How to Play the Pyro (Combo) - TF2

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I love this dude guides and his pyro

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Praserdanser2 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Here's my understanding of pyro weapons:


Stock: You don't want any caveats, and you want maximum airblasting capacity. Best for pybros.

Phlog: Lose your defensive ability to stand against projectile classes, play cautiously, use flares to get safe chip damage in. Build up phlog, and pray you can find the perfect spot to taunt then kill 3-4 guys. If you can get a stock medic to uber you, you can do the thing that killed Faceit.

Backburner: You wanna pretend to be a cloak and dagger spy in exchange for instantly melting people. You don't wanna be completely defenseless like the Phlog but in exchange you're an ammo whore.

Degreaser: Afterburn won't give you kills after you die or flee, you must finish fights while alive. You can only do 8 air blasts instead of 10. In exchange, swapping weapons isn't as punishing. Obviously it's THE combo pyro weapon. And it feels really good with panic attack and reserve shooter.

Dragons fury: Fuck your secondary, just combo with your primary alone. Pray you can land shots. Slow airblast speed makes you worse than the backburner in defensive emergencies.


Stock: A jack of all trades between the panic attack and flares. You want more range than the panic attack but more reliable damage than the flares.

Flare gun: Normal damage is shit. No explosion. If you can land your shot on an already burning person though, 90 damage feels really good and it + afterburn usually guarantees a kill.

Detonator: You're obsessed with trick kill Pyro youtubers and detonator jump tutorials. You take a lot of self-damage to have a little more than the Scout's jump height. As for combat, the mini crits are mostly negated by the damage penalty. So you have to meet the on-fire condition AND perfectly time your detonation like the Loose Cannon, just to do slightly more than the flare's base damage. Just play Sniper if you want to put that much effort in. You likely use this weapon because you're afraid of being bullied for using the Scorch Shot. It's arguably the worse for combo pyro because you have to keep the weapon out to detonate it. This prevents you from swapping to another weapon to attack/airblast, and it partially negates flare's passive reload.

Scorch Shot: The circle jerk around this weapon is uncalled for because, like the detonator, the damage penalty negates the minicrits. What's unique about this flare is that it can attack twice and fulfill its own on-fire condition with a direct hit + the explosion when it hits the ground. This can deal 60 damage, which is just enough to make it usable as a finisher and mid-range damage option. You can swap to another weapon without losing the explosion like the detonator. And it exploding on collision makes it much easier to hit, although not getting a direct hit + explosion damage fall off means your damage is going to be terrible still. It can supplement the degreaser's low afterburn I guess. It can serve combo pyros by doing the airblast on its own if you can land a direct hit. Some people don't like the knockback, but Pyro can do that with his primary already so it's not much of a net loss IMO.

Reserve shooter: Hahahah Okay but seriously if there's some asshole soldier, demo, or jetpack pyro trying to bomb/trolldier, equip this and shut him down like a direct hit shuts down mini sentries.

Panic attack: My preferred combo pyro weapon. Yes, you cannot spam flares at long range. But in any normal fight, your primary can protect you from projectiles so you can get in close, do some initial damage, then swap to the PA and unload. Rapid switch speed, high damage, super forgiving because you have 6 shotgun rounds with high spread.

Jetpack: You're trying to get behind enemies with the backburner, bombing the medic/sniper, or you're trying to market garden with the homewrecker. Pure mobility, next to no damage output.


Stock: no

Powerjack: You're obsessed with that 10% walk speed when out of battle. What is wrong with you?

Homewrecker: peak pybro, can be useful for ubering into a sentry nest. Combine with the jetpack and you can attempt market gardening sentries, which is one of the coolest stunts you can do in-game.

Neon Annihalator: You're either trying to grief water areas or you're like me and NEVER GOT THE HOMEWRECKER TO DROP SO YOU HAVE TO USE THIS TO PYBRO.

Third Degree: You're either in the circle jerk about it being a pure upgrade, or you're trying to ambush a medic combo that's giving you a hard time.

Axtinguisher: This is such a weird weapon. The minicrits are negated by the damage penalty. Your only hope of doing anything useful with this is to get full afterburn on the enemy because of that weird afterburn -> extra damage conversion. By the time you do that with your primary, the enemy's health should be so low that you can finish them with anything. Flares can get instant full afterburn, but if the fight is long range you likely can't melee. And if its closer range you probably got them with your primary first, got some crit on the flare, and now you can finish them with any melee too. So to use the axtinguisher to its full effect, you should flare an enemy at close range without using your primary, then bum rush them with your melee...

Backscratcher: Extra damage, no extra conditions, health packs are great, and you don't trust your engis and medics. Easy pick for solo casuals. PLUS you can do a bootleg boston basher where you help medics build uber.

My preferred loadout is degreaser, PA, and backscratcher. Homewrecker if we got multiple engis.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/rednico6 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
have you ever played pyro in team fortress 2 and be called a wm one bar maybe you've died to an enemy pyro and thought he's just the most brain dead class in tf2 well today i'm going to show you all about one of the most skill based pyro playstyle the combo pyro in this video we're going to look at the basics of how combo pirate works some weapon choices and some cool damage combos and how you can master a fun and super skilled pyro playstyle in team fortress 2. let's get started [Music] in team fortress 2 some people only see pyro as an unskilled class and incapable of anything but flaming enemies however i think that there's four core pyro play styles one the flank pyro which uses weapons like the detonator a power jack the thermal thruster and the back burner to drastically improve mobility open up flank routes and tf2 maps and deal massive damage to unsuspecting enemies two the offensive pyro using the dragon's fury the flagistinator and escort shot to consistently harass enemies and do a huge damage on the front lines of a fight three the defensive pyro or piebro which focuses on spy checking defending teammates and engineer nests and repelling enemies ubers and projectiles four and the main topic of this video the combo pyro which relies on weapons like the degreaser the flare gun different shotguns and the extinguisher to maximize burst damage and devastate enemies at close and mid-range now you can master any one playstyle or blend a few of the play styles together but i think that the pinnacle of pyro skill is a blend of all four play styles with some of the best fire players in the world using techniques strategies from all different play styles whenever they need them the best players in the world know when to switch from defense to offense when they could pull off a flank win to wm one versus when to combo however let's focus in on the combo pyro specifically in this video and really learn how to master it as it's a really fun and surprisingly skill-based playstyle in tv fortress 2. so the basics of combat fire is basically when you finish off enemies with a combination of your weapons switching between your flamethrower and a secondary melee instead of just flaming them until they die some example combos include flaming and finishing attack with a panic attack flaming and flare gunning an enemy flaming and using the extinguisher or even combining air blasts into the combos to trap enemies and keep them within your close and most damaging range let's talk about the weapon options for a combo pirate to start with the degreaser is without a doubt the best flamethrower for the combo pyro playstyle i'm going to go into a lot more depth in a future video specifically about degreaser versus stock flavor but for now just trust me when i say the degreaser and its increased switch speed is the best choice for pulling off combos as pyro so let's talk about secondary weapons which is what you're going to be commonly comboing into because there's a wide variety of weapons which are viable and effective for pyron the panic attack in particular is pretty much designed to be used with a combo pyro playstyle it deploys 50 faster and shoots 50 more bullets per shot however the 20 damage penalty and the large shot pan makes it much weaker and more unreliable than the stock shotgun at anything beyond close range the good news however is that the fixed shot pattern makes the panic attack reliable point blank and close range dealing up to 108 damage at point blank range by the way you can avoid the accuracy penalty by adding a very short delay between each of your shots manually shooting in between each one and this resets the bullet spread the reason many players enjoy using the panic attack as a pyro is because your entire game plan is to close the distance on enemies and then kill them at that close range which is where the panic attack thrives and performs better than the stock shotgun or other alternatives like the flare gun the panic attacks ultra fast deploy speed enables a pyro to maximize his burst damage and offers you one of the few ways of dealing with a heavy at point blank range if you're good at comboing as a pirate then you do have a fighting chance of killing a heavier point-blank range where with any of a secondary you'll just die immediately so it's an option to use an anecdote now in comparison the stock shotgun is a little bit less effective than a panic attack at point blank range because only does 90 damage compared to the panic attacks 108 damage shotgun also has a random shot pan which can lead to some unlucky misses in casual servers now and again and in addition the stock shotgun doesn't benefit from the panic attacks 50 faster deployment speed making combos a little bit slower and not offering the same level of combo burst damage as the panic attack however the shotgun is very reliable close in mid-range compared to the panic attack because of why the weapons threat of the panic attack and the bullet damage penalty limits a weapon to only be used at point blank or very close range this means that the stock shotgun is a very useful tool for dealing with enemies who are just outside your flamethrowers short range gives you a way to deal with scouts for example who are harassing you from medium range now the final viable shotgun secondary is the reserve shooter and it's not as bad as you might think it's the stock shotgun but it deploys 20 faster mini crits targets launched by explosions or thermal thrusters but it has a clip size of four instead of six the reserve shooter can be a great middle ground between the panic attack and the shotgun lets you deal with targets at medium range while still slightly improving your switch speed and even let you harass flying soldiers and demo men however the clip size of four means that the weapon can be unreliable at times and you'll sometimes just wish you had to stop shotgun with its clip size of six to begin with but you know you could try out this weapon if you've never used it before just heard that it's not worth using it's actually pretty underrated finally the flare gun is a great firebase option for close medium and even long range creating an enemy with a deflection deals 90 damage the same as a point-blank shotgun blast but you can treat enemies with a flagon at any range this makes it really useful for harassing enemies at medium at long range while still going to use some close range burst damage and power however the flare gun is pretty unforgiving if you miss there's a pretty long reload time compared to the shoot with another shotgun blast and it could be somewhat hard to deal with pyros unless you get good at flare punching them but i will talk about flare punching more in a future video at this point we're also going to rule out the detonator the man melter and the scorch shot for combo pirates the detonator just doesn't give us enough burst damage to warrant using it as a combo weapon a man melter is also just a worse version of the flare gun for combo pyro and the scorch shot is more suited to an offensive or defensive fireplace style but you can try combo away with it just lacks a little bit of upfront burst damage and i don't like recommending it in general but again i'll talk more about this and the score shot in general in a future video for now combo pyro should just focus on the three shotgun variants and the flare gun now if you're enjoying the video learn something new or just want to support my channel then please like comment subscribe and continue watching for more great combo pyro tips i'll also quickly go over the melee options for pyro the extinguisher is the most fun weapon for combo virus and actually underrated by a lot of players i think it's because people remember it on nerfed but it's actually pretty good at the moment it's satisfying and super fun to use the problem is that the home wreck and the power jack are just way too good to pass up with the power jack offering great mobility throughout a map so it has 20 health on kill which can be quite useful at times the home record is really strong makes your presence even more devastating for spy players who now not only have to dodge your flames and spy trekking but if they actually manage to make it to the engineer's building you can just remove the sample with a single swing it's really really strong so i'd recommend using the home record on defense to help out your engine is and the power jack on offense for increased mobility then you get back from spawn to the front line very very quickly however if you want to just do some fun and cool combos of spyro then the extinguisher is absolutely fine to use and underrated like i said so the absolute basics of combo pyro requires you to light an enemy on fire and then switch to a secondary or melee weapon to burst the enemy down with big damage i like to press q which is the last weapon used hotkey switch between my degreaser and my secondary weapon and if i need my melee i just manually choose it by pressing free or your melee weapon hotkey i sometimes also just manually switch between my weapons as and when i need them with one two and three or whatever your weapon category hotkeys are you can even try using wispy the whistling pirate setup where he binds primary to mouse wheel up secondary to mouse wheel down and it's melee to the middle mouse button try out if this is easier for you let me know how you feel the basic combo for shotguns and the flare gun is lighting the enemy on fire air blasting them into the air and then shooting them with a shotgun blast or a flare gun [ __ ] this combo is usually way more than enough to immediately kill classes with 125 health and it's not that hard to finish off demo men medics pyros or soldiers or survive with just a little bit of health remaining even if the enemy survives the initial combo they'll be left on fire and in position for you to follow up with more shotgun blasts another flare or even more flamethrower flames now this is the most widely used combo because it's reliable easy to learn easy to execute and does amazing burst damage to an enemy now another combo is a classic puff and sting where we light an enemy on fire and just use the extinguisher to deal a big burst of mini crit damage you can also include an airblast in this combo to knock them up or trap them in a corner making the melee attack easier to hit now since the extinguisher gives you a speed boost when you kill an enemy it's sometimes useful to melee enemies and use that speed boost to reposition escape or set up even more kills it's also really fun to use and it's effective to use it against enemy pyros letting them run into your flames and then mini creating them while they're in the lingering flames you place now this combat can even be done in midair by laying lingering flames as the enemy pyro is falling down and you can use this technique to create arrows with a flare gun as well you can also pull off sketching style combos with the detonator but you should check out my detonator guide for more detailed information about these kinds of combos and how to use a weapon finally there's the anti-heavy combo with a panic attack giving you a good chance of killing a heavy at close range which should ordinarily be a guaranteed death for you it's pretty hard to pull off effectively but once you get used to the switch speed of your weapons you can use the combo to output some of the highest burst damage in the entire game now i press q or your last weapon used hotkey switch between my degreaser and my panic attack and i usually just hold down primary fire by doing this anti-heavy combo and i just focus on weapon switching correctly as long as you're aiming at the heavy at point blank range you just need to concentrate on weapon switching perfectly and maximize your damage and you have a chance of taking out the enemy heavy we can deal some of the highest burst damage in team fortress 2 with combo pyro with all single target damage if you're up against lots of enemies it can be pretty hard to combo each one before they kill you so i recommend retreating if you're against three or more enemies since you'll probably not be able to kill them all before they kill you you could try comboing one of the weaker enemies and then relying on your degreaser flames and airblasts to deal with the other enemies but again this is in the situation you're expected to win try and pick off a low health enemy with a quick combo and retreat while flaming and airblasting the other enemies i'm also going to do a quick summary of when you should use each secondary weapon and what if the best choices are overall the stock shotgun is great at close and medium range but it's slower to combo than the reserve shooter or the panic attack it also offers less range than the flare gun but more consistent damage against target suit with just outside your flavor range it's also great against enemy pyros as well as vaccinated medics because you have access to two types of damage firing bullets compared to just fire damage with a flare gun use the stock shotgun if you want reliable close and medium range damage you cannot go wrong with this weapon a panic attack is amazing at close range but falls off very very quickly beyond that it's the greatest option if you're on an indoor map or you're fighting at close range often and it encourages you to get into close range where pyro fries you can also perform combos much faster than other secondary weapon alternatives maximizing your burst damage and surprising enemies there's also the anti-heavy combo which i talked about earlier it gives you a chance to win one of pyro's hardest matchups at point blank range use the panic attack if you're able to get into point blank range consistently we want to maximize your burst damaging as enemies it's usually a great choice for combo fires and casual servers the reserve shooter is a nice in-between option that provides a medium range reliability of the shotgun as well as some of the switch speed bonus of the panic attack however the lower clip size makes it unreliable at times mini creating soldiers and development could be useful and surprising but it's not that common to see him flying straight at you and you'd probably prefer to just have your flamethrower out so to reflect any rockets or grenades coming towards you or your team it's a great jack of all trades option and underrated like i said but the other shotgun secondaries are just way better at close and medium range in my opinion the flare gun is a really nice option that works at point blank close medium and even long range once you get good with it you can create enemies from across the map as a firearm and be quite consistent at medium range with it however it's not as good as a panic attack at point blank range doing slightly less damage and not as consistent as a shotgun or reserve shooter at close range it's also quite punishing to miss a flare on an enemy because you have to wait some time after reloading so if you miss a flare versus a scout for example you're just dead compared to the shotguns or you have some chances of winning and you can recover faster if you miss a shot so you should consider the flareon if you're on a map with lots of medium and long range encounters and you can try using it in close range maps as long as you're confident about hitting your flares [Music] so everyone i hope you found this video interesting helpful and cool to watch and i hope this video inspires you to try out humber pyro and for some really fun plays in your own games thanks so much for watching please like comment share subscribe and most of all take care you
Channel: Pirateer
Views: 11,971
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Keywords: tf2, team fortress 2, pyro, pyro guide, tf2 pyro, combo pyro, pyro combo, combo pyro guide, pyro tutorial, pyro 2021, pyro 2022, tf2 pyro guide, tf2 pyro 2021, tf2 pyro 2022, tf2 pyro guide 2021, tf2 pyro guide 2022, Pirateer, Pirateer's Gameplay, video game, teem fortress 2, team foretress 2, team fortres 2, tf3, pyro guid, how to play the pyro, how to combo pyro, heavy vs pyro, tf2 pyro heavy, tf2 kill heavy, tf2 shotgun, tf2 secondary, tf2 pyro flare
Id: xZShaV1CQB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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