Extras from "How it FEELS to Play Demoman in TF2"

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24:49 Look ma! Im on tv!

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t-shirt t-shirt t-shirt hoodie three new designs check the pinned comment hello everybody laser pupil here with another behind the scenes video featuring almost every single opinion and lol laugh out loud moment that didn't fit into how it feels to play demoman don't look at me i'm idiots there's so much to talk about i mean i even have something to say about ragdolls fun fact explosives cause a ragdoll if they don't deal more than 10 damage over lethal and because pipes do a clean 100 damage you can actually farm funny ragdolls against soldiers and heavies stop i have to go now my planet needs me anyway thanks for watching this video guys i hope i covered everything that i missed in the original video i'm pretty sure that the funny ragdolls thing that was the main thing you guys are missing out on so um yeah i read every comment and that was the only thing i seem to see so what oh right all demonic clips fall into one of two categories demonite bad and demo knight is fun as [ __ ] let's forget about this one for just a second and enjoy us some demo knight i gotta be honest i was never really a fan of gemini until i started embracing all the items that recharged your shield charge after every kill oh [ __ ] get me out of here so sorry excuse me i just need to borrow your life force thanks very much so sorry to be a father i really appreciate it it's an exhilarating game plan charge refresh charge refresh and with that charge we're just going to walk away honestly a valve would just make the positioning of these charge packs a little more consistent demo knight might see more competitive play chaining together charges creates these addicting moments of total one-man army domination i'm not sure if there's a better word for this but demo knight is an advantage pusher if he has more health than you and gets in your face with charge there's almost nothing you could do as he goes all out sushi chef on you where was the other team the islander definitely leans into this concept the hardest since its first four kills give you a permanent speed and health boost which is just more raw advantage to push onto anyone you come across i've played several games where i went uncountered walking around accumulating head after head and i'm not sure there's an easier way to get your first 20 kill streak i can't say i feel too great about these games though since they're more of a testament to how stubborn some people can be about certain things what on a totally unrelated note demonite counters spy this can be really convenient when you're fresh out of spawn and looking for that first head not only is demo knight always on the move and hard for spite of chase he's invulnerable to trickstabs if you play your cards right here i turn what is probably just enough to get trick stabbed but because i've maintained my sword's 37 extra melee range there's no opportunity for him to strike some spies are dead set on testing if this is true and you know what god bless him a real ninja never gives up and neither will i only a few spies have ever even concerned me this power level 9000 spy being one of them they vanished nonsense they're just moving very fast trying to feel out their energies honestly though if you want to talk about what counters what a knight with four heads counters almost everything you gotta understand that anything that increases your base movement speed is always gonna be super duper busted i mean consider for a moment that scout is a stick figure with a shotgun and still manages to be one of the best classes in the game look at me now give demo knight that quickness and you'll soon see how much scout relies on his speed advantage oh my god oh my god oh my god damn it [Music] a rarely relevant detail of the islander is that it can steal gathered heads from an enemy demoman but this almost never comes up because the demo with a boost can just come on [ __ ] just check get back here hold on partner you're gonna charge mine without saying daddy get out of my way no what a waste five second rule [Music] okay uh before i get into the complaining i just want to reiterate that demo knight islander or not is a lot of fun to play but my video format doesn't really match it this clip here is some of the most fun i've had in recent memory but it kind of drags on a bit you just gotta keep swinging and swinging what's interesting about it is how long the killstreak goes and how much i just keep swinging if you somehow haven't heard of him solar light's more highlight focused format definitely does demonite more justice and you should check him out for that kind of thing unfortunately what ends up being more discussion worthy about demonite is all the ways he gets completely screwed over and what better place to start than getting trick stabbed embarrassing right wrong ah kind of see demonite is riddled with janky mechanics by far the worst one being that your own teammates take priority for eating your melee hits i am this spy unfortunately when this clearly advanced spy starts doing trick stabby [ __ ] all that my medics see is free overcharge knowing that i'm gonna have to compete with two of my teammates hitboxes i move sloppily and get what i deserve but hey that's a free 25 it's hard to argue that tf2's mainly mechanics aren't just a bit uh how you say [ __ ] up unfortunately due to the way client-side registration works the aggressor always has an absurd advantage in melee duels the fact that this hits me should really say it all man this puts marth to shane watch this sniper's trying to one shot me so i backpedal and try to take advantage of my 37 range advantage but can't even get a single hit in as he suddenly magically extendo reaches me i mean come on and i look don't even get me started on random crits these guys committed their entire loadout to using a sword and then subdued with a bottle just goes why play demonite one can have bottle why you sword when have sharp glass also they're eating each other's melee hits which i intentionally took advantage of and this one is probably just me being inexperienced what the frick does the shield hitbox look like i can't for the life of me figure out how this hit and honestly i don't even like when my shield hits because it tends to send them far away which isn't great when you've committed your entire loadout to melee you have to put up with a lot of consistent [ __ ] if you're playing demonite and we haven't even got into his actual weaknesses see demo knight gets countered i'm not just talking hard countered i'm talking i literally cannot play the game because you are playing pyro please change classes no no please i'm begging you i get one day off a week and i can't handle that this is how it would go but i tried at least spy can shoot pyros demonite has to either run away entirely or you know hope that the pyro spontaneously dies of guilt it's hard to love the process of getting to mid and immediately realizing oh yeah okay i'm not gonna be able to play the game this round that's um i didn't want to anyway uh i swear i have a team i they may they might have slept in can i join you guys also yeah a healthy heavy can be a bit too much to get through 65 damage at a time yes yeah of course it's a different story if the heavy ignores all sensory input heavy feel funny but the biggest weakness you incur as demonite is a near inability to handle centuries please god anybody shoot that thing plea no no it's right there can't anybody else see this thing no this is so painful to watch as demonite the world stops when you see a sentry hey thanks sentry up thank you papa now i can play the game 14 heads dominating the server but all i could do is just watch these [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] i can't tell you how bad i just wanna god one two see that was easy look at what solar light has to do to even approach this situation that's so much effort and he dies for it i think what i'm trying to say with all of this is that it's hard to be melee based in a first person shooter if you're not careful you fall into this spy syndrome of dying after every kill and if the enemy team is ready for you there's not much you can do you may get me once but never twice no matter how fast you charge matter how quick you turn my stickies are the lesson and you'll have to learn demonite just doesn't have enough options i know what you want to do and i'm ready for it he dodged my trap by slamming into the wall was that the biggest outplay of the century or an accident i can't tell even if it was an accident it's proof enough that demonite does have some big brain options to make up for his weaknesses even this top bragging scout fell for the classic oh boy i sure am running away spike and to be fair perhaps one of the most understated upsides of demonite is that you don't have to spend the best years of your life waiting for a number to go from zero to eight [Music] if the situation calls for it you can just keep swinging and swinging and swinging maybe throwing the occasional taunt kill i mean why not really when they feed you one target at a time factory style you definitely start to see the value of your swords infinite ammo but this is where things go off the rails literally demonite can fly it's called shrimping and i am not the best guy to explain it honestly i almost didn't mention it because it's so unintuitive and strange to learn like it didn't click for me until i slept on it a few nights [Music] i don't want to do this anymore dude i don't want to do this anymore but once it did click it felt like i had rediscovered rocket jumping which i don't say lightly i started seeing all my favorite maps with new eyes wondering what certain slopes could do for me now i don't think i could consistently do this harvest rollout but swishing into that window felt so clean if you want to learn trimping i suggest you start with jump trimp b1 who knows with enough practice you might be able to give sticky bombs a run for their money just be warned that the learning process can be steep and even when you get to where you're going don't forget you're still playing demo night okay okay now this whole time i've been talking from the perspective of a full-on demo night but a lot of these most embarrassing problems can be solved by ditching the booties and keeping your grenade launcher on hand but then i ask is it truly demo night yeah of course it is go nuts okay all right we have got to move on to demoman side grades no there's something i have to do an important mission that i've been paid a healthy sum to carry out and that mission is to find the one guy who thinks he can get away from honey yeah this video is sponsored by honey the guys that are trying their damnedest to give you free money it's free we all know the pain of shopping online seeing that coupon code box and wishing we knew what secrets it was holding but no more honey automatically finds and tries all available coupon codes for you demo plushie soldier poster pyro mousepad honey's applying the coupons see that supplying the coupons oh nine dollars and 15 cents off and i didn't have to do anything no no it's too much yeah too much savings and it's all because i downloaded the honey extension from joinhoney.com lazypurple honey does all the work for you so you never know when it's gonna strike ah honey oh my i didn't expect to see you here i'm just i'm just buying a non-plastic water bottle please don't trouble yourself what what coupons could there possibly be what that's impossible there's no way as you can see because honey works with over 30 000 stores like new egg razor and teespring you'll be pleasantly surprised with coupons wherever you go get it now absolutely free at joinhoney.com lazypurple and to that one unlucky son of a [ __ ] who still hasn't installed it i'll find you do you have honey installed yeah yeah yeah all right you'd better i'll find you and when i do i am going to save you so much money it'd be a shame for something to happen now yeah you know what to do join honey.com lazypurple okay side grades the lock and load i hate it the 25 projectile speed buff is not distinct enough from the stock launcher it fries all the muscle memory in my brain and i don't like that so then the iron bomber is so disgustingly close to stock that i can't possibly have an opinion on it it just it actually just takes the life out of me it's probably better or something but dear god look what it's taught this new player to do he is literally shooting his pipes at his feet this is genuinely sad to see now the loose cannon that's a side grade completely different projectile size and travel speed with a uniquely quirky charging mechanic i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing and that's all right here's its gimmick if you perfectly charge a direct hit with this thing it deals a mini crit double donk totaling about 130 damage and if you can get yourself in the right situation at the right distance did you know that dopamine is the molecule responsible for motivation and pleasure seeking [Music] what can i say this thing is a dopamine factory when things go your way with the loose cannon there are just so many sounds and and colors yeah yes yes it can hit as many targets as it goes through have you ever heard such a beautiful sound playback play it back i can listen to that all day [Music] okay okay enough fun enough fun here's my hot take the loose cannon fills the same role as sticky spam well look look i'll explain it pops off at this exact mid-range where sticky spam is most effective then when you need to defend yourself up close it becomes really awkward to deal more than 50 damage at a time and not only that all this charge time eats up what could be reloading time not even stickies struggled that hard yes it is undoubtedly hilarious instant karma when you one shot a cocky scout but i think this weapon clashes with the default sticky launcher instead of supplementing it however it very nicely complements them i gotta admit i was not ready to give the quickie bomb launcher a chance but i came to see that the 70 decrease in charge time is peculiarly applicable if you've ever wanted to role play an artillery cannon this is the weapon for you and yeah obviously the quicker detonation time can save your bacon but i was surprised at how infrequently this scenario even came up i don't think you're supposed to sticky snipe all the time but being able to go from sticky spamming to immediately catching out a medic's escape is the kind of utility that just might be worth giving up half your clip i can't stress it enough when the charge time comes in clutch oh it's filthy i truly believe that if you fully committed to mastering the charge time quickies could just about match stickies but you risk putting in more effort for less results just choose what's more fun for you anyway whatever your opinion is on the quickie launcher at least it's not the scottish uh the it's not the scottish it's not the scottish resistance i think now is a great time to remind you guys that i am very biased i form my opinions based on how i like to play the game i like to walk forward all the time i'd rather get a multi-kill than a kill streak and the scottish was the scottish resistance goes against everything i want to do this is my job um blue team come on i mean if we just cap for free that also works can't read chat right now i'm very busy all right job's done the most aggressive thing you can do with the scottish resistance is shake your fisted people yeah you better run oh just you wait you wait for it what cracks me up is that you actually can scare people back by spamming this thing but psychological damage doesn't show up on the leaderboard man that ain't worth nothing okay actually it is worth a chuckle oh my god yes i get it the dream scenario for this thing is to have three lethal traps set up all with envision so that you can stuff the highly organized three-pronged offensive push that a casual team is totally capable of organizing what no no no it's all falling apart my kingdom all right we got one in most cases i can't seem to get more than two kills but i mean that's that's reasonable two kills you're only one person whatever what i didn't expect is that since you have to flick your crosshair to the relevant sticky trap having three traps ends up being pretty intense epic but i'm sure you can imagine what counters a demoman that is obsessively watching for places at once no eric mendes and sure it takes skill to use i was forced to get more creative with my traps than ever since trapping was my only option but again it's just it's not worth the effort the most skills i ever got with this thing was spamming it at a choke not theory crafting creative trap spots it's obviously not for me but if you like playing level three engineer you'll probably get something out of the scottish this thing you'll like this thing and it can't be that terrible right i mean a sticky is a sticky it it'll eventually solve a problem you lay them down and come to team fortress 2. who is that after nine years in development huh hopefully it will have been worth the wait no you wouldn't i've avoided mentioning random crits in almost all of my videos because i just don't think that they belong in any discussion of tier 2's core balance i can't tell you how many clips i have that would have made a great point about the game's balance but end up being invalidated by a random crit this clip is a great example haha yeah very funny but this would have been an excellent clip to show that dispensers become magnets for splash damage instead it becomes aren't random crits funny aren't random crits funny that's the only thing you can take from this yes i'm not stupid random crits are inherently funny but it's like a joke i've heard a thousand times i just feel bad now especially with how devastating critical stickies are but yeah i'm talking about random chris now because demomans are oh yeah they're uh they're truly something are you all ready for that you're not ready for this just just watch now that's what i call gameplay that feel when crit sticky see the crits krieg that's different these crits are earned through the power of friendship it's really a beautiful story i earn a medic's trust through trial and tribulation the medic grants me godly powers i kill seven heathens and ascend straight to heaven definitely some undertones of greek classicism here very tasteful in competitive matches nothing blows the enemy defense open quicker than a maximum velocity crit sticky right at their medic keep up that aggression and the defense may never recover hey how's it going bronze my name is you could easily argue that sticky bombs are the best crits weapons yeah that's right i gotcha after all that talk of side grades and fun having we come back to the sticky launcher i don't know why i have this burning need to keep proving that sticky bombs take skill but god dang it i just love this thing so much it has so much nuance and is inarguably one of the most unique weapons in any first person shooter whether it's perfectly charging a sticky so that it skirts under the ceiling and tags a retreating scout or making the split-second decision to jump at a sniper and sync up a sticky with a pipe sticky bomb gameplay is as quick and dynamic as you allow it to be hell you may even find yourself in the middle of those two things charging a sticky towards a sniper before making the split-second decision to jump in for a more secure kill decisions decisions decisions even sticky traps can be big brain in this clip i intentionally shoot a seemingly random pipe because i fully predicted that my soldier would scare this enemy pyro into air blasting switching the pipe's team affiliation so that it launches my sticky trap towards the enemy team for this triple kill that's a joke the more vigilant you are the more sticky bombs do for you by staying mindful at all times and tossing stickies around corners you can save yourself from getting camped now that's definitely peak try harding but let's be real default sticky bombs are a tryhard's forte if you see a demo with default stickies rest assured that they are all business but god dang it you know what as long as there are engineers around you can call me the ceo of blown [ __ ] up oh and by the way i was too drunk to say it last video but it isn't the engineer's fault that half of you are walking into these cheesy sentries oh [ __ ] that one's on me maybe if some of y'all would respect what engineer brings to the table and play explosive classes more often there wouldn't be so much engineer hate to begin with oh this again okay i'll be right back all right sit back and allow me to simply calculate the optimal projectile arc and there see how easy it can be yes but i digress sticky bombs are a contender for best weapon in the game but they do have some downsides unfortunately it took me eight months to find any of them no no no can't make those jokes sticky bombs are balanced probably but when sticky bombs go bad oh they go bad [Music] [Applause] oh my god oh he's dead oh he's definitely dead oh god that sniper from team fortress 2 is dead i what people mean is like in competitive games how oh foxes yeah and you remember my advice about keeping your sticky bombs undetonated every now and then that'll bite you what i was standing on a sticky bomb and this what this one is such a fringe situation i played demoman for a competitive highlander team and our scout was named dead and i had set up the sticky trap by spawn and i asked our spy to tell me when to detonate it and when the round started that all came together and i'm gonna tell you one today i'm ready okay dead maybe play a little bit back source i heard dead and i heard dead [Applause] can't yell it dead when i'm waiting for a debt call okay but actual complaints every now and then sticky traps just uh don't what whoa whoa 62. someone in chat had to explain this one to me this demo knight charges right onto my stacked trap and walks away in one piece apparently if you're in range of your own trap and detonate tf2 first calculates how many stickies are necessary just to kill you then detonates that many and lets the rest fizzle out what so only two stickies detonated and the rest you can see here they just break okay but i embrace all this nonsense because if you ask me sticky bombs can be one of the funniest things in tf2 right right this is this is funny right guys i'm sorry heavies but i find it funny every single time i catch one of you eating oh yeah and if you fully commit to keeping your stickies undetonated like i said you never know when the game will pleasantly remind you that shooting your ninth sticky causes the first one you shot to detonate that's dead look i just can't shut up about sticky bombs i honestly believe that stock demoman is a marvel of game design and i hope you can tell that my talking about it for 22 minutes was genuinely a result of how passionate i am about it oh and i barely even mentioned sticky jumping [Applause] [Music] ah sticky jumping i have a long and storied history of using the sticky jumper to get to where i shouldn't be just to see what happens i went through this obnoxious phase in 2014 where i would run stickyjumper in competitive sixes lobbies just to do this every round and go oh my god medic down like i had just saved the day or something i'd probably be embarrassed to know how many rounds i attempted this but it seems to have been most effective on badlands probably because the badlands rollout is so slow without this gimmick yeah cause that's what this was a gimmick the same gimmick over and over again oh my god what was i trying to prove what medic to be frank though the sticky jumper definitely dances on the line of i'm not sure if this loadout is a joke or not like yeah i blew up a sentry base and dropped their medic if this loadout is a joke the enemy team is not laughing i began to wonder if it's a viable full-time loadout with its own strategies when i noticed that you could bait scouts into melee range by pretending you're gonna jump away oh my god this is genius but honestly every clip is mostly the same i do a crazy jump and pull off something wacky with my pipes oh what okay that is a spicy triple kill i'll tell you what now this is a rare clip i shoot at this sniper and we can't see it but my pipe somehow perfectly lobs over and one shots an engineer that was moving his sentry gun now that's unfortunate packing up moving away from the sticky jumper here's the one and only time that i think a sticky trap messed with my jump okay but you know since i'm here might as well press some buttons thank you so much hey yeah man you can count on me i i saw you were in trouble over here and i had to help anytime oh and let me be clear i don't care who shot the sticky bomb as long as it gets me where i'm going and lastly you might be surprised to hear that the base jumper is entirely viable on certain maps look at this little guy he has no idea what's going on how could he yeah i'm convinced this is basically the end game of tf2 there's nothing that counters it all hope is lost okay now self damage you can tell i'm getting burnt out when i use this transition self damage is the factor that ensures demoman will always hate close quarters combat i was popping off in this clip until this gibbous engineer literally kills me just by walking at me if anyone gets in your melee range that tends to be it lights out i mean you gotta love when it's completely out of your control and someone just jumps in your face hey look i shape-shifted into a dead guy or you know teleports in your face i am a god in the most embarrassing case i can't even grapple with a teleporter without basically shredding myself to pieces yeah get away from me thankfully there's a bright side you can actually use this damage to pipe jump away from enemies you can't deal with just make sure you don't accidentally pipe jump oh oh yeah and speaking of pipes pipes you can shoot rollers and that's good sometimes uh okay i'm really running out of ways to put these clips together all right [ __ ] it let's do production almost every time i stream someone asks me if i'm still suffering in sfm and the answer is yeah the only difference is that now instead of channeling my exasperation into a 15 minute video about it i just kind of go and fix it after properly enjoying it of [Music] course i'm just used to it at this point i've basically developed a language for having a workflow with all these bugs i sound like a madman hmm to get slow-mo into real mo blood particles it might be valid to have off-screen times 20 blood that has already acted for about a frame and then motion edit appear them there are so many boring little problems with no explanation why won't the lower arms of this cosmetic render in this scene no matter what i do this cost me hours why is pyro the only class that can't explode forcing me to manually animate it why can't i make a keyframe here yep it's hard to show here but i am not exaggerating when i say that the most important function in the entire program keyframes stopped working because of how complicated and bloated the first animations project file got i had to split the scene into two project files to even finish him but as always sfm makes up for it a bit by blessing us with some comedy i just reported this animation [Music] he's coming at you like he lost his ice cream like he dropped his ice cream [Music] what's up guys what are we talking about and who knows every now and then you might get some cool album art because your lights go into negative brightness values whoa that's pretty sick dude by far the kookiest part was making the minecraft scene i had to learn myself a little bit of hammer editor to make it something i told myself i'd never do and let's just say i needed some help what's this who's this all those errors were caused by the minecraft grass of all things i can't believe i'm saying this but it ended up being a multi-day project with help getting the grass properly ported to sfm look at this beauty every instance of grass renders gray and converges onto one point far off the map if you can even begin to explain to me how this happened you should probably apply for a job at valve okay all right despite all this hammed up complaining i feel bad for saying outright that this video was actually really rough to make i've always been a bit of a perfectionist but this series has pushed that to the extreme this might sound like an obvious realization but i think that six months is probably the upper limit of what anyone should spend on any project by themselves after that point the project gets so complicated with so many moving parts that it feels like working through quicksand any effort in one direction seems to cause more problems in another direction this gets even worse when dealing with something that might be a matter of opinion for instance knowing that my love of sticky bombs might fall deaf on the ears of those who complain about sticky spamming is the sort of thing that causes me a lot of anxiety and leads to a lot of script rewriting but more than anything this year has been [ __ ] we all know this year has been [ __ ] but i i went through more personal [ __ ] than i'd like to admit between a wave of depressive episodes and realizing that so many of my bad habits might be rooted in adhd i've had my personal battles flipped upside down this year and when you're a perfectionist working on a video that will be seen by millions of people when you're not at your best feels impossible i've been getting therapy since february and it's helped so much to anyone struggling i cannot recommend it enough if you are even able at all to get it even if there's nothing you know quote wrong with you we all have something we're dealing with and it's worth working through i really do hope that some of you will join me in the mentality of not just surviving this year but holding on to the lessons that it's taught us and moving forward grateful for everything that we do have and what we can change but hey enough of that wishy-washy stuff remember the time i got drunk on stream how can i make how it feels to play demoman if i don't get drunk once while playing him tell me holy [ __ ] no come on god an extremely clear and energized brain oh that's a pog uber i got backstabbed the second it happened what is happening i swear to god it is easier to play demoman while you're drunk i swear to god this is easy why why are we getting spun camped by scoober here i come here i go [Music] here what i heard a pan [ __ ] oh god i had my face down on my desk wait am i in am i in vr mode right now i think i'm in vr mode i think i'm in vr mode hold on my boy is gone i'm not gone dude i'm right here let me just look at my hands that tends to sober me up oh [ __ ] i got two hands oh [ __ ] dude i have two hands and i'm alive we're alive we can do anything we want hey you guys have you heard a homestuck i'm okay i'mma wait what's your name hold on dk is my white food i'm okay i'll live through this stream tk is my wife oh i'm hiccuping every two seconds anything that happens after this point i am not res a nice glass of water with water i didn't i didn't think i'd be hiccuping that's embarrassing embarrassing how [ __ ] hiccuping the rootscape nostalgia in two hours since that's told you oh man every now and guys i might be i might be done talking now that's more like it after this tumultuous production cycle i'm as grateful as ever for my amazingly generous patrons like ziki waffle the ice owl aftox arrow sky cameron dr manhattan project happy purple jonathan pierceo scarlett vae zeifer corey shen freyash red czyro isabelle bliss it's katie king madding livernox max grows handler richtee saw canadian sumpug the one true goblin username and three thank you so much
Channel: LazyPurple
Views: 8,293,010
Rating: 4.9434371 out of 5
Keywords: lazypurple, lazy, purple, demo, demoman, tf2, team fortress 2, how it feels
Id: v2t6iP4mWvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 57sec (2337 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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