Google Ads For Realtors 2021 [Step-by-Step]

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so you want to generate sub four dollar leads with google ads on autopilot like i do for my real estate team every single month well don't leave this is the video for you stay tuned what's up everybody eric b preston here if you don't know me i'm a licensed agent with exp realty and i also run a google ads agency focused on the real estate space i'm in a good position because i am a realtor to understand the actual industry and what works best in terms of advertising my passion is all about online marketing and i love google ads so i'm excited to share with you what i have in this video uh if you plan on following along and kind of going using this video as a guide there's actually a ppc google ads cheat sheet i want you to download there's a link in the description get a copy of that because you'll need it to follow along in this video if at any point you have any questions or anything like that drop them down in the comments i'm happy to engage with you all and i hope you get a ton out of this video so let's get into the tutorial all right everyone so let's dive into this tutorial so first things first what you're going to want to do is go to pretty simple stuff and you're going to land on a page like this this this will be here if you've never actually run an ad before if you have actually set up your ad account it'll probably just log straight into the account so before we go into the account i'm going to show you guys how to set it up and do everything from start to finish but first things first is what type of ad are we going to run well i'm really big with my agency on doing more niche type ads okay so what that means is like most agencies out there will just do kind of like you know seattle homes for sale and they'll target like a very broad um general region where the real fruit of google ads as a real estate agent is getting niche in these little neighborhoods sub areas and really farming a specific area and then complementing that with maybe you have a listing and a sign in the yard maybe you have like some other strategies in that area and your circle prospecting or whatever it may be i love going niche there's less competition in the niches and there's more money to be made in my opinion and that's where we tend to get the best results so um what i'm gonna do in this video is show you an example of how to create an ad for like a neighborhood so one neighborhood in vancouver that's quite popular is kitsilano however i'm actually surprised at how few people are advertising in this area given that it's a high price point it's a very desirable place to live so essentially what we're going to do is target when people search for kitsilano homes for sale or something like that kids line of condos you know property search mls kitsalano anything like that i want our ad to pop up and i'm just going to show you here this is an ad that we're running for a client um see how it says kitsilano bc homes for sale live mls search so that's kind of what you want your ad to portray is whatever they have put into google your ad should more or less closely resemble that so like if i put kitsilano homes for sale and i see kit celino bc homes for sale perfect i'm probably gonna click on that ad because it's exactly what i searched for okay um so you'll see there wasn't even any ads at the top there's just ads at the bottom here it's not as competitive as it should be in my opinion so anyways now let's get into the ad creation process so go back here to what you're going to do is you're going to click start now sign in or start now it doesn't matter once you do that google will allow you to create a new ad account okay or if you have one already then i have a plenty uh then you can actually just select the ad account there but just for the sake of this i'm gonna go new google ads account i'm gonna show you how to bypass some of these initial headaches so first things first okay what are you gonna do here well what google's trying to do is they're trying to get you to set up a smart campaign okay now a smart campaign is actually a dumb campaign in my opinion i have google ad reps calling my clients all the time saying hey you're you're targeting's doing this or you're um you know you're you should be using a smart campaign and it's the worst campaign it's they do these smart campaigns it's like they're they're kind of campaigns for dummies if you don't know what you're doing it makes it really really easy to run a campaign but they're usually so broad they actually perform really poorly like i had a google rep set up an ad for a client recently and it made me so mad because the client was like oh yeah i'll try this out if it's this free thing and they set up this ad and she spent 400 and get to get one single lead when we were generating her three dollars and fifty cent leads consistently so the google rep called me and he's like hey like you know your uh targeting's off you're targeting people in other countries i'm like yeah because people move from other countries to our area a lot and we're specifically trying to do that and he's like oh and i'm like so anyways i digress um don't do a smart campaign please this is what google wants you to do they're pushing you to create these smart campaigns uh right when you sign up for an account but what you're gonna do is you're gonna go down the bottom here and you're gonna actually click switch to expert mode okay uh if you can't see this you should be able to but click switch to expert mode at the bottom that's gonna bypass setting up a campaign but then it's going to actually ask you to do a new regular campaign and you can actually bypass this as well and this is what i want you to do then you're going to go here and you're going to click create an account without a campaign then you hit submit for your you know you put in your country your currency so on and so forth um and then you're done then you basically have your ad account and you can click explore and you're good to go okay um first thing you're going to want to do when you do an ad account is you're going to actually set up a uh your billing so i'm not gonna go into how to set up your billing it's pretty straightforward but what i do want you to do if you're gonna be following along for this process what i want you to do is actually go down in the description um i did mention this in the beginning but there is a google ads keyword guide that i want you to download and pull up this page okay so if you're if you have this you'll be able to follow along with what i'm doing and i'll try to make this really really simple for you to execute okay google ads is a very technical platform so it's important that you have these guides to help you structure uh everything that you're doing um because it can get really technical and confusing really quickly and at the end of the day that's why we run an agency helping agents do this is because it it can be quite difficult but for those of you who that are wanting to do this on your own that's who this video is for so anyways first things first we're going to just go ahead and hit this big button new campaign and we're going to walk through the process from start to finish now what we're going to select as a goal here is leads okay it doesn't matter too much what you actually select here you can select website traffic that's okay but we're going to select leads all this does is give you options down here like if i if i click app promotion it's only going to give me one type of campaign if i click brand awareness it's going to give me two types of campaigns display and video if i click leads it's going to give me almost all of the options now it doesn't really matter what you select what does matter is what campaign type you select now search campaigns are what we're going to do search campaigns are the ones that show up at the top of or the bottom of a search result like this these are search campaigns display campaigns are the ones that show up in blogs on the side of your screen in a variety of different websites shopping ads are the ones that if i search for like some nike shoes they're going to be some ads at the top for different different stores that sell them video ads are literally youtube ads smart campaigns are dumb and don't use them and discovery ads is a variety of different types of personalized um ads but similar to display but um you can have them in like youtube and gmail and a variety of places but anyway i digress what you want to do is select search your goal is going to be website visits you can put in your website here so mine is you don't have to do that you can skip it then what you're going to do is you're going to want to create a conversion action okay so i can click create a conversion action this is really important it's going to create an action called website lead and then you can actually install the code on your site now this this is really important to do i'm not going to go into exactly how to do this right now but what this does is it connects your google ad account with your website so the two can talk to one another so when an ad drives traffic to your site and and that person becomes a lead it'll send that data back to your google ads account to make sure you understand which ads are generating you leads and it also allows google's algorithm to start optimizing for the types of people that are becoming leads and the types that aren't that's why with google ads like i always tell my clients this your lead cost will kind of start here and then go down over time as we optimize as google's algorithm optimizes generally gets better and better and better over time i've had clients start at like you know seven dollars a lead and or eight dollars a lead and we got our way down to like three dollars a lead um so it really does it really is important to set up your conversions but what you're going to do is if you click install the code yourself basically what you want to do is install this little snippet of code this is something we do for our clients obviously but if you are doing this yourself this is important to do you're going to add the global tag to every page of your website and then you're going to add the event snippet to the one page on your website where someone lands once they become a lead so often that's like slash thank you or something of that nature with real geeks who we um love and recommend all our clients and use all the time and that's who i use by the way if you guys don't have a website you're watching this as a real estate agent i do have a link to real geeks to get 100 bucks off your setup in the description if you're interested it is the platform that i find generates leads at the most effective cost and gives you the best tools to nurture them for the price point really um so on real geeks for example they have a pass-through url which is basically when a lead signs up it'll go quickly to a url and then go to you know say the search result or whatever they're trying to look at just to trigger this snippet so it'll go to this page it's like sign up sign up form submitted it'll go to that page quickly then it'll go to whatever the the lead signed up to see and it'll send that data back to google telling us that that person became a lead so a little complicated so that's a little bit about conversion tracking i'm not going to get into all of it right now just for the sake of time i do have another video on that which i can uh link to here um so anyways for our campaign name i think it's really important to keep your campaign names and everything clear and just to be clear like when we're talking about campaign ad group ad what does all this stuff mean well the campaign is basically uh there's three levels okay so you have the campaign um the ad group and then the ad so the campaign is kind of like your goal or objective the ad group is all of your like targeting and then the ad is basically what does the ad look like so very similar to how facebook is set up but basically with the campaign name i like to call this a search campaign okay um i don't like calling this a buyer campaign a lot of people call this a buyer campaign because people are looking for properties but we find 25 to 50 percent of the people that are searching kitsilano homes for sale um actually have something to sell so it's not a pure buyer campaign it's just you're targeting people looking for properties because that's where the most search volume is on google and when there's hundreds of thousands of searches every month that gives us a lot of places to put ads so there's a high high amount of inventory in this space in google for us to place ads and your cost per click on this type of auction when you're you're getting into an auction when you're doing google ads right so when you put up your ad in this auction to get in front of these types of searches your cost per click is like you know anywhere from 30 cents to a dollar usually in other industries that i work in and i have clients in a variety of industries like um selling your house for cash fast people who are investors and flipping homes you're looking at like 25 per click right lawyers for example is like 10 to 20 dollars per click um so clicks can be very expensive and how this works is when someone clicks on your ad like if i clicked on this ad right now we'd get charged probably 50 50 60 cents for that that's pretty much how this type of advertising works but because there's so much volume search volume for people searching for homes it gives our it makes our cost per click a lot lower so anyways basically i like to name the campaign search you're gonna deselect the display network okay leave search network only display network we don't want to mess with that's better for retargeting strategies which i'm not going to get into this video um then you're going to choose your location now i want to spend a bit of time here to explain to you location targeting because it's really important um if you're wondering why it says albania it's because i'm in albania right now um working remotely living abroad we decided to relocate out of um canada and you know we decided to live in europe because we can run our business from anywhere but anyways um what you're going to want to do is enter another you can leave it at all countries and territories if you want but i would recommend actually entering a specific location okay so what you're going to do here is go to advanced search and you're going to type in kitsilano okay now you're going to notice that it's going to pop up with kitsilano's postal code so you can do that but google's starting to crack down on postal code targeting and it's not actually allowing it a lot anymore so um i'm not gonna actually go for that it's still working in a lot of our accounts but they are cracking down on that like facebook and not letting you actually target um postal codes but you can still do a radius so say we wanted to do like a one um kilometer radius i could target uh you can go to pin mode here and i could just target kitsilano and i could do like a you know two kilometer radius and just target people in that area or whatever so anyways that's one way to do it and you can make this like two kilometers three kilometers whatever you want to do i think that's fine um in this case but the way i'm gonna set this add up is it doesn't actually matter too much what you do here to be honest so let me explain why so i can save this i'm targeting kits atlanta all right um and you can do postal codes you can just type in vancouver as the city that would be fine for this type of ad the only when time you would want to actually do this type of targeting and really worry about your your um radius or your location is when you're doing presence targeting so let me explain the difference between interest targeting now um the beauty of google ads and this is what makes it so different than facebook ads is let me give you an analogy so facebook ads is like putting up a billboard on the side of a highway okay you basically run an ad like this and you choose a radius however with facebook you can only do a 15 mile radius now right so that that's how much you can target location wise which is just huge it's not targeting it's just you're targeting like an entire region um so facebook ads are like putting a billboard up on the side of a highway okay the only reason people are seeing your ad is because they're in that certain region driving down that specific highway it does not mean they want whatever your billboard's selling it doesn't mean every time you drive by a mcdonald's billboard you want mcdonald's at the next exit or starbucks you don't so it's important to understand that like facebook is like that you target people who are in a specific region google's not like that you actually end up targeting people who are searching for something in a specific region so the reason this doesn't matter too much i can put it at two kilometers is because we're not just targeting people in this region we're targeting people searching for whatever we're selling in that region so people will type in kitsilano homes for sale so so for example that's like google ads is more like a storefront okay google ads is like walking into a store when you go to google you go there with some intention some search intention you go there to find out a question you go there to look for homes in this case you go there with some intention behind it just like you'd walk into a store now are there gonna be lookie-loos of course there are like probably the majority of people that walk into a store i don't know might be looky loose but there's a good amount of people that walk into that store who actually have an intention to buy right so that's my analogy is facebook's kind of like putting a billboard on the side of a highway google is kind of like having a storefront if you attract the right people the people that walk into your store actually have some intention behind it so anyways i can just target kitsilano like this now if i do presence targeting here it means people in or regularly in that location so if i choose presence as my targeting it's only going to target people who are generally speaking in this area a reasonable amount of time right and google tracks their location a lot of times so they know but what the majority of you are going to want to do actually is do presence or interest targeting which means people in or who show interest in your targeted locations right so what that means is like when i put kitsilano here you'll notice kitsilano vancouver it comes up with the the postal code right so if someone searches v6k homes for sale v6k homes for sale google will actually pick that up and pick up kitsilano and sometimes your ads will actually pop up now it's obviously not popping up right now but in some cases it will do that especially in the us when you type in like 9806 as your postal code and you're targeting like i think that's seattle or somewhere in seattle um like this yeah so washington then ads will actually pop up now these people don't have to be targeting that specific um keyword they could just be targeting that region and google will pick it up and actually target for properties there so important thing to note i hope that's not confusing but anyways choose your targeting it doesn't matter too much what you select if you're doing presence or interest because if we select vancouver for example now let's just make this really easy and let's say i'm going to select vancouver so i'm going to select the city of vancouver right but if we have presence or interest targeting it's going to target anyone who's showing interest in vancouver or is in vancouver it could be either and that's what i'd recommend because with google ads it gives you the opportunity to target anyone in the world who's searching for vancouver that's the beauty of it right is you're not restricting your targeting to just people in that area you can actually target everyone outside of your area who might be relocating to that area and are searching for that area so if we're targeting vancouver you know someone in toronto or seattle searching for vancouver homes for sale would see our ad right and that's the beauty of presence or interest targeting that's what i would recommend so anyways let's move on next you can select a language i'd recommend doing this if you do speak a specific or second language um definitely do that i don't speak french so i'm just going to delete french but if you do speak a second language choose it here and it'll actually show to your ads to people who use google or google knows speak another language um next step is our audiences now audiences will spend a little bit of time here as well uh how can i explain this simply audiences are basically groups of people that google's categorized that take specific actions or that they know something about them so there's ones that i would recommend in here that you select now i would just type in for sale and you're going to get a lot of real estate stuff i would only select the ones that say for sale okay so you can do houses for sale residential properties for sale new houses for sale apartments for sale there's some for rent ones in here you don't want to do commercial you do not want to do pre-owned houses for sale pre-owned apartments for sale and then the last one is going to be homeowners so there should be about seven that you select um now what does this mean well homeowners if i hover over google will tell you people who own the home or apartment they live in but may still have mortgages so this is just like data mining like google has a bunch of data about people from their search queries from data mining companies so like this is a group of people and you can see the amount of impressions that that gets worldwide that own home so what i would do is is leave this an observation okay so there's two types of targeting if i did targeting it means google will only show your ads to people who are in these categories but there's a lot of people that google hasn't categorized as someone interested in buying a home that is still searching for homes for sale so leave it at observation google will observe if those categories are performing better and then skew your ads towards those if they are if they aren't it'll just start to keep showing it to everyone no big deal so i'd leave it without getting too technical about the algorithms i'd leave it at observation that's generally a good call so anyways moving on to your budget um here's my rule of thumb everyone about budget ten dollars a day per campaign that's it minimum so more like let me let me try to put this in a simple way if you come to me and you hire my agency and by the way if you guys are interested in that there's a um booking link in the description you can book a call with us get in touch and we can help you out in terms of running your google ads but anyways this is what i say to my clients is ten dollars a day per area minimum now when you add like kitsilano and you want to add like east vancouver say like if you have a 20 a day budget you're like oh a lot of my clients get in this thought pattern of like oh i want to add more areas and i want to farm more areas but more areas doesn't mean more results if you have 20 a day in kitsilano and you say i want to add east vancouver then you're taking half of that budget away from kitsilano so you're actually getting less leads in kitsilano now because you're adding another area so if you're really trying to farm an area just spend your whole budget in that area if there's enough search volume which i bet you there probably is unless you're targeting a really really small niche then spend your whole budget in that one area so i would say for most people 10 a day is a good starting budget that's 300 a month for your campaign to start feeling things out learning the ropes like getting to optimize everything it's all really important stuff so 10 a day in terms of bidding i'm not going to get into all the types of bidding here it's not as relevant to this type of campaign just just choose conversions okay focus on maximized conversions if you are in a high cost per click environment like if you're doing um you know real estate investing and flipping and stuff like that sometimes for my clients i'll use other bidding strategies like maximizing cost per click or setting a target cost per action or a maximum maximum bid per campaign there's a lot of technical elements you can get into if you're in a high cost per click environment to try to get lower cost per clicks but in the real estate sense if you do set up your conversion goal which you need to do then select conversions and that'll have google's algorithm optimize for conversions aka leads now next thing we're just going to go ahead and hit save and continue don't worry about extensions like these are important to add but you don't need to add them here we can add them later and i'll show you how so then i'm just going to click save and continue okay so now we're onto our ad group so this is where we're gonna actually do all of our targeting now this is where it's important to have this keyword guide that i told you to download set up so you're gonna wanna have this front and center and it's actually just a game of copy and pasting and making little edits to fit your market so first thing we're going to do is name our ad group so in this ad group i name it by the location so kitsilano just stick to this formula search is the campaign name ad group name is the area you're targeting makes it really really easy because i put in my website earlier it's actually going to suggest a bunch of keywords for me right so it's going to tell me buy house vancouver vancouver real estate for sale and those aren't that bad but i wouldn't recommend doing what google recommends okay this is a big conversation i get into all the time i do this a lot i spend you know 75 000 a month on google ads um it is not not recommended to just go with google's recommendations because it's an algorithm and in some industries it works okay in real estate it does not work okay it does screw up your targeting a lot so um you can click get keywords google will find some for you um if it didn't already automatically um but what you're going to want to do is go over to your google ads guide and just literally copy um this into here okay i've made this for you so it's really really easy um basically what you're going to do is do kitsilano um and this is one thing to be careful with like in in this case i would just take the city and i would just replace kitsilano and for state or province just add bc sub area there's no sub area because we're targeting a sub area this is one thing to be careful about like if we're targeting an area like surrey for example i would not recommend just going surrey townhomes for sale why because there's a huge city in england called surrey so you don't want these to get confused so i would always do like surrey bc say this was holmes um make sure you put in the bc and even what i would do is is start using phrase match in that case if you're in like a saint paul's there's like saint paul's in like 48 states you want to be careful with st paul keyword so that you're not picking up search volume that's coming from different saint paul's so in those cases you would want to have the state abbreviation or these full state there like austin texas or austin tx homes for sale just to make it very clear to google what you actually want because if there's another austin in california for example or something like that you don't want to get the two confused now austin's not one of those states that has a bunch of other cities with the same name but there is a there's a city called london in ontario and when when you do london like you better be sure to have on or ontario and those keywords because you don't want to pick up london england traffic right i would straight up exclude those countries and i'll show you how to do that in a minute um but just something to be aware of um now you just saw me use quotations around that keyword and you're probably like what is going on there well just to understand keywords a little bit there's three types of keyword targeting there is broad match which is what i'm doing here kitsilano kitsilano homes for sale is broad match when you just type it out straight up like that okay broad match is basically google will match your keyword to like anything closely related to that so you're bidding on the keyword kitsilano homes for sale but if someone types in a google kitsilano townhomes for sale or townhomes for sale kitsilano or even condos for sale vancouver your ad might show up because it's closely related to that that's what broad matches it's going to match it to a variety of search terms that are reasonably related to what you're bidding on if i change this up and i do phrase match which is when you have quotations around it you'll see it described down here phrase match then that means it'll only match that keyword to things that are very closely related to it like kitsilano homes for sale would match to like houses for sale kit silano or maybe condos for sale kitsilano maybe not even condos something really really closely related to that so if you do want to tighten up your targeting phrase match is a great way to go and i do recommend it more and more and more to people that are doing very niche stuff i find when i'm doing these broad match and i do use the word kit kitsilano like that it does work quite well i know that already in some markets it doesn't work as well it's it's a little strange but if you do want to tighten things up you can just do phrase match for all of these and that's totally okay so anyways uh the last one is exact match and that's if you only want people that are searching exactly for that keyword which i wouldn't recommend in this market because it's too restrictive um i think it's totally okay to use phrase match because people do search for things a little differently so that's what i do is add all these keywords that's it make it super easy go save and continue um now next things next is uh next thing's next we're gonna basically set up our ad here okay so we set up our ad group we did our targeting now a little bit of the targeting lies in the campaign with the location stuff but the ad group is where a lot of the targeting happens with keywords then we're going to set up the ad now you'll see at the first thing here is it's going to go final url and this is where you're actually going to put in where the ad is going to go to okay and by the way everyone quick little deviation here if you are setting up a new google ads account um go into google and type google ads 150 credit you're gonna get this link up here for 150 credit to your google ads click on that this is for us only but in canada if you actually change the us up here at the top to ca um it'll actually give you a canadian one too you can put in your email it'll send you a code you basically go to your ad account you go to settings promotions down here under billing and you can plug that in get 150 free so anyways let's talk about destinations because this is something that isn't talked about enough i always talk about this in advertising it's called continuity uh it's really important that whatever you are whatever people are searching for whatever your ad says so if i search kitsilano homes for sale the ad should say kitsilano homes for sale or something close like kitsilano property search is fine and then wherever the ad goes should all really line up very closely so let's give an example so let's go to figure out where we're going to send this traffic so this is my website now i have a page on my website for kitsilano so if i go over here for kitsilano um now this is a very important point and this is why i chose kitsilanos because i want to emphasize something here okay most of the time for clients the best place on a real geeks website and most websites to send traffic is to a search result okay so you generally want to send people to a search result sorted by newest listings first so this is where you'd send most people here okay so this is kitsilano properties newest listings first why because it allows people to click on the ad right away and it forces them for their information right away this is where you're gonna get the majority of your leads you need to have forced lead capture turned on to one in order for this to pop up right away okay now the problem with what i just showed you is very it's simple if you just give it some thought um in continuity when you're thinking of continuity if i search for kitsilano homes for sale and my ad says kid salon or bc homes for sale and then i get to this page and i don't see kitsilano anywhere right here a little bit right kits but mostly i see vancouver vancouver vancouver vancouver vancouver that's because kitsilano is in a city so it's not gonna show up under mls as as kitsilano 2341 stevens street kit celino it's showing up as vancouver right so if i was running a vancouver ad and i said vancouver homes for sale vancouver homes for sale on the ad and then i got here that's perfect right so like if you're running an ad for seattle bid on seattle homes for sale um have your ad say seattle and then you can send them to a search result and this page will get you better results it'll it'll literally get you better results almost every single time if you just send them to this search result but because kitsilano is a sub area what i would recommend doing and we've thoroughly tested this by the way if you create a specific sub-area page for that sub-area such as this it adds the element of continuity to it because you put you know people type in kits on homes for sale and your ad says kits a lot of homes for sale um they get to a page that says search kits alana real estate new kitsilano listings and then it says vancouver there's enough continuity in that you put kitsilano in here it's kitsilano kitsilano kitsilano so it all lines up very closely so if you're doing a sub area if you're targeting a very niche suburb it's better to actually have a sub-area page like this set up as opposed to running it to a search result only run it to a search result if the mls listed area is the same as the area you're targeting i hope that makes sense anyways i digress so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to take this page kitsilano and i'm going to put that in here as my final url then in my display url that's what's actually going to show up in the ad here and you can see a little preview here i'm going to type in kitsilano right now headlines they're going to give you a bunch of options here but i'm going to recommend something to you and i want you to follow this very closely delete all headlines here okay we're going to use the ones i've prescribed to you in um this guide so you're going to go city property search just copy and paste live mls search this is the most tried and true formula i've used when you're now i haven't given all my secrets to you here this is just some of them but basically there's a bit of a formula in psychology not in psychology but of how i think of consumer behavior um about how this looks okay so city property search so i would say kitsilano property search live mls search updated listings 24 7. now if you leave them like this google's going to rotate them all automatically and test them out but i don't like that i like to actually pin them which is they say for experts only but i'm just recommending you do this which means if i pin these to the first second and third position it means my ad is always going to show up kits allow property search live mls search updated listings 24 7 every time okay now why you want to do that is because the first thing they should see if you're bidding on the keyword kit salon the first thing you should see is kitsilano so i always have kits atlanta or vancouver or seattle or austin or whatever first then i have property search or like real estate search or whatever then the second line should be complementary to that live mls search well i want a live search of course and then i put up the third one should even be more complementary to that updated listings 24 7. now usually what i do is i'll add like for clients 12 of these in here and i have a variety of different formulas i use for this um that i know will increase the performance um but basically i pin them all to their positions their respective positions right like one of my third positions is i'll actually list how many homes are for sale in that market so in kitsilano i did see when i searched that there was a 132 home properties so one of my third positions would be 132 active listings something like that and that would be like a third pin position right now for simplicity i'm just going to leave this um then what you're going to do for the rest of your not headlines but your descriptions i have them in here descriptions you can use so literally just copy and paste okay copy and paste really really easy these are descriptions that i use i have a couple more that i use as well but you can pin these to their respective positions too that way your ads always going to look the same pretty much right um now you can add up to four descriptions you can add up to i think uh i think 12 headlines yeah um so you can give google a lot of tools to work with to optimize your campaign don't pay too much attention to this ad strength here it's just google's algorithm asking you to give it more options to optimize don't pay too much mind to it i promise you it's not gonna change your ad performance uh a whole lot so anyway that's that's basically how you build an ad now um you could build this ad for any other sub area any other city using the same formula and i promise you you will get good results this is just scratching the surface in terms of what you can do to build an ad but i'm just going to go save and continue right and then that's basically it guys i'm going to hit publish here for my ad and then my ad is literally live okay i'm gonna make sure i pause this so that we're not actually spending money on it um but that's basically how you created an ad for real estate really really simple right um so this is something i you know i built an agency where i spent a lot of money doing this for clients and helping them generate a consistent pipeline uh one thing i want to say in before we get into like ad extensions and that kind of thing is one thing that's important with google ads is it's important to understand that like you're building a pipeline for the future okay the very nature of this advertising is when someone's typing in kitsilano homes for sale on google they don't have a go-to website already most people think oh why don't people just go to or zillow or or rew well not everyone knows about those places they don't you you assume that as a real estate agent but they don't so a lot of people default to google and the people that default to google are early on in their process okay they're you know we know a couple things 97 of people start their search online today right and 76 percent of people work with the first agent they speak to so the idea here is putting you first to give you an opportunity to be that first agent um to start that conversation now i will i will be very honest with you like i've run ads for some agents who absolutely crush it with this because they have strong conversion processes strong follow-up process strong nurture campaigns if you're gonna do this type of advertising you better have good drip campaigns and nurture campaigns set up because if you're generating 100 leads a month that's 1200 leads at the end of the year you're not going to be able to follow up with all of that unless you have you're leveraged by technology so you need to actually set up drip campaigns and this is something i include now with my service is an actual mini course on how to set up drip campaigns for your google ads specifically another thing that's important to have is um let me just see here if i search up my name it's important to have a google my business page set up right so i have a google my business page set up where i collect reviews you can find my website as a real estate agent um let me just go to my sponsor jason's page here so if i go to like sims real estate group let me just see here um yeah he has his google my business page set up here right and they're a high powered team they do a lot of business and he's 145 reviews mostly five stars so that's a huge like amount of social proof and what i'm trying to say is if you're going to do google ads like you're generating leads of people who've never met you never heard of you they don't know you so if you're calling them if you're texting them if you're emailing them they're a lot more likely to respond if you have some kind of social proof give them a place to go to check you out now jason's team 100 they did 170 deals last year from google ads alone from this exact strategy i'm showing you 170 but he has full-time inside sales agents who manage these leads they're sending them really strong nurture campaigns they're sending them social proof and people are responding well to it now that's one of the things why i'm building a new product now specifically for generating seller leads and actually providing you guys with a full crm landing pages advertising strategy everything it's going to be a higher ticket priced item but it's going to extract sellers from the internet because that's what's really hard today is extract specifically sellers and no one's really innovating around this so i'm creating a new product leave a comment below if you're interested in having me reach out to you when that product's finished it will be done quite soon but we're looking for some beta clients because we have some really exciting stuff there but this strategy i'm showing you is what jason's team uses to generate like a huge amount of business every year let alone everything else we can do but what i'm trying to say is that i can do this same strategy for one client and another client and one will have mediocre results and one will have extremely good results and it all comes down to the agent and what they're able to put into the conversion process because you're really going for the small percentages here if we're generating five dollar leads you know for five hundred dollars you can have a hundred leads that's not a lot of money for a hundred leads now you can write off 30 of those easily as fake information bad leads whatever but this other 70 like you really are going for like a one percent conversion rate on those 100 leads if you convert one deal and you make a 10 000 commission you just 20 extra your money there so the numbers do really work in real estate especially in some u.s markets in ontario and some other places where you're charging three three percent commission or two and a half percent commission on either side you know your commission can be like 20 20 to 30 000 so you have a huge room to work with but you shouldn't be doing ppc unless you have a bit of a budget to sustain for a few months without closing a deal because sometimes your first deal from this won't come for three months as long as you're nurturing people it will start to happen after month three is what i normally find in this hot market right now i am finding people getting a lot of traction in month one now markets aren't always this way generally what you're doing is you're building the pipeline for the future but anyways let's talk about how to add extensions to your ads so what are extensions what do they mean well if we go back to our search results here and we look at this ad extensions are these things you see on the bottom of the ad so like the phone number for example is an extension um these sub uh property types are an extension so if i'm looking for kitsilano homes for sale and i type this in and i see oh kitsilano townhomes that's actually what i want is townhomes people will click on that and it gives you an opportunity to send them to a different place than you would from the main ad so how do we add these well first of all what you're going to do is you're going to go into your campaign here or your ad group depending on where you want to add the extension let's just go to the ad group to make it simple because that's generally where you're going to set up your extensions is because if i'm going to set up an extension for kitsilano townhomes i want that at the ad group level because sometimes in my campaigns i'll have like six areas in a campaign so that in that case you want to set up these extensions at the ad level however there is one you'll want to set up at the campaign level which is your phone extension so if i go to ads and extensions extensions i can actually add a call extension and i can put in my phone number right so yeah anyways it's not going to let me because i don't want to put in a proper phone number but you can put in your phone number here and that'll actually show up in the ad like you saw in the ad we just displayed but for all other extensions for the most part especially site links i'm going to do at the ad group level so basically what you're going to go into here is click site link extensions you're going to add like kitsilano town homes for example let's see if i can spell that right and then you're going to put in the final url for kitsilano townhome so for us what i would do in this case is i would just go town homes and condos search for that sort it by newest first and then this would be our search result for townhomes and condos now real geeks it's a little tougher to get condos and townhomes separately but i basically take this link plug it back into my final url and then when someone clicks on kits alone or town homes it'll actually go to this specific page instead of the main page the descriptions are not that important but if you do want to do them you can do they won't always show up most of the time they're going to show up like this unless your ad is number one they'll actually show up with an expanded view so what you would do is you type in search kitsilano townhomes and then do like updated listings 24 7. um we do do that for clients you don't have to um it's not necessary but it is something you can do and then you just go save so you're going to add like usually we do town homes condos detached and luxury are the four that we normally do so go ahead and create those the other extensions you might want to do are call out extensions call out extensions are just little bits of text that call out to someone maybe they're you know up sizers downsizers first-time buyers you're just trying to put in like real estate lingo that might hook someone in if they happen to see it things like that relocation something like that if someone's you know first time buyer and they say oh first time buyer like they might be more enticed to click on it it's not going to be a game-changing thing at all but you can start to kind of add those in there so anyways that's mostly how i would set up your ads everyone you can go to your overview and you can start to manage your results in here i'm not going to get into how to optimize a campaign this is just the first step optimization is key over the first like especially over the first three months another thing i would do before i let you go though is add in your negative keywords so negative keywords are here i have just given them to you okay but basically what you're going to do is you're going to go back you're going to go keywords you're going to go to negative keywords so our search keywords are the keywords we originally put in that are right here and then our negative keywords are really really really important now this is something that a lot of people have trouble wrapping their head around but let me just kind of explain to you how this works so just put in this list of keywords now negative keywords are basically if someone types in kitsilano real estate news and i have news as a negative keyword then it's not going to show my ad now why would i put in these news in these keywords well rent rental rentals how to usually people aren't looking for real estate first sale when they type in these types of things wholesale cheap people typing and the word mansions is you know often just like teenagers children looking wanna seeing mansions so you have a big i have like a list of about 60 negative keywords that i use these are just kind of kind of the main ones you want to use um but what they'll do is they'll filter out those bad quality searches now negative keywords are one of the biggest things you can use to optimize so make sure you add them into your campaign just as such same rules apply you can do you can do exact match phrase match or broad match i usually do broad match for all my negative keywords because if i'm typing in cheap i don't want i don't want someone typing in anything cheap discount anything like that doesn't work for me i want high quality traffic that's what this is all about that's what people hire me for is to generate higher quality uh intent type leads for them right that's really the name of the game here is making sure your traffic is as dialed in as possible so anyway this is um what i help my clients with all the time again uh leave a comment below or click the link if you want to chat with my team you can get on a call we'll run you through the program all good there if you're interested in switching over to exp for any of you this is something i help all my expansion partners do is not only like set up and create really powerful google ad campaigns but create the systems around it so like i think youtube is actually one of the best tools today you can use to actually complement your uh drip and conversion process like instead of sending people a text and calling them and they don't know you send them and send them a video that you made of what it's like to live in kitsilano or the pros and cons of living in kitslano or your favorite parts of kitsilano or like something of that nature those videos on youtube and this is something i'm doing a lot of coaching for in my exp group right now is coaching them how to create youtube videos that'll actually bring in warm traffic you can use those youtube videos to send to your leads that you generate through google to warm them up and initiate conversations with them at a higher level so that's just really important stuff that i i um i preach a lot about because advertising and lead generation is just one part of the process you can't just do lead generation and everyone likes to obsess over lead generation um you can't just do lead generation and think everything's gonna work for you you have to build systems and processes around your lead generation to get leverage and you have to be leveraged by their people or technology people could look like an isa my sponsor jason has a team of three isas and he coaches everyone in our group on how to actually hire and train in isa so that they can manage all of your leads and just tee up appointments for you because your highest return on time as a real estate agent is what taking appointments so if you can put yourself in a position and that's the gold standard with this stuff is google ads will generate you a consistent pipeline as long as you have someone that can qualify those leads for you to tee you up with appointments that's where you're going to net the biggest benefit and be able to grow your business the most so anyways get in touch i have a link for our exp group called the collaborative movement in the description if you want to check that out i also have a link to book a call with my team if you want to talk to us about having us manage your google ads um if you do have any questions though leave them below i'm happy to engage with you guys i hope this was helpful and i'll see you in the next video all right everybody that wraps up today's video i hope you got what you wanted as always give it a like if you like this video give it a thumbs down if you didn't uh it helps me create better content for you at the end of the day by giving me feedback if you're all interested in joining my team at exp where i help you with all of this and more youtube google ads online marketing strategy funnels how to create seller lead generation all that kind of stuff there's another link in the description where you can check out the collaborative movement which is our group at exp where we offer a ton of support coaching and mentorship on online marketing business building all that kind of stuff i've teamed up with jason smarts we have a lot of good resources but you can read about it in that link if you have any questions be sure to leave them in the comments i love engaging with you guys at the end of the day that's what i'm here for to be a mentor and a coach so leave in the comments give it a like be sure to subscribe it really supports my channel i'd appreciate it so yeah that's what i got for you today i'm going to leave you a couple other videos here you can check out um if you want to take this knowledge to the next level add another google ads video some more exp stuff whatever you want thanks for watching everyone and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Eric B. Preston
Views: 10,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eric b preston, google ads, youtube, real estate marketing, google ads for realtors, google ads for real estate agents, real estate google ads, google ppc real estate, real estate google ads 2021, real estate marketing strategies, real estate marketing ideas
Id: bKZ79junKAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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