Currency & Proficiency In A PA28 | Why An FBO Kicked Us Out...

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all right boys and girls welcome to another video on ludics Aviation while I'm pre-flighting I'd like to tell you that if you're interested you can support me and my channel by becoming a patron on patreon depending on the tier that you choose to be part of you'll gain access to exclusive perks for example there's a tier for Early Access to every video there's a tier that gives you discounts on my merchandise or if you don't care about any of that there's a tear that lets you donate for simply just having your name in the description of each video on ludics Aviation I'm going to be updating and adding tears as I go so if you'd like to help my channel and support you can head over to forward slash ludix Aviation the Link's in my description also if you want to shoot like the one I'm wearing or another design or even a hat you can go to lootix and show your support in that way now on to today's flight it's mainly for currency and proficiency currency on the instrument side because I need to log a holding procedure and on the proficiency side I'd like to work on my Landings in this little Cherokee one four it feels so good to be back in a Piper Cherokee again but in a long time since I've flown an aircraft with the wings in the the proper position because at the airline I'm usually flying the ATR which you can see the wings are incorrectly positioned but on the general aviation side I've mainly been flying Cessnas which we all know are the work of the devil welcome to ludix Aviation the home of fun-filled Aviation videos I invite you to like subscribe and enjoy the flight as I welcome you to the sky blue Dix Aviation videos are edited to be as entertaining as possible this may remove context many procedures situations explanations and flight phases have been edited out do not use for instructional purposes this video is for entertainment purposes only foreign hi boys girls welcome to another video yeah we're coming out doing a little bit of instrument currency for me I got my safety pilot the big boy I wasn't derogatory it was because you're a big friend Big Friend big friend best friend after a flying start in this one hopefully that won't affect his performance as safety pilot of course it won't we'll get into that later the regulations regarding instrument currency in the United States calls for the acronym 66 hit within the preceding six months you have to have a vlog six instrument approaches holding procedures and tasks and intercepted and tracking courses through the use of navigational electronic systems I've already logged six approaches all in actual conditions within this six-month period but not any holds so that's what I need to get today here's a question for you though the approaches that I've logged were ILS and Arnav approaches does that satisfy the requirement for intercepted and tracking courses or do I need to do that separately I'll see you in the comments foreign [Applause] for safety sake uh two thousand Hawaii instruments we're all checks we got the g5s we've set the altimeters everything was good on the taxi Max here we go to the right it's uh there's a drop nice back up to both it rises there's the left mag it's good nice drop within 50 differential and with him 175 vacuum well we don't have that anymore oil temperature pressure wash alternator off it drops it covers back up fantastic carb heat drops the RPM hold it there for a second and we're gonna drop it to idle make sure it doesn't cut over the carpet on one question I always get when I'm flying a Cherokee mainly for people flying in England they asked me why I don't use carpet for landing in a uh in a piper and here's why in the approach to Landing section in the operating manual it states that carburetor heat should not be applied unless there's an indication of carburetor icing since the use of carb heat causes a reduction in power which may be critical in the case of a go around so I'm gonna put director Leesburg in there I'm gonna go procedure select approach gonna go ah now three one and I'm gonna get uh I'm gonna go to ijola and yes I do want to fly the course reversal because that's what we're gonna do we're gonna fly the hold there at uh at each other take off roll if anything happens uh I'll slow down we'll get off the Runway if we need to or if we can't if we need to stay on the runway we will we'll let Tower know if we wrote it and there's Runway ahead of us uh we're gonna use the runway ahead of us uh if there's no Runway ahead of us it's gonna be 30 degrees left and right looking for for the best option the only time that uh going to attempt to power off 180 is above a thousand feet uh and yeah there's not much off the end of the runway other than the lake right yeah yeah uh Highway 50 but it can be busy but it could be busy exactly people have done it before though yeah well yeah have you got anything to add no not really just if it's if you're under the hood and something happens at least take controls and stabilize take a show up and I'll give them to you straight away no questions asked now with great power comes great responsibility man just before landing my Landing but yeah honestly I do it like that yeah be kind of quite fun I think I don't know maybe not I I'd love to see you doing something in aviation honestly it's uh it's a chance to wear such a talent slowest practical I didn't get the uh just one three Charlie left turn Northwest bound is approved Runway seven at Alpha seven clear for takeoff try to start my Wanna Have Fun take off runway seven off seven thanks very patience all right Runway seven is confirmed executive power Simon I'm gonna leave that window open but the uh the scoop is uh is aware again on the center line we've got seven uh we're doing it feels to the floor full power that's correct ah full power is set we're all looking good AirSpeed is alive trying to maintain the center line yeah come on here we go there's 60 65 or rotate welcome to the sky there we go accelerate to uh see why and Diamond 375 pop Alpha executive Crown good quite loud [Applause] it's nice to be up here in a general aviation again there's nothing better than getting back to your rooms Going Back to Basics sure Airline flying is amazing and it fulfills a professional dream I've had since been a young child but general aviation is where we start our journey general aviation is the backbone of everything and that's why I want to let you know about something I mentioned at the beginning of the year that you won't see me flying from Orlando Executive as much anymore and I haven't flown here much in 2023 at all and the reason for that highlights what corporate greed can do to small operators as you may know I rent most of my aircraft that you see on my YouTube channel I don't own my own aircraft so I rely on the availability of rental aircraft to be able to enjoy my passion the rental aircraft that I recorded most of my videos in were based at an FBO here at Orlando Executive however as time passed the attitude of that FBO and the managers specifically towards light aircraft and specifically the aircraft that I was flying diminished so much so that they kicked the rental company out of the FBO at the beginning of this year and gave no mature reason as to why they said that somebody was openly criticizing them inside the FBO and with the feelings hurt so much the rental company had to leave the truth is they want to focus on jet traffic because they don't make enough money from light aircraft and it just makes me think what would happen to general aviation should all fbos hold a disdain for the very backbone of Aviation like this FBO the foundation that feeds the precious jet traffic that they should desperately crave luckily I have access to this aircraft foreign reasonable rental price as well because the rising rental costs and certain fbos acting like school-grown children it's becoming more and more difficult to rent certainly in Orlando but the FBO on the other side of the airport seems to love general aviation aircraft and they see the value that we bring to the world of Aviation so that's what happened but for now I'm just really thankful to be up here with my best friend cruising the skies that I know so well in the best general aviation aircraft ever made I've had a difficult month in May and wasn't able to fly much at all because of it so this is honestly a relief to welcome myself back to the sky I clear following uh I'll tell you what let's go straight to the practice area frequency my controls my controls so I'm gonna turn it this way now to go direct to ejiola from my current position [Applause] people swear by this do they think it's good I hate it yeah not sure if I'm a fan yeah like they say as well like down here oh well you've got to get someone's like stroke someone's need to get to it yeah I'm gonna climb 2 000 feet there we go yeah yeah good stuff and uh yeah if you want to make Radio Calls yeah that's fine I don't think I need to do anything yet we're too far away I'm doing a lot of talking today in this one but I think it's a good time to talk about Otto's job on this part of the flight AS safety pilot he is now my eyes his responsibility is to make sure we're clear all around as I do my whole procedure for my currency this not only includes looking out for traffic but also making Radio Calls and ensuring airspace clearance as well he's no pic with me for this portion of the flight AS acting pic while I'm the sole manipulator of the controls however as we briefed that doesn't mean he shouldn't intervene when needed uh bird thank you your controls their controls I'll sell it yeah you were pretty much all right but just in case you know you got to be safe I love that I love our Dynamic mate because I'm not blowing smoke up anyone's ass I forgot what I was gonna say but no we work really well together yeah that's true there's no [Applause] [Laughter] let me tell you how I figure out my hold entry and I try and keep this as simple as possible I first extend my inbound course and then draw a line 70 degrees from that course into the hold you can see it creates three different sections which represent your different hold entries then I figure out where I am in relation to the holding fix and how I can establish myself inbound towards it with the least amount of turns and the least amount of stress today I'm approaching the fix from the southeast and the easiest entry is a direct entry hopefully you're enjoying these voiceovers and oh okay traffic you go Cherokee North Shore Lake Apopka 2000 feet entering the hold at each of traffic 2 000 feet 4.84 it's just gonna be a nice standard rate [Music] [Applause] Paul directs we know but stick it around to one three five maintaining two thousand we're establishing ourselves in the hall there's no timing because obviously it's a GPS hold I'll spin around one three five he's right around there all right one three five hold that hold two thousand so it says four miles it's four miles left Four Mile leg so I'll do it for my leg [Music] all right four miles making the right turn lack of uh three one five the reintercept 2000 feet keep the eye shifted uh copyrighted three one five as the course is coming back the just a hair off to the right side I'm gonna pull it back to the left all right we're back here babe about three miles north of Therma we're gonna do Vietnam holes in 2000 where sir okay thanks all right 0.6 ah 2 000 feet and I will consider that successful your controls with the currency portion of this flight mission complete it's now on to proficiency I go back and forth between flying turbo props and light aircraft and the techniques I use to land each of them is slightly different so it's important to make sure I'm proficient and Landing well in everything I fly today it's the little Cherokee that I need to attend I don't know if uh traffic Cherokee 4713 chart left a win Runway two seven push a goal on and off the speeds in this aircraft were published in miles per hour and considering that we're driving on a road oh my mistake we're flying so miles per hour has no place up here I convert everything to knots and use the not scale on the airspeed indicator for all my traffic pattern and Landing speeds and off second all right there we go they got the final Notch of Flaps in there I've got AirSpeed it's just a a touch High bring it in bring it into great effect uh we got it holding it in there we got it um full power listen to the screen [Applause] holding the center line 65. 00 welcome back to the sky all right not bad not bad but not perfect I could have even closer to the beginning of the runway as I started my round out to flare a little further down it than I should have my speed was a little higher than I wanted it which contributed to a little bit of flooring nowhere near the pirate ship skyboard 172 levels but still room for improvement I'm happy with my touchdown I was feeling a little crosswind from the right side which is why I fought to touch down the upwind wheel first followed by the left then the nose Center Line control was adequate and the transition to the goal in touch and go was smooth well I don't know if uh Cherokee 4713 Charlie sending Final Touch and Go two seven London off all right let's see what you got man oh it was very speaking not very good speed control that's what I got so far yeah you have to look at the trip to do it you do yeah it's mental it was a bit unstable towards the end there [Applause] welcome back to the sky two nice Landings [Applause] happy with that who's your father uh yeah considering you're going to be going for your commercial at some point I should get blind eyes [Laughter] sorry this this wasn't an art no it's good like you land well from the right seat ah what do I have to do with commercials you're going to go for your CFI at some point soon probably maybe here we go I'm gonna try and land a little bit closer to the approach end of the runway this time yeah we both were we both were quite fun yeah quite a little bit all right we are dropping the power to around that we're gonna go on 10 degrees of flaps uh and I'm gonna drop it down looking for about 80 knots while on a North traffic Cherokee four seven one three Charlie turning left base Runway two seven all on and off yeah going for ucfi you need to be landing well and doing stuff well from that seat so if you think I thought I should be doing his CFI into commercial and all that let us know in the comments could you restart another channel on another traffic Cherokee 4713 Charlie final Runway two sabotage my aim here is AirSpeed control I've adjusted the power for The Descent and I'm using trim to help me hold the nose up to bleed the speed off in preparation for landing I'm looking to stabilize the 65 knots today and hold that until the round out into the flare but I got my speed there you do got my speed we got the wingspan we're able to yeah they're gonna still gonna bring it down a little bit but it's a little bit closer flaps out and full power we roll all right not bad not bad not very solid yeah pretty solid but again not quite perfect the beauty of recording your flights has been able to check different angles and seeing here I landed on the upwind wheel first again which was good for the right crosswind but I let the nose wheel touch the runway a little bit too soon I'm a stickler for standards with students which means I should be the same way for myself but the point of this part the flight was proficiency and I feel as though I've achieved my goal here which means I've got my currency back for IFR with the hold and also doing some good Landings mission accomplished girls for joining us uh did a little bit of instrument currency with the whole uh good couple Landings for me I'm happy with them great laughing for the big fella for the right to see my best friend 300 feet move on to his commercial in ncfi let us know if not it's probably gonna happen anyway so it's pointless it just really depends whether or not it's gonna happen this year this year yeah yeah or next decade exactly if you want anyway thanks for joining us appreciate it just before I go I'd like to take a moment to thank all my patrons on patreon this is all the names at the time of editing and their support means a lot to me and helps me continue to expand my channel if you'd like to support and gain access to exclusive perks go to forward slash ludix Aviation [Music] thank you for the 1925
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 19,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Aviation, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Flight Training, CFI, Student Pilot, PA28
Id: pbaBNzpKRXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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