Contortionist Bends Like a Barbie *CHALLENGE*

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going to be able to move like a Barbie this is really difficult so that means I can't move my arms or legs all day and since I'm a contortionist I've never gone more than three hours without bending so today I'm gonna be doing a series of challenges where I can't move my arms and legs and if I fail three of the challenges I won't be able to bend for 24 hours let's get into it ready three two one oh my goodness I literally can't move my elbows and I I can't bend my knees at all this is kind of what I look like very very fun give me the first challenge successfully complete these five floor moves handstand split okay up is a backbend I feel like I would be like oh this is easy but my legs have to stay straight oh I did it how do I come up oh that was actually good the next is a chest stand I'm not even gonna do it again this next one is the around the world this one I'm not very confident about actually around the world requires you to bend your legs that's the whole point of it [Music] [Music] okay so that counts and last but not least walk 10 feet in the back then okay so I don't really know how this is gonna go down since you do need to bend your legs and arms to run in a back bend okay wait I need a straddle so I can go down okay oh my God kind of wait wait this is really difficult I literally have to use just my ankles to walk oh my God I would have never known the spider was right here until just now I'm not gonna lie I hope the Second Challenge is a little bit easier because it's so hot oh my gosh okay successfully do three aerial moves are you are you kidding me I have an idea [Music] right just oh what's another one everything requires bending okay wait I got it this one's actually cool wait I can't believe I thought about this and this is the other move you know like the chair on the ground that goes that's what that scream just sounded like so I passed that one boom honestly it's looking like I'm not spending 24 hours in this so I'm really excited about that bring it on let's see about that shoot an arrow at the Target 10 feet away and land inside the yellow Circle you have three attempts do you realize that my legs can't bend do you know that you got it man don't worry because like no like literally it physically I don't think would work hey just try come on come on it's okay you got it oh my God we got this okay because I don't know if I can shoot with both my feet but let's try one foot okay so I have to hit within the yellow and I have three chances so I have a feeling my walls aren't going to be too happy after this I've never shot an arrow like this attempt number two this is like my thing I do archery and I can't do this like that's gonna be embarrassing for me the last time I've ever shot you got up on it what do you think about that honestly you know I'm literally gonna Now teach myself how to do that and uh do it for you for next time number four go home and make and make food for yourself then eat it without getting anything on your clothes I feel like I could do this I just need to accomplish this one because I'm not spending the night in this this is so annoying and I don't think you guys realize just the going home part is going to be a challenge in itself Ricardo you're gonna have to drive my car oh I haven't driven since I was 12. this is gonna be wait wait sorry what yeah you're kidding with me right I feel it so hard to move oh I got it Ricardo just be safe please okay hey dailies they didn't call me Lightning makes green for nothing okay Carter we're going like five miles an hour since I have to do this with my feet this is what it would end up looking like I think I have another strategy of doing this for my feet the pants are so long I don't know if any of you shorter people have this issue I'm five foot any pants I ever buy I have this issue where I'm swimming where are the pants for us five foot people we're gonna make avocado toast honestly bam we got it boom all right bam and we're gonna bam yeah there you go get out of the avocado Wiki Feet's gonna go a bit crazy today yeah okay now this is the other part we're going to toast to get this avocado terrible a few moments later and 30 minutes later you got some avocado toast okay now remember you have to eat it okay I forgot that part and you can't get anything on your clothes okay Chop Chop we got things to do I feel like I could do this without getting messy that's such a boring strategy okay you have 10 minutes to buy a Barbie and then go take a selfie with it the challenge starts in three two one go oh my God oh my God are you kidding okay get in the car Ricardo okay Ricardo hurry up you already know I drive really fast no you don't can you hurry up please you are literally going less than the speed limit right now just go the speed limit because it's already five minutes okay we have three minutes and 27 seconds left this is a little embarrassing people are staring right now [Music] okay you have one minute 29 seconds can these count as Barbies no no then she's gonna make it okay you got 30 seconds three two one [Music] you should give me like 15 minutes that was so unrealistic with your driving okay okay do your friend's makeup with your feet when you finish we will FaceTime a boy the guy mentions the makeup at all you lose your friend is waiting in your room okay so we're back here at the house and I got my friend henna over here I have to do these challenges today and one of the challenges is to do girlfriends makeup with my feet nice all right right under the eye and then also right there I'm really trying I'm Really Gonna blend this straight into your eye we're gonna take some rare Beauty blush dab it there I'm gonna blend this in really blend it in honestly I'm actually doing a good job at this I think can I see not yet now I think we should move on to some blush the clothes are open close close honestly I did a good job I feel like smelling feet because that is right thank you how's it look honestly you look so fabulous right now oh yeah okay look at that I love hanging out with you me too we're going to the Barbie movie right after this guys you're gonna look like such a Barbie right after this just like Barbie just like her you need an eyeliner good cat eye please wow really James Charles could never okay so actually what I forgot to tell you you kind of have to call Guy a brother someone who's a male and um and just be like hey and call them and if they mention anything about your makeup I'm losing this challenge oh my gosh hi what you doing driving are you almost to Arizona oh yeah so I won the whole thing so I can take this off now right no no here I have one more thing for you I said it was the last one okay so the option is do the challenge and take the mystery Prize or risk getting three strikes and not being able to bend tonight take the challenge let's take the challenge I really hope it's something good and I hope you're not just messing with me Ricardo what if it's like something we like that we're breaking right now because we're shaking it oh I already know there's something weird well well well look with the Cat Dragged In what's going on hi Barbie you have one minute in a game of dodgeball but the balls are coated into each other and if your clothes get even a speck on it are you kidding no I mean that's what you do shall we just shall we just are you kidding ah [Music] oh [Music] all right guess I don't get the mystery pies and I have to spend the rest of the night like this you wanna know what was in it though yeah come on let's go okay you can open it there's accident debit card buy a spinny strawberry Refreshers as you'd like until he gets back from Paris what yeah but I'm sorry but now it's mine so you lose that sucks okay bye have fun yeah [Music] okay so what Ricardo didn't do is take me home and I cannot drive home in these I'm just gonna crash on my couch right here and uh wait till the morning I guess good night guys see you next time [Music] before kissing girls
Channel: Sofie Dossi
Views: 924,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sofie dossi, america's got talent 2016, agt, contortionist, acrobat, Barbie, Bending, Barbenheimer, challenge
Id: 8w2yIbrPhA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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