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what is up everybody it is life's apprentice well today um i've been kind of awaiting this job um because i feel like it's a perfect opportunity to show you guys how to install a metal roof so that's what today's video is going to be about we're going to do an in-depth um install on a pretty simple metal roof um it's about 24 feet by 16 feet and i would guess it's a 6 12 pitch we're going to be installing just a these are from menards a pro rib three foot metal panel all of the stuff that i have here is stock stock colors and stock flashings we have our eve flashing right here we have our rake flashing right here our ridge right here our panels our closures and all that kind of stuff so we're gonna get into how to install this metal roof and we're going to start with the the eve trim down here and uh just kind of kind of work our way around this roof now i'm doing this completely by myself um so if you guys were to be doing this by yourself on your garage you can do it and i'll show you how now one thing that we're gonna do that may be undesirable to some is we're going to shingle directly over the top of the asphalt shingles you guys can put felt down tar paper down like quarter inch insulation down you can put boards across there to get it off of the shingles you guys can do whatever you want to do as far as that goes we are going to be going directly on top of the asphalt shingles seeing as this is just a shed the first flashing here is um what we're going to be using for an eve flashing it's going to go right here just like this um you guys may or may not be able to get this exact flashing um flashings for these metal roofs are going to vary a little bit you're going to want to make sure you have something down here at the base [Music] now keeping in mind with everything that we do um when it comes to roofing and siding and stuff like that when we're installing our pieces and we have laps in the pieces we want to start at the back and work our way to the front so that those laps are hidden um and then for screwing this in i'm just using it like it's a two inch or inch and three quarter just drywall nail or screw you want to make sure this is nice and tight and we're going to get some screws in try to make sure that those are flush i'll show you that in just a minute you can see um i'm going about every foot maybe 16 inches with the screws um and then we will put colored screws down in here to hold this edge but i'm going to continue screwing that and i left that piece i didn't cut it yet but i left that just a little bit long so i left it hang over about an inch um longer than the edge of the shingles i can always cut some off and i just don't want to be short so for now i left it just a little bit long over there so the next part we have this screwed down with the drywall screws the next part and the majority of what holds the roof on are these quarter inch pole barn screws is what they call them and these are color matched to the color that we're using there's lots of different colors and then they have a neoprene washer right here and that is what uh will help waterproof them now these washers do wear out over time but this is uh the way that this roof goes together because this is an exposed fastener metal roof so these because these will not be seen when our panel goes over the top of it these are going to go into this part to hold this into the fascia or gutter depending on what you have and if you have a gutter you you may have to take the gutter off in order to to put these in now i'm just using a quarter inch runner just like this and we're going to put these about every two feet [Music] and there you have that now you can put these as far apart or as close as you would like um it really depends on your situation and everything like that but uh we're going to go about every two feet with these this is a 12 foot piece so this will have six in it at least six maybe seven um with the end pieces or the end screws so we're gonna do that quick i think you guys get the gist of it we're gonna have one here and one there and we're gonna have one there and there and there uh you guys got to see um the ridge or not the ridge but the uh the eve flashing and i just left that long i never cut any of these pieces at all so that piece is hanging off by about two feet um i did my lap here of about two inches um in my opinion you don't need to caulk on this lap you can if you would like to but water flow should take care of it and then we have the top screwed with drywall screws you could use roofing nails for this too i like the idea of screws because they shouldn't back uh back out like a nail mite and then we have about every two feet um screws down under here we need to make sure that we have the right length of metal roofing um for what we're using it now a lot of times you're going to have to special order your your metal and you're going to have to order it to length now when you do that you got to be very very careful because you cannot make these any longer you can only make them shorter um so i'm gonna get a measurement here i know roughly what it was but i'm gonna double check and then what i bought is just a standard ten foot panel so this is 120 inches and if my memory is correct i believe i need a 116 something like that so i'm going to have to cut down all of my panels so i'm going to get a measurement and i'm going to show you how i cut them down and then how i um lay out where my screws are going to go i've determined um 116 is tight and i don't want my panels to go all the way to the very peak of the ridge and with the ridge it's like 10 inches by 10 inches so i have a little bit of leeway so i went 114 and i drew a line now i have the entire roof this side of the roof there's eight panels every single one of them is in this pile so i'm gonna cut all of them at one time um ideally so the panel's actually gonna stick past the eve trim about um an inch and a half and then i'll be about two inches short of the very very peak of the ridge um you guys can run it as tight up there as you want or i mean in reality with the size of this ridge you could probably go six inches um lower even than i am so we have let me move this we have just a sharpie line we have eight panels here we made sure that they are all even in the stack so that one isn't going to be shorter or longer than the other and then we're going to take a grinder with a cut off wheel i've been told that you're not supposed to cut it this way but i've been cutting metal panels with grinders and stuff like that for years the one thing you do want to make sure and the reason why a lot of people say you shouldn't cut with this is because when you cut this end um this end is going to be exposed and is going to be likely to rust because of the way that we're cutting it so what i do is and you can't always do this but what i do in this case is i will take this end of the panel and it's going to go up underneath the ridge so it will never see in theory it will never see any rain or moisture so you don't want to cut this and have this as your bottom edge here um you want the nice clean factory edge down at the bottom where you're gonna see it and then this cut edge is going to go up underneath the uh the ridge up there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now that blade's gone [Music] didn't go exactly how i was planning it had a little bit of issues but i bought plenty of extra but the problem is is once this thing gets down a ways unless it's like brand new um it didn't cut all of them at once so but that's a really nice easy way to cut it um in my opinion if you were to do all these by hand it would take way longer um and those grinding wheels are cheap i got like 10 of them just for this job and it's like i don't know they're only like a buck or two a piece so to cut those eight panels half of the roof i went through two of my uh my wheels there so we have them cut down to length now one thing that we need to do is we need to establish where do we want to screw the panels and how do we want to screw the panels so when you look at the panel this is going to be the bottom right here um we know that we're going to have like a one and a half inch overhang there and we have our closure one of these that will go underneath right here to close off all of these from um you know bats and birds and all that kind of stuff bees especially so we know that here we're going to have an inch and a half of overhang then we're going to have our closure and we don't really want to screw directly into the closure so we're going to go about four to six inches up and that's where our first screw is going to be now most people that screw these panels in um screw them into the lows and i call this the low because this is where the water is going to run off of the roof this is the high and this is where i screw my um my panels is in the high because water is not gonna sit here water is gonna when it's raining water is gonna bounce off of here and run off the roof down here so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start about six inches in and then we're gonna go every two feet and we're gonna put um we're gonna pre-drill holes so again i have all of the panels lined up you can see all eight panels are lined up and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna pre-drill holes in the high so that i know that as long as my panels stay pretty straight that basically my screw lines are going to be completely lined up without any real effort rather than doing it panel by panel all the way across your screw lines are gonna end up doing like that so we're gonna take an eighth inch drill bit and we're gonna drill through um every single one of these except for this one i'm not going to drill through this one because this one when it laps over will already have a hole in it so i don't want to put a hole in our leading edge if that makes any sense so i'll kind of show you what i'm going to do here and get it laid out all right i got my holes laid out i mean what i did is this one's at four inches then i went to two more feet so 24 plus four is 28. that's at 28. this one's at 52. this one's at six feet plus four inches and this one's at uh a hundred yeah eight feet plus four so that one's at a hundred now when you're doing this there's no need to have screw holes way up high at the moment because when you put your ridge over the top your ridge may end up hitting on those screws so you want to avoid the top i don't know at least foot of the panel otherwise those screws just may end up messing with your ridge when you put it on and also the way that i do my ridge is i screw my ridge down through the highs with like a two inch screw so it'll actually go through the ridge through the panel and into the decking so now what we have is an eighth inch drill bit and i bought some specifically for this because when you're drilling through eight panels these are really easy to break but i would not recommend going any bigger than eighth of an inch because um the screws depending on what kind of screws or nails whatever you're using to um to actually nail this down eighth inches about as big as you wanna go moral of that story so i'm gonna drill through all eight of these um and again in every one of these you can see i have it marked here here here and here and then this one i did not mark because when the next panel laps over which i'll show you there will already be a hole on that end of the panel when it sits here so there's really no need to drill a hole we really want to let the drill bit do the work you don't want to push too hard because it's going to end up crooked or it's going to end up breaking on you so we're just letting the drill bit do the work we're not pushing very hard ah there we go we broke one it's really easy to do all right we have all of our holes pre-drilled um you can see we have the four inch ones the 28 the 52s the whatevers and the hundred um now we are ready to put our closures on and what these do like i said earlier is they go at the bottom of the panel along the um the eve flashing there and they just close off with this foam um so that critters can't get in there so by drilling these holes we know that our first one's at four inches so with an inch and a half overhang that um closure here's the hole that closure should be somewhere right in here um and we're gonna have to put that on up there um but drilling these holes is a huge time saver it takes a lot of the guesswork out of um where you're putting screws and stuff like that and when you're on the roof you know exactly where to put them um they're gonna stay assuming that these panels stay consistent and everything like that your your lines of screws are going to stay pretty dang straight which is a huge time saver so i hope that helped you and if this video is helping you guys um leave me a thumbs up and a comment and uh subscribe if you haven't so we're ready now to put our first panel on so what we need to do these are sticky on one side you can see it's got some like glue adhesive on there and what we're going to need to do is we're going to put these on to the um eve trim there you can see what i did i bumped it up i don't know three eighths half of an inch right there and stuck it down and then our panel is gonna go directly over this and then with an inch and a half overhang this would bring us to about two our first screws are gonna be somewhere right in here um so we're gonna get our first panel on this is kind of difficult for me to film and install so i'm working and doing my best here so [Music] so [Music] all right there you can see our panel um i have one screw in it i left i don't know a little over an inch and now i'm also i'm using uh these are two inch screws so this panel is about three quarters of an inch so we should be getting with the shingles we should be getting good deck penetration and then with these when you're in the highs like this you got to really be careful how tight you fasten these screws you want it tight enough that this washer seals but not so tight that it smashes the um the rib so now we need to try to figure out if we're square i don't care if it's a new building an old building what it is nothing is built perfectly square um so our flashing on the eve here which is what goes on um after we're done with the roof will cover up any you know within reason any um areas that are out of square but by leaving only one screw in there i have room to adjust this and uh you know make sure that we are we are square so that's our next goal is to make sure that we're square all right now we've determined that we're square there's lots of ways you can do that you can use an actual square one thing you can do is just and it's not going to tell you perfectly if you're square but you can measure from that side to the edge of the panel at the bottom and the top and just determine whether you're maybe not necessarily square but you'll come out even on that end the other way to do it is and you can look this up i'm not gonna explain this um in detail but you can do like the three four five method so you measure up three feet here four feet here and if it's square it should be exactly five feet from there to there um on that angle and it's just it's geometry you can look that up on google if you really want to get technical with it but uh we're determined that we're square you guys need to be extremely careful and make sure that you're being safe when you're doing this um if you feel uncomfortable you know maybe you need scaffolding maybe you need to nail boards into the roof to get up onto the roof in this case this roof is a little steep but i am able to walk it um so now basically we need to finish nailing or screwing down this panel and then we're just gonna work our way across until we are done um so i'm gonna get to uh screwing this panel and we'll get the next one up here foreign all right well there you can see um i did not screw in the edge holes over there because we're gonna have a big 90 degree piece that goes over the top of that and those screws there will just get in the way now if this is going to take you a while that will end up flapping in the wind and you may want to screw that down temporarily but in this case i'm not too worried about it so we have three ribs screwed now when the next one comes over that edge right there is going to go over the top of this right here so we will get screws into this it's just going to be when that next panel laps over the top so we will have about 24 screws per panel when we're all said and done with the ridge because the ridge will be another four um screws up into the top there um so you're gonna have about 24 screws per panel and uh that is a lot of holding power um and these things will last a long time so i'm gonna kind of i guess put you guys into a time lapse mode here and you guys can watch me put up the panels on this side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well there you have it i still have one tiny little sliver of a piece over there that needs to get uh installed yet i'll have to cut that down it's about i don't know an eight or ten inch piece so you guys can see these screw lines how nice and straight they are how nice and straight everything is and that's a product of us drilling the holes and laying all this out so we don't have any guss work when we get up onto the roof um in real time i know you guys saw time lapse but in real time that took me about an hour um not including this first panel so this first panel you guys saw me install but the next six took me about an hour um and here you can see what the closures look like you can see them in there and how they close all this off and then here you can see how the panel overlaps um there's just one rib that overlaps right here and that's why we didn't drill holes in this side of the panel is because we already had a hole here so when we um the odds of those lining up perfectly is slim to none for one but um this hole allows us to know where to to drill and then with these um with these um pole barn screws they go right through the tin pretty easily so you can see that it's a little bit off square on this side but on that side over there it turned out really nice all right so we had one panel left over from this side over here and it already had my screw layout and everything my length and my screw layout figured out so i just put that on the top of the neck side i cut it the next side the panels are the same length 114 inches i cut all those just like i did and this was already laid out so i just drilled more holes in it you can see this is the side that we started on that you watched you can see how nice and straight those screw rows stayed and this is our other side um everything's turning out really good um you can see that i have i don't know a six inch piece here and a six inch piece here that i need to get on and i need to do my flashing on the rake which is a 90 degree piece here but i'm running out of memory on my card and i have an appointment that i have to get to the rest of the roof here what we did so far is pretty easy and pretty self-explanatory the more tricky parts are the parts that are yet to come so if you guys have made it this far in the video i appreciate that and you're obviously interested you're gonna you're definitely gonna wanna wait and see um how we do the rake flashing and the ridge and finish off these uh panels on this side so we're going to go to a little commercial break and we will get right into that it's actually been a few days [Music] so i have my rake metal installed over there we know that we have to finish this panel so when i take measurements of the panels i take from right here not including the overlap and i determine that we need six inches and six inches is going to bring us about uh about an inch short of uh the edge here the next thing i did if you guys remember that these were hanging off about two feet so i cut these where they are about an inch um overhanging both of them so what we got to do now is we need to cut down our panel and then we can put on our rake metal here i'm going to show you how to cut it i i do this fairly often i don't do metal roofs every day but i am a roofer so i do this fairly often and i have some shears you can see right here these are called a double cut or a sheet metal sheer these are pretty cheap i don't know maybe i don't have a really really nice one this one's probably like 50 bucks but for the amount i use it um it saves me a lot of time so what this does is it's actually going to cut our panel so we need six inches and like i said i measure from this point over six inches is gonna leave me right about here so now all we have to do is cut our panels and both sides were the same so i need six inches on each side so we're gonna cut our two pieces [Music] all right there's our two pieces one for each side six inches there six inches there and cutting them with that shear makes it a lot easier um you can do it with a snip or a grinder or maybe even a circular saw there's lots of ways you can do it um this is the easiest for what i have and doing it with a snip kind of sucks to be honest um anyways those pieces need to go up there i'm not going to show you guys how that goes because if you've been following the video all we have to do screw this one high down to the last panel there and then our flashing is gonna cover and we'll get some more screws on this end when i when we put our flashing on but that's pretty much it so that'll finish off the roof i'm gonna get those put on quick and then we'll get to the rake flashing all right this part's gonna be pretty hard for me to film um by myself so i'll kind of walk you through the steps as best i can and film it and then i'm gonna actually do it and then i'll show you what i did it's just going to be really hard for me to show you and do it at the same time seeing as i'm on a ladder 20 feet in the air and trying to do a rough and make a video all right so this is our rake flashing and uh you can see it's just a 90 degree piece um we're going to put this piece on there's no cutting i mean you can if you want you can put tabs and stuff up here but it's really unnecessary because your ridge is gonna go over the top but uh i'm gonna get this set at the top so here you can see what the piece looks like it's a 90 degree piece this piece goes back down to the roof and this part here goes down the fascia so doing this myself i got one screw there i'm just gonna i'm using the same lines and um same screw pattern now i'm going to go down there to the end and make sure everything's all good down so the first thing we got to do is right here where we left this an inch long we have to angle it so that this can come up tight to it and so what i'm going to do i'm just using regular tin snips so we're gonna get a screw in the top and then we're going to cut this i'm going to cut this part flush with the panel there's lots of ways that you can do this um you can bend tabs you can caulk it you can there's a hundred different ways to do it um this is the easiest way and the most beginner friendly way i guess so we cut this right here flush with the panel to the 90 degree edge and then um what i do is i just cut it kind of on an angle here back and then we'll put a screw [Applause] down here too and then we're just going to continue to screw that piece we're going to screw it everywhere that the panel is screwed on the top and the fascia side then we're gonna we'll get the other side i'll show you that i'm gonna cut this back just a little bit it's a little too long there we go that's perfect yeah i would say i don't know another good hour that ridge is gonna suck with the pollen all on the panels and everything it's gonna be slippery as hell up there yeah just send me an invoice and then i'll take care of you okay sound good sounds good all right that sun is pretty brutal it's kind of hard to see but i got a screw at the bottom um i still got to get a screw here but this is how i cut them you know i cut it flush with the panel here and then this is where you want to make sure that this is nice and tight and then i just cut that on an angle from where it left off down to there you can leave these long i see a lot of people leave these long i think it just looks bad because you can this isn't colored on this side it's just gray or white and so i want to try to eliminate as much of that being seen as possible like i said you guys can bend tabs you can this you can there's a lot of different ways to do it i'm just showing you the most user-friendly way to do it and if you have a better way of doing it do it your way or leave me a comment and maybe somebody else could teach me something but this is gonna do the job that we want and uh it closes off and looks pretty pretty nice again i told you this is real hard to film so we had this one we ran it up long um and then these two come to a peak here and then when these overlap you're just gonna draw a line from here to there and cut that and then this gets screwed and uh that's the finished product right there all the trees uh just popped leaves and they're pollen all over the panels but on a metal roof like this with this pitch walking on it's virtually impossible anytime um so try to avoid that at all costs um if you're doing you know less of a pitch you can definitely walk on it but i don't know what pitch this is but there's no way i'm walking on it not without uh i don't know some sort of special shoes or something but so now we have we have to do our ridge and um we have to put our closures these are the opposite of what was down there so these are going to go like this over the panel now what i do and i'll do this on a steeper pitch you can do this on a lesser pitch too but we need to figure out where our ridge is going to go so what i do i just have a sharpie we know the ridge is going to go basically like that and then what we need to do is i'm just gonna mark the edges just a small little bit on all of them and this you know you don't need to make a big mark but that's going to show me where the edge of my ridge is going to go now this is going to help me in two ways this is going to help me line up my closure so that they are not seen and when i get a you know i think the ridge is 10 or 12 feet long i'm going to know exactly where i want to screw that ridge because the ridge that i got is not designed for a steeper pitch so this piece i actually bent by hand to make it fit the pitch and then when i put the full piece of ridge on i'll be able to line up with those little black lines there so we're going to go through and mark [Music] we'll mark our pieces and then we're gonna put our closures on you guys gotta hit the thumbs up if you guys know if you guys know how to do this stuff just imagine doing all this by yourself and filming a video that takes skill right there so hit the thumbs up now we're going to put these closures on and we're basically just going to continue that all the way across the roof then we're going to get down we're going to bring up our ridge and by doing this we're just preparing for that ridge so that we don't have to do it all at once on the roof it's going to make life a lot easier that way know where it's whoops now where it's long right here we're just gonna pinch this off [Music] and there you can see essentially the last step now i'm holding it about a half an inch up from my marks i don't want it to be right on the edge so we're gonna just continue that all the way across on both sides well you can see all the closures are on now i'm going to bring up my ridge um and i have everything lined up and marked out so i can just put the ridge down without really guessing i don't have to worry about fishing these underneath and uh makes it a lot easier i mean you're preparing to make it easier on yourself kind of like doing pre-drilling the screw holes so that's how i do it if it was a lesser pitch this would be a lot easier and i may do it just a slightly different way but because it's steep and i can't walk on it once the metal is on this is the best way that i know so so [Applause] so so [Music] we can see our ridge it's pretty straight i didn't snap any lines or anything i just used that piece and followed and here you can see how the closures work so the closures close all that off and again i held those up a little bit and i'm putting my screws you know just below them right there now we need one more piece the piece is going to go from here to here we want it to overlap a little bit so we're going to get a measurement for that and then i'll show you exactly close up how this one goes just putting those screws right through the high and on every high we're going to do it it stayed pretty straight looks pretty good i didn't fall on it and bent it it does have a couple oil cans in it but like i said that's from the this ridge is kind of a universal ridge and it's built and bent for like a 412 pitch so we're over bending a little bit then you can see on the end we just pushed this down to our rake piece which is right down here it's hard to see with the ladder in the way but we just put it right down and then i have to screw right here too yet to hold that down tight and right here and that's pretty much it so if you guys have questions um leave them down in the comments i'd be happy to answer them um i have lots of other roofing videos and how-to videos like this um all different kinds so if you go into my channel um subscribe to the channel and then uh go into some of the playlists and watch some of the other videos you might find interesting i'll leave a couple other ones linked here at the end for you guys to choose and and go ahead and watch i appreciate you for watching again hit the like button if you can this video took a long time to make a long time to edit and uh cost me a few hours on this job and some
Channel: Life's Apprentice
Views: 425,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sLzC0dmbsac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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