how to create a facebook app so what are the steps so the first thing you'll have to do is set up a campaign so when you're setting up a campaign you have to select what kind of spending you want to do for your advertisement and what you want to achieve okay so you have to in other words identify the goal okay so with facebook you have two opportunities at hand here you can jump into an auction just like google what you're going to do is your ads going to enter into an auction and so this is where you can decide how you want to spend your money to achieve your goals by choosing an appropriate bid strategy for the auction so in the auction you're competing with other advertisers another option is you could do reach and frequency and so with region frequency you'll be able to advertise to your brand's audience with a fixed cost so reach and frequency allows you as the advertiser to better predict the delivery cost and reach of your branding campaigns so with auction you have more choice you have flexibility of scalability but not a lot of predictability okay because again you're going into an auction and your auction is going to be competing against other advertisers so it's this option is available to all advertisers and you can have pricing that you can change during the auction price process so that's the unpredictability part is the pricing so pricing can fluctuate during the auction because you have different advertisers who are trying to achieve the most prominence for their ad with reach and frequency you'll be able to plan and set up your campaigns and actually set it up so it's more predictable on how the delivery is going to be done with reach and frequency so more predictability when reaching frequency because you could set everything up in your campaign okay so again with the reach and frequency you'll be able to advertise with a fixed cost auction you're not necessarily going with a fixed cost you're going more scalability flexibility on cost that can change okay so once you choose your objective for your advertisement then you need to choose the type of advertisement you want to do and it's based on your objectives so what's your objective is it awareness to drive awareness is it to drive consideration or is it to drive a conversion so these are the three objectives available to you for your advertising you want to choose one of those objectives so let's take a look at each of these objectives available to you okay so let's start out with awareness so awareness can help with creating an interest for your product or or your service so when we say awareness we're thinking maybe brand awareness or product awareness to get out there in front of people okay so with consideration it's a little bit different than awareness but not so different in that we're really aiming to get people to think more about our product and service and have them take the next step so with awareness you're introducing your product and service with consideration you're getting people to take the next step and start looking for information about the product or service you're advertising and then conversion is kind of that final step if you're really after conversion you really want that person to make the decision okay so they're either going to buy or use your product or service okay and so that's the conversion objective so you have to choose one of these three objectives here is it going to be awareness is it going to be consideration or is it going to be conversion and so let's go back to awareness okay so if we look at awareness under awareness we have brand awareness and we have reach okay so we look at brand awareness really what we're trying to do is we're trying to increase awareness about our brand or the product in our brand so these types of objectives i mean meaning awareness don't really emphasize interaction okay you're not really trying to get somebody to purchase or or buy something or opt into a newsletter really your goal as an advertiser with brand awareness is to get your product out there so people are aware that it exists okay let alone forget about buying it or opting into a newsletter you really your goal with awareness and brand awareness is to get people to see that you're existing your product exists your service exists it's available and really the aim is to create high brand recall amongst users rather than focusing on generating revenue so when we say you know high brand recall what we mean is hey if your brand is out there and you are really pushing it out there amongst a large targeted demographic audience then the next time that audience sees your brand they're going to be able to associate with it it's not going to be foreign to them or the first time they've ever seen it you really want them to recall hey i know that brand i've seen that brand before okay that's kind of the reaction you want to get from a brand awareness hey that's a cool looking logo or man that product looked interesting now i'm going to take the next step so that's what brand awareness really needs to do it needs to create that recall for that for your audience okay so let's take a look now at reach so with reach reach ensures that our advertisement is seen by the maximum number of people within our target audience and budget so with reach we're really trying to reach or get our ad out there to as many people as possible given who we're trying to target and given the amount of money we have to spend so it helps to target a smaller audience to visit your website watch your video or even convert on your website okay so that's with reach we're just really trying to get it out there okay so let's move on to consideration so we talked about awareness we talked about brand awareness and reach with consideration we have you know people who are willing to take that next step okay so if we're targeting a specific demographic and we're looking at consideration we really want them to do something with our ad we don't want them just to recall it or see it for the first time we want them to take that next step and so with consideration we have traffic so if we have an ad you know the least we want somebody to do who's seen our brand before is at least click on our ad okay so we want people to you know click on our ad and go to our website really that's a goal of consideration is hey i know that brand i've seen that brand before let me click on this and see what they have to offer so this might involve them listening to a podcast or reading an article or being introduced to an app so really you're setting the stage for further down the funnel by further introducing them to something that's on your website so you really want them to take that next baby step the next baby step is clicking on the ad going to your site and further educating themselves about your particular product or service so facebook shows these advertisements to people within your target audience based on their past behavior okay so that's a great thing about facebook it's you can really really get targeted here with your audience okay so engagement so we talk about traffic we're gonna talk about engagement so these types of ads are useful when we want users to engage more with our ad for example we can you know really have an advertisement or post that will allow people to like it they can respond or even take advantage of an offer so that's what we mean by engagement we really want people to react positively within facebook about our ad or our post okay so it can help with building engagement an engagement audience for your facebook page that can be used for future advertising campaigns so we're really getting people to take that next step and what's that next step if they don't go to our website they can like what we have to say and then we can have app installs so that's another option to us for consideration so app installs are great if we want to send users to an app store for example so they can download our app so if we're really really pushing an app that we just developed then an app installed could be a good opportunity under consideration to allow that user to take the next step and download your app so that that at a later stage they can go and interact with the app we have video views so video views are are good advertisements when you're promoting your product or service and you really want a high number of views so remember early on we were talking about the types of ads available on facebook we talked about video views how they get 10 to 30 percent more engagement well that's really what we want videos to do under consideration we really want people to understand what we're trying to do and really engage with our product and so they could turn around and like it they could turn around and um push it out to their friends so video we know is high engaging with an audience and so having a video allows you to really allow that video to potentially go viral okay so video views help users engage and enables the creation of an audience which can be used for future advertisements okay so highly engageable you know interactive allows people to you know really really take that next step with your product or service by really getting to know what you're all about okay then we have lead generation so lead generation is interesting because remember those leads that we mentioned in the when we're talking about the type of ads that facebook has to offer well lead ads or you know if you have a lead generation type ad really what you could do is you can just collect the information so if really somebody's interested in your product or service right away then you can generate a lead ad and allow them to say hey you know what i'm interested i'm going to sign up for your newsletter or yes i'm interested in your product or your future any future giveaway or promotion you have to offer here here's my email address here's my name here's my phone number so lead ads are great for consideration because somebody knows your ad they've likely engaged with you they like what you have to say and they're willing to take that next step and you can integrate your lead ads with third-party apps that's tied to your crm so for example salesforce lead ads can sync up right with salesforce and then you can then follow up with that user at a later point so that's consideration so we have a lot of good options available to us under consideration you know we could drive traffic video views app installs just regular engagement you know and then we got legion so we got a lot of opportunities for consideration if you're really trying to target people who are already familiar with your brand or product or service and then last but certainly not least we have messaging so with messages you know these ads aim to convert a user's interest in a product to a successful sale or conversion so it targets people who are more likely to respond through messenger so facebook messenger is a service that is integrated nicely in with facebook and so with facebook messenger you know you can communicate with that person directly just through messenger okay so it could be a chat bot or it can be a rep who can act as customer support or provide more information about the product or service so you can use messenger to your advantage you can talk right away to somebody who is really interested in considering your product or service so this is kind of the capstone of consideration because it takes into account one of facebook's most popular features which is messenger and allows you as an advertiser to use that feature to engage with your targeted audience directly let's turn our attention to the last objective which is conversion so under conversions we have conversions product catalog sales and store visits so for conversions really this is the end of the funnel this is really the part of the funnel where we want people to take action so ads related to the objective of conversions really aims to increase you know whatever the goal is of your website so if it means signups or registrations for your services or sales or downloads or any desired action on your website then that's the conversion okay so that's what we're aiming to achieve when we are tying our ads to conversions okay so you have conversions and you have your pure product product catalog sales so for product catalog sales these could be ads to help promote your ecommerce store or other products in your store portfolio you know so think of amazon think about all the products they have on their website you know they are probably likely going to choose you know product catalog sales because it really will help really push traffic to the store and really get somebody to convert either in a for a particular product or get them to look at other product categories and buy something there so really really product catalog sales are really great for future campaigns when you're really looking for sales and then we have store visits and so store visits really help direct traffic to your location and really helps deliver ads based on your users current location okay so if we really want to get somebody to the store if you have a brick and mortar store for example and then you can use store visits as your objective under conversions to really drive traffic to that location so that's what store visits are we really want people to you know take that next step get to your store and check out your store and purchase so that's what store visits are under the conversions objective so within each of these advertisement objectives we can create split tests also known as a b testing and the reason why we call it a b testing because what you're doing is you're testing one variable from the other so really you have two advertisements that really are the same except the only difference is there's one thing that's altered from the other so in this example we have a with one promotion and then we have b which is the same audience same everything except a different promotion so you're really changing one variable when you do a split test and so that's available to facebook just like any other type of advertising let's say you do you know search advertising on google split testing's available let's say you do email marketing split testing is available with subject clients facebook's no different it allows split testing or allows you to use two versions of the same ad and able to change one of those parameters so you can see really what ads performs best that's the whole idea behind a split test okay so if it's the original sales sale of 25 off then hey so be it you know it works because you tested it against another variation and then the great thing about testing it never ends so if 25 off works over say 2 000 off then you try something else to see if that will increase sales that's the whole idea behind testing is you only want you always want to see what works okay so really what it comes down to is it can be really it could be a promotional offer or it could be something as simple as changing the call to action you know a different color on the call to action it could be anything you want to test as long as you're able to you know figure out what works and then apply what works so you can continue to improve your advertising that's really the whole idea behind a b testing okay so it really is identifying an element you want to test and then really once you identify that element and you test it and you know it wins then you can move on other things to figure out what else works so if you tested the promotion then go on to the cta so you could test things like colors and call to actions and imaging and messaging and positioning and you could play around with your target audience and test a segment of a target audience against another so there's lots of things you could test when you a b test the most important thing to note though when you a b test is you always want to keep in mind what metric you want to measure the test up against so some of the metrics you could use are click-through rate which is ctr cost per click cpc you can use conversion rate also known as cr or just clicks the whole idea is when you do a test and you're testing a promotional offer you're testing even the call to action you need to measure that up against a metric so that metric is what's going to determine the winner and so it doesn't have to be overly complicated it could be as simple as testing you know one call to action against another and determining which one gets more clicks and if one gets more clicks than the other then hey you know you have a winner okay let's go through the steps of creating a new campaign on facebook using facebook's ads manager so you're gonna log into facebook.com ads manager and you're just gonna click on the create new campaign button and when you do that you're gonna see a screen that looks just like this and you're gonna go through a series of steps so as we presented earlier the first step is always choosing your objective so we have awareness consideration and conversion so recall that awareness was getting your brand out there to people who never seen your brand or product or service before so it's a matter of trying to reach as many people as you can to get your brand out there and so you have brand awareness or you have reach remember one is controlled one is uncontrolled okay so reach is a little bit more control because you can set your budget okay and you can control your budget a little bit better so brand awareness is just getting it out there having facebook plop it in front of the ad in front of as many people as possible with reach you are trying to maximize how many people you show your ad to but it is a little bit more controlled against the budget okay either way choosing awareness is going to set the objective of trying to maximize your exposure for your brand your product or your service okay if somebody has already seen your brand or somebody's already familiar with your product or your services then you may want to choose the objective of consideration and so these are people who again are already familiar who you want to take that next step remember facebook is an environment where you're targeting a specific audience so you're targeting people you know have likely seen your brand product or service so you want to take that next step that's what you want them to do okay so here under consideration we have traffic engagement app installs video views lead gen or messages all of these choices are getting somebody to do something for you for example app installs you want them to install your app or engagement you want them to like or share your post video views watching your video or messaging you want them to interact with you via facebook's messenger uh feature so all of these are interactions of some sort where somebody's taking that next step they've seen your brand they're interested but you they're not ready quite ready to purchase yet okay so that's what consideration is then you have conversion this is people in the funnel who you know or think you know want to convert and when i say think you know meaning you know you're really targeting people who you've targeted before who maybe has purchased from you before or is exactly the type of audience you're looking to purchase okay so you have conversions you have catalog sales and you have store traffic meaning driving foot traffic to a store okay so these are people further down the funnel who you don't necessarily want to take a smaller action like just share your facebook post or provide their email address and name okay so you want them to purchase so these are the three marketing objectives you're going to choose from okay so we're just going to choose conversions for the sake of this example and then when we go to choose conversions remember we can create a a b split test okay so that's a choice you should always choose because you always want to be testing something okay in this case we might want to test the ad we might want to test say the call to action because we're looking for conversions so it could be as simple as having one ad with a buy more and the other way that says hey check out our website so you have that option to a b split test and then you have budget optimization which basically allows you to set your budget evenly across your different ads okay and so what facebook's gonna do is basically make sure that the best performing ad is going to be seen more often so that's budget optimization you're maximizing your budget towards an ad or ads that you want to be able to have more control over in terms of what's working and what's not working versus not selecting this option your ads are just going to randomly show and there's not going to be any necessary control over how much spend each ad gets so that's the first step in creating your campaign it's always choosing your objective with a few options built in so the next step in the process is ad set okay and as you can see here before you even get to ad set what facebook is prompting us to do is look at basically how the a b test is going to work so here they're explaining how an a b split test works okay so basically what an a b split test does is serve up 50 50. the original versus a variation of the original okay so that's more or less how an a b split test works and so facebook is doing us some good by showing us this messaging okay because that's what we chose now notice we chose conversions objective okay so what we're going to be required to do is put a conversion pixel on our website so that facebook can actually track conversions and so what we want people to do is purchase and so what we need to do then is add a facebook pixel to our website so that facebook can actually track how many people purchase from your campaign so this is very important and so if you're driving traffic to your website and you want them to convert then you need to make sure all the tracking is in place so the next step in setting up your ads is setting up an offer so if you have an offer that you want to provide go ahead and select on because the default is set to off okay what you could do is you can associate it with your particular company page on facebook and then you're going to create your offer so i'm going to put my offer title i'm going to put a little bit more details in there i can put an end date when the offer expires in a specific time so based on what you put this is what people is going to see with the ad and here you have the redemption section where you can have people redeem the offer online or online and in store so if it's online you need to provide facebook with the url where people can go and redeem that that promotion that offer and then you have a chance an opportunity to add a particular code so you don't necessarily have to have a code with your offer it could be a one-time code it can be a unique code okay or unique codes okay and then you have an advanced option here and this advanced option is pretty important because if you're setting up an offer and you only want a specific number of people to see that offer then and you don't want them to share that offer then what you could do is hide the share option so that way people won't be able to share the promotion with friends or family or whatnot now they could still copy and paste the link of the offer but they won't be able to easily do it with the share option and here you can put some terms and conditions so that's the offer okay and it's pretty intuitive in the wizard my recommendation is you should always put out an offer to get people to you know again your objective is to get people to convert so an offer always helps incentivize conversions okay here we have our variable because we're testing we're split testing okay so here we're we're choosing what we want to split test so if we choose creative basically what we're doing is we're telling facebook we want to test are creative our ad and so now what we're going to do is we're going to select the audience and so we could choose a custom audience a look-alike or all so here you can see we have a look-alike and a look-alike basically is basically what facebook does is they're trying to find people who are very similar to your customers okay so that's who you want to target people who look like your customers on facebook okay so you can choose a look-alike audience you can choose a custom audience if you already have one so we're going to create a new custom audience here and basically what we want them to do is website traffic and we're just going to call it website traffic and basically it's going to be all website visitors okay so we're going to create this audience here so we've done that and basically now what we're trying to do is we're trying to tell facebook okay if our audience is all website visitors where are those visitors going to come from so we want to choose a location so it could be everyone in a particular location everyone who lives in a particular location or recently in the location or traveling in a location okay so here you can see we have it set to united states but we can always change that so you can really pick and choose areas or cities and even exclude areas you can even upload locations in bulk so if you have a specific set of locations you can upload that after you choose your location you're then going to choose your age so here you have if you look all the way down to 13 years of age and then your range goes all the way up to 65 years of age then we have our gender we can choose both men and women or just men and just women and then we can target a specific language if we want to target spanish people or people who speak spanish then we can choose spanish notice we can add multiple languages okay so if we want to do some specific targeting for example we can do interest or specific behavior so if i click suggestions then for example facebook's going to offer us up some suggestions so if we want to target people who have an interest in foreign language or charity and causes or mindfulness or it could be specific job titles okay so we can get really detailed with our targeting we also have connections so who do we want to target so are these people who like our page who are friends of people who like our page we can also exclude people who like our page okay so remember your advertising is tied to a facebook page however you could still drive that traffic to your website but what facebook does is once you connect your ad or your campaign to a facebook page then they have an idea of the profile then they have an idea of what type of community you have on facebook okay so that really helps them offer you more detailed targeting in the form of connections okay so when we're done we could save the audience so i'm just gonna name it uh english and spanish click save okay now i have my audience saved and the important thing here is that this audience is saved we can use it at a later date or if we're setting up a new campaign we can pull from the same audience under use a saved audience so if i just type in english in spanish you'll see my audience here okay and we can always edit it if we need to okay so next is the placements section so here placements is where we want to show our ads okay so we want to be able to place our ads in the proper placement and so what facebook does is they actually recommend you do an auto placement and so facebook will based on your audience show your ad in different spots or different placements throughout facebook based on the people you're trying to target the audience okay so in this case we're targeting both spanish and english okay and we're targeting 13 to 65 year olds who live in the united states and so what facebook's going to do then because we have automatic placement set up is they're going to be able to place our ads based on our target audience so this is an option i always recommend you do and facebook recommends as well if you're specific about where you want your ad to be placed then you can just select edit placements and notice when you select edit placements here you have different options not only on facebook but on instagram as well okay and facebook's network and in facebook messenger so you have all these different options available to you if you really want your your ad placed in a specific position so here if i just scroll over here i can see what it looks like in a feed in stream video i can scroll down to instagram that's what it looks like in a feed on instagram okay uh you have instagram stories if i want to go and advertise on facebook messenger then i have some options here in messenger inbox or sponsored messages okay so you have a lot of options available under edit placements meaning picking your placement specifically but again i recommend as does facebook just go with the recommended placements for now unless you're really clear and you really understand how facebook works and where these placements are actually going to be but remember if you choose edit placements and place it in a specific position let's just say on messenger inbox remember your audience may not be there so going with the automatic placements you know is a way for facebook to help you get your ad in front of the right audience here the next section delivery optimization okay how much of our ads are optimized and delivered so remember we chose conversions here so we're going to optimize our ads for conversions so what facebook's going to do is take into account each conversion that each ad is getting and they're going to show that ad that's getting more conversions more often than the ads that aren't getting as many conversions okay so they're optimizing the ad delivery based on how many conversions each ad gets and there's an option in here as well so you can put a cost control in place so you have an average cost per purchase okay so facebook will aim to get the most purchases and spend your entire budget okay if you put in an average cost per purchase so for example if i'm selling t-shirts i may not want my average cost per purchase to be twenty dollars because i'm not going to make any money so i'm probably going to choose maybe two three four even as high as five dollars on a cost per purchase because i want to make sure i'm not spending a lot of money just to get a purchase so you have that option available to you to put in as a cost control and here we have a conversion window and so what this conversion window is going to do is you know help facebook optimize your ads a little bit better based on the number of conversions that happen in this window okay so you have some other options in here you want to do standard delivery ad scheduling you can run your ads on a schedule or you can run them all the time okay and then moving down to the next option in our ad set is we have split test and split test budget and schedule so we have the opportunity to put a budget in place for our ads okay and we can schedule the the a b test to start running immediately if we want to or we can have the a b test run at a specific date and we can have it run for a specific period of time so this goes all the way back to the first option where we chose a b split test on step one so we have a series of options available to us for the split test okay once we have all our options in place okay we're going to click continue and then the final step is actually setting up our ads okay so what we're going to do is we're going to name our ad in this case add a okay it's going to be tied to a facebook page it's going to be tied to an instagram account and then we can choose the format of our ad so remember we have a lot of different options available to us on facebook we have the carousel which allows us to have multiple images scrolling horizontally we can have that single image ad we can have a video we can have a collection of images so we have a lot of options available to us and then what we could do is we can link up our ad to a specific page okay now before we do that we want to be able to upload our images okay so we're going to manually choose images videos and links okay and then we're going to add some text to support that image okay and so when we add text in for our ad we have the option of setting up a headline actually it's not an option it's actually mandatory the description is actually optional okay but my recommendation is you want to add a headline that's going to grab attention and you want to add a description to support that headline so i always recommend putting in a description and then once you do that you're going to add your destination url and then you're going to be able to preview your ad okay so if we have an image here okay we can just say hey this come check out our new product and so as i add this information i'll be able to view it on the right side okay so it looks like facebook at this point is not able to view the image but normally you're able to see a preview in this case it's on the mobile news feed so if we drop down we can see desktop right column okay so we need to really choose our images so we're going to change an image here let's see if i can choose another image okay i'm going to choose an image here and so now i can see the image now i could see the headline um and and then i could see what it looks like just by changing the placement okay so if i want to choose facebook stories whoops that's not available if i go to for example instant articles okay here i can see what my ad looks like on instant articles so wasn't available on certain placements because of the type of ad we chose but the point being when you set up your ad and you choose your image and you write your headline and put your destination url in then you'll be able to preview it on certain placements depending on what type of ads you chose okay once you're once you're set up and remember we're setting up a b testing so that was add one now we want to test the second ad or the variation and so basically what we want to do is choose the same type of format then what we want to do is pick a variation what is that variation going to be it could be maybe just a different headline okay or it could be a different url you need to decide what it is you're going to test once you decide what you test you're going to add that to variation b once you add that the variation b then you have both ads set up once you confirm facebook is going to confirm for you whether the ads meet their criteria okay and if it doesn't in this case you can see we have some errors then we need to go back and fix them so i'm going to go back and choose single image ad okay so now i could just choose my one image so i can browse a library of images i already have now here's my single image ad i'm going to add some text in there a website url a headline remember you want it to be catchy okay you can change the call to action here okay you can add multiple languages so you have a lot of options depending on the type of format you choose so remember we chose a b test so we're going to set up both ads add a and add b okay and when we do that again we can have facebook review it once they review it we they can confirm this you can see we still have some errors on add a so let's go ahead and fix that i'm going to choose single image because that's what add b is i'm going to browse my library maybe i'll just test a different image i'm going to click continue and so basically keep everything the same what i'll test is maybe the image so you have to go into an a b test knowing what it is you want to test ahead of time okay once you do that you're going to go ahead and continue to add b and then once you do that um here let's go ahead and fix this error here um the link field so let's just go ahead and put a link in there continue to add b once i confirm then i have two ads ready to go on specific placements or excuse me automatic placements and this option is that's the option we chose and basically the ads are set to optimization against conversions we have a set budget and we're going to be able to then once our ads go live is look at some reports to see how they're performing so that's the steps in setting up a campaign on facebook you're choosing your objective okay then you're setting up your ad set okay and then once you set up your ad set with your target audience then you're actually going through the motions in this case we set up two ads because we chose a b testing okay and if you didn't choose a b testing then you would just choose to set up the first ad and once you do that you confirm and voila your campaign is set up based on these three steps okay so let's uh review with some do's and don'ts of facebook so we mentioned the types of ad that facebook has we mentioned how to set up a facebook ad itself and choosing the right objectives and so some of the do's involved are what's just what i mentioned we always want to do a b testing on our ads whether that's again just changing out the color we're changing out an image you always want to do a b testing because facebook has you know carousel ads and because they have you know ads that can rotate and you can use even video with your ads you always want to take advantage of what's given to you and so facebook allows you to do it do it so if you have the opportunity to have a video at then use the video ad highly recommend it remember video ads have higher engagement so definite do is use engaging videos and imagery so you don't necessarily have to use a static ad or image ad you can use the carousel for example or the presentation mode where you can show multiple images to really showcase your product and service so with all the advertising that you do you always want to align your messaging so use a message that will stay with the audience okay so use something that's going to be able to trigger remember it depends on the funnel and where you're at so if your awareness or consideration or conversion that has to align with your messaging so if you're you know targeting ads you know when you want people to convert then your message is going to be as such you're going to talk to people as if you want them to convert as if they're ready to convert and you want to keep your message consistent and simple so remember the ads are available to you and you have so many different features available to you within those ads but that doesn't mean you gotta convolute it with messaging so keep your message consistent and simple if it's brand awareness you know definitely keep your message simple so that people can understand exactly what it is your product or service is all about then you want to alter your reach so that the ads are shown to the appropriate audience okay so you always want to keep in mind who you're trying to target okay so you don't want to target somebody who's not in your demographic so alter your reach so that the ads are shown to the appropriate audience remember you have you know reach available to you and reach allows you to really pick and choose exactly who you're targeting to and how often remember you want to reach as many people as possible but you don't want to reach the wrong people some of the don'ts to stay some things you want to stay away from is you don't want to put all your money on one campaign so you want to separate out your budget allocate your budget across different campaigns and i would even take that a step further and you know put different types of ads in different campaigns just to see what works so again it depends on where you're at in the funnel if it's just brand awareness okay maybe create a campaign for that if it's consideration create a campaign for that because in consideration you might have lead ads in there i say with the awareness campaign you may just have a single image ad okay just to introduce your product to somebody with a simple message so you want to you know definitely think about how you want to separate out your campaigns but don't be afraid to separate your campaigns by the type of ads don't put too much information in the ads remember keep it consistent and keep it simple that's the best thing i can say and remember a lot of these ads are image based so images tell a thousand words they tell a thousand stories a video will do the job if you have to say too much so if you're saying too much think about a video but if you're using an image let the image tell the story okay don't forget to proofread your ads i can't stress that enough remember if you're an awareness campaign this is the first time somebody's seen your product or service so you definitely want to get the messaging not only correct meaning consistent and simple but grammatically correct you don't want to be so active on your facebook page so you know when i say being don't be so active on your facebook page really it depends on where you're at you're trying to introduce a product or service so that doesn't mean that you need to go out and tell everybody to start buying your product remember these people may not even know who you are what product and service you offer so you want to be able to approach your audience on your facebook page in a manner which is suitable for your audience and then have an image that doesn't correspond to the product being advertised so you you want to be able to you know have an image that does correspond so if you're targeting a specific audience with a specific product then make sure the image on your facebook page aligns with that okay don't be inconsistent don't confuse the audience you know be consistent with your imagery as well as your messaging okay so those are some of the don't see things you want to stay away from when you're advertising one of the biggest challenges facebook faces is to keep people and businesses happy with continuously driving change in its functionality recently new challenges have been added in this light of privacy of user data and fake news the engine of facebook's platform to drive all these changes is the facebook algorithm understanding facebook without understanding the facebook algorithm will limit you in efforts to use facebook successfully by the end of this lesson you will be able to discuss the recent news feed changes to explain the concept of organic reach in facebook explain the new facebook algorithm and its main components identify the three active interactions in the facebook algorithm and discuss the future of the facebook news feed the facebook algorithm is facebook's secret source in which is decided which post to show in your news feed whether it's your friend's post or a post from a business facebook has recently announced a cleanup of the news feed which particularly affects how businesses should use facebook it is now commonly understood by businesses that to use facebook successfully they have to pay to play in this lesson you will learn about these facebook changes in the algorithm and what you can do to improve your organic reach and we will close the lesson with looking at the future of the news feed the facebook news feed and organic reach the facebook news feed is the core of the facebook platform it was launched as far back as 2006 and it has seen many iterations since initially the newsfeed was the place to see posts from your facebook friends it was the facebook way to stay up to date and the facebook algorithm decides which posts show up in what order on top of the feed you see the what's on your mind in which you can do your own status updates and it allows you to add photos videos tech people check-in and so on facebook continuously adds new features that you can add to your updates newsfeed is the place where you can see the activities of your friends and the pages that you follow you can access the news feed on the mobile app or on your desktop i'm going to show here how to access your news feed on the desktop by clicking here on the home button you get access to your news feed and in the news feed you can see all the posts on the top of the news feed you have your create post section i will come back to that later and then immediately below that you can see the posts of the various companies that you follow or the people that that are your friends and obviously the facebook algorithm and that's what we're talking about in this module will decide which posts it will show based on your activities of your friends how engaging are their posts and how many comments are they getting on their posts and that is a whole sort of calculation that facebook does to make sure it shows the most engaging post in your news feed you can see how many likes they get how many comments so you see this is a very engaging post and here you can like comment share the post yourself if i click on the company name for instance here then i would go to the company page and then on the company page i can see all the posts that company has done and not necessarily all those pages have made posts have made it to your news feed companies can use facebook by setting up a facebook page and get people to like the page and become a fan posts done by the company would then show up in the news feed of their fans in the early days of the facebook pages this was like the gold rush of the 18th century in america companies like coca-cola got tens of millions of fans and had a tremendous exposure on facebook and all for free but when facebook started to monetize their business through advertising they needed to find a way to push businesses in using facebook advertising the way they did this was to slowly erode the organic reach in facebook let's look at this organic reach in a bit more detail on this slide you see how organic reach has dropped over the years and how the facebook share price has increased they are clearly related the share price has gone up because a continuous drop in organic reach forced businesses to use facebook advertising to reach their audiences and this strategy clearly works what started as small-scale advertising opportunities for businesses on the side of the news feed than in the news feed and then on the mobile next businesses could advertise in videos and with the acquisition of instagram and the launch of the new facebook messenger new advertising opportunities emerged for businesses but this drive towards growing advertising revenues came at a price where the news feed once was the place where friends posted updates on what they were doing it became a garbage bin of business posts ads travel videos fake news quotes and other irrelevant stuff practically impossible for the algorithm to manage you may have noticed this yourself when you checked your news feed over the years it used to be a place where your friends shared what they were doing and it became a place where you could find stuff that the facebook algorithm believed you liked facebook knew it had to do something about this the growth in new users was slowing down there was an increase in fake accounts fake ads and fake news and on top of that there were many issues on data privacy that got reinforced because of the introduction of the gdpr so it was time for a change the facebook algorithm today january 13th 2018 goes into the facebook history as a significant day so much so that facebook lost nearly 119 billion dollars market value in one day it was the day that facebook announced to clean up the news feed zuckerberg said in a statement that they got feedback from their community that public content like posts from businesses brands and media are crowding out the personal moments that lead people to connect with each other zuckerberg continues that it's easy to understand how we got there video and other public content have exploded on facebook in the last few years but what he doesn't say is that facebook is a big culprit itself in polluting the news feed by pushing more and more businesses into advertising and by offering more and more places on facebook instagram and messenger to advertise and all this pollution of the facebook news feed is driving facebook away from the most important thing it does helping people to connect with each other to cut a long story short facebook has dropped organic reach to less than three percent and businesses now understand that they have to pay to play or in other words use facebook advertising to reach their audience so where in the early years of the facebook page you could build your audience and your brand organically on facebook and then use facebook ads to give your reach a boost nowadays you have to pay to play but don't let it scare you it doesn't have to be expensive and facebook has created an amazing advertising platform that can help you achieve your business goals and don't worry there are still ways that you can beat the facebook algorithm and improve your organic reach in the next few slides and lessons we will explain you how to do this so let's look at today's facebook algorithm in a bit more detail the facebook algorithm has to make sure that it selects the most relevant posts for you from the thousands of potential posts that may be displayed in your news feed it analyzes the posts and arranges them in a way that you would like to see them its aim is to give you a better overall experience it does this by looking at four different elements it looks at all the available posts it analyzes these posts on various factors called signals and it predicts how you would react to the posts it then summarizes all this with a score and the posts with the highest score will feature higher in your news feed let me explain the signals to you on the next slide these are the signals facebook looked at before the cleanup announcement time spent on the content overall engagement when it was posted story type how informative is the post but with the cleanup facebook fine-tuned the algorithm and here is what it's looking for now the facebook algorithm will now put extra focus on the engagement on a post and the usage of other facebook tools like facebook live or facebook messenger which means business posts that do not drive engagement like commenting and sharing will not show up in the news feed posts with short videos quotes quizzes polls and links to other websites are now being demoted so what can you as a business do about this that's not an easy question and many businesses are still searching for the answer to this but let me give you a few tips let's look at today's top ranking factors in facebook top ranking factors in the facebook algorithm for the cleanup of the news feed businesses use their posts to get people to click we call this link bait to watch a video or view an image by hovering over it these were all passive actions nothing to do with engagement in the new algorithm facebook now looks at three interactions commenting sharing and reacting commenting is at the core of the updated facebook algorithm posts that will lead to high volume of comments will show high in the news feed these are the posts to generate conversations between people comment baiting is definitely a no-no in facebook these days facebook will demote posts that use engagement bait like comment vote react or share the algorithm will also reward posts that are being shared facebook likes posts that are shared within messenger and also business posts that have engagement when shared by friends but sharing alone is not enough facebook will favor those posts that are shared and lead to conversations between people facebook also likes it when you use reactions although not as powerful as comments and shares but it remains a form of active engagement facebook will promote your business posts to more people when people use the reactions buttons on your posts so here are the new tactics that will help you increase your organic reach of your business posts call for quality instead of quantity post once a day instead of five times a day understand and analyze your fans check when they are online and post accordingly think about your content create specifically for facebook and use video and facebook live facebook live is a key tool that will help you improve your organic reach there is also a little secret in facebook called see first when somebody likes your page it is set at default when they like your page which means all your business posts will go through the facebook algorithm but when you set it as c first your post will guaranteed show up at the top of the news feed of your fan analyze your posts and see which posts have lots of engagement recycle these posts or boost them with advertising learn from other facebook pages experiment with your content and certainly make sure that you will reply on every comment you are getting another way of driving your organic reach is to start using facebook groups facebook has revamped the group functionality recently and are promoting groups to be used by businesses as well and this brings us back to the basics of marketing by implementing these new algorithm changes facebook now forces businesses to understand their customer to understand their target audiences to understand their challenges their motivations what they like to interact with what they care about because only then will you be able to create content that sparks emotion because emotions will generate comments likes and shares the future of the facebook news feed so what will happen with the news feed when we look into the future the news feed has been around for more than 10 years now and the concept has become a bit outdated obviously it won't disappear straight away but there are many new features emerging that will drive new types of engagement if we look at stories messaging facebook live and community features like marketplace dating these are areas where you don't need a news feed and where you naturally find more engagement instagram is a good example of this it's a fact that today's instagram users spend more time in looking at people's stories than spending time on the instagram newsfeed but for now make sure you understand the news feed and you understand the facebook algorithm because that will put you in an excellent position to take advantage of everything that facebook has to offer here are the highlights of this lesson recently facebook announced that it would update the facebook algorithm to only show posts in the news feed to lead to genuine conversations between people as a result organic reach for business posts on facebook has dropped to the lowest position ever most businesses now understand that to reach their audience on facebook they have to pay to play which means using facebook ads fortunately there are still ways to beat the new facebook algorithm using facebook live is one of them with the increase in commerce on the internet it is obvious that e-commerce is also moving into facebook in fact for years social commerce has been an important word in mark zuckerberg's vocabulary enabling people to open a shop front in facebook and then linking it to their existing online shop but the next step is to let all this commerce take place in facebook and of course on the mobile on top of that facebook now features many different ad types that shops can use to promote their products linking back to the online store now watch this space we've only seen the tip of the iceberg by the end of this lesson you will be able to set up a facebook shop connect your facebook shop with e-commerce sites like shopify create a facebook catalog use facebook dynamic ads to promote specific products and promote your facebook shop facebook has many options for e-commerce you can set up a shop on your facebook page and tailor it to your own products these products can be presented on your page and you can advertise for them as well and you can also add a catalog to your shop which gives you the opportunity to promote and target your product advertising more specifically setting up your facebook shop facebook allows you to set up shop on your facebook page by doing this you can promote your products on facebook and offer prices for your product you can also add a shop now button once people click on the products it will take them to their website where they can place the order they want to buy directly into the shopping trolley setting up a facebook shop has many advantages you don't need an existing catalog so you can add an unlimited number of products you want to feature in your shop like any shopping catalogue facebook allows you to organize your products in collections so people can easily find the products they are looking for and by activating the messaging button people can ask questions or even place an order to create your facebook shop you have to add a shop tab here on the left side menu now the way to do that is to go to the settings and then in the settings you click on the templates and tabs and then here you see you currently haven't got the shop as a tab so you click add tab and that's where you have shop so you simply click add tab and that means your shop has been added and then you can drag the shop to a higher level in the tab menu and then you can go to the settings of the shop where you can switch it on and off and where you can also copy the url of the shop but the main settings of the shop are also within the tab when you are on your page so now that we've installed the tab for shop you now see on your home page of your facebook page you see as the third item the shop click on the shop and the first thing obviously you need to do is to agree to the terms and conditions for your shop you click continue and then you're basically going to set up all the details in your shop now the first question you need to answer yourself is how do you want people to buy the products from your shop they can either send you a message to buy you can activate that or you can drive them to your website for instance where you have your online shop you can just get them to the link of that particular page so for this demo sake let's click message to buy and we'll click on continue you select the currency and then you click save and you're getting to the next screen of your shop setup where you're going to add products and you can also add the description of what you sell so when i click here on the scribe what simply business sells i have 200 characters to describe what my business does so i can just add for instance for the demo sake social media training products and services and i click save changes and then i'm going to add products so if i click on add product you're going to add visuals for your product you can add a video of your product you can add name the price whether the product is on sale a description of the product whether you want to share this product on your facebook page you can give inventory information different options about your product like sizes and colors and how you want it to show up on your page and who do you want to be able to see the the product so let's add some products so here we're going to go to the photos that we're dragging from the the desktop so let's say that is product one and we're going to use that this is social media book and the price is 10 pounds and the description how to attract date and love your customers on social media i'm just going to leave these as standard options and i click save and now i have my first product added and i can add more products so you see how the product features in the product list i can add my next product and add a photo selective files here i'm going to product number two and this is social media training and we'll say that is 50 pounds description introduction to social media keeping those settings standard that's product two and then i'm going to add product three product three is let's say a linkedin training and i'm going to say again linkedin training the price is 50 pounds i'm clicking save and then the fourth product that i will be adding is product for and that would be the facebook training and that would be let's say 50 pounds as well intro production to facebook and i'm clicking save yeah if i now do a refresh of the page you will see that all the products show up now there is another area where you can actually put products in different collections so for instance if i want to do the facebook training and the linkedin training in a collection i can then click here add collection yeah so these are the products that are currently in the catalog but if i'm going to add a collection i'm going to say training product yep and then i can add the products to the collection the one i wanted was facebook training and linkedin training i've now added two products to this collection and i can then click save and if i now go back to my shop so let's go to the page and i'll go to the shop you now see that i have two collections that i can sort of scan and browse through and i have my different products so i can now start promoting my shop through facebook advertising or by sharing particular products from my shop on my timeline here you see an example of a facebook shop you can see the desktop and the mobile version of it on the desktop you can see the shop tab on the left you can decide what position the shop takes in the tab listing you can do this in the settings you can see the products by category and also you see the shop now button and the send message on the mobile you can show the product specs a photo the price the details and the link to the website in the shop setup you can manage all aspects of running your facebook shop you can add products you can add collections you can get an overview of the orders and the pending orders the facebook shop also allows you to tag products you can tag up to 30 products and links in your shop you tag these in your page posts when people see your product tags in your posts they can then click on the tag to shop for the tagged product finally it is important to connect your facebook page with a payment engine you can set up your payment within your facebook page so people can buy your products directly on your page but this only works in the us for those shops outside the us you need to integrate your facebook shop with e-commerce platforms like shopify fortunately many online store builders who have e-commerce engines can integrate your existing products on their store with your facebook page this means that you can connect your existing online shop with facebook and your existing products will automatically be uploaded in your new facebook shop creating your facebook catalogue to expand the capabilities of your facebook shop you should use or set up a facebook catalog consider this catalog as a folder with all the products you want to promote and advertise once you've set up your facebook catalog you can target people with specific product ads based on their browsing behavior in your shop for example when somebody clicked on a specific product in your shop you can target them with an ad for that product the next time they are on facebook now that your shop is ready you can target people who visit your shop or your online shop on your website through setting up a facebook catalog now in order to set up a facebook catalog you have to be in the ads manager and when you click here on the ads manager you go down under assets and that's where you see catalogs because we've created a catalog when we set up our shop it will automatically show up here in your list of catalogs and when you click on the catalog you get to the screen where you can select different type of ads that you want to run for the particular products you can see what products do we have in our catalog what product sets do we have in our catalog and what are the data sources for the catalog that we're using and there is the settings for your catalogue as well like what's the name of your catalog what notification settings etc so back to the diagnostics area of your catalog this is where you are going to decide what type of ad you're going to use for your catalog so you can have generic ads or you can have dynamic ads generic ads is basically where you can feature an ad for a specific product in your catalog or when you do a dynamic ad you can actually retarget people who see specific products on your website and they can then receive an ad with that particular product that they saw on your website but then on their facebook just as a little reminder that may push them to buy the product so if i click on the ad to drive traffic it will ask you which accounts do you want to use and then it takes you to the ad manager where you go through the standard process of your campaign settings your ad account settings your ad set and the creation of the ad itself now i'm not going to show you all the details of how to create an ad we've done that in other demos but in very important section that you have here is that you can create an instant experience which is a much more multimedia type ad that you can select within your catalog for instance you can check which products do we want to select for the ad how do you want to order the products like dynamically or you can even specify in order are there specific sort of collections that you want to use for this ad where do you want to use a cover video or a cover image and then what is the call to action button that you want on your ad and once you're done with that you're going back into the ad set creation where you are looking into the traffic for the ad and the audience segmentation and then you follow the process of developing your ad using facebook dynamic ads here are a few more details about the facebook dynamic ads they promote products from your catalog to people who are more likely to respond to them because they have seen that particular product before in your shop or in your app or they have shown an interest in the category for instance if people are browsing hotels on your website but don't make a reservation you can then target them with specific product ads from your catalog based on their travel preferences finally it is important that you promote your facebook shop there are many ways you can do that you can promote your products by making them stand out through videos and really good photography and another effective way of promoting your shop is by enabling ratings and reviews often people look at customer reviews before making a buying decision and if you have a physical store it will also help if you add all your shop details like the address and the opening times and it goes without saying that when people message you with questions or even an order make sure you respond instantly so what did we learn in this lesson setting up a facebook shop will enable you to list and promote products you sell you can even connect your shop with e-commerce sites like shopify you can set up a facebook catalog that holds all the items you want to promote across all of facebook social media platforms and facebook dynamic ads automatically promote products to people who have expressed interest on your website or in your app three simple elements for promoting your shop respond quickly to messages from customers encourage people to leave reviews and add the address of your physical store facebook live setup and how to use for business the final facebook tool that businesses can use is facebook live which basically allows you to live stream video to your facebook audience live streaming started on twitter a few years ago through periscope it soon moved to youtube and facebook and is now a really exciting communication tool to connect instantly with your audience live streaming has called the media world by surprise i can now be at a live concert and stream it live to my facebook friends where do media rights fit into this the industry is still trying to come up with answers fact is that facebook live allows you to start your own live tv program and broadcast it instantly to a global facebook audience and on top of this facebook loves you to use facebook live and will reward you for using it by giving your facebook live post a higher organic reach facebook live has lots of opportunities for businesses it gives natural engagement by people liking and commenting during the live broadcast and facebook gives you lots of opportunities to promote the live event before and after the live broadcast at the end of the broadcast facebook will ask you if you want to save the broadcast and post it on your feed often this leads to lots of additional views and engagements on this site you can see where in the world facebook live broadcasts are happening right now you also see a lot of live activity in southeast asia so let's look at some of the features facebook live covers three aspects of communication first it allows you to have live conversations with your followers and facebook live turns these conversations in very engaging experiences with likes and emoticons flowing over the screen as they come in and comments showing up as well second you can turn your live broadcast into a visual story like you want to tell it you can add filters colors texts overlays etc adding augmented reality features is not far away and thirdly you can target audiences in multiple ways for your broadcasts and on top of that facebook will give your live broadcast a higher than average organic reach allspice brazil is a great example of a facebook live campaign they did a two-day live broadcast to put their anti-perspirant products to the test they turned it into a big marketing campaign with which they reached over 9 million people with the time of the broadcast there are many ways businesses can use facebook live it's a great tool for promoting your products or services you can do live tutorials or product launches it can be used to support your live events you can do a broadcast during your event and interview an expert who attends the event it can also be used to support your customers you can do a live q a ask for feedback hold a webinar and facebook live also lends itself for sharing news announce a sale or organizes sales party lots of opportunities it may take a while to build traction with your broadcast but if you can maintain the momentum you can generate plenty of coverage and engagement a good way to maintain engagement is to turn your live broadcasts into recurring episodes weekly or monthly so you can build your campaign around this and build up a library of great content it is very easy to start your facebook live video when you are on your company page what you do you click on the publish button on your mobile and then in the different options you see one of them is live video you click on your live video you immediately see what you want on the the screen you can have different background settings if you want to different filters you can select where you want to uh to post and you can then basically click start the live button when you start a live button your life you can still add different effects you can invite people you can chat and basically we are now live if i now would go to my other phone and let me just quickly do that i will go to facebook and i will go to the facebook page so of simply learn and i can see that facebook let me go here yeah so i go to the simply simply learn business page and i can then see that the video is live on the page from simplylearn and here i can then engage with the page you can also see here in the screen that i have one viewer and that is me in this case here you can also see that i can like and this is i think a really cool feature of the facebook live which shows you the engagement that is happening during the broadcast it can be a thumbs up it can be a heart it can be a smiley face and i've seen companies do polls give me a smiley face if you like the product give me a sad face if you're not happy with the with the product and then you can count the number of likes that come in in that way you can also see who is watching and that's in this case is marketman i can then also put in a comment to this post and i can just say hi and post it and that comment that will show up on the feed as well so a very engaging very interactive process to run your facebook live broadcasts so when i click finish then what facebook will do is will save the video and it will then give you the option to save it on your newsfeed on your timeline you can upload it in high definition so when you save it on your timeline then you can share it straight away or you can save it on your disk i click share and now you see that on my business page in a minute the page the the live broadcast will show up actually it's already shown up here and you can then see who was on the the video yep you see the comment that came in and you can see the video and you can see the engagement in the video as well so very powerful concept to run facebook live broadcasts greetings everyone this is rob sanders and today i'm going to present facebook advertising tips and strategies so thank you for joining today we're going to cover a number of tips to help you gain a better advantage on advertising on facebook so let's get right to it with tip number one and with tip number one not all advertisements need to sell something so remember you have different objectives on facebook you can advertise an event you can promote a customer story you can send traffic to your website or you can get them to download an app so it all goes back to your objective so if we go to facebook and i want to create an ad remember my first option is to create an objective so you have awareness you have consideration you have conversion so depending on what you want somebody to do that's the objective you're going to choose so just keep that in mind when you're setting up your campaign on facebook you need to align your objective with what you want people to do tip number two we want to use facebook messenger for advertising so facebook messenger is a feature that can be used with advertising on facebook and it's a good tool it's a good practice because it allow you to as the advertiser to commute with individuals directly so it's a feature that you should take advantage of because it allows you to quickly engage with your target audience so that's the beauty of leveraging facebook messenger with your advertising the communication tools available and for you to engage with your target audience so it's great for not only interacting but taking care of any other objections that they have as an as an audience or prospective client so you can answer any concerns they have right away so it's a lot more personal and interactive than other forms of advertising because you're directly communicating with your audience tip three use video advertisements i can't stress this enough video is very engaging in fact it's not only engaging but it's very easy to use so we go to facebook really facebook is telling us for video all we need to do is have basically a phone handy and an app and just to be able to upload it so with facebook video you can really drive awareness and you can really drive sales when you can really make some really splashy videos on facebook all you need is a mobile camera so with facebook videos it's really very easy to create you just gotta be creative that's really the key to videos you know they're gonna be engaging to the end user say something do something that's gonna really grab their attention and get them to do what you want them to do so these are just some of the examples you can see on facebook and you can see how creative advertisers are getting you know clear call to action great video or great imagery good promotional use so there's a lot you can do with video and really make it interactive so i can't stress video enough as an option for facebook it really is one of the better features of facebook advertising and really very limited use of resources all you need is that web camera an app and the ability to upload that video that's really it for video advertisements so keep in mind and the reason why i'm harping on those video ads is they tend to outperform your traditional facebook image ads and other formats like the carousel or the presentation mode so there's other types of formats on facebook video tends to give it that extra edge because it's very interactive and in the form of interactivity comes engagement so in this example you know people are going to react they're going to comment they're going to share the video and that's what you want as an advertiser you want to grab as much reach as possible towards your target audience and so video will help you do that it will help you not only engage with the person but allow that video to be shared and expand your reach towards your target audience so remember video can range from a few seconds all the way up to 120 minutes so you're really gonna get more views regardless of how long the video is because it's just gonna be so interactive so just keep that in mind it doesn't have to be full on 120 minutes it could be you know anywhere from one to five minutes you know to me that's probably a good range but just know that you have that lead way if you wanted to so remember video ads always perform better than single image ads or other type of image ad formats on facebook and they also perform better when they have subtitle support so just keep that in mind as well because you may have you know individuals watching the video from you know different countries speaking different languages say tip four when you're placing your advertisement where you place your advertising will play an important role in deciding how many people come across it so facebook offers a number of different options to choose from so remember you got the news feed you got instant articles right column you got suggested videos so you got a lot of options at your disposal there's lots of other options too so you can have facebook actually automatically place your ads or you can specifically tell facebook where you want to place your ads and that's all part of the facebook setup so if we go to facebook and then we go to create your campaign so if we close ad set here is where we're going to be able to choose our placement if we click on choose placement we'll be able to you know be able to allow facebook to place it or we can edit the placement specifically so just keep that in mind you have a lot of different options here again feeds and stuff articles in-stream videos you got rycom you even have instagram so you have a lot of options available to you so my recommendation and facebook's recommendation is always go with the auto placement but you could specifically choose your placement if you want to when you're setting up your campaign so start the advertising on the news feed could be recommended the news feed is where you're probably going to get your most eyeballs most users spend most of their time there and it has the highest chance of grabbing their attention so the newsfeed could be a good place to start again you can have it at auto placement and your ads may be there as well or you can specifically choose just the news feed or other placements so tip four just be careful where you place your ad it's really important you wanna place your ad where you're gonna get eyeballs so tip five facebook ads also offer you the option to advertise on instagram so you have that option available to you as i mentioned in tip four you have the option to advertise through stories carousel ads photo ads and video ads so again that's all part of the ad setup when you go to choose your placements here you got instagram feed you get instagram stories and again with both of those placements on instagram you can work with several different types of ads including that carousel ad including that video ad so just keep that in mind that instagram is an option for you take advantage of it there's a lot more eyeballs on instagram these days and it plays off nicely with what you're trying to do with facebook so go ahead and give it a try okay so let's take a quick break from the first few tips we went over and let's take a look at an ad so it's an ad break time so let's take a look at this and this is by new scientist and so what makes this ad so great well there's been a lot of shake up in the world today about fake news you know what is fake news so new scientist is actually playing off of that they're mentioning hey fake news not in our world so they're actually playing off of that that term fake news and so that's an attention grabber so i think that's what makes this look so good but this is a single image ad and you can see here they're promoting this ad with a promotion so try 12 weeks for just 36 euros okay so they have a promotion in there so and you notice they the image of the you know the magazine they're also displaying that hey you can look at this digitally on a laptop a tablet or a mobile phone so you have other options as well so they show you that in the image which is placed on the right side of their messaging so for me this is a good ad because of the placement of the image the type of image they're using the play on fake news and the promotion that they're offering up so this is really a good ad it's very eye-catching and hopefully the promotion's good enough to get you to sign up okay so tip number six so tip number six we want to continuously do a b testing you want to always have this option going for you want to be able to test variation a versus variation b because you want to be able to find out what works and what doesn't work with your audience and on top of that it helps you really put your best foot forward by showing your best ad so by doing a b testing you're getting feedback from the audience and turning that feedback into positive returns so you're then turning your ad that does work well in front of an audience and you're going to continue to do that so a b testing is always a good option so remember when you're setting up your ad in facebook go ahead and choose to have your a b test set up and when you do that you choose that option you're going to be able to then go in and choose what it is you want to test with that a and then with add b so you're going to again align your tests with a facebook page you're going to choose an ad format once you choose your ad format then you're going to be able to go ahead and you know put your ad in there and then you're going to choose your call to action so the whole idea behind an a b test is you want to be able to find what it is you want to test is that going to be the call to action is it going to be the messaging is it going to be the ad format so there are lots of things you can test with facebook on a b testing so it's all part of the ad setup so things you can change again are the color of the elements imaging text the call to action the position of the ad there's lots of things you could test that's all part of the facebook setup so the thing is you want to continuously test that's the key continuously test certain elements of an ad so testing can be done initially on broader elements and then smaller finer details like statements in your ad copy so my advice is when you're actually setting this up on facebook you know think ahead think what it is you want to choose to test my advice is maybe start out with a call to action so if you're in facebook itself you know you have an opportunity to test different call to actions try that that's an easy way to test and then you know when you test the call to action once you find out what works and doesn't work then you can move on to something more sophisticated like maybe the image type or maybe trying different types of imagery or ad types like the carousel versus single image so start small start easy and then work your way up tip number seven so we want to choose an appropriate call to action in your advertisements that will attract potential customers so what do we mean well you have different call to actions available to you you want to choose one that aligns with your ad so for example the simply learn ad about hey learn how seo works search engine optimization so if you're trying to get somebody to you know learn or take one of your courses you're not asking them to actually shop now you really want them to sign up so that's the key we want them to sign up so use a call to action that makes sense tip number eight choose the right audience for your advertisement okay so what do we mean so for this you can consider you know website visits interest it all depends on your objective okay what is it you want people to do if it's you know customers in the buying process then that's our objective is to get conversions then we want to move somebody over to a product page and get them to purchase you know if it's focusing on just website visits then maybe it's the objective of consideration maybe you just want to get people to your website to learn more about your product so that's the whole idea behind you know choosing uh the right you know objective because you want to align the objective with your ad okay so tip number nine create look alike audiences and i'd like lookalike audience because what facebook does is they create an audience that's similar to the audience you already advertising to or customer base you already have so in other words facebook already has an idea of who your audience is you can also you know provide them with additional information like an email list to give them a better sense of who your audience is and then what facebook does is they take that information and they'll put your ad in front of an audience that looks just like the audience you already have that's why they call it a look-alike audience so it's a great feature by facebook it really allows you to reach a target audience an audience is very similar to the audience you currently have in one example provide facebook with an email list with that email list they're going to be able to map that email list and be able to identify an audience that you could target so that's the whole idea behind lookalike audience it's a great feature by facebook definitely recommend taking advantage of that why because it will increase the number of people who will find your advertisement relevant remember you're targeting people who are similar to your actual audience to your the people who are already connected with your brand or already liking your page so if they're similar to those people then the chances of them engaging with you are going to be greater so look alike audiences tend to perform well because you're targeting an audience that's very similar to your actual audience tip number 10 so use the golden point rule on your ad creator so what do we mean by golden point rule well let's take this ad here as an example so what we want to do is we want to divide the creative into nine equally sized boxes so what we want to do is draw two horizontal lines and two vertical lines just like a tic tac toe box and so ideally what we want to do is place the main subject of your ad in the cross sections of the drawn lines and so what that does is encourages the user to place their focus on those points the lines are just simply there is a guidance to help you position your messaging so that's the golden point rule really is we want to be able to position our messaging accordingly so time for another ad break so let's take a look at another ad here on facebook and this one's by blue apron and so of all the tips we've talked about this particular ad takes into account a lot of them okay so this is again they're using multiple images in this ad here so again what they're doing promotion they're offering up a 30 off promotion here and what they're asking you to do is sign up to get that 30 off so you could see the call to action we already mentioned that on one of our tips the call to action matches the ad so they're asking to sign up they're using really good imagery here and they're supporting that with you know some good copy and text so this is what makes this ad so good i mean who doesn't like good looking food or tasty food and healthy food okay so they're definitely taking advantage of the imagery with a promotion and with a good call to action and so remember we want to a b test so blue apron is likely testing this ad so what they could do with this is test different imagery or they could test a different promotion so there's a lot they can do here on the a b testing side so for me if i were to test this yeah i would probably be testing the imagery because we want to be able to see what images get people to sign up alternatively we can also test the offer as well what offer is going to get somebody to click on that sign up button so ideally there's a lot to do here from the a b test standpoint and the way they've structured this ad it makes it very easy to test so that's what makes this ad really good is shows good imagery has a good promotion and aligns the cta tip number 11 so we want to place the product in the right hand of your creative so the right side should contain our product imagery so why is that why because there's been a study called the perceived product heaviness and package evaluation and that states that depending on where a product is placed users would react differently to it and so the study found that users tend to react more positively when the product is placed on the right side of the ad creative so here you can see countdown to black friday this is an amazon related ad and you can see the product is basically a letterbox which is placed on the right side so it's a black friday ad they didn't place the image on the left side they placed on the right side because people tend to react positively when the product image is on the right side so keep that in mind when you're placing your imagery try to place it on the right side tip number 12 don't use images that have more than 20 text okay so you want to use images that are clean remember that blue apron image we looked at and that was a very clean image of food no text overlaying the image so we want to try and stay away from images that have text on the overlay okay so there's no limit to how much text you can add to your creative but your facebook and myself recommend hey the lesser text you have the more likely it is for your ad to have its desired impact meaning somebody's gonna click on that ad okay so keep that in mind let the image do the talking for you you don't necessarily need to overwhelm the image with words or messages tip number 13 so we want to use an ad creative that's attention grabbing and is relevant for your business so again going back to that blue apron ad hey who doesn't like good looking food good looking healthy food green food well switching gears we're looking at a nike ad who doesn't like a good looking shoe here this is a good running shoe and nike is definitely taking advantage of the opportunity to place the shoe against a nice looking background so here the image on the left you got a nice mauve looking color the shoe on the right on a nice red background to kind of really play into the color of the shoe and so that's attention grabbing so the colors kind of match and go with one another and it tends to grab your attention so nike's doing a good job here of just not showing an image of a shoe really what they're doing is put the shoe as the central focal point and supporting that with additional color and they're really putting the messaging kind of as the background behind the shoe so they're making it as attention-grabbing as possible here so nike's done a good job with this ad you know me personally i'm not the biggest nike fan when it comes to shoes but hey this ad definitely grabbed my attention because now i could see you know this shoe is really popping to me we don't want to use clip art in your ad creative okay and don't use low resolution pixelated images as well we want to use high quality imagery so and use images that are well lit you know natural lighting always tends to work well as as well so when you're doing a placement for product whether that be food or shoe you can see here in this plated example they're putting it on the right image they're putting it in a natural environment on a table on a plate with some paper next to it you know and then you could see the one on the left it's of a person holding a box with the image of plated on it and so to me that's not stock imagery or clip art you know that's an actual person holding the product so it's real life you want to make it as real life as possible and as clear and quality as possible so when you create attention grabbing ads you show images of people benefiting from your product instead of just having the product itself so that's always a good idea in the case of coca-cola you know these people are enjoying their bottle of coca-cola well going back to the nike ad you know they could have had a person wearing that shoe or you know running with that shoe that could have been an alternative for them as well so the whole idea is just make sure your ads are attention getting and they grab your attention and if you're gonna use people make sure the person is enjoying it just like on the previous image the person holding the box we could see she's got a smile on her face and she is enjoying holding that box so to me you want to use people with the images to the best of your ability and that means use that person who's enjoying it so that's really going to put the product in the forefront okay tip 14 don't hesitate to experiment with your advertisements creative or its copy okay so what do we mean by that really we want to be refreshing our text we want to be refreshing our images okay so if you're going to place an ad on facebook don't let that be the only ad okay if you're using a single image ad you know feel free to change out that single image from time to time especially if a lot of people have seen that ad so if you're using reach as your objective and you're trying to reach as many people as possible just keep in mind that if that ad is reaching the same people over and over again it's going to get stale and you want to be able to update that ad so feel free to change out the imagery changing out the text is just as easy okay so feel free to play around with the text even you're not doing a b testing you can always change out the text just to see hey if changing out the text actually gets you better engagement or meet your goals tip 15 plan your campaigns for the holiday season okay so can't state this enough you know towards you know october november december there tends to be a lot of holidays you know across multiple religions okay so it's really the time of year where people are in full ad mode and audiences are in full watch mode so advertisers are really pushing ads that time of year especially christmas you know and people are accepting of that because they're used to it so you want to be able to plan accordingly so if you're doing your ads you can easily engage with your audience if you're aligning your ad with that time of year so during christmas most people are in the mood for shopping so it's a time of year where you can really really really take advantage of increasing your sales increasing your conversions so you want to plan accordingly and so if you're planning you know months in advance you don't have to do a full year but you know for me if i'm thinking i'm going to do a lot of advertising during the holiday season i'm probably going to go out maybe once summer ends probably august beginning of september beginning of september seasons change a little i might start thinking about the holiday season and when you can plan appropriately you can come out with really good ads you can think about what you want to say and so in this case you know target this particular ad is really promoting black friday so black friday is the day after thanksgiving in the united states and so here they're letting you know black friday's here and there's deals to be had so planning in advance gives you an opportunity to really really tweak your messaging and come up with some good creative ideas so let's take another break and let's look at another good looking ad this example we're going to look at dell okay so dell i've seen their ads all over facebook they do a lot of different advertising types between videos carousels and this is a single image ad they're really trying to do is get you over to the storefront so you can buy one of these good looking you know dell computers okay so you know here again they're promoting their latest computer the dell inspirion 3000 series all in one desktop so to them anytime they create a new product they're going to go ahead and put out a new ad for that product and here they're putting a little bit of a different twist on it if you notice the ad itself is just the image of the product there's really no promotion here they're letting the product image speak for itself they're really showing you hey look how good this computer looks you know this is our new model and you know we got to shop now ctas if you're interested go ahead and click on that shop now so they're really putting the effort into the image itself you know they're not offering any promotion you know no discounts you know what you see is what you get with the image and you click on it you're going to go right to their storefront so dell does a good job of really you know cranking out their new products whenever they go to market so tip 16 shorten the amount of time between retargeting your audience so target people have visited your website within the span of a month or two weeks so retargeting is reaching out to people who you've already engaged with so if somebody has seen your ad or somebody's went to your website somebody's even purchased from you before you have the opportunity to reach back out to that person so how often you reach out to that person or how long between their initial engagement and when you retarget them really does depend on what it is you're selling so if you're selling a pair of shoes if you're nike then chances are somebody's looking for a pair of shoes it's not going to be a long purchase window meaning they're not going to wait two three months so if i'm nike and somebody's seen my ad i'm probably going to target that person in a short period of time for retargeting so it really depends on your product but you don't want to wait too long between the time they've been initially engaged and the time you retarget so really depends on your product you know again if you're selling merchandise you know retail it's probably going to be a smaller time frame if you're dell computers you know that's a bigger purchase somebody's going to take their time so you know you want to target people you know for their dell computer probably you know over a longer period of time okay so just keep the product in mind you don't want to wait too long you don't want to keep it too short so you want to find that nice balance of when you could retarget someone okay tip number 17 keep altering the hook of your ad copy what do we mean by altering the hook so here you can see a couple of different options option one you know we're talking about hey if you're interested in getting some dmca certification you know this is what you need to do option two a little bit different of a hook hey start your journey to get your dmc ca certification so you know just altering the way you're trying to talk to somebody is really what we're after here on tip number 17. you have an ad especially the text remember we always want to refresh that copy but if you're testing it try different hooks try different ways to talk to people okay it always works well when you can have different types of messaging because people react to different messaging so an effective strategy would be to create multiple ads with different hooks and see what performs best so this is an option for a b testing okay you have an option to add messaging go ahead and talk one way in one option and then you know tweak that messaging tweak that hook a bit in option b and see what resonates with people so that's a good option for a b testing is always you know look at the way you're going to try and you know get somebody to convert tip number 18 okay respond to lead ad responses as soon as possible so remember one of your ad formats is a lead ad okay so if you have a lead ad basically what you're asking somebody to do is add their name their phone number and their email if you get that information don't sit on it react to it just like the messaging the facebook messenger how it's almost instantaneous think of the lead ads the same way okay you have somebody who's engaging with your ad by providing information you don't want to sit on it you want to respond as soon as possible in fact you know when you do engage that person let them know you're available on facebook messenger so they can actually then reach out to you via facebook messenger just to expedite the communication but when you get that valuable information from the customer you know respond as soon as possible it's good customer service because the longer you take to respond the less likely the customer will want to continue interacting with you so there's no real good rule of thumb here except for do it as soon as possible okay tip number 19 add scarcity to your advertisements so what do we mean by that well in this example we could see the top 100 registrations get free access so by putting this into your ad copy we're hoping your prospects are more inclined to buy your product due to that fear that they're not going to be one of the first 100 registrations okay so it allows you to really put some sense of urgency in the ad to get somebody to react so that's what we mean by you know scarcity okay so by doing so it could affect the long-term credibility you know we don't want to come across as fear-mongering by any means but hey if your promotion is the first 100 registrations get free access then why not you know go ahead and put it in there some other examples could be you know only three days left to register or first 50 get 50 off or you know hurry now there's only two days left so there's other language you can put to play around with the language but if you only have certain slots available or certain amount of days left there's nothing wrong with putting that in the ad copy to get people to react and so that's the whole idea behind you know the scarcity is you want to be able to let people know hey there's a limited edition going on here if you're interested go ahead and take advantage tip number 20 keep track of your ad relevance scores so your ads do get scored so the score ranges from 1 to 10 okay so what that score does is it's an indicator to signify the quality and engagement levels so you know if your score is between 1 and 6 then the ad isn't reaching the relevant audience and your audience isn't reacting to it however if your relevance score is between seven and ten then your ads are reaching the appropriate audience and you're getting a lot of interaction so keep an eye on that you know the lower the number that means hey we're not get our ads not getting to the right audience and if it's not getting to the right audience our audience isn't going to react to it so it all starts with making sure you're reaching your audience with your ad when your ad is reaching your audience and you're doing a b testing your audience is gonna react to one of those two ads so that's always gonna help your relevance score so keep an eye on that relevant score okay so let's take another break here and let's take a look at an ad here by blue bottle coffee okay so i'm a big coffee drinker myself i frequent blue bottle in san francisco a lot and so here this is a nice image a nice close-up image of coffee and i really like this notice there's really no call to action here okay so they're putting their website url the domain bluebottlecoffee.com they're saying hey we source great coffees we roast them to perfection and get them to you fresh so i can vouch for that really putting their brand out there okay so this is more of a brand awareness type ad that's their objective their objective is if you're going to drink coffee at some other location or with some other brand hey take a look at ours you know we got good coffee too we roast them pretty good and and we make sure that you get them fresh that's what they're trying to do they're trying to introduce their brand to you so this is a good example of a brand awareness ad single image ad they're definitely making use of the added the image itself you know with a nice close-up shot of that roasted coffee so that's what makes this ad so special brand awareness you know the image is telling us hey this coffee looks pretty pretty good it looks nice and roasted it looks pretty fresh and maybe i'll give blue bottle coffee a try so that's why they're putting their domain there okay so it's a good brand awareness ad and the hope is to convert some people over to their brand okay so tip number 21 include emojis in your ad copy okay so emojis we know are popular you use them in text use them on social media i mean there's hundreds of emojis nowadays that you could pick and choose from they are really specific and so here you can see in the case of simply learn hey if you're taking a digital marketing course for simply learn it doesn't hurt to have some emojis support that that message so you always get the thumbs up to get emoji you know the image of the graduation and that's a good emoji so you know you always want to align you know really fun relevant emojis with your messaging it kind of just helps it stick out a bit and people resonate with emojis and so it doesn't hurt to add those emojis in your ad copy and especially if your competition is not using emojis you want every advantage you can to have your ad stick out so emojis is a good way to get your ad to stick out tip number 22 use utm parameters to your ad which can feed into your google analytics account and provide tracking information so i can't stress this enough if you're using google analytics to track your campaigns then you want to use utm parameters so what do we mean by utm parameters well let me show you an example so all you need to do is type in utm tracking or url builder in google and then you're going to actually get to this page here so what this does this is a tool to help you create utm tracking so if we're simply learn and we want to advertise and drive the audience to a specific page in this case artificial intelligence masters program page so this is going to be the url but we want to append that url with some utm tracking parameters our campaign source parameter we're going to put facebook because that's the source that we're advertising the medium in which we're driving that traffic to the page from facebook is cpc which stands for cost per click and then we're just going to put campaign name ai engineer to identify what it is that campaign is related to so notice that the only required parameter is campaign source in this case we're going to put facebook but we can also use campaign content if we want to differentiate the different ads that we have so you can use campaign content parameter as well you don't have to the only required parameters campaign source my recommendation go all lowercase okay and then when you're done you have a url that you can use in your advertising so when somebody actually goes to that url notice the url includes the utm tracking and then analytics is going to be able to pick up that campaign from where facebook the medium is going to be cpc and the campaign in this case is going to be ai engineer and that's what you're going to look for in google analytics so it helps you track your ads more closely because if you don't use utm tracking for example on facebook then analytics might you know interpret that traffic coming from that ad as you know organic social so we want to be able to identify specifically the campaign you're running by putting in different variables for those parameters so that's what utm tracking is you want to use it for all your facebook advertising okay so it really helps you you know in analytics identify how your campaign's performing not only is it driving traffic but is the campaign converting for you so if you're trying to get somebody to sign up for a class then analytics is going to help us measure those conversions but with utm tracking we can bridge the gap between how many people facebook delivered or drove to our site from the ad and how many of those people actually converted so ut and parameters help bridge that gap tip 23 use exclusion marketing to improve your facebook return on investment by not including people who have already taken the action desired by you okay so this is a very key feature here so if we've already advertised and people have reacted to our ad and has subscribed they have subscribed then we don't want to target that person again so that's what exclusion marketing is we want to be able to you know target people that we're really after so if you know somebody's looked at our ad and did not convert or did not go to our website or to not download something or whatever it is we wanted them to do then those are the people we wanted to focus in on okay so in this case exclusion marketing we're going to exclude people who have subscribed in this case we're going to retarget people meaning advertise again to people who have not subscribed so that's what the exclusion marketing feature does it helps you really hone in on where you're targeting and retargeting so that way you're not hitting the same people over again and that's only going to lead to poor performance tip 24 track the right metrics for your business so keep your eye on important metrics what are those metrics you know those are going to be kpis kpis are key performance indicators and kpis differentiate from metrics because kpis are related to business goals so track the right metrics for your business what are the right metrics for your business more than likely it's going to be conversions or conversion rate but you could be running a brand awareness campaign just like blue bottle coffee did and so if you're running a brand awareness campaign then maybe your kpi or metric is going to be a click okay or click-through rate how many people are actually reacting to our ad okay so you always want to align the right metric with your business okay it's just very important that you're measuring against the right metric if you're not then it's going to be misaligned in terms of how you judge the campaign performance another set of metrics could be reach and frequency so reach and frequency allow us to measure how many people saw the ad and post engagement can determine how many users are reacting to your ads cpc helps us determine the cost effectiveness or how much we're paying for every click you could see that information in your facebook ad manager for example if i go to facebook's ads manager here i'm looking at some some ads that we're running here what can i see i can see my reach how many people i'm actually reaching the frequency in which they're seeing my ad notice i can see my relevancy score i can also see my cost per result i can see the total clicks so i have a whole set of metrics available to me really what i want to do is pick and choose the metrics that are most important to the ad i'm running okay so if it's reach am i reaching the full amount of people possible if i'm running a brand awareness campaign or it could be some other metric like conversion so we want to be able to align the right metric with the right ad tip 25 take advantage of facebook's location tracking tool for your advertisements so facebook allows us to advertise up to 25 countries with different states provinces cities districts and zip codes so we can really hone in location wise on where we want to target so facebook allows us to do that so basically it could be somebody in a particular area or people who have been recently been there or traveling to that location or actually lived there so really could hone in on a specific location based on certain set of criteria so with this you could take your marketing to the next level by approaching your competitors customers by offering them better discounts so that's the whole idea targeting your advertising on a specific location and then knowing that your competitors are there you can really put out some really good ads with some really good offers to really convert some of those people in that audience okay let's take a look at another ad okay so grammarly this is an ad that they've put out there and again you notice there's no real true call to action associated with the single image ad here it's all about messaging here they're saying hey download it free today okay and so it's a browser extension that they're promoting and really they're trying to get you to identify or identify with this particular brand that offers a specific product so they do have a promotion in there it's brand awareness hey your life is about to change i mean the messaging is pretty you know matter of fact they're trying to get you to hey i need this in my browser as an extension so for me this ad is all about the messaging here okay so with grammarly you know if you're in gmail you're in word you're in outlook they got you covered by using their browser expansion it's free and by using it it's going to make your life a lot easier so for me the ad works from a messaging standpoint not really big on the imagery but it's really about this is who we are and we can really rock your world if you use this browser extension so they're really putting a lot of emphasis on the messaging so for me anytime somebody says my life's about to change they've got my attention now let's get started first off let's have a look at an introduction to facebook facebook was first launched in february 2004 and was initially known as the facebook in 2005 it removed thee from its name and has now become the facebook we all know today it is now the world's most popular social media and social networking service next let's have a look at instagram it was launched in 2010 for ios and then in 2012 for android by kevin systrom and mike krieger instagram has now evolved to become one of the fastest growing social media platforms in the world in april 2012 thanks to its popularity it was acquired by facebook for approximately one billion dollars in cash and stock now let's compare some stats between facebook and instagram first let's have a look at the worldwide stats first off facebook like i mentioned earlier facebook is the largest social media platform in the world reaching almost 60.6 of the internet it has 2.5 billion monthly active users and approximately 1.6 billion active users in fact as of jan 2020 the us has approximately 190 million and india has approximately 280 million facebook users an indication of a market that's still ripe for the picking now let's have a look at instagram instagram although having released significantly later earns its title of the fastest growing social media platform with 1 billion monthly active users and 500 million daily users in the united states there are approximately 120 million and india has close to 88 million instagram users next up let's have a look at the next statistic age group of the user base first off facebook although there's a general opinion among the younger population that facebook isn't hip or isn't used all that much anymore this statistic has something different to say turns out more than 65 percent of facebook users are between the ages of 25 and 34. for instagram it's no surprise that 71 of the user base are under the age of 35. next let's compare the usage time of both these platforms let's take facebook first in the united states users spend approximately one hour on facebook every day in india users spend an average of three hours a day on facebook shockingly high numbers for a platform that's assumed to be dead isn't it on the other hand in the united states users spend 23 minutes on average on instagram in india users spend approximately 45 minutes now for the most important stat marketing for facebook eighty-six percent of marketers use it for advertising instagram is used by 71 percent of businesses for their marketing requirements now let's have a look at some industries that can work well on both these platforms if you do belong to any of these industries if you're not taking advantage of these platforms you're missing out so let's have a look at some industries that can capitalize on facebook food and beverage companies news and media e-commerce automobile and package goods next time you're on facebook take a closer look at your feed there's a good chance you'll see most of these industries post on it next up instagram we have industries like fashion athleisure cosmetics automobiles and food and beverages i can guarantee that if you take a closer look you can find all these industries advertising on instagram now let's take a closer look at how facebook can help with marketing first off let's have a look at facebook business pages now these are basically platforms where you can create an online presence for your organization for free moreover they've got some great advantages to offer you as well first off your business page can keep your customers or potential customers informed it can be about a new product launch a webinar a live broadcast a new store opening anything whatever it is it can go on your facebook business page it connects people with your products and services with your page you get greater visibility letting people know about the products and services that you offer you can offer customer service as well in fact according to american express 90 of users use customer service as a deciding factor for whether or not they continue to do business with an organization so customer service is pretty important like i mentioned earlier your business page provides a place where you can offer your followers offers and other advantages and finally the page lets you build a community a highly targeted community that has a higher possibility of buying your products and services next we have facebook groups with facebook groups you can build a community of like individuals some of the advantages that come with this are it provides a highly targeted audience i mentioned earlier that business pages provide you with a highly targeted audience groups take that to the next level it enables everyone to learn from one another with a large community there's a good chance that some members know things that others don't your group will enable them to communicate with each other and learn these new things you also get honest feedback your customers who are also likely part of the group will be able to give their feedback on how they like your product and perhaps even give you tips on how to improve now since your group is filled with a community that's highly interested in your brand you can also increase engagement in an organic manner and as an extension of the previous point you also get more leads and conversions next facebook has events with facebook events your organization will be able to mobilize your brand and enable online consumer marketing basically meaning that you have a platform for letting people know about important announcements not to mention there's also the opportunity to get some free advertising done events also help you increase brand awareness most people get to know about your brand by attending the event or just seeing the promotion for it now let's have a look at facebook stories for groups and pages a feature that is available for both groups and pages it provides you the ability to appropriately represent your brand or business directly from your mobile device or desktop now some of its advantages are that it helps you engage with your audience with stuff other than the usuals like articles videos and other similar posts this way you can also vary the kind of content that you post moreover stories can help you humanize your brand rather than seeming like you're pandering to your audience or seeing them only as potential leads or customers stories help your brand show that you're genuinely interested in your audience you can also reach your appropriate audience with greater frequency next facebook has facebook messenger with messenger you can connect and interact with your audience at a personal level in the last few years messenger has proved itself to be a great marketing tool it helps acquire more customers now people are more loyal to a brand that generally cares about them and by directly interacting with them through messenger their loyalty towards you is certainly said to improve and as an extension of the previous point you also get a greater number of transaction and even if a customer doesn't give you a transaction at least you're increasing your brand awareness then we have facebook live facebook live gives you a platform to interact with your audience in real time it can be used to diversify your content providing your audience with something different from what they've received from your brand initially live can also be used to show what happens behind the scenes in your organization further helping humanize your brand and finally you can also provide instant questions and answers to your audience increasing engagement with them next we have the facebook shop the facebook shop is a business page tab application that enables your customers to purchase your products directly from your store it also has the following advantages firstly you can use the shop to drive new sales you can give the customers who are on the fence about your product a small push by engaging them and how can you do that with deals and promotions you can also reward advocates of your brand with special benefits to be availed from your store and finally you can build brand awareness and recognition now let's have a look at facebook ads facebook ads help spread product or brand awareness in the news feed of a specific targeted audience on facebook now some of the advantages of facebook ads are that they help increase brand awareness they enable you to advertise your products and services to the appropriate audience and it provides you with greater reach while making you spend lesser amounts of money it also helps you re-advertise or re-target your products to an existing audience and finally it helps increase revenue sales and leads if you guys are interested in learning about facebook ads you can check out our facebook ads video i'll add it in the live chat so you can check it out if you're interested now let's have a look at the final feature facebook offers to help you with marketing facebook insights i'm sure all of you have heard about google analytics let's just say this is facebook's version of that with insights you get information that can help you refine your brand strategy by tracking and measuring results it can help you determine reach and engagement actions people who are viewing your posts when your fans are online the type of posts that are working for you and much much more that brings us to the end of the ways facebook helps you with marketing now let's move on to instagram first off we have instagram business accounts instagram business accounts enable brands to be recognized as businesses now it also has the following benefits to offer it's only with a business account that you can get instagram insights we'll talk about insights in a little more detail in a little bit you can also add a contact button on your profile enabling users to connect with you directly you can also specify what kind of service you offer by adding what industry you belong to in your bio and finally you also have the ability to add links to your instagram stories now i'm sure you've all seen the see more option in your stories so now you know how that shows up now if you guys are interested in finding out how you can increase followers on instagram you can check out our video on the same topic of the same name i'll add the link in the live chat next let's talk about instagram stories with instagram stories you have the ability to grow engagement build brand awareness and to drive sales you can also use stories to provide recent updates about your brand now some of the advantages of instagram stories are that they help businesses grow their audience and can enable them to engage with their audience regularly with stories you can also drive traffic to other websites like your company's website it can also help diversify your content setting it apart from the usual videos and photos next up let's talk about instagram dms or direct messages dms help you grow your business by interacting with customers at a personal level it can also help build connections with your users by building a personal connection with your followers their loyalty towards your brand is improved not only that it helps you make or grow your connections within the industry and as an extension of the last few points this leads to easier lead generation and increase sales next up we have igtv now ittv is a platform that's gotten really famous recently it enables your brand to get closer to its audience and enables it to be discovered by new people other benefits include greater visibility of your products and services having the ability to educate and entertain your audience improved engagement and greater chances of conversions finally it also helps build a community of a highly targeted audience next we have instagram live instagram live enables you to communicate with your audience in real time further improving your discoverability and strengthening your connection with the audience moreover it provides a lot of visibility your followers are immediately notified when you go on live stream and finally it helps you interact with your audience in real time this helps further humanize your brand next we have instagram ads instagram ads provides you with control over advertisements you decide how they appear and who sees them like facebook instagram has a number of different ad types to offer they are photo ads video ads carousel ads slideshow ads and stories ads next up instagram offers an instagram shop the shop helps you incorporate your product catalog with your instagram profile at some points even enabling users to access the shop directly from an image showing the same product one of the major advantages of the instagram shop is that it provides easy product discoverability and since it provides visual marketing it also leads to more sales and finally instagram insights instagram's answer to facebook insights and google analytics insights is an analytical tool that provides data on follower demographics their actions and your brand content it helps determine engagement impressions and reach best and worst performing content profile visits website clicks and much more and with that we have come to an end of this facebook ads full course video for 2021 i hope it was informative and interesting if you have any questions about the topics covered in this video please ask away in the comment section below our team of experts will be happy to solve all your queries thank you for watching stay safe and keep learning hi there if you like this video subscribe to the simply learn youtube channel and click here to watch similar videos turn it up and get certified click here
Channel: Simplilearn
Views: 296,835
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Keywords: facebook ads course in x hours, facebook ads tutorial, facebook marketing course, facebook ads, facebook ads tutorial 2019, facebook ads 2019, facebook ads manager, facebook ads targeting, facebook advertising, facebook marketing, facebook ads strategy, facebook ads tutorial for beginners step by step, how to run facebook ads, facebook ads for beginners, facebook paid advertising tutorial, fb ads, simplilearn digital marketing, simplilearn
Id: P-PCoZzy4l8
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Length: 158min 16sec (9496 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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