Amberlynn Reid, We Need To Talk...

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what is up thank you so much for clicking on today's video before we get into the topic i just wanted to make a couple of announcements uh for those of you guys that watch these videos and you see the chat on the side and you you're always like man it would be really cool to be a part of that chat i just want to let you know that i stream these i stream this on twitch every single monday tuesday thursday and friday at 1 p.m pacific standard time so if you want to be part of the the live chat be there when it's happening i would love to have you that'll be the first link down in the description down below and also i wanted to remind you guys that those of you guys that miss the vlogs that miss the the videos of me training i am actually vlogging on my second channel i have been sharing my triathlon journey sharing myself prepping showing my swim workouts my bike workouts my run workouts so if that's something that you miss those will be down in the description as well on my second channel but without further ado let's get into the topic [Music] guys gals non-binary pals we're gonna be talking about a person and something that i really didn't plan on making any more videos on because uh to be honest i don't really enjoy making videos on this person uh but i had on someone that i really trust that they think that it makes sense for me to talk about this topic and so um listening to them and trusting them we're going to be watching this video from amberlynn reed um i don't i literally i just want to make it clear because they're probably gonna be people in the comments they're like you didn't talk about this or that or what about this thing dude i don't know anything about her i do not watch any of her videos i don't watch any of the reaction channel videos about her like i just do not focus on her at all okay so i'll make that very clear the title of this video is wait update i feel miserable okay and so apparently this one is a little bit different than the other ones i don't know i don't know i don't really know what to expect um but let's see what what amberlynn has to say about uh say for herself hey guys [Music] we love a good intro so welcome to a new video this is a weight loss update before i even get into this video i'm sorry if the ring light is distracting and like literally see the circle in my glasses and yeah who does that who has like the circle in their glasses freaking what a weirdo right it's driving me crazy in future videos i will try to figure that out because i'm sure it's really annoying but i i won't figure that out just gonna be honest i feel like certain videos aren't really about like okay look at me it's more so like listen to me and that's that's what this video is so i have been putting off this video for a few reasons i think the biggest one is the backlash i honestly think it's really messed up that we live in a society where people judge you if you gain weight i'll get it um being this size is not healthy and a lot of people ask me like am i part of the like so okay so i'm assuming um i'm assuming that she i'm assuming that she has gained weight right i'm that's what i'm hearing here and i don't think that while one i do think it's messed up that people will judge others based on you know their size and be like oh my god blah blah but i think it's not just people will judge someone for gaining weight it's i've talked about this many times but people will judge and i'm not saying it's okay but this is why i talk about like really really think about putting yourself online really really think about putting yourself trying to be an inspiration to others for because you're losing weight because regardless of who you are amberlynn definitely gets it worse than a lot of other people like i'm not gonna sit here and say she doesn't she definitely does anyone anyone that has that gains the following from either losing weight or trying trying to lose weight um you will have people that are mad at you if you're not doing that or you're not keeping the weight off that is just a fact of this uh weight loss influencer thing again not saying that it's a good thing but it that just is the fact of the matter and so it definitely this is a a reason why i talk about like if you want to do this i don't want to say you can't do it but understand there are negatives that come along with gaining a following because you're a you know a weight loss inspiration or whatever you want to call it body positive movement and i feel like that's like a whole other discussion like the whole health at every size thing i feel like i need to make a whole sit down video about that because i do have some thoughts on it but it's just like impossible to look at me at this weight at this size and be like yeah totally healthy at every size like so man i know a lot of people don't like amberlynn and i know there's a bunch of reasons why but at least she is connected to reality on this thing uh and that might sound mean but i think that the fact that she at least understands that she you know she has some issues that are caused because of her weight i think that's a you know i don't want to say it's a good thing because it sucks that she has issues because of her weight like i don't wish that on her but at least she's not in denial about that but that's the thing is like just because you you understand the implications that doesn't always mean that it's going to make someone want to lose weight or going to make someone do the things that require them to lose weight right like that is the first step but just because you've you've had the first step and you're no longer in denial that's not going to change anything unless you change things yourself right no i'm not gonna sit here and say that there are people who are my size who aren't unhealthy because i don't know everyone in the world obviously like i'm not part of like the 500 plus club although i will say uh if i had more friends that were my size i feel like it would help me i do have a few friends that i've met because of youtube that are my size or even bigger and it honestly helps having people like there to understand okay i feel like i'm rambling wow so the reason why i have not made a weigh-in video is because i'm afraid of the backlash i want my channel to be more about me and not always my body i'm ashamed even though i shouldn't be ashamed ultimately i should not be scared to come on my channel and talk about anything to do with my life especially my eating disorder and my food addiction i shouldn't have to live in fear that people are going to judge me everyone preaches about eating disorder awareness and mental health awareness until someone actually has mental health problems or an eating disorder and then they like literally get attacked so i sat down the other day and i was like what so this is this is why i don't like talking about this stuff because it's not fun um this is very this feels a little weird to me um because it seems like she is blaming others for problems that she's having which i mean again 100 and i'm not trying to um like i'm not trying to say that this is okay but she definitely gets a lot of backlash right she definitely deals with a lot of haters but um i know that a lot of that is because of things that she has done in the past but also you don't have you don't have to put these things out there right like the reason you do this the reason you make videos is because this is your job and you make money off of it which there's nothing wrong with but like to complain about how people respond to the videos that you make when you are doing these things that are bringing this negative attention to you it seems a little strange that you are you are uh blaming other people for the actions that you have had that have caused the position that you're in right like you got to take ownership you have to take ownership if anything's gonna change you have to take ownership if you just continue to blame other people like you're not gonna move forward it's just not gonna happen what about me is a train wreck and i really wanted to absorb that information and really focus in on why people are like i watch you because you're a train wreck the biggest things that my channel is revolved around is my weight and my indecisiveness and the cycle and okay so i just wanted like i just want to have some real talk for a second amberlynn if you're watching this video people are watching you because it makes them feel better about themselves is that fair to you not really but they're watching you and they are in turn paying you for that okay that's what's happening here um they are watching you because they are either trying to lose weight have lost weight um or have some sort of um have some sort of eating issues and you make them feel better about themselves if you don't like that and you don't like that that's why people are watching you stop making the videos and just move on with your life okay because that is why people watch you people watch you because of your size i'm i'm sad to say it but i'm just trying to be real here right people watch you because you're bigger than them and you make them feel better about themselves that is why people watch you the vast majority of people they don't watch you because they care about your torrid halls they don't watch you because they care about your grocery hauls they don't watch you because they care about your uh what's going on in your life they don't watch you because they care about your beauty halls they watch you because you make them feel better about themselves and if that is something that bothers you which is totally understandable stop making the videos if that doesn't bother you or you don't feel like you can stop making the videos i'm just i just want to make it very clear that's why people watch you period and i'm not trying to be mean but it's not because you have a great personality and they love they love hearing about your day-to-day life the vast majority of people i'm sure there are some people that that like you and you seem like you know a nice enough person without all the drama swirling around but that's why they watch you okay so like once you understand and fully and like fully accept that then you can make the decision that you want to make if you want to continue making these videos or not but don't try and trick yourself into being like no people watch me because of this or because i'm telling you right now those are the reasons why that's why they watch you okay i'm not trying to be mean but like let's be real here okay and all that and you guys have to realize that all of those things that make me a train wreck is mental illness i act the way i do because of mental illness i'm indecisive because of mental illness i am over 500 pounds because of an eating disorder this entertainment that you're finding in my struggles is honestly disgusting so the fact that i as a human being with feelings am afraid to come on here and talk about my weight to the people who are really here to learn my life story and to follow my life story i'm afraid to share amberlynn you can't okay how do i say this you can't be upset about this when you kind of have brought this on yourself again i'm not saying you deserve the treatment that you've gotten because i do think that people have been overly mean to you and i just i want to make that clear and i'm not trying to make this video to be a bully or trying to make you feel worse okay i'm just trying to be real with you but you can't sit there and say it's because of mental illness and i'm scared to make videos about this thing when like a lot of your thumbnails are very suggestive a lot of the titles are very suggestive they're all about your weight you would definitely play into that so if you don't want to play into that then don't do it but just understand like i said earlier your views are going to go down people aren't going to watch as much if you just stop talking about your weight altogether like i don't know what to say but like just to then blame it on your mental illness and then make people like feel bad because they feel a certain way and you're like oh it's just cause like i it really feels like not fair to people that really do struggle with you know certain mental illnesses i don't think that that's very fair to do with you guys because there is a very big large portion of you who are here to just attack and you guys i hate saying you guys because i don't mean as a whole but there are a portion of you who almost gets like high off of me gaining weight and you can't say that that's not true because no that's true that is the vast majority of your audience that is the vast majority of your audience you make them feel better about themselves as i see the comments and i see the personal message that i get in private some people get off on me gaining weight and i can't even tell you how many people have said i watch you because you're a train wreck you can't say that and then also spread mental health awareness and eating disorder awareness and peace and love like you can't you can't do the two so hey man i mean i'm not gonna i'm not gonna sit here and defend those people because they're they're garbage in my opinion like and i might be calling out people that are watching this video but if you are sitting here messaging amberlynn and being like you're a piece of garbage you're you're disgusting but you're still watching her videos you're part of the problem if you don't see that i don't know what to tell you but if you don't see that you giving her attention constantly which i know i'm kind of doing with making this video but like and you don't think that you're part of the problem you're mistaken and if you if you're okay with it if you're okay with being part of the problem which i'm sure a lot of you guys are that's one thing but like to sit here and be like oh amberlynn's such a terrible person i can't believe you should do this but then you're watching all your videos commenting on all of them like how do you not see that you're part of the problem right well yeah i'm rambling it's very clear as ever that i am just a bundle of nerves i mean it is what it is i'm gonna put my weight right here so as you guys can see i have gained a good chunk of weight um i'm now only down 30 something pounds when originally i was down over 91 or something like that so i've gained a pretty big so i mean again i don't follow her so i don't know if this is like a like apparently she's gained like 70 pounds here um yeah i mean that happens right chunk of weight i feel it all over my body in the way that i breathe in the way that i do things i feel absolutely disgustingly miserable i can't even express how horrible i feel i feel so horrible and i'm going to get tons of backlash and tons of hate about my weight gain and whatever you guys have to say to me i feel a million times more than you than you feel it i literally hate myself right now there's absolutely no way that you hate me or are disappointed in me or let down by me more than i am let down and hate myself so i mean i'm just gonna be honest like this this is hard to hear like as much as i might disagree with a lot of the stuff that she does hearing hearing someone say that they hate themselves regardless of how much you might um how much you might think she's a liar she's manipulated or whatever like hearing someone say that about themselves that doesn't make me feel good i don't like to hear it i feel very bad for her but the fact of the matter is is like understand amber you have the tools to make yourself feel better well losing weight solve everything absolutely not and i'm sure you know that but you made this video you can make the steps you can take the steps to make yourself feel better to lose the weight to make yourself physically feel better like you can do that right like you have that capability and like i i think like i know you make youtube videos i know you make some money like you can reach out to people that can help you like you really really can and like i've said it before and i understand that this is as someone that makes youtube videos like just hearing someone say just stop making videos like it's not very fair but like if it's really causing you this much pain and you really want to make a change i promise anyone worth their salt that would actually try and help you wouldn't say continue making these videos that is bringing you more and more pain and making you hurt more and more they're gonna say maybe don't do that right so i'm not saying you have to stop making youtube videos all together but maybe it's time you know maybe it's time to take some some time away and work on yourself right like that's what i feel like is the same thing to do here i can blame it on a million different things having a hysterectomy um emotionally eating due to the fact that i can't have a kid that has been so heavily on my mind lately that the fact that i can't carry a child has really really messed with my mental health um it's that's a whole other topic um i can blame the stupid estrogen that i have to take i can blame my eating disorder and my mental health i can blame all this stuff which you know it does have a lot to do with the weight gain but ultimately the only person i can blame is myself there has to come a time when no matter what no matter what's going on with you you finally start to love yourself enough to be strong enough to beat this to eat healthier and to lose weight so something that i've said many many times when it when i started losing my weight um i didn't i didn't hate myself but i did hate what the obesity and the weight was doing to my body and so because i loved myself but i hated what this thing was doing to me that's when i decided to make the change that's when i that's that's why i was able to lose the weight i personally believe and keep it off because i look like there's no way that you are losing the amount of weight that i've lost in my opinion by just straight up hating everything about yourself and being like i hate this i need to like lose this weight because i hate myself like it's a lot of freaking work to lose weight and keep it off it's a lot of work and it takes a lot of time and i'm telling you no one that actually cares about themselves or no one that doesn't care about themselves is going to go through that pain for years and years to lose the weight like they're not going to do it so it has to come from a place of self-love like i'm not saying you can't not like what the weight is doing to yourself because you definitely can but that's something that i believe is very important i know this is gonna sound stupid but i didn't order takeout today i didn't order takeout today that's big for me because in the last over a year i have had takeout every single day besides that week that i did jenny craig um i ordered take out every single meal practically but i didn't today and that for me is big it's a big accomplishment and i hope tomorrow i could say the same thing yes you can eat out and lose weight and choose healthy options and work around whatever lifestyle change you're doing but whenever i order something i have to order multiples or the worst thing on the menu and it's like i sit there for each meal and i eat thousands of calories and point blank period i have no restraint and i'm weak i'm weak i'm weak i physically feel like 99 of the time i don't know how to say no and i am truly working on that i have completely deleted ubereats off of my phone that was oh my god i feel like this weight is like off of my shoulders yo for real i'm glad ubereats didn't exist when i was at my heaviest like i'm glad it didn't because i don't i was broke too so i couldn't really afford food but like thank god that did not exist when i was because now i can't order food at the click of a freaking button like it takes two seconds now if i want to order food i have to look for the app and then in the store i have to download it i have to put my information in again like my card information i have to put my address i i ain't trying to do all that like i don't have the app at the tip of my fingers anymore and that honestly feels really great so every day i just need to take it day by day so i will be counting calories i need to focus on calories that is something i focused on all day today um i actually have a new my fitness pal so if you guys want to add me on there you can you got to stop putting yourself out there man like i don't why like okay just understand here what you were just saying and then you're telling people to add you on myfitnesspal like don't let people add you on myfitnesspal so they can freaking be creepers and they're gonna be creepers and look at everything that you're eating or not eating and be like there's no way that she's eating this because people are freaking weird right stop giving people a chance like make up a myfitnesspal named steve roberts i don't know and don't let anyone know about it and just do it for you don't do it for other people like no one needs to know what you're eating it's none of their freaking business dude it really isn't you're making it their business by putting it out there online if you don't want people to know don't let people follow you like i i really think that this was not a good idea and you can message me on there and we can talk about whatever it is you want to talk about um so it's hello honeydew i'll put that right here [Music] h-e-l-l-o okay please anyone that's watching this video do not go follow her on myfitnesspal and i'm not saying that to be mean but like just leave her alone dude just leave her alone just leave her alone h o n e y d e w hello honeydew i'll also link it down below so you guys can it is a cute name though i can't lie add me on there i'm trying to do my best like focusing in on calories portion control you know choosing foods that are gonna make me feel better and not make me feel sluggish and miserable like i do now so that is my update um i will be posting more videos regarding this topic even though uh people are so rude when it comes to like weight loss and like food and eating and stuff but then like when i stop uploading those types of videos it's like the biggest one that people want to see and it's like just this like vicious cycle and i just sometimes i just feel stuck so i'm just gonna post you are stuck like i'm not trying to be mean but like like i said earlier that's why people are following you and so i i don't i'm just trying to be honest with you like i'm not gonna sugarcoat it like that's why people follow you so if you stop making these videos not many people are going to watch and if that bothers you maybe don't make videos anymore or continue making videos and just understand you're not going to have as many people watching because i promise you if you just make videos for a long time and you literally don't ever focus on any of the weight loss stuff the people that are like hate you so much they'll eventually get bored and they will leave like they they will it might take a while for you because people seem to have like an extra special kind of like against you but film what feels right to me i don't really know what else to say i have gained a lot of weight very very very very let down but i i'm very let down i have let myself down it's not about anyone else it's i have let myself down just to think about how amazing i felt just like five months ago and then versus how i feel now is like a complete 180. it's i feel horrible now i just have to work it and i have to be realistic and stop doing an all or nothing approach i mean it's that simple so i'm gonna stop rambling now because i feel like i could talk freaking forever but i hope that you guys enjoyed this update even though it's pretty sad but i will see you guys in my next video bye okay so what i want to say to amberlynn is that one you have to take ownership for your actions and you have to stop blaming other people if this is something that you really want to do you have to take complete ownership for what you have done right if you've gained weight that is on you like are you facing obstacles and other people being mean yes absolutely but they're not putting food into your mouth okay so you have to take ownership two i would recommend getting yourself off of social media and working on yourself if this is truly something that you feel is important and you feel like is going like is important for you to live getting off social media for for a few weeks for a month i promise i promise people will still be there to watch your videos when you come back i promise more than any other youtuber i bet because people love to hate you as you said i and they do i'm not disputing that by any means take some time for yourself focus on yourself and if you don't want people to be you know focused on your weight loss stop talking about it but just understand your views are going to go down and less people are going to watch and i'm not trying to be mean but those are just the facts but you have to take ownership that is the most important thing
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 267,356
Rating: 4.8943 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, amberlynn reid, weight loss, fat loss, obesetobeast
Id: eF0tzR2yT6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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