Exposed Fastener Metal Roofing Part 1 - Installing Panels

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this is [Music] [Music] [Music] first stop of the day headed to my local lumber yard to get some drill bits for that metal roof it is 703 so they just opened up i buy a lot of materials from this place have for many years all right so here's the house uh we had a subcontractor tear all the roof off and get it back in the dryer with synthetic felt so we're set up really nicely there no lab this time special k is already up here um since i had to stop and get those bits this morning but should turn out pretty good it's gonna be a big one i think four valleys so not terrible but should be a good one panels trims [Applause] okay so thankfully we had a tractor to unload this for us got forks on it and so here's our trims in a separate stack from our actual panels so that's that's a big help for us so right now very first step for us we unpackaged the drip edge and it is different than most drip edge we've seen from different manu metal manufacturers this part right here specifically this huge overhang i've never seen one with that big of an overhang before and this drop down piece right here is a little wider than i like it not typically that long it's usually i don't know if that's what two inches but usually it's about an inch and a half so i'm not real sure what's up with that but this overhang is it's massive i do not like that another thing i don't like and i understand why they do it to prevent you from scratching the paint but they put this plastic on here if you've ever had tried to peel the plastic off of your new refrigerator that's pretty much what it's like and it's a total pain in the butt i don't know why just wrapping in that wouldn't be good enough i guess they've had issues with it scratching in the past but anyway so our first step is with this drip edge right here so like i said we've got our metal we've got our trims right here pretty close to the house as i mentioned previously we do have all the shingles torn off so we don't have to worry about lathing it or anything like that i've got four saw horses here this is critical because we've got long sheets of metal so we'll set up all four saw horses we'll set up uh the metal on the horses we like to pre-drill our metal i'll get into that a little bit later in the video got a couple accessory horses for cutting and trimming our accessories like special case fixing to do over there take in the trailer here i will use well i can't find it here it is this is what i'll use down low just for fastening the bottom row of screws nice and lightweight i can just clip that right here on my pants pocket nice and easy then on the other side i've got the new joey pouch from if you don't uh if you don't know about holstery check them out this will fit a lot of screws in that little pouch and it's nice and lightweight perfect application for me um picked up these drill bits this morning as you've seen got our list of metal here a couple essential tools that you need when you're going to be installing metal an electric drill this sucker spins really fast i like to use a cordless drill when i can but on a big 50 square roof like this we use an electric one because you're just going to eat up batteries so we pre-drill all our metal that's a preference thing you can punch it if you like another thing we use is a nibbler worst mistake in the world we could have ever done is bought one that has a cord on it we have had this one in service for 10 15 years now and it has never failed us we have replaced the dye and punch probably three times four times something like that um but anyways i've got the batteries charging up right now we still have a few makitas but we're kind of phasing those out we're going more flex we like the flex stuff got a little bosch battery charging up so yeah let's get into it start doing a little roofing okay so what we're doing right here is we are clipping a little uh angle off of our drip edge so that we'll accept the next piece it'll slide into it better and i'll show you what i mean in the next segment here you'll see how this works very well i know what so i'm on a seven foot step ladder special case on a six foot we have two of these but we forgot to bring the other one today so that's why he's on the short one there all right so here's that trim detail i was talking about if you can see it we've got that angle there we got that angle here now look how easy oh also um we kind of spread this so we take a little knife and stick in there kind of spreads that but look how easy this goes on just like so now we're going to stop right about come just a little bit further this way right there and see how that ties the two drip edges together see now we've made it one i'm gonna tack it now for this you know you could use an air nailer you could use a roofing nailer but it's not like you have to put a ton of nails in this because the roof panels are going to come down on top of this and we're going to be putting roof screws through this so it's going gonna hold no problem we're not really worried about that so we've got one two three four nails roof nails and that one ten foot stick we'll do the same on this stick you good you're trying to eyeball it we're trying to run this kind of straight um fascias are rarely ever stayed straight especially on these old homes so yeah it looks looks pretty good to me i'd tack it right there so he's tacking it i'm gonna put another one in there there we are well special k went and brought the other trims and he's already got it pre-cut as you can see before we installed this one we already had that cut so he's already got that end cut so it's just kind of like a it's just a process that you do you know you you kind of get a rhythm and you just keep going with it so i'm gonna start this in here there we go all right come right there all right so yeah there we go again we're together right there no problem all right i'm gonna go ahead and tack it there we go all right you wanna eyeball it there man it looks pretty good to me nice and straight i'll let you go ahead and put yours on all right let me go ahead and put one right here now we have to nail high on this because the decking is way up here and we've got a small gap behind the fascia where the subface is at so that's why we're nailing high on this typically wouldn't do that but kind of have to on this i have no choice all right one more piece and we're finished on this section back here so something that we like to set up on jobs is this quick trash can apparatus got this plastic liner and that way we can throw any nails that we find on the ground or on the roof from where they pulled the shingles just toss them in there quick and easy keep all of our trash in one spot easier cleaning up at the end of the day this 204 that's what we're looking for 204 so here's our stack of metal you can see we've got quite a few different lengths here we're looking for 204 inches right here see this may have slid i don't know if it did or not yeah i'm not sure okay you know what ain't that stuff here you walk straight backwards let's just get it out all the way out of the way get way far out of the way fine with me see we're going to get into the valleys and find let's sit in front of it right step over here yep keep going all right y'all we need nine of those okay feels like three to me okay so very important here what he's doing is he is straightening our sheets we want these all as perfectly even as we can slide that that way they don't come back down this end and i'll tap these into place let's see how close he is down here yep gotta come back a little bit so we want to get those as perfectly even as we can once that happens we can start pre-drilling our holes okay so now that we've got all of our metal straightened up got our clamps on we've got it all marked now as well now manufacturer instructions we're gonna they're gonna tell you go like every 24 inches or something like that i don't pay a ton of attention to that because we really don't have metal ever blow off so we're not too worried about that we want to fasten it how we think it makes sense now these panels are 204 inches our bottom screw we're going to put it four inches up then we're skipping and we're going 40 inches every screw so every fastener will be every 40 inches so we like to stay somewhere around 36 inches give or take and that's where we're at right now with our fastening pattern we think that's what will look best remember this is an exposed fastener metal roof the more holes you put in that roof the more likelihood for a leak we don't like that but we also don't want the metal to blow off every 40 inches will be just fine we've done it before the bottom this is something that we started way too late um a lot of roofs we did not do that but the manufacturer instructions does tell you to do this and ever since we've implemented it we have seen the benefits we double screw the bottom so where your screws should go is your small rib that's what we call the small rib it's a little bit smaller over here this is your big rib the small rib laps on top of the big rib now a lot of controversy here some guys for whatever reason think that the screw goes here i've had so many guys tell me that the screw goes here that is absolutely incorrect read your manufacturer's instructions the screw goes right next to the lap because it holds down that lap on top of this rib does that make sense you want this to be held down snug where it's going to lap over the top of this okay now at the bottom because when you're looking up at the metal they want that nice and tight and a little bit more wind resistance because if the metal is going to catch and blow off where is it going to start it's not going to start up there not going to start halfway down it's going to start at the bottom that's the reason for double fasteners in the bottom so we go we where we typically fasten right next to our small rib then in that same flat panel we put a fastener on this side and we'll follow that pattern all the way across on the bottom on this whole roof will do that so he'll have double fasteners at the bottom now another thing that we use we use one inch screws i'll get into that here in a minute ah so okay [Applause] hey okay so our metal is pre-drilled i'm up here on the roof this is the most critical part of the entire metal installation in my opinion if you're going to pay attention to any of this pay attention to this part one thing's for certain the fascia ain't straight and the rake ain't straight you got to pick one because you can't have both which one do you see the most yes you see the rake but how long is that rake you know 16 foot well it's 204 inches right that's including our overhang the face is way longer than that you're gonna see the fascia as you walk around the house you're gonna look up and you're gonna see what's overhanging the drip edge that's what everyone looks at you might see a little bit of crookedness on the rake but you have to accept that this is exposed fastener metal roofing you have to accept that you can't have a straight rake and a straight fascia now we hope it's as straight as possible but we know that none of them are perfect so this is how we address that issue i've got a mark right here this mark is five inches now that includes my inch and a half overhang you can make this mark whatever you want if you want to go up here you can put it up here it doesn't matter we're just going to use five inches okay because we want to stay on this drip edge that's the reason we're doing that we know that this drip edge is relatively straight right and we want to stay straight with the drip edge we've established that got a tick mark at five inches our overhang for our metal is inch and a half that's what we like now some guys will go one inch some will go two we like inch and a half um so with our inch and a half overhang we're at a five inch tick mark now what special k is going to do is he's going to go down there and he's going to mark a tick mark at five inches as well with an inch and a half overhanging the edge of the drip so really if he wanted to he could just pull this tape up and what do we got here three and a half inches so he can really just pull the tape and mark it three and a half from the drip edge when you hang down an inch and a half see inch and a half you're at five on the tick mark okay once he marks that tick mark down there we're going to pull a chalk line i'm going to get on my tick mark he's going to get on his and we're going to pop that line that line is how we're going to keep that metal straight every single piece that i get off that sack and hand up i'm going to mark a tick mark at five inches on the middle now this first side i'll mark it on both sides so that i can straighten it up but when we line that mark up with our chalk line every mark that i mark on that if we do that properly it will come up string straight on that drip edge and that is our goal we want it to stay string straight down here so that's what we're doing right here we're going to go down there we're going to get on that tick mark he's already marked it i need some i'm just gonna hook mine get mine relatively straight right there i feel good about it i can pop it too i'm gonna double check it i always like to double check yes i'm right on the money say when there we go okay now we have established our string line you can see it's uh pretty straight with our drip edge you can see this reveal see how much was left over here you can sit there and eyeball that down through there and it's it's not bad at all it's not bad at all so this first sheet of metal i got to go down there and on the bottom side of it i gotta pull a tape up the middle mark it at five on this side mark it at five on this side line up those marks make sure we're where we wanna be fasten it down and just repeat the process over and over again that's the key so this is the holstery joey pouch i like it because it's so small and compact and if i need to i can cinch it up i did a little video on this initial thoughts and so far i'm really liking it now i did forget my belt today but i have found out that i can just strap that thing right on the top of my pants i don't even need a belt so pretty awesome screw gun i gotta find it where'd that screw gun go i don't know where i put it typical there it is right there all right i like this little bosch this is the chameleon bosch so it's got all these different multi-heads that you can put on there i like it because it's so lightweight got a lot of torque too for a 12-volt so i like to clip that on nice and lightweight here's our screws okay let me talk to you about the screws for a second these are a one inch roofing screw the reason we like the one inch is because think about it you're going through a thin 29 gauge sheet of metal through three quarters of decking why would you need an inch and a half screw i do not understand why a lot of times they'll send inch and a half screws because about half that fastener is going to stick out into the attic if you use inch and a halfs one inch is more than enough for this application so i'm just going to load up with a few fasteners there i really don't need that many because i'm just fastening the bottom there we go okay so here's my first sheet of metal and once again this is the bottom that's signified or identified by the uh double screw pattern so i'm going to take my tape measure and this is what i'm talking about on that tick mark i'm going to take my tape and i want it where i can see it really well so five inches five inch tick mark right here on the edge now because this is my first piece i'm gonna come around here and i'll mark a five inch tick mark on this one as well and that will get us hopefully pretty straight there's always some adjusting that's needed but sometimes it just stays straight the whole way just depends so there we are that sheet is ready to be installed okay so this is typically how i pick up the sheet i think everybody probably does it differently but i don't like scratching the paint so i come to about the middle and i just pick straight up just like that and then i just throw it over my shoulder actually i like to throw it on my head i know where the bottom's at so i just need to pass this straight up now he's going to grab it and i'm going to rest mine on the ground then i'm going to come around and i'll pick up the bottom and help him as he drags it up very easy okay all right all right we got our tick marks this is where we've got to try to get it straight right there i'm on my tick mark over here probably need to come over to the edge huh that looks pretty good on the edge now let me look at my other tick mark see where i'm at okay if i want to stay out there the edge you've got to move yours that way because i got to drop this tick mark more a little more a little more right there let me check it again yup i'm right on the tick mark out here it's perfect can you hold it tight while i screw it i'm going to double check my tick mark again probably triple check it i'm on the money right there i might come up just a hair right there that's it all right i'm gonna put my first fastener in [Music] and i was on speed one i don't like it all right so i'm still good on my tick mark there need to come down some on this tick mark keep coming right there oh okay put my second fastener in money you're good to fasten yours if you want now it is important to fasten these to where the washer squashes but you don't want to completely destroy the washer that will call that cause that washer to prematurely wear so you want to just put it in until it snugs up and barely squashes that washer there we are [Laughter] there we go okay so the bottom's fastened the tops fastened um next up i'll just have to from here on out i think we got eight more sheets for this side until we hit the valley we're gonna stop at the valley um eight more sheets and hit that hit that tick mark on one side it'll be the other side because i just line this side which will be the small rib up with the bottom of the sheet that's why you don't need a tick mark on both sides all the way through just on the left side me too [Applause] [Applause] yeah my will [Music] sure ready all right come on up oh oh you're up good try not to rub off your mark i would never do that i would never okay here we go again here we go what i want to do is i want to line this up but before i actually put the fastener in i always like to check over here and we are off see how our tick mark is lower than the blue mark so this is what we're going to do we got a shimmy that way at the top okay i'll go ahead and put this one in because we want to stay straight like to get that nice and flat now what he's going to do is he's going to pull we're going to try to stretch this metal i need to go over some more a little more whoa right there okay see how i'm right on my tick mark i'm going to go ahead now i'm going to fasten this entire bottom row then he can stretch his back out so what he did was he just put one in there to hold this tight once this is screwed in he can do whatever he wants up there because this is not going to move down here as long as we keep those tick marks that five inch mark on that chalk line this is going to come up straight as a string [Music] and that is the key to me it's the most important step okay last fastener all right now see see that bubble he's pushing in that so he's going to stretch that he going to try to basically yeah compress it see how it just lays right down on it like that as long as we stay straight with that tig mark i just can't emphasize that enough once you get done if that tick mark is on that blue line the whole way when you get down and you look at the eave this will look so straight and it is an amazing thing that happens it really is okay so while i gotta move that ladder it's in my way all right money right on the money okay so first sheet we lined it up second sheet it was off if you'll recall we had to bring that top down to meet up with our mark we're on the third sheet right now i came up i evened it up i look over here at my mark and we're dead set on the money so now we just keep running i don't know why it does that sometimes but [Music] sometimes it just gets out of whack and you gotta stretch it back into place but as soon as i pulled this up even i looked over and sure enough tick marks right on the money so that's a good thing [Music] so uh foreign right there hold it tick mark okay i'm barely high fairly high come on down just a hair whoa right there's pretty good i'm gonna accept that ah ah um i don't know what's going on but we're gaining on his gap up here probably cut crooked as crap probably ain't never heard of a chalk box yeah i got to come down again more a little more let's do it i tell you i've hit nice and solid every single screw so far i mean when you're dealing with decking you can only expect that did that work pretty good with the nut driver yes real good good i'm not worried about that at all tightened right up didn't it see if i'd have done it with this thing though yeah yep i hear you okay
Channel: Miillers Construction
Views: 99,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal roofing, metal roof, exposed fastener metal roofing, roofing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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