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hey welcome back to the channel in this video i'll show you everything you need to know to make a professional facebook business page so if you're an absolute beginner and you know nothing about this then this is the video for you now if you do already have a facebook business page and maybe you clicked on this by accident my only request is that on the way out you please click the like button so that other people who are beginners will not miss this content and will still be able to find it now for those who stuck around congratulations you're starting your first facebook business page which is a really big step it really means a lot and it's more important now than ever before because maybe a couple years ago a lot of small businesses could get away with not having a facebook business page these days with everybody using their phone so much pretty much every business should have a facebook business page especially the small businesses with a physical storefront because so many people out there are going to be looking for reviews and menus and hours and prices and everything else like that so in this video i'll show you how to set up your own facebook business page it's honestly really easy to do so by the end of this video like i said you'll have a full-blown professional facebook business page now with that being said guys let's jump into this video we have a lot to talk about all right so here we are on my desktop and the first thing you want to do is actually open up whatever browser you like so it doesn't matter if you're using a laptop a desktop windows mac doesn't matter just open up whatever browser you like so i'm using safari here obviously chrome or firefox or really anything would work and you want to go to facebook.com and you need to sign into your personal profile and if you don't have a personal profile just create one it takes a couple seconds to you know put in your name your email and your password but the reason is we have to actually start from our personal profile here in order to make the business page it's just what facebook requires uh just for the sign in and everything like that but eventually i'll show you how you can actually push this over to a facebook business manager account and kind of separate it a little bit more from your personal profile but regardless you have to start from a personal profile so what we want to do is actually across the top you'll see this bar following it over you should see a create button the little plus icon right here so if we click on that it'll give us a drop down menu and you want to click on page so the first thing you'll probably notice is that facebook really changed the way this looks so you'll see that now we actually have on the top right we have our mobile or our desktop view i think that's a really cool thing to have and the editor is just a lot different than it was in years past so that's why i wanted to make this video now if you saw last year's tutorial or any others you'll probably know that they look slightly different all the settings should still be pretty similar but just in different locations so the first thing we want to do from here is go up to these fields on the left side so starting off with your page name this is obviously going to be your business so we're going to say central stakes say we're like a cheesesteak truck or like cheesesteak food stand or something like that and the next thing is actually your category and your category is something that i always recommend people make it as specific as possible because you know central stakes you want to just say store you want it to be more specific so that when people are searching for restaurants or food trucks then your category if you're in that category you're more likely to appear higher in their search on top of that when somebody sees your page they know right away as you can see the category is going to show up right there they'll know right away exactly what you are so here we can say restaurant and you'll see that restaurant shows up there but you know sometimes it's better to search a couple other terms that might be more specific so if we say maybe like food food truck there we go so look food truck right there is an example that's what we can have and it'll show up right there as a food truck now we could have up to three different categories and so you know i do recommend populating them and having a few more usually only your first one is going to show up right there but let's just say restaurant restaurants another one and we can also say maybe food stand food stand see if we have it there we go food stand okay so now we have those three categories but the first one you type in is going to be the only one appearing on the top the other two will still be valuable on your page to help for ranking and to help for people identifying what your page is then we can go down to the description you have a limit of 255 characters so you can't write a huge paragraph but i recommend writing as much as you can within 255 characters just make it very telling of what your what your business is all about what your page is about and why people should be interested in your page so i'm going to type that out right now so all right so something like that should probably be fine for this page and then we can hit create page and it's going to prompt us to add the other two images so the profile photo as well as the the big wallpaper right there and it might take a second to actually go and create the page there we go it was created so now we can add a profile picture now profile pictures i already have a couple images here the problem is this one's actually a square and that's going to show up as a circle right there so we're just going to use it anyway but i recommend definitely making sure that you don't have this issue it's going to cut it off and just really not look good of course you could be using like canva.com is something i usually recommend i have a tutorial on that as well if you guys want to see how to make your own logos but you know assuming a lot of businesses out there already have a logo that's fitting in a round circle right there then you shouldn't have a problem the next thing is to add a cover photo again this is these are both optional but i really highly recommend it it's going to be a huge help for your page because that's what people can really see when obviously when they visit your page or even before they visit your page when they're just looking at the search results and so having an appealing picture in an appealing wallpaper will definitely help they'll go a long way so for this one being that we sell cheesesteaks i'm just going to use this as the background and if you don't like it you can actually adjust it so we can go and drag to reposition this drag it up and down so we'll just say like right there looks pretty good and so there we go now we have those two images we can click save on the bottom left and that'll bring us to the next page so you can see right now this is what our page is actually going to look like when people visit and we have a lot of stuff on the left side i'm going to go through that and show you guys how to actually customize this because we are far from done right now this is where a lot of people usually call it and they say yep i got a page and this is how facebook pages just fail they don't really do what they're supposed to because they're missing some really essential things so the first thing that i recommend doing once you have your page looking like this is actually going and adding a call to action so a button is supposed to be essentially what is your facebook business page all about what is the objective of it why are you making it is it to direct traffic to your website is it to get bookings is to get people to order whatever it is they have a lot of different options here and so i think facebook does a great job of making this as custom as you need it to be and having a big call to action button right on the top so for this restaurant maybe we just want to order food obviously like i said go read through these it makes sense for different businesses to do different things but we're going to say order food and so ordering food it's going to direct to a website i'm going to make a full tutorial on how to make like a food ordering website if you guys want to see that i mean obviously not everyone's making a restaurant page right here so we're just going to type in centralmedia.com and we are going to say save and so there we go so now we have our button it shows up right there and the next thing is actually to make sure that button works so we can go and say test the button it'll open up in a new page and if we did it right there we go it brings us over to centralmedia.com so it's definitely important to test that to test that so you don't have that sending off to some error 404 page or something like that so the next thing i recommend doing is actually going to create a username this is how people can find you it makes it easier to share your page just say hey look up santro stakes on facebook or tag us at central stakes on an image or you can have it so that you can go to facebook.com central stakes you can do whatever you want so we're assuming we're going to make this central stakes is going to be our username and then you have to click away get a little green check mark and then click create username now right here this is what i was expecting sometimes this happens it's really 50 50. sometimes i make pages and it lets me add a username immediately and right now it's saying that this page is not eligible sometimes facebook gets a little buggy and they want you to have like 100 likes on here or they want you to have just a little bit more time so if it doesn't let you make a username don't worry about that just come back in a week or two after you start having some more likes and more engagement and some more content out there and you'll be ready to go with adding that but you'll see looking at our page then we have these little tabs right here remember these these are going to be important and i'll show you later on exactly how to change them but we have three showing and then we have a little more tab for the rest of them so obviously the ones showing up right there should be your most important things and then as we go down you'll see that we have uh just some other posts and engagement stuff down here this is what it's going to look like the about section notice how this is completely empty we're going to fill that out as well and it's going to show us it's only showing us the insights other people wouldn't see that obviously and so let's let's start off on the left side now on the left side here we have home this is where we are right now we can go to inbox and this is going to be your messages from facebook as well as instagram direct and so you can connect instagram i'll show you that later in the video you can also see the comments and other things like that down here and so i'm not going to get into the messenger because we're going to touch on that later in the video but you can actually go into some advanced settings with how you want your messenger to react when people visit you let's click on our little name on the top left here it'll bring us back to the home page and then we can go down resources and tools it's kind of just a forum it's an open blog where there's a lot of different things that you can use a lot of articles on how to make your page better so if you're if you're bored go and read through that you can manage jobs i'm not going to do that right now we can go to notifications it'll just tell us some basic stuff and then we can go down insights is going to be an important one eventually but not yet so let's just show you that real quickly insights you'll see that we have a bunch of different tabs showing up here you can see followers likes reach page views just tons and tons of different analytics in which with each one you can go into like some really advanced stuff from like the gender to the location of people and the date and you can really learn a lot about who your audience is eventually once you start getting traffic this should be important this is really important to be looking at this to improve your page and actually learn about what's working and what's not working but then we can go down skipping these these are all kind of the page quality is going to be just like a quick little health check you got the green check mark meaning you don't have any copyright problems and then the majority of what we're doing is really going to be in these last two so edit page info is going to be extremely important this is what people miss out on and so we're going to start off here so we have our name we have our description we don't have a username remember facebook was weird they didn't like us doing that let's just try it again so let's just type that in and it's going to say not available again it doesn't want us to have one right now eventually you can do that i'm just going to delete that but going down we have the categories as i mentioned before so we have our three categories if you ever want to change them page info is where you find that you can add a phone number or you can just hide that and say we don't have a phone number you can add an email you can add a website you can add a physical address if you're an online business maybe you don't have a physical address but i'm just going to say for mine we do have a physical address and we're going to be 123 south street philadelphia philadelphia pa there we go and so we'll have our address showing up so that people can find us and service area this is going to be less important for us unless we deliver or maybe if you're a landscaping company or something like that you can add your service area for the general just for people to know like you know if they find a landscaping company that's 100 miles away that might be too far then we can go down hours you can select what your hours are and this next one i think this is new this year i don't remember seeing this in the past maybe i just ignored it but this is going to be especially important i think with the new like the pandemic and everything going on so some places were closed or open with some different things going on we're operating as usual we're just going to say that right there then we can go down and add some little products and privacy policy and stuff like that i'm not going to do that right now but that's everything for page info very easy to fill this out i think they really made it a nice clean interface here and then settings admittedly is a little bit more intimidating and this is probably where we're going to spend the majority of the rest of this video because this is where you can really tailor your page to make sure it's as effective as possible reaching the largest audience and doing exactly what you wanted to now starting off with general this one read through this on your own time because it's going to be some things that depending on what your business is you might want to have an age restriction you might want a profanity filter you might want to moderate stuff have some words that are that are being blocked so people can't comment certain words on there and you could use that for whatever you want whatever words you you just don't want on your page and so you have some things like that going down we have messaging we have some really advanced settings here this is what i mentioned before when we went into notifications for messenger you can actually really customize this quite a bit so what i like to do is actually go down to starting a conversation so that's going to be down in this section right here we can show a greeting so when people go onto your facebook business page then it'll automatically show them like a little thing will pop up and say hey how's it going this is this is us like welcome to our page and so we can change what that custom message is by clicking change so changing that you can see that we have a little custom field there so it's going to say hi and then whatever the whatever the name is of the recipient it's going to be their full name you could change it if you wanted to so let's change that and instead add personalization and maybe we just want the first name so we can say hi mike thanks for getting in touch with us and let's get rid of the on messenger don't really care about that and then please send us any questions you might have or yeah something like that sure we could just say that that's fine for now obviously it could be different for anything you'd say let us know if you want a quote or if you have any questions or whatever and you can add personalizations like i said besides just first name you can have like a link to a facebook page your full name or their full name rather and the address as well so we are going to click save and that is our little greeting right there now your messenger url is going to be an easy way for people to if they want to send you a message they can just go to m dot me slash and this should be santro stakes it should be the user name which is another reason i wanted to have a username but facebook again sometimes gets weird and doesn't let you have a username right away so for now we just have this big ugly like 20 digit number there going down here we have you can add messenger to our website not gonna do that right now and then during messenger conversations you can have automated responses so following this up if you just say hey send me a question and let's just say you don't look at messenger all the time maybe you check it once an hour maybe it's on your phone as a notification you see it whenever you see it then down here you can have an automated response just to kind of keep the person from leaving your your facebook page so if we go and set that up it'll bring us over here and so we can edit the message so we can have instant reply and we're going to edit our instant reply the timing is sent instantly as soon as they do something we could say hey thanks for reaching out to us we could say here let's just delete all this hey thanks for your question all right so we can add that right there and so we can just basically say like hey thanks for checking out our page uh feel free to browse around for the time being i'll get back to you as soon as i can and you can throw in maybe a discount code if you want uh 10 off just to just to keep people around make them a little happier because sometimes if they just send a message to you and it just goes out into cyberspace and they never get a response like it's very discouraging and it's better to not have messenger at all than to have a messenger where you are not responsive at all now there's other things down here of course we can have some different messages for like appointment reminders follow-ups page recommendations like stuff we have a lot of stuff going on here but for now this is all i'm going to get into as far as messenger goes so if we go back up here let's get back to where we were go to central stakes go down to settings and we were in messaging so after messaging you saw we have all this we can go down to page info and again this kind of circles back it's just a redundancy here this is what we already saw uh from the shortcut before so we already edited all of this going down templates and tabs this is what i said you have to remember in the very beginning the three tabs that were shown were home offers and reviews and then the rest of these that are dark so these are gray but the rest of them that are dark were in the drop down menu so you really want to make sure that your first three are the most important things for your business so we can go down here and say that maybe maybe something else like services would be a good one maybe that would be like our menu you can always like edit what these actually are so we can go and maybe change uh maybe about us is going to be an important one maybe we don't want offers at all so you can drag this down here to the last and you can just disable it entirely so we're going to disable that disable that one we are going to disable events maybe we don't have events going on and so maybe this is what we want we want about we want reviews and then below that we're going to have these couple things right there and so you can go and this will automatically save and this is our current template right now you could also change it because different different things would be you know having a different line up there so obviously a non-profit a venue they wouldn't be recommending the same tabs but of course you can customize this like i just showed you going down we have event ticketing i'm not going to get into that because you have to set it up with eventbrite notifications is something that again this is what i think is interesting when people set up their first facebook business page one of the first things you realize is that it is nothing like having a personal facebook account because your notifications you'll just have so many more notifications and it just gets really annoying and it's a big distraction so i recommend disabling a lot of the notifications you can go down here and say maybe we don't care if there is a new follower on the page maybe we don't care about new likes we don't care about um edits new shares we don't care about that stuff maybe we do care about page mentions and we can also go down here and say hey you know what i don't want notifications every single time something happens that's a distraction i'm making cheese steaks you know so let's go down and say get one notification every 12 to 24 hours and then you can change it you don't want emails you don't want text messages and so this is how i'd like to set up my notifications we can go down to advanced messaging i'm not going to get into that because obviously like i said messenger you have some really advanced things you can do if you have high volume messages in the beginning you don't really need to set up any of that stuff it's not really that important we can go down to page roles if you have a larger team this might be something that's appealing to you you can add other people as either editors or i mean careful who you add as an admin but you could add moderators advertisers or analysts editors obviously you'll be able to post and do stuff like that moderators can look at the comments and you know filter out the bad ones advertisers obvi that's pretty self-explanatory and then an analyst can just see your insights so it's good to add other people so you're not the only one doing all of the work here and also so you're not giving out your personal pro personal facebook account to people if you just add them it's just a lot easier to do stuff people in other pages not going to get into that preferred audiences ad limits branded content these are all things that we really don't need to get into right now see branded content let's go back to where we were then we have instagram down here you can connect your instagram it's honestly really easy to do a lot of people ask me how to connect an instagram to a facebook business page if you just go into page settings connect account and it just has you sign into instagram it's it's that easy to do and then once you're signed in it'll just be connected and this will allow you to upgrade your instagram account to a business account or a creator account and that'll give you a lot of other things to have buttons on your instagram account to see your insights to run ads like the end the options are definitely nearly endless there and so i highly recommend you do that we can connect whatsapp as well we can go to featured cross-pointing the rest of the stuff down here is a little bit less exciting page management history you can see like what actually happened down here if you you know someone on your team made some changes you can see what happened so you know exactly how to go back and and see what what's different if your page suddenly is not performing well or if it suddenly is performing really well so those are the settings down here activity log is going to show you like what you posted stuff like that and we can go on back to our so we'll just go back to our page now and that'll bring us to right here and so that's everything on the left side then now on the top we'll see that we can actually see the drop down if you have more than one facebook business page you can easily go through here and you know select different ones and manage those and then looking at your page you have a couple options here as well so you can go and view it as a visitor again i highly recommend you do this to make sure that your photos are not cut off they all look normal everything looks like it should and you can see everything as you want to so you see right here how many followers our description send a message and then the categories that we're in they can like the page they can send us a message and they can go down and see the post that we have so viewing it it does look pretty good everything seems to be in order exactly as we want it and so now it's actually showing four tabs for some reason but we can see the rest if we hit the more menu and going back to home that's what we have so let's exit viewing that and the next thing you want to do is actually go and start adding some content so you can go and create posts and your first post the one thing that a lot of people forget and i see this all the time one of the big reasons that a lot of businesses don't succeed and then others you know fix this problem and they do succeed it's when you're posting content you have to remember that the goal of it is not just to advertise because people are going to follow you voluntarily if you're if you're paying for an ad you can make this whatever you want but if you're trying to get people to organically like your content follow your page they're not going to follow it just to see what your daily like advertisements are instead you really want to make sure you're adding value and there's a couple ways to do that one of them is you can provide some entertaining photos or videos so i mean the easiest example would be like if you are a petting zoo posting videos of your animals doing animal stuff is something that is extremely shareable on facebook and i mean some people really took advantage of this if you guys remember i think it was like the pig and the goat in the water like if you ever saw that video that's an example of somebody gaming the system and just trying to use this and advertise and make content that was shareable to help their own business now similarly you could make other things that are also in entertaining so if you're like a bait shop and you want to post pictures of people catching their fish then whoever whoever's in that photo is probably going to share that photo with their friends so it's a great way to gain more exposure like that and then thirdly you could be sharing some deals that are like facebook only exclusives so if it's like hey today we're giving out free cheesesteaks but you need to show us that you're following us on facebook then it could be a great way to you know again gain some more engagement or you could have little contests things like that but just remember that whenever you make a post you want to be providing value in some way so you're not just saying like come buy our cheesesteaks we make really good cheesesteaks this one's our philly cheese steak right like that stuff's going to get annoying nobody's going to follow that and even if they do follow it if people don't engage after a few attempts of facebook showing it eventually you're just going to have dead followers where your posts are not even being shown on the home pages of other people on facebook so that's my spiel about posting different things that are providing value and that's pretty much everything i wanted to show you in this video that's really all you need to know about creating a facebook business page is pretty self-explanatory pretty easy to do so now is a good time to get started on that thank you guys for watching this video if you have any questions go on down leave a comment below and if you have you know if you enjoyed this video consider liking and subscribing thanks for watching guys i'll see you next time
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 829,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media
Id: nt2_HNhQhLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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