[TF2] Weapon Stereotypes! Episode 3: The Soldier

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I thought Original users were just Quake veterans.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/koederoktopus 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

Oh man I can already think of the Pyro stereotypes. These are based on my personal experiences.

Flamethrower: This person usually will WM1 the shit out of you, not giving a fuck about how he kills as long as he kills you.

Backburner: There are two types of Backburner users. The first is the same as the Flamethrower. The second are people who actually know how to use this effectively, and are really scary, because you're dead before you know what hit you.

Degreaser: This person will always go for the Puff and Sting. And most of the time they'll succeed.

Rainblower: This person does not give a shit about taking the game seriously. They'll have Pyrovision cosmetics up the wazoo though. (I'm this Pyro).

Phlogistinator: This person thrives on your salt when he kills you with this weapon. Just don't feed him.

Shotgun: This person is a reliable Pyro who you can always count on to get the job done.

Reserve Shooter: Literally Satan and Hitler's lovechild.

Flare Gun: Same with the Degreaser, will always go for the Puff and Sting.

Detonator: This person will find ways to get to interesting areas of the map, wait, and just ambush the shit out of the enemy team. Good to have on your team, scary to have on the other team.

Scorch Shot: This Pyro fucking hates Snipers.

Manmelter: This Pyro loves other Pyros. You think a Manmelter Pyro has your best interests at heart, but in reality he wants you to all burn.

Fire Axe: This person just installed the game.

Axtinguisher: They would abuse the shit out of this weapon before the nerf, but even today will still try and get kills out of it.

Powerjack: This person is a hardcore meta Pyro. This Pyro will be sure to let you know if you are not up to his standards.

Homewrecker: There are two types of Homewrecker Pyros. The first one means well, but focuses too much on removing Sappers rather than killing the Spy that placed them, which is, you know, what a Pyro does best. The second one has like a 6th sense that can detect Spies. You could be in the most obscure area cloaked and he will find you. You can forget about destroying buildings when this guy's around.

Back Scratcher: Medics have a love-hate relationship with Back Scratcher Pyros. On one hand, your Uber builds up faster, on the other, it's a pain to buff this guy, and he will steal your health pack. This guy will always get a random crit on you also.

Neon Annihilator: This guy spends most of his time on 24/7 instant respawn 2fort servers. This guy will also sometimes remove your Sappers, but don't count on it as much the Homewrecker.

Third Degree: This Pyro will always try and get a dual kill on a Medic combo, mostly failing.

Lollichop: See Rainblower.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/TaintedLion 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Wow Soundsmith is so biased fuck him

👍︎︎ 83 👤︎︎ u/Birblord347 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

Also, people who use the Original are airshot crazy since the rockets coming out of the middle makes it slightly easier to airshot people.

And people who use the Liberty Launcher hate taking extra rocket jump damage but don't want to use the Gunboats.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/xXMisterDiscoXx 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

Where is the huge wave of dislikes?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/CheesyGiant 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

Airstrike is amazing with gunboats. So much mobility. I am puzzled why people don't use it more often. Probably because the damage is not reliable.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/volca02 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

When I started, I didn't realize the Soldier's Secret Technique was supposed to be for getting away. I would pull it out and sprint into their faces. I was dumb.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DigbyMayor 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Is he still using that plink-plink-plink-plink music? 'cuz that got old real fast.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JohnnieZingo 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Well I am the base jumper stereotype :/

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Its_just_ham 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] alright soldier he's one of the most well-rounded characters in the game so I guess it's no surprise that a lot of people named him no like seriously a lot of people main soldier it's like cloud in Smash 4 ibu main him or you've got him in your back pocket and you can play him if you need to now since there are so many people about to get mad at me for talking about a negative pre-existing stereotype for their favorite weapon I should probably do that whole disclaimer thing again though shouldn't I so stereotypes don't apply to everyone so for example if you use the critical look that doesn't necessarily make you an [ __ ] it's just that basically everybody thinks you're an [ __ ] ok ok let's begin ah the rocket launcher it's powerful its reliable and it's great for pretty much any situation this is another one of those stock weapons that's widely used by almost every soldier so it's really difficult to peg a stereotype for the stereotype really depends on the soldiers choice of secondary in melee since honestly this doesn't really say anything specific if you use the original you're probably entirely too fascinated by dick jokes we're talking like fifth grade dick jokes here there are three kinds of people who use the original there's the Joe guy there's I'm stuck on the Pogo and jump Academy guy and there's I'm sick of the stock rocket launchers [ __ ] guy like these guys love to tell you all about how the rocket comes out of the middle of the screen not the side Wow fun facts the first time I saw this rocket launcher my friend was using it and he said it shoots straight it looks cool and it sounds cool just like my dick I was like that's cool and all but mine is black and it's curved slightly to the right and it works fine for me so what do you want me to say all I'm saying is there's a reason this weapon has nicknames like the direct [ __ ] the direct miss or the best melee weapon in the game this is the first weapon that I can safely say is definitely a war pig now I started using this term when I was making hat stereotypes it's based off the hat for the soldier the war pig the stereotype for this hat was the players wearing it always overestimated how good they were at the game and then I discovered that a bunch of other hats had this stigma so I just started calling them all war pigs now as far as weapons go this is one of the best examples of a war bag player he's using the directness usually think that they're way better than they really are now that's not to say they're all bad there are definitely some people who use the direct [ __ ] we're good but those guys probably think that they're the best thing to grace tf2 server since lenny Bynes so hey you yeah yeah you his this ever happened to you I keep dying because my medic girlfriend isn't online pocket in this game suck TF used a well free or not the bad box the black box is for you now for the low low price of one rocket plus any and all sense of dignity that you might have left you can run headlong into danger without fear although let's be honest you're still going to play like a little [ __ ] and never take any risks whatsoever okay so this guy doesn't take the game seriously at all you can usually find them on Hightower upward or harvest but they're almost always running the market gardener sometimes they'll run other melee weapons to mean but regardless these guys are usually loved or hated if you understand what fun is and you don't take the game too seriously then you probably think they're pretty alright however if you take the game as seriously as a [ __ ] national emergency every time you play you're probably not going to like them very much and you're also probably going to circle-jerk about them on our /gf do this weapon used to be a huge crush since the main upside was the projectile speed which made it easier to hit your shots but the damage penalty was ultimately a hindrance to players who could you know actually aim with stock but now that you've got the extra rocket well it's arguable I guess you usually see players with the Liberty launcher who want to troll her but still want a backup damage based item for when they inevitably suck at shoulder so this weapon seems like a meme weapon at first glance but since the recent buff to its reload speed some people actually consider it to be competitively viable which I guess is debatable but since I don't really play combo not in a position to say that said players who use the cow Mangler casually will probably use the charge shot way too much although I know I can't blame them really it's satisfying and held a pull-off so there are two types of beggars soldiers those who understand how to overload jump and those who just unlock the weapon and don't know what it does the first type is pretty scary and absolutely infuriating to play against especially when you get killed by the [ __ ] projectile deviation I mean like how do you dodge a soldier's rockets when even the soldier doesn't know where they're going it now the second type of beggar soldiers are actually really funny to play against because half the time the list and the other half of the time they'll just blow themselves up this person almost always uses the airstrike with the base jumper which means they're basically free food for your strange weapons it's actually a really good weapon for hybrid roll sure since running it with the gunboats actually gives you rocket jumps for like 15 help each plus the increased firing speed while rocket jumping can let you do some crazy [ __ ] but I almost never see people doing this it's always just the base jumper now against top weapons usually have a bunch of different stereotypes so for soldier let's go through them one by one so you've got the I just installed the game and I didn't play the tutorial so I don't realize that I have a shotgun soldier you've got the pocket soldier of course the I hate pyro soldier the I suck at market gardening so I have to use the shotgun as a crutch for whenever I inevitably miss soldier and of course the I want to use the direct hit but I can't actually aim at the soldier the reserve shooter is always infuriating to play against but when it's used on soldier it's a little bit more respectable now that you aren't punished for jumping or walking on stairs you have to force your target into the air with a rocket in order to get the mini Creek which means they are usually at least semi good at rocket placement and not just a brain-dead fun hater who abuses stun mechanics and faster switch speeds to get easy kills man talking about the Bison just makes me really sad it wasn't even that good to begin with but now valve is just completely neutered the weapon to the point where it can't even be used as a meme gun if you see somebody using the Bison chances are they're just really hoping for valve to restore the old bison come now come on just let us have this please now the one main group people that I personally tie-in gunboats with two words trihard roamers now what is a trihard Romer they're a person that probably wants to play or does play Romer in a competitive setting and then so they practice this no Roemer aspect with you know pubs they join a pub game usually 12 B 12 casual game equip the gunboats whatever you know primary weapon they want and they just bomb and they bomb and they bomb and they bond you'll see them doing their little rollouts maybe some CP process rollout to mid get to mid do a quick little bomb in the mid point not going to say it's always successful but you know it happens now before you say I'm fibbin let me just let you know I am literally this person so I think I know what I'm talking about just throwing that out there man treads are the secondary weapon of choice for soldier you don't really see it anywhere else since its well kind of [ __ ] at everything else maybe more people would use it if they gave it a buff or a function to reduce small damage or something but as of right now you really only ever see this used as a meme which means that anybody using it can pretty safely be placed in either the I'm not taking this seriously category or the I have no idea what I'm doing category so if you look up team player in the dictionary you'll find this guy's picture this is a very common banner to use in mbm and it's an amazing buff to pair with an uber charge but since it doesn't have a passive effect like the contour the backup you won't really see it used too much by players who only care about themselves if you're a medic you see a buff banner soldier during set-up time stick close to it because I guarantee he's going to stick close to you now there are two ways that you can use the contrary you can use it how it was intended as a support banner that speeds up your teammates and allows them to heal back damage they deal which makes it ideal to pair with the crits Krieg or you can use it with a black box because you're a campy little [ __ ] who can stay alive without a mini beam on your ass 24/7 so this is Loki an amazing banner the problem is nobody ever notices it you know the buff banner gives many crits and the Conch gives speed but the backup really doesn't give you a notice it will affect until you start taking damage like lots of people would realize I got that kill because of the buff banner but nobody's gonna go and say I didn't die there because of the battalion's backup so players who use this banner are probably team players just like those with a buff banner but they don't really care about the recognition they just want to help the team no matter what which honestly I respect the [ __ ] out of well there are three basic stereotypes for this there's the I'm using this with the airstrike soldier the I'm using this with any other primary because I don't understand how easy of a target I am soldier and be I can't market garden so I have to use this as a crush soldier I mean sure this weapon can be fun to use if you know how to air strafe and rocket jump but let's be honest most soldiers that use this don't know how to do that okay so the stock melee for soldier is just really really not good it's it's so bad dude you can be using the escape plan or the market gardener or the width there are just like so many better options to use so if you see a soldier with a stock shovel you can assume that they just installed the game or they have a strange one and they feel obligated to use it because of that [Music] now this isn't used nearly as much as the escape plan mostly because you've got to way better ways of dealing damage so why would you use something that would only help with that when you are at really low health and have to get really close to them just equalizer soldiers probably just got it from a weapon drop and don't understand that it's not really good also it's worth noting that people really like to talk kill with this yes you can do with the escape plan too but people just seem to do it more with the equalizer for some reason I don't know judo Mullica do you know aa bigger eg or what about it okay in all seriousness this is a really common choice for soldiers who take the game seriously since it offers an amazing Welles escape plan so if you see a soldier with the escape plan you can probably guess that they're tryharding now that's not necessarily a bad thing it's just a good thing to keep in mind so the disciplinary action is a weapon that's really good with a team who knows what they're doing it's also the weapon of choice for a team player you'll see this use pretty often with a banner since the loadouts that it gets used in are usually centered around support this is the ideal soldier you may not like it but this is what people is what he talked peak performance okay so this is a really common melee choice and players who use it will probably try to use it constantly even when it's in their best interest to use well literally any other weapon in your current loadout so if there's a soldier on the other team with the market gardener he's absolutely going to try to use it on you whether or not he hit you well that's kind of up in the air and that's all the weapons for soldier well all of them beside the multi-class ones that didn't have any other stereotype attached to it think like panic attack pain train etc so pyro is next which should be fun maybe we'll see a good thing to remember is that the stereotypes are not based on my own personal opinion although you can probably tell that that factors in a little bit I also base them on input from well everybody I look at my Twitter my Steam group that the YouTube comments all that stuff it all plays a role in what I talk about for a certain weapon so make sure to let me know what you think of Pyro's weapons I do look at it other than that I think that's it so thanks for watching guys I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: SoundSmith
Views: 5,344,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TF2, Team Fortress 2, Weapons, Weapon Stereotypes, Black Box, Concheror, Direct Hit, Market Gardener, Crutch, OP, Gimmick, Why are you, even reading these, relevant tags, IS THAT, A FUCKING, JOJO REFERENCE, valve pls buff bison
Id: iqmcqXxdMXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2017
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