How the Facebook Algorithm Works (2021) DETAILED Explanation

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what's up eric b preston here and in this video i'm going to break down exactly everything you need to know about how the facebook algorithm works in 2021 i'm going to talk about three hacks you can use to get the most out of the algorithm and get your content even more exposure and as a bonus i'm even going to talk about how the facebook algorithm pertains to paid facebook ads which you should be running if you haven't already so stay tuned if you're new here be sure to subscribe and hit the little bell so you get notified as soon as i drop new content exactly like this if you're a real estate agent and you want my facebook listing ad template where i'm going to show you my exact formula so how you can perfectly promote a listing on facebook which i think is one of the best uses of facebook for a real estate agent drop a comment below and i will send you a link to that so you can make sure you're promoting your listings correctly now let's get into this video first i want to explain how the facebook algorithm works at a very high level so really quickly um how the facebook algorithm works when we're talking about posting content so contrary to some people's belief when you make a post on facebook whether it be your facebook profile or your facebook business page two separate things uh but they work in the same way on your profile you have friends on your business page you have followers right um so once for your business one's for your personal life now you can make a post on either of those pages now when you make a post not all of your friends or not all of your followers are gonna see that post right that's how it worked in the very early days of facebook but it does not work like that anymore what happens is when you make a post and say you have a thousand friends on facebook or say you have a thousand followers on your business page and you make a post promoting your business or promoting yourself or just asking a question what facebook will do is they'll actually show that to a small number of your friends or followers first now depending on how those friends and followers engage with that post the algorithm is going to make a decision on whether or not to show that post to another 50 people or not to show it to anyone else at all now this is a little bit of a simplification i will say but this is generally how it works they'll show it to a small number of people usually your closest friends the people who follow you the most closely and depending on how they engage with it the algorithm's going to make a decision on whether or not to show that with another 50 people or not to show to anyone else at all based on the engagement that that post gets so the likes the comments the shares okay now if people like comment and share facebook's algorithm is going to say interesting this must be a pretty good piece of content because people are engaging with it so let's show it to another 50 people and see what happens so let's show it to another 50 people and if those 50 people engage they like they comment they share the post the algorithm is going to say oh this must be really interesting stuff then they're going to show it to maybe another 100 people let's say out of those 1 000 followers that you have so now you've hit about 200 of your followers and they're going to see how those people engage with your post and if they engage really well they like comment and and share then they might show it to another 200 people and see how they engage and this is how things go viral on the internet is through facebook determining that engagement is is telling the algorithm that that piece of contract is interesting enough to show more and more and more people so at a really high level that's essentially how the algorithm works because going back to what facebook actually wants facebook wants to put relevant content in front of its users so that they stay on the platform longer makes sense so what they're doing is they're using an algorithm so code to determine what content is going to be the most interesting to show people to keep them on the platform longer and keep them engaging with different content so at a very high level this is how the algorithm works this is how the algorithm has worked for years in the rest of this video i'm going to talk about what's changed and what you need to know about moving into 2021 but it's really important to understand some fundamentals which is facebook's ultimate goal is to keep people on the platform longer scrolling and scrolling and scrolling to see more and more and more ads because 99 of facebook's revenue is advertising so they want you on the platform getting interested in whatever content they're putting in front of you so that they can serve you more ads so it's important to understand that the algorithm favors content that keeps people on the platform and i'm going to get into more of that in just a minute so let's get into my three hacks that you have to know about the facebook algorithm for 2021 okay so number one is start a conversation and do it in a group okay now mark zuckerberg came out and said uh a little while back that he wants to start prioritizing groups communities right on facebook and this is honestly one of the biggest reasons i use facebook today for running ads and for promoting or creating conversations in my group if you're a real estate agent you can check out my group in the description it's called real estate marketing mastery that's a mastermind group where we talk about all things digital marketing i run my facebook lives in there i do events i post a lot of valuable content and i started this group because zuckerberg said this and nothing has been more true i have 1500 people in my 1800 people in my group now and we have a ton of engagement on the post we put in there i get like 700 views on post that means like almost half of the people are actually seeing some of the posts we put out now that's a really good number when all things considered with facebook now going back to how the algorithm works at a high level what you want to do is start conversations okay the best piece of engagement you can get on a post whether it be in a group on your profile or on your page is to start a conversation so you need to think are people going to engage with this post are they is this post worthy of someone commenting one of the best things you can do for engagement on a facebook post is actually ask you know hey um i need a new show on netflix what do you all recommend that post will probably get you 30 plus comments easily now why because everyone watches netflix and everyone has an opinion about what shows are great so they love to tell you their favorite show that they just watched if you're itching for some engagement on your facebook page then a great post to make is exactly that i need a new show on netflix what do you all recommend that will get you a lot of engagement and a lot of exposure and a lot of comments so you always want to think about is your post gonna start a conversation because that's what facebook has said is important is starting conversations and what happens in groups is good conversations happen all the time so start a conversation by asking good questions thinking about things that are going to get your people engaged and if those people comment on your post then that's gonna give your post more and more and more exposure because of that engagement right you're gonna get that traction the algorithm is gonna start favoring your post in the bidding war that is the facebook and instagram news feeds and you're gonna start getting more and more exposure on your post and you've probably seen this when you got a post think about it this way anytime someone posts a wedding photo right they post an engagement photo they post a baby photo what happens well you look at that photo and it has like 300 likes and like 70 comments and everyone's saying congratulations well that's the algorithm thinking that that's a really valuable interesting post and you've probably experienced this think about it when's the last time you saw a wedding photo or a baby photo or something like that from someone on facebook that you actually don't closely follow and you haven't seen a post from in a while and the only reason that you ended up seeing that post of newborn baby or a wedding or something like that was because the all of the comments that that post has accumulated facebook would not normally show you that person's post because they know you don't follow each other's closely but they've decided to show you that post because in their algorithm it started to see more and more and more people because of that engagement so think about that always think about starting a conversation and one of the best places you can start a conversation is in a group okay because facebook's all about community groups are the most valuable thing on facebook in my opinion now zuckerberg's come out and said like i said exactly that as well so start a conversation and ask these questions in a group if you're trying to promote your business go in relevant groups or start your own group and start a conversation because your posts will get more exposure in a group than almost anywhere else if you actually make the same post on your business page and you make the same post on a in a group that has a decent amount of people the post in your group will get far more exposure right off the bat because facebook's prioritizing actively group so that's hack number one is start a conversation and do it in a group okay utilize groups your advantage because they're a great resource on facebook and they're one of the reasons people still use facebook today hack number two avoid using links whenever you can and use more video instead what do i mean by this well as we say why it's important to understand how the algorithm works at a fundamental level facebook wants to keep people on the platform so if you actually don't put a link in your post linking somewhere else to some other website the algorithm will favor your post over other posts that do use links because they want to keep people on the platform right they also have come out and said that they're moving towards favoring video and they've been doing this for a couple years now so utilizing video and not having a link in your post together will get you a ton of exposure on facebook because the reality is organic reach on facebook just isn't really there for a lot of people anymore unless you're in a group or you're using video or lives and you're not using links those these are some of the ways you need to to utilize to actually get exposure these days because otherwise you're just not going to get the organic reach that you used to be able to you have to spend money on ads instead so when people go live on facebook people get notified of that especially when you go live in a group i notice when i go live in my group i get an immediate ton of viewers because they all get notified eric b preston just went live in a group and they all click on it and they go to that live right away so use video because it gets you more exposure and avoid using links in your content whenever you can those two things alone will get your posts a lot more exposure so one of the best things you can do is do a facebook live in a group or post a video in facebook in a group and you will get a ton of exposure on that content you know like i said we have about 1800 people in our group and when i put out a video like that i'll often get like 7 800 post reach on that post which is a very good number by the way considering there's 1800 people in there i'm almost hitting about half uh for one post so that's a great number and you want to utilize that for yourself because if you're posting like links to a youtube channel on a facebook business page you're just not going to get that much exposure unfortunately these days i've tried it over and over again it just doesn't work hack number three is use your profile a lot of people are obsessed with using their facebook business page now your business page is where you run all your ads it's where you collect your reviews your business pages where you get likes and follows it's social proof that's all it is honestly that is all your facebook business page is for the most part for most people these days unless you have a significant amount of followers you're not going to get a huge amount of exposure on your facebook business page you're just not so utilize your facebook profile now let me give an example when i invite someone into my group i usually invite them as a friend because what happens when you're friends with someone on facebook and you post in a group sometimes if they follow you close enough they will actually get notified that you made a post in that group in their notification center so they'll click into that and they'll see your post more often now that's because you guys are friends now facebook will actually prioritize posts from people that are your friends over people that are your followers one of the reasons i get a lot of exposure in my group is because i'm friends with like 70 of the people in my group on facebook so for that reason my posts get a lot more exposure to them so utilize your profile a little bit more because on your profile it's really easy to message people uh your uh post exposure is a lot higher so if you made the exact same post on your facebook business page and on your facebook profile and you had the same amount of friends on one and same amount of followers on the other you're going to get more post exposure on your facebook profile okay so utilize your profile when you can it's okay to use your profile if you're comfortable with it um to network to add friends to post to groups you still want to have your business page there because that's social proof when people go to your profile they can't see your reviews they can't see your phone number or information like that your business website your email all that stuff so your business page still has a place and you should still utilize it but if you use your facebook profile then you will actually get a lot more exposure on all of your posts and all that kind of stuff so hack number three is actually just use your facebook profile a little bit more as opposed to your facebook business page so those are my hacks for the facebook algorithm in 2021 utilize them to get your posts a significantly more amount of exposure because the reality is like i said um the organic reach on facebook just isn't there unless you utilize things like groups and video and lives then you can actually get quite a bit of traction on groups and always make sure you're starting a conversation because the more comments you get on a post the more exposure that post is going to get every single time without fail so i'll say it again if you're a real estate agent drop a comment below if you want a copy of my facebook listing ad guide this is a guide you can use to post a listing on facebook or to run an ad on facebook for a listing i honestly think that google ads is the best place to generate leads on the internet today especially in real estate because people are actively already in google searching for homes for sale in your specific area right and facebook is a great place to have your social proof so your facebook business profile your reviews all that kind of stuff and it's a great place to promote your listings because you can get a lot of exposure for a little bit of money running a facebook ad and you can show that to your client say hey look how much exposure we've got your listing it's a great way to fill your open houses but it's not the best way to generate leads at a raw state like google ads as always thanks for watching everyone smash that like button if you like this video hit the dislike button if you didn't any feedback helps me create better content free at the end of the day i would love it if you subscribe to my channel and if you hit that little bell there you'll be the first to know when i drop new videos you'll get a little notification on youtube actually um so be sure to leave any comments you have any questions or if you want to copy my listing ad guide i'm going to leave you here with two videos i would recommend checking out this one on google ads it's a long one but it's a great video if you're looking to get into online lead generation for your business google ads google search ads is one of the best places you can do it in 2021 and the reason is you're putting ads in front of people when they're already searching for something it is a search market versus facebook which is an interruption market you're trying to stop people in their tracks and get them to pay attention to whatever it is you're selling whereas google they're already searching for it you're just giving them exactly what they want so you're not interrupting them at all it's a great place to advertise so check that video out and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Eric B. Preston
Views: 59,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eric preston, real estate marketing, real estate online lead generation, eric b preston, facebook algorithm 2021, facebook algorithm, facebook algorithm explained, facebook algorithm to grow, facebook algorithm to your advantage
Id: zr0jJVvcLL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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