Extreme Fog And Mechanical Issues Private Jet Flight NY To Texas!

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good morning everyone from a very foggy White Plains today we're flying from here in New York to Texas four hours and 30 minutes up in the air it's gonna be a long flight today come on board sit right to me let's go [Music] this way [Music] engine fire bright engine fire [Music] all right everyone welcome on board foggy morning here in New York and two reduce the fuel ignition fuel flow laid off oil pressure you always get to keep your hand on the throttle just in case you do have to afford to start and the relay is out there's a starter to a generator through the cast message here left and two it's fuel ignition fuel flow light up a good acceleration relays out all right avionics checked in set Western Seven departure up to 3 000 feet takeoff data is posted 93 102 112 130. altimeter is 299 2 29.92 that was off new 80s golf push to the ground good morning citation to Romeo Fox shot Atlantic East a disc golf taxi please Playstation 2 on me at 5 Second morning Runway one six pack CDL what's 6B Alpha citation two Romeo foxtrot good morning good morning Max all right clear left clear right so I'm gonna go put the bleeds on here a little bit of power to get going and look at that beautiful all right taxidates coming on clear right beautiful 16v Alpha and ground to Romeo fox said would you like a sculpture of the eyeless critical area ah negative there's no one on Final great thank you all right no holding short the critical area that's good taxi it checks lights are on breaks actually really nice neutral steering is definitely moving punishments are checked Rudder bias I'm Gonna Keep the bleed on here a little bit just to make sure we get everything off I mean I can see 100 perfect but just all right Wright's good and we'll do left clear to gate one it's gonna one last push here to get everything off it's good alrighty Alpha One six we'll do before takeoff looks like we are next to go just taxing slow here low visibility we don't have low visibility charts here at the airport they just don't provide the only really big class Bravos so just kind of following the center line here Alpha to one six okay so we're gonna do an engine anti-ice on departure the temperature's dropped pretty quick so we'll just put that on here and get new takeoff numbers nothing changed 99 91 102 112 130. ILS critical areas here from a 1-6 so we're going to make a left here on to Alpha merges onto Alpha here all right two flaps 15 indicating speed brakes are down trims one two three times set crew breathing let's eat departure anything uh below V1 it's Max breaking a frost levers at all speed brakes are going to be deployed make a left turn off and we'll taxi back to Atlantic East if it's something uh above V1 we'll take it in the air we'll fly the Westchester 7 departure we'll plan to make right traffic from Runway one six the latest web ignitions here is uh vertical visibility 200 feet half a mile and the temperatures nine winds calm so that's right at uh the approach for under 1 6 will get us back in uh it is 200 foot ceilings coming back in on the approach that's good and it's 1800 rvr on the approach coming back into one six that works if for some reason we couldn't come back in here and we had to go missed Tita bro is 20 miles to the Northwest they're showing overcast 900 foot ceilings so we'll plan the ILS one nine in there and that would be no factor for us to be easy to get into again we'll just brief the departure here one more time here question to seven off of Runway one six it's heading 163 until 800 feet and then right turn heading three two zero 320 is set three thousand feet we can't exceed 190 knots until establish on that 320 heading and uh that's not a problem what's the terror good morning citation through European function departure 16. today's okay Heats lights coming on foreign ER left again right I can't see anything weather is definitely getting better though it was much lower this morning all right here we go citation throw me a foxtrot is rolling all right stable one six checks take off take up power is set and Achieve two good engines air speeds alive both sides 70 knot checks he won rotate positive rate Gear Up B2 plus 10 flaps up y'all damper plate level change on power 800 feet start that turn me a flashlight good morning citation tiramia box at 1900 club and a 3 000 in the Westchester Fox New York better contact trying to maintained seven thousand fighting two six zero seven thousand two sixty on the heading throw me a box seven thousand how you doing good man happy New Year to you nice to see you yesterday yeah man that was awesome that pizza was good it was dope all right three thousand kilometers seven thousand well 1270 departure 11817 all right looking good go back into climb power now let's go automation box departure one two zero point four be good 20.4 throw me a fascia you see that altitude again I'm turning too many knobs here about the 30-41 climb and maintain nine or so nine thousand Southwest Thirty forty one Roger New York good morning citation jeromeo Fox shot six thousand climbing seven thousand two sixty headings two Romeo 500 years launcher climb and maintain one five thousand neguardia estimated 2994 [Applause] .04 menu seven thousand left three two zero Delta 1404 it's a good friend of mine Brian on uh New York departure this morning 41 turn left the evening went out for pizza with another good friend of ours good buddy of mine Mr Toby uh what do you have to take off the gears up the flaps are up the throttles Are Climbing climb detent lights can go recog instead of 1404 time and maintain that safety switch is good exterior lights good pressure Crystal stop the 30 41 turn left heading two sevens there left turn heading two steps through Southwest 30 40. all right leveling off here at 15. we'll go into the cruise detents so there's a takeoff detent a climb detent and a cruise detent so the two Romeo facts are fighting two eight zero 280 headings [Applause] and the takeoff d10 we're allowed five minutes of the throttles in the takeoff [Applause] [Applause] good morning good morning Southwest 3041 maintain one five thousand in contact departure so uh and then climb we don't have a limitation for the climb G10 or the cruise d10 but uh a couple different detents on the on the throttles there's the party good morning citations [Applause] but everyone's doing well it's great to be posted videos again and hope you're enjoying the content so far just want to say I really do appreciate everyone's support and uh I just kindness it's uh really appreciated uh getting the support means a lot so thank you and again you know out of New York especially going westbound you know standard stuff to be leveled off at 17 for a little bit until we get switched to New York Center a lot of faster Jets uh climbing up to cruise [Applause] in which is all good as you guys saw shirt coming uh the car was rolling up tetration bombs on board today she's in the back it's early she wants to go to sleep but uh she says hi that she's going uh flying out to Fredericksburg today 30 41 flying out of Fredericksburg got Texas this morning she has some meetings and uh Playstation uh this afternoon [Applause] stand by Meyer so yeah that's the plan for today PlayStation two Romeo plus play direct Dan or intersection on the main scene for level two four zero [Applause] hey direct dinner and how to maintain level two four zero citations 24 direct dander FMS 24 blue I love the climb thank you New York Center all right 20 for 24.00 engine NTI son temperatures drop it pretty quickly taking two Romeo foxtrot on the main theme followable four three zero five minutes thank you 43.20 24. so there was a couple different route options today the preferred routine down to uh Texas on this route because t82 which is the uh airport code identifier the preferred routine is the southern route basically takes you sort of you know over Washington DC and then over uh kind of Southern Tennessee and then kind of down that way kind of beam in north New Orleans but the jet stream was 120 knots uh down to the South and it's gonna add about 35 minutes so we picked the uh roots oh really the Western route and you can kind of see on the uh on the MFD here our route kind of takes us out to the east to the West Ford's kind of Cleveland and then we make our a left turn to the uh to the Southwest but just a bit of an unusual looking route and I'll put a link and a picture to the uh to the roots so you can kind of see what I was looking at when I was flight planning on foreplay but uh even though the the southern route was technically I believe it was a bit shorter Westerly route was quicker even though it was a bit longer on the mileage all right so we got uh just over 1300 miles to go about four hours in uh 12 minutes so we'll uh turn off the cameras for a bit and talk to everyone once we make our descent into uh it's Texas see ya towards town and I've hire free in just a moment all right we're back just gotta switch to the Houston Center uh as I was just putting on the cameras that's why we're a little late putting on the cameras it just happened about a few minutes ago uh once we left about 27 000 feet we got a electric pitch trim fail message so hold on one second Houston Center good morning citation to your mailbox 24 5 leveling 240. remember two Romeo foxtrot Houston Senator Center maintain one three thousand the Fredericksburg altimeter three zero three two 3032 and down to 13. throw me off so we have electric pitch trip fail it was flashing at me and then I hit the master caution which then went to just uh solid a solid cast message not flashing so we're gonna put the checklist here uh see what it is that we'll go into the book here we'll look here it's uh east of the airport 2200 indicated uh looks like they're westbound I'm not sure if they're in one or not all right so uh all right trim switch is going down but it will not engage if it's off control column grip be prepared for abnormally High column Force okay so AP trim disconnect button push if autopot is engaged all right so we're gonna have to per the checklist because we always we always follow the checklist uh disconnect the autopilot so we're gonna do that now and we're gonna try it manual uh three manual elevator trim as required so we have our manual trip down here three zero three five three nine yard damper as required all right remember 47110 go out to Houston okay so it's gonna get busy guys so Let's uh do that Houston Center Skyhawks there was a pretty pretty good push zero three one good morning altimeter three zero three one bfr traffic just north of the airport about two miles right now so they're possibly all right so we're hand flying the airplane here start talking to him here we'll start running some checklist which defog is on pressurization is descending thank you six thousand 6 000 from here far so uh citation uh service center one two thousand a phone number for each specific airframe and it's called Uh this specific airframe team 525.25 a cold we get on the ground and uh yeah there's 18 000 feet standard standards be great at helping my frequency troubleshooted we'll have them come out in a uh a mobile service unit and uh fix it that way so that is the plan but we'll give them a call and uh when we get on the ground and they're great very very helpful okay so we direct the airport down to six just confirm it was two tracks so we're Landing Runway one four that's the calm Runway level two three zero Roger Wilson 9860 thank you we put the visual approaches thank you one for we are a nine thousand eight hundred twenty seven hundred seventy four hundred Command Center hello Quantum maintain flight level two three zero uh so not a super long Runway not super short uh the gradedness the gradient is down so that's obviously not helping us we're flaps 35 any ice is definitely off in fact there's good and we need 2500 feet of Runway and we have 5 000 available for 380. all right going down to six and I pulled the power back no need to go fast so I hand flying the airplane Gillespie County Airport automated weather observation one six four five Zulu weather win zero seven zero at three visibility one zero clear below one two thousand temperature one five Celsius dew point minus three altimeter three zero three one airport information there is right traffic 414 and left traffic 4932 also be aware there's a firework demonstration that is over the park next to the airport on December 30th at 6 30 PM local all right bright traffic for one four all right traffic report so overfly the field for right traffic for one four thing right traffic for Runway one four we have the weather and no Temps at Fredericksburg and just planning the visual approach 1-4 Roger pulling up the uh via Force sectional here I mean everything is correct which right traffic for one for confirm C10 frequency of one two two point seven is in the standby so we're looking great against that 1500 Bravo Roger there's one bfr target manual trim is right here where my right hand is Right today no other radar frequency there's a problem they're currently about 25 miles from the airport all right airports you have the nears of traffic coming in from the East uh they're currently one seven miles east of the airport out of 5 500 descending over on Unicom right now show me a fox Roger number three five six Julia Hotel teams to my frequency one three four point nine or five okay six thousand looking for the field all right four thousand selected four thousand I think I see the airport but I'm just not 100 sure 12 o'clock November six three one Niner golf understand you have a site there's multiple VFR Targets in the VFR pattern there from 4200 to 2 200. throw me a box I can cancel out far away from the airport in sight Roger the Bonanza traffic is about seven miles east of the airport out of 3 300 and no other shops the first four CFR frequency changes have a good day great 1200 I want to confirm you have our rfr cancellation received we're good cancellation is received Gillespie County citation November two Romeo foxtrot seven miles to the North East 3900 descending to apply the field for right traffic Runway one four Gillespie there's the airport and Bonanza at Gillespie County say your position please uh yeah we're just about two miles uh east of the field we're gonna cross over right downwind for 1-4 Roger uh remember Charlie Fox shot we're three and a half miles to the Northeast uh for right traffic one four um you said you're two miles yeah we're two miles if you would like we can fly past out the airport uh a ways and let you come in if you'd like yeah that'd be great I appreciate it thanks we're going to cross over Midfield continue West to let the citation uh get in and we'll be number two for now oh got the bananas insane and Bonanza Doug Gillespie County I got you in sight for the number Bridge all right so I'm going to hold here at 37. hey Roger that we'll just take you out here a little bit West uh and just let us know uh there whenever I get your own final great thank you [Applause] Gillespie County Traffic number two Romeo Fox shots over flying the airport entering the right downwind Runway 1-4 Gillespie County all right now I'm gonna be high a little bit because I was staying above traffic [Music] to do a tier right teardrop entry for the left downwind Runway 3-0 curveball traffic real traffic assistant on the go Runway three zero got an insight gear down USB County Traffic number for two Roman foxtrots break down one Runway one forward all right poor lining gear down three green there are red flaps holding in 15. speed brakes are down here to the east gonna cross over Midfield and our left down Runway three four foot Krusty County Traffic November November two Romeo Fox shots turning right base Runway one for Gillespie County collapse 35. a little windy there carpetastic Skyhawk [Music] 6319.3 100 feet to do a right to your job entry into the left down one for Runway 3-0 curve traffic all right we'll make great traffic for a uh uh Runway one four full stop Gillespie Gillespie County Traffic Bonanza zero zero Bravo is three miles to the West we're gonna enter uh write down win on the third one four Gillespie County [Applause] Gillespie County traffic in November to Romeo foxtrot it's two mile final Runway one for Gillespie all right you're not three green no red flaps 35 out I can hear you Avery Quebec can hear you all right okay thank you Ron uh Gladstone Glide path looking good County Bonanza Bravo is turning right downwind for one for Gillespie County County Traffic November 300. let's begin 200 100 50 40 30. 20. 10. very nice speed brakes are out yeah we're not going to kill the brakes just gonna nice gentle roll out to the roll out to the end I do see you in sight this is six three one Niner calls or Bravo is turning right base for all right here's the whole short bars I can land on Runway one two if they are better for you County November two Romeo foxtrot clear of Runway one for Gillespie County taxi into the FBO all right well everyone welcome to Gillespie County that was definitely an interesting flight hope you enjoyed it if you're on Instagram go give me a follow citation Max one on Instagram have a great rest your day we'll see on the next video take care of six Julie the hotels about uh one zero miles to the east landing 3-0 Kerrville
Channel: CitationMax
Views: 341,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JMP2hqx7sBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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