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very excited to be up here in Tennessee on a beautiful day we're going to fly the TBM 850 from Greensville Tennessee ran over to Knoxville Tennessee let's get this started [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you all right welcome aboard the TBM 850 here at Greenville Tennessee we'll start this engine up clear out the front feel loose pump coming on and starter is on and blinking ignition light is also illuminated those are always the first two things you want to look at those weren't doing what they were supposed to do we'd abort the start cycle immediately watching the NG rise up it's going to stabilize around 14 percent I'm gonna introduce you to the low idle now we're watching for our light off watching the ITT for hot start it's a nice cool day today plus 14 degrees Celsius now watching the NG for a hung start ITT is going to Temp out right at 7 40 today continue to watch our NG rise and our ITT has fallen back now that the engine has got rotation and there we go good start all right the first step we'll go over to the awos here and get the weather and information here at Greenville Greenville municipal airport automated weather observation one four four seven Zulu wind two eight zero at one zero knots Peak gusts two zero knots visibility more than one zero Sky condition clear below one two thousand temperature one three celsius dew point minus one Celsius altimeter two niner six eight inches of mercury there we go we got the uh information here in the weather we'll be taking off runway two three we have Gusty winds out of the West today and two nine six eight in our uh altimeters the prop Choice real quick and do our tests here for the autopilot and trims real uh beep right there and the test was good successful [Music] and we'll put our flaps down first takeoff setting first Notch there without the wings you'll see him coming down and we're gonna check our flight controls pretty incorrect looking good reach a little traffic TBN Tech seam left for the FBO to Runway two tree brings a little traffic well there's no report traffic come back see us thanks for your hospitality it was nice hanging out with you guys good to have you real nice uh staff here at the FBO that you can see off the left wing right crosswind on this takeoff next I need to have you guys on board the TV on 850 here I'm gonna be just doing a short hop over to Knoxville it's projected to be around a 17 minute flight we're gonna go up to 12 000 feet we'll pick up an IFR in the air this is an uncontrolled Airfield using the iPad Mini 6 with the pivot mounting case system here you guys would like to get a system like this be sure to go in the description below with my discount code you guys could get the cool setup like this for your airplane save 15 off your purchase and like I say saving money is always a good thing also I'm excited to announce I've partnered with pilotinstitute.com yeah you guys are new to my channel I do this this is my job I get paid to fly this airplane around and pilot institute's got a lot of online courses that you can take you can start today just go to the description below down there I got a pilot Institute link I think this is a really fun rewarding career and you guys can start right today right from home be sure to check it out and click down there below so this Runway is gonna has a slope in it the dip in it halfway down you look down here at the taxi diagram there we are blinking away in the taxi diagram this Runway is 6 300 feet long by 100 feet wide and halfway down it's got a dip in the elevation so it's kind of a different optical illusion as you roll down this Runway because you lose sight of the very end of it as you go down into the dip so we'll pick up our IFR with Tri-City once we take off here and here we are coming up on the end of Runway two three Greensville traffic TBM we're taking off we're only two three departing 2B Southwest Greenfield traffic all right you guys ready to go to Knoxville I know I am clear down the runway as you can see you can't really see the very end of the runway because there's that big hill on halfway down and the final is clear the line up here on Centerline there we go now we're gonna ease the power prop RPM up and then we're gonna say take off power and takeoff power is set well temperature pressure is all look good in the green holding our Center Line with our Rudder pedals I got some crosswind correction in there for the wind coming off the right side of the runway looking for a rotation speed and there it is pull back on the yoke it's nice cool day good performance there now you can see the end of the runway right now that's that Hill go gear selected up at the bricks and it's gonna be a little Rowdy because of this wind today so I hope you guys got your seat belts nice and tight oh beautiful view off the left wing that's the Smoky Mountains right over there some of the highest peaks in the subunkey mountains are right here and gears up and we're gonna go flaps up your damn run it's a little it's a little bumpy here beautiful view out there man I love flying around Eastern Tennessee and North Carolina the mountains so beautiful we're gonna pull back and pitch for 140 and then we'll put the autopilot on I'm gonna climb on is mode and autopilot is on now we're in heading mode we'll go direct enter enter and now we're direct to Knoxville and go into nav mode and it is Bumpy I knew it would be everything's looking good it's a little bit of Tracy like one more announcement here Greenville traffic TBM where there's three miles Southwest field apartment Southwest bound have a good day greenville's traffic and we'll go to Tri-City have a good one thank you I don't go to Tri-Cities now try the city good morning though our 851 Tango Bravo it's over 85 one Tango Bravo Tri-Cities approach well five two two five two two two eight five one Tampa oh they were ready for it so we put five two two two in our transponder now they're looking for us on their scope number 851 Tango Bravo radar contact four miles Southwest of Greenville South altitude position checks currently passing through 5 300. I'm sorry if I want to take a Bravo for maybe five one Tango Bravo you cleared to the Knoxville airport has filed come and maintain one zero thousand expect that as your final Roger clue to Knoxville as filed and we'll climate team one zero thousand that'll be our final thanks one thing a brother all right we filed for one two thousand but we'll just go to one zero thousand this is not that long of a flight so we got one thousand one zero thousand or else two pre-selectric will arm it and climate is mode and if you look down here at the iPad here we are we just took off there's our Glide advisor and go direct right on over to Knoxville direct to get a fresh line there there we go see the mountain range right down here to the south of us looks like we're just approaching now this Cloud layer a few clouds here at uh it's about 8 000 feet and now I'm gonna tell you right now it is Bumpy I got my left hand here on the handle here hold on because even though you got a seat belt on I like to get a little bit more secured into my seat but look at the beautiful view off the left wing out there it should smooth out here as soon as we get Above This Cloud layer right here and we'll see if that happens I think it will and right there it's already starting to smooth it on out that's one thousand to go nine thousand climbing to one zero thousand and right now we have a 47 knot headwind coming right against us 48 knots might climb a little bit higher here playing right into a headwind today November 1 Tango Bravo contact Knoxville approach 101 8.0 good good morning 18-0 enjoy your day one second brother Roger information Charlie's current all right let's get ahead of this flight we're also going to go over to the airport tab put in Knoxville you've got a frequency set up for the 80s at the eight is set up in com2 now we're going to check in with Knoxville on com1 here Knoxville good morning November 851 Tango Bravo One Zero thousand remember Knoxville approach expect the visual approach from a 2-3 right okay Roger will expect uh visual for two tree right if I went to Umbrella we'll go over and get theaters here to stay ahead of this flight we're gonna monitor it and get that we'll be monitoring two frequencies Knoxville inspiration Delta time one four five three two Loop wind 25013-1 visibility one zero two guys at 3500 temperature 1 6 2.0 altimeter two nine or seven two arrival suspective visual approach Landing room with either right departing round with two three left simultaneous approach and use notice there when tacked away Alpha closed between Romeo 3 and Romeo four and one two three left eye left side of service Runway to the right I left out of service advise initial contact you have Delta all right we have information Delta getting it as early as possible staying ahead of flight makes flying a whole lot easier go up the left here I think we're coming up on pigeon Gatlinburg Pigeon Forge airport I'll be coming up here on the left we'll see in one Tango Bravo turn 10 degrees right to center maintain five thousand 10 right 5 000 over 851 tank abroad all right 10 right there let's say again another ride there at 10. ah nice and smooth it's bumpy down below the clouds but at 10 smooth one thing over Roger he's asking how the ride was here at 10. so we did 10 right on the heading and five thousand eight set up an altitude pre-selecture yeah so we'll keep an eye out see if we can see Gatlinburg Pigeon Florida airport look at our Glide advisor right now with the different mountains in the hills and everything it's a it adapts to as you fly that green ring that's how far we could Glide if we lost our engine yeah if you look off to the left side of the airplane now you'll see Douglas Lake out there really nice looks like a lot of different houses around the lake and I think that'd be a great spot to do some building all right so we're descending back through eight thousand this is where we had the bumps back at the last airport and departure thankfully we're passing through 6 700 feet we have not had the extreme bumps that we had coming out of a Greenville but as I say that here it comes so six thousand I'll give you three five three here fox.com 400 is where we start getting the turbulence again and I got the power pulled back 59. so there you go less violent these uh pumps will be the turbulence ABM one Tango Bravo that's gonna maintain four thousand turn left heading two six zero 260-17 four thousand eight five one Tango Bravo and the uh the turbulent starts at 6400 feet is where you get back into the rough air one thing about Roger and uh present Speed Build size versus Pizza levies one thing a brother there they go four thousand two six zero heading and present speed you know what we're gonna do we're gonna get the Tyler frequency set up next in com one twenty one two that is Boppy 21. dude here we go so it's got Tower set up so we're still staying ahead of the flights one last thing we'll have to do when they tell us to go to Tower six thousand I love flying but I'm gonna be honest when it's really bumpy like this it's not this much fun because it can be uncomfortable especially if you're a passenger in the back because it's like sitting in a school bus in the back of the plane so the bumps always feel worse back there then the front here how are you guys doing though are you feeling feeling good not getting sick over there on me are you man Knoxville six three with your head start to see downtown Knoxville out there with you we're out here number four Roger number four to the airport so yeah we're all lined up 59 77 turn the left direct Beckley climb and maintain one two twelve thousand left direct directions I've never been to this airport it's my first time actually I haven't in sight out there 11 o'clock 11 30. that's a good thing to have that inside already beautiful day to fly besides the uh the wind in the turbulence and there is an autopilot disconnect turbulence made a kickoff this plane's had that issue for a long time it's got a weak autopilot no big deal we're just hand flying now get back stabilize 260 heading 4 000 and re-engage and the autopilot is re-engaged 21 here at Knoxville and we're gonna be using two trees right so we have a little bit of Left Right cross one again nice landing pbm1 Tango Bravo McGee test and 11 o'clock one eight miles we got the field site one tanker brother TV and one thing a brother Roger clear for the visual approach for my two three right one eight zero not the greatest zero knots to the five mile final clear for the visual two tree right eight five one second brother my goodness gracious we're getting thrown all over the place here all right we're clear for the visual and you know what we're gonna disconnect the autopilot and hand flight the rest of the way in we'll just put the odd damper back on and we're gonna take this iPad off to yield two today just because it is super bumpy we're holding our speed to a five mile final do that we're all stacked up coming in here I think like five four airplanes right now I love flying around Tennessee though look at the beautiful view of that left wing still of the mountains yeah when it's really turbulent like this when you're trying to fine tune one of these little instruments just to keep your hand in a position to do it can be tough all right awesome I got only two tree right in the site and we'll be using signature today which will be over on the east side of the field TBM 851 Tango Bravo conduct Tower one to 1.2 good day Earth Tower enjoy your day one time brother all right so since we already have that dialed in we just need to push one button that's where it pays to stay ahead of the flight Tyler good morning of our 851 Tango Bravo on the visual for two tree right all right by one thing about the power only two three right win two six zero one one goes two two clear land clear land two tree right if I want to take my brother all right we got clear two land we're still 10 miles out we're still above our flap and gear speed having to hold that speed only two three left full length clear for takeoff two zero zero and two three I can't wait to slow it up because that'll make these bumps less violent we're not here Kelly Mike's running at two five zero two five zero that's Knoxville downtown offer right unfortunately I don't have a camera over there today traffic will be Crossing downfield additionally cautionary terms departing RJ oh this kind of wind I liked Greece Landing but you can't always have greasers especially when you have winds like this but we'll try our best all right 180 knots still seven mile final I'm Gonna Keep the speed a little faster on this approach than normal just for winch here if you get a negative windshield loss you wouldn't want to be going too slow all right you're coming up in a five mile final gonna pull the power back now get under our flap and gear speed air speeds bleeding off there we go filled out the wings first nice flaps takeoff setting and it is indicating off two three left we'll pop out oh my goodness and gear is down and indicating that wind is throwing us all over the place are we gonna disconnect the odd damper there we go and I can get my feet on the rudder pedals about a boarding takeoff Rudder say uh reason for board you need any kind of assistance four or five Alpha Roger right turn at uh Tango it boarded that takeoff okay maybe something wrong you didn't need assistance right back to the part again uh I want to go to the uh and then I'll have more instructions there right turn Bravo maybe you saw how windy it was it was like the heck with that so you're just going to take your first right turn as long as you can until you're holding short of two three left again okay all right we're looking good speed's right about where I want it I can bleed it back a little bit more and we'll put the lights out there you can see we're on the right on the proper Glide path two red two white 500 500 feet to the ground and a little bit more speed than I want so I'm gonna pull a little power back November four or five here we go we're looking good was it that you stopped your takeoff friend I forgot something in there oh that guy that's something in the hangar it's either a good excuse or that's really what happened all right looking good look UPS is here also serious Vision Centers here too down at the bar end of the field I saw when I was doing my play planning cool go check that out all right looking good we're right on the speed pull the power back to flight out I'm gonna kick the crab out with the rudder pedals and that wind would float because of the wind there we go not too bad go back in the reverse yeah the wind was gusting because we started to float once I went into the fire perfect we'll get off left up there next intersection here now we're starting two Heavies with you too from Milwaukee or an average power Runway two three right win two Bravo fours which we'll be exiting right here [Music] and Eiffel Tower six another six three whiskeys visual uh two three right behind tanker one thing of Bravo left turn on Bravo right at Yankee cross Runway two three left into the round Bravo Yankee across two three left into the ramp they fight one team brother two three left on Yankee okay let's look real quick right here all right all right you three left yank the uh in this signatures taking a probably change the plans join Yankee hold short of Runway two three left join Yankee holds her a two tree left A5 one ticket brother all right so we got left turn here on Bravo and we're gonna do a right now Yankee hold short of two three left welcome to uh Tennessee man that was a turbulent play I'm not gonna lie I'm excited to be on the ground you're done for the day go have some fun around Knoxville our next intersection here is going to be Yankee we turn right there and hold short a two three left you guys did like that video be sure to smash that Thumbs Up Button subscribe to the channel if you would like to see more videos like this also be sure to go down the description below click on the pilot Institute and uh pivot cases get some cool discounts and start your flight training you can also Bounce Around the sky here with me someday in your own airplane supposed to follow along and all the other social medias Instagram remember when Tango Bravo across Runway two three left on Yankee into the ramp we'll see you across two trees left on Yankee into signature enjoy your day one time brother you too I had a nice controller too all right even though we're clear to cross we'll still check dude the right clear to the left on two tree left every time they always clear it across the runway I always double check because it's better be safe than sorry and right up here in front of us is a signature all right do you have any departure got some Vision Jets here yeah I guess the the Cirrus Vision Center well then I actually got a marshaller insight looks like in the park it's over there by the king here excited to be in Knoxville okay watch out they got some cones all out here we don't want a wreck a nice bumpy flight hitting uh these cones is visual two three right I hope everybody's doing good wherever you're watching from it was a pleasure having you guys on board and uh we'll talk to you again someday soon take care everybody foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 20,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steveo1kinevo, Flight vlog, vlog, ATC audio, ATC, Travel, Airplane, Aircraft, Career in aviation, Becoming a pilot, IFR, Cockpit, S1K, BOSE Aviation, Pivot Case, Flying, Flight, STOL, Pilot Institute, TBM850, Knoxville, Turbulence, Tennessee, Smoky Mountains
Id: rHmrPPpX4n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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