Amberlynn Reid Please Listen To Me..

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welcome back to the channel thank you so much for clicking on today's video a couple things before we get into it one thing if you watch these videos and you see the chat on the side of the screen and you think yourself i would love to be a part of that chat or i would like to be there live i stream every monday tuesday thursday and friday over on twitch at 1 pm pacific standard time actually right around the time that this video is coming out i will probably be streaming so if you want to click that link down in the description and you can join us i would really love that the other thing i want to talk about is that this video is going to be about amberlynn reed and we're going to be talking about diets and why diets don't work and why fad diets why crash diets the the problems with those things obviously we're talking about amberlynn because we were talking about a video that she made but i want to make it very clear the stuff that i'm saying goes for anybody right like the the problems i have with the video that was made has nothing not it really doesn't have much to do with actually what amberlynn is saying or the person that she is it's more regardless of who made this video the problems would still be the same so i hope you you watch the video with an open mind you understand that i'm trying to share a bigger picture view of the problem with you know these fad diets or these really really quick trying to lose weight really fast diets uh but with that being said thank you guys so much let's get into the video [Music] alrighty so today we are going to be talking about this is something a lot of people have been asking me to talk about uh obviously this is someone that this is someone that people are always asking me to talk about and i usually say no but i think that i can share a little bit more of a perspective on the the things that are going on so uh we're gonna be talking about amberlynn reed she has recently started doing jenny craig now i'm going to be like live reacting to day one of her ginny craig diet where she shares everything that she eats okay so i haven't seen the video yet but i did watch the video prior to it where she explains why she's doing it now in that video she talks about how it's her fourth time doing jenny craig and also in the video she explains that her fiance i believe it's her fiance i don't think they're married yet becky basically isn't super supportive of her and she goes on to say something along the lines of like because every time amberlynn has done this diet she has had to donate the food because she doesn't eat it and uh becky basically says when she when amberlynn tells her that she's gonna be doing jenny craig again uh becky says something along the lines of oh so we're gonna be donating food again um and it's that's a really interesting situation to be in because i know a lot of us can relate to that right feeling like the people in our lives like don't support us now i'm not at all trying to make becky feel bad or like say that there's anything wrong with that it's understandable and like obviously it's it's a way that a lot of people feel right it's a way that a lot of people feel towards amberlynn when it comes to these diets when it comes to these you know quick fixes and things like that because so it's just when you hear someone say they're going to do something and say they're going to do something and say they're going to do something and it doesn't pan out it gets to a point where it's like you just hear it and it's just like background noise right and so i know that there's going to be a lot of people that are like i don't really know i don't really know how much i believe that this is gonna happen but so i just kind of wanted to give a little bit of a backstory so we are going to uh be watching this video so it is right here so what i ate in a day jane and craig we're gonna watch the first day and then i was told to watch the first little bit of the second day as well uh so again i haven't watched this at all so we're gonna be doing it live alrighty let's watch the video hey guys so welcome to a new video [Music] is day one of me being on jenny craig so in this video and in the next 30 videos i am going to show you what i ate we're going to be eating we're going to be taste testing i'm going to be talking about my weight how i feel etc etc and i think it's going to be super fun and i'll be losing weight on the way so okay so first thing i want to say this is so 30 days so she wants to make 30 videos in 30 days so one you have to stick to like if you want this to be successful right so you're you're asking yourself this is what this is what people do right you you go in too hard right so instead of just asking yourself like let's stay on a diet for 30 days it's like let's stay on a really strict diet with jenny craig for 30 days and then also film and edit a video every day for 30 days like that's just too much like that's setting yourself up for failure this is why when i say when you start a diet start slow right start by cutting out liquid calories start by not eating fast food not eating junk food just little things that are easy to do instead of being like i'm going to literally completely switch up everything that i'm eating and also i'm gonna make myself film a video every day and edit that every day regardless of how much you guys people think that she edits or doesn't edit still work that you have to do every day for 30 days again it's just too much at the beginning in my opinion so before i start with my first meal i want to show you my weight for today 5 45.8 so i'm just gaming and gaining and gaining and i feel miserable i don't breathe well anymore i don't have as much stamina i don't have as much energy things hurt more i'm just ultimately tired of gaining weight so this is something personally for me i commend her for doing she is always honest at least about how her weight is making her feel at least in the past little bit that i've been watching her she doesn't say like oh i'm you know she doesn't do the haze thing she doesn't say like oh regardless of my size i'm healthy she's like yo this is meant like i'm having issues because of my weight and she she does talk about it and of course like that gives people ammunition to say like whoa blah blah this is that but at least she is honest about how the weight has been you know making her feel and so for that kudos 100 so with jenny craig everything is planned out for you um but you do get to choose your own fruits your own vegetables your own fats your own proteins where it says protein fruit veggies i'll show you more as the meals go on and the days go on but the first thing i am eating is a recharge bar this is nut and honey honey pony this is nut and honey bar it has macadamia nuts almonds and pecans drizzled with honey no artificial colors flavors or sweeteners so this is gonna be my first thing that i eat today because we fast for 14 hours we can eat for 10 and we fast for 14 and this is the first thing and it's supposed to recharge you so okay so it's just like that's such a tiny amount of food so the thing with with amber lynn is like because of because of how and i mean this in the most polite way possible because of how big she is the amount of calories that she can consume and still continue to lose weight is pretty large right like i would be willing to bet uh or you know be willing to say that probably close to three thousand if not more that she could probably eat and lose weight on so why then why then do we force ourselves to eat so much less to lose weight faster is that the goal which usually that is the goal right and i understand that like it is motivating to see results fast right i get that but time and time again this is the fourth time on jenny craig right and this is the however many other diet that you've tried that is just too restrictive it's just too restrictive for you and what is that it leads you up to most like i know that she struggles with with you know bed what does what is what do you think that this type of eating is gonna lead you into right let's try it okay it looks like one of those bars that i hate like those laura bars oh no it smells good it smells nutty for sure now i'm going to give you guys my honest opinion i'm not here to mess around i'm not getting sponsored i'm paying paying for jenny craig myself let's do this that's good i got some stuck to my tooth but it's good before anyone asks why are you eating in your bedroom i just prefer the lighting in here dude people that ask why are you eating your bedroom can go freaking screw themselves all right people that nitpick that much is so annoying i'm sorry who cares if you want to eat in your bedroom for getting in your bedroom all right if you want to eat in the kitchen if i need in the living room i'd literally so ridiculous just eat wherever you want if you nitpick that you're ridiculous the setup etc etc this is good honestly i don't dislike anything from jenny craig like in my opinion it all tastes really good but um the menus have switched up a little bit so got some new things to try plus the first time i did jenny craig i only did it for six days so i'll see you guys for my next meal though all right you guys so it's time for actual breakfast so i have half of a banana we all know what a banana tastes like a jenny craig shake which i had before and i like why why does why does it have to be half a banana you know i remember that it was pretty decent so let's see if i still like such a thing i like it nothing wrong with it i'm pretty tasty i also get hey a lot of people i see a lot of people commenting like there's no way that she likes that stuff i'm not gonna yo i literally am the easiest person to please when it comes to food so i'm not gonna say like whether she's lying or not whether she actually likes it or doesn't like it i i genuinely don't care about that if she likes it that's fine yo i might like it too i'm very easy to please when it comes to food so if she likes it like more power to her i i literally don't care about that um you know what i'm more interested is talking about is this actually working is this actually going to help you in the long run right that's what i care about not about if whether the weird bars taste good or not like whatever apple cinnamon oatmeal so let's try it together i'm kind of nervous because i'm not an oatmeal fan so there is bits of apple in there for sure so this is what it looks like that doesn't look good i'm sorry i know i just said that but yo that oatmeal's a little too runny ugh it smells great i'm pissed i'm pissed what had happened was i entered the clip i went to put this in the microwave for a little bit longer because i like things hot i thought i was filming i tried it and i wasn't filming so i was afraid to try it i ended up trying it and i like it honestly what i love about this is that there's not much sugar in it it's super sweet you know we got the apple and there's a little bit of sugar i'm sure and there's some cinnamon and it just tastes really good and i'm used to like quaker oatmeal like tasting like super sugary so i can already tell that this is like a healthier option you know so for me like with these things like with the the jenny craig stuff like this is oatmeal is something that anybody can make at home very very easily for very very cheap right oatmeal is one of like a staple in my diet but in a lot like it's very cheap right if you just buy plain oatmeal and add stuff to it like you can make it fit any macros any diet plan and so that's why like when i see these these companies that like sell oatmeal in these little containers it's just like it's it's so not cost-effective to me like all right whatever i like it and obviously we caught ourselves a banana i'm sorry if i'm making faces if i'm making faces i apologize i don't like watching people eat literally anybody i cannot stand it so i'm sorry if i look like i'm making faces i i just i hate it i hate watching people eat it's not something i like to do so i'm trying to get through this okay i love bananas now and if you guys have been watching me from the get up i used to hate bananas they used to make me gag like literally and they don't anymore you can truly teach yourself to like certain like veggies or fruit because i've taught myself to like bananas just saying all right you guys next meal i'm a little bit out of breath i'm fat i was up cooking it is what it is so i get that was funny i don't know i'm sorry the other half of my banana and then i am having spaghetti and meatballs which is jenny craig meal and then i cooked my veggie which is cauliflower on the stove this is just regular fresh veggie but the reason why it looks so delicious is because i cooked it with tapatio pepper and garlic salt not gonna lie i want to try this first hmm the cauliflower doesn't look bad it doesn't but again like this is everything she's eaten up into this point i wish one thing that would have been a little bit more helpful if she does watch my video uh let us know what time it is when you're eating food you know what i mean so we know like the spacing in between the meals um but yeah i mean i'm a fan of veggies so the spaghettis dude i can't uh the the i don't get how people like watching this stuff dude it's oh okay sorry i don't know anyone could not like cauliflower maybe you're just not cooking it right all right now it is time for the spaghetti i don't remember if i had this on jenny craig or not smells good looks good tastes like homemade spaghetti this one's good all right comes with three meatballs three whole meatballs cutting in half to see how it looks on the inside it actually looks delicious this meal tastes homemade bro bro i mean you did make it at home right okay i'm sorry i'm trying to keep trying to pause it because i can't do the mouth sounds and the eating and ugh i don't like watching people eat man i don't like it at all i'm gonna go finish this okay so it's a oh thank god oh whoo we made it change of scenery here next i'm having one percent milk a string cheese an apple and some lunch meat i'm really hungry i'm yes of course you're really hungry dude this is such a small amount of food like there's i'm not trying to be mean like there's just no way like again there's nothing wrong with eating lunch meat your boy eats sandwiches all the time there's nothing wrong with these string cheese nothing wrong with eating apples there's nothing wrong with drinking milk but like when you're the size that you are amberlyn like you you can eat a lot more like you can and still lose weight like this is such a tiny amount of food like you are going to be so hungry later man like it's just like why would you set yourself up for failure like this it's head hunger because i'm not like physically hungry at all um i just i'm i'm so used to like ordering takeout and i'm trying everything i can not to so i'm gonna act as if this apple is candy it's honestly so good honey crisp apple bro dude come on with the sound oh okay i'm sorry you guys are probably getting annoyed i'm sorry okay this is hitting the spot hey guys so yes i'm wearing a muumuu it's actually the middle of the night um i ended up falling asleep with my makeup on so i'm gonna go take it off but i want to give you a little update on day one i ended up falling off of plan i ended up having some jasmine rice some asian trail mix and some ice cream so i am still gonna keep going you guys need to come back tomorrow for day two i'm gonna weigh in we're gonna see if i gained weight from a little mishap all right before i say anything before i say anything i'm gonna go to day two we're gonna go to day two hey guys wait we're gonna go to day two let me click on it let me find it hey guys welcome to day two of jenny craig so i'm wearing a shirt that says let me overthink this because that is literally the autobiography of my life i can't name a single thing i don't overthink let's be honest so anyways hello the first thing i am eating is the recharge bar it's a nut and honey bar with macadamia nuts almonds pecans drizzled with honey no artificial colors flavors or sweeteners um we eat this first because it is after 14 hours of fasting please don't eat it on camera please for the love of god please and honestly i love it no so good so i haven't done my makeup as you can tell i don't really know if i'm going to today or not so however the wind blows we will see when the time comes sometimes i just do not feel like doing it so during these what i ate today videos i'm going to show you guys my daily weight so i'm going to show you right here days one and two so as you can see i stay the exact same weight and the reason for that is because last night for dinner i completely fell off plan i ended up having ice cream rice and um asian trail mix i didn't eat it in that order but that's the gist of it so i kind of like had a binge i want to say that i over ate and i don't want to call it the b word but the truth is that it was very robotic i felt very guilty afterwards afterwards and i mean it is what it is but i woke up and i knew i was gonna get right back on the horse i'm not here to fail and i'm all okay so i don't think we need to watch any more of that um it's frustrating not just because of of her right it's frustrating because like when you so many people fall down this trap right like so many people fall down this trap of feeling like they need to eat such a small amount of food and it's just not it's not necessary and it's like this is why when i talk about this stuff like i i know a lot of people like they hear me say it all the time like calories in calories out and you don't need to be in too severe of a deficit and like make it easy like you should make losing weight as easy as it can be because it can be relatively easy compared to doing something like this right like this is too extreme it just is it's not necessary especially for someone like amberlynn that has said that she has struggled so much with bed in the past which i don't i i believe that she has like fully 100 and so for me like when i make these videos and i get frustrated i'm not like mad at her it's just frustrating because i i know that it's not just her that's going through this right there are many many many many people that feel the same way that feel stuck right and like when i was overweight i used to like joke around like oh i don't have a metabolism or i can't i just like there was a time where i just believed that i couldn't lose weight i just i just couldn't right and so it's just it's just frustrating seeing this play out time and time and time again and we go back to what i was kind of talking about with becky at the start like i know a lot of us probably that have tried to lose weight have had family members that you feel like are no longer um that you feel like are no longer supporting you and like for me i was lucky enough that my mom was kind of always there but like you know i had family members that they had heard me say it a million times so when i actually first started losing this weight i remember i didn't tell anybody i didn't make a post about it i didn't like make an announcement i just just wanted to do it i told my mom because at the time like she helped me buy food right but like that's what i that's what i did right and so i don't know it's just i i do genuinely want amberlynn and anybody right to be successful but it's like this is what i've said so many times is like when you do things like this when you do too much at the start it's just a it's a recipe for disaster especially for someone that is in the position that that amberlyn is in um i just don't i don't think that jenny craig or nutrisystem or any of those things are are going to like are are the thing that she's looking for like obviously she's an extreme case like you know she's over 500 pounds like some stuff needs to happen for sure but obviously like the proof is in the pudding right we've it's the fourth time and literally the first day you're already quote unquote falling off plan when like i said she could literally eat or someone her size can literally eat close to 3 000 if not more calories and lose weight on that but when you force yourself to eat 1500 1200 calories you know like what do you expect yeah i don't know there's nothing there's nothing really else to say i don't think
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 216,305
Rating: 4.9125748 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, amberlynn reid, fat loss, weight loss, obesetobeast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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