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so right now I'm back at it again with Anna McNulty Anna is a contortionist just like me so I thought because we both fit into suitcases before in Tiny Places we can bend into them in contort and twist and exactly so I asked you guys on Instagram what we should try to fit into and let's see what you guys came up with honestly this doesn't oh well I guess the opening is kind of small once you're in there though I think you'll be good to go [Music] yeah it's so roomy in here guys I can basically live in here you know if I put like a little office desk right there chandelier over here like it's totally roomy right might as well just make it your bed okay it's Ava's turn now I have an advantage because I watched you do it so now I know exactly how to do it there we go I feel like this is so roomy I got an idea and this would work yeah I mean it's a bit of a tight fit with the both of us but we did it that's the point next up a laundry basket they're pretty small it is a lot smaller I think we got this honestly if you put your mind to it you can fit into anything maybe not anything but I think this weekend but like if you really really set your mind to it like you can technically fit into a purse right like you're watching watch I'm going to just go what just happened I'm really confused it's supposed to be like oh okay wow we're like fitting both very confused and concerned and probably call the fire department a wild life places [Music] like you know do you have a crush no no I don't think I do right now you don't have a crush no if you had to have a crush who would it be no one in mind really next you guys did say suitcase again so let's get into them since everybody knows both of us can fit into a suitcase let's do whoever can get into the suitcase faster you're pretty waxed at this so okay nervous let's do it okay ready three two one let's go did I win yes no way well Anna how are you doing I'm doing good how long do we have to stay in here I mean I guess as long as we want I don't know about you but I very much enjoy suitcases I do too they're very comfortable surprisingly they are very comfortable to stay in and I enjoy them a lot and so does Anna we can literally go on a flight for free if we wanted to technically okay so the next thing you guys want to see is trash cans let's go Turtle mode let's do it yeah oh yeah we can now we understand how Turtles feel I can't move that fast putting a turtle Anna I'm over it here I think I'm gonna need some milk in their list oh yeah here let me let me help you out there you go there we go honestly I feel for Turtles now I really do I love you Turtles okay next you guys requested a car truck so you know I got I got the smallest car trunk there possibly is uh this is this is pretty small I don't even know how this is humanly possible to fit in here so I need like a demonstration buy this okay let's see I'm gonna have to tuck my feet in like this it is a little tight I gotta be honest ah there we go I did it did it am I in I'm in I'm in don't like lock it though please see let's see go lock it yeah oh hey Nia I'm not even gonna ask okay yeah it's good to see you yeah that's my best friend okay now Anna's turn that looks like a tight fit you just have to figure out where to like place your feet and stuff yeah okay I think if I do it the same way you did oh my god there you go I got it perfect yeah [Music] yeah this is my first time in a car trunk before yeah it was my first time in a car drawing too actually you would have thunk like it would have happened earlier you know and like my contortionist life of being a contortionist and stuff but it just didn't it happened today you know honestly you did that last thing you know so hot in the trunk I think it's time to cool off yeah that sounds really nice cooler I need to stop explaining my jokes okay Anna I think it's your turn to get into it first and to figure out what position you get into this I think I have an idea but it might not work oh perfect I wonder if we'd be able to close it though oh oh oh you know almost I say that's like 75 it maybe you can get 100 I am a little taller than you so if your feet are sticking out yeah my feet are probably gonna stick out my feet are just like not gonna like it's not closing well my feet are just like in the way Zach I I'm gonna try it the other way you were trying here you good hit it a little too hard Zach the next thing you guys requested is a stuffed animal bear [Music] what is this yeah [Music] and anything's possible got it oh no did I do it what is going on I was sweating so bad in there that's not even contortion I am not doing that but I like I contort it into it all right next one you guys said giant Tupperware you want me to fit in that yeah Yes actually the goal of this is to try to be able to put the lid on put your hand oh wait is this gonna work oh it's like oh my God this counts does this count does this count the partial credit this is nine out of ten I give it like an eight personally yeah we couldn't close it so I feel like that's not fully fitting I'm gonna try triple full why are you so close this is also why I don't use that because my videographer anymore he just gets the worst angles you could possibly get in your entire life stop Zach you're gonna be fired I think you got like a nine out of ten no that's like a three the way I had four was better [Music] oh my God yay okay look at that you don't always have to be a contortionist to fit into things [Music] I present to you the next thing we're going to fit into [Music] a briefcase you may be wondering how in the world are you going to fit into this Ken guys it's about how you set your mind to things let me show you okay [Music] wait that was so cool I want to do that too so did you just need to put your mind to it anyways guys thank you so much for watching this video make sure to check out Anna's video link is in the description she just posted one as well it was really fun and cool go check that out anyways I hope you enjoyed us fitting into some weird places love y'all peace [Music]
Channel: Sofie Dossi
Views: 1,864,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sofie dossi, america's got talent 2016, agt, contortionist, acrobat
Id: J7PYxn-hDMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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