Extras from "How it FEELS to Play Pyro in TF2"

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thank you fedakin very cool

and we should help lazy but meh

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/LtDayman1000 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

I like this almost as much as the main video. This is almost like a part 2!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JKCodeComplete 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
Hey everyone, Lazy here, and just like with the Sniper video I have a ton of extra footage to throw your way these clips were either just too funny for me to throw away, or explain some point that I didn't have time to make in the main video Also, I know it's Halloween and all but I don't really have a spooky video for ya because my life is very normal right now and I am not in any danger Hello? Hello? Can you hear this? Listen guys, the pyro mains have taken me hostage They were pissed that I didn't talk more about WM1ing or Pyro's wide variety of weapons So they're making me do it all over again! Trust me when I say that I really wish I had thought of a way to include more WM1ing clips It's not like I don't WM1, It's just that WM1 clips tend to be drawn out and I don't know what to say about them? I mean, I killed a lot of people and then died, hurray? I will say though that some real magic can happen in the rare instances that a medic uses their kritz or uber on you, like what other class can get eight kills with just one click of the mouse? Now, of course, some people are on a never-ending crusade to demonize WM1 (sniper screams) SNIPER: PYRO IS OVERPOWERED! But this clip might change their mind... I have this Scout right where I want him This is THE perfect situation to wm1 him, right? And yet... You might say "Oh, well, you're not doing it right. You gotta use the Backburner! But I found myself baffled at how stingy the game is about being "behind" someone. Like is this your back? Is this your back? Oh, oh, okay. That was your back Next, please observe this image. Would you say I'm behind this medic? Apparently not. How about now? How about now? How about no, I was apparently never "behind" him You might then say "Oh, well, you're still not doing it right, where's your jetpack?" to which I say "Wow. Thanks jetpack!" There's nowhere I'd rather be than in between THREE HEAVIES (RUSSIAN ANTHEM) I even tried doing it from a much higher point and still got caught on the way down Either I'm doing it wrong, or I'm just getting really unlucky every time I try it, but it just doesn't work for me I guess what I'm trying to say is that all things considered, WM1 isn't broken good or broken bad And it does take some skill to know when you should commit to it You know, I actually agree with the Pyro mains on this one But it can feel like bullshit when the WM1 Pyro has a pocket Medic Wait, why am I defending them right now? Please somebody send help! I'm currently located at FINALLY now I can talk about pyro secondaries! I had a whole bit written up about them where I was going to put them on a scale from Annoying to Lethal, but the video didn't have room for it in the end Guys, I'm serious right now! This isn't some haha funny shit, alright? I'd really appreciate that you save my ass! Why is nobody coming to save me? Let's start with a crowd favorite, the scorch shot! (crowd boos) Yes, yes, okay, look I get that this thing is a bit annoying, I mean in just these seven seconds of footage, I've set FIVE people on fire At least I'm having fun! And things can get really sad when you use this thing to trap the enemy in their spawn... SPY: Aaaah! SPY: Oof. Agh. MOVE! SPY: AAAAUUUUGH But remember, if you think that the scorch shot is unfun to play against, you are ob-... -jectively wrong... (whispering) I can't say this, that's ridiculous! Everyone can have an opinion about it! (Pyro tases me) Listen, I actually do like playing Pyro, okay?! But I get that it's not fun for everyone! If they would just let me explain, I'd tell you that- (Pyro interjects) Oh god, they heard me, oh god I have to run I'M SORRY I'M SOR- Then we have the Detonator! It's very satisfying to time a detonation that sends two snipers running ablaze, and then... dying to an obvious spy because you were focusing WAY too hard on timing your next detonation... But the REAL pleasure of the Detonator is watching some chumps run up the stairs and then deciding you're too cool for that shit! (Cool-kid music) And then you have the good old flare gun SOLDIER: Noooooooo! SOLDIER: Gravity, noooooooo! (Soldier screams) (haggard breathing) Oh my god, oh my god, they're right there, oh my god oh my god no, no, no, no! One of Pyro's most skillful secondaries, using the flare gun is the only time I've gotten the enemy's respect "Nice flare" IF I had to give this weapon a tagline, it would be: HAHA! I can kill anyone! As long as they're moving in a straight line! The flare gun isn't used much these days, but back in my day... It was much better because airblast USED to send your opponent in a completely unwavering straight line The flare combo is much harder to pull off now, so throw some respect at the handsome Pyros that still insist on using it Okay, I think I lost them. Oh my god, I think I lost them THIS BEARD! I have to get rid of this beard! Change my name maybe! Oh man oh man! (cartoon crash) (shaving sounds) *relieved sigh* Good thing this video is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club! Whether your beard is purple, or some more normal color like pink or green, Dollar Shave Club has got you covered for all your grooming needs, whether it be showering, oral care, deoderant, or most importantly: shaving Their Shave Starter Set keeps it simple, sending you exactly what you need to get a smooth, high-quality shave I really appreciate how the Executive Razor handle has some weight to it It doesn't feel flimsy and makes every stroke with the razor feel like it has a purpose. Attaching and removing the blades couldn't be easier, so if you're like me and can only enjoy something if it's Unreasonably challenging, try playing Dark Souls with one hand and attaching the blade with the other! Now you might be wondering what this tube is for! (crowd gasp) No, that's not Frosty the Snowman, just another fool still using an O P A Q U E Shaving cream. How can he know where his beard is like this? That's why Dollar Shave Club's shaving butter is crystal clear, leaving this picture of the mountains prettier than ever! And for a limited time, new members get their first month of the Executive Razor with a trial tube of Doctor Carver's shave butter for only $5! After that, the restock box ships regular sized products at regular price So head on over to Dollarshaveclub.com/lazypurple to get your first starter set for just $5! 'Cause when you support Dollar Shave Club, you help them support creators like me. (Pyro knocking on door) Oh God it's them! I've gotta be more quiet! Well, since we're doing a behind-the-scenes video anyway, I might as well show you how I've been recording all my audio That's right. This is me, right now, under a blanket, speaking to you. At least, until I fix this room's acoustics Big thankies from McSpankies to SoundSmith for the advice of recording under a blanket Anyway, the pyro mains won't hear me now so let's press on! Some Pyros insist on using stock shotgun, and while I find that to be a respectable choice, it just makes ME feel like a slower Scout that keeps a flamethrower secondary for reflects I MUCH prefer the panic attack since it encourages you to play with the Degreaser for instant-swich action. Believe it or not, the Degreaser and Panic Attack combo is the highest single target damage that Pyro can do, making it possible to 1v1 heavies now! This is because the fire particles linger and do damage even while you're sneaking in a shotgun hit. In other words you, practically get to dual-wield them (spamming weapon sounds) (Pyro and Demoman scream) More importantly, using the panic attack as a finisher can quickly secure you kills that were just about to get away. Not this time, Demoman! I actually ended up preferring the Panic Attack SO MUCH that I'd often forget to change my playstyle when trying out flare guns, continuing to charge at Heavies. Oh no, what the hell is this thing? (Pyro screams) HEAVY: I am amused! You might have noticed that I only ever used the Powerjack! Personally, I can't live without the Powerjack speed boost And because the Powerjack encourages you to wear it around, you tend to end up with a lot of moments like this: Now I do equip the homewrecker on defense, and I've tried to do some cool things with the Axtinguisher, but... Uhh... did that count? See there's an old joke among Pyro mains that goes something like this: THIS is what the Powerjack looks like to people who DON'T play Pyro. And this is what it FEELS like to people who DO play Pyro: Naruto opening: WE ARE FIGHTING DREAMERS! Also, the ability to make jumps that you couldn't without the Powerjack comes up WAy more often than you'd think Holy what Oh no SOLDIER: AAAA! I am scared! SNIPER: AGH! Don't let the Pyro get me! *Ahem* And now, if you'll allow me, I'm about to pop off and dump like two dozen airblast clips on you (Scout screams) Ok. F**k. I just cannot believe how many uniquely funny situations this mechanic can get you into, whether it's scaring a Demoman into detonating some misplaced bombs... Or stopping a sticky-jumping Demoman from leaving your spawn DEMO: FREEEDOOOOM! No, please, I insist that you stay my good man! DEMO: What just happened? The Demoman clips just keep coming as this demoknight shows us why airblast completely counters him DEMO: AHH CR-AUGH See, demoknights are free game for an airblasting Pyro. There's just nothing they can do to get around it! (Epic music plays as three demoknights charge at me screaming) (hysterical laughter) Now THAT might've been too much to handle, but with airblast you can usually handle a solo Ubercharge ENGINEER, NO! This is NOT the time to be building a Dispenser! Now this clip probably WOULD have made it into the main video if this next part lined up better, I airblast the Soldier one last time into a well-placed Spy, and if the spy was just maybe a little quicker and stabbed the soldier RIGHT as he landedm There was an opportunity for an SFM where the Spy is like, making the "game-winning catch" (Epic slow-mo music) (stab) (Victory music) This next clip also almost made it in with an SFM bit I wanted to illustrate how these point-blank reflects where you don't even see their projectile come out feel like some sort of "Bugs Bunny Looney Tunes" bit SOLDIER: What. (Pyro mocks Soldier) SOLDIER: OHHHHH! SOLDIER: oh no. (looney tunes theme) Hold on, real quick I'd like to take a moment to thank Alaxe for making this model as well as the Animatable pyro mask, angel devil combo, the Panic Attack trigger, some models for this bit, The baby mercenaries, this stretchable spy mask, and even this Scout head. On that same note, thank you to Ardate for animating this whole scene, Serket for assisting this freeze-frame, 9joao6 for this minecraft torch particle, and all my Patrons that frequent my Discord for their feedback Good production is a team effort! *Ahem* Now back to it! One of the most satisfying situations is to surprise an enemy that's already shooting your teammate. WHAT hey, no, stop shooting at my sniper! (windows 95 startup) And I'd like to enlighten you all to the Zen of double reflects, the process of taking two stray rockets crossing paths and guiding them to a converging point, restoring order to all things ANNOUNCER: Double kill! This next double reflect is not so graceful, however, as I surprise what appears to be a symbiotic union of two default Soldiers shooting two Rockets at the same time, instantly killing one of them and watching as the other one politely burns to death This reflect was graceful in its own way, perfectly skimmin the control point to reach its destination of two unfortunate fellows "That was upsetting" Oh and here's a bit of a pro tip: any Soldier worth his salt will not shoot you if he doesn't have to, so be sure to threaten them with fire, even if your only intent is to hit a reflect Some Soldiers, however, need not be provoked HEY SOLDIER! CAN I BORROW ANOTHER ROCKET? SNIPER: What the bloody hell-SHIT! THAAAANKS! And just a friendly reminder to the Soldiers out there, rocket jumping at me in a straight line does not make you invincible Um, excuse me soldier. I'm a little busy here with more important things. Come oooon, come ooooon, okay got it Apologies to b4nny in advance, but I just HAD to include this clip somewhere of me completely stuffing him in the last seconds of the round Best TF2 player in the world, huh? Then why doesn't he main Pyro, am I right guys? Can't get any shots on the point! (wholesome laugh) See, even he's having fun (cries) Alright, alright, just a few more air blast clips Not many things are more painful than watching a soldier shoot a rocket at you from 50 yards and get three of his teammates hit in the reflect, resulting in a lost point Don't be that Soldier! This Soldier, however, took the full brunt of his mistake, taking 296 damage and presumably flying to the moon (quiet soldier scream) And finally, I just have to showcase that you can single-handedly capture the cart with the power of airblast. Cya Soldier! Oh look, a Heavy! There he goes! Aaaaand easy ANNOUNCER: Victory! Hopefully, seeing how much airblast can do might help you understand why the phlog's lack of it justifies The absolutely wild ability to store crits (live comms) I don't know what to say about this one- SPY DOWN, PYRO DOWN, DEMO DOWN (hysterical laughter) TEAMMATE: What?! Are you okay?! NO, I'M NOT DUDE! Am I dreaming, what just happened?! let's see But see there IS a BIT of nuance to using the phlog A pyro with crits often walks at you so predictably that it's possible to outplay them. So if you're using the phlog, don't be that Pyro! I panic-pop crits here, but I KNOW that the Demoman is smart enough to immediately put down a sticky trap So I HOLD BACK. NO MATTER HOW. PAINFUL. IT IS. Sure enough, the Demoman can't believe it and comes out to check, perishing horribly And lastly, try to remember that it's essential to have full health before popping crits Before we get to the SFM atrocities, I'd just like to share this short montage of catching spies at their worst (comically inspirational, whimsical music [Moon Theme - Ducktales]) SPY: What THE FUCK? WHY DID YOU STOP? (music continues) (Spy laughs) This is mine! (Epic choral music plays [O Fortuna]) SPY: Pyro please! Spy: NOOOOOOOO! (Windows 95 startup) (Spy screams) Now I was going to explain these SFM glitches, but honestly they explain themselves HEAVY: Agh! Help! Augh! Help now! Even without the glitches, SFM is full of surprises It turns out that this demoknight charge effect we're used to isn't compatible with SFM And the next best thing is to attach SEVEN INSTANCES of Scout's Bonk particle instead Honestly, my brain has blocked out the memories of this process But just imagine that every time I wanted to make a change to something, I had to go into the editor for each particle and do it seven times WHAT?! What is that? HOW is that?! And making the Minecraft scene was a bit of a chore... That's right, I had to manually place every single block, and it was not easy to get everything aligned This next one is just a bit silly. For some reason, these torches don't move unless you record gameplay So every time I wanted to render out this scene, I had to stuff a Scout into this corner. How's it going fellas, let's get to work! For this shot, I needed to put the camera where Demoman's head would be... soooo I had to move Demoman's head DEMO: AGH! And finally, how else did you think I got this giant Heavy hand? (BASS) If you're a new subscriber, check out this playlist of all the how it feels episodes Also, I might start streaming a bit on Twitch So check out the description
Channel: LazyPurple
Views: 9,397,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazypurple, lazy, purple, how it feels, tf2, pyro, team fortress 2, how it feels to play, team fortress, gameplay, sfm, source filmmaker, spy, valve, scout, soldier, demoman, heavy, engineer, sniper, medic, airblast, wm1, reflect, phlog, pyroland, behind the scenes
Id: jmr5kAmIQGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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