Come fly with me. PC-24 Pilatus Jet

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hey welcome back to the channel guys it's been forever again I've been busy with the girls cars racing working flying and um good treat today today um hope that the Western up in Boise Idaho uh the pc24 just got done with its annual inspection so I finally get to take it back and put it back in service back in Vegas so I'm gonna take you guys along for a flight and I'm just gonna go ahead and ferry to flight and I'll bring you guys along finally all right I've been I know you guys been asking for some pc24 footage I just been very busy so um it was a good opportunity so I'm by myself I'll be flying at single pilot and we are going home so hope you guys enjoy the ride whoo there's snow out here it's cold let's see here is there she open she is open all right we'll do a quick uh world free flight get everything ready oh foreign GPU coming here I'm good warm her up [Music] thank you all right there is connected circuit breakers are all in that looks good [Music] or battery number two now look at the GPU connected here [Music] [Music] the shimmy dampener foreign coming on I'm going to turn the heater on get this thing warmed up [Music] shake and bangs there you go that's good yes I do it's a nice play that's for sure say again say again oh it's a nice play oh thank you yeah I think percent let me double check make sure I think they already feeling good foreign everything's frozen brand new tires good leading edges paired good coal I hate cold breaks looking good cold weather all right everything else looking good oil all right cash cow's good let's get out of here [Music] pull the chalks here go go [Music] all right we just got to the plane got everything powered up Brody I'm gonna go through a quick uh check here batteries one and two it is we're gonna go ahead and pick up her it is here that's it's a one two three points one two three point nine years attention go to the close proximity get this ready and start it up so you have information out there in a cold here feeling inside the temperature -6 all right feels good afternoon there you go uh we'll get that a little minute tell them I gotta get this started let's see here cabin checks uh start repair Circle pick that up and then start all right gas checked oil low to put Beacon coming on that was Rod bill says they're on batteries generators all good just over there with battery checked have a good we got GPU ready to start all right here we go right into the idle and here we go starting all right to rotation oh pressure's coming up mission built flow light off it is cold all right we're going to let that warm up there trying to start GPU disconnect pops are coming down 15 trim's gonna be set at 2.0 light controls okay Runners are good maybe your next door's check we're going to start left engine here in a minute once it's clear all right nothing started and two's rotating blood pressure's coming up [Music] there's ten percent starter ignition got light off fuel flows going back to the roar that was good foreign to start all right let those engines warm up now I'll go ahead and it's good A lot of times low we got that try this in a way but they don't stand out there I gotta pick up clearance here it's gonna be a minute uh k b g t all right Clarence to lose I'm 25.9 I'll go ahead and put that in there clearance airsmart 55 information building thank you Southwest 1384 Runway when's your last text Alpha Whiskey Air smart 55 clear to North Vegas Airport flying around my heading expect foreign all right uh 16 000 is our departure hitting and we got uh Runway heading on departure Fargo we got uh 10. put that in the Box here and I'm going to go ahead and select the runway we are barting off only one zero upright greater vectors and first fix gonna be roar r o hey r r after War we got Lions so why oh and S and then tomorrow Mesa and then direct home okay that's good activate that these are at Max so I'm gonna go 98. 98 108 170. foreign Juliet all right parking brakes let's go for the elephant all right time to go home crowd UPS 2036 with the XC problems short of a golf one problem taxi uh via Bravo whole short uh golf on Broadway 10 20 36. all right here's a little coming up in boxing trots is over there on the left right got the helicopter is that coming in basically yeah it's been so been a while get out of this cold weather it's still cold and big anyway I mean it's the same temperature we just don't get snow all right let's go out of here helicopter Pad See It back so I'm picking up some pot thank you looks like an l no that's not a l-29 looks like it looks like oh yeah and uh Juliet uh UPS 2836 all right clear on the right there's Fox shot the left here UPS foreign makes a good window IPS effect and we're at the take it off one zero right Runway heading up to one six thousand you have another malfunction prior to 6912 board after six now report for engine fire fan you lost the directional control it's just me by myself those guys are getting ready for the UPS guys okay there's uh we're approaching Runway there's active got Tower in in Rock and our final Southwest 1384 contact Sports you can play thanks for patience big boy all right so we're all good here we're ready looks like a 767. UPS delivering their cargo [Applause] there's two boys started departure and arrival will be on red green North both runways at all times when two fours or three Boise on Timber three zero two eight five six two will be north of 12 times thank you if there's 29 76 heavy turn red Echo right on Bravo contact ground point seven uh 322 mile final landing around here right here smart one no Christian Air smart 55 Boys entire traps one mile final Landing in the parallel Runway and Airbus win two four zero at three Runway one zero right declared for takeoff fly around heading to the right Cliff takeoff Runway heading here all right we are clear lights are all on Boise Tower good afternoon officials all right here we go Auto barrels are armed Boise Tower helicopter seven zero seven three Yankee there we go there's 50 knots [Music] all right there's all the right here's coming up yeah foreign 55. cost of Boise and verify that you have information Echo Idaho thanks departures Air smart 55 4 500.16 000. Air smart high five Roger Thanksgiving announced 4 800 climbing one six thousand Iceberg all right direct to Roar [Music] all right that's the object real quick here is a little flight level change now at 250. DPS is good IPS the ice protections required advice no about temperatures are good lights and sets okay off we go 18.1 today 11 o'clock three miles maneuvering system five thousand above 5500 hey everyone two Romeo for now maintenance 5000 traffic a mile north south westbound 5400 and climbing traffic inside a little icy very smart fish five contacts Salt Lake City all right all right July generator contact six miles Northwest of the Ali airport shutter one zero thousand 100. all right plug into this layer okay Center one three two point two five eleven thousand six hundred climb one six thousand uh the mission five five dollar Center called maintaining follow-up two eight zero [Music] tired smart five five is that you yes sir room 112502 8-0 Air smart 55 there's smart fifty five you're clear direct to Barrel that's Bravo Echo Romeo Yankee Lima b-e-r-y-l and then direct Mormon Mesa say again on the spelling yeah Barrel is Bravo Echo Romeo Yankee Lima b-e-r-y-l and then direct Mormon Mesa all right direct barrel and more money 34-44 Salt Lake Center uh descent via the Butte four arrival to Boise estimator 3028 all right direct the barrel former Mesa we are going straight home extension 744 that's going to maintain one one eleven thousand one one eleven thousand seven four four all right currently in the soup could pop out of it pretty soon here negative 20. not picking up any ice here going through 18. 2992 standard probably 1384 contracts were a little bit just in case about to break loose here we're gonna pull up on top because he's done we're still climbing we're pretty heavy too we have a full tank of gas well I hope you guys enjoyed the flight it's gonna be a quick flight I got about one hour we got some good Tailwinds once I get up to 38 000 feet and I think we're gonna have like 45 not Tailwind which is not bad effective flight times probably like an hour three five one four five minutes or so yeah one two runway in identification I'm trying to get more videos posted out online on playing junkies and uh all the cars and stuff I'm going to roll over to our other channel Soul racing television channel if you want to check that out or if you want to follow along with the cars or here approach on uh one one nine hundred point six 1551 Salt Lake Spencer honey direct Shadow and descendant pilot discretion meetings at level two nine or two director saddle College nutrition 290 Southwest 1351 thank you Salt Lake Center Air smart 55.0226 climbing two eight zero Salt Lake sensors we could take uh yeah we could do three services [Applause] yeah getting back to uh back to the story yeah if you guys are interested to see more of the the racing outside of uh our family the girls racing and all that we're gonna be publishing all those videos on Soul racing channel so you follow the link below for that one and uh that's actually a bigger Channel than by playing junkies um I once got like like 100 000 subscribers for some reason but um and then I'm going to leave the plain Jackie's Channel too exclusively to the pc24 and the pc12 and uh work related with like Air smart and stuff like that or Aviation I guess Aviation related anything Aviation I'll leave on the planet of the channel the automotive stuff we're going to be rolling that over to Soul racing so girls can enjoy it it makes it matched I know it's been a lot [Applause] I just missed a call talking to you guys so um 40 right now Crosman right now I got about 25 on the tail so far one three level on we start speeding up here at 10 000 feet to go take a look at some of the views here the bright Sun about to pop up [Music] Senator good afternoon United 900 white level four zero zero yeah you're welcome Center good afternoon Challenger 176 whiskey Charlie levels three three zero challenge a UPS 2992 clear direct to genox and are you UPS 2992 actually doesn't look like you've got that project cancel okay I'm sorry you're gonna have to uh 29.92 UPS 2992 uh oh that Sun is bright EPS 2992 but it is a lot warmer up here pretty enjoy it up here better I wonder if this is what it's like when you like do the sun space or something and it's just there wow zero five one two eight zero [Applause] [Music] and 87 from the cross so AirSpeed right now so decent 471 over the ground not too bad we got about 46 minutes still remaining Galactica way back on our way back home uh yeah I don't have another video I'm like uh wish everybody a happy merry Christmas for a merry Christmas and a happy New Year um I'll hope to have some more videos like I said been pretty busy we added another pc12 to our Fleet so we have a total of seven seven aircraft now so yeah because the 1493 quarter Corker sorry all right back to our Daily Grind here uh 431 about 30 minutes out 140 miles uh to North Las Vegas let's go ahead and pick up uh let's see what the weather is looking for one four zero four knots ten miles there's guys 11 degrees Celsius three zero two seven well 200 currently for North Las Vegas go ahead and put that in there oh Gotta Love XM right you pick up all your your atuses weather and all that fun stuff so easy 18 out of zero five is the eight is uh frequency for North Las Vegas 100 miles about 27 minutes planning I'm gonna go ahead and put the runway in here we're gonna do what to write I want to write we'll do a visual if I want to write you have some traffic uh 2 000 feet below this uh I don't see any contrails don't see him so I'm back here still got some snow cap over these mountains down here looks like uh theater City off to the left there so we got the ski resorts up in there uh Brian Head a little bit farther down he had Zion National Park and then St George visibility is kind of crappy today man we're flying into the center conflict crossword right now start to get a little American 34.118.22 1822.08. all right uh we started sent into uh Las Vegas right down there and then I got the Lake Mead play out there [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] all right no information November little pattern worked in North Las Vegas unfortunately right now had a screw of accidents and uh yeah they I was like the fa put a stop to it until they could figure out how they're gonna safely have people in the pattern we had two mid-airs within the last 90 days one of them was fatal the other one was uh they got lucky they uh a helicopter was supposed to be taxed or doing pattern work off the taxiway decided to roll up onto the runway which was an active Runway and then there's a Cessna that was burning base the final and Runway and they barely hit apparently there the Cessna avoided it by slamming the aircraft into the ground yeah nowhere to go and uh yeah damage the whole aircraft but they they all walked away from it but that's not total but after that incident they have suspended all traffic pattern work at North Las Vegas unfortunately so hopefully they get this resolved because uh there's a lot of flight training going on and they got to fix it somehow I mean it's been like that for over 20 years I don't know two people make mistakes and we all have to suffer for it there's Mesquite today [Music] have I mentioned how much I love flying Bingo pilot by myself it's aircraft is not that it's lonely or anything but um people are like two pilots safer than one fire yeah obviously but even though this is a jet it's no different from blowing my pitch by myself I just a little bit faster but the way Pilates made the avionics and the workload on this aircraft is very easy very easy to monitor manage as a single pilot operator [Music] it's so simple it's way too it's way too easy this plane is like a little could jump in and start it and go fly you know you don't have to do anything crazy with it it's just like a jumping in the car that's how I think about it but um there's a plane the automation as long as you're kept happy with the automation of this aircraft or to do everything for you make your workload really easy whether you're flying via bar or IFR or hard IFR it's all the same so the one thing I like about the Pilates is you know the Honeywell system I know there's a lot of people that don't like Honeywell but uh gone so used to it and I know everything inside and out of it just about it makes work easy it's truly honestly a single pilot uh automation avionic system very easy 43 and I lost the position of the aircraft that was maneuvering I think they were probably defending into St George no additional traffic of the radiator Services Terminator for cancers in the air I'm just strictly during the ground on 133.3 I'm gonna go ahead and switch to the Head Camp I'm gonna head and mount this camera on my head and we'll get ready for the scent into the landing here so okay the guy with 50 43 we can cancel it 25 7 for North Las Vegas tower we are descending down 10 000 feet I have to go home there's uh over 10. there's an airport down there and Lake Mead really really empty more like a river now you have a Valley of Fire down here pretty cool campsites and camping out here [Music] [Music] beautiful sunset winds are calm the lake looks nice but it's too cold to jump into it so foreign ago as I was saying about the automation it's so easy I could like fly with my eyes closed in this thing it uh you know when you want to have a really good knowledge of the how this whole system works so I mean the thing basically flies itself I truly believe in the future I don't know it could be like 30 40 50 years from now all these planes are gonna be flying apart themselves I ain't gonna be a need for Pilots anymore we're gonna be all out of a job but uh technology has grown so fast that uh people are gonna be flying drones by themselves or I don't know personal drones I just take them from A to B and this is going to happen eventually probably 100 years from now you know we'll be obsolete by pilots [Music] [Music] that is my top of the scent if I were to go straight to the airport at a three degree half but I'm not I think more five five turn right hitting two four correction uh two five zero back you see the clear now let's departure quarter all right turn heading two fuzzer or smart 55. the radar vectors now I'm gonna go ahead and give me an extended center line for my Landing Runway one two right I'm gonna go the course of one two zero since I'm not navigating without it now I got an extended Center Line off my runway for my visual approach I could use to base that off when you need to start turning inbound if you don't have the wrong Insight good fully all right [Applause] almost got the airport in sight it's kind of hard to see with the sun shadow it's just blacked out so to maintain nine thousand here's more at 55. all right we'll descend now nine thousand I have to reduce my AirSpeed to 250 knots to get the little 10.72 Romeo fixtures departure right in [Music] Auto throttle disconnected all right coming up below 250.00 miles north of Northwest Vegas all right I got the airport to sight this project feels inside [Music] Parker Roger and uh I didn't [Music] say you have the airport inside Southwest your position one five miles yes sir I got the airport there's a clear visual approach when we went to right zero [Music] got some departures departing now so it looks like we're not gonna be a factor for them anymore and uh we'll maintain visual separation from each side of thousand feet above you okay smart 55 traffic Southwest your position 10 miles is a serious side of 5 500 bfr eastbound try okay cold quick here all right so we got the Ada CPS is checked it will ride ice protection is all set normal fuel systems balanced and calf is cleared or reaping we're gonna land on one two right recipe it's gonna pay back to clean the class properties please mark five fives have no pack you can contact North Las Vegas tower on one two five point seven here smart five five seven or smart 55 yep North Las Vegas tower Air smart 55 coming in over Island Aliante for the visual one two right f-155 North Las Vegas power uh report a five mile final and square your basement found out you're following uh an extra overload Mountain squared base final and uh five miles extra six mic down so you can turn inbound now Runway one two right Cleveland did you get your wingman in sight it's not a killer Delta continue to defend a pay and then change the runway one two left Runway one two left clear to land all right through the land sets up 5049 Echo contact Las Vegas departure well please departure foreign [Applause] seven one one five contacts [Applause] the request stop the carrier perhaps 33 coming in Delta turn uh right towards the numbers Runway one two left clear to land like hitting the brakes and they'll fly right by right November five times two miles extra three thousand Landing parallel run one Lima Las Vegas reported on Final uh for Runway one two right all right we got Birds on Final there's 55 Runway one two right clear to land you're number one now all right number one clearly I want you Riders extra Six Flags out the end of the round the trick-assy uh kilo to the ramp up all right landing gears down three games 33 final checks we are clear to land lights are on Paris Park 92 North Las Vegas power mega trading Runway one two right you're following up Pilates out of the Santa Fe report of the Santa Fe all right cool yeah is away here other aircraft calling tower on after Sega Tower Cherokee 5329 whiskey we're going really really slow so I can speed it up now uh we're doing 105 ref is about 95 but I don't like flying this so we're gonna go ahead and accelerate it before the numbers here short let's see it's been about a month since I've flown this uh we'll see how the landing goes off the 120 now good one two three guitar radio Tech out of here make straight in Runway one two right verify you have information November pretty much you're right we have November 92 you're gonna be overtaking a Cherokee just uh one mile ahead into your left Atlanta parallel Runway 3800. All Right coming in looks good another game we're gonna start slowly pulling back to Power here 100 100 110 now let's slowly reduce more power bleed it off here 14. that's all aircraft uh there we go on the ground nose is down and it breaks [Music] all right make Charlie here lift up his stove bumps are coming up sr55 all right guys uh hope you guys enjoyed the flight at 4 500 Landing parallel [Applause] ready for takeoff 92 Runway one two right please and uh right turn towards Bank of America Runway one two left clear for takeoff uh right turn approved keywords Las Vegas golf uh I I think I actually passed the runway seven Runner can I go to the next one if possible request Republic all right money three four four zero x-ray on departures suggests frequency 135.1 after landing grass cooler strips are gonna be set here 2.0 [Music] there we go thanks uh at least uh brakes are chopped or chocolate okay cool all right well I hope you guys enjoyed the flight it's been a while um I'll get to editing this ASAP um keep making more content hopefully we'll be coming out with some merch uh definitely need to get some merch um yeah so uh if you guys continue to like it um stay tuned and I'll try to get more videos out for you guys and show more flying and to Aviation life stuff all right back in Vegas uh thank you once again for tuning in like subscribe comment below um I'm gonna call it here tonight we're back in Vegas here pick me up take me home plane's all set we'll be back flying it again tomorrow and some other stuff but thank you and uh catch you on the next side peace
Channel: PlaneJunkies
Views: 353,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airsmart, pilatus, jet, pilot, single pilot, pc24, pilatus pc24, aviation, kboi, kvgt, North Las Vegas airport, las vegas, vegas, flying, vlog
Id: IArQb16L-Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 24sec (3444 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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