INSIDE the $3.5 million Cirrus G2+

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guys what happens when a jet has a baby with a Lamborghini you get the Cirrus G2 Plus [Music] this is a 2022 Cirrus G2 plus this is also the air of a package which means it is the top trim that you can buy let me put that in perspective if you go buy a brand new BMW and you get a BMW regular or you get a BMW with the m package this is the m package of airplanes guys this is fully decked out yeah dude it's insane like I know we're gonna look at the inside a little bit but it really does look like a Lamborghini on the inside dude this thing is insane looking I once drove a McLaren 570s and this is honestly like what I got the same feeling being around this airplane guys this is full carbon fiber obviously it's a jet so it has de-icing there's a ton of Cool Tech features that come with this plane that we'll explain to you but we'll start over there with the engine so this is the obviously the one motor on the back of the plane I think it kind of looks like you ever seen those moms have like their babies strapped to their back I feel like that's kind of what it looks like strapped to the back of this plane but it looks awesome so this jet has a range of 1275 nautical miles so that means that you could literally fly from where we're at in Westchester Pennsylvania at Brandywine International Airport is international pretty much at Brandywine airport so you could literally fly from where we're at Westchester Pennsylvania to the tip of Florida and that's basically a range so I think that it's got a killer range for what it is basically your personal jet I also want to note this plane flies at 350 miles an hour so it's got some serious get up when you want to get somewhere quick yeah especially for something so small like we did a citation a couple weeks ago that thing that thing Crews that what 400 to 5 knots which is I mean that that's pretty good for that but it was like triple the size yeah it was way bigger the fuel burn on this is a lot less too because well if you'll burn another one 180 gallons an hour it has like 1500 an hour to fly This Is 50 gallons an hour so I think with everything you're gonna look at like what six to eight hundred dollars to fly this thing an hour yeah including so something cool with this is they have something called jet stream which is like the maintenance plan you basically have on these motors oh that's right or on these Jets and so like it's pretty sick it basically comes out to like 340 dollars every time you turn it on per hour and that covers the whole entire maintenance of that of that jet so when you turn this airplane on it's going to log with Williams the company that you have are now flying the plane and every hour you're going to get build 340 but that covers the entire plane you turn it off and you walk away you don't have to fix anything yeah it's kind of nice like awesome I mean dude at the end of the day you're kind of just everything's maintenanced into a plan and even even with that jet stream if you get the premium option includes like satellite radio Wi-Fi all sorts of you can add it all obviously it's like white glove Service uh you wanna go check out the inside let's go check out the inside of the plane cool oh yo hold up first off no check out the rims dude dude look at these those are literally like car rims on the bottom that's wild most airplane rims are probably the ugliest frames I've ever seen those things are sick I got them blacked out 20 20 centimeters yeah 20. we got them blacked out 20 centimeter rims it is super cool though like you can tell um with that with the air of a air via reset package it is cool like I don't I mean it costs a lot of money but dude that color combo like the the awesome rims just I mean I know the interior is where you'll see the big upgrades I mean if you're already spending that much on the plane why not get the upgraded package yeah why not yeah cool let's go check it out the inside guys if you watch this far make sure to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell so you can get notified whenever we tour awesome planes like this guys so when you're coming into this plane it obviously looks just like the inside of a luxury car I mean this is probably the most people-friendly inside I've ever seen in a jet I mean this was the center console you find in a Lamborghini for crying out loud I mean it looks like a Urus dude it does look like a year it has like the seats the back seats it looks like a Lamborghini yours it does look like a urine I mean this thing is absolutely insane guys I mean the leather the stitching it is it's beautiful it is absolutely beautiful um so some awesome things to note inside of here I love this like micro suede headliner yeah so with that package is the A La Cantera headliner this is literally what you find in like that high-end roll like high-end rolls royces and McLarens and stuff like that yeah this is an amazing headliner I think it really helps with um sound look at this so this is all the carbon fiber accents again you get with that Airway package and dude it just like it's just these little touches that make it look so sick I mean the carpet I mean everything is just like very well done the the air of a and then the vision jet logo like literally in the uh like the stoop as you come in um I don't know if you guys can see it but there is this red button here so this is probably one of the coolest features I've ever seen in an airplane this is the safe to return Auto Land like emergency button you hit this button and the plane will automatically find the nearest airport communicate with that airport and land your airplane and it pulls in all of this data like how much fuel you have like wind patterns weather and what it calls in the airport it actually does the emergency frequency so when you land there's like fire trucks and ambulances and everything waiting for you it's amazing it's absolutely it's super cool and if that's not safe enough for you guys obviously the Cirrus G8 G2 plus is like one of the safest Jets out there and what makes it super safe is the fact that it's got a literal parachute that can come out of the top of the airplane and land all of the people safely on the ground I mean this thing is literally these this thing is safer than like driving your car I mean this thing is ridiculously safe yeah so obviously up here you got your massive Garmin touch screens and everything you got your controls over here you got your throttle all that kind of stuff um but I know we were just talking about the auto Lan feature some that's super cool is when you click that auto Lan feature these screens all go to an emergency screen setting so basically what happens is now the passengers they're seeing flight data that makes sense to the passengers and not just if you're a pilot so you're seeing how much longer you have until you land you're seeing weather patterns you're seeing all sorts of stuff is on these screens and just kind of gives them that peace of mind that like hey everything's okay everything's handled on these massive screens obviously you have your heating and air conditioning right here just classic stuff that's going to be in your uh your high level Cirrus and then also going along with that auto Landing uh you have this automatic adjustable throttle so again the plane is doing everything for you from from adjusting flaps to all adjusting the throttle everything adjusting the brakes like it comes in for a smooth Landing hits the brakes gets you to a complete stop and you get off the plane unharmed at all so it's just something really cool that these cirruses have so there's a couple cool things I want to say as well obviously this is a pressurized cabin but obviously there's oxygen mask why are those the coolest looking oxygen masks I know it's like they went to Top Gun and were like whatever you guys have we want the exact same I know it looks like Bane from Batman true so this right here is one of the coolest things oh dude so if your kids are complaining and about not being able to watch their movies while they're flying to the Colorado Rockies you can literally watch what it's like sleep and it's massive for how small this like plane is uh I think they say it's a 22 inch screen like dude and it really does feel like you're sitting in a sports car some high-end like a Range Rover or something I mean you have all your temperature controls back here all that kind of stuff and like honestly the back seat uh it's three seats um but I mean dude you could fit an adult and two kids next to them or something like that but again you have the center console here it is it's just a really cool jet um I think you said it perfectly I honestly think it looks like a Lamborghini Urus in here when I step in here I'd be like this looks like a Urus yeah and again you got all that awesome carbon fiber it is sick super sick I'm trying to take it all in honestly and dude the seats are comfortable I I mean I've flown in a citation too and like I have way more room I feel like in here than I did in that citation like definitely width-wise I feel like I got a lot of arm room I mean how tall are you Caleb I'm six foot five yeah and like if you kind of lean back a little bit yeah cup holders right here I feel like these are Little Creature Comforts that like people don't really think about too often but like it just feels natural like it feels like you could have a cup of coffee in here be on your laptop and you don't feel like like you've been in small planes where you're like cramped in and you're like okay we're definitely flying this feels like you're like oh shoot we were in the air like you could almost zone out of that and be like I completely forgot we were flying at this point because I just feel like I'm in my car doing my thing getting driven or something like that I mean it's pretty crazy and yes you do have a driver if you can afford a 3.5 million dollar jet you probably have a driver so I'm just throwing that out there that's not crazy but honestly yeah it is really cool that I mean you have all this space and stuff like that it's comfortable in here dude I personally don't like sitting backwards in a plane like I I get a little sick yeah whereas this is all the seats are facing forward which is kind of nice yeah like just something small um that is definitely a nice little feature in a plane this small it's weird for you to see the trees going the other way yeah yeah it makes me sick all the other planes going the other way so one downside to a smaller jet like this is that it does have a pretty low payload it only has a 1400 pound payload so unlike another jet like that citation too that we were in you almost even worry about it in something like this but in this type of plane you will hit that limit pretty quick yeah because that includes obviously Fuel and people on board all right guys so that is the Cirrus G2 plus if you got 3.5 million dollars just burning a hole in your pocket and you really want to buy a plane you might as well just go buy the Lamborghini planes and one last note I want to show warning this aircraft is equipped with a rocket deployed emergency parachute system so for my wife who's scared that I might die in one of these don't worry we'll make it down
Channel: Travel Private
Views: 754,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel private, Travel, Private, Jet, Lamborghini, cirrus g2, cirrus, cirrus g2+, cirrus arrivee, vision jet, cirrus sf50, private jet, small jet, personal jet, Lamborghini jet, tour, walk through, what's inside, family jet, carbon fiber jet, economical jet, $3500000, $3.5 million
Id: JR5jglk56RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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