How it FEELS to Play Demoman in TF2

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

All that's left is Medic now right? Save the best for last.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 148 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Aimer_NZ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Another great video! Hopefully we can get it higher up on the front page this time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JKCodeComplete πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


At 19:03 as Lazy leaves spawn you can clearly see 3 enemy stickies above the door. The Medic, seeing them, stays out of their range in an attempt to save his uber. But why, you may ask, didn't the Medic simply uber Lazy before he walked through the door? Since the accused isn't present to defend his actions I have come up with 2 possible theories.

1.) The Medic's intention all along was to uber Lazy but only once they passed the lip to make full use of the invincibility. As there are few situations where Lazy could have died walking up the hill an uber there would have several micro seconds wasted. The Medic wished to wait until the stickies were blown or cleared in some way but Lazy was too impatient to even see them there to begin with.

2.) The Medic, seeing Lazy blindly walk through an obviously trapped doorway, decided Lazy would not be worth the uber. If you were a medic and watched your partner walk over a carpet of stickies would you still want to uber them? No. If your partner walked along the 2fort battlements despite the obvious sniper dots lining the wall would you still wish to pocket them? No. These are the signs of a bad player and the Medic made a judgment call. Did he make the correct call? Probably not. But that's not what this trial is about.

In conclusion fuck engineers.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 80 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MillionDollarMistake πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun fact, he was actually drunk during the drunk section. Source: stream

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fedacking πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The demopenis music fucking killed me dude

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Stankorplank πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Demoknight better be in the behind the scenes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheEndOfDeath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

wait, why'd the announcement post get over 10k upvotes & the actual video doesn't even have 1,000

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ElTigreChang1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

No word of demokight, doesn’t lazy know of the glory demokight tf2

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DraughtMarrow50 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
come on fellaini we must stop little car yeah help incoming [Music] double charge it [Music] oh oh do you know what that was that was a recreation of a competitive clip featuring a very brave pyro and the reality of how quickly an uber demoman could cut the enemy team in half with that lucky sticky kill on the scout and the quick switch to grenades i'm able to blow up three players and leave a fourth one fending for his life make no mistake demoman is really powerful throw some sticky bombs over here and toss some pipe grenades over there and before you know it boom skadoosh blue team gone but set down a new player as mr only has projectiles and you'd better be prepared to cover your ears go to hell the learning process for demoman looks something like this spamming stickies with no sense of timing while relegating the grenade launcher to you know emergencies and the strategy can work to an extent because let's be honest having eight explosives loaded in one gun is kind of ridiculous oh oh my god uh guys do the geneva convention supply to video games but hold on stickies can't be detonated for 0.7 seconds after shooting them so don't be surprised if sticky spamming gets you killed by every other scout i don't usually kill morons as fast soldier scotland is not a real country sniper you're worth it and spy indeed you drunken wretch you are an embarrassment so is the god forsaken squad [Music] so sticky spamming isn't perfect do we give up no we just do it better as long as you stay about this far away from the action at this point where your stickies travel the entire length of their arm time you should be free to go on a rampage it just makes everything so much easier this distance puts you in control and ensures that you'll never have to do anything difficult ever again oh man you suck yeah at some point you're gonna have to learn more than sticky spamming but don't worry there's a reason these things are designed to stick ability to control when stickies explode provides perhaps the most consistent source of kills in the entire game the sticky trap not only can you consistently lock down a choke point with a sticky bomb launcher you can then reload the damn thing and be ready to pick apart the pack of panicked perpetrators after the fact stop that but there's more to it than just dumping stickies on choke points you can store a bunch of damage anywhere hey red team that was a great uber charge can't wait to see the next one exert a little patience if you find some unsuspecting snipers lay down two stickies at once so they can't even respond to the detonation and if a medic so happens to walk into them that's an epic stinky trap put some distance between you and those cheeky scouts with just one sticky just one sticky wait does this count as a sticky trap does that mean is every sticky bomb its own trap [Music] you've seen it haven't you the power within each sticky bomb yes yes i see every sticky i shoot guards the entire radius around it the very idea of a trap is subjective good now that you see the power of every undetonated sticky you have opened your third eye a second eye i get it now that's the beauty of manual detonation if i stay calm and don't detonate it doesn't matter that these stickies were meant for this spy they're the perfect trap for this rocket dropping soldier i was totally expecting stickies haven't missed until you detonate them no choke point no problem with enough stickies and enough patience the entire world becomes one big choke point stop it all this sticky trapping seems almost too good right but without vulnerable all this sticky trapping seems almost too good i'm talking here all this sticky trapping seems almost too good right okay now there are two of them what kind of sick joke is this is it safe can i keep it uh all this sticky trapping seems almost too good right but with how comically vulnerable he is to being bum rushed i think it's fine to reward demoman for seeing it coming we've been expecting you of course sticky traps don't detonate themselves no skill you scared me into detonating too early a good sticky trap demands your full attention in other words demoman is designed to have tunnel vision that's right the class with one eye has tunnel vision deep lore when i'm setting up an important trap in the heat of the moment it's not realistic for me to turn around between each sticky and reset my crosshair in other words if i'm gonna get stabbed mother of mercy i'm gonna get stabbed ah but forget the spies at snipers for a minute the last thing you want is to become your own worst enemy i mean okay i don't know if it's just me but after growing emotionally attached to some carefully laid sticky trap that will surely get a triple kill and make daddy proud i struggle to pay attention to anything else as i play with one hand behind my back for 40 seconds getting nothing done until i finally say [ __ ] it and randomly detonate somehow killing a horribly unfortunate spy you appear to have trodden on the mine i am the spy but perhaps the most harrowing downside is that when it comes time to push forward you may be given a choice no i can't detonate here not now i'll die for sure but my team but i deserve to live if i die if i die no no no [Applause] no i let them down i can't keep relying on this thing man sure it's consistent but it's so slow what if i need damage now if death stares me in the face if my targets are launched there's only one thing to rely on then [Music] i live for pipe grenades the thrill of trusting your instincts and saying i don't care that you have a medic because i'm just gonna hit three pipes in a row alright see you later goodbye the power i feel melting one heavy after the other granting them the power of flight while accidentally killing those around them and the rush of knowing that the only way i'm getting out alive is two clean pipes hitting two pipes on scouts ain't easy but it always kills even if they're over healed denied no no no no no no that medic did not just perfectly tie my healing crossbow bowl in between my two pipes he did not hello yeah police i'd like to report a robbery to guarantee the second pipe do your best to shoot the first one at their feet it'll pop him right up for an easy toofer okay heavy are you sure you want to play this game this doesn't tend to work out for you oh dear it appears i have underestimated my opponent's critical thinking skills while simultaneously overestimating my body's ability to effectively move around corners i should take note for the future not to chase explosive wielding enemies around side corners as they naturally have a sizeable advantage due to not requiring a direct line of sight to deal bodily harm it certainly does not help that i am at my most sluggish while revving up my gun a precursor to shooting aforementioned gun and therefore killing my enemy oh [ __ ] shooting for the feet can be a gamble but when it works oh it works baby landing pipes will always feel amazing because you can't take a single one of them for granted you never know when even that scoped in sniper is just gonna get up and move yo yo i'm joking i'm joking i miss on purpose it's a joke i'm friendly hitting pipes is often the difference between living and dying and almost every time it comes down to intuition owning you you eat [ __ ] when you're in the kind of fast-paced situation that calls for pipes there's no time to ask yourself questions about air strafing or hitboxes pure intuition extends that intuition to your sticky bombs and it won't be long until you're landing one two punches like it's nothing but how does one access all of this intuition my best advice to equip the sticky jumper a no damage launcher that allows you to do incredible triple midair jumps forcing yourself into the enemy base so that you can get in as much practice as possible pipes are great i like pipes i love pipes so that you can get in as much practice as possible remember that pipes are best aimed at large unmissable groups so keep an eye out and large unmissable groups so keep an eye out for those good opportunities uh and never underestimate the element of surprise hello move snap that's right that's that's right that's right it's my job to destroy these centuries and these centuries and these centuries and god might might am i seeing okay or is that a lot of engineers that's a lot of engineers i buy i see ya uh but the the thing that i can't [ __ ] get all right and listen because this is this is serious these close-up sentries that don't serve any purpose other than just catching people off guard you're not even defending anything you're just you know the scrap the scout walks by he goes hey mama playing the game i'm having fun that's not fair but engineers aren't gonna stop building these things until people stop walking into them all right so please i'm begging you to just check your corners and never let these engineers get away with this before your class okay my hold on your wanker is changing oh my god dang it no this isn't even defending anything this century is just mean all right i will make sure that you suffer for this but beyond but more but i'll go even further you know what i don't want to be too mean but you engineers have to know how dead you are how much a double man can just take control i feel bad for this guy honestly i'm sorry get this engine here this isn't necessarily your fault but i've got to send them nothing oh no no no this engineer has the dispenser teleporter all the setup i can't have that i'm sorry engineer but this is the end for you yeah that's exactly what it's like that's that's the one that's the [ __ ] engineers man they don't have a chance what if you thought that was sad just wait to hear about the dispensers these holy cities solely they're solely deliverers of healing and ammo it's so easy for demoman to turn them into death traps i mean i almost feel bad they go to this back to this place that is supposed to be safe and give the heels but no i i'm sorry but what really rubs the salt in the wounds is that the dispensers don't move so let me explain the uh grenade the pipes the the downside of the pipes the grenade launcher is that uh it's hard to hit moving targets right but dispensers don't move and not only that everybody likes to be around dispensers so you shoot the dispensers and whoa what a surprise everybody dies it's almost poetic but no matter how you twist it i'm gonna always be their engineers i'm gonna make your life as hard as i can you can run you can hide you can try to save your buildings but i'll be there i don't care if you have the high ground it doesn't matter to me okay mission accomplished this this engineer's team actually cares about him and his positioning and his base and that's gonna be a problem i'm gonna need a medic and to talk about that i'm gonna need some coffee so yes demoman can trounce centuries all day long but sometimes he needs help and sometimes our german friend is not in the mood to cooperate if we can get default uber i will destroy all centuries and more no no huh hold it but then how else do you expect to get through multiple sentry nests oh please i assure you the jury is waiting with baited breath to hear it i am putting all of you negligent medics on trial just watch i yell out medic to get his attention you know we're starting it simple i then say hit it doc and charge it doc he looks me in the eyes after i say this he keeps his beam on me and keeps looking at me according to page 14 section 4 subsection 3 of tf2 etiquette this officially means we have bonded which according to subsection 3 means he has to uber me i then cannot stress enough that he kept his beam on me unbroken for the entirety of the remaining 16 seconds then and can we get the footage on this for the for the jury to see thank you in direct response to me taking my first steps into danger disconnected his beam leaving me for dead ladies and gentlemen of the jury i was baited he ubered the heavy who could not even leave spawn the heavy dies immediately why medic why can be fighting the entire enemy front line with a fully charged christmas behind me only to turn around and see i understand ubering a heavy on the objective but i swear half of these guys are just trying to reenact me the medic what are you doing i have no idea [Applause] the uber's already over oh my god in all seriousness demo does need a little help in most altercations since he's not exactly meant to be taking them uh anyone anyone at all please god help to turn around this is a real freaking embarrassment yeah i know demoman is an absurdly powerful damage dealer but if someone wants him dead it's not that hard to find an opening i say this because i want you to remember that demo does have some shortcomings as i proudly display this ridiculous clip of me defending the last two feet of payload by safely stuffing an uber charge with pre-emptive stickies insta-killing a crits heavy then destroying a sentry along with the engineer building it before going ahead to accidentally kill someone intentionally kill someone and finally out snipe a sniper god i love this class so get out there and lay some traps hit some pipes but most of all make sure someone out there regrets picking engineer screw you i'm gonna go put your back into it ladder yes sir you're doing good live affirmative brag here yes nice that wasn't supposed to happen looks like you all could use well a little help oh god my head is killing me please i guess that'll do thanks oh hello engineer hey guys once again there's more within a few weeks of uploading this i'll have a behind-the-scenes extras video uploaded with all sorts of bonus clips this video is not sponsored but i have rolled out a teespring storefront featuring their highest quality t-shirts and sweatshirts i wear these all the time and i swear they're really comfortable anyways that's enough from me if the bonus video is ready it'll be right here thank you so much to every patron that patiently made this video possible that includes zekey aftox aerosky filth dr manhattan project happy purple canation waffle vay cory sen isabelle it's katie king madding libernox max grows handler page of mirth richty stock canadian the one true goblin and three
Channel: LazyPurple
Views: 10,107,202
Rating: 4.9527135 out of 5
Keywords: lazypurple, lazy, purple, tf2, team fortress 2, how it feels, demoman
Id: 7vzfeyh-ow8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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