Exposing TRASH TikTok "Health & Fitness" (Natacha Océane)

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[Music] guys gals non-bearing air pals today's video it's a little bit different but i'm really really excited about it because this is a topic that a lot of people have been talking about and it's something that i've been wanting to talk about and i heard that this video is actually really comprehensive and actually a really just a really good video that kind of goes over the whole issue so today we are going to be talking about natasha ocean's video where she talks about tick tock health and fitness and how it is completely wild so the title of the video is literally tick tock health and fitness is completely wild alrighty uh so let's see what she has to say okay my friends we are visiting the amazing and crazy world of health and fitness i was very confused i'm not gonna lie the music was like playing and i was like is this part of the video i'm i'm i'm lost it's on tick tock today just be prepared to be unprepared you know i i don't know what to tell you we're going head first so we're gonna take a little stroll through hashtag health hashtag fitness and just see what's going the most viral and after a bit of searching through health and fitness i feel like tic toc is going to be like we got them boys customer required let's dish out the good stuff on the for you page let's get her hooked and i'm just curious you know period blood is a face whoa yo what look at his face look at him look at his face he said why why am i here please save me that's right people are putting their watery warm not so pleasant smelling why are you yelling three blood on their face for 15 to 20 minutes as a face mask there's copyright music on this one so i'm gonna have to you guys get the gist she's putting period blood on her face as a face mask to tell you that you shouldn't put period blood on your face as a face mask this is never a question that i've personally ever asked myself i've never thought this is the one secret trick i feel like if we just somehow trace this one back to its origins gweneth paltrow is involved [Laughter] yeah that was good that was that was a good one this this has her name on it but either way i'm glad that she's saying that we shouldn't do it and there's no scientific evidence for it okay so we're moving on to exercise tips now now this one has 35 million views so you know that is some good some really good advice do you want a flat stomach and toned abs in just 10 days the japanese ab exercise i'm about to show you will do just that bro this this stuff is rampant on tick tock and it's dude it's so frustrating it's just absolute garbage garbage and like she said freaking 5.3 million likes like oh first grab a foam roller or a rolled up towel and place it under your navel lay back and then extend your legs all the way out making sure that your feet are facing inwards next extend your arms behind you palms facing down pinkies touching hold this position for five minutes ten days in a row and you should start to see results they said lay down down lay down and you'll get a flat stomach well perfect i just need to lay down perfect do you want a flat stomach was that it she's not that's just not doing any excess no exercise so one you can't spot reduce fat which i've spoken about before but on top of that this one isn't even like there's just no exercise involved whatsoever why is this five minutes a day different to you lying down in bed asleep for eight hours a day a freaking man dude because you have a towel under your lower back and your arms are out who believes this stuff man oh my god is it the towel maybe it's the towel in which case i'm telling you what towels are gonna be coming off the shelves after this video so i went ahead and bought this i rubbed it all over my stomach because that's where i want to lose the weight i hate i hate these things so much oh my god i cannot stand i cannot stand these waist trimmer things bro they're everywhere they're everywhere i oh man dude i put my wrap on really tight and halfway through my jog and after bro it's just sweat it it's just sweat like people always post this like they take their wrap off and they're sweating a ton it's like so what yeah you wore a freaking trash bag around your waist your sweat more congratulations like what is the bro i [Music] how are these guys still here sweet sweat is like the cockroach of social media it will come up on a platform we'll all realize that it's just and it gets killed off on that platform like youtube and then it just waits around in like the dark the dark corners you know bro it's still on instagram i'll tell you that much it is still on instagram like strong strong you're not looking it's just with his little antennae just waiting around and then tick-tock comes up and it just it peeks back out and then you know one day you're just living your life so let me i i know i kind of interrupted her when it comes to these like tremors or anything that makes you sweat a lot if it makes you sweat in an area that is not going to make you lose fat okay you might lose weight and it will be water weight but you drink some water and that weight is coming right back so if anyone tries to sell you these freaking waste trimmers or these waste shapers like that are all about making you sweat more and then your waist will get smaller dude it's literally a waste of money do not spend money on that okay like you will lose weight but that's just water weight that will come back right when you drink some water okay like you think you've killed off sweet sweat and then boom 3.2 million views on tick tock i was gonna say like i wonder where this has come from like why who invited you back you have to look very far kylie kylie back again with episode 2466 of products endorsed by kylie she really is she really is the best at this i have to give it to her the thing is i have seen her videos of her little daughter stormy on tik tok and it is really cute i guess the problem with sweet sweat and not even them just like any product that gives you the illusion that you're working out more intensely like wearing a black bin bag to go for a run or running in the midday sun or whatever it is like that gives you the illusion that you're working out hard your rate of perceived exertion is not the same as your actual exertion exactly and another thing that's important is like when it comes to sweating one everyone sweats at different rates so like just because you're not sweating a lot doesn't mean that you're not having a good workout this is something i deal with all the time whenever i post like pictures of because i sweat a lot i just i just do which i've always been like that it's honestly worse now than it was when i was overweight i i sweat a lot so every time i post after i'm done working out and i'm drenched in sweat people like oh i feel like i don't work out hard enough because i don't sweat as much as you it literally doesn't matter we all sweat a different amount and so like going on a jog wearing a plastic bag it seems like oh i'm working so hard because i sweat so much but it's not change it's not making you burn any more calories it's not going to make fat go away all it's doing is making you sweat more and lose more water weight that will come right back that's all it's doing so if you don't sweat a lot it doesn't mean that you're not working hard you just might not sweat that much and that's just genetics like just because you feel more sweaty doesn't mean that you actually had a better workout and that's the problem like seeing your stomach sweat it actually doesn't mean what we really care about is true exertion like how much energy you're actually putting out it's independent of how you feel so you have to give yourself like the optimal conditions to train so that's the genius of sweet sweat they create an environment around your stomach where you start like it's a non-sweat-wicking fabric so all of the sweat just accumulates your stomach's at such a high hot temperature that all it can do is sweat but you're not actually it's just an illusion it's actually kind of genius to be fair to them but there's no increase in fat loss and there's definitely no spot reduction in fat around your stomach and in reality it would actually make your it would actually make your workout one less like you're getting less out of the workout because the more that you sweat if you're not replenishing those electrolytes like you end up you will end up like running out right so like it literally can make your workout less effective because you're feeling like this is so hard and then you don't actually finish the workout like it's oh dude it's so frustrating man okay this better go viral i swear to god no one has done this video and i'm so this girl also has a flat stomach miracle trick and she also says this video better go viral i mean if this isn't tick tock i don't know what is if you want abs you know you have abs muscle whatever but you can't get rid of that pouch or the beer belly or whatever it is and you can't get rid of it this caloric deficit my miracle trick i've been doing since high school i have told my trainer about this and she said since high school aka she's 19 years old she's been doing it for one year she swears by it like it's a miracle idea so you know how you go to the gym you do your workouts you do your abs it's usually in the morning middle day whatever it is you're doing it wrong guys do your abs before bed for eight hours when you sleep you don't drink you don't eat meaning oh my god she really thought she did something right there dude stomach does not expand so those muscles you just worked on work 10 times better than when you usually just eat right after a workout man she doesn't even it didn't even sound like she believed what she just said she said 10 times better maybe i don't know i made this up just now it works i swear to god i get abs within a week flat abs no fat it works try it guys miracle miracle abs flat abs advice that is complete i don't think she's trying to be misleading i think she's genuinely trying to share like nah dude nope normally i'm very charitable and i'll tell oh they seem nah she's trying to go viral period that's what she's trying to do she doesn't believe this i don't believe she believes it i don't believe she believes it something that she thinks has worked for her but it is and usually i can kind of understand like the mechanism that someone thinks is working here i just don't even understand how this mechanism would even work like your stomach doesn't just because it expands a bit from food it doesn't mean it's going to stay that way like that's not how muscle damage and repair works you guys all right here we go i have a viral i better go viral for this all right i have a viral make your stomach flatter in literally two minutes are you guys ready all right so what you're gonna do you're gonna go home you're gonna go in the bathroom you're gonna take your pants off it's very important that you take your pants off and your underwear i'm gonna sit on the toilet take a massive dump stand back up check your abs guarantee you will have flatter a flatter stomach two minutes flat promise you same energy that's got nothing to do with this the talk comment says omg this is why my stomach is so flat lately i cry really hard before bed every night it's already been peer reviewed by like 8 700 people so we're all good to go i mean credit to her she did say this better go viral it got 3.5 million views that's 3.5 million people that have heard an exercise tip that is going to do absolutely nothing for them i feel like i am learning something here and what i've learned is that you want to bs enough that it sounds just believable but really easy to do and that's that is your sweet spot right there so guys i got this electric abs machine and i'm going to try it out you just peel the thing off like add this actually let me take my top off yes you just peel it like this wait you still have a top part what's going on oh my god oh wait it made me jump like made me tons up then but if you turn it right on ready that's it making my stomach turns these ems companies are ruthless they don't care i made a video where i criticized ems products while they didn't work there was no scientific evidence that they worked they muted that video took a clip from it where i was wearing it and put it in an at dang dude that's savage bro i actually have something similar going on right now there's an ad that's going on from this compression top company that it's like it took one of my videos again muted it this is so funny they muted my video this is from this is a video from years ago where i was wearing an under it was literally an under armour top it says under armor on it and i like i'm like wearing it and i jump up and down to show how it works with the compression and they made of they have they have an ad saying if you wear this compression you'll get rid of loose skin and i'm like y'all are savages absolutely unbelievable ruthless there's no other word for it and these companies just keep marketing like they just they just cast the net they don't care what demographic it is this kid's bought one he's got 5.5 million views on the video which is nuts so when i made a video about ems it's not that the technique doesn't work for frequency and the actual amount of stimulation that is in products that you can buy like this like off-the-shelf ems devices it's just not strong enough to elicit any kind of change natasha is seriously one of the most informational channels on youtube when it comes to health and fitness like it's it she it's incredible like the the information that she gives out and like she just doesn't bs anything like it it's a like solid channel and i i didn't find her until people had me review her video where she talked about gymshark like i didn't really know much about her and then i watched her ultra marathon video bro it was i was inspired i was like really inspired she's fit too like very fit and she's just a very solid channel a very very solid channel but one more for getting abs and i think you guys are gonna love this what what first off my mobility could never [Laughter] she said do this it looks like she's just reading a book and moving her oh my god this one for me is like creme de la creme let's just start off we've got three exercises that have close to zero ab engagement you've got hamstring curls you've got hip abduction and you've got um some kind of hip mobility that i personally haven't seen before and these exercises are supposed to help you eliminate abdominal fat so here we go you guys i have two exercises that will get you a chiseled chest are you ready are you ready all right so the first one gonna do some arm circles you're gonna get chiseled chest everyone do this right you're gonna do some arm circles for his chiseled chest all right all right and then we're gonna do some some toe touches oh there you guys go viral on tick tock thank you very much i would like my check very much thank you we've got the myth of spot reduction we've got exercises that hardly target your ad like i really want to i don't even know what to say like they really don't target your abs she's then on her phone for like most of the time maybe it's the phone what brand is that phone we've got an animation of what i think is diastasis reptile which is where you get a split in your abdominals but i was literally just talking about that your boy has a i got a valley between my abs again not linked to abdominal fat but she's got 9.7 million views every now and then like i come across a piece of content where every element every word every second is just scientifically incorrect and it leaves me speechless it leaves me coming out the other side a different person like i'll just i'll never be the same and that's how i feel that's how i feel when i watch this video damn she's strong oh this is really nice to see i love seeing there's there's a lot of accounts that are like weight loss accounts on tick tock and i think it's freaking dope like i really really like i get tagged in it all the time on tick tock people are always like look at this account look at this count it's really really dope it's hard pushing yourself and motivating yourself at any weight but when i speak to people who are overweight it's even more difficult and this is amazing like this is so inspiring she's so strong she's really going for it and hats off to her and also the comments are so nice like this is the best of tick tock it's so amazing to see how supportive people are like so that is one thing with with tuck talk that i've noticed as well is it's like there are there are parts of tech talk that are just so toxic and just terrible but then there's also sides of tick tock that are actually really really nice like i for one i made a video that i had a tick tock go viral you know hey i'd do it i can uh but it was like uh i like took my shirt off and i was like showing my loose skin literally no joke i don't think i saw one negative comment on that entire video i was blown away i couldn't believe it like so there are really like there is a part of tick tock that is really like nice and like kind but sadly there are also parts of tick tock that is just absolutely a freaking dumpster fire and it's just terrible so you know be careful any kind of support from other people that you don't know that you've never heard of before that you didn't even know existed giving you support completely anonymously like it's it's such a nice thing to see that's the best of social media and this is the best of tick tock now we've given tiktok a little bit of that sweet data it's been looking for you know it's trying to figure me out as a person all i've given them so far is that i'm into health and fitness so let's have a look at my for you page maybe it's got something there for me bro don't i don't even i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it i don't seven to eight hours a day they said hey you want a smaller waist get a full-time job baby get in that way small only seven to eight hours a day no problem i can't talk right now she's not just she's just not gonna say anything about that what oh man being good i'm a bad bro another one i'm sick of trying to tell me how to live hoes hate under my pictures on the ground oh my god shut your two on that's absolutely nuts one is three million views the other is seven million views and i'm pretty sure in that second one she put on two waist trainers oh they found me now the flat stomach community have found me okay let's end on some good news i feel like the last time i made a video on tik tok i was like i feel like we need to be seeing incredible people giving good fitness or health advice and i feel like we're getting there i feel like tick tock is going in the right direction how to wash your vulva first i lather up the whole body including the triangle of the mask so this is from a medical doctor her name is stacy tanouyi i hope i'm pronouncing her name wrong right sorry right um i'm so happy that she's here like i feel like she's breaking down questions that to be honest i always wanted to know when i was 16. um and i think she's kind of killing it she's on 1.3 million followers and people are listening to her and we're giving her a voice and she's got a platform and we're actually getting advice scientific advice from a medical doctor and it's not making it weird and it's making it accessible and amazing also she said no to the yoni egg you know that jade egg i was talking about she's not for it someone's going to tell gwyneth right now she's got some tick-tock backlash coming for her this is what i've been saying that we've needed for so long in fact they're all getting a follow so i think that's one of the things that like so many people a lot of people like they they will follow people based on how they look versus based on the information that they share and i think it's it's really important like you just it's really sucky because on the internet like if you don't know you don't know i know that might sound kind of simple but it's like because yes there are influencers that give out bad advice a hundred percent like a lot of them but there are also people that have this might be going against what she's saying but there are people that have titles like doctor and dietitian and all this stuff but that are also giving out bad advice because they know that that title that they have gives them some you know credibility when maybe it shouldn't shouldn't be there right so it's like it's up to you to really think and if something sounds too good to be true it probably is regardless of their title regardless of their you know the the uh the words before their name regardless of all of that if something sounds too good to be true it probably is and so just be careful like i know that's not really giving you an answer because you can't just follow any dietitian and expect all the information to be true you can't follow any doctor and just expect all the information to be true you have to be careful and think critically um but i understand where she's coming from i'm not saying like i disagree with her but like just you know be careful out there man i think i maybe need to lose some weight have you ever thought about cutting out carbs and making it part of your personality what no my body needs carbs and i think keto should only be used for medical purposes do you oh well she's getting canceled like being told what to do and slash when to be hungry what no i like listening to my body's cues well have you sorry well have you ever considered me no you're the amount of calories a toddler needs you don't even have enough energy to stand up you thought about me though right right i'm a little pricey but that's okay right uh no definitely not um i would have like zero fiber intake from you well what about me i can help your body no way you're just a marketing gimmick i have a liver and kidneys that detox my body by themselves um excuse me i could probably help i won't make you restrict anything and i won't make your life miserable get a load of this guy she steals everyone from us i like you i think you're gonna be sustainable for me really yay oh she's so cute and so right as well she's on the way to becoming a registered dietitian she's a dietitian intern you know so the thing with the the issue with the you know the diet that i promote you know being sustainable and all that stuff is like there's there's not there's not a selling point there's not there's no like oh you'll lose a significant amount of weight right away or there's no like oh i just cut out this one thing and then i can i can do it or there's no there's no strict rules and it's so hard because i understand like you people like to follow rules and when it comes to a sustainable diet it's like people that they it's hard for people to wrap their head around the fact that like there's a lot less rules you just have to be smart with your choices but people just don't want to hear it man like they just it's tough they will hey we go again number 10 follow i did it sue me so this is what i'm saying guys it's about how you use the platform who you follow people like medical doctors registered dietitians people who can back leverage work these are the experts that we desperately need to be following i feel like i've been really lucky because i've had a chance to see like behind the curtain on how some of these social media platforms work a because i'm a creator and b because of the company that i'm starting and the people that i'm working with tick tock is really trying to create a different behavior amongst its users compared to other social media platforms like with youtube the vast majority of us are viewers and not creators instagram's kind of somewhere in the middle and then tiktok wants everyone to be a creator and tiktok is pretty genius they give everyone followers it's really easy to get a following on tiktok um and that encourages people to just keep posting and posting and sharing and sharing what goes viral is like i said you can't predict it you can't be prepared for what goes viral anything goes and for entertainment and jokes like i think that's incredible like everyone gets involved with sharing and it can be really fun and some tic tocs and like this tick tock in particular is incredible mama party girl she just wanna i love this one so good it's so good how you doing if you have that on your phone i want to see it i don't want to see it i need to see it but health and fitness is scientific how you doing fields your opinion doesn't matter really my opinion doesn't matter like i can't base anything that i say around health and fitness on opinion it has to be science-backed tiktok trying to make everyone a creator when it comes to entertainment and comedy that works but it doesn't work when it comes to health and fitness i guess the thing that i'm saying is just that's a that's a really good point that really is a very good point please be really mindful of who you're following on every single social media platform like youtube instagram they're far from perfect but with tick tock there's just it's very easy to go viral which is why i think it's amazing that there are medical doctors and registered dietitians really like getting big on the platform i think that's incredible we're making a step in the right direction definitely from last time i feel like we're making a step in the right direction this was this was a lot of fun i have had quite the experience today um but yeah like i i highly recommend you guys if you guys i feel like most of you guys know who natasha is but if you haven't checked her out i would highly recommend checking out her channel um tons of really just really fun videos a lot of them are commentary based a lot of them are like challenge based doing like fun stuff um really really awesome awesome stuff but yeah this was this was definitely uh very fun
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 94,512
Rating: 4.9488621 out of 5
Keywords: natacha oceane, john glaude, tiktok, weight loss, obesetobeast
Id: Rw5a94zmpQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 46sec (1786 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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